7 月 24 日(金) 9:00-9:10 同時通訳研修会開会/同時通訳研修オリエンテーション 近藤 9:10 - 9:30 1 教育講演 威 「うまい同時通訳のコツ」 植村研一 9:30 - 9:50 2 教育講演 「うまい研究発表のコツ」 藤巻高光 9:50 - 10:00 JNEF Opening Address Takeshi Kondoh 10:00 - 10:50 S-1 Vascular 1 Moderator: Joji Tokugawa, Takashi Kon 1. A case of glioblastoma mimicking a diffuse arteriovenous malformation Mizuho Inoue (Saitama Medical Center/University) 2. Effective epidural blood patch method for intracranial hypotension with chronic subdural hematoma Keisuke Moriya (Tokyo Takanawa Hospital) 3. A case of spontaneous obliteration of brain arteriovenous malformation Kentaro Kudo (Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital) 4. Extravasation during transarterial glue embolization of non-sinus type transvers sinus dural AVF. A case report Noriyuki Watanabe (Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital) 5. Aneurysms at the origin of anomalous middle cerebral arteries Yu Iida (Yokohama Sakae Kyosai Hospital) 6. The efficacy of endovascular therapy for extracranial vertebral artery stenosis Yasue Tanaka (Hyogo College of Medicine) 10:50 ‒ 11:50 S-2 Vascular 2 & Spine Moderator: Hiroshi Nakagawa, Satoshi Nakamura 7. Review of the poor outcome factors in patients with putaminal hemorrhages Yusuke Kinoshita (Takikawa Neurosurgical Hospital) 8. Neurosurgical management and the outcome of patients with intracranial hemorrhagic lesions and hematological disorders: A retrospective review Daisuke Kawauchi (Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine) 9. A case of suspected pigmented villonodular synovitis Momotaro Kawai (Kameda Medical Center) 10. Decompressive surgery for high cervical stenosis in metatropic dysplasia Ryo Ando (Chiba Children’s Hospital) 11. Challenge for prevention of surgical site infection after spinal surgery Hitoshi Aiyama (Kameda Medical Center) 12. How to overcome metabolic syndrome before lumbar spine surgery? For less complications Satoshi Nakamura (International University of Health and Welfare Mita Hospital) 12:00 ‒ 12:30 Luncheon Seminar 1 座長:平 孝臣 「日本循環器学会における国際化への取り組み」 江本憲昭 神戸薬科大学 臨床薬学 教授 / 神戸大学大学院医学研究科 循環器内科学分野 客員教授 12:40 ‒ 13:10 JNEF 世話人会/Break 13:15 ‒ 14:05 S-3 Functional Disease 1 Moderator: Kiyonobu Ikezaki, Junko Matsuyama 13. The Effectiveness of Preoperative treatment over acromegaly with octreotide LAR Yuko Goto (Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine) 14. Pre- and post-operative hypothalamo-pituitary function in patients with tuberculum sellae meningioma Mami Yamashita (Kagoshima University) 15. Endoscopic surgery for obstructive hydrocephalus associated with tuberculous meningitis: a case report and review of literature Masaki Izumi (Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine) 16. Hydrocephalus associated with clinoidal meningioma, resolved after tumor removal: Case Report Hidemoto Fujiwara (Brain Research Institute) 17. Sylvian Aqueduct Syndrome and Parkinsonism in Aqueduct Stenosis; Endoscopic third ventriculostomy should be the first-line treatment Junko Matsuyama (Southern Tohoku General Hospital) 14:05 ‒ 15:05 S-4 Functional Disease 2 & Vascular 3 Moderator: Hiromichi Hosoda, Ichiro Takumi 18. Assessment of micro-lesioning effects of deep brain stimulation surgery Tomoko Hanada (Tokyo Women’s Medical University) 19. Stereotactic thalamotomy for Occupational dystonia Shiro Horisawa (Tokyo Women’s Medical University) 20. Technical consideration for safe and reliable revascularization procedure of the superior cerebellar artery and the posterior cerebral artery Hidehito Kimura (Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) 21. Critical reappraisal of “timing of surgery” issue in the management of ruptured intracranial aneurysms Soichi Oya (Saitama Medical Center/School) 22. Cerebral oximetry using near infra-red spectroscopy in carotid artery