CAFÉ CINEMA ST.XI~カフェシネマ St.11~

CAFÉ CINEMA ST.XI~カフェシネマ St.11~
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own
possession, that you may proclaim the excellence of him who called you out of darkness
into his marvelous light”, PETER1 2:9
Date: 2015 年 9 月 26 日(Sat)
OPEN: 2:00 PM, CLOSE: 4:00PM
GUEST:Hana(Vocal: Fumiko・Piano & Vocal: Sohyeong),
曲目(予定):「You raise me up」,「당신은 사랑받기위해 태어난사람
MENU: Coffee, Tea, Soft Drink with Dessert, 200 円
Café: Tachikawa Chapel (立川福音自由教会内)
On the Tachikawa Cinema St. 立川シネマ通り
*今後は月に一度 OPEN 予定です。
立川福音自由教会 / Tachikawa Evangelical Free Church
立川市高松町3-30-24/ TEL 042-522-4363
牧師: 高橋秀典
We hope you enjoy the café and feel comforted by the Love of Jesus