Five Years Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Crisis: FMU International Symposium Date : March 8th (Tue), 2016, 10 : 00 ‒ 17 : 00 Venue : Fukushima Medical University (FMU) Auditorium (1 Hikariga-oka, Fukushima City) Organizer : Fukushima Medical University Co-organizers : Fukushima Prefecture, Hiroshima University, Nagasaki University, Radiation Effects Research Foundation The Subcommittee of Clinical Medicine :“Radiation Protection and Risk Management,” Science Council of Japan Program 10 : 00-11 : 00 Opening Session Opening Remarks : Dr. Shin-ichi Kikuchi, President of FMU A few words from government guests Messages from international organizations : IAEA, ICRP, UNSCEAR, WHO 11 : 00-11 : 30 Plenary Address Mr. Masao Uchibori, Governor of Fukushima Prefecture 13 : 00-17 : 00 Special Lecture Chair : Dr. Ohtsura Niwa, RERF Speaker : Mr. Jacques Lochard, ICRP “Dialoguing with people as a radiological protection professional : lessons from the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents.” Special Presentation :“Voice of Fukushima residents” Chair : Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, Nagasaki University, FMU ・Ms. Ryoko Ando (Ethos in Fukushima)・Ms. Chiharu Ito (Kindergarten Teacher) ・Ms. Mayumi Otsuki (Date City Resident) FMU Presentation :“As a Fukushima resident and medical doctor” Chair : Dr. Akira Ohtsuru, FMU ・Dr. Aya Goto, Department of Public Health, FMU ・Dr. Sanae Midorikawa, Department of Radiological Health Management, FMU Panel discussion Chair : Dr. Kenji Kamiya, Hiroshima University, FMU ・Ms. Ryoko Ando, Ms. Chiharu Ito, Ms. Mayumi Otsuki, ・Dr. Aya Goto, Dr. Sanae Midorikawa Message from a student of FMU Ms. Moe Sekine Closing Remarks : Dr. Hitoshi Ohto, Vice President of FMU Secretariat Fukushima Medical University Office of International Cooperation Tel:+81-24-573-1501 Registration/ Inquiry c/o Convention Linkage, Inc. Tel:+81-22-722-1657 Fax:+81-22-722-1658 E-mail : [email protected] Technical Meeting on Radiation, Health and Healing Training Meeting on Workshop on Radiation, Health and Society: Radiation Leading Education Change after Fukushima 9 – 11 March, 2016 Venue: Fukushima Medical University, Japan 9-10, Mar: Building 8 N301 (3F); 11 Mar: Building 7 (2F) Organized by IAEA and Fukushima Medical University Page |and 1 co-supported by the Hiroshima University, Nagasaki University, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, National University of Singapore English – Japanese Simultaneous Translation Technical Meeting プログラム 時間 内容 3 月 9 日(火) 13:30~13:50 (8号館 N301) 開会式 ・菊地臣一理事長 ・Dr. Abdel Wahab(IAEA) 13:50~17:50 (8号館 N301) セッション1:専門家と学生のコミュニケーション 座長:ケネス・ノレット先生、Dr. Abdel Wahab Curriculum Renewal at Fukushima Medical University: An Innovation Journey ・Dr. Penelope Engel-Hills(Cape Peninsula University of Technology) ・ Dr. Kathy Hibbert(University of Western Ontario) ICRP Dialog Project ・ Mr. Jacques Lochard(ICRP) Reflections on radiation risk communication – the importance of using narratives ・Dr. Kwan Hoong Ng(University of Malaysia) Radiation Education before and after 3.11 in Japan ・小松真理子先生(広島大学) 座長:Dr. Kathy Hibbert、大津留晶先生 What we could do to understand the fear ・ 及川孔 君(医大学生) New educational approach to students: from classroom to society ・熊谷敦史先生 Challenge to provide classes on thyroid ultrasound examinations for the elementary and junior high school students ・緑川早苗先生 Experience of the radiation risk communication by a pediatrician in Fukushima ・市川陽子先生(市川クリニック) 3 月 10 日(水) 9:20~12:30 (8号館 N301) Page | 1 セッション2:ステークホルダーの意志決定支援 座長:大戸斉先生、Dr. Kwan Hoong Ng Emergency Medicine: A History and Critique ・Dr. Gregory Clancey( National University of Singapore) Getting high school students actively involved in understanding the radiological situation in Fukushima ・早野龍五先生( 東京大学) Overview of health impacts caused by the Fukushima nuclear disaster and our opportunity to ‘Build Back Better’ ・越智小枝先生(相馬中央病院) 座長:神谷研二先生, Dr. Jaques Lochard Clinical and Morphological Presentation of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Children and Adolescents of Belarus ・Dr. Valentina Drodz(Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education) Decision making aid for stakeholders ・Dr. William Summerskill(Lancet) Challenges to overcome social gaps through coproduction: Kashiwa’s practical experience as a radioactive ‘hotspot’ after 3.11 ・五十嵐泰正先生(筑波大学) 13:30~17:30 (8号館 N301) 17:15~17:30 Page | 2 セッション3:放射線災害に関する新しい教育 座長:山下俊一先生, Dr. William Summerskill Establishment of Disaster and Radiation Health Science Joint Degree ・高村昇先生(長崎大学) Education in Medical Radiation Emergency Management – Present and future concepts in Germany ・Dr. Rita Schneider(University Hospital Wuerzburg) Education for Radiation Emergency: Perspective of Physicians Involved in Radiation Medicine - Our Responsibilities and Our Possible Roles ・田巻倫明先生 New Horizons for Education in Radiation Emergency ・Dr. Prasit Wuthisuthimethawee(Prince of Songkla University) 座長:谷川攻一先生, Dr. Gregory Clancy Education and Research at Hiroshima University from Health Science Point of View ・浦邉 幸夫先生(広島大学) Social Media, Risk Perception and Public Behaviour ・Dr. Chung, Ik Jae(Seoul National University) Radiation education to medical residents and students - Understanding and risk perception of radiation – ・松田直樹先生(長崎大学) シンガポールカンファランス案内 ・Dr. Gregory Clancy 閉会の辞 ・谷川攻一先生 Workshop on Radiation, Health and Society: Radiation Leading Education Change after Fukushima Date: 11 March, 2016 Venue: Language: Fukushima Medical University, Building 7 (2F) English, Japanese Time: 9:30 ~ 13:00 Chaired by: 1) Dr. Penelope Engel - Hills 2) Dr. Arifumi Hasegawa TIME 10:00 ~ 12:00 12:00 ~ 13:00 PROGRAM Candidate Foreign Speakers Dr.Penelope Engel – Hills, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Health and Wellness Science, Cape Peninsula University of Technology Dr. Kathy Hibbert, University of Western Ontario Train the trainer concept evaluation: Dr. Tsuyama, Dr. Murakami and Dr. Kumagai have short training sessions (Problem-based learning and General health consultation exercise) and evaluate their training success/impact Evaluation of integration and implementation of STS in FMU medical curriculum Lunch Time: 13:00 ~ 15:15 Chaired by: 1) Dr. May Abdel Wahab 2) Dr. Akira Ohtsuru TIME 13:00 ~ 15:00 (14:46) 15:00 ~ 15:15 Page | 3 PROGRAM Roundtable Discussion for the next steps/new activities for future Round table for achievements, future and issues Moment of reflection for victims of Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Closing Remarks Dr. Ohtsuru
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