stenting and endoarterectomy Kunihiko Kodama (Nagano Municipal Hospital) 23. Hypoglossal nerve and the level of the vertebral body in the carotid endarterectomy patients Joji Tokugawa (Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital) 15:10 ‒ 15:40 Afternoon Seminar 座長:村垣善浩 「ブラジル発ロシア行き 片道切符の求め方:元チームドクターの回想録」 柳田博美 兵庫県立加古川医療センター リハビリテーション科 部長 15:40 ‒ 16:40 S-5 Physiology & Basic Science Moderator: Isao Date, Masahiro Ogino 24. Functional Independence Measure score on admission is useful to predict the length of stay at the inpatient rehabilitation facility Masayuki Ishida (Kamata rehabilitation Hospital) 25. Restoring walking ability in individuals with severe spinal cord injury using a closed-loop spinal magnetic stimulation Yaoki Nakao (National Institute for Physiological Sciences) 26. Biomechanical Analysis of Head and Neck Motions in Thrown Person by Judo Technique, Seoi- nage Masahiro Ogino (Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine) 27. Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Two Closely Related Ground Beetle Species with Marked Genital Divergence Using Pyrosequencing Kohtaro Fujimaki (Kyoto University) 28. Time course of peri-infarct depolarizations during focal brain ischemia in the awake Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Kentaro Kudo (University of Tennessee Health Science Center) 29. Is it true that cerebral spinal fluid will drain into arachnoid granules? -A preliminary study in mice Takuya Akai (Kanazawa Medical University) 16:40 ‒ 17:50 S-6 Tumor & Miscellaneous Moderator: Naokatsu Saeki, Chie Mihara 30. Sagittal suture synostosis without scaphocephalic deformation Kazuaki Shimoji (Juntendo University) 31. Use experience of new tablet packing, ESOPTM (Easy Seal Open Package) Chie Mihara (Hibino Hospital) 32. Intratumoral distribution of proliferative index in acoustic neuroma Natsuko Ito (Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences) 33. Gammma Knife surgery for Jugular Foramen Schwannomas and its result Ayaka Sasaki (Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital) 34. Staged stereotactic radiotherapy for large metastatic brain tumors treated with gamma knife radiosurgery Osamu Nagano (Chiba Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center) 35. Brain tumor image analysis using voxel-based MR group analysis Manabu Kinoshita (Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases) 36. Seizure semiology predicts mesial temporal structure onset for MRI lesional temporal lobe epilepsy Ayataka Fujimoto (Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital) 18:00 ‒ 18:30 Evening Seminar 1 座長:佐伯直勝 「ガンマナイフ治療の光と影」 芹澤 徹 築地神経科クリニック東京ガンマユニットセンター 院長 18:30 ‒ 19:00 Evening Seminar 2 座長:本郷一博 「少子化時代のこども病院と小児脳外科医」 長嶋達也 兵庫県立こども病院 院長/神戸大学連携大学院 客員教授 19:15 ‒ 21:00 Sammy’s Award & Welcome Party 7 月 25 日(土) 8:30-8:40 同時通訳研修オリエンテーション 8:40 - 9:40 同通研修(日英) 1 近藤 威 座長:赤井卓也/近藤 威 L-1「脳脊髄液は、本当に、くも膜顆粒から吸収されるのであろうか。−マウスを用いた 予備研究−」 赤井卓也(金沢医科大学) L-2「ナビゲーション支援脊椎手術の有用性と限界」 高石吉將(新須磨病院) L-3「脳虚血のオミクス研究」 細田弘吉(神戸大学) (9:40 – 9:50 9:50 –10:50 Advice & Break) 同通研修(日英) 2 座長:三原千恵/近藤 威 L-4「陸上自衛隊における衛生訓練と災害医療の実際」 魚住洋一(製鉄記念広畑病院) L-5「ヘルパーT 細胞とサイトカインによるシグナル伝達」 藤巻高太郎(京都大学) L-6「脳血管内外科治療学会ライブにおける同時通訳の経験」 原 (9:40 – 9:50 9:50 –10:50 淑恵(神戸赤十字病院) Advice & Break) 同通研修(日英) 3 座長:近 貴志/近藤 威 L-7「硬膜外傍正中頭蓋底病変に対する経鼻内視鏡手術―解剖学的・臨床的検討」 谷口理章(神戸大学) L-8「IGF-1 SD score の健康診断における測定の意義;成長ホルモン分泌異常の早期発見・ 治療」 松山純子(将道会総合南東北病院) L-9「変革するリハビリテーション-回復期リハビリテーション(病棟)の現状と未来-」 池 清信(蒲田リハビリテーション病院) 12:00 ‒ 12:30 Luncheon Seminar 2 座長:近藤 威 「震災前後のネパールの医療事情と日本の脳神経外科医のかかわり -脳神経外科専門病院における医療国際協力の現状-」 垰本勝司 医療法人社団英明会 大西脳神経外科病院 理事 神経科学研究所 所長 (共催:英明会 大西脳神経外科病院) 12:30 ‒ 12:45 President-elected Address 名取良弘 12:45 ‒ 12:50 Ken’s Award & JNEF President Award 近藤 威 12:50 ‒ 13:00 Summary 伊達 勲 13:00 Closing Remarks 近藤 威
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