フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド シュテファン J. リューター 財務&投資家情報 責任者 フローリアーン・フックス 投資家情報&財務報告 マネージャー 2 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Disclaimer This document has been prepared by Fraport solely for use in this presentation. The information contained in this document has not been independently verified. No representation or warranty – whether express or implied – is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or opinions contained therein. Neither the company nor any of its affiliates, advisors or representatives shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for any loss arising from any use of this document or its content or otherwise arising in connection with this document. This document does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any shares and neither this document nor any part of it shall form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract or commitment whatsoever. This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on current estimates and assumptions made by the management of Fraport to the best of its knowledge. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, the non-occurrence or occurrence of which could cause the actual results – including the financial condition and profitability of Fraport – to differ materially from or be more negative than those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. This also applies to the forward looking estimates and forecasts derived from third-party studies. Consequently, neither the company nor its management can give any assurance regarding the future accuracy of the opinions set forth in this document or the actual occurrence of the predicted developments. By accepting this document, you agree with the foregoing. 3 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Agenda - Financial Highlights - Traffic Insight - News from FRA - Airport Charges at FRA - T3 Ground Breaking - Retail Multichannel - Greek Airports - Outlook 2015 - Financials 9M2015 in Detail 4 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Financial Highlights Fraport Group Figures 9M 2015 (P&L) 9M2015 9M2014 yoy 1,967 1,797 +10 % EBITDA 689 621 +11 % EBIT 444 396 +12 % Group Result* 262 220 +19 % in € mil. Revenue • Traffic Figures up, FRA with 3.6% upside in passenger traffic • Revenue increased by 9.5% (IFRIC12 adjusted +9.4%) • Group-EBITDA rose to € 689 million, an upside of 11% • All segments contributing, mostly Retail and External performance • Group Result increased by 19% mostly due to operating performance * Before minorities 5 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Financial Highlights Fraport Group Figures 9M2015 (Cash Flow, Debt, Capex) 9M2015 9M2014 yoy Operating Cash Flow 525 409 +28% Capex* 165 205 -20% 29 31 -8% Free Cash Flow 389 236 +65% Gearing in %** 82% 97% -15PP 2,762 3,013 -8 % in € mil. Dividend from Investments Net Debt** • Operating Cash Flow significantly up due to good operating performance • Combined with downward trend in Capex and slightly lower dividends from at equity investments, Free Cash Flow moved substantially up • Gearing & Net Debt down despite dividend payment * as used in PPE, airport operating projects, investment property, and other intangible assets ** year-end figures for 2014 6 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Agenda - Financial Highlights - Traffic Insight - News from FRA - T3 Ground Breaking - Airport Charges at FRA - Retail Multichannel - Greek Airports - Outlook 2015 - Financials 9M2015 in Detail フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド 7 Traffic Insight Group Passenger Development (stakes above 10%) D Airport Share FRA Frankfurt, Germany 100% 5,711 +4,3% 52,992 +3.7% 59,566 +3.0% LJU Ljubljana, Slovenia 100% 128 +9,4% 1,264 +10.6% 1,307 -1.4% LIM Lima, Peru 70% 1,593 +11.7% 14,213 +9.2% 15,659 +11.1% BOJ Burgas, Bulgaria 60% 32 +14.1% 2,338 -6.7% 2,530 +7.5% VAR Varna, Bulgaria 60% 54 +8.5% 1,340 +0.2% 1,387 +3.1% AYT Antalya, Turkey 51% 2,807 -0.8% 25,791 -1.6% 27,979 +6.0% LED St. Petersburg, Russia 35.5% 1,062 -5.1% 11,913 -3.9% 14,265 +14.0% HAJ Hanover, Germany 30% 581 +1.8% 4,765 +3.8% 5,292 +1.1% XIY Xi‘an, China 24.5% 2,944 +8.7% 27,719 +12.9% 29,177 +12.8% previous year FY 2014 CAGR 