FACT BOOK 2015年5月更新 株式会社ぐるなび Gurunavi, Inc. Contents page 1. 連結業績ハイライト Consolidated performance highlights 2-3 2. 主な連結財務指標の推移 Main consolidated financial indicators 4 3. 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated balance sheets 5-6 4. 連結損益計算書 Consolidated statements of income 7-8 5. 連結株主資本等変動計算書 Consolidated statements of changes in net assets 6. 連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書 Consolidated statements of cash flows 9-10 11 1 1.連結業績ハイライト(1) 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 事業年度 /For the Year: Consolidated performance highlights (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2007/3 11,746 2008/3 15,602 2009/3 20,011 2010/3 24,175 2011/3 25,238 2012/3 24,302 2013/3 27,265 2014/3 30,518 2015/3 32,636 11,258 15,013 19,180 23,142 23,940 22,631 24,941 27,732 29,875 10,277 13,505 17,346 20,313 21,091 20,431 22,490 25,109 27,277 599 839 1,006 1,008 1,076 1,138 1,529 1,698 1,847 382 668 827 1,820 1,772 1,062 921 924 750 487 589 831 1,033 1,298 1,670 2,323 2,786 2,761 9,520 12,940 16,468 18,777 20,047 19,206 21,151 22,701 23,953 8,277 10,219 12,555 14,232 16,677 15,893 18,034 18,553 18,854 1,243 2,720 3,913 4,545 3,369 3,312 3,116 4,147 5,099 1,240 2,742 3,984 4,578 3,406 3,375 3,153 4,167 5,127 565 1,505 2,259 2,323 1,813 1,909 1,959 2,420 3,279 1,753 3,480 4,996 5,973 4,986 5,052 5,009 6,686 7,739 2007/3 5,292 2008/3 7,379 2009/3 8,709 2010/3 11,048 2011/3 15,076 2012/3 12,506 2013/3 13,196 2014/3 15,891 2015/3 17,224 2,744 3,329 4,219 4,260 4,576 4,444 5,907 6,179 6,440 1,473 2,761 2,968 3,560 8,133 4,098 4,796 5,748 5,997 9 144 222 335 385 283 209 178 203 6,553 7,802 9,738 11,413 11,133 12,569 14,098 16,145 17,464 8,037 10,709 12,929 15,309 19,653 16,951 19,103 22,071 23,665 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 2007/3 507 2008/3 2,827 2009/3 2,503 2010/3 2,872 2011/3 4,484 2012/3 3,965 2013/3 3,558 2014/3 5,443 2015/3 5,775 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー △ 1,413 △ 1,406 △ 1,852 △ 1,349 △ 1,872 △ 1,730 △ 5,148 △ 1,928 △ 2,731 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー △ 325 △ 171 △ 299 △ 701 2,315 △ 5,083 △ 564 △ 496 △ 2,025 2,960 4,321 4,661 5,481 10,398 7,548 5,399 8,448 9,492 売上高 Net sales 基盤事業 Core businesses total ストック型サービス Cumulative retained services スポット型サービス Spot services プロモーション Promotions 関連事業 Related businesses 売上総利益 Gross profit 販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses 営業利益 Operating income 経常利益 Ordinary income 当期純利益 Net income EBITDA EBITDA = 営業利益+減価償却費 EBITDA = operating income + depreciation 事業年度末 /At Year-End 流動資産 Current assets 固定資産 Non-current assets 流動負債 Current liablities 固定負債 Non-current liabilities 純資産合計 Total net assets 負債純資産合計 Total liabilities and net assets 事業年度 /For the Year: Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period ■カテゴリー別売上推移/Sales by category (百万円/million of yen) 35,000 30,000 関連事業/Related businesses 25,000 プロモーション/Promotions 20,000 15,000 スポット型サービス/Spot services 10,000 ストック型サービス 5,000 /Cumulative retained services 0 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 ■営業利益・当期純利益の推移/Operating income and Net income (百万円/million of yen) 6,000 5,000 営業利益/Operating income 当期純利益/Net income 4,000 ■負債純資産合計・純資産の推移/Total assets and Net assets (百万円/million of yen) 25,000 負債純資産合計/Total assets 20,000 純資産/Net assets 15,000 3,000 10,000 2,000 5,000 1,000 0 0 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2 1.