Ancient Ports and Harbours Volume I: The Catalogue 5th edition (March 2016) Arthur de Graauw Cover: Claude Monnet at the port of Le Havre, 1872 Impression, soleil levant Ancient Ports and Harbours Contents Volume I 1 2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 What?................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Why? ................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 How? ................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Splitting up ........................................................................................................ 8 1.5 What next?........................................................................................................ 9 1.6 Towards a data base ......................................................................................... 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1 Ancient Authors .............................................................................................. 12 2.2 Modern authors .............................................................................................. 19 3 THE CATALOGUE OF PORTS ............................................................................................................... 24 4 POTENTIAL ANCIENT HARBOURS ................................................................................................... 391 4.1 A Catalogue of ancient harbours .................................................................. 391 4.2 A list of modern shelters ............................................................................... 391 4.3 Results ........................................................................................................... 392 4.4 Analysis ......................................................................................................... 392 4.5 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 394 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 3 Ancient Ports and Harbours 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 What? This work presents work done to collect, identify and locate ancient harbours and ports. It is based on a study of existing documentation. The result is a list of over 4000 ancient ports based on the writings of 68 ancient authors and a few modern authors, incl. the Barrington Atlas. A harbour is a place where ships can seek shelter. The concept of ‘shelter’ has to include anchorages, landing places on beaches, and ports including structures such as access channels, breakwaters, jetties, landing stages, quays, warehouses for storing commodities and equipment, shipsheds and slipways. Shelters of interest for this catalogue include all places which may have been used by seafarers sailing over long distances. Villae maritimae are also of interest, but shelters the likes of local fishermen, who may have landed their boats on the beach in front of their homes, are of less interest. In another limitation, only maritime harbours and some river ports that could be reached by deep sea ships are considered. Ancient seafarers often used beaches to land their ships on. It may be noted that a 37 m military trireme with 170 ‘strong’ oarsmen could be hauled on the beach if the slope was mild enough, say no more than 1: 7 (about 15%) which was also a maximum for slipways (Blackman, 2013). This requires sand of a certain grain size (Komar, 1998): the very fine sands (or silts) found in large deltas yield a very flat slope which keeps ships far from land. Conversely, a shingle beach has a steep slope that is dangerous for landing ships on. During military expeditions, 200 people had to be fed on board triremes. It was impossible for ship masters to fill their ships with tons of food. In the absence of ports, ship pilots had to find beaches with a degree of shelter where drinking water could be found, and river estuaries could provide both. The Stadiasmus (from an anonymous author) is an example of a collection of such knowledge, and can be considered the ancestor of medieval portolans and modern nautical instructions. Commercial ships obviously preferred sheltered creeks, possibly with some kind of jetty, as their ships were too heavy to be pulled on the beach. Seafarers obviously preferred shelters with clear landmarks on shore (such as a typical mountain) and many shelters were needed, as seafarers often followed the coast, using safe shelters to stop overnight and escape bad weather. Even though they could sail 50 to 100 nautical miles in a day (see Vol III, “Ancient Measures”), it was important to know where they could find safe shelter within two to three hours of navigation, i.e. only approx. 10 miles (Capt. Maurice MATTEI, “Observations sur le Cap Corse de la carte de Ptolémée”, A Cronica, octobre 2001). With the length of the Mediterranean coast being around 25 000 nautical miles (according to Wikipedia), as an order of magnitude, they would hence have required a total of 2 500 shelters around the Mediterranean Sea. The present work collects about 3000 ports and shelters around the Mediterranean Sea between Gibraltar and Tangier (excluding the Black and Red seas). This shows that we probably found a fair percentage of them. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 4 Ancient Ports and Harbours Many of these sheltered creeks still exist today, but large changes have sometimes occurred: • • • • • • crustal movements (e.g. Alexandria, Crete) which explain why some ancient ports are buried under the modern ports; A eustatic sea level rise of 0.30 to 0.50 m over the past 2000 years (see Nic Flemming’s work and Morhange, 2014); seismic events inducing tsunamis which devastated adjacent coastal plains (e.g. Crane/Agrostoli); river estuaries usually tend to silt up, as rivers carry most of the materials that create beaches, and this explains why some ancient ports are now so far from the sea (e.g. Portus at Fiumicino, Ephesus) or have simply filled up with sand (e.g. Leptis Magna); in some large cities, the ‘old port’ has been reclaimed to create a new waterfront area (e.g. Marseille); beaches are subject to sedimentation and erosion by wave action, and the latter explains why some ancient ports were lost to the sea (e.g. in Tunisia). It should be noted also that ports mentioned here have been collected from texts of various dates ranging from 500 BC (except for Homer) and 500 AD (with a few exceptions), that is 1000 years. The various authors have not seen the same things … and some authors have just repeated what others wrote before them! We finally came up with a list of over 4000 ports and shelters based on the texts of 68 ancient authors and a few modern authors. We reviewed French translations of the ancient texts looking for explicit mentions of ports, shelters and anchorages. After that, it was decided to include all coastal sites mentioned in the Periples and in the Barrington Atlas. On rivers, the limit was to include only the places that could be reached by sea ships. We had to stop the list somewhere … Finally, we added over 200 places that are mentioned in modern nautical guides ("pilot") as “excellent shelters”, and which may be considered as “Potential Ancient Harbours”. Most of the ports are just mentioned by the ancient authors without any further description. Only a few ports are described in some detail: Rome and its 4 ports (Portus Tiberinus, Portus Claudius, Portus Trajanus and Ostia) by Suetonius (Claude, Chap. 20), Pliny the Elder (Histoire Naturelle, Livre 16, Chap. 76 & Livre 36, Chap. 14) and by Dio Cassius (Livre 60, Chap. 11), Athens and its 4 ports at The Piraeus (Kantharos, Munychia, Zea) and Phaleron by Pausanias (Livre 1, Chap. 1) and Pliny the Elder (Histoire Naturelle, Livre 4, Chap. 11), Alexandria and its 2 matitime ports (Portus Magnus, Eunostos) by Strabo (Livre 17, Chap. 1) not to speak about its river ports and its archaic port which is not mentioned by the ancients but is most probably the one meant by Homer (Odyssey, 4, 350), Carthago and its 2 ports (commercial port and military port with its famous cothon) by Strabo (Livre 17, Chap. 3) and Appian (Libyca, Chap. 96). These are indeed the four most important ports in antiquity. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 5 Ancient Ports and Harbours 1.2 Why? But why did he undertake such huge work, as he had a job and a family?! Only a true collector could do this … After spending several decades on the planet’s coasts as a coastal engineer, and sailing and diving in the Mediterranean, I felt the need to go back to the source of ancient ports. It all started with the text of Vitruvius, and then, other texts mentioning ports followed. By the way, interest for ancient ports seems to increase these days, as in 2008 a complete congress session was devoted to them with about ten publications1, then in 2011 a symposium with about fourty publications2. It was (much) more work than I thought! … I started in September 2010 and continued until 2016, spending thousands of hours. The present 5th edition includes the links to the wellknown web sites Peiades and DARE. It also includes new information on the remains still on site, and on the founding dates of the settlements. The list of ports is long but surely still incomplete: I must have missed mentions of ports in the texts, forgotten some texts, ignore some authors and been mistaken on some port locations … This work is only the base required to build a more complete and precise catalogue. 1.3 How? This work would not have been possible without several web sites providing French translations of ancient Latin and Greek authors. The sites which gave me most information were: of Philippe Remacle & co, an extraordinary site where I found most of the ancient texts, of Agnès Vinas Maps can be found on the latter web site where atlasses of Carrez (1886) and Perthes (1893), the beautiful maps of Ambroise Tardieu (1821)3 can be found. More maps are on: (see « cartes anciennes ») and of course, the monumental Barrington Atlas (2000)4, now available online at: Online encyclopedias used were mainly: Hazlitt’s Classical Gazetteer (1851): 1 ROMA 2008, Meetings between cultures in the ancient Mediterranean, Bollettino di Archeologia on line I 2010/ Volume speciale B / B7 / 1. 2 Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to Byzantium. Recent Discoveries & New Approaches, Istanbul, Mai 2011, summary available on: 3 Part of his maps were used to illustrate the new edition of 1821 of the « Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce » compiled by the abbé J.-J. Barthélemy in 1788. 4 Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Richard J.A. Talbert (ed.), Princeton University Press, 2000. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 6 Ancient Ports and Harbours Paulys Realencyclopädie (1893-1980) (partly available online): enschaft Pleiades with a fabulous list of places deduced from the Barrington Atlas: DARE (Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire) with very accurate positioning of places: . Wikipedia is a great source of information on authors and on the history of cities. Google’s power was decuplated when it could penetrate into documents made available on the web. Google Earth and Google Maps enable to localize forgotten creeks offering good shelters for ships. Last but not least, I obtained precious help from several experts I would like to thank here: José Manuel de la Pena du Cedex-Cepyc from Madrid for the Spanish ports, Leopoldo Franco from the University of Rome for the Italian ports, Nicolas Carayon from the University of Lattes for the Punic and Phenician ports, Hariclia Hampsa from Studiomateria for the ports in Crete, Theotokis Theodoulou from the University of Athens5 for the ports of Lesbos and Cyprus, Nic Flemming from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, for his 2002 list, Roberto Reigosa Mendez from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Hosni Kitouni from Constantine in Algeria, Aggeliki Simosi from the Ephorat of Marine Antiquities in Athens for the Greek ports, Thibaut Castelli from the University of Reims for the Black Sea ports, Antonio Sciarretta from Toponomastica for his work on ancient toponymy, Jonatan Christiansen from the Université of Lyon 2 for the ancient lighthouses, Vasif Sahoglu from Ankara University for his work on Clazomenae/Liman Tepe, Souen Fontaine from the University of Aix-Marseille for his work on Fossae/Fos, Andreas Vött from the University of Mainz for his work on paleotsunamis, Anis Chaaya from the Lebanese University for his work on Beirut, Korhan Bircan from the University of Ankara (METU) for the Turkish ports, Viktor Vakhonieiev from the University of Kiev for his work in Crimea, Jean-Pierre Misson for his knowledge of Libyan coastal sites, Michael McCormick from the Harvard University for his publishing the Catalogue under his DARMC, Chiara Maria Mauro from the University of Pisa for her impressive scrutiny and knowledge of ancient texts, Ameur Younes from the University of Tunis for his work on Thapsus, Hans Burcharth from Aalborg University for his knowledge of breakwaters, Patrick Verdet for his discovering the « Actium relief » at the Paris Grand Palais 2014 exhibition, Loïc Ménanteau from the University of Nantes for his knowledge of the Guadalquivir area, Antonia Arnoldus-Huyzindveld from Digiter for our fruitful discussions on Portus, Christophe Morhange from Cerege for knowing so many ancient ports, 5 Cf. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 7 Ancient Ports and Harbours Pascal Arnaud from University of Lyon for knowing so many ancient ports, Mark Wilson from the Asia Minor Research Center for telling me about Trogyllium, Alkiviadis Ginalis from University of Bremen for his knowledge of Thessalia. 1.4 Splitting up Considering the large volume of documents, this work is finally split up into four volumes: Volume I: Catalogue of Ancient Ports Volume II: Citations of Ancient Authors Volume III: Ancient Port Structures Volume IV: Stories of Ancient Sailors Volume I thus provides the list of ancient ports and harbours with latitude/longitude positioning, and a list of ancient and modern authors that were studied. It was found that some ancient ports were not mentioned by the ancient authors and it was therefore decided to study some modern authors who had the same goal of making a catalogue of ports: Karl Lehmann-Hartleben (1923), Albert Grenier (1934), Honor Frost (1963), D.J. Blackman (1982), the Barrington Atlas (2000), N. C. Flemming (2002), Getzel Cohen (1995 & 2006), Tiverios (2008), Nicolas Carayon (2008), Helen Dawson (2013) and Anton Gordieiev (2015). These ports were included into this Volume I, but without taking over the full texts in Volume II. Finally, I added over 200 places that are mentioned in modern nautical guides ("pilot") as “excellent shelters”, and which may be considered as “Potential Ancient Harbours”. Volume II provides the citations of the ancient authors, in French. In order to ease future research names of ports were highlighted in yellow. References are usually given as « authors, work, book, chapter », with some small variations depending on the works and the translators. In the texts of the citations, I allowed myself a few small changes on punctuation or typos (obvious scanning OCR mistakes). I sometimes included a small comment [ xxx ]. Text truncations are usually indicated by […]. Volume III presents: Some notes on ancient ships and galleys ; Some remarks on ancient measures and on ancient maps ; Around 150 AD, Claudius Ptolemy explicitly mentioned about one hundred ports with latitude and longitude positioning which require some corrections that are studied here ; Some comments on ancient port structures, like Vitruvius’ methods, reinforced concrete, harbour silting-up, pierced stones, breakwater remains and failure of breakwaters; Some thoughts on the design of several ancient ports (Alexandria, Apollonia, El Hanieh, Leptis Magna, Marius’ canal, Narbonne, Portus). Volume IV provides around twenty stories of ancient sailors … just for the pleasure of reading, in French. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 8 Ancient Ports and Harbours 1.5 What next? Nothing is perfect, nothing is final. This catalogue can surely be improved, e.g. by means of a modern guide of marinas and anchorages such as those used by modern sailors. Google Earth will again be of great help to identify harbours that may have been of nautical interest to ancient sailors. On the model proposed by Theotokis Theodoulou in his “Limenoscope”, a data base might be built on multiple criteria as listed hereafter (but it will have to be maintained afterwards …). DARE (Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire) goes along this line withg nearly 30 000 places. Collective work is organized on Wikipedia and on Pleiades with even more places. And … perhaps one day, we will be able to reconstitute complete coastal and offshore navigation trade routes with all their potential shelters. 1.6 Towards a data base For this catalogue to survive and improve, it may be worth thinking about a data base, with the following possible information items for each port: Names of the ancient port o Ancient o Modern Localisation o Country o Latitude (decimal degrees, N/S) o Longitude (decimal degrees, E/W) Culture o Egyptian o Minoan o Mycenaean o Punic o Greek o Hellenistic o Roman o Multiple Date of initial construction o Date BC/AD o century BC/AD o unknown Size o International port (mainly offshore and long distance traffic) o Local port (mainly coastal traffic) o Anchorage (e.g. estuaries, creeks) o Landing stage (e.g. wharf on piles, without any protection from waves/currents) o Beaching Site o Offshore (sheltered by islands, reefs, shoals) Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 9 Ancient Ports and Harbours Insular (on an island, between two islands) Coastal sea side: Inside a gulf, large bay (delimited by one or two capes) Inside a bay, sandy creek (delimited by one or two capes) Inside a rocky creek, “calanque” On a straight coastline (usually on the beach) Inside an estuary, ria, river outlet On a rocky promontory On a sandy isthmus o Coastal margin Sublittoral lagoon Fluvial Sedimentology o Rock o Sand and silt o Mud Use o Religious o Military o Commercial (including passengers, slaves, prisoners, soldiers) Bullion metals Building stones Ceramics (dishes, tiles) Bulk in bags (cereals) Liquids in amphoras (olive oil, wine, brine fish) Fish or fruit in amphoras General cargo (bags, pallets, etc.) Layout o Port with one single basin o Port with several independent basins o Complex port with several interrelated basins, outer and inner ports Structures (initial and/or 21st century remains) o Breakwater and “enveloping moles”, jetty perpendicular to the coast Natural rocky spit (dug to accommodate a quay) Rubble mound breakwater (made of rubble and rock) Vertical breakwater (massonry, caissons, pilae) Other o Closed port, kleistos limen (fortified walls, chain at the entrance) o Basin with cothon (dug in the rock) Traces of dredging Other o Quay, interior jetty Dug in the rock Opus quadratum without any binder Massonry with binder o o Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 10 Ancient Ports and Harbours Underwater concrete with pouzzolana (opus caementicium) Other o Landing stage Wooden wharf on piles Other o Mooring system Mooring bollard Pierced stone Metal ring Other o Unloading system o Maritime road o Canal (navigation, basin flushing) o Land-fill, storage yard o Warehouse o Shipyard o Slipway (slope, sheds) o Lighthouse, landmark o Ship wreck o Other particularity References o Ancient authors Name Work (title, book, chapter) Translator (name, date) o Modern authors Name Work (title, book, chapter) Editor Date www (online reading) Notes This work must be seen as an uncomplete collection of ports and the geolocation is sometimes a bit speculative. This work needs to be corrected and completed. So, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions. The present fifth edition of this catalogue (March 8th, 2016); it comes after a fourth edition (January 1st, 2014), a third edition (February 26th, 2013), a second edition (March 29th, 2012) and a first edition (September 19th, 2011). This work is now online, where I hope it will Grenoble, March 2016 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 11 Bibliography of Ancient Authors 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY The largest ancient contributors to this catalogue are Strabo and the Stadiasmus with around 300 ports mentioned explicitly: Stadiasmus: 383 Strabo: 314 Antonine: 218 Scylax: 176 Ptolemy: 149 Arrian: 146 Pliny the Elder: 138 Titus Livius: 100 Thucydide: 53 Plutarch: 51 Pausanias: 40 and for modern authors: Barrington (2000) / PLEIADES (2015): around 3000 coastal sites Ahlfeldt / DARE (2015): around 3000 coastal sites Flemming (2002): 1055 Lehmann-Hartleben (1923): 303 Gordieiev (2015): 205 Dawson (2014): 184 Carayon (2008): 183 Cohen (1995 & 2006): 91 Tiverios (2008): 75 Hazlitt’s Classical Gazetteer (1851): 68 Paulys Realencyclopädie (1893-1980): 67 2.1 Ancient Authors The ancient authors are usually historians, philosophers or poets, but the geographers retained most of our attention for this work: Strabo, Pausanias, Pliny the Elder, Ptolemy, Avienus, Mela and others, some anonymous, who tell about their journeys like Antonine, Scylax, Scymnos, Pytheas, Hannon, Odysseus, Aeneas, Jason, Arrian in the Black Sea, Anonymous in the Red Sea. The French translations of ancient texts that mention ports are available as a pdf version in Volume II of this work: « Citations of Ancient Authors ». The links to (mostly French) translations available on the web are also given hereunder. The list of ancient authors is given in alphanumerical order. You will have to forgive the French habit to “francize” names. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 12 Bibliography of Ancient Authors • AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS (330 - 400 AD) : Histoire de Rome • ANONYMOUS (6th or 5th century BC) : Périple d’Hannon en Afrique de l’Ouest • ANONYMOUS (middle of 1st century AD) : Periplus Maris Erythraei - Périple en Mer Erythrée (Red Sea) • ANONYMOUS (around 2nd century AD) : Stadiasmus Maris Magni • ANONYMOUS (1st to 3rd century AD) : The Bible • ANONYMOUS (between 4th and 6th century AD, after Pascal Arnaud, Genoa, 2004) : Itinerarium Maritimum - Itinéraire Maritime • ANTIPATER of THESSALONICA (1st century BC) : Epitaphs (VII in Greek Anthology) • Sidonius APOLLINARIS (430 – 486 AD) : Poésies • APOLLODORUS of ATHENS (2nd century BC) : Bibliothèque • APOLLONIUS of RHODES (295 - 215 BC) : Les Argonautiques en Méditerranée en Mer Noire • APPIAN of ALEXANDRIA (ca. 95 - 165 AD) : Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine Ibérique, Mithridatique, Hannibalique et Libyca • APULEIUS (ca. 125 - 170 AD) : L’âne d’or or les Métamorphoses • ARRIAN of NICOMEDIA (86 - ca. 160 AD) : Expéditions d’Alexandre Périple de la Mer Noire Périple de l'Océan Indien et de la Mer Noire Indica • ATHENAEUS of NAUCRATIS (ca. 200 AD) : Deipnosophistes or Le Banquet des Savants • AUSONIUS (310 - 395 AD) : Ordo Urbium • AVIENUS (4th century AD) : Les Régions Maritimes (Ora Maritima) • CASSIODORUS (485 - 580 AD) : De l’Âme • Julius CAESAR (100 - 44 BC) : La Guerre Civile Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 13 Bibliography of Ancient Authors La Guerre des Gaules La Guerre d’Alexandrie La Guerre d’Alexandrie • CICERO (106 - 43 BC) : Lettres à Atticus • DEMOSTHENES (384 - 322 BC) : Apollodore contre Polyclès Androclès contre Lacrite Ctesippos contre Leptine • DENYS of HALICARNASSUS (ca. 60 av J-C. - 8 AD) : Antiquités Romaines • DENYS of CHARAX PERIEGETES (around 1st century AD) : La