【連絡先入Ver.】2016.3.23 GIR 国際シンポジウム Poster

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Global Innovation Research Organization International Symposium
Development of Innovative
Biodevices Employing
Autonomous Sensing Actuator
2016 年 3 月 23 日
March 23 (Wed) 2016, 13:00∼16:35
東京農工大学 小金井キャンパス 新1号館1階 グリーンホール
Green Hall, Building #1 1st Floor, Koganei Campus
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
13:00∼13:05 Greetings, Prof. Chisato MIYAURA, Head of GIR, TUAT 13:05∼13:10 Introduction, Prof. Koji SODE, Team leader, GIR, TUAT Prof. Christopher LOWE
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Fred LISDAT
Technische Hochschule Wildau,
Prof. David KLONOFF
University of California
San Francisco, USA
Prof. Christopher LOWE, Dep. Chem. Eng. Biotech., Univ. Cambridge, UK
“Recent advances in sensor technologies for mHealthcare”
Prof. Fred LISDAT, Inst. Appl. Life Sci., TH Wildau, Germany
“3D biohybrid protein architectures on electrodes for sensor applications”
Prof. David KLONOFF, Diabetes Res. Inst., Mills-Peninsula Health Services /
School of Med., Univ. Californ. San Francisco, USA
“Overcoming barriers to an artificial pancreas”
Break Assoc. Prof. Wakako TSUGAWA, Grad. School of Eng., GIR, TUAT
“Continuous glucose monitoring employing direct electron transfer principle”
15:20∼15:40 Prof. Kenzo MAEHASHI, Grad. School of Eng., GIR, TUAT
“Development of biological sensors based on graphene transistors”
15:40∼16:00 Assoc. Prof. Ryuji KAWANO, Grad. School of Eng., GIR, TUAT
“High-throughput lipid bilayer formation using microdevices and
its applications”
16:00∼16:30 Prof. Koji SODE, Grad. School of Eng., Team leader, GIR, TUAT
“Development of innovative biodevices employing autonomous
sensing actuator” ∼science and technology for the future biosensing∼
16:30 ∼16:35 Closing Remarks, Prof. Tadashi MATSUNAGA, TUAT President
17:00 ∼20:00 Reception, 140th anniversary memorial hall “Ellipse” 3rd Floor, Multipurpose Hall
懇親会 140周年記念会館(エリプス)3階多目的ホール
【お問合せ/Contact】早出・津川・浅野研究室 / Sode – Tsugawa – Asano Lab
TEL: 内線 Ext. 7027 E-mail: [email protected]
The symposium will be held in English