連結業績ハイライト(2) Consolidated performance highlights 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 有料加盟店舗数(期末) (店) 2007/3 38,168 2008/3 43,374 2009/3 47,893 2010/3 50,227 2011/3 48,129 2012/3 48,893 2013/3 50,310 2014/3 52,235 2015/3 53,263 店舗当たり月次契約高(ARPU) (ストック型サービス+スポット型サービス) ※1 (円) 26,871 30,068 34,709 36,504 36,713 38,275 41,892 44,014 46,804 (円) 25,096 28,356 32,701 34,733 34,738 35,867 38,655 41,577 43,216 (億PV/月) 5.9 7.2 8.5 8.4 8.6 8.9 9.3 10.1 11.0 ユニークユーザー数 ※2 (百万人/月) 12 14 18 20 23 28 34 42 52 ぐるなび会員数(期末) (百万人) 5.15 5.88 6.41 6.96 8.02 9.26 10.33 11.80 12.97 期末従業員数(連結) (人) 675 897 1,141 1,297 1,361 1,334 1,390 1,425 1,504 期末従業員数(個別) (人) 604 798 1,015 1,187 1,283 1,254 1,316 1,343 1,372 Number of member paid restaurants(year-end) Monthly revenue per member restaurant(yen) (Cumulative retained services + Spot services) 店舗当たり月次契約高(ARPU) (ストック型サービス) ※1 Monthly revenue per member restaurant(yen) (Cumulative retained services) ページビュー数 ※2 Number of PVs(100 million PV/month) Number of unique users(million people/month) Number of Gurunavi Members(year-end,million people) Number of employees *Consolidated(year-end) Number of employees *Non-consolidated(year-end) 従業員1人当たり売上高 ※3 (千円) 17,401 17,394 17,538 18,639 18,544 18,217 19,615 21,416 21,699 従業員1人当たり当期純利益 ※3 (千円) 837 1,678 1,979 1,791 1,332 1,431 1,409 1,698 2,180 Sales per employee(thousands of yen) Net income per employee(thousands of yen) ※1 各年1月から3月の平均月次契約高 / Average Monthly Revenue from January to March ※2 各年12月の集計値 / The total number in December ※3 各事業年度の売上高及び当期純利益と期末連結従業員数に基づき算出 / Calculated using net sales/net income for each year and number of employees consolidated at year-end ■有料加盟店舗数と店舗当たり契約高/No. of member paid restaurants and revenue per member restaurant (有料加盟店数:店 /No. of member paid restaurants) 60,000 (店舗当たり契約高:円 /Revenue per member restaurants, yen) 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 有料加盟店舗数 /No. of member paid restaurants 20,000 20,000 店舗当たり契約高(ストック型+スポット型) 10,000 10,000 0 /Revenue per member restaurant (Cumulative retained services + Spot Services) 0 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 ■ページビュー数/No. of PVs ■ユニークユーザー数/No. of Unique Users (億PV, 100million PV/month) 12 (百万人,million people/month) 60 10 50 8 40 6 30 4 20 2 10 0 0 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 ■ぐるなび会員数/No. of Gurunavi Members (百万人,million people/month) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 3 2.主な連結財務指標の推移 Main consolidated financial indicators 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 財務指標/ Financial indicators 売上総利益率 Gross profit ratio 売上高営業利益率 Operating income ratio 売上高当期純利益率 Net income ratio 自己資本比率 Equity ratio 自己資本当期純利益率(ROE) Return on equity 総資産利益率(ROA) Operating income to total assets 2008/3 82.9 2009/3 82.3 2010/3 77.7 2011/3 79.4 2012/3 79.0 2013/3 77.6 2014/3 74.4 2015/3 73.4 10.6 17.4 19.6 18.8 13.4 13.6 11.4 13.6 15.6 4.8 9.7 11.3 9.6 7.2 7.9 7.2 7.9 10.0 80.6 72.8 75.2 74.6 56.7 74.1 73.5 72.9 73.6 8.8 21.1 25.8 22.0 16.1 16.1 14.7 16.1 19.6 7.1 16.1 19.1 16.5 10.4 10.4 10.9 11.8 14.3 2011/3 7,152.08 2012/3 78.25 2013/3 80.31 2014/3 99.12 2015/3 67.26 25,273.98 30,384.67 37,912.37 44,400.07 45,632.69 514.59 575.53 657.66 360.01 売上総利益率=売上総利益÷売上高 自己資本比率=自己資本(期末)÷総資産(期末) 売上高営業利益率=営業利益÷売上高 自己資本当期純利益率=当期純利益÷自己資本(期首期末平均) 売上高当期純利益率=当期純利益÷売上高 総資産利益率=当期純利益÷総資産(期首期末平均) 1株当たり指標/Per share indicators 1株当たり当期純利益(EPS) Net income per share 1株当たり純資産(BPS) Net assets per share (%) 2007/3 81.1 2007/3 2,196.85 2008/3 5,873.29 2009/3 8,806.84 2010/3 9,041.17 (¥) ※当社は2011年4月1日に普通株式1株につき100株、2014年4月1日に普通株式1株につき2株の株式分割を実施しております。 ※The Company conducted a 100-for-1 stock sprit on April 1, 2011 and a 2-for-1 stock split on April 1, 2014. 1株当たり当期純利益=当期純利益÷期中平均株式数 投資の指標/Investment indicators 株価収益率(PER) Price-to-earnings ratio (times) 株価純資産倍率(PBR) Price-to-book value ratio (times) 1株当たり配当金 Dividends per share (\) 配当性向 Payout ratio 純資産配当率 Dividends on net assets 1株当たり純資産=自己資本(期末)÷期末発行済株式数(自己株式を除く) (倍) 2007/3 57.4 2008/3 51.6 2009/3 22.4 2010/3 20.0 2011/3 15.0 2012/3 11.4 2013/3 15.0 2014/3 29.3 2015/3 34.9 (倍) 5.0 10.0 5.2 4.1 2.4 1.7 2.1 4.4 6.5 (円) 700 1,100 1,700 2,000 2,000 20 20 30 28 (%) 31.9 18.7 19.3 22.1 28.0 25.6 24.9 30.3 41.6 (%) 2.8 3.6 4.5 4.5 4.4 3.9 3.5 4.6 7.8 ※当社は2011年4月1日に普通株式1株につき100株、2014年4月1日に普通株式1株につき2株の株式分割を実施しております。 ※The Company conducted a 100-for-1 stock sprit on April 1, 2011 and a 2-for-1 stock split on April 1, 2014. 株価収益率=期末株価÷1株当たり当期純利益 配当性向=1株当たり配当金額÷1株当たり当期純利益 株価純資産倍率=期末株価÷1株当たり純資産 純資産配当率=1株当たり配当金額÷1株当たり純資産 4 3.連結貸借対照表 各事業年度3月31日現在/As of March 31 Consolidated balance sheets 2007/3 2008/3 (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 資産の部 / Assets 流動資産 Current assets 現金及び預金 Cash and deposits 受取手形及び売掛金 Notes and accounts receivable-trade 有価証券 Securities たな卸資産 Inventories 仕掛品 Work in process 繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets 未収入金 Accounts receivable-other その他 Other 貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts 固定資産 Non-current assets 有形固定資産 Property,plant and equipment 建物及び構築物 Buildings and structures,net リース資産 Lease assets,net その他 Other,net 無形固定資産 Intangible assets のれん Goodwill リース資産 Lease assets ソフトウェア Software その他 Other 投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets 投資有価証券 Investment securities 繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets 敷金及び保証金 Lease and guarantee deposits その他 Other 資産合計 Total assets 5,292 7,379 8,709 11,048 15,076 12,506 13,196 15,891 17,224 3,010 4,371 4,711 5,531 10,398 7,548 7,399 9,448 9,992 1,849 2,325 3,131 4,299 3,520 3,706 3,948 4,267 4,408 - - - - - - - - 499 11 16 - - - - - - - - - 15 11 10 12 26 52 35 96 224 257 437 508 426 468 596 629 463 619 805 932 933 1,035 1,373 1,462 1,576 104 134 208 237 197 222 394 359 405 △ 243 △ 312 △ 420 △ 401 △ 492 △ 445 △ 414 △ 294 △ 323 2,744 3,329 4,219 4,260 4,576 4,444 5,907 6,179 6,440 511 458 653 795 1,109 953 980 1,130 1,217 143 177 278 279 543 453 379 347 359 - - 116 295 247 149 82 133 88 367 280 258 220 318 350 518 649 769 1,697 1,994 2,411 2,205 2,142 2,284 3,488 3,610 3,520 67 53 89 81 3 1 - 15 - - - 31 31 20 10 4 1 - 1,528 1,905 2,195 2,055 1,890 2,206 3,056 3,373 3,256 101 36 94 36 228 65 426 219 263 535 876 1,154 1,259 1,324 1,207 1,439 1,439 1,703 - 79 73 50 43 47 54 34 34 24 47 90 203 284 342 437 424 536 468 707 943 951 931 763 848 921 1,084 42 40 46 54 64 53 99 59 48 8,037 10,709 12,929 15,309 19,653 16,951 19,103 22,071 23,665 5 3.