20102014 Oct 2015 previous year YTD 2015 D IATA Code フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド 8 Traffic Insight Frankfurt Airport Oct 2015 Passengers in `000 Movements D % YTD Oct 2015 D% FY 2014 5,711 +4.3 52,992 +3.7 59,566 42.572 +1.5 400,871 +0.5 469,026 MTOW in `000 tons 2,661 +2,8 25,412 +2.8 28,958 Cargo in `000 tons 182 -1.9 1,714 -2.6 2,132 Seat load factor Passenger per movement 90% 2015 2014 85% YTD 2015 +4.7 Pass. YTD 2014 80% 120 75% 125 130 135 140 145 150 70% New passenger guidance FY2015: Between +~3% and +~4% 65% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Passenger figures according to ACI, commercial traffic only; cargo includes air freight and air mail 9 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Traffic Insight Frankfurt Airport Passenger Flows YTD 10/2015 Western Europe Domestic 43% D North America 11% D +5% 9% D +4% Frankfurt Airport 13% D +3% Eastern Europe +2% Far East 11% Middle East Africa Latin America D 4% D 5% D +6% +6% +3% 3% D +1% Continental Traffic Share YTD D vs. previous year Intercontinental 62% D +4% 38% D +4% 10 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Traffic Insight Winter Schedule FRA 2015/2016 1 No significant changes in airline portfolio 2 Winter schedule with a moderate seat upside close to 2% 3 Passenger flight movements stable 4 Lufthansa JUMP program positive – but minimal impact Winter schedule from end of October 2015 to end of March 2016 11 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Agenda - Financial Highlights - Traffic Insight - News from FRA - Airport Charges at FRA - T3 Ground Breaking - Retail Multichannel - Greek Airports - Outlook 2015 - Financials 9M2015 in Detail 12 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA Airport Charges at FRA • Application for Airport Charge increase filed in at Hesse Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transportation and State Development (HMWEVL) in July 2015 • Intended increase of 1.9% on airport charges for 2016 • Reflecting both: airline needs for cost control and the airport’s need for adequate return on capital • Fraport AG retracted its application on October 29, 2015 • Currently, the HMWEVL and Fraport AG have differing views regarding the calculation of essential cost elements - including capital costs • Until a new airport charge schedule comes into force the current charge schedule will remain valid also beyond January 1, 2016 • Fraport AG will re-examine the issue and submit a new application in 2016 13 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA T3 Ground Breaking in October 2015 Capex budget € 2.5-3.0 bn. in total Additional passenger capacity 14 million Floor space ca. 90,000 sqm Large state-of-the-art Retail facilities 24 gate positions at the building 4 Check-in-Areas with 100 counters Opening 2022 Market Place Security Check-In Train Parking Focus 2016 on excavation works 14 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA T3 Road and Train Access 15 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA T3 Main Hall Impression 16 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA T3 Façade Impression 17 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA T3 Schedule 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2021 2022 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Excavation work Start of structural work Technical & operational tests Inauguration 18 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA FRA Capex Peak ~5 Years after T3 Construction Start Maintenance Capex T3 Total @ FRA Capex in External Activities not included 500 Start of T3 construction Maintenance €200-250 mil plus 2% p.a. 0 T3 start Peak after 5 years End after 8 years 19 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド News from FRA Retail Multichannel starts Q2/2016 ff. Q2/2016 Q1/2016 12/2015 Online Platform 09/2015 Loyalty programm Test phase Interactive Airport Desk „IAID“ Relaunch Travel Homepage & App Online Payment & Home Delivery Rollout Interactive Airport Desk „IAID“ Additional delivery options 20 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Agenda - Financial Highlights - Traffic Insight - News from FRA - Airport Charges at FRA - T3 Ground Breaking - Retail Multichannel - Greek Airports - Outlook 