20 ⊓㦖ጼ 䇭 Noboriryo-toge Pass ᧃศ䈫 ਃᩮ䉕⚿䈹〝䈱ᦨ㜞 ὐ䈪䇮ਂፉ䉇ਂዊፉ䉕৻ ᦸ䈜䉎 䇮ፉ৻⇟䈱ዷᦸบ䈪䈜䇯 1 䇭1 ਂን჻ Mount Hachijo-fuji ᮡ㜞854䌭䈲᧲੩⻉ፉ䈱ᦨ 㜞ፄ䈪䇮ጊ㗂ㇱಽ䉕࿁䉏䈳ਛ ᄩἫญਐ䉕䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 Mount Hachijo-fuji, 854 m. high, is the highest of the Tokyo Island peaks. The inner crater of this composite volcano is visible from a walking path around its rim. ㋬Ꮞ〝/Hachim aki Ro ad ᳗ㇹዷᦸบ 䇭2 ਂን჻䈸䉏䈅 䈇’႐ Hachijo-fuji Fureai Ranch ਂን჻䈱ਛ⣻䈮䈅䉎’႐䈪䇮 ዷᦸบ䈏䈅䉍 䇮‐䈭䈬䉕 䉒䈉 䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 Located on the flanks of Mount Hachijo-fuji, the ranch features a lookout, and visitors can enjoy milk and other treats. H H ုᚭḧ Taredo Bay S ᧲⇌/Tobata H H ᐩ䉨䊞䊮䊒႐ Sokodo Camping Area S H Ḋ᧲ Kaminato-higashi 0 200m N 䇭5 ᄢ㉿䈱₹⍹၂ Osato Tamaishi Wall ᶏጯ䈪ណ䉏䈢ਣ䈇⥄ὼ⍹䈪 ▽䈎䉏䈢⍹၂䈪䇮ਂፉ䉌䈚 䈇㘑᥊䉕䈞䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯 R H 䇭4 ฬฎ䈱ዷᦸบ Nago Lookout ᢿፗ䈱䈮䈅䉎 ዷᦸบ䈪䇮䈖 䈖䈎䉌 䉎䇮䉁䈢ᶏ䈱᥊⦡䈲 䈫䈩䉅 ⟤䈚䈇䈫 ⹏್䈪䈜䇯 R S ᑫ H Demawari ᄢች/Daijingu Shrine Ḋ Kaminato 䇭3 ධේජ⇥ᢝ Nanbara-senjojiki ㊀ᩮ᷼ㄭ䈒 䈱ᶏጯᴪ䈇䈮 ᐢ䈏䉎 㤥䈇บ䈪䇮⏷㊒䉍 䈱 䉴䊘䉾䊃 䈫䈚䈩䉅 ⛘ᅢ䈪䈜䇯 ਃᩮ/Mitsune H Sokodo Port H ᐩ᷼ H Sokodo-ko ᧲ᶏᴁ⦁ ᐩ᷼ Tokai Kisen en Kis ai ⦁ okᴁ Tᶏ ᧲ ᮮ㑆䉬ᶆ Yokomagaura 11 ᐩᶏ᳓ᶎ႐ 䇭 Sokodo Beach ᐩ᷼䈮䈾䈬ㄭ䈇ᶏጯ䈪䇮ᄐ䈲 ᶏ᳓ᶎ䉇䉲䊠䊉 䊷䉬䊥 䊮䉫䈪䈮 䈑䉒䈇䉁䈜䇯 R 䊧 䉴䊃 䊤 䊮 /Restaurant S 䉲䊢 䉾 䊒/Shop H 䊖䊁䊦䊶 ᣏ㙚/Hotel, ryokan 䊋䉴 /Bus stop ㇷଢዪ/Post office ᷷ᴰ/Hot spring ฬᚲ/Sightseeing spot ␠/Shinto shrine ኹ㒮/Buddhist temple ᶏ᳓ᶎ႐/Swimming beach ಠ/Legend ⍹Ⓧ䊱 㥦/Ishizumigahana ਂፉἮบ Hachijojima Lighthouse ᧃศ/Sueyoshi ᄢᎹ ਃᩮᒛᚲ Mitsune-shutchojo R R R ਃᩮዪ R Mitsune Post Office ⼔/Goshin R ༀశኹ㐿ༀ㒮 Zenko-ji Kaizen-in Temple የ┵/Obata 㡞 Ꮉ የ┵ⷰ㖸 Obata Kannon Hall ᧃศዊ೨/Sueyoshi-sho-mae ᧃศ᷷ᴰ䋨 䉂䈲䉌䈚 䈱ḡ䋩 18 Sueyoshi Hot Spring (Miharashi no yu) /Noboriryo-toge Pass ୖ䈱ဈ/Kuranosaka This wall, created from naturally rounded stones collected from the beach, is a typical sight on