連結貸借対照表 各事業年度3月31日現在/As of March 31 Consolidated balance sheets 2007/3 2008/3 (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 負債の部 / Liabilities 流動負債 Current liablities 支払手形及び買掛金 Notes and accounts payable-trade 短期借入金 Short-term loans payable リース債務 Lease obligations 1,473 2,761 2,968 3,560 8,133 4,098 4,796 5,748 5,997 70 83 118 242 127 137 200 199 220 - - - - 4,500 - - - - - - 42 93 97 78 61 33 0 334 941 1,130 1,137 519 736 825 1,250 1,135 - - - 70 481 461 513 846 956 16 17 23 25 103 221 277 245 206 - - - 423 72 - - - - 675 1,231 1,128 1,038 1,739 1,915 2,248 2,282 1,983 254 269 271 259 204 213 191 187 233 - - - - 26 - - - - 121 219 254 268 260 333 477 703 1,261 9 144 222 335 385 283 209 178 203 - - 114 251 187 94 33 0 - - - - - 148 172 174 176 202 - 137 107 76 45 15 - - - 9 7 1 7 3 1 1 1 1 1,483 2,906 3,191 3,895 8,519 4,381 5,005 5,926 6,201 株主資本 6,480 Shareholders' equity 資本金 2,324 Capital stock 資本剰余金 2,874 Capital surplus 利益剰余金 1,781 Retained earnings 自己株式 △ 499 Treasury stock 評価・換算差額等 △1 Valuation and translation adjustments 為替換算調整勘定 △1 Foreign currency translation adjustment その他の包括利益累計額 Total accumulated other comprehensive income 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustment 少数株主持分 74 Minority interests 新株予約権 Subscription rights to shares 純資産合計 6,553 Total net assets 7,790 9,771 11,450 11,184 12,605 14,077 16,092 17,386 2,327 2,329 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,877 2,879 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,900 4,877 6,546 7,807 9,228 10,699 12,620 12,392 △ 315 △ 315 △ 315 △ 1,841 △ 1,841 △ 1,841 △ 1,746 △ 224 1 △ 42 △ 37 - - - - - 1 △ 42 △ 37 - - - - - - - - △ 50 △ 50 △ 35 7 40 - - - △ 50 △ 50 △ 35 7 40 11 9 - - - - - - - - - - 13 56 45 36 7,802 9,738 11,413 11,133 12,569 14,098 16,145 17,464 10,709 12,929 15,309 19,653 16,951 19,103 22,071 23,665 未払法人税等 Income taxes payable 賞与引当金 Provision for bonuses ポイント引当金 Provision for point card certificates 事務所移転費用引当金 Provision for office transfer expenses 未払金 Accounts payable-other 前受金 Advances received 資産除去債務 Asset retirement obligations その他 Other 固定負債 Non-current liabilities リース債務 Lease obligations 資産除去債務 Asset retirement obligations 負ののれん Negative goodwill その他 Other 負債合計 Total liabilities 純資産の部 / Net assets 負債・純資産合計 8,037 Total liabilities and net assets 6 4.連結損益計算書 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 売上高 Net sales 売上原価 Cost of sales 売上総利益 Gross profit 販売費及び一般管理費 Selling,general and administrative expenses 営業利益 Operating income 営業外収益 Non-operating income 受取利息 Interest income 負ののれん償却額 Amortization of negative goodwill 未払配当金除斥益 Gain on forfeiture of unclaimed dividends 助成金収入 Subsidy income 為替差益 Foreign exchange gains 外国税還付金 Foreign tax refund その他 Other 営業外費用 Non-operating expenses 支払利息 Interest expenses 自己株式取得費用 Commission for purchase of treasury stock 為替差損 Foreign exchange losses 賃貸借契約解約違約金 Cancellation penalty of rent agreement その他 Other 経常利益 Ordinary income 特別利益 Extraordinary income 持分変動益 Gain on changes in equity 過年度損益修正益 Gain on prior periods adjustment 投資有価証券売却益 Gain on sales of investment securities 補助金収入 Subsidy income 新株予約権戻入益 Gain on reversal of subscription rights to shares 特別損失 Extraordinary losses 固定資産除却損 Loss on retirement of non-current assets 固定資産売却損 Loss on sales and retirement of non-current assets 固定資産臨時償却費 Non-recurring depreciation on non‐current assets リース資産処分損 Loss on disposal of lease contaracts 関係会社清算損 Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates 投資有価証券評価損 Loss on valuation of investmet securities データセンター移設費用 Data center moving costs ゴルフ会員権評価損 Loss on valuation of golf club membership 事務所移転費用引当金繰入額 Provision for office transfer expenses 資産除去債務会計基準の適用に伴う影響額 Consolidated statements of income 2007/3 2008/3 (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 11,746 15,602 20,011 24,175 25,238 24,302 27,265 30,518 32,636 2,225 2,662 3,542 5,398 5,191 5,096 6,114 7,817 8,683 9,520 12,940 16,468 18,777 20,047 19,206 21,151 22,701 23,953 8,277 10,219 12,555 14,232 16,677 15,893 18,034 18,553 18,854 1,243 2,720 3,913 4,545 3,369 3,312 3,116 4,147 5,099 2 26 75 43 48 72 48 32 48 2 9 10 4 4 5 8 8 12 - 15 30 30 30 30 15 - - - - - - - - 4 3 2 0 - - - - 20 11 12 9 - - 31 - 2 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 13 0 1 2 8 11 14 9 7 9 5 4 4 10 10 9 11 13 20 - - 4 2 4 8 1 0 0 2 0 - - 6 - - - 2 2 4 - 7 - - 9 10 7 - - - - - - - - 10 0 - - - - 0 0 2 0 1,240 2,742 3,984 4,578 3,406 3,375 3,153 4,167 5,127 24 - - 10 - - 150 39 0 24 - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 - - - - - - - 150 - - - - - - - - - - 0 106 205 101 596 281 2 16 0 12 75 151 73 30 126 - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - 31 6 2 13 41 - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - 26 23 16 - - - - - - - 105 - - - - - - - - - - 2 16 - - - - - 423 72 - - - - - - - - 18 - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - 47 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 1,157 2,537 3,882 3,992 3,125 3,372 3,287 4,206 5,115 654 1,231 1,713 1,965 1,462 1,440 1,464 1,900 1,981 △1 △ 133 △ 75 △ 293 △ 150 22 △ 136 △ 114 △ 145 △ 59 △ 67 △ 14 △2 - - - - - 565 1,505 2,259 2,323 1,813 1,909 1,959 2,420 3,279 Loss on adjustment for changes of accounting standard for asset retirement obligations 事務所移転費用 Office transfer expenses 過年度時間外手当 Employees' overtime pay on prior periods のれん減損損失 Impairment loss on goodwill 税金等調整前当期純利益 Income before income taxes and minority interests 法人税、住民税及び事業税 Income taxes-current 法人税等調整額 Income taxes-deferred 少数株主損失 Minority Interests in loss 当期純利益 Net income 7 4.連結損益計算書 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 Consolidated statements of income 2007/3 連結包括利益計算書 / Consolidated statements of comprehensive income 少数株主損益調整前当期純利益 Income before minority interests その他の包括利益合計 Total other comprehensive income 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustment 包括利益 Comprehensive income (内訳) Comprehensive income attributable to : 親会社株主に係る包括利益 Owners of the parent 少数株主に係る包括利益 Minority interests 販売費及び一般管理費 Selling,general and administrative expenses (販管費率) (ratio of SGA to sales) 人件費 Personal expenses 賃借料 Rent expenses 業務委託費 Business consignment expenses 販促・宣伝費 Advertising and promotion expenses その他 Other expenses 8,277 2008/3 (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 - - - 1,813 1,909 1,959 2,420 3,279 - - - △ 13 0 15 42 33 - - - △ 13 0 15 42 33 - - - 1,799 1,909 1,974 2,462 3,313 - - - 1,799 1,909 1,974 2,462 3,313 - - - - - - - - 10,219 12,555 14,232 16,677 15,893 18,034 18,553 18,854 (70.5%) (65.5%) (62.7%) (58.9%) (66.1%) (65.4%) (66.1%)(60.8%)(57.8%) 3,143 4,025 5,109 6,279 7,438 7,190 7,833 8,313 8,867 621 779 1,097 1,227 1,252 1,133 1,116 1,106 1,173 883 1,058 1,283 1,326 1,471 1,415 1,879 1,904 2,169 1,001 1,218 1,295 1,393 2,272 2,150 2,718 3,037 2,458 2,627 3,137 3,769 4,004 4,242 4,003 4,485 4,191 4,185 8 5.