2015 - Financials 9M2015 in Detail 21 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Greek Airports Status Quo • The preferred investor Fraport AG – Copelouzos group (Slentel Ltd) extended the validity of their offer in Oct 2015 • Also the reserve candidates extended the validity of their offers • The concession agreement is expected to be signed with the Fraport AG – Copelouzos group by the end of 2015 • Takeover of the airports (Closing) is expected to take place in autumn 2016 • Target of Fraport Consortium remains to finance the project partly via debt on the level of the concession companies • Growth rates remain good in Greece: September 2015 yoy traffic growth of around 6.9 % 22 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Greek Airports Concession Details Airports 14 Greek regional airports, 80% international share, more than 22 million passengers Fraport Share & Partner Fraport will hold at least 2/3rd of the concession depending on the final debt/equity ratio Upfront payment € 1.2 bn. upfront payment Concession Payment 22.9 mil. fixed annual concession payments (inflationed with Greek inflation rate) From 2019 variable payment of ~28.5% of EBITDA (before variable concession payment ) Concession Length 40 years Capex € 330 million compulsory in 2016-2019, afterwards maintenance capex Capex for extension depending on traffic growth Regulation Dual Till Airport Charges € 13 per departing passenger in 2016, from 2018 € 18.50 inflationed with 90% of the Greek inflation (depending on capex) Retail Developement Very small retail outlets existing; Space will roughly triple after the first construction phase; new operating concepts like walk through will be introduced Growth assumption Not disclosed in detail - business case assumes moderate growth over concession period of about 2% p.a. 23 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Agenda - Financial Highlights - Traffic Insight - News from FRA - Airport Charges at FRA - T3 Ground Breaking - Retail Multichannel - Greek Airports - Outlook 2015 - Financials 9M2015 in Detail 24 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Outlook 2015 Guidance slightly lifted driven by FRA Traffic New Outlook 2015 Passengers FRA Revenue (IFRIC 12 adjusted) Between +~3% and +~4% revenue between ~€2.55 and ~€2.6 bn. EBITDA between ~€840 and ~€850 mil. EBIT between ~€520 and ~€530 mil. Group result* between ~€275 and ~€295 mil. Dividend proposal stable *Group result before minorities 25 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Agenda - Financial Highlights - Traffic Insight - News from FRA - Airport Charges at FRA - T3 Ground Breaking - Retail Multichannel - Greek Airports - Outlook 2015 - Financials 9M2015 in Detail 26 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Group P&L 9M 2015 Group Financials reflect growing Operations P&L in € mil. 9M 15 9M 14 % Revenue 1,967 1,797 +9.5 › All segments with growing earnings - excl. IFRIC 12 1,957 1,789 +9.4 EBITDA 689 621 +10.8 › Tailwind from Retail, FRA pricing, US$ conversion, and new investments EBIT 444 396 +12.1 EBT 384 325 +18.1 Group result 262 220 +19.1 EPS in € 2.64 2.22 +18.9 1,797 +34 Revenue 9M 2014 Aviation +22 Retail & Ground Real Estate Handling +93 › Improvement in financial result despite negative CHF loan valuation › Group result and EPS with double-digit increase EBITDA by segment in € mil. Revenue by segment in € mil. +22 Comments 1,967 External Revenue Activities & 9M 2015 Services +36 621 +4 EBITDA 9M 2014 Aviation +22 689 +5 Retail & Ground Real Estate Handling External External Activities& Activities Services Services EBITDA 9M 2015 Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up, percent changes based on unrounded figures 27 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Group P&L 9M 2015 External Activities increase its Share in Group EBITDA +€68 mil. +168 +3 +4 € mil. 689 -56 621 EBITDA 9M 2014 Revenue ex. IFRIC 12 IFRIC 12 revenue Other income Segment share in Group EBITDA 9M 2014 External Activities & Services 20.0% Ground Handling Aviation Cost of materials ex. IFRIC 12 -3 IFRIC 12 cost of materials -41 -7 Staff cost Other opex Segment share in Group EBITDA 9M 2015 External Activities & Services 23.2% 29.3% 31.8% Ground Handling 5.7% 42.5% Retail & Real Estate EBITDA 9M 2015 Aviation 5.9% 41.6% Retail & Real Estate Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up 28 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Group P&L 9M 2015 Group Result up due to higher EBITDA & Financial Result +€42 mil. +€0.42 +68 € mil. +11 220 -19 Group result 9M 2014 EBITDA D&A Financial result Split of financial result € mil Interest income Interest expenses At equity result Other result Financial result 262 -17 Taxes Group result 9M 2015 €2.22 EPS 9M 2014 €2.64 EPS 9M 2015 Comments 9M 15 9M 14 % 22 27 -20.3 -120 -135 - 38 45 -16.0 1 -8 >100 -60 -71 - › Improved interest result from lower interest rates, lower debt, and lower interest cost added back on provisions › Split of equity result: › Antalya down due to less Russian travelers › Xi’an and Hanover up › Other financial result up, despite negative impact from CHF loan market valuation Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up, percent changes based on unrounded figures 29 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Group Asset & Financial Situation 9M FCF per Share at €4.2 Operating cash flow Intangible assets PPE Airport operating projects Investment property DVDs from investments Free cash flow € mil. 525 409 -6 -4 389 +29 -140 -10 -186 -8 -7 9M 2015 YTD development › Sharp increase in OCF due to good earnings and lower cash outs for interests and taxes › FRA capex -25% on previous year › Stable remaining cash in and outflows › Incl. DVD pay out FCF provided c.€260 mil. retained cash 236 +31 -9 9M 2014 2015 Outlook › Capex won’t exceed 2014 level › FCF expected to remain above 10% of net debt › Including DVD payout, FCF will lead to deleverage at high single digit percentage point level Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up 30 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Group Asset & Financial Situation Strong FCF eases Balance Sheet Dynamics FCF1 Liquidity € mil. Gross debt 3,926 Net debt Equity 4,192 3,454 2,762 1,164 389 Gearing2 3,013 3,286 82% 97% 1,180 236 Sept. 30, 2015 Cash development › FCF of €389 mil. clearly above previous year › Repayment of gross debt and cash out for DVD led to slight decline in liquidity Dec. 31, 2014 Balance sheet › Group result, valuation of derivatives, and currency effects lead to increase in equity to more than €3.4 bn › Gearing c.15 PP down on Dec. 31, 2014 › Net debt clearly below €3bn, 2015 net debt/EBITDA therefore c. at 3.2x › Equity ratio at 37.6% (Dec. 31, 2014: 34.4%) › Slightly diluting effects from accrued interest Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up 1) FCF pre-dividend payout; figures correspond to 6M figures 2) Net debt divided by equity less non-controlling interests and profit earmarked for distribution 31 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Segment Aviation Incremental Revenue almost completely offset P&L in € mil. 9M 15 9M 14 % Revenue 707 673 +5.0 - Airport charges 587 558 +5.2 - Security Services 91 83 +9.0 - Other 29 33 -9.5 EBITDA 202 198 +2.0 EBIT 112 110 +1.8 6,019 6,070 -0.8 Employees EBITDA performance in € mil. › FRA traffic drives revenue growth › Headwind from: › Revenue increase slowed down by flat movement development and FraConnect › €13 mil. impact from wage increases › Other income €4 mil. down due to release of provisions in 2014 › Additional opex from creation of provisions, non-capitalizable capex, and quality measures Revenue split Security Services 12.8% +34 -4 198 Comments -11 4.2% Other 202 -15 83.0% EBITDA 9M 2014 Revenue Other income Staff cost Other Aviation charges EBITDA 9M 2015 Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up, percent changes based on unrounded figures 32 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Segment Retail & Real Estate More Traffic & higher spend per Passenger strong Result P&L in € mil. 9M 15 9M 14 % Revenue 357 335 +6.5 - Retail 157 141 +11.1 - Real Estate 134 133 +0.6 - Parking 62 58 +7.8 EBITDA 286 264 +8.3 EBIT 224 202 +10.7 Employees 619 615 +0.7 Comments › Strong revenue increase from retail and parking businesses › Cost level flat on previous year › EBITDA and EBIT increase in same magnitude as revenue › EBITDA margin >80% EBITDA performance in € mil. +22 +3 264 Revenue split 1.1% Other 286 -1 Parking -2 17.4% 43.9% EBITDA 9M 2014 Revenue Other income Staff cost Other EBITDA 9M 2015 Real Estate Retail 37.6% Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up, percent changes based on unrounded figures 33 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Segment Retail & Real Estate Retail per Passenger 6.7% up on Previous Year Retail revenue per Passenger 9M 12: €3.12 3.95 3.40 9M 13: €3.44 9M 14: €3.27 4.11 3.74 3.10 2.95 3.95 3.69 3.42 3.24 9M 15: €3.49 3.93 3.41 3.26 3.22 3.04 FY 12: €3.32 FY 13: €3.60 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY 14: €3.43 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 € mil. Shopping 25 29 30 31 27 31 33 33 26 29 32 32 30 34 35 Services 11 12 13 13 11 13 14 13 12 14 14 13 13 14 16 Advertis. 6 6 6 10 6 8 9 11 7 7 8 10 7 9 10 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド 34 Segment Retail & Real Estate Development of Core Spending Destinations Volume Development % 20 15 15 14 11 12 10 0 0 China Japan Russia Korea Brazil 3 Change in % vs. 9M 14 6 2 USA Germany Turkey Canada India -10 -13 -20 Retail Revenue per Passenger % 30 23 20 20 14 11 10 2 0 -10 -20 -30 China Japan Russia -11 -21 Korea Brazil Change in % vs. 9M 14 5 10 2 USA Germany Turkey Canada India 35 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Segment Ground Handling Positive Earnings Momentum due Tight Cost Management P&L in € mil. 9M 15 9M 14 % Revenue 518 496 +4.4 - Ground Handling 292 287 +2.0 - Infrastructure 226 209 +7.7 EBITDA 41 35 +15.1 EBIT 10 7 +34.7 9,297 8,954 +3.8 Employees EBITDA performance in € mil. Comments › Revenue increase from higher volumes and prices in infrastructure › Staff cost up due to volume and price › EBITDA with good growth supported by lower other opex › Despite higher D&A, EBIT up Revenue split +22 -2 35 +3 41 Infrastructure 43.5% -17 56.5% EBITDA 9M 2014 Revenue Other income Staff cost Other Ground Handling EBITDA 9M 2015 Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up, percent changes based on unrounded figures 36 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Segment External Activities & Services Growth from Lima and new Investments P&L in € mil. Comments 9M 15 9M 14 % Revenue 386 293 +31.9 - excl. IFRIC 12 376 285 +31.7 - AMU 44 8 >100 - Ljubljana 27 - - 160 124 +28.9 99 77 +28.2 › Other income up from Air IT book gain 4,901 4,687 +4.6 › Strong increase in EBITDA and EBIT EBITDA EBIT Employees › Strong increase from Lima traffic and positive US$ effect › Full YTD contribution of AMU & LJU › Lower earnings from Varna/Burgas and termination of Saudi mgmt. contracts EBITDA performance in € mil. 124 +8 +11 +18 Revenue split +6 -3 -3 160 Other -1 Ljubljana 6.9% 16.0% 52.8% Lima Airmall 11.5% EBITDA AMU 9M 2014 LJU LAP Twin Star Saudi Arabia Air IT Other EBITDA 9M 2015 12.8% Twin Star Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up, percent changes based on unrounded figures 37 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド External Activities Fully consolidated Investments1 Airmall2 € mil. Ljubljana2 Lima Twin Star 9M 15 9M 14 % 9M 15 9M 14 % 9M 15 9M 14 % 9M 15 9M 14 % 44 - 8 - >100 - 27 - - - 204 194 156 149 30.9 31.7 50 49 55 54 -10.0 -8.4 EBITDA margin adjusted 10 22.6% - 2 22.6% - >100 - 11 40.8% - - - 74 36.5% 38.4% 57 36.5% 38.1% 31.0 - 32 65.1% 65.3% 35 64.0% 65.4% -8.5 - EBIT margin adjusted 4 8.6% - 1 9.5% - >100 - 3 12.7% - - - 61 30.1% 31.6% 46 29.5% 30.8% 33.3 - 24 48.1% 48.3% 27 48.5% 49.6% -10.9 - Result 4 1 >100 3 - - 33 22 46.6 17 19 -10.9 Passengers in mil. - - - 1.1 1.0 10.8 12.6 11.6 8.9 3.6 3.8 -4.6 Revenue -ex IFRIC 12 1) Figures refer to IFRS accounting, not local GAAP, percent changes based on unrounded figures 2) Airmall acquired August 2014 and Ljubljana October 2014 38 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド External Activities At Equity consolidated Investments Pulkovo Antalya € mil. Xi‘An Hanover 9M 15 9M 14 % 9M 15 9M 14 % 9M 15 9M 14 % 9M 15 9M 14 % 250 - 272 - -8.0 - 181 101 272 109 -33.6 -7.7 111 - 108 - 3.3 - 143 - 106 - 35.3 - EBITDA margin adjusted 217 86.7% - 241 88.4% - -9.8 - 101 55.9% 61.1% 88 32.1% 46.2% 15.5 - 23 20.7% - 22 20.3% - 5.5 - 68 47.4% - 47 44.0% - 45.8 - EBIT margin adjusted 144 57.5% - 167 61.2% - -13.7 - 72 39.9% 43.5% 56 20.5% 