Abundance ratios of nuclear spin isomers are considered as a powerful tool to investigate physical environments where molecules formed and have experienced in space. In this article, the author would introduce the study on the molecules of cometary ices in our Solar system which was formed 4.6 G years ago, and also introduce other studies related to the nuclear spin isomers of some molecules in the universe. Key words: nuclear spin isomer, infrared spectroscopy, astronomy ^_`a (Ib1/2) 1]cd'F#2 * ($%ef(&gK8! U234^_`a(h *8!3 &hK8!\ ij'kl im$l ("](n'1) o ^_`apqBn'( i^_`an' (nuclear spin isomer)l 3 P ) r Unuclear spin modification 3P3*2 +, s-.-]3( ,t4!(/8 !u(Kvw2)\ ^_`a n'4 Oxy &gz0OQ UM124 {|3^_`a1]Q\ 1 1. ]}~ ,t4 ^_`an' 100 34(5@3!(KC !3 6 v 3'! 722 1940 !"#" CN $%&'( ) * + ,- ! 2. . *! 2006 / 100 01( #" 2345(67 (89:4 ; 46 8!3 1 * (4#"3 v 10 K <=(_ U'># 9:;<=#(>?@3! 9 ! \ ? !3 *( A(<3$%&'B- ( !3@S(B4 ? C)D3EFGH(1I J Q9:) M Q9:(6)4 K8!*(LK C ! iQABl v _'>#(B 3 M (N14O (QAB(A6 2P8!K3 4 *1*1 383' !3 64 C OQ(R S! 71TN D E#F3G3/ B 1<3K UV3WXYZQ 27T !3B3 H(H!IK) [)!(R2\ O4"](OQ^ OQ^4 ¡(e3!. U/1 i6(K/ l 3K J3¢KrC 13 £3H 128K\ *(L'4 Nuclear Spin Isomers of Cometary Molecules Hideyo K6L6@>I6 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University) ῌ603ῌ8555 ³X´Y®µZ,¶ ³X·¸[\@[¹¹ TEL: 075ῌ705ῌ1612, FAX: 075ῌ705ῌ1640 36 9:(67 ¤M¥f¦ km <=(§¨©)(N (ª2) i« O¬l P (« O ¬ B i6^l P3 G(Q4®R !3 6^4ST49:¯BU °V ±%!3 W%K8!9:²qB ] º ^ » W4Olmn'2 1 _,r:lmn'2iῌ O lm8{- :~; j (10 K) OCK³k H2 H2O H2CO H2CCO H2CS H2CCC c-C3H2 H2CCCC NH3 CH3CCH CH3CN 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 ´1.2 1.6·2.6 3.5¸0.6 1.8¸0.3 5.9¸2.0 2.4¸0.1 4.2¸1.5 1.3·1.7 ´1 0.75¸0.10 F l5OC A¥´100 KE 0µ¶ 1.7´3.0 ´3 3.2¸0.8 ´2.5 1.8¸0.5 ´1 ´1 ´1.2 2.6 ῌIrvine -4M5)¹mZnº . 1980 <L=">!" H2O OC;?-&O"5> !" .i@?VA :~;-dH/.; #$%&' (&)*+ !"*, H&) H2 O2B.&) -./012 ! 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