連結株主資本等変動計算書 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 株主資本 / Shareholders' equity 資本金 / Capital stock 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 新株の発行 Issuance of new shares 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period 資本剰余金 / Capital surplus 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 新株の発行 Issuance of new shares 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period 利益剰余金 / Retained earnings 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 剰余金の配当 Dividends from surplus 合併に伴う代用自己株式の交付 Delivery of substitute treasury shares due to merger 自己株式の処分 Disposal of treasury shares 自己株式の消却 Retirement of treasury shares 当期純利益 Net income 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period 自己株式 / Treasury shares 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 合併に伴う自己株式の取得 Purchase of treasury shares due to merger 合併に伴う代用自己株式の交付 Delivery of substitute treasury shares due to merger 自己株式の取得 Purchase of treasury shares 自己株式の処分 Disposal of treasury shares 自己株式の消却 Retirement of treasury shares 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period 株主資本合計 / Total shareholders' equity 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 新株の発行 Issuance of new shares 剰余金の配当 Dividends from surplus 合併に伴う自己株式の取得 Purchase of treasury shares due to merger 合併に伴う代用自己株式の交付 Delivery of substitute treasury shares due to merger 自己株式の取得 Purchase of treasury shares 自己株式の処分 Disposal of treasury shares 当期純利益 Net income 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period Consolidated statements of changes in equity 2007/3 2008/3 (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2,315 2,324 2,327 2,329 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 8 2 2 4 - - - - - 8 2 2 4 - - - - - 2,324 2,327 2,329 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,334 2,865 2,874 2,877 2,879 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 8 2 2 4 - - - - - 8 2 2 4 - - - - - 2,874 2,877 2,879 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 2,884 1,216 1,781 2,900 4,877 6,546 7,807 9,228 10,699 12,620 565 1,119 1,976 1,669 1,260 1,421 1,471 1,920 △ 228 - △ 179 △282 △654 △552 △ 487 △ 487 △ 488 △ 1,028 - △ 207 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - △ 11 △4 - - - - - - - - △ 2,474 565 1,505 2,259 2,323 1,813 1,909 1,959 2,420 3,279 1,781 2,900 4,877 6,546 7,807 9,228 10,699 12,620 12,392 - △ 499 △315 △315 △315 △ 1,841 △ 1,841 △ 1,841 △ 1,746 △ 499 184 - - △1,526 - - 94 1,522 - △ 9,832 - - - - - - - - 10,017 - - - - - - - △ 499 - - - △1,526 - - 0 △ 1,000 - - - - - - - 95 48 - - - - - - - - 2,474 △ 499 △ 315 △315 △315 △1,841 △ 1,841 △ 1,841 △ 1,746 △ 224 6,397 6,480 7,790 9,771 11,450 11,184 12,605 14,077 16,092 82 1,309 1,981 1,678 △266 1,421 1,471 2,015 1,294 17 5 4 9 - - - - - - △ 179 △282 △654 △552 △ 487 △ 487 △ 488 △ 1,028 - △ 9,832 - - - - - - - - 9,809 - - - - - - - △ 499 - - - △1,526 - - 0 △ 1,000 - - - - - - - 83 43 565 1,505 2,259 2,323 1,813 1,909 1,959 2,420 3,279 6,480 7,790 9,771 11,450 11,184 12,605 14,077 16,092 17,386 9 5.連結株主資本等変動計算書 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 Consolidated statements of changes in equity 2007/3 2008/3 その他の包括利益累計額 / Accumulated other comprehensive income 為替換算調整勘定 / Foreign currency translation adjustment 当期首残高 0 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 0 Changes of items during the period 株主資本以外の項目の当期変動額(純額) 0 Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period その他の包括利益累計額合計 Total accumulated other comprehensive income 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 株主資本以外の項目の当期変動額(純額) Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period 少数株主持分 / Minority interests 