29.5% 29.2 - 8 7.2% - 7 6.5% - 14.3 - 32 22.5% - 20 18.7% - 62.6 - 67 85 -21.4 25 -80 >100 4 2 >100 19 13 47.3 23.0 23.4 -1.7 10.9 11.3 -3.8 4.2 4.0 4.1 24.8 21.8 13.4 Revenue -ex IFRIC 12 Result Passengers in mil. Except for Xi’an all figures refer to IFRS accounting, percent changes based on unrounded figures 39 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Thank you for your Attention! www.meet-ir.com 40 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Appendix Special Effects 9M 2015 € mil. 9M 15 9M 14 Group financial result Market valuation of derivatives & F/X fluctuations 0.9 -7.2 10.2 7.5 Revenue 44.3 8.4 EBITDA 10.0 1.9 3.8 0.8 Revenue 26.7 - EBITDA 10.9 - 3.4 - Revenue 4.9 9.7 EBITDA 0.3 1.4 EBIT 0.1 1.1 Revenue - 9.5 EBITDA - 3.1 EBIT - 3.0 Segment External Activities IFRIC 12 revenue AMU Holdings – acquired August 2014 EBIT Aerodrom Ljubljana – acquired Oct. 2014 EBIT Air Transport IT – disposed April 2015 Fraport Saudi Arabia – ended June 2014 41 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Appendix 9M Effects on Aviation EBITDA Balanced with staff cost Mainly wage increases, thereof: 8 mil. balanced in rev. Mainly: non-capitalizable capex, provisions created & quality measres +8 +29 € mil. More provisions released in 2014 Mainly FraConnect kick-back -4 198 -4 202 -11 -14 EBITDA 9M 2014 Aviation charges Security revenue Other revenue Split of aviation charges € mil Staff cost Other EBITDA 9M 2015 9M 2015 % share in aviation charges 9M 15 9M 14 % Passenger 396 373 6.1 Take-off & emission 123 120 2.0 Parking 36 34 6.0 Security 33 31 5.7 587 558 5.2 Total Other income Security 5.6% Parking 6.1% Take-off & emission 20.9% Passenger 67.4% Due to commercial rounding slight discrepancies may occur when summing up, percent changes based on unrounded figures フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド 42 Appendix Maturity Profile & Cash Position as at September 30, 2015 Fraport debt conditions on average € mil. 4,500 3,925.5 4,000 ~ 3.3 % interest rate ~ 4.9 years maturity 3,500 Bookvalue 3,000 nominal 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,163.6 1132.8 1,000 471.9 500 377.2 517.3 238.0 5.1 422.8 413.9 321.2 2.6 0 Liquidity Financial as of Sep Liabilities 30, 2015 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024++ 43 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Appendix Insights on Retail Customers 1 TOP 5 BY RETAIL VALUE 2 TOP 5 BY VOLUME 3 ALL OTHER DESTINATIONS Destinations with very high retail value, average passenger volumes, highly defined consumption patterns easy reachability and addressability Destinations with very large passenger volumes, moderate retail value, and moderate reachability and addressability Large number of destinations (104) with a highly heterogeneous passenger mix, greatly varying retail value and difficult addressability because of the wide range of languages, consumption patterns, gates etc. China Russia 8% pax* Japan Brazil South Korea 31% revenue* Sales promotions very cost- and workintensive Highly target-group-specific, individualized communication Cooperation with airlines; shopping assistants; events targeting nationalities; cross-selling campaigns; activities in home countries USA Germany Turkey 30% pax Canada India 17% revenue Target-group-specific measures (Americans: Valentine’s Day, Berlin Wall, October Fest, Christian, Best of Europe; Germans: start of summer holidays, gold coins, duty-free price information, duty-free sweepstakes with a car as the main prize) Cooperation with airlines 62% 52% pax revenue Generic sales promotion approaches with successful campaigns * Source: sales/revenue data of Gebr. Heinemann by destinations 2014 44 フラポート株式会社 フランクフルト空港サービス・ワールドワイド Appendix IR Contact Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 60547 Frankfurt am Main www.meet-ir.com +49 69 690 – 74842 [email protected] Stefan J. Rüter Head of Finance & Investor Relations +49 69 690-74840 [email protected] Svenja Ebeling Investor Relations Assistant +49 69 690-74842 [email protected] Marc Poeschmann Manager Investor Relations +49 69 690-74845 [email protected] Florian Fuchs Manager Investor Relations & Financial Reporting +49 69 690-74844 [email protected]
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