Périégèse • DIODORUS of SICILY (1st century BC) : Histoire Universelle • DIO CASSIUS (ca. 155 - 235 AD) : Histoire Romaine • Valerius FLACCUS (around 90 AD) : Les Argonautiques en Méditerranée et Mer Noire • Josephus FLAVIUS (37-100 AD) : Guerre des Juifs Antiquités Judaïques Vie • HERODOTUS (ca. 485 - 425 BC) : Histoire • HOMER (8th century BC) : Iliade Odyssée • JUVENAL (ca. 50 - 128 AD) : Satires • LUC the EVANGELIST (said St LUC) (1st century AD) : Actes des Apôtres • LUCAN (39 - 65 AD) : La Pharsale • MARCIAN of HERACLEA (5th century AD) : Periplus Maris Exteri • Pomponius MELA (1st century AD) : Géographie Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 14 Bibliography of Ancient Authors • Cornelius NEPOS (100 – 25 BC) : Vie des Grands Hommes • OPPIAN of ANAZARBUS (2nd century AD) : Les Halieutiques • OVID (43 BC - 17 AD) : Les Métamorphoses Les Tristes Les Tristes • PAUSANIAS (115 – 180 AD) : Description de la Grèce • PHILO of ALEXANDRIA (12 BC – 54 AD) : In Flaccum Legatio ad Caium • PLATO (427 – 348 BC) : Timée Critias Phédon • PLINY the ELDER (23 - 79 AD) : Histoire Naturelle • PLINY the YOUNGER (61-114 AD) : Panégyrique de Trajan Lettres • PLUTARCH (46 – 125 AD) : Vies des Hommes Illustres • POLYBIUS (ca. 210 – 126 BC) : Histoire Générale • POLYAENUS (2nd century AD) : Ruses de guerre - Stratagèmes • POSEIDIPPOS of PELLA (310 - 240 BC) : Epigrammes • PROCOPIUS of CAESAREA (ca. 500 - 560 AD): Histoire des guerres de Justinien Des Edifices • Claudius PTOLEMY of ALEXANDRIA (85 - 165 AD) : Géographie Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 15 Bibliography of Ancient Authors • QUINTUS-CURTIUS (1st century AD) : Histoires • RUTILIUS NAMATIANUS (5th century AD) : Retour à Rome (De reditu suo) • Pseudo-SCYLAX (around 330 BC, see note below) : Périple en Europe, Asie et Libye • Pseudo-SCYMNOS (2nd century BC) : Orbis Descriptio (Circuit de la terre ou Periodos) • SENECA (4 BC - 65 AD) : 124 Lettres à Lucilius • SOLINUS (3rd century AD) : Polyhistor • STATIUS (ca. 40 - 96 AD) : Les Silves • STRABO (ca. 65 av J-C. - 25 AD) : Géographie • SUETONIUS (ca. 70 - 130 AD) : La Vie des Douze Césars • SYNESIUS of CYRENE (370 - 414 AD) : Lettres • TACITUS (55 - 120 AD) : Histoires Annales • ACHILLES TATIUS (ca. 200 AD) (said of Alexandria) : Amours de Clitophon et de Leucippe • THEOCRITUS (ca. 315 - 250 BC) : Idylles • THUCYDIDES (ca. 469 – 400 BC) : Histoire de la Guerre du Péloponnèse • TITUS LIVIUS (59 BC - 17 AD) : Histoire Romaine • Marcus Terentius VARRO (116 - 27 BC) : De la langue latine • VEGETIUS (around 400 AD) : Traité de l’Art Militaire • VELLEIUS PATERCULUS (19 BC - 31 AD) : Histoire Romaine • VERGILIUS (70 - 19 BC) : Enéide Géorgiques • VITRUVIUS (ca. 90 - 20 BC) : De Architectura Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 16 Bibliography of Ancient Authors • XENOPHON (430 - 355 BC) : Helléniques (Histoire grecque) Anabase (Retraite des dix mille) Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 17 Bibliography of Ancient Authors Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 18 Bibliography of Modern Authors 2.2 Modern authors In addition to ports mentioned by ancient authors, some ports have been included as mentioned by modern authors: Ambroise Tardieu (1821), Karl Lehmann-Hartleben (1923), Albert Grenier (1934), Honor Frost (1963), Barrington (2000), Flemming (2002), Cohen (1995 & 2006), Tiverios (2008), Nicolas Carayon (2008), Helen Dawson (2013), Anton Gordieiev (2015) and some up to date web sites ( and As for Karl Lehmann-Hartleben, his « Katalog » is most interesting and mentioned very often, but it may be said that positioning of his ports is not all that clear: I therefore decided to find the precise position of all his 303 ports. The 183 ports of Nicolas Carayon are easier to find as he uses modern place names. The 1055 sites of Nic Flemming are located by latitude-longitude: what else could I wish … except an atlas like the Barrington Atlas! A few ports have been added that are not mentioned by ancient or modern authors but the existence of which is (reasonably) certain, attested by modern archaeology or encyclopedias like « Classical Gazetteer » (CG) or « Realencyclopädie » (RE) where key-words like « portus » and « Hafen » were searched for. • ARNAUD, P., (2005), « Les routes de la navigation antique », éd. Errance. • ARNAUD, P., (2010), « Systèmes et hiérarchie portuaires en Narbonnaise », Colloque d’Arles, 28-29-30 octobre 2009, éd. Errance. • BARRINGTON ATLAS of the Greek and Roman World, Richard J.A. Talbert (ed.), Princeton University Press, (2000). • BLACKMAN, D., (1982), « Ancient harbours in the Mediterranean », International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, 11.2 (pp 79104) and 11.3 (pp 185-211). • BLACKMAN, D. et al, (2013), « Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean», Cambridge University Press, eds. D. Blackman and B. Rankov. • BOARDMAN, J. & HAMMOND, N., (1982), « The Cambridge Ancient History, The Expansion of the Greek World, Eighth to Sixth Centuries B.C. », Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed., Vol. III, Part 3. • BONANNO, A., (2005), « Malta: Phoenician, Punic, and Roman », Malta, Midsea Books Ltd. • CARAYON, N., (2008), « Les ports phéniciens et puniques », Université de Strasbourg II, Thèse soutenue le 17/5/2008. • CASSON, L., (1989), « The Periplus Maris Erythraei », Princeton. • CASSON, L., (1971), « Ships and seamanship in the ancient world », Princeton. • CHRISTIANSEN, J., (2011), « Les phares et la signalisation maritime à l’époque romaine », Université Lumière (Lyon II), Mémoire de Master 2. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 19 Bibliography of Modern Authors • CLEERE, H., (1978), « Roman harbours in Britain south of Hadrian’s Wall », in du Plat Taylor, J. & Cleere, H. (eds), Roman Shipping and Trade: Britain and the Rhine Provinces. CBA Research Report No 24, pp36-40. • COHEN, Getzel M., (1995 and 2006) « The Hellenistic settlements in Europe, the islands and Asia Minor » and « The Hellenistic settlements in Syria, the Red Sea basin and North Africa », University of California Press. • CONFERENCE ANSER 2004, (2004), « Le strutture dei porti e degli approdi antichi », Seminario a cura di A. Gallina Zevi e R. Turchetti, 1-17 April 2004, Rubbettino ed. • CONFERENCE ROMA 2008, (2010), « Meetings between cultures in the ancient Mediterranean », Bollettino di Archeologia on line I 2010/ Volume speciale B / B7 / 1. • CONFERENCE BYZAS 19, (2014), « Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to Byzantium. 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The concept of ‘shelter’ has to include anchorages, landing places on beaches, and ports including structures such as access channels, breakwaters, jetties, landing stages, quays, warehouses for storing of commodities and equipment, shipsheds and slipways. Shelters of interest include all places which may have been used by seafarers sailing over long distances. Villae maritimae are also of interest, but shelters the likes of local fishermen, who may have landed their boats on the beach in front of their homes, are of less interest. In another limitation, only maritime harbours and some river ports that could be reached by deep-sea ships are considered. This paper presents work done to collect, identify and locate ancient harbours and ports. It is based on a study of existing documentation, i.e. on the writings of 68 ancient authors and a few modern authors, incl. the Barrington Atlas. The ancient authors are usually historians, philosophers or poets, but for this work the geographers retained most of our attention: Strabo, Pausanias, Pliny the Elder, Ptolemy, Avienus, Mela and others, some anonymous, who tell about their journeys like ‘Antonine’, ‘Scylax’, ‘Scymnos’, Pythias, Hanno, Odysseus, Aeneas, Jason, Arrian in the Black Sea. In addition to ports mentioned by ancient authors, some ports have been included as mentioned by modern authors: Karl Lehmann-Hartleben (1923), Honor Frost (1963), David Blackman (1982 & 2014), Talbert’s Barrington Atlas (2000), Nic Flemming (1986), Getzel Cohen (1995 & 2006), Micha Tiverios (2008), Helen Dawson (2013), Anton Gordieiev (2015) and some up to date web sites ( and In a first stage, only ports were listed that are explicitly mentioned by each ancient author (portus, navale, statio). Cities where the presence of a port was known from other sources were not attributed to an author who mentions the city but does not mention the port. This limitation was certainly questionable as one cannot imagine coastal settlements without at least a minimal shelter for boats. It was therefore decided to include all sites mentioned by the authors of a Periplus such as Stadiasmus, Antonine, Arrian and Marcian who were sailing ships and for whom one might consider that all places they mention are harbours. Furthermore, it was considered that all coastal settlements mentioned in the Barrington Atlas and in DARE must have had a shelter, and they were included too. Finally, I added over 200 places that are mentioned in modern nautical guides ("pilot") as “excellent shelters”, and which may be considered as “Potential Ancient Harbours” This led me to try to position all ports of the present catalogue on Google Earth. This was done with near-total success, excepting a few places where ancient documents do not provide sufficient data or provide contradictory data. This occurred mainly for some peripheral areas (Black Sea, Red Sea, and Atlantic Ocean). In such cases I tried to make some suggestions, usually marked by « ? » and/or with bottom page notes. The spelling of many names has changed over time (e.g. in Arabic countries) and the list gives the most common names but without trying to be exhaustive. The list of ancient ports is starting in the North Sea and ending in Morocco, via the Mediterranean Sea in a clockwise turn: Spain, South of France, Italy, Adriatic, Greece, Black Sea, Turkey, Red Sea and North Africa. This order has been followed as far as possible as some unknowns remain: disappeared ports, cities not yet located precisely … and probably some mistakes on my side. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 24 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Identification des provinces romaines Source: Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 25 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Key to Columns Columns: Column 1: Numbers are in sequence from Northern Europe (Thulé) to the South (Cerné) with a clockwise movement around the Mediterranean Sea Column 2: Column 3: Column 4: Column 5: Column 6: Column 7: Column 8: Column 9: Latitude in decimal degrees. Negative latitudes are South Longitude in decimal degrees. Positive longitudes are East Ancient name: several names are sometimes given but exhaustivity is not sought Modern name: city or approximate location Ancient author(s): who explicitely mention a port Modern author(s): who give information about the place Country & region in 2012 "a" = if ancient author(s) explicitly mention the port, "m" = if only modern author(s) mention the port Column 10: "p" = if modern nautical guides ("pilot") mention an excellent shelter, and if the modern author is "AdG", then this place is a Potential Ancient Harbour "r" = port remains still visible in 2012 ("rs" if submerged or silted up) NB: this information is far from being exhaustive! Still visible port structures according to Carayon, Blackman, Loven, Theodoulou, Lehmann (in 1923!) and others: NB: this information is far from being exhaustive! Column 11: Next columns: "bw" = breakwater(s), sometimes also called mole(s) "qu" = quay(s) (massonry with docking on one side), piers and jetties (massonry with docking on two sides), and landing stage(s) (wharf on piles) "mo" = mooring device(s) (bollard, pierced block) "cn" = canal (for navigation or basin flushing and/or desiltation) "sl" = slipway(s) to take ships in/out of the water "sh" = shipshed(s) (usually including slipway(s)) "ph" = lighthouse "co" = cothon, man-made basin cut into the rock "Founding" = date of founding of the place: "-" = BC (most dates are from DARE) Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 26 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Note on Naming: According to Pleiades ( Places are geographical and historical contexts for Names and Locations. Places may have within their core some features of the physical world – a sea, a bay, a river, a mountain range, a pass, a road, a settlement or an ethnic region – but their primary quality is that, in the words of Yi-fu Tuan, they are constructed by human experience. Places may be no larger than a family dwelling or as big as an empire, be temporally enduring or fleeting. They may expand, contract and evolve over time. A place may be unnamed, unlocated, falsely attested or even mythical. A place is defined by its name and its location. A Location is a current or former, concrete spatial entity. The midline of a river channel is a location. The center of a bridge's span is a location. The perimeter of a walled settlement is a location. Every location belongs to a place. The highest point of a mountain summit, for example, would be a location while the entirety of the mountain: its faces, ridges, couloirs, and forested slopes – and its significance in human history – would be the place context. The position of a location is defined on a map by its latitude/longitude coordinates in degrees. In this work, we use the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) with decimal degrees with 6 decimal digits. The 5th decimal digit yields an accuracy in the order of one meter (for latitudes). Total number of places: 4076 Nb ports mentioned by ancient authors: 1447 Nb of excellent shelters not listed as ancient port or anchorage: 213 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 27 Catalogue of Ancient Ports PLEIADES DARE PastPlace Journes (2000), http://data.pastpla BAtlas locates it in the Shetland islands 9 NB LATITUDE LONGITUDE NAME NAME_MOD AUTH_ANC 1 63.274770 -14.761314 Tyle, Thule Iceland? Pliny and Strabo, who cite Pytheas, place Thule at 6 navigation days from (Great) Britain, which may be 400-600 nautical miles. Iceland is at 450 miles North of Scotland. The mention of six months long days and nights means a position beyond the Arctic Circle, which corresponds better to Iceland than to the Shetland islands. Pytheas cited by: Strabo, Geogr, 1, 4 & 2, 5 ; Polybius, Hist, 34, 5 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 77 & 99 & 4, 27 1.1 58.701292 11.340696 Baltia? Tanum, bronze age Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 27 http://whc.unesco. rock carvings org/pg.cfm?cid=31 showing many ships &id_site=557 1.2 54.900000 20.000000 Basileia, Basilia, Ile Royale Sambia, Samland? Famous for amber 1.3 54.182500 7.88528 Abalus insula Isle of Helgoland? 2 53.041485 4.825152 Mararmano, Manarmani 3 52.535847 4.723479 Pytheas cited by: Journes (2000) Pliny, Hist Nat, 30, 7 Pytheas cited by: Pliny, Hist Nat, 37, 11 Hoge Berg near Den Marcian, Peripl, 2, Burg? On the Isle of 32 Texel in The Netherlands between R Vidro (R Oude Rijn?) and R Amisius (R Eems) Uitgeest-Groot Dorregeest Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Iceland? A P R M P E a http://data.pastpla 61052 Sweden a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/101177 Russia a AUTH_MOD Lehmann COUNTRY http://pleiades.stoa Germany .org/places/98907 places/41732 a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/101207 Netherlan ds a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/99049 Netherlan ds m B Q P M C S S P C Foun W U L O N L H H O ding -30 Vol. I, Page 28 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 4 52.458867 4.666675 Flevum Velsen, West of Amsterdam nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/99058 Netherlan ds m rs X 4.1 52.213476 4.393244 Lugdunum Batavorum, Brittenburg submerged offshore Katwijk, near the outlet of R Oude Rijn (R Old Rhine) which was the northern limit of the Roman empire and was navigable over a long distance, with many river ports nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/99003 Netherlan ds m 4.2 52.179214 4.433016 Praetorium Agrippinae Valkenburg, Marktveld nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/99021 Netherlan ds m rs X 4.3 52.149711 4.518406 Matilo, on Corbulo canal between R Rhine and R Maas Leiden, Roomburg nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/99008 Netherlan ds m rs X 4.4 52.129167 4.661389 Albaniana Alphen a/d Rijn nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98908 Netherlan ds m rs X 4.5 52.105000 4.715833 Nigrum Pullum Zwammerdam nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/99014 Netherlan ds m rs X 4.6 52.085074 4.882274 Laurium Woerden, Kruittorenweg & Havenstraat nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98997 Netherlan ds m rs X 4.7 52.087546 5.041766 Fletio Utrecht, Hoge Woerd nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) Netherlan ds m rs X 5.165556 Fectio Vechten nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://data.pastpla 72212 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98956 4.8 52.056111 Netherlan ds m rs X 5 51.962500 5.352778 Levefanum Wijk bij Duurstede nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98998 Netherlan ds m 5.1 51.970278 5.422778 Mannaricium Maurik nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98933 Netherlan ds m 5.2 51.929722 5.562500 Carvo, Carvone Kesteren nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/99007 Netherlan ds m 5.3 51.970833 5.873611 Castra Herculis Arnhem, Meinerswijk nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98934 Netherlan ds m 5.4 51.872790 6.079084 Carvium Bijlandse Waard nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98932 Netherlan ds m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 29 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 5.5 51.668164 6.445144 Castra Vetera, Colonia Xanten, Ulpia Trajana Archäologischen Park nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/113312 Netherlan ds m rs X 5.6 51.729146 5.884253 Ceuclum Roman bridge at Cuijk nl.wikipedia, Seinen (2014) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/110232 Netherlan ds m rs X 5.7 51.846992 5.872771 Oppidium Batavorum Nijmegen, Hunnerpark nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98921 Netherlan ds m 5.8 51.850014 5.844215 Noviomagus Nijmegen, Maasplein nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98921 Netherlan ds m 5.9 51.801111 5.349167 Grinnes, Grinnibus Rossum nl.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98967 Netherlan ds m 6 52.059003 4.348620 Forum Hadriani Park Arentsburgh, at Voorburg Lendering http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/98918 Netherlan ds m rs X 6.1 52.053781 4.208942 Ockenburgh nl.wikipedia Netherlan places/39126 ds m 6.2 51.985810 4.205180 Naaldwijk 75 Netherlan places/13019 ds m 6.3 51.912777 4.345167 Flenio, Flenium Vlaardingen? nl.wikipedia Netherlan places/19964 ds m 7 51.923300 4.068600 Helinio submerged offshore of Oostvoorne Lendering Netherlan places/2103 ds m 8 51.842842 3.933839 “Oude Wereld” submerged offshore Goeree Lendering Netherlan places/18979 ds m 9 51.617500 3.823800 Ganuenta Lendering http://pleiades.stoa Netherlan .org/places/109000 places/17809 ds m 10 51.604960 3.604765 Romanorum Portus submerged at 1.5 km NW of Colijnsplaat “De Roompot” submerged offshore Domburg on the Isle of Walcheren Lendering Netherlan places/18981 ds m 11 51.274214 3.448188 Rodanum? Aardenburg Lendering http://pleiades.stoa Netherlan .org/places/108722 places/2097 ds m r 12 51.222979 3.424703 Maldegem-Vake Lendering Flanders places/18980 m r 12.1 51.301110 3.079200 Wenduine http://pleiades.stoa Flanders .org/places/109457 places/17808 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 0007 http://data.pastpla 38927 -30 rs X -30 -30 -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 30 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 13 51.184083 3.003155 Aldenburgensis Roman fort on the sea side at Oudenburg 14 51.100000 0.000001 Albion, Britannia Great Britain Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 30 ; Caesar, Guerre des Gaules, 5, 1 & 2, & 8 to 11 15 53.000000 -8.000000 Erin, Ierne, Hibernia, Hivernione, Insula Sacra Ireland Strabo, Geogr, 1, 4 & 2, 5 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 102-103 ; Ptol, Geogr, 2, 2; Tacitus, Agricola ; Avienus, Ora Maritima 16 59.074366 -3.196805 Orcades Orcades islands, North Scotland Antonine, Itin Mar 16.1 57.147354 -2.049944 Devana, Devoni Aberdeen 16.2 56.713873 -2.513338 17 56.346760 -3.284420 Horrea Classis Carpow 18 56.010000 -3.564500 Velunia, Veluniate Carriden House, at the eastern end of Antonine's wall 19 55.977600 -3.300000 Dun, on Montrose Basin Wikipedia 20.1 55.954342 55.763800 UK a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/20487 UK a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/89261 UK a m UK places/26298 m http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89136 places/22987 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89309 places/23499 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89153 places/25317 m, http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/89207 UK m, UK places/25370 m http://data.pastpla UK places/23087 7958 m http://data.pastpla 31391 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/89202 UK places/23088 m UK places/23715 m, Inveresk -2.004000 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/20419 Tweedmouth 21 54.987649 -1.532072 Segedunum 22 55.004810 -1.431636 Arbeia 23 54.593847 -0.958751 Wallsend, on R Tyne at the eastern end of Hadrien's wall, near Newcastle South Shields possible lighthouse at Huntcliff Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 300 UK places/25316 Cramond -3.078588 m, 20 http://pleiades.stoa Flanders .org/places/109235 places/2100,, Cleere,, Christiansen r X -30 X ? -30 -30 X ? 300 Vol. I, Page 31 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 24 54.539743 -0.724599 possible lighthouse at Goldsborough, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89194 places/23716 m 24.1 54.495400 -0.611915 Whitby UK places/25458 m 25 54.417024 -0.494221 possible lighthouse at Ravenscar, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89277 places/23717 26 54.287200 -0.387700 possible lighthouse at Scarborough, Christiansen 27 54.212500 -0.273300 Portus Felix possible lighthouse at Filey Brigg 28 54.083127 -0.159821 Gabrantiucorum portuosus sinus, Praesidium, Praetorium Bridlington? 29 53.722784 -0.587793 Petuaria on R Abus Brough on R Humber, Roman naval base, Cleere, Dr P. Halkon of Univ. of Hull, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79639 places/20694 m 29.1 53.704728 -0.690123 Faxfleet on R Humber, Dr P. Halkon of Univ. of Hull http://data.pastpla 38861 UK m 29.2 53.697982 -0.588842 Winteringham on R Humber, Dr P. Halkon of Univ. of Hull UK places/25466 m 29.3 53.082386 0.321939 Gibraltar Point, near Skegness UK places/25464 m 29.4 52.974878 0.521708 Holme next the Sea, with possible lighthouse at Thornham UK places/25650 m 30 52.964000 0.652300 Brancaster, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79346 places/18916 m 300 31 52.650000 1.719000, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79365 places/18915 m -30 32 52.582496 1.651465 Caister on Sea, North of Great Yarmouth, might have had a Roman port? Burgh Castle, West of Great Yarmouth, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79475 places/18914 m 300 Dictium? Branodunum Gariannum Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ptol, Geogr, 2, 3 X ? 300 m X ? 300 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89285 places/23718 m X ? 300, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89185 places/23719 m X ? 300 UK places/25459 a r X ? -30 X ? Vol. I, Page 32 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 33 52.152403 1.617589 Sitomagus? Aldeburgh, near Saxmundham, might have had a Roman port? http://data.pastpla UK places/25665 13493 m 34 51.972843 1.386888 Walton Castle, North of Felixstowe, http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79744 places/23720 m 300 34.1 51.976900 0.967400 Ad Ansam near Higham http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79283 places/23054 m -30 35 51.835237 0.974523 port of Camulodunum Fingringhoe Wick, near Colchester, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79393 places/44466 m 36 51.720524 0.707788 http://data.pastpla 49524 UK m 37 51.735400 0.940200 37.1 51.544225 0.608844 38 51.507059 -0.085691 38.1 51.451000 38.2 Heybridge-Maldon, South of Colchester might have had a Roman port? Othona Portus Bradwell on Sea, South of Colchester, Cleere, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79631 places/18913 m Hadleigh with possible lighthouse UK places/39027 m Londinium London river port on the Thames, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79574 places/1888 m 0.178000 Noviomagus Cantiacorum Dartford http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79623 places/23130 m -30 51.428000 0.325200 Vagniacis Springhead, near Southfleet http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79729 places/25632 m -30 39 51.390000 0.501400 Durobrivae Rochester, on R Medway, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79432 places/23131 m -30 39.1 51.314300 0.861400 Durolevum Ospringe, South of Faversham UK places/25645 m 40 51.379500 1.200000 Regulbium possible lighthouse at Reculver, West of Margate, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79654 places/18912 m 40.1 51.365914 1.402771 Tanatus insula, Toliapis? Taniatide? Isle of Thanet, now connected to mainland http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79719 places/41713 m -30 41 51.293058 1.332414 Rutupiae, Ritupium Roman naval base at Richborough, South of Margate, Cleere, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79664 places/18911 a -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar r X ? 300 X ? r X ? -30 X ? -30 Vol. I, Page 33 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 42 51.128380 1.322939 Portus Dubris, home port of Classis Britannica fleet Dover: port at the outlet of R Dour, with its famous ancient lighthouse Cleere, Christiansen, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79646 places/18910 m 43 51.072271 1.023662 Portus Lemanis Stutfall Castle, Lympne, Cleere, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79647 places/18909 m 43.1 50.848012 0.573982 Mutuantonis? Hastings UK places/25642 m 44 50.819035 0.332690 Anderidos, Anderitum Pevensey, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79293 places/18908 m 45 50.821313 -0.241879 Novus Portus, Hazlitt UK places/25673 45.1 50.717046 -0.789269 Submerged offshore Selsey 46 50.836576 -0.809091 Villa Regis Cogidubni, port of Noviomagus Regnorum Fishbourne, near Chichester, Cleere http://data.pastpla UK 39624 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79466 places/22877 47 50.826396 -0.862719 Magnus Portus Bosham Harbour? 47.1 50.821000 -0.972300 48 50.838576 -1.112360 Portus Adurni, Ardaoni Portchester Castle, Roman naval base 49 50.702611 -1.291088 Vectis, Vecta insula Isle of Wight, probably Newport 49.1 50.681425 -1.143245 Brading, on the isle of Wight 49.2 50.599000 -1.184000 49.3 50.756300 -1.333480 50 50.918856 -1.383974 Clausentum? Bitterne Manor House, Cleere 50.1 50.942527 -1.472148 Onna? Nursling Portslade, near Brighton Ptol, Geogr, 2, 3 Ptol, Geogr, 2, 3 r X -30 -30 300 a m m -30 UK places/25688 a UK places/25690 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79645 places/18907 m 300 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79731 places/25074 a -30 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79343 places/25073 m -30 Ventnor, on the isle of Wight UK places/25694 m Gurnard, on the isle of Wight UK places/25698 m http://data.pastpla UK places/23126 98936 UK places/25691 m Hayling island Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://www.pastsc x?hob_id=242295, Cleere, Pitassi (2012) Antonine, Itin Mar Wikipedia -30 m Vol. I, Page 34 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 50.2 50.715750 -1.754770 Hengistbury Head 51 50.709500 -2.001400 Hamworthy, near Poole Cleere 51.1 50.687238 -2.103801 Wareham 52 50.609550 -2.442660 Port of Durnovaria Weymouth, near Dorchester Cleere 52.1 50.571470 -2.445140 Vindelis, Vindilis? Isle of Portland, near Chesil beach 52.2 50.712700 -3.079700 53 50.674872 -3.463765 Isca Dumnoniorum 53.1 50.357172 -4.144942 Tamaris 53.2 50.421710 -4.670440 Restormel Castle 53.2 50.095691 -5.207472 Gweek Wikipedia 53.4 50.120790 -5.477664 Ictis (export of Tin) St. Michael's Mount, Marazion 54 49.929793 -6.321576 Silina insula, Sicdelis, Cassiterides islands? Isles of Scilly, West of Cornwall 54.1 50.427163 -5.068133 Trevelgue Head, near Newquay 54.2 50.717200 -4.649200 St Gennys Roman fortlet, near Crackington Haven 54.3 50.898400 -4.561300 Morwenstow Roman fortlet 54.4 50.985500 -4.407000 Clovelly Dikes Roman fortlet Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla 7419 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/79431 ki/Isle_of_Portland Seaton Exeter, with a port at Topsham on R Exe Plymouth Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 UK places/20038 m UK places/25700 m UK m UK m UK a UK places/25725 m UK places/25730.html m UK m UK places/38987 m http://data.pastpla 9602 http://data.pastpla 92416 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/79684 UK m UK m UK a http://data.pastpla 132529 UK m UK places/39178 m UK places/39179 m UK places/23725 m, Cleere Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla 33061 -30 Vol. I, Page 35 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 54.5 51.227500 -3.915900 Martinhoe Roman fortlet UK places/39000 m 54.6 51.230500 -3.737100 UK places/39001 m 54.7 51.183100 -3.456600 Old Burrow Roman fortlet at Countisbury Grabbist Hill, near Dunster UK places/42181 m 55 51.209712 -3.078005 Port of Iscalis? UK m 56 51.479076 -2.647552 Abona 56.1 51.866509 -2.252565 57 51.611930 57.1 Combwich, in front of Cardiff might have had a Roman port? Sea Mills, near Bristol http://data.pastpla 50994, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79280 places/25604 m -30 Glevum Gloucester http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79394 places/20686 m -30 -2.770131 Venta Silurum Caerwent, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79733 places/20698 m -30 51.608382 -2.955344 Isca Silurum Caerleon http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79532 places/20687 m -30 58 51.481974 -3.180951 Tamion? Tamium? Cardiff, http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79706 places/23020 m -30 59 51.390400 -3.296000 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79316 places/23030 m -30 59.1 51.488500 -3.671600 Port of Bomium? Porthcawl, near Bridgend UK places/23028 m -30 60 51.664000 -3.811670 Nido, Nidum Neath, Cleere http://data.pastpla 20033 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/79616 UK places/23025 m -30 60.1 51.661000 -4.083500 Leucarum Loughor http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79560 places/43834 m 300 61 51.855046 -4.303504 Moridunum Carmarthen http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79602 places/20693 m -30 61.1 51.739560 -4.644620 Trelissey, near Amroth UK places/26161 m 61.2 51.831760 -4.866160 Wiston Roman fortlet UK places/44417 m 61.3 52.494180 -3.986300 Erglodd Roman fortlet UK places/26208 m 62 52.583039 -3.913019 UK places/26209 m Barry Maglona? Cefn-Caer Farm, Roman fort near Pennal Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016, Cleere, Cleere Vol. I, Page 36 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 62.1 52.753360 -3.820890 Birthdir Roman fort UK places/26210 m 62.2 52.939200 -4.148170 Tremadoc Roman villa UK places/26217 m 62.3 -4.692080 52.823190 Castell Odo UK places/41710 m 62.4 53.081515 -4.335068 possible lighthouse at Dinas Dinlle, Christiansen m X ? 63 53.137919 -4.265732 possible lighthouse at Caernarfon, Cleere, Christiansen http://data.pastpla UK 02467 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79678 places/22972 m X ? 63.1 53.190125 -4.462646 Aberffraw http://data.pastpla 9576 UK m 63.2 53.313348 -4.675530 Mona insula possible lighthouse at Caer y Twr on Holyhead Mountain, Christiansen UK places/26235 m 63.3 53.311380 -4.632460 Mona insula Caer Gybi Roman fort http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79362 places/23018 m 63.4 53.401650 -4.568800 Mona insula UK places/39162 m 63.5 53.310836 -4.123287 53.216150 -3.834216 Canovium, Conovium http://data.pastpla UK 02044 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79542 places/23011 m 64 possible lighthouse at Pen Bryn-YrEglwys Llanfihangel Din Sylwy, Bwrdd Arthur Caerhun Roman fort 65 53.346748 -3.409645 port of Varis? UK places/40988 m 66 53.185123 -2.889503 Deva Victrix http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/718938 476 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/79420 UK places/20684 m 66.1 53.405170 m 66.2 m Segontium, Cleere Prestatyn, might have had a Roman port? Chester -3.169851 Meols 53.384103 -2.578481 Wilderspool, near Liverpool, Cleere http://data.pastpla UK 16766 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/79763 places/25416 67 53.748433 -2.682471 Walton le Dale, Wikipedia UK places/25412 68 53.929154 -3.023348 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/83882 places/25414 Setantiorum Portus Possibly submerged North of Fleetwood? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016, Cleere Ptol, Geogr, 2, 3 m m -30 X ? 300 X ? -30 -30 -30 a Vol. I, Page 37 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 69 54.049839 -2.805273 Calunium Lancaster Roman fort 69.1 54.309500 -2.748000 Alauna? Alone? 70 54.177000 -4.525000 71 54.350700 71.1 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89222 places/23712 m -30 Watercrook Roman fort http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89102 places/23709 m -30 Monaoeda, Monobia, Manavia insula Isle of Man http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/89242 UK m -3.404200 Glannoventa Ravenglass Roman fort http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89193 places/23707 m 54.426800 -3.541800 Tunnocelum Beckermet Roman fort http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/92155 places/25429 m 72 54.574049 -3.575653 Gabrosentum Moresby Roman fort, near Parton, http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89189 places/23706 m -30 73 54.655534 -3.546036 Magis, http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89237 places/23705 m -30 74 54.720654 -3.493931 Alauna, Alione Burrow Walls Roman fort, near Workington Maryport, on the Firth of Solway, Cleere http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89097 places/23702 m -30 75 54.826100 -3.418610 Bibra? Bribra? Beckfoot Roman fort, http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89125 places/22975 m -30 75.1 54.904395 -3.203950 Portus Trucculensis? Angerton, Kirkbride Tacitus, Agricola, 37 http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/92190 places/23703 a -30 76 54.955173 -3.212298 Maia Bowness on Solway, Roman fort at the West end of Hadrien's wall, http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89239 places/23751 m -30 77 54.928102 -3.148940 Congavata, Concavata Drumburgh Roman fort, http://pleiades.stoa UK .org/places/89151 places/23750 m -30 77.1 54.975622 -3.523963 Caerlaverock Roman fort m 78 54.927372 -3.832843 Dalbeattie, might have had a Roman port? http://data.pastpla UK places/25392 25398 http://data.pastpla UK 11670 78.1 54.959300 -3.977201 Glennlochar Roman fort UK places/25382 m 78.2 54.891300 -4.191340 Gatehouse of Fleet Roman fortlet UK places/25383 m Loucovium? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016, Cleere, Cleere -30 m Vol. I, Page 38 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 78.3 54.959564 -4.481711 Newton Stewart Roman fortlet 78.4 54.876640 -4.818463 Glenluce Roman fortlet 78.5 54.906600 -5.027151 UK m UK places/25384 m Stranraer UK places/26322 m 78.6 55.251750 -4.854000 Girvan Mains Roman fortlet UK places/26323 m Clotagenium Old Kilpatrick, at the West end of Antonine's wall http://data.pastpla 11787 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/89259 78.7 55.926311 -4.465387 UK places/23500 m 79 55.612490 -5.258440 Clota in Hiverione Isle of Arran, in the Firth of Clyde near Glasgow http://data.pastpla 1873 UK a 79.1 55.628000 -6.200000 Port Ellen, on isle of Islay http://data.pastpla 68154 UK m 79.2 56.085670 -5.478810 Dunadd UK places/44414 m 80 43.340007 -1.787856 80.1 43.331200 -2.675200 Forua 81 43.404148 -2.696571 81.1 43.415420 -2.909270 82 43.382168 -3.206565 82.1 43.413900 -3.334940 82.2 43.393600 -3.473500 Rerigonium? Oiasso, Olarso, Oeason, Oyarzun Flaviobriga, Portus Amanum, Port of the Amanes Estuary of R Bidasoa, Irun Antonine, Itin Mar Strabo, Geogr, 3, 4 http://data.pastpla 16985 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/246526 places/17910 North 500 r X -30 Spain places/41870 North m -30 Portuondo http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/246569 places/33764 North m -30 Berreaga http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/246242 places/33709 North m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/246394 places/22438 North a -330 Castro Urdiales Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 34 Punta Pilota Traiectum a -30 Treto Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 52266 Spain places/39761 North m Spain North m Vol. I, Page 39 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 83 43.448146 -3.826714 Portus Victrix, Portus Victoriae Iuliobrigensium, Port of Juliobrigiens' Victory Santander Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 34 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236613 places/33681 North a -30 84 43.442708 -4.037401 Portus Blendium Suances Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 34 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236610 places/33679 North a -30 85 43.395049 -4.380770 Portus Veseiasueca San Vicente de la Barquera Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 34 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236612 places/33680 North a -330 85.1 43.394220 -4.452180 Castillo de Prellezo, Val de San Vicente Spain places/39788 North m 85.2 43.495600 -5.385730 Spain places/44666 North m 86 43.544532 -5.659986 Gigia Pico Castiello, Moriyón, Villaviciosa Gijon http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236475 places/33664 North m 87 43.569200 -5.704000 Noega http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236569 places/18354 North m 88 43.542170 -6.075710 Spain places/44660 North m 88.1 43.505312 -6.097233 Flavionavia Santianes, Pravia http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236464 places/18355 North m 89 43.692323 -7.582917 Starbanhom Roman villa with a port near Playa de Area, Viveiro http://data.pastpla 1221 m r 90 43.771659 -7.668622 Portus Artaboi, Port of the Artabres Coido de Bares Spain places/39670 North a r 90.1 43.645252 -7.895654 Maior, Coto da Croa Spain places/39694.html North m 90.2 43.760600 -7.863270 Roman villa at San Xeao de Trebo chapel Spain North m 90.3 43.476774 -8.255077 El Ferrol https://es.wikipedi Spain North m p 90.4 43.460000 -8.242300 Caldoval, East of Mugardos http://data.pastpla Spain places/39699 North 5329 Campa Torres, Gijon, with lighthouse Torre Augusto El Castillo de San Martín, Soto del Barco Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Christiansen Roberto Reigosa Mendez Strabo, Geogr, 3, 3 ; Ptol, Geogr, 2, 6 Macineira (1947), Acinas Garcia (2007) Angeles Vazquez (2005) Spain North m -30 r X -330 -30 X X r Vol. I, Page 40 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 90.5 43.455960 -8.226940 Roman villa at Noville Spain places/39698 North m 90.6 43.409650 -8.193590 Roman villa at Centrona http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236424 places/35818 North m 91 43.365880 -8.390130 Brigantum La Coruna, Corogna, Corogne, with its famous ancient lighthouse Torre Hercules http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236465 places/18353 North m 92 43.251118 -8.903292 Castellum Aviliobris Cores, near Ponteceso http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236412 places/33654 North m 92.1 43.132356 -9.172238 m p 93 42.917457 -9.251560 Artabron Limen, Portus Artaboi, Port of the Artabres Finisterre Strabo, Geogr, 3, 3 ; Ptol, Geogr, 2, 6 http://data.pastpla Spain North 73985 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236345 places/27992 North a -330 94 42.781443 -8.891668 Portus Ebora, Noouion Noia in the Ria de Muros y Noya Mela, Geogr, 3, 2 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236570 places/33671 North a -30 95 42.694500 -9.031800 Spain places/25848 North m 96 42.676600 -8.725000 Turris Augusti, Torres del Oeste Catoira, Pontevedra http://data.pastpla 49903 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/236698 Spain places/33692 North m -30 96.1 42.724500 -8.652400 Glandimirum Pontecesures Spain places/18352 North m -30 96.2 42.487487 -8.844113 Isla Toxa Grande 96.3 42.477700 -8.931100 Roman villa at Adro Vello 97 42.431958 -8.881260 97.1 42.436096 -8.647116 97.2 42.283000 -8.832000 Pintens 97.3 42.303984 -8.637750 Ensenada de San Simon Blackman, Christiansen, Angeles Vazquez (2005) Camarinas AdG Castro Barona Ad Duos Pontes de la Pena AdG http://data.pastpla 9161 Spain North 300 r X -330 -330 m p Spain places/40000 North m A Lanzada http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236510 places/33667 North m -330 Pontevedra http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236319 places/36179 North m p -30 m 300 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Spain places/35830 North AdG http://data.pastpla 41588 Spain North m p Vol. I, Page 41 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 98 42.247423 -8.717793 Vicus Spacorum Vigo http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236716 places/18351 North m 98.1 42.201000 -8.800500 Roman villa at Isla de Toralla 98.2 42.143000 -8.824000 99 42.044800 -8.641000 100 41.868573 Spain places/39628 North m Roman villa at Playa http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236604 places/35831 North m -30 Tude, Castellum Tyde Tui http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/236692 places/22505 North a p -30 -8.852140 R Baenis, Minius, navigable R Mino, Minho, near Caminha de la Pena http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/236544 a 101 41.688542 -8.834348 R Lethe, R Limeas, R Oblivio Santa Luzia, above Viana do Castelo on R Lima Pinheiro-Blot http://data.pastpla Portugal places/40289 6214 m p 102 41.536397 -8.796086 Sao Lourenco, above Esposende on R Cavado Pinheiro-Blot http://data.pastpla Portugal places/40286 2011 m 102.1 41.455380 -8.756150 Roman villa at Menedi Portugal places/40091 m 102.2 41.387740 -8.770470 Roman villa, Alto de Martim Vaz http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/236325 places/35049 m 103 41.335021 -8.753453 Vila do Conde on R Ave Pinheiro-Blot http://data.pastpla 7313 Portugal m 103.1 41.259300 -8.720160 Roman villa, Fontão de Antela, near Praia de Angeiras Trakadas Portugal places/40090 m 103.2 41.152860 -8.649090 Lordelo do Ouro, near Porto Portugal places/40089 m 104 41.140570 -8.612910 Portus Galum, Portus Cale, estuary of R Douro Porto http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/236396 places/13696 m 105 41.141200 -8.583500 R Durius, navigable R Douro http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/236455 a 105.1 40.691020 -8.598300 106 40.633151 -8.470014 106.1 106.2 40.170750 40.175340 -8.719700 -8.683660 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 3 de la Pena Strabo, Geogr, 3, 3 Povoado da Torre Talabriga Portugal Portugal Portugal places/40130 m -330 -30 -330 Marnel at Lamas do Vouga, near Aveiro Pinheiro-Blot http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/236673 places/22494 m -30 Santa Olaia Nossa Senhora do Desterro Wachsmann (2009) Portugal http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/236572 places/35826 m m -700 -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 42 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 106.3 40.191810 -8.540640 Ameal Portugal places/40125 m 107 40.205265 -8.429767 Aeminium on R Mondego Coimbra Pinheiro-Blot http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/236321 places/13705 m -30 108 40.099665 -8.494551 Conimbriga between Figueira da Foz and Coimbra Pinheiro-Blot http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/236443 places/16869 m -750 109 39.575360 -9.025200 Parreitas, Lagoa de Pederneira, near Nazare, Alcobaca Pinheiro-Blot http://data.pastpla Portugal places/40058 52697 m 110 39.510693 -9.137873 Alfeizerao, near Sao Martinho do Porto Pinheiro-Blot m p 111 39.407020 -9.208855 Obidos Pinheiro-Blot http://data.pastpla Portugal 35277 http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256153 places/25871 112 39.363529 -9.380768 Morracal da Ajuda, Peniche, Roman amphora kiln Pinheiro-Blot, Trakadas, Fabiao http://data.pastpla 78430 m p 112.1 39.412000 -9.507000 Berlenga island, with possible lighthouse at Moinho Roman site Bugalhao (2011) http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256272 places/40146 m 113 39.256949 -9.343581 Lourinha Pinheiro-Blot Portugal m 114 39.108058 -9.407069 Torres Vedras on R Sizandro Pinheiro-Blot http://data.pastpla 70699 http://data.pastpla 7319 Portugal m 114.1 38.800220 -9.468160 Roman villa, Santo Andre de Almocageme Portugal places/40003 m 114.2 38.726350 -9.464140 Roman villa, Villa dos Casais Velhos, near Guincho Trakadas Portugal places/40050 m 114.3 38.694800 -9.214600 Casa do Governator da Torre de Belem Trakadas, Fabiao Portugal m port of Eburobrittium Londobris inulae, Saturno insulae Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Portugal m -30 X ? -550 Vol. I, Page 43 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 115 38.710055 -9.137244 116 38.788791 117 Olissippo, Olisipo, Oliosipon, Ulyssippo, Felicitas Julia Lisbon, Nucleo Strabo, Geogr, 3, 3 Arqueologico, 21 rua dos Correeiros, in the basement of the Millennium Bank where a garun factory was located on the left bank of a local tributary of R Tage flowing under the present day rua Augusta. Trakadas, Fabiao http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256338 places/16839 a p -9.083167 Roman villa, Sacavem Pinheiro-Blot http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256409 places/35533 m 38.966860 -8.985030 Roman villa, Povos, at Vila Franca de Xira on R Tage Pinheiro-Blot Portugal places/40055 m 117.1 38.689000 -8.848000 Porto dos Cacos, Alcochete 15/02/Patrimoniohi storico.pdf Portugal m 118 38.611187 -9.053645 http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/255979 places/18346 m 118.1 38.643474 -9.144630 Quinta do Rouxinol, Seixal, Roman amphora kiln Fabiao http://data.pastpla 38220 Portugal m p 119 38.682000 -9.144100 Quinta do Almaraz, Cacilhas, Almada Pinheiro-Blot, Trakadas http://data.pastpla 8015 Portugal m 119.1 120 38.489000 38.416065 -9.190000 -9.216196 Alfarim Cape Espichel, with ancient lighthouse Trakadas de la Pena Portugal http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256015 places/40798 m m 120.1 38.481470 -8.976740 Creiro Trakadas, Fabiao Portugal places/40049 m 120.2 38.505700 -8.925500 Comenda Trakadas, Fabiao Portugal places/40420 