Prof. Jasmin Mahadevan Professorin für Internationales und interkulturelles Management Fakultät für Technik Pforzheim University Tiefenbronner Str. 66 75175 Pforzheim Germany E-Mail: [email protected] PUBLIKATIONEN Dissertation MAHADEVAN, J. (2007). Kategorisierungen des kulturell Fremden in einer High-Tech-Firma oder: von der Schwierigkeit, eine Kartoffel in Deutschland heiß zu servieren, wenn der Herd in Indien steht., München, Deutschland. Beitrag in Zeitschrift MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Nomadic identities and workplace diversity – Implications for theory and practice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – an International Journal, 34(4), pp. 1-5. MAHADEVAN, J., & ZEH, J. (2015). Third-country graduates and their transition to the German labor market: Understanding dominant identity categories, strangerness and agency in context. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - an International Journal, pp. 325-345. MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Caste, purity, and female dress in IT India: Embodied norm violation as reflexive ethnographic practice. Culture and Organization, pp. 366-385. MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Understanding the process of intercultural negotiations through liminality: Insights on biculturality, marginality and cultural expertise from a Sino-German business context. International Journal of CrossCultural Management, 15 (3), pp. 239-258. MAHADEVAN, J. (2014). Intercultural engineering beyond stereotypes: Integrating diversity competencies into engineering education. European Journal of Training and Development, 38 (7), pp. 658-672. MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Performing interplay through intercultural simulations: Insights on tacit culture in TaiwaneseGerman management team. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 13 (3), pp. 243-263. MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Kollaborative Ansätze im interkulturellen Trainingsdreieck: Management emischer Bedeutungen am Beispiel Intercultural Engineering. Journal für interkulturelle Perspektiven, Mondial Jahresediton 2013, pp. 20-24. Mannheim. MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Translating nodes of power through reflexive ethnographic writing. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 1 (1), pp. 119-131. MAHADEVAN, J., & KLINKE, C. (2012). Failure and success stories in intercultural project management. Intercultural Engineering, Special Issue of Interculture Journal (18), pp. 59-73. 24/03/2016 1/ 3 MAHADEVAN, J., & MAYER, C.-H. (2012). Guest editorial: Collaborative approaches to intercultural engineering. Intercultural Engineering, Special Issue of Interculture Journal (18), pp. 5-15. MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Utilizing identity-based resistance for diversity change: A narrative approach. International Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25 (6), pp. 819-834. MAHADEVAN, J., MÜLLER, F., & PAUER, V. (2012). Interkulturelle Trainings: Chance oder Risiko?. Personalwirtschaft (3), 57-59. MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Indien verstehen: Kontextorientierung statt Widerspruch. SIETAR Wirtschaftsdialoge (4 (Indien)). MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Are engineers religious? An interpretative approach to cross-cultural conflict and collective identities. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 12 (1), pp. 133-149. MAHADEVAN, J., WEISSERT, S., & MÜLLER, F. (2011). From given cross-cultural difference to a new interculture: A Sino-German example. Interculture Journal (14), pp. 55-76. MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Reflexive guidelines for writing organizational culture. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 6 (2), pp. 150-170. MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Power/knowledge in postcolonial settings: The case of IT Bangalore. Interculture Journal (13), pp. 61-81. MAHADEVAN, J. (2010). Interkulturelle Kompetenz: Chance für Bikulturelle. Personal (12), 26-28. MAHADEVAN, J. (2010). Nicht jeder spricht mit jedem – Kompetenz für den Vertrieb von Investitionsgütern in Asien. Asia Bridge (10), pp. 32-33. MAHADEVAN, J. (2009). Redefining organizational cultures: An interpretative anthropological approach to corporate narratives. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 10 (1). MAHADEVAN, J. (2007). Beyond National Culture - Deutsch-indische Ingenieursarbeit aus ethnologischer Sicht. Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) (1), 11-14. Beitrag in Buch MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Performing religious diversity: Atheist, Christian, Muslim and Hindu interactions in two German research and development companies. In Gröschl, S. and Bendl. R., Managing Religious Diversity in the Workplace (Eds.) (pp. 323-341). Gower Applied Business Research (Ashgate). MAHADEVAN, J. (2014). India: An interpretative approach to a hybrid culture. In Gehrke, Bettina; Claes, Marie-Therese (Eds.), Global Leadership Practices - A Cross-Cultural Management Perspective (pp. 188-202). Palgrave Macmillan. MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). The Mandala Model of Power and Leadership: A Southeast Asian Perspective. In Prastacos, Gregory P; Wang, Fuming; Soderquist, Klas Eric (Eds.), Leadership through the Classics - Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy Prastacos (pp. 363-374). Springer. MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Interkulturalität