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 株主資本以外の項目の当期変動額(純額) Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period 新株予約権 / Subscription rights to shares 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 株主資本以外の項目の当期変動額(純額) Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period 純資産合計 / Total net assets 当期首残高 Balance at the beginning of current period 当期変動額 Changes of items during the period 新株の発行 Issuance of new shares 剰余金の配当 Dividends from surplus 合併に伴う自己株式の取得 Purchase of treasury shares due to merger 合併に伴う代用自己株式の交付 Delivery of substitute treasury shares due to merger 自己株式の取得 Purchase of treasury shares 自己株式の処分 Disposal of treasury shares 当期純利益 Net income 株主資本以外の項目の当期変動額(純額) Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 当期末残高 Balance at the end of current period (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 1 1 △42 △37 △ 50 △ 50 △ 35 7 2 △43 5 △13 0 15 42 33 2 △43 5 △13 0 15 42 33 △1 1 △42 △37 △50 △ 50 △ 35 7 40 0 1 1 △42 △37 △ 50 △ 50 △ 35 7 0 2 △43 5 △13 0 15 42 33 0 2 △43 5 △13 0 15 42 33 △1 1 △42 △37 △50 △ 50 △ 35 7 40 - 74 11 9 - - - - - 74 △ 63 △2 △9 - - - - - 74 △ 63 △2 △9 - - - - - 74 11 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 56 45 - - - - - 13 42 △ 10 △8 - - - - - 13 42 △ 10 △8 - - - - - 13 56 45 36 6,397 6,553 7,802 9,738 11,413 11,133 12,569 14,098 16,145 156 1,248 1,935 1,675 △279 1,435 1,529 2,047 1,319 17 5 4 9 - - - - - - △ 179 △282 △654 △552 △ 487 △ 487 △ 488 △ 1,028 - △ 9,832 - - - - - - - - 9,809 - - - - - - - △ 499 - - - △ 1,526 - - 0 △ 1,000 - - - - - - - 83 43 565 1,505 2,259 2,323 1,813 1,909 1,959 2,420 3,279 73 △ 61 △45 △3 △13 14 57 31 24 6,553 7,802 9,738 11,413 11,133 12,569 14,098 16,145 17,464 10 6.連結キャッシュフロー計算書 3月31日に終了した各事業年度/Years ended March 31 Consolidated statements of cash flows 2007/3 2008/3 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー / Cash flows from operating activities 税金等調整前当期純利益 1,157 Income before income taxes and minority interests 減価償却費 509 Depreciation 貸倒引当金の増減額 57 Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts 固定資産除却損 Loss on retirement of non-current assets 売上債権の増減額 △ 488 Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade たな卸資産の増減額 0 Decrease (increase) in inventories 未収入金の増減額 △ 114 Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable-other 仕入債務の増減額 7 Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade 未払金の増減額 147 Increase (decrease) in accounts payable-other 前受金の増減額 △ 16 Increase (decrease) in advances received 資産除去債務の増減額 Increase (decrease) in asset retirement obligations 賞与引当金の増減額 Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses ポイント引当金の増減額 Increase (decrease) in provision for point card certificates 事務所移転費用引当金の増減額 Increase(decrease) in provision for office transfer expenses のれん減損損失 Impairment loss on goodwill その他 76 Other,net 小計 1,337 Subtotal 利息及び配当金の受取額 2 Interest and dividends income received 利息の支払額 Interest expenses paid 法人税等の支払額 △ 832 Income taxes paid 法人税等の還付額 Income taxes refund 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 507 Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー / Cash flows from investing activities 定期預金の預入による支出 Payments into time deposits 定期預金の払戻による収入 150 Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits 投資有価証券の売却による収入 Proceeds from sales of investment securities 有形固定資産の取得による支出 △ 369 Purchase of property,plant and equipment 事業譲受による支出 Payments for transfer of