Lesson 39 解答例 1. What is the tennis players holding? (テニス選手

Lesson 39 解答例
1. What is the tennis players holding? (テニス選手は何を持っていますか)
They are holding a racket.
2. Which person is the pitcher?(彼女は何を持っていますか。背景はなんですか)
The pitcher is the man who is on the left.
3. Which of these sports do you like best?(どのスポーツが一番好きですか)
I like soccer the best.
4. What is the goal keeper doing?(ゴールキーパーは何をしていますか)
He is saving a goal.
5. Which of these sports has the most team members?(どのスポーツが一番チームメンバーがいますか)
Soccer has the most members in these sports.
6. What is the boxer wearing on his hands? (ボクサーは手に何をつけますか)
He is wearing a pair of groves on his hands
7. Which of the these sports takes place in a ring? (どのスポーツがリングで開催されますか)
Boxing takes place in a ring.
8. What has the boxer just done?(ボクサーは今何をし終わりましたか)
He has just knocked out his opponent.
9. Which of these sports is the most popular in Japan?(日本では一番どのスポーツが有名ですか)
Baseball is the most popular sports in Japan.
10. Have you done any of these sports? (今までこれらのスポーツをしたことはありますか)
I have done baseball.
11. Name the three most popular sports in your country? (あなたの国で人気のスポーツを3つあげてくださ
The three most popular sports are baseball, soccer and tennis.
12. How many different sports did/do you do in high school? (高校時代、何種類のスポーツをしてましたか)
I did two different sports. Those were soccer and baseball.
13. What sports do you think is the toughest? (どのスポーツが一番大変だと思いますか)
I think Judo is the toughest sports.
14. What sport did/do you dislike at school?(学生時代どのスポーツが嫌いでしたか)
I disliked Judo at school.
15. What sport do you think is the most expensive to do in your country? Why?(あなたの国ではどのスポー
I think golf is the most expensive to do in my country.
16. Have you ever been to a sports stadium? If yes, what did you see? When did you go? How much was the
ticket? (今までスポーツスタジアムに行ったことはありますか。はいなら、何を見ましたか。いつ行きまし
I have been to s sports stadium. I saw a baseball game when I was high school student. It cost 3000 yen.
17. What sports do you consider dangerous? Would you try them?(どのスポーツが危険だと思いますかヨーロ
I consider car race is the dangerous sports. I won’t try them.
18. If you could be good at any sports, which would you choose? Why?(もしどのスポーツも得意なら、度のス
I would choose soccer because it gives people dream.
19. Do you own any sports equipment? If yes, what do you own? If no, what would you like to own? (何かス
I own a racket.
20. Have you ever been in a sports contest? (スポーツの大会にでたことはありますか)
I have never been in a sports contest..