Curriculum Vitae Roland Hausser

Curriculum Vitae
Roland Hausser
Prof. em. for Theoretical and Computational Linguistics
Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
1974: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Department of Linguistics. Thesis advisor: Professor Stanley Peters.
1981: Dr. phil. habil., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Germany
1974-1988: Assistent, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Germany
1978-1980: Research Grant, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany
1983-1988: Heisenberg Grant, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany
1988-1989: Research Scientist at the Laboratory for Computational Linguistics (LCL)
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
1989-2011: Professor for Theoretical and Computational Linguistics
Director of the Laboratory for Computational Linguistics
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
1997-2001: President of the Society for Linguistic Data Processing (GLDV)
two terms, Germany
Research stays (visiting scholar):
1978-1979: Department of Philosophy, The University of Pittsburgh, USA
1979-1980: Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, USA
1983-1984: Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, USA
1984-1986: Center for Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, USA
1986-1987: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA
1987-1989: Laboratory for Computational Linguistics, Carnegie-Mellon University,
presenting a talk on Montague grammar
Seoul 1982
taking a break from programming the NEWCAT parser
Stanford 1985
photo for the translation of NLC into Chinese
Nürnberg 2015