石井大輔 研究業績(平成 27 年 6 月 22 日現在) 【学位論文】 Solubilization and Gelation Mechanisms of Cellulose in LiCl/N,N-dimethylacetamide (塩化リチウム/N, N-ジメチルアセトアミド中におけるセルロースの可溶化およびゲル化機構) 2005 年 3 月、博士(農学)(京都大学、農博第 1495 号) 【査読付原著論文】 1. Daisuke Ishii, Daisuke Tatsumi, and Takayoshi Matsumoto. Effect of Solvent Exchange on the Solid Structure and Dissolution Behavior of Cellulose, Biomacromolecules, 4, 1238-1243 (2003). 2. Daisuke Ishii, Daisuke Tatsumi, Takayoshi Matsumoto, Kazuki Murata, Hisao Hayashi, and Hiroshi Yoshitani. Investigation of the Structure of Cellulose in LiCl/DMAc Solution and Its Gelation Behavior by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Measurements, Macromolecular Bioscience, 6, 293-300 (2006). 3. Daisuke Ishii, Yusuke Kanazawa, Daisuke Tatsumi, and Takayoshi Matsumoto. Effect of Solvent Exchange on the Pore Structure and Dissolution Behavior of Cellulose, Journal of Appied Polymer Science, 103, 3976-3984 (2007). 4. Daisuke Ishii, Won-ki Lee, Ken-ichi Kasuya, and Tadahisa Iwata. Fine structure and enzymatic degradation of poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] and poly(lactide) stereocomplex nanofibers; Journal of Biotechnology, 132, 318-324 (2007). 5. Tang Hui Ying, Daisuke Ishii, Atsushi Mahara, Sunao Murakami, Tetsuji Yamaoka, Kumar Sudesh, Razip Samian, Masahiro Fujita, Mizuo Maeda and Tadahisa Iwata. Scaffolds from electrospun polyhydroxyalknoate copolymers: Fabrication, characterization, bioabsorption and tissue response; Biomaterials, 29, 1307-1317 (2008). 6. Daisuke Ishii, Daisuke Tatsumi, and Takayoshi Matsumoto. Effect of Solvent Exchange on the Supramolecular Structure, the Molecular Mobility and the Dissolution Behavior of cellulose in LiCl/DMAc, Carbohydrate Research, 343, 919-928 (2008). 7. Daisuke Ishii and Akira Isogai. The residual amide content of cellulose sequentially solvent-exchanged and then vacuum-dried, Cellulose, 15, 547-553 (2008). 8. Daisuke Ishii, Tang Hui Ying, Atsushi Mahara, Sunao Murakami, Tetsuji Yamaoka, Won-ki Lee, and Tadahisa Iwata. In vivo tissue response and degradation behavior of PLLA and stereocomplexed PLA nanofibers; Biomacromolecules, 10, 237-242 (2009). 9. 石井大輔, 村田一樹, 吉谷博司, 林久夫. 主鎖型液晶ポリエステルにおける相転移挙動の分子 鎖コンフォメーション依存性とせん断応力場での配向挙動, 高分子論文集 , 66, 619-626 (2009). 10. 石井大輔、巽大輔、青野初、玉井伸岳、松本孝芳.由来の異なる天然セルロースの固体構造と 1 塩化リチウム・アミド系溶媒への溶解性, 材料, 59, 273-278 (2010). 11. Daisuke Ishii, Tsuguyuki Saito, and Akira Isogai. Viscoelastic Evaluation of Average Length of Cellulose Nanofibers Prepared by TEMPO-mediated Oxidation. Biomacromolecules 12, 548-550 (2011). 12. Mako Yamamoto, Ryota Kuramae, Masahiro Yanagisawa, Daisuke Ishii, and Akira Isogai. Light-Scattering Analysis of Native Wood Holocelluloses Totally Dissolved in LiCl–DMI Solutions: High Probability of Branched Structures in Inherent Cellulose. Biomacromolecules, 12, 3982-3988 (2011). 13. Daisuke Ishii, Daisuke Tatsumi, and Takayoshi Matsumoto. Effect of Aluminum Sulfate on Dispersion State of Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose in Aqueous Solution. Nihon Reoroji Gakkashi, 40, 267-272 (2012). 14. 石井大輔, 板原一樹, 林久夫. セルロースの安息香酸・テレフタル酸混合芳香族エステル化お よび PET グラフト化, 材料, 62, 243-247 (2013). 