Curriculum Vitae - Research Group of Prof. Dr. Jessen

Prof. Dr. Henning J. Jessen
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Lehrstuhl für Bioorganische Chemie
Institut für Organische Chemie
Albertstr. 21,79104 Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-6073
E-Mail: [email protected]
A. Curriculum Vitae
Personal data
Date of birth: 22.12.1978
Nationality: German
Education / Training
Dr. rer. nat.
Institution and Location
University of Hamburg
University of Hamburg
Field of Study
Medicinal Chemistry
Positions and Honors
Employment / Experience
2008 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2015
2015 present
Position, Institution, Location
Postdoctoral fellow with K. Gademann, EPFL, CH
Postdoctoral fellow with K. Gademann, University of Basel, CH
Oberassistent with Jay S. Siegel, University of Zürich, CH
SNSF Assistant Professor, University of Zürich, CH
Full Professor (W3 mit Leitungsfunktion), Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry,
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, D
Honors, Awards and Scholarships
Best Doctoral Thesis in Chemistry, University of Hamburg
DFG postdoctoral fellowship
Klaus-Grohe Award of the GDCh in Medicinal Chemistry
Liebig Fellowship of the FCI
Ambizione Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
JSP Stipend
Novartis Postdoctoral Fellowship (for Dr. Nisar Ahmed)
SNSF Professorship
Ruzicka Prize and Medal of the ETH Zürich
Ruf, Professorship for Medicinal Chemistry (Uni HH, DZIF), declined
Other Scientific Activities
Swiss Summer School in Chemical Biology, Organiser
Young Faculty Meeting Bern, Organiser
Volume Editor “Topics in Current Chemistry”
B. Publications
Number of publications: original publications: 33, reviews: 6
Five important publications
“Cellular delivery and photochemical release of a caged inositol-pyrophosphate induces PHdomain translocation in cellulo”, I. Pavlovic, D. T. Thakor, J. R. Vargas, C. J. McKinlay, S.
Hauke, P. Anstaett, R. C. Camuna, L. Bigler, G. Gasser, C. Schultz, P. A. Wender, H. J.
Jessen, Nat. Commun. 2016, 7, doi:10.1038/ncomms10622
"Pro-Metabolites of 5-diphospho-myo-inositol pentakisphosphate", I. Pavlovic, D. T. Thakor ,
L. Bigler, M. S. C. Wilson, D. Laha, G. Schaaf, A. Saiardi, H. J. Jessen, Angew. Chem. Int.
Ed. 2015, 54, 9622-9626. (Selected as Hot Paper)
“Synthesis of densely phosphorylated bis-1,5-diphospho-myo-inositol tetrakisphosphate and
its enantiomer by bidirectional P-anhydride formation”, S. Capolicchio, H. Wang, D. T.
Thakor, S. B. Shears, H. J. Jessen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 9508-9511.
“Iterative Synthesis of Nucleoside Oligophosphates with Phosphoramidites”, G. S.
Cremosnik, A. Hofer, H. J. Jessen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 286-289. (Highlighted
in ChemBioChem)
“Synthesis of Unsymmetric Diphosphoinositol Polyphosphates”, S. Capolicchio, D. T.
Thakor, A. Linden, H. J. Jessen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6912-6916. (Highlighted
in Chimia and ChemBioChem)
C. Collaborations
1. Prof. Dr. Jay S. Siegel, Tianjin University
2. Prof. Dr. Paul Wender, Stanford University
3. Prof. Dr. Adolfo Saiardi, University College London
4. Prof. Dr. Stephen Shears, NIEH, NIH
5. Keiryn Bennett Ph.D., CeMM Vienna
6. PD Dr. Dr. Daniel Eberli, University Hospital Zürich
7. Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Hottiger, University of Zürich
8. Prof. Dr. Dorothea Fiedler, FMP Berlin
9. Prof. Dr. Adam Resnick, University of Pennsylvania
10. Dr. Gabriel Schaaf, University of Tübingen
11. Prof. Dr. Ehud Landau, University of Zürich
12. Prof. Dr. Theresa B. Fitzpatrick, University of Geneva
13. Prof. Dr. Chris Barker, Karolinska Institutet
14. Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Lehn, University of Strasbourg
15. Prof. Dr. Andreas Mayer, University of Lausanne
16. Prof. Dr. Michael Hothorn, University of Geneva
17. Prof. Dr. Rashna Bhandari, CDFD, Hyderabad