放射線生体影響数理モデルの放射線生物学・治療への展開 171 .(7' .(&%*6 ŀ Ƃ Å¢ſ*Ƙ 真鍋 勇一郎 * Application radiation andofmedical treatment of for estimation of Application for radiation biologyfor and medicalbiology treatment mathematical model mathematical model for estimation biological effects of biological effects 1Ƙ * Yuichiro Manabe Manabe Yuichiro We have developed our mathematical model to study DNA mutations in cells caused by artificial radiation exposure, accounting for the DNA damage and repair simultaneously. In our theory, the dependence of mutation frequencies on the dose rate is critically important to predict both the time course and the stationary effect of the DNA mutation in cell cycles. Here in this study, we derive a scaling function from our rate equations that predicts a universal feature in the mutation frequency of living organisms in order to develop our theory. Second, we have analyzed the experimental data of five living organisms; mouse, drosophila, chrysanthemum, maize, and Tradescantia. Despite the difference between animal and plant, all these data reasonably fall on a single line of our scaling function. Finally, we estimate the biological effects of long-term exposure to low dose-rate radiation by using the model. Our theory shows the saturation of mutation frequencies, which marks a substantial difference from existing theories based on the total dose. The mutation frequency increases linearly in time, first, i.e., it depends linearly on the total dose. Then it starts to bend and approaches a stationary value, which is determined by the dose rate. :9+-/ ćéŕfĶ±ifóƏxåƁūµXtUcgćéŕļŤĘfŰƑbLtHUulbfŁʼncWag 0, fġ ĽĴŲxØłcW\ofbLt [urfŁʼnbgŠđŔŕƁQƀţd¡cd^aMtHWPWdQrG î¬Prál^\}yzcÐhutŎ Ê£Éfyx³^\Łʼnzeq^aŠđf ƋfŕƁIJoƀţbLtUcQŃVu\ HWPWdQrGUulbeŕƁIJxÌs½u\åƁūµfgĠōVu aUdP^\HûIg î Ĕ ČƈGćéŕfĶ±óƏeƆXtÆò®b¤Ūf¨æeĥ`RGŕƁIJxŗùW \åƁūµfxĠōXtŁʼnxƄáWGĈãxĠōWGąŜxŒaG}yæƔfœĜbLtŔŕƁc ŊĮÜĺļĶƐïfƆ¶x¿ijXtUceúÃW\ H ªîïûIgĴŲxļêVZt\ne _fŰƑxŁʼnW\HæƔbgŠđŕƁc[fóƏfƆ¶fœĜWPdMf bGûIo[ueÏwZ\Õx²úWaM\QG[ubgŕƁIJQĺdt¡x¿ijW\UcxşijbRdMH[Ub Ċ\dĈãĽdĝőmQöţbLtcŗOGĴŲfąŜxæċW\H ycŨN ņƒfÇİfæƔx¿ijW\]T bgĴŲfĐŻøxŃW\cgŨOdMH[UbyÝeoŕƁIJxƀťW\æƔifŽķxľÿW\HijÖńì ĿbÓƑcd^aMtfgƃĕf°ŕƁŠđbLtQG[ueçWaûIfĴŲeq^axĂåXtUcQƀţb LtcŗOG÷ķxľÿW\H ;9' 0 ûIgĈĴx¡cÐhutýĨbąŜWGLr\dİĴƁbLtĭĢ»Ɓ τ c φ xåŖWaG¢_ f¡bæƔcĴŲfĤŶQÀĘtqNeW\ HUueq^aæƔ¸cfĤŶgÕ fqNeĴŲeqt§ī¸ ƖÕ fŕƗcæƔ¸ƖÕ FƗfƆ¶eÜĄVutHUueq^aŕƁIJGŔŕƁGŊĮÜĺļĶƐïQ ěfÕbş VuĴŲcæƔfĤŶQqsÁPspXSd^\H <9 ,8(&' 3) ĈĴfŽķ¼cWaŕƁIJQŪŷVuaMtæƔ¡xāW\cUvG yy{G~G ~Gy