15. Takahiko Nakaoki, Koichiro Tanigami, Daisuke Ishii, and Pieter Stroeve. Characterization of Toluene and 2-Methylnaphthalene Transport separated by Syndiotactic Polystyrene having Various Crystalline Forms, Polymer Journal, 45, 1135-1139 (2013). 16. Daisuke Ishii, Hiroki Maeda, Hisao Hayashi, Tomohiko Mitani, Naoki Shinohara, Koichi Yoshioka, and Takashi Watanabe. Effect of Polycondensation Conditions on Structure and Thermal Properties of Poly(caffeic acid), ACS Symposium Series "Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II", 1144, 237-249 (2013). 17. Takahiro Miura, Daisuke Ishii, and Takahiko Nakaoki. Production of Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s by Pseudomonas Putida cultivated in a Glycerol/Nonanoic Acid-containing Medium, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 21, 760-765 (2013). 18. 大山雅寿, 石井大輔, 松本正, 林久夫. ミクロフィブリル化セルロースの表面修飾とポリ乳酸 との複合化, 材料, 63, 297-302 (2014). 19. Daisuke Ishii, Chikara Ohashi, and Hisao Hayashi. Facile Enhancement of Deactylation Degree of Chitosan by Hydrothermal Treatment in Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquid, Green Chemistry, 16, 1764-1767 (2014). 20. Reina Tanaka, Tsuguyuki Saito, Daisuke Ishii, and Akira Isogai. Determination of nanocellulose fibril length by shear viscosity measurement, Cellulose, 21, 1581-1589 (2014). 21. Manato Sakamoto, Yuuki Kimura, Daisuke Ishii, and Takahiko Nakaoki. Biosynthesis of Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) from Amino Acids in Medium with Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Magnesium, or Some Combination of these Nutrients, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 22, 488-493 (2014). 22. Daisuke Ishii, Keisuke Ueda, Pieter Stroeve, Takahiko Nakaoki and Hisao Hayashi. Transport Properties of Chemically Crosslinked Hydroxypropyl Cellulose in Solvated State, Cellulose Chemistry 2 and Technology, in press (2015). 【査読付総合論文】 1. Daisuke Ishii, Tang Hui Ying, Tetsuji Yamaoka and Tadahisa Iwata: Characterization and biocompatibility of biopolyester nanofibers; Materials 2, 1520-1546 (2009). 2. 石井大輔, 巽大輔, 林久夫, 松本孝芳. セルロースのアミド系溶媒中での溶解,ゲル化および 誘導体化, 材料, 62, 235-242 (2013). 3. 石井大輔, 植物バイオマス由来高分子の基礎特性解析および機能材料化, 高分子論文集, 70, 449-457 (2013). 【著書】 1. 石井大輔、岩田忠久、伊藤嘉浩: ゲノム情報による医療材料の設計と開発、第 2 編 新素材 マトリクス、第 6 章 ナノファイバーハイブリッド体、シーエムシー出版、pp.165-177 (2006). 2. Hui Ying Tang, Daisuke Ishii, Kumar Sudesh, Tetsuji Yamamoka, and Tadahisa Iwata: Chapter 10: Nanofibrous scaffolds of bio-polyesters: In vitro and in vivo characterizations and tissue response Nanofibers, ed. By Ashok Kumar, Intech, Olajnica 19/2, 32000 Vulovar, Croatia, pp. 189-226 (2010). 【総説・解説・その他】 1. 石井大輔, バイオマスとしてのセルロースの利用, 龍谷理工ジャーナル, 20, 1-7 (2008). 2. 石井大輔, 小角 X 線散乱法, Cellulose Communications, 18, 41-45 (2011). 3. 西尾嘉之, 吾郷万里子, 石井大輔, 榊原圭太, 辛川誠, 西尾直高, 堀川祥生, 宮本ひとみ, 村瀬 浩貴, セルロース学会20周年記念企画「若手座談会」, Cellulose Communications, 20, 56-62 (2013) 4. 岩田忠久, 柘植丈治, 石井大輔, 未利用バイオマスからの新規バイオベースプラスチック開発 の取り組み, オレオサイエンス, 14, 123-129 (2014) 5. ロジャース有希子, 檀上隆寛, 石井大輔, 岩田忠久,天然多糖類および植物由来芳香族化合物 からの新規バイオベースプラスチックの開発, バイオプラジャーナル, 53, 12-17 (2014) 【特許・公開・出願】 1. 岩田忠久、石井大輔:ステレオコンプレックス構造を有するポリ乳酸およびその製造方法; 特願 2006-057070 2. 山崎昌男、長谷川剛、白井伸明、松本正、石井大輔、中沖隆彦:リグノセルロース含有材料 からの機能材料の製造方法;特願 2011-201199 3. 石井大輔、大橋力、林久夫、高脱アセチル化キトサンの製造方法;特願 2013-30702 3
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