und Dominanz: Ein kritisches Plädoyer für hierarchiefreie interkulturelle Lernsettings. In Gabriele Berkenbusch, Katharina von Helmolt, Wenjian Jia (Eds.), Interkulturelle Lernsettings: Konzepte – Formate – Verfahren (pp. 27-42). Ibidem-Verlag. MAHADEVAN, J., & KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2013). Interkulturelles Lernen im berufsbezogenen Kontext: Ein beispielhaftes Modell zur kombinierten und integrierten Kompetenzentwicklung. In Gabriele Berkenbusch, Katharina von Helmolt, Wenjian Jia (Eds.), Interkulturelle Lernsettings: Konzepte – Formate – Verfahren (pp. 151-174). Ibidem-Verlag. MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Engineering culture(s) across sites - implications for cross-cultural management of emic meanings. In Primecz, Henriette, Romani, Laurence, Sackmann, Sonja (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Management in Practice: Culture and Negotiated Meanings (pp. 156-174). E. Elgar. MAHADEVAN, J. (2009). Standortübergreifende Ingenieursarbeit als interkulturelles Projekt - vom interkulturellen Training zum Cross-Site Consulting. In Koch, Eckard / Speiser, Sabine (Eds.), Interkulturelle Projekte - Angewandte Interkulturalität (pp. 107-120). Rainer Hampp Verlag. MAHADEVAN, J. (2008). Globale Ingenieurskultur – Mythos oder Realität?. In Rösch, Olga (Eds.), Technik und Kultur, Wildauer Schriftenreihe Interkulturelle Kommunikation (pp. 84-102). Verlag News & Media. MAHADEVAN, J. (2008). Kultur als kollektive Identitäten in der Praxis: Implikationen für das Management kultureller Komplexität in Organisationen. In Koch, Eckard / Speiser, Sabine (Eds.), Interkulturelles Management – Neue Ansätze – Erfahrungen – Erkenntnisse (pp. 169-194). Rainer Hampp Verlag. 24/03/2016 2/ 3 Beitrag in Tagungsband MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Migration und Diversität in Organisationen: Der Beitrag des interpretativ-kritischen Blicks. In Klückmann, M. and Sparacio, F. (Eds.), Spektrum Migration - Perspektiven auf einen alltagskulturellen Forschungsgegenstand (pp. 85-108). MAHADEVAN, J. (2014). Migration und Diversität in Organisationen: Der Beitrag des interpretativ-kritischen Blicks. In Matthias Klückmann; Felicia Sparacio (Ed.), Spektrum Migration - Perspektiven auf einen alltagskulturellen Forschungsgegenstand. TVV-Verlag. MAHADEVAN, J., & MÜLLER, F. (2013). Reproducing dominant categories of cultural difference through linguistic discourse: Implications for critical management education and learning. In The University of Manchester Library (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies, July 10-12, 2013 (pp. 22 pages). MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Die Bedeutung von religiösen Praktiken in multikulturellen Wissenschaftsteams. In Siegfried Stumpf, Ulrike Meyer, Elke Schuch (Eds.), Technik und Kultur - anwendungsorientierte Beiträge zu einem Spannungsfeld (pp. 39-50). Pabst Science Publishers. MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Tracing the discourse of difference in migrant-host relations: A power perspective., 27th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium (pp. 25 pages). MAHADEVAN, J., & WEISSERT, S. (2012). Understanding intercultural negotiations through liminality., Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2012 (pp. 41 pages). MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Utilizing embodied emotions in ethnographic research., 2011 Symposium on Ethnography: Theory, Form and Practice, September 2011 (pp. 24 pages). MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Beyond Chinese HRM: Making sense out of cultural dimensions in a Sino-German company., EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference, June 2011 (pp. 31 pages). MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Teaching Indian culture as organizational subalterns’ means of resistance., Proceedings of the 7th International Critical Management Studies (CMS) Conference, Stream 10: Critical views across cultures, July 2011 (pp. 19 pages). ISBN 978887146778-8. MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Translating collective identities in times of organizational change: The case of an East German high-tech company., 27th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, July 2011 (pp. 29 pages). MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Caste and Purity in IT India: Insights through embodied rule violation., Proceedings of the 29th standing conference on organizational symbolism (SCOS), July 2011 (pp. 35 pages). MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Mandala conceptions of power and leadership: the Southeast Asian perspective., International Conference: Leadership and Management in a Changing World: Lessons from Ancient East and West Philosophy, June 2011 (pp. 15 pages). ISBN 978-960-9443-10-4. MAHADEVAN, J. (2010). Interkulturalität heute - wo liegen die Grenzen des kulturell Fremden in einer globalisierten Welt?. In Baudson, T.G., Seemüller, A., Dresler, M. (Eds.), Grenzen unseres Geistes (pp. 101-112). MAHADEVAN, J. (2010). Writing organizational culture - can you offer ethnography while being owned by the field?., 2nd Conference on Qualitative Research in Management and Organization, April 2010. MAHADEVAN, J. (2008). But he’s not Indian – he’s an engineer, too – contextual discourses of identity in a German high-tech company.., 24th EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies) Colloquium, July 2008 (pp. 28 pages). 24/03/2016 3/ 3
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