垂直磁化型磁気トンネル接合素子に向けた bcc 型反強磁性薄膜の開発 169 !25"5/*7# "'5)<;@1 垂直磁化型磁気トンネル接合素子に向けた bcc 型反強磁性薄膜の開発 İ Ñ ¬ƅ * * 白 土 優 Bcc-based antiferromagnetic thin film toward perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions ƅ Bcc-based antiferromagnetic thin film toward perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions Yu Shiratsuchi * * Shiratsuchiand high integration spintronic devices, we Toward the development of low powerYuconsumption investigated the bcc-based antiferromagnetic thin film. In this scholarship, we focused on the Cr3Al(001) thin film possessing the X-phase. Based on the characteristics of the X-phase; the electrical resistivity and Toward the development of spintronic devices with low power consumption and high integration, we the X-ray diffraction, the formation of the X-phase was investigated for the several growth temperatures. investigated the bcc-based antiferromagnetic thin film. In this scholarship, we focused on the Cr3Al(001) When the growth temperature was below 673 K, the characteristics of the X-phase were observed. For the thin film possessing the X-phase. Based on the characteristics of the X-phase; the electrical resistivity growth temperatures of 773 K and 873 K, the C11b phase was detected by the X-ray diffraction. By using and the lattice spacing, the formation of the X-phase was investigated for the several growth temperatures. the synchrotron X-ray radiation measurements, it was revealed that the X-phase grown at 573 K was single When the growth temperature was below 673 K, the characteristics of the X-phase were observed. For crystalline and the lattice parameter and the axial angle were similar to those of the bulk value. the growth temperatures of 773 K and 873 K, the C11b phase was detected by the X-ray diffraction. By using the synchrotron X-ray radiation measurements, it was revealed that the X-phase grown at 573 K was single crystalline and the lattice parameter and the axial angle were similar to those of the bulk value. CB46:, y quuy\ƆźÜ[źŐXy XÆčZ¶ĬOjÞËŽÕWCiƆy uypy\Ɔô Ĕ[½è¦pyl²ƁOjƂùŋùlĐOjLXIđòMkVDjƇ°¦ıZ\ƆƂŹĽƂŪ¥ġţź¹ƂŊ ùlÆčZáīWJjĺĝ}nuzyƃ!(.4,:0* $(4+53 **,99 3,358> !$!Ƅfy % IQ[¨ WCjƇĺĝÿý»Ėƃ!(.4,:58,909:(4*, !$ »ĖƄłÜ\Ɔ!$! 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ŨZÍþ uIŘģM [ņĖ\ƆŭÂ[×ÈXŎNVDjƇYGƆ) ęū\Ɔ [ C11b(002) 30 45 60 75 Diffraction Angle, 2θ/ϖ / degree (b) 0.4 1600 1400 0.0 1200 -0.4 1000 -0.8 800 600 -1.2 dρ/dT at 80 K jÍþ uIŘģMkjƇ& Ĵ 82 őŌI !."Xq |t Intensity / arb. unit lĻOƇüŴĢïI ¢W\ƆÖĕZťÎOjÍþ u X phase(002)* bcc-based index C11b(00 2/3) Ï (ZƆüŴĢïlÚ¼MPV§ŕNSőŌ[ &$ mp Resistivity ρ at 80 K / µΩ⋅cm る 170 400 -1.6 200 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 -2.0 900 Growth Temperature / K DB(a) XRD mpGg^(b)źĝÿýĪXźĝÿ ý[ĢïªĆ[üŴĢïZgjÚ¼ FB(&- üŴĢï Ƌ ZGDVƆ!."œżZ & Ĵ 82 őŌlq |txüŴWJjLXI´HTSƇź ĝÿý«[Ģï©ÝùlÖZƆüŴĢï[ÙºX¯Z & Ĵ[ņĎù\ĄÌMkƆüŴĢï IďůĢïWCjLXI ĻÊMkjƇ§ŕNSőŌ\Ɔ¾ņĎüŴNVGiƆėÜàĆƆŦřï\¯Zu«Ó`aŎNSƇó\Ɔ§ŕN SőŌZÔijĺ¼lĻOðĺùēĈ[āŃX¯ZƆŌżÔijĊÇ[ăpny[įīlIJĀOƇ REFERENCES ƃƉƄ !;88(> 7;020) ƃƊƄ' 5,1,2/,0+, #/>9 $,<
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