Hachijojima. ᧲⊕㔕ጊ Mt. Higashihakuun S The lookout here atop a cliff is popular for its wonderful views of the moon and ocean vistas. ᓮ⬿ፉ䊶 ᧲੩䈻 To Mikurashim/Tokyo ⊓㦖ጼዷᦸบ ᐩ᷼/Sokodo Port Noboriryo-toge Lookout ᓮᐘṚ/Miyuki-taki Waterfall 䊓䉯 ർ㒢⥄↢ Northern limit of wild hego (Cyathea spinulosa) 19 ਃේጊ/Mt. Mihara 䋨 ᧲ጊ/Mt. Higashi䋩 ฬฎ䈱ዷᦸบ 4 Nago Lookout ᵢベᴛ᷷ᴰ/Borawazawa Hot Spring ᳤㑆᷷ᴰ/Shioma Hot Spring ᳤㑆ᶏጯ/Shioma Coast 17 䉱䊶 BOON/Spa The BOON 7 ⵣ䊱 Ṛ/Uramiga-taki Waterfall ਛ↰ᐫ೨ Nakada-shoten-mae 䈋䈖䊶 䈅䈓䉍 䉁䊷䈫 Eco Agrimart H ╙ੑ⢒ Daini-hoikuen This stretch of black earth along the sea near Yaene Port is also a great spot for surf fishing. Ḋ᷼/Kaminato Port ᐩᶏ᳓ᶎ႐ Sokodo Beach 11 ᣥ↸ᓎ႐/Former Town Hall ↸ᓎ႐/Town Hall ਂፉⓨ᷼ Hachijojima Airport R ᣥ↸ᓎ႐䊋䉴 /Kyuumachiyakuba R ਂፉ Hachijojima ᧲บሶጊ/Mt. Todaishi H ਃේṚ/Mihara-taki Waterfall ਂፉᾲ㙚 13 Hachijojima Geothermal Museum 㤛ਂᨴర Ki-hachijo Dyehouse H H ⥄↱䉧ਐ Jiyugaoka Sokodo Beach ᐩᶏ᳓ᶎ႐ ᱛጊ/Mt. Kando ㇺ┙ਂᬀ‛ Tokyo Metropolitan 9 Hachijo Botanical Park R ਂ㜞 Hachijo-ko ਂፉᱧผ᳃ଶ⾗ᢱ㙚 6 Hachijojima History & Folklore Museum 5 ᄢ㉿䈱₹⍹၂/Ozato Tamaishi Wall 8 䈸 䈸䉎 䈘 䈫 /Furusato-mura (Hometown Village) 20 ਂፉ䉡䉤 䊷䉨䊮䉫䊶 䈬䈖 䉐 䊙䉾 䊒/Hachijojima Walking & Sightseeing Map H H ὑᦺ␠ Tametomo Shrine ᄢ㉿/Ozato H R N Nakanogo Hot Spring (Yasuragi no yu) 16 ਛਯㇹ᷷ᴰ 䋨 䉇䈜䉌䈑 䈱ḡ䋩 䇭 12 ⮣䊱 ᳯ᷼ Aegae Port ፉ䈱ධ䈮䈅䉎Ṫ᷼䈪䇮ᄐ䈲ᶏ᳓ ᶎ႐䈮䉅䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯ήᢱ䈱䉲䊞䊪䊷 䉇⿷ḡ䉅䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯 On the coastline near Sokodo Port, this beach is a popular spot for swimming and snorkeling in summer. D This fishing port on the island’s south coast is also a Swimming beach in the summer. Complimentary showers and foot baths available. Aigae Port A 12 ⮣䊱 ᳯ᷼ ᷼ 2 ਂን჻’႐䊶 䈸䉏䈅 䈇’႐ Hachijo-fuji Farm /Fureai Farm 䋨 ጊ/Mt. Nishi䋩 ਂን჻/Mt. Hachijo-fuji 