オハイオ州沖縄友の会ニュースレター Okinawa Tomonokai of Ohio August 12, 2015 Newsletter Thank You, from the Tomono Kai president, Kazumi Makowski たくさんの友の会会員の皆様、出 演者の皆様、州外或いは国外から お越しいただいたゲストの皆様の ご協力のお陰をもちまして、20周年記念式典が大成 功に終わりました。当日までハラハラドキドキでした が、大きな事故もなく最後まで大勢の方々が参加いた だき楽しむことができ、心より感謝いたします。 以下は、舞台裏及び会場にて多大なるご協力をいただ いた方々です。この場をお借りして御礼申し上げます 。大変にお疲れ様でした。そして本当にありがとうご ざいました。(敬称省略) THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT ARTS & CRAFTS - Kyoko Halpin, Chris Kastner, Lori Goyer, Yoshiko Burgan, Hideko Moore, Chieko Kinjo (Naka, Okinawa) RECEPTION DESK - Yoko McClausky, Manami Onaga, Tomoko Takamatsu, Lana Millisor, Michiko Ishikawa (Chicago), Yoshiko & Richard Burgan, John Marang. TICKET SALE – Kimi Evans, Mike Muncy, Terry Makowski. USHER - Setsuko Lanning, Mieko Lizon, Kuniko Donaldson, Miyuki Brower. TABLE CENTER “CRANE” - Hideko Sakiyama, Satoko Kortlandt, Mieko Lizon, Kuniko Donaldson, Eiko Taylor, Setsuko Lanning, Mutsuko Muncy, Hideko Moore. PR /WRITING EDIT Tom McVey, Karl Kortland, Chris Kastner, Yoshie Hirahara (Saitama, Japan). PROGRAM BOOK - Tom McVey (Chief Editor), Karl & Satoko Kortlandt, Mutsuko & Mike Muncy, Eiko Taylor, Miyuki Brower, Richard Burgan. AUDIO/STAGE - Andy Lizon, Karl (MC) & Satoko Kortlandt, John Volkmar (MC), Miyuko Brower, Kuniko Donaldson, Capital Church staff. KITCHEN – Mike Moore, Nobuko Hargrave, Hatsue Rutter, Shizuko Jacobson, Akemi Bowman, Sachi Parker PERFORMANCE COORDINATION – Satoko Kortlandt, Kazuko Valkmar, Mutsumi Vargas, “ Okinawa Times” CORRESPONDENT – Kayoko Lewis (GA), ALL the stage performers and Family & Friends!!! 以下は、友の会へ寄付をして頂いた方々です。ご協力 とご支援、ありがとうございました。 THANK YOU FOR YOUR MONETARY DONATION - Dale & Shizuko Jacobson (MD), Emiko Zukeran & Yukie Saeido & Nozomi Carrao (Chicago), Mieko & Charles Cooper (MI), Joe & Faye Riehle, Takeo Ayrla (Chicago), Naoko Clark (IN), Kiyoko Lumpkin & Hisako Delves (NC), Tamiko Baka (NC), Ben & Haruko Higa (CA), Tsuyako Hyatt (GA), Eiko Hedger (MI), Kunie Morris, Kazue Motoki, Nobuko Hargrave, Denis & Itsuko Asato (MD), Momoe Onno (VA), Indiana Yuyukai, Hideko Thompson, Mike & Hideko Moore, Ikuko & Edward Nichols (Chicago), Satoko & Karl Kortlandt, Alessandra Kanashiro (family from Brazil), Takeo Kaneshiro (CA, Editor Godaishu), 2 Unknown. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATION THROUGH YOUR PROGRAM BOOK SUBMISSION - Kortlandt family, Knott family, Johnston family, McVey & Kishaba family, Takahashi family(Japan), Burgan family, Moore family, McMinn family, Lanning family, Smith family, Parker family, Larson family(NV), G. Master Kazuko Chibana Volkmar, Cincinnati Friends & families, Feld family, JASCO, Davis family(Japan), Marang family, Kim Sonsone, June McVey, Island girls, Ariake Sushi Bar, Sakai Japanese Bistro, Sushi Kingdom, Okinawa Kai of Washington DC, Okinawa Kenjinkai of Indiana, Okinawa Kenjinkai Atlanta, Sacramento Okinawa Kenjinkai, Williams family, Basho Japanese restaurant, Michigan Okinawa Kenjinkai, Japan Market Place, Muncy family, Jacksonville Okinawa Kenji Kai, Yasuko Hughes family, Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Ohio, Fayetteville Okinawa Kenjin Kai, Kastner family, Menzel family (MI), Brett family, Majikina Honryu Ryukyu Dojo(CA), Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai, Makowski family. 9月のエイサーピクニックでまたお会いいたしましょ う!