COSTUME EN FACE a primer of darkness for young boys and girls tatsumi hijikata notebook written by moe yamamoto and translated from the japanese by sawako nakayasu COSTUME EN FACE: A PRIMER OF DARKNESS FOR YOUNG BOYS AND GIRLS ENGLISH TRANSLATION COPYRIGHT SAWAKO NAKAYASU, 2015 COSTUME EN FACE (ORIGINAL NOTEBOOK) COPYRIGHT MOE YAMAMOTO, 1976 ¯ ESSAY: SHOMEN NO ISHO¯ ( COSTUME EN FACE ): BUTOH IN 1976 COPYRIGHT TAKASHI MORISHITA, 2010 EMERGENCY PLAYSCRIPTS #4 ISBN 978-1-937027-53-7 SERIES EDITOR YELENA GLUZMAN SERIES PUBLISHERS THE BROS. LUMIÈRE FIRST EDITION, 2015 UGLY DUCKLING PRESSE 232 THIRD STREET, E-303 BROOKLYN, NY 11215 >WWW.UGLYDUCKLINGPRESSE.ORG< FUNDED IN PART BY KEIO UNIVERSITY ART CENTER BUTOH LABORATORY JAPAN THE FOUNDATION FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS DISTRIBUTED BY SMALL PRESS DISTRIBUTION 1341 SEVENTH STREET BERKELEY, CA 94710 >WWW.SPDBOOKS.ORG< PRINTED IN THE USA COSTUME EN FACE a primer of darkness for young boys and girls tatsumi hijikata notebook written by moe yamamoto and translated from the japanese by sawako nakayasu E M ER GEN CY PL AYSCRIPTS U G LY D U CK LIN G PR ES SE B R O O K LY N, N Y 後ろにねがえり 線 空間 体のこしたまま半分ねがえり 表情 ちじまるねむり ねがえろうとして正面 芸者 水中 ひじでささえない のびきらない 芸者はハっキリ、 正面すかす 視線の解体 かみの毛空間 3方向の重層 くもの巣 子供十二相 女なだれあめ 寝わざの踊り 暗い少年 柳の無化 柳空間 ねがえりうつ子供 髪の毛にからまれる女 炎の中の女 足カタン もうろうとした女 視線解体 芸者 ほどける女 衣裳を腰にかけ立とうとする 口のカクカク 脳ミソ ヨダレ さく乱の小動物 武将 蛇・トド 子供の顔フクロウ かみの毛 恐怖でぬり込められて横目チラリ 髪の毛つかってメンコの女形 メンコ口カクカク 振動より臭いの連続 小春1体 聖歌隊 髪の毛百鬼の低迷より 痛みの孔雀たっけい 78 暗い幽霊 Turning backwards in sleep Line Half-turning in sleep, leaving body behind Space Shrinking in sleep Expression Trying to turn in sleep, en face geisha Dissection of the sightline Multi-layered in 3 directions Space of hair Spider web Set of 12 child movements Female avalanche candy Child turning in sleep Woman tangled up in hair Woman in flames Leg katan Dancing lying down Mournful young boy Willow annihilation Underwater Do not support with elbow Do not stretch out completely Willow Space Geisha Woman in a hazy stupor Woman coming undone Dissection of the sightline put costume around the waist and try to stand Geisha is precise, thin out the front area Kaku kaku in the mouth Brain Drool Small animals of confusion Snake — Sea lion Mournful ghost Hair Commander Child-faced owl Face filled in and flattened by fear, quick sideways glance Female role, using hair as menko [ Body flattened like ] menko, mouth kaku kaku Succession not of vibrations, but smell Koharu 1 iteration Choir From the stagnation of the one hundred hair demons Crucifixion of the peacock of pain 79
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