1 ᄢ䉝䊨 䉣/Okoshi Aloe Garden Ἦบ೨ Todai-mae /Eigo Lookout ᄢ㥦Ἦบ Ogoshihana Lighthouse 䊅䉵䊙䊄 Nazumado ᄢ⾐ㇹ᳗ㇹ Okagoeigo H /Nishimi H ㊀ᩮ/Yaene ㊀ᩮ᷼/Yaene Port ᮮ㑆ᶏጯ/Yokoma Shore ໊Ṛ䈫 ⎫㤛ᴧ 14 Kara-taki Waterfall & Io-numa Pond ᄢဈ䊃 䊮䊈䊦ዷᦸบ Osaka Tunnel Lookout ੱᝥⓣ/Hitosuteana 10 R ਸජઍ䊱 ᵿ Otsuchiyogahama Shore C ḊṪ 2 ධේජ⇥ᢝᶏጯ 3 Nanbara-senjojiki Coast ᄢẟᶆ/Okataura ᄢဈ䊃 䊮䊈䊦/Osaka Tunnel ᮯ┙ะ㉿᷷ᴰ 15 દㇹฬ/Igona 䋨 䈸䉏䈅 䈇䈱ḡ䋩 Kashidate Mukaizato Hot Spring (Fureai no yu) ᮯ┙᷷ᴰ೨/Kashidate-onsen-mae ፃరᐫ೨ Minemoto-shoten-mae Ruins of the Hattori Residence 13 ਂፉᾲ㙚 䇭 Hachijojima Geothermal Museum ᾲ⊒㔚ᚲ䈮૬⸳䈘䉏䇮ᾲ 䉣䊈䊦䉩䊷䈱⚵䉂䉇Ἣጊ Ꮺ䈱ᚑ䉍 ┙䈤䈭䈬䉕ᐔᤃ䈮⸃⺑䇯 Part of a geothermal power station, this museum explains geothermal energy and how this volcanic region was formed. inato F Kam rt ishin g Po The highest point on the road between Sueyoshi and Mitsune, this pass offers a fine view of Hachijojima and Hachijo-kojima and is the best lookout point on the island. 19 ਃේጊ 䇭 Mount Mihara ਂን჻䈫 ะ䈎䈇ว䈉 䉋䈉 䈮䈚 䈩䈠䈶䈋䉎 ጊ䋨 ᮡ㜞701m䋩䈪䇮 ᧲ጊ䈫䉅 䈳䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯 Also known as Mount Higashi, Mount Mihara (elev. 701 m) faces Mount Hachijo-fuji. 18 ᧃศ᷷ᴰ 䇭 䋨 䉂䈲䉌䈚 䈱ḡ䋩 Sueyoshi Hot Spring ⌒ਅ䈮ᐢ䈏䉎 ᶏ䈱⌑䉄䇮䉁䈢 ᄛ䈲ḩᄤ䈱ᤊⓨ䉕䉎䈖䈫 䈏 䈪䈐䉎 㔺ᄤ㘑ํ䈏ᄢੱ᳇䈪䈜䇯 At this popular open-air hot spring, bathers can gaze at the ocean below or the starry night sky above. 17 䉱䊶 BOON 䇭 Spa The BOON 1996ᐕ䈮䈧䈒䉌䉏䈢᷷ᴰᣉ⸳ 䈪䇮䉳䊞䉫䉳䊷䇮ᛂ䈢䈞ḡ䇮䉰䉡䊅 䈭䈬䉕ቢ䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯 N 䇭 14 ໊Ṛ䈫 ⎫㤛ᴧ Karataki Waterfall and Io-numa Pond ㇱደᢝ〔䈎䉌 ⚂1.5ᤨ㑆䈱 䈫䈖䉐䈮䈅䉍 䇮ᚻ䈧䈎䈝䈱⥄ὼ 䉕㑆ㄭ䈮䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 3 1km 15 ᮯ┙ะ㉿᷷ᴰ 䇭 䋨 䈸䉏䈅䈇䈱ḡ䋩 Kashidate Mukaisato Hot Spring ᮯ┙䈮䈅䉎 ጊ㑆䈱᷷ᴰ䈪䇮✚ ᯫ䈨䈒䉍 䈱ᄢᶎ႐䈫 㔺ᄤ㘑ํ 䈏⥄ᘟ䈪䈜䇯 B 16 ਛਯㇹ᷷ᴰ 䇭 䋨 䉇䈜䉌 䈑䈱ḡ䋩 Nakanogo Hot Spring ᶏ䉕⌑䉄䈭䈏䉌 ᶎ䈪䈐䉎䈱䈏 䉋䉍 䈱㝯ജ䇯ᄤ᳇䈏䉋 䈔䉏 䈳㕍䊱ፉ䉅 䈋䉁䈜䇯 This site, 1.5 km from the ruins of the Hattori residence, offers a close-up view of untouched nature. 