fæƔ¡xļŤW\H[urfæƔ¡eąŜVu\ûIfĴŲ(3,.6:70 ( 8:/07 xŽķW\cUv¿ijÍśbLtUcQÁP^\ ƖÕ ƗHUueqsGûIfĴŲgqsÞSfņeŽķÍśbLt 2015 年 3 月 15 日受理 * 1 豊田理研スカラー ŵĸĴŁ|¡ƖßƇßãßãƉíãŁʼnŅĵÚ {¡íãèĆƁâ{¡íãųðƗ (大阪大学大学院工学研究科環境・エネルギー工学専攻量子エネルギー工学講座) 放射線生体影響数理モデルの放射線生物学・治療への展開 172 UcxŃXUcQÀĘ\H =95".41 '2) ( ĴŲeq^aƃĕ°ŕƁŠđf¤čfŤňosxŞ^\H [fƋG©ƅcygĤŶĽŸMofcWayifūµxŞ^ \H[fœĜGgŠđďƅeĤ´WaY^cÛÄXtfbgd SGpQaƓÑWG[fôgjkÛOdMUcxŃW\HåƁĽeg ģď ED b îŠđXtcž¯ĽdŊĮÜĺļĶƐïg ¤č XtUcxŃW\ H > 9! ªôgUulbeŽķW\æƔfŬŏdŧĚGeŗùVuaMd MţÔfŹÄeqtfąŜGĒeźÈcfƆ¶xŴŲWaMR\MH :9¡Vu\ĴŲeqt }yæƔf¿ij ēŐĽegćéŕħĻf¡GŠđ¥bf²ğfũĹŌåe o÷ķW\MH ? 9#$& ŝĉƍŭƖ ÙG¾aĞů«Ɨĩƣ gþ ҦƗH * ,9,-0 ,9/ ,6,8@=, ,9/ ,9/: #0,.?4:9 #,?0 %30:=D :1 #,/4,?4:9 C;:>@=0 ,9/ $.,7492 D;:?30>4> 49 @?,?4:9 =0<@09.D !3D> $:. 29WAM ĴŲeqt 5 ņƒfĶİeçXtæƔf¿ij ;9 * ,9,-0 % (,/, ,6,8@=, * %>@9:D,8, ,6,548, ,9/ ,9/: (3,.6:70 :/07 %:B,=/> @94140/ /0>.=4;?4:9 :1 -4:7:24.,7 0110.? .,@>0/ -D =,/4,?4:90C;:>@=0 !3D> $:. ;9 % (,/, * ,9,-0 ,6,8@=, * %>@9:D,8, ,6,548, ,9/ ,9/: 4:7:24.,7 0110.?> :1 7:92?0=8 0C;:>@=0 ?: 7:B /:>0=,?0 =,/4,?4:9 :8;,=4>:9> :1 ( 8:/07 ,9/ " 8:/07 @.7 $.4 %0.39:7 >@-84??0/ ÑĉƍŭƖ ÙƗ ŀƂÅ¢ſƙ¦ė¢ú ¦ìšàƙŦëƌ¢ƙ×ęĎâG % ¿ŗ ćéŕfĶ±óƏxŗOtƖŧŮƗ ČĖËâ Âã®ŭ ':7 : :Aƙ î ×ęĎâŀƂÅ¢ſGĬĸÒĶ ƥgúŋWdMƕƤ°ŕƁbgŏŚb·õ|QºSƖðű®Ɨ Č ĖËâÂã®ŭ î ĔÎăŷĦå ŀƂÅ¢ſGÑĸƊäG¦ė¢úGŦëƌ¢G¦ìšàG×ęĎâGćéŕfĶ±óƏxåƁūµXtĈĴƦ (3,.6:70 Ʀe_MafŧŮGćéŕĶİŁʼnGþҦ ÙżƖ ÙƗ J°ŕƁŠđf¹ñóƏeĊŮ İĴãŘPrĀüı ƆŢfİĴãŘ¡eřSK î Ĕ ČGČĖŒĪ ĊřƎâįƖ&#ƣ3??;BBB946604.:8,=?4.70)+ "ƗH REFERENCES ƖƚƗD. E. Lea, Actions of Radiations on Living Cells, Cambridge University Press, Press, NY, England (1st ed. 1944: 2nd ed.1955) ƖƛƗK. H. Chadwick and H. P. Leenhouts, Phys. Med. Biol. Vol.18, No. 1, 78 (1973). ƖƜƗA. M. Kellerer and H. H. Rossi, Rad. Res., Vol. 75, No. 3, 471 (1978). ƖƝƗW. L. Russell and E. M. Kelly, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79, 539 (1982). ƖƞƗY. Manabe, K. Ichikawa and M. Bando, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 81, 104004 (2012). ƖƟƗY. Manabe and M. Bando, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 094004 (2013) ƖƠƗY. Manabe, I. Nakamura and M. Bando, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 83, 114003 (2014) ƖơƗY. Manabe, T. Wada, I. Nakamura, Y. Tsunoyama, H. Nakajima and M. Bando, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 84, 044002 (2015). ƖƢƗT. Wada, Y. Manabe, I. Nakamura, Y. Tsunoyama, H. Nakajima and M. Bando, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., submitted
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