(詳細は次のページをご参照下さい) See you all at our annual Eisa Picnic on September 19th! (See details on the following page) 20th Eisa Celebration and Picnic The 2015 EISA Celebration and picnic will held be on Saturday, September 19th at the Highbanks Northern shelter in Lewis Center Ohio. Please bring your favorite covered dish or dessert to share. The Kai will provide the hot dogs, burgers and bottled water. Please bring your own non water drinks, such as sodas or juices. This picnic is Free to Members – Guests are only $5 per adult. Please invite your friends and neighbors. If you bring guests, please bring extra food. The highlight of this picnic will be the Eisa dance. There will also be games and door prizes. Please mark your calendar, invite your friends and get prepared for a nice picnic at the Highbanks Park. 9:00 AM Volunteers Arrive 10:00 AM Open Doors 4:00 PM Cleanup complete Directions: From I-270, take U.S. 23 north about 3 miles. Entrance is on the left, just before Powell Road. ドアプライズに手製のクラフトや、家庭菜園の 野菜などを寄付されたい方は、必ず受付デス クで、お名前と品物の内容を登録されてくだ さい。 We will host a yard sale. Please bring the items you wish to donate. All proceeds will go to the Kai. Mark the prices as .25/ .50/ .75/ or whole dollars. If your items do not sell, then please be prepared to take them back with you. 第6回世界のウチナーンチュ大会」の開催日程が決定し ました! 世界中のウチナーンチュ及び関係者の皆様の ご参加をお待ちしております!!! 前夜祭:2016年10月26日(水) 本大会:2016年10月27日(木)~30日(日) 開会式、閉会式式典の会場として沖縄セルラースタジア ム那覇、その他の会場として奥武山公園・奥武山総合運 動公園(県立武道館含む)、自治会館、沖縄コンベンシ ョンセンターなどを予定しております。 大会前後のイベント「第40回沖縄の産業まつり(外 部サイトへリンク)」、「首里城祭(外部サイトへリン ク)」にもぜひご参加ください。 The 6th Uchinanchu Festival 2016 Oct 26th — Parade on Kokusai Dori Oct 27th-30th — Main Festival The opening and closing ceremonies will be in the Cellular stadium. Other events will be in Onoyama Park, Onoyama All Sport Park and the Okinawa Convention Center. Please consider attending some of these prefestival events: the 40th Okinawa Industry Festival and the Shuri Festival. The Shuri Festival will feature outdoor dances. This is one my favorite places to visit in Okinawa. Together, we will begin to start our travel plans in early 2016. We will help each other on this exciting journey. June McVey 5th Uchinanchu Festival - Find Karl and Satoko 6th Uchinanchu Festival Financial Report July 31, 2015 Checking Balance as of 1/1/2015 Total Deposits 1/1/2013 – 7/31/2015 Total Withdrawals 1/1/2015 – 7/31/2015 Uncashed Checks $23,954.12 +11,644.00 -13,205.74 256.58 ========== $22,648.96 Checking Balance as of 7/31/2015 Expenses Twentieth Anniversary Celebration Expenses Total Tomonokai Operating Expenses Cash out $11,912.14 $943.60 $350.00 ========== $13,205.74 Total Withdrawals 1/1/2015 – 7/31/2015 Income Membership Payments Received DVD Orders Donations Received (See attached name list) Twentieth Anniversary Ticket Sales Total Tickets 342 (18 no shows) Commemorative Program Advertising Raffle 50/50 Drawing Misc Sales Cash returned Total Deposits 1/1/2015 – 7/31/2015 1,750.00 950.00 2,176.00 1,840.00 3,450.00 429.00 320.00 379.00 350.00 ========== $11,644.00 List Of Donors (We have received generous donations from all of the following people) Alessandra & Gustavo Bergamo Kanashiro Mieko & Charles Cooper (from MI) Ben Higa & Momoe Onno Mieko Gill & TL Alard Christine & James Knott Mike & Hideko Moore Dale Fucci Mutsuko & Michael Muncy Dale & Shizuko Jacobson (from MD) Naoko Clark (Indiana Kejinkai) Denis & Itsuko Asato (from MD) (Washington, D.C. Kenjinkai) Nobuko Hargrave (from OH) Eiko Hedger (from MI) Satoko & Karl Kortlandt Emiko Mayfield Setsuko & Carl Lanning Haruko Higa (from CA) Suga & Leonard Coppola Hideko Phillips Takako Wheeler Hideko Thompson (from OH) Takeo & Yoshi Kaneshiro (Editor Godaishu) Ikuko & Edward Nichols Takeo Ayrla (Chicago Kenjinkai) Indiana Yuyukai Tamiko Baka (from NC) Joe Riehle (from OH) Tomiko & Larry Long June & Tom McVey Tsuyako Hyatt (from GA) Kayoko & Charles Longbottom Yoko & James McClusky Kiyoko Lumpkin & Hisako Delves (from OH) Yoshie & Paul Schroeder Kunie Morris (from OH) Yoshiko Parsons Masako Linda Callahan Anonymous 1 Michiko & Bill Brett Anonymous 2 Emiko Zukeran, Yukie Saeido, Nozomi Carrao (Chicago Kenjinkai) Prepared by Yoshiko Burgan, Treasurer & Richard Burgan, Assistant Treasurer
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