0 ne its u This hot spring in the mountains features a large bath made of hinoki cypress and open-air baths. This hot spring bath facility, built in 1996, offers Jacuzzi baths, a massaging waterfall, a sauna and other amenities for relaxation. ਂፉ/Hachijojima ᩮ /M Baths overlooking the ocean are the special attraction here. On clear days, Aogashima is visible. A ਃ 䇭6 ਂፉᱧผ᳃ଶඳ‛㙚 Hachijo History and Folklore Museum వผᤨઍ䈎䉌䈱ፉ䈱↢ᵴ䉕વ 䈋䉎 ⾗ᢱ䉇ᢥ₂䈭䈬⚂1,500 ὐ䈏ዷ␜䈘䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯 This museum has nearly 1,500 items on display related to island life from prehistoric times onward. 䇭7 ⵣ䊱 Ṛ Uramiga-taki Waterfall ਛਯㇹ䈮䈅䉎 Ṛ䈪䇮ⵣ䈎䉌 䉎 䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉎䈖䈫䈎䉌䈖䈉 䈳䉏 䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯 This waterfall in Nakanogo owes its name to the fact that one can see it from behind (ura). 䇭8 䈸䉎 䈘 䈫 Furusato-mura (Hometown Village) ዬ䇮ୖᐶ䇮ኅ⇓ዊደ䈭䈬䇮 ਂፉ⁛․䈱વ⛔⊛䈭᭽ᑼ䉕ᜬ 䈧ᑪ▽‛䉕䉎䈖䈫 䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 Dwellings, storehouses, livestock sheds and other buildings in the traditional architectural style unique to Hachijojima can be seen here. 䇭9 ㇺ┙ਂᬀ‛ Tokyo Metropolitan Hachijo Botanical Park ਂፉ䈮⥄↢䈜䉎 ᄙ᭽䈭ᬀ‛ 䉕 ዷ␜䈜䉎 䈾䈎䇮᭽䇱䈭↥ ‛䉇㘩ຠ䉅 ឭଏ䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯 Features displays of the island’s varied plant life. Souvenirs and food products available too. 10 䇭 ㇱደᢝ〔 Ruins of the Hattori Residence ᳯᚭᤨઍ䈱 ฬኅ䈪䈅䉎 ㇱ ኅ䈱 ደᢝ〔䇯ᒰᤨ䈱 ↢ᵴ ౕ䉇〭䉍䉕䉎䈖䈫 䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 The ruins of family residence of the Hattori, a notable Edo period (1603 –1867) family. Period household articles are displayed and dances are performed.
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