Amsterdam Japan Practice Group アムステルダム日本担当部 Services Corporate Corporate compliance, incorporation of companies, registration of branch offices, amending articles of association, registrations and filings with Chamber of Commerce, share transfers, share issues, notarization of documents, arrange for Apostilles, board resolutions, shareholder resolutions, M&A, joint-ventures, supervisory board/structure regime, restructuring/reorganization, legal (de)mergers. Employment Advice on employment contracts, dismissal, mass dismissal/ restructuring, works councils, personal data protection/help lines, codes of ethics, sexual harassment, discrimination, advice on pension schemes, pension letters, etc. Contracts Distribution contracts, agency contracts, general conditions, contractual joint-ventures, outsourcing contracts, advice on international private law, etc. Competition law Advice on Dutch and European competition law, advice and representation in case of disputes with the relevant authorities. Set up of schemes/ training of staff to avoid competition law liabilities. Intellectual property Registration of patents, trade names, brand names, logo’s, domain names. Representation in case of disputes with third parties, set up of IP prosecution systems (to protect intellectual property rights against infringement). Real property/Environmental Transfer of real property, advice on construction law, turn-key projects, lease, etc. Representation in disputes. Advice and assistance on environmental issues, zoning plans, governmental licenses, etc.. Litigation/dispute resolution Assistance in legal disputes before courts or (international) arbitration. Negotiations in order to avoid court disputes. Corporate taxes/International tax law Advice and assistance regarding international tax structures, transfer pricing issues, local tax requirements, assistance in applying for advance tax rulings. Representation in case of dispute with the tax authorities. サービスの領域 会社法 企業コンプライアンス問題 会社設立手続き 支店の登記手続き 会社定款の変更手続き オランダ商工会議所への登記手続き 株式名義書き換え 株式発行 文書公証手続き 公的認証手続き 取締役会決議書作成 株主総会決議書作成 企業買収 ジョイントベンチャー交渉 監査役会編成 リストラ・企業再編成 企業結合・分割 雇用法 雇用契約のアドバイス 解雇問題 大量解雇とリストラ問題 労働評議会 個人情報保護とヘルプライン 社内倫理規定 セクハラ問題 差別問題 年金プランと年金通知書のアドバ イス 契約法 売買契約 代理店契約 取引条件 ジョイントベンチャー契約 外注契約 国際的私法 競争法 オランダ内国競争法及びEU競争法に関するアドバス 関係当局と紛争の際のアドバイス並びに代理行為 競争法による債務を回避するプランと従業員への教育 知的財産 特許・商標・ロゴ・ドメイン名の登録 第三者と紛争時の代理行為 知的所有権の侵害を防止する知的財産訴追システムの構築 不動産/環境問題 不動産取引 建築基準法に関するアドバイス 完成引渡し契約のプロジェクト リース契約 紛争時の代理行為 環境問題に関するアドバイスと支援 都市計画法 免許 訴訟/紛争解決 法廷訴訟になる前の紛争に関する支援あるいは(国際)仲裁交渉 法廷紛争を回避するための交渉 法人税・国際税務 国際税体系に関するアドバイスと支援 移転価格問題 内国税務要件 事前税務協議申請の支援 税務当局との紛争時の代理行為 Baker & McKenzie has been global since inception. Being global is part of our DNA. Our difference is the way we think, work and behave – we combine an instinctively global perspective with a genuinely multicultural approach, enabled by collaborative relationships and yielding practical, innovative advice. Serving our clients with more than 4,200 lawyers in more than 45 countries, we have a deep understanding of the culture of business the world over and are able to bring the talent and experience needed to navigate complexity across practices and borders with ease. © 2015 Baker & McKenzie. All rights reserved. Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam N.V. is a member of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein with member law firms around the world. In accordance with the common terminology used in professional service organizations, reference to a “partner” means a person who is a partner, or equivalent, in such a law firm. Similarly, reference to an “office” means an office of any such law firm. This may qualify as “Attorney Advertising” requiring notice in some jurisdictions. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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