business ソフトウェアの取得による支出 △ 1,062 Purchase of software 敷金及び保証金の差入による支出 △ 133 Payments for lease and guarantee deposits 敷金及び保証金の回収による収入 2 Proceeds from collection of lease and guarantee deposits 子会社出資金の取得による支出 Purchase of investments in capital of subsidiaries 投資有価証券の取得による支出 Purchase of investment securities 連結子会社株式の追加取得による支出 - 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2,537 3,882 3,992 3,125 3,372 3,287 4,206 5,115 759 1,082 1,428 1,616 1,739 1,892 2,538 2,639 68 108 △ 19 90 △ 46 △ 31 △ 120 29 - - - 126 - - - - △ 419 △ 807 △ 1,167 777 △ 186 △ 240 △ 314 △ 137 △4 1 3 - - - - - △ 154 △ 188 △ 127 0 △ 100 △ 337 △ 89 △ 114 10 35 124 △ 115 10 63 △1 21 434 △ 130 32 464 248 245 133 △ 372 △4 3 △ 11 △ 53 8 △ 23 △7 42 - - - 198 1 1 - - - - 70 411 △ 19 51 332 110 - - - 78 118 56 △ 32 △ 39 - - 423 △ 198 △ 21 - - - - - - - - - - 12 218 44 93 54 65 △2 240 554 3,446 4,030 4,842 6,574 5,191 4,962 6,886 7,860 9 10 4 4 5 7 9 11 - △4 △2 △4 △8 △1 0 0 △ 628 △ 1,533 △ 1,971 △ 2,090 △ 1,222 △ 1,410 △ 1,481 △ 2,107 - - - - - - 29 11 2,827 2,503 2,872 4,484 3,965 3,558 5,443 5,775 - - - - - △ 2,000 △ 1,000 △ 1,000 - - - 50 - - 2,000 1,000 - - - - - - 50 - △ 117 △ 261 △ 194 △ 592 △ 445 △ 325 △ 583 △ 428 - - - - - - △ 19 - △ 953 △ 1,259 △ 1,106 △ 1,176 △ 1,422 △ 2,723 △ 2,306 △ 2,134 △ 245 △ 262 △ 17 △ 696 △4 △ 88 △ 78 △ 176 2 25 5 584 166 2 4 5 - △ 67 △ 30 - - - - - △ 79 △ 20 - - - - - - △ 12 - - - - - - - - - △7 △6 △ 41 △ 25 △ 13 5 2 △ 1,413 △ 1,406 △ 1,852 △ 1,349 △ 1,872 △ 1,730 △ 5,148 △ 1,928 △ 2,731 - - 103 - 4,500 - - - - 17 5 4 9 - - - - - 160 - - - - - - - - Payments for the purchases of consoridated subsidiaries' stock その他 Other, net 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (百万円/Millions of yen) ※百万円未満は切捨て/Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded. 2009/3 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー / Cash flows from financing activities 短期借入れによる収入 Increase in short-term loans payable 株式の発行による収入 Proceeds from issuance of common shares 少数株主からの払込による収入 Proceeds from share issuance to minority shareholders 自己株式の取得による支出 △ Purchase of treasury shares 配当金の支払額 Cash dividends paid 短期借入金の返済による支出 Decrease in short-term loans payable その他 Other, net 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー △ Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 502 - - - △ 1,533 - - 0 △ 1,000 - △ 177 △ 279 △ 649 △ 548 △ 485 △ 486 △ 486 △ 1,025 - - △ 103 - - △ 4,500 - - - - - △ 24 △ 61 △ 101 △ 98 △ 78 △ 10 0 325 △ 171 △ 299 △ 701 2,315 △ 5,083 △ 564 △ 496 △ 2,025 △5 2 △ 11 △1 △ 10 0 5 30 24 現金及び現金同等物の増減額 △ 1,236 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 現金及び現金同等物の増減額期首残高 4,197 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 合併に伴う現金及び現金同等物の増加額 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents through merger 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 2,960 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1,251 339 819 4,917 △ 2,850 △ 2,149 3,049 1,043 2,960 4,321 4,661 5,481 10,398 7,548 5,399 8,448 110 - - - - - - - 4,321 4,661 5,481 10,398 7,548 5,399 8,448 9,492 現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額 Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents 11 http://www.gnavi.co.jp/ IRに関するお問合わせ: https://ssl.gnavi.co.jp/company/contact/?page=ir Gurunavi IR contact information: https://ssl.gnavi.co.jp/company/english/contact/
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