m 121 38.523110 -8.888730 Caetobriga Setubal Trakadas, Fabiao http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256040 places/18347 121.1 38.561370 -8.772790 Caeciliana Cajados Abona, Aquabona Barbarium Prom., Pirgo Barbarion near Coina Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Portugal places/40122 m p r X -750 -30 -30 X -750 m Vol. I, Page 44 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 121.2 38.568800 -8.731800 Zambujalinho, Roman amphora kiln Herdade do Pinheiro Fabiao Portugal m 121.3 38.480000 -8.715040 Fabiao Portugal places/40142 m 121.4 38.428310 -8.681650 Abul Fabiao, Wachsmann (2009) Portugal places/40143 m 121.5 38.411500 -8.570000 Xarrouqueira, Vale da Cepa, Roman amphora kiln Fabiao Portugal m 122 38.367871 -8.514263 Alcacer do Sal, Strabo, Geogr, 3, 3 upstream of Setubal on R Sado Carayon, Trakadas, Fabiao http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256414 places/18348 a -750 123 38.486300 -8.884740 Troia, large Roman fish processing factory Trakadas, Fabiao http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256485 places/22243 m p -30 124 37.954890 -8.866140 Sinus Sines Trakadas, Fabiao http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256452 places/31316 m p -30 125 37.721400 -8.786000 Poetanion, Paetion, Anion, Patulus portus Pessegueiro island Avienus, Ora Maritima Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/256357 Portugal a p 126 37.012271 -9.119122 Atlantis, Atlantide mythical site located by Plato beyond the Pillars of Hercules and by Diodore at several days of navigation near West Afrika, but the location of this island is still much debated (perhaps somewhere between R Guadiana and R Guadalquivir in the Tartessos country, some locate it at Nea Kameni on Santorini island) Solon mentioned by Plato, Timee & Critias ; Diodorus, Hist, 5, 15 http://data.pastpla 6619 Portugal a Salacia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -700 Vol. I, Page 45 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 127 37.024181 -8.965753 127.1 37.019700 -8.925100 127.1 37.066020 -8.810160 127.2 37.069600 127.3 Sacrum Prom. Praia de Beliche, Strabo, Geogr, 3, 0 Belixe, near Sagres, near Cape Sao Vicente, San Vincente, seems the first landing place in this area, it also features Roman ruins Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256410 places/40797 a -550 Martinhal and Baleeira islet, with a Roman amphora kiln Roman villa at Boca do Rio, Salema, Budens Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256319 places/25810 m -550 Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256027 places/22466 m -30 -8.774700 Roman amphora kiln at Burgau Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros Portugal m 37.086050 -8.728870 Senhora da Luz Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256443 places/22479 m -30 128 37.101500 -8.670300 port of Lacobriga Lagos Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256255 places/31277 m p -30 129 37.129000 -8.598000 Ipses, Portus Hannibalis? Vila Velha, Alvor Trakadas, Fabiao Portugal 129.1 37.151290 -8.596940 Roman villa at Quinta da Abicada, near Mexilhoeira Grande Pinheiro-Blot, Trakadas, Medeiros 129.2 37.118700 -8.558000 Vau, Alvor Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros Portugal m 129.3 37.173440 -8.541920 Roman villa at Baralha Medeiros Portugal m 130 37.137200 -8.533700 130.1 37.118300 -8.521750 130.2 37.107750 -8.518620 Portus Hannibalis, Port of Annibal, Portus Magnus Portimao m p -30 Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256383 places/31306 a p -330 Roman villa at Ferragudo Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256168 places/35504 m -30 Rosario, Roman ruins Medeiros Portugal m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Mela, Geogr, 3, 1 http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/255948 places/22464 m Vol. I, Page 46 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 130.3 37.182410 -8.442464 130.4 37.100000 130.5 Cilpes Cerro da Rocha Branca, near Silves Fabiao http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256451 places/38455 m -8.357000 Armacao de Pera 37.087700 -8.215700 131 37.080191 Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros Portugal m Santa Eulalia, Roman ruins Medeiros Portugal m -8.121227 Cerro da Vila, Vilamoura Trakadas, Fabiao, Teichner (2011), Medeiros 131.1 37.064400 -8.105600 Quarteira Submersa, at 8 to 10 m waterdepth Trakadas, Medeiros, http://data.pastpla Oleson 20826 Portugal m p rs 131.2 37.055700 -8.078000 Loule Velho Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros Portugal m 131.3 37.038000 -8.070000 Trakadas, Fabiao Portugal m 131.4 37.028400 -8.011460 Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros Portugal m 132 37.012677 -7.936769 Porto de Farrobilhas Tejo do Praio, Quinta do Lago, Almancil Faro Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256345 places/16836 a p -750 132.1 132.2 37.024700 37.033446 -7.834900 -7.812116 Doca de Olhao Quinta do Marim, Quelfes, near Olhao Medeiros Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros Portugal http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256391 places/22463 m m p -30 132.3 37.051355 -7.741950 Trakadas 133 37.082900 -7.697200 Alfanxia, near Fuseta Quinta das Antas, Torre d'Aires, near Luz de Tavira 133.1 133.2 37.092600 37.125552 -7.676300 -7.650931 Pedras d'El Rei Tavira Medeiros Trakadas, Fabiao, Pappa (2012) 133.3 37.157800 -7.546300 Roman villa at Quinta do Muro, Cacela Velha 133.4 37.161500 -7.516600 Roman villa at Quinta da Manta Rota, near Cacela Velha Ossonoba Balsa Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 2 Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256092 places/22447 m p Portugal m http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256013 places/22460 m Portugal Portugal m m p Trakadas, Fabiao, Medeiros Portugal m Fabiao Portugal m http://data.pastpla 49832 -30 r X -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 47 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 133.5 37.193850 -7.480000 Roman villa at Sao Bartolomeu, near Castro Marim Trakadas, Medeiros Portugal 134 37.218912 -7.441504 Castro Marim, on R Strabo, Geogr, 3, 2 Guadiana, navigable Trakadas, Fabiao, Wachsmann (2009) http://pleiades.stoa Portugal .org/places/256008 places/22483 a 134.1 37.206216 -7.327774 Isla Cristina AdG http://data.pastpla 6926 Spain South m p 134.2 37.214239 -7.125718 El Rompido, near Cartaya AdG Spain South m p 135 37.254237 -6.963233 Onuba, Tartessos? Huelva 136 37.363020 -6.680405 Ilipula, Ilipla minor Niebla 136.1 36.989476 -6.443630 Tartessos? Cerro del Trigo? in Donana park 137 37.308446 -6.255266 Olontigi 138 37.290481 -6.054497 Caura 139 37.321030 -6.058190 140 37.356791 -6.041858 141 37.392088 -6.039557 142 37.388205 -5.990519 Hispalis Sevilla, on R Guadalquivir 143 37.441289 -6.046355 Italica Santiponce 144 37.517104 -5.976196 Ilipa magna Alcala del Rio, on R Guadalquivir 145 37.274132 -6.004301 Orippo 146 37.137498 -5.892528 Baesuris, Esuris, on R Anae Osset a -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256221 places/16835 South m -550 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256468 places/22599 South a -750 Aznalcazar http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256339 places/31296 South m -330 Coria del Rio http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256086 places/31244 South m -330 Palomares del Rio http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256355 places/31302 South m -30 San Juan de Aznalfarache http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256344 places/25208 South m -330 El Carambolo http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256055 places/33445 South m -750 a -750 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256231 places/16834 South m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256222 places/31264 South a -550 Torre de los Herberos, at Dos Hermanas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256343 places/31298 South m -330 Maribanez, near Los Palacios y Villafranca http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256285 places/31283 South m -30 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 2 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 2 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 2 Trakadas -600 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265985 places/22429 South Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 2 m Trakadas Alonso&Menanteau http://pleiades.stoa Spain (2010) .org/places/256210 places/16679 South Vol. I, Page 48 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 146.1 36.988705 -5.830079 Las Torres de Alocaz, Las Cabezas de San Juan 146.2 36.974800 -5.980900 146.3 36.947700 -6.012800 147 36.919560 -6.078194 Nabrissa Veneria Lebrija, on R Guadalquivir 148 36.892891 -6.180030 Conobaria, Colobana 149 36.786490 -6.181470 150 36.792222 150.1 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256501 places/25216 South m -750 Roman villa at Carrascona http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256061 places/35485 South m -30 Roman villa at Loma de la Vina http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256269 places/35521 South m -30 Caro Bellido (1985), http://pleiades.stoa Spain Alonso&Menanteau .org/places/256322 places/25205 South (2010) a -750 Cerro de las Vacas, near Trebujena Caro Bellido (1985) m -330 Asta Regia, Hasta, on the ancient Via Augusta Cortijo el Rosario, Strabo, Geogr, 3, 1 Mesas de Asta, with & 3, 2 a causeway and quay at El Muelle Caro Bellido (1985), http://pleiades.stoa Spain Alonso&Menanteau .org/places/256193 places/25198 South (2010) a -6.289572 Aipora, Ebora, on Lacus Ligustinus, now silted up Cortijo de Ebora, near Las Marismas Caro Bellido (1985), http://pleiades.stoa Spain Alonso&Menanteau .org/places/255962 places/22601 South (2010) m -750 36.870870 -6.289902 Luciferi Fanum, Templo del Lucero, Lux Dubiae, Phosphoros El Tesorillo de la Algaida, near Sanlucar de Barrameda Caro Bellido (1985), http://pleiades.stoa Spain Alonso&Menanteau .org/places/256363 places/36999 South (2010), Trakadas m -330 151 36.735213 -6.471809 Pirgo Caepino Salmedina islet, in front of Chipiona, on the South bank of the outlet of R Guadalquivir, with possible ancient lighthouse de la Pena, http://pleiades.stoa Spain Christiansen, Caro .org/places/256294 places/36998 South Bellido (1985), Alonso&Menanteau (2010) a 151.1 36.619393 -6.351295 Astaroth, Speculum Rotae Rota 152 36.607668 -6.462312 Cimbis, Cimbios ? near Gades, perhaps near Rota? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Caro Bellido (1985) Strabo, Geogr, 3, 1 & 3.2 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 1 ; Mela, Geogr, 3, 1 Livy, Hist, 28, 37 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256124 places/31252 South http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/256108 Spain South m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/256108 Spain South a r X -750 X ? -330 Vol. I, Page 49 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 153 36.593233 -6.225933 Portus Menesthei, Portus Menesteus, port of Menesthee probably Puerto Santa Maria, at the outlet of R Guadalete Strabo, Geogr, 3, 1 ; BAtlas locates it on Ptol, Geogr, 2, 4 ; the rocks at 2.5 km Marcian, Peripl, 2, 9 West of the ancient lighthouse of Caepion 154 36.627211 -6.159878 Portus Gaditanus Castillo de Doña Blanca, on R Guadalete, which moved southwards Mela, Geogr, 3, 1 155 36.530112 -6.199803 Portus Gaditanus El Gallinero, Puerto Real shipyard in the Bay of Cadix 155.1 36.521500 -6.162740 155.2 36.469460 -6.185020 Roman villa at Puente Melchor Ad Pontem Puente Zuazo, San Fernando Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, de la Pena, Bernal (2012) locates it at Puerto Santa Maria de la Pena, Trakadas Spain South a http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/255955 places/22602 South a Spain places/43130 South m Spain places/43124 South m http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/255954 places/22603 South m -330 -30 Vol. I, Page 50 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 156 36.448827 -6.202366 156.1 36.440520 -6.219730 Tartessos, Tartessus, Tarsis, insula Antipolis, archaic Tarshish Isle of Leon at San Fernando? The R Guadalquivir is called R Baetis by the Romans and R Tartessos by the Phoenicians before them. Tartessos is also the name of an ancient tribe who lived in this area of Huelva-SevillaCadix. The ancient city of Tartessos is located with some uncertainty on the present Isle of Leon at San Fernando, South of the bay of Cadix (e.g. Yacimiento de Los Cargaderos on the East side). This island was once detached from the coast. However, Avienus indicates in his Ora Maritima That Tartessus is the ancient name of Gaddir. Pliny the Elder locates Tartessos at Carteia the the Bay of algeciras (Nat Hist, 3, 3). Some believe it is Huelva. Roman villa at Cerro de los Martires Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Herodotus, Hist, 1, 163 & 4, 152 ; Avienus, Ora Maritima ; Bible, Isaïe, 60,9 de la Pena, Bernal (2012) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/256468 Spain South http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256095 places/22605 South a m r X -30 Vol. I, Page 51 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 157 36.529554 -6.300888 Gadir, Gadira, Gades, Erytheia, Eriteia Cadix, ancient canal of Bahia-Caleta. Initially, Gadir was an island as indicated by Strabo who speaks about « the Isle of the gaditans » (Geogr, 3, 2). Port remains were found at c/ Sagasta 96-98. Also an ancient lighthouse. 157.1 36.397146 -6.206802 157.2 36.351620 -6.163430 Ad Herculem Novo Sancti-Petri 158 36.276535 -6.112723 Mercablum, Merifabion near Conil de la Frontera 159 36.183199 -6.035151 Juno, Junonis Prom. Cape Trafalgar, with ancient lighthouse 160 36.190887 -5.914238 Baesippo, Port Besippon Barbate 161 36.087740 -5.775135 Baelo Claudia, Belone Bolonia, large Roman fish processing factory with slipway now eroded by the sea 162 36.070735 -5.689850 163 36.005795 -5.606277 Mellaria, Menlaria Tarifa 164 36.063413 -5.441394 Cetaria 164.1 36.101927 -5.435261 Portus Albus Caesar, Guerre d’Espagne, 37 ; Strabo, Geogr, 3, 5 ; Diodorus, Hist, 25 ; Avienus, Ora Maritima ; Scylax, Peripl Carayon, de la Pena, Trakadas, Bernal (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256177 places/22428 South a AdG http://data.pastpla Spain South 55591 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/255953 places/22604 South m p m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256295 places/31287 South m -30 Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256239 places/40795 South m Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 3 Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256007 places/33439 South a Strabo, Geogr, 3, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar de la Pena, http://pleiades.stoa Spain Flemming, .org/places/256005 places/22237 South Alonso&Menanteau (2010), Trakadas a Sancti-Petri Valdevaqueros, uncertain location near the estuary of R Valle r X X X -750 -330 -30 r X -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256293 places/31286 South m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256293 places/31286 South a -330 Getares http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256103 places/31248 South m -30 Torre de San García, Algeciras http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/255964 places/22606 South m -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 1 Carayon, Cravioto (2001), Trakadas Vol. I, Page 52 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 165 36.127332 -5.443264 Iulia Traducta or Transducta, Iulia Ioza, Tingentera Algeciras, on Rio de la Miel Mela, Geogr, 2, 6 de la Pena, Hazlitt, Wikipedia, Cravioto (2001), Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256235 places/25200 South a 166 36.183212 -5.410312 Carteia, Calpe, Karpessos Strabo, Geogr, 3, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 28, 30 ; Avienus, Ora Maritima Carayon, de la Pena, Flemming, Blackman, Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256063 places/22239 South a 167 36.193660 -5.421649 Carteya, El Rocadillo San Roque, outlet of R Guadarranque in the bay of Algeciras Cerro del Prado, 2 km upstream of the outlet of R Guadarranque in the bay of algeciras 168 36.286944 -5.286866 Barbesula, Barbariana Casa de Montilla, on the estuary of R Guadiaro 169 36.371504 -5.220355 Lacipo, Lacippo Alechipe, near Marina de Casares 170 36.451360 -5.065290 Salduba, Saltum Las Torres, on the estuary of R Guadalmansa Carayon 171 36.472052 -4.990197 Cilniana, Silniana 171.1 36.495700 -4.944500 172 36.525691 -4.628938 172.1 36.558050 -4.612680 172.2 36.564560 -4.602510 172.3 36.619400 -4.492400 Saduce Torremolinos Wikipedia, Trakadas 173 36.651300 -4.483900 Cerro del Villar estuary of R Guadalorce near the airport of Malaga Carayon, Trakadas Suel X ? -750 Spain South m http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256017 places/33440 South m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256252 places/22424 South m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256480 places/35544 South m -30 Basilica Vega del Mar, at San Pedro de Alcantara Flemming, Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256106 places/36393 South m -30 Roman villa at Rio Verde http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/256519 places/35549 South m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266055 places/25142 South m -750 Finca del Secretario, North side of Fuengirola Spain places/40175 South m Torreblanca del Sol Spain places/39993 South m Spain South http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265863 places/31357 South m Cerro del Castillo, on the estuary of R Fuengirola Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon -30 Carayon, Flemming Carayon, Flemming, Trakadas m -330 Vol. I, Page 53 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 174 36.707264 -4.425838 Malaga estuary of R Guadalmina 174.1 36.713500 -4.259800 175 36.736370 -4.114728 Mainake, Moenace, Maenace 176 36.737579 -4.108717 Mainake, Moenace, Maenace 177 36.743022 -4.050901 Maenoba, Mainobora 178 36.722487 -3.956340 Caviclum? Cerro del Mar, at the outlet of R Velez, near VelezMalaga Cerro del Mar, Morro de Mezquitilla and Trayamar, at the outlet of R Algarrobo Faro de Torrox 179 36.726468 -3.691359 Ex, Sexi, Saxetanum Almunecar 180 36.733567 -3.595057 Selambina, Salmbina Salobrena 181 36.740317 -3.014821 Abdera, Abdara Cerro de Montecristo, Adra Carayon, Flemming, Trakadas 181.1 36.700000 -2.820000 Guardias Viejas Trakadas 182 35.948991 -3.032515 Erroris Isle of Alboran, due South of Adra Antonine, Itin Mar 183 35.942387 -2.909257 Tauria ?? at 13 km of Alboran Antonine, Itin Mar 184 36.744226 -2.593296 Murgi Roquetas de Mar, Laja de palo Roman villa at Rincon de la Victoria Toscanos, 1.5 km upstream the R Velez, near VelezMalaga Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Avienus, Ora Maritima Carayon, de la Pena, Flemming, Trakadas http://data.pastpla Spain places/16832 South 40963 Spain places/39719 South a -750 m Avienus, Ora Maritima Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265961 places/26927 South a Avienus, Ora Maritima Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265961 places/26927 South a -750 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 2 Carayon, Flemming, Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265959 places/26925 South a -550 Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265857 places/31355 South m -30 Carayon, de la Pena, Flemming, Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266038 places/22440 South m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266037 places/26948 South m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265762 places/16830 South m -750 Spain South Spain South m Spain South a Flemming, BAtlas locates Error on the Algerian coast West of the Isle of Paloma BAtlas locates Tauria on the Algerian coast in front of Castra Puerum, Isles of Habibas Flemming, Trakadas http://data.pastpla 3570 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/285531 http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265977 places/24861 South r X -750 a m -330 Vol. I, Page 54 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 184.1 36.791400 -2.585500 Turaniana Playa de Los Bajos, Ribera de la Algaida Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266074 places/36095 South m -30 185 36.816541 -2.474547 Portos Magnos, port of Urci Almeria de la Pena, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266005 places/26939 South a -30 185.1 36.822000 -2.294400 Torre Garcia Trakadas m Baria Villaricos, on the estuary of R Almanzora Carayon, Flemming, Trakadas Spain South http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265820 places/31342 186 37.242576 -1.771915 m -550 187 37.397447 -1.569544 Longuntica near Aguilas http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265952 places/26924 a -330 188 37.555514 -1.298361 Ficariensis Locus near Mazarron http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265898 places/26913 m -30 188.1 37.561734 -1.258848 Spain East m 189 37.603040 -0.986030 Carthagine Spartaria, Cartago Nova, Carthage la neuve, Mastia, Punic Qart Hadasht 189.1 37.561570 -0.931830 Herakles insula, Scombraria Escombreras, connected to mainland 190 37.579740 -0.844278 Portus Magnus, Onusa? Roman villa at Paturro, near Portman 190.1 37.605000 -0.724200 Roman villa at El Castillet 190.2 37.714517 -0.791534 Mar Menor AdG, Mederos http://data.pastpla Martin (2004) shipwreck, Trakadas 9325 191 37.876587 -0.743439 near Torre de la Horadada Flemming Thiar Museo Arqueologico Factoria Romana de Salazones de Puerto de Mazarron Cartagena, Cerro del Molinete, possible canal in Calle Santa Florentina, possible quay in Calle Mayor Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ptol, Geogr, 2, 4 Livy, Hist, 22, 20 Trakadas Appian, Iberique, 4 ; Carayon, de la Livy, Hist, 26, 42-43 Pena, Flemming, & 28, 17 ; Polybius, Ramallo (2010) Hist, 10, 2 ; Strabo, Geogr, 3, 4 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265849 places/16826 a http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266032 places/40793 m Livy, Hist, 22, 20 Spain East places/39725 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265852 places/35556 Spain East http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266063 places/26950 r X X -330 a m -330 m p m -330 Vol. I, Page 55 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 191.1 38.029127 -0.650226 Allon? Alonai? Alonae? La Mata, at Torrevieja Julio Asuncion http://data.pastpla (http://arqueologia 1749 arcadero-romanode-la-mata.html) Spain East m rs 191.2 38.060520 -0.650483 Roman villa at El Moncayo beach Julio Asuncion (http://arqueologia Spain East m r 192 38.101514 -0.650269 Carayon, Julio Asuncion (http://arqueologia Spain East places/40378 a 192.1 38.126700 -0.658000 Spain East places/45265 m 193 38.194963 -0.560681 Portus Illicitanus, port of Illici, Ilice, Elia La Picola, plaza Aljibes, near parque Palmeral, at Santa Pola, near Elche Flemming, Badie http://pleiades.stoa Spain East (2000), Espinosa .org/places/265926 places/26918 (2004), Trakadas, Julio Asuncion (http://arqueologia us-illicitanus-santapola.html) m 193.1 38.166794 -0.479066 Planesia insula, Nova Tabarca Nueva Tabarca island Badie (2000), Espinosa (2004), Trakadas http://data.pastpla Spain East places/40784 48344 m 193.2 38.292000 -0.541000 Ad Leones El Saladar, near Alicante airport http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265772 places/36407 m Herna, port of Rojales La Fonteta, near Guardamar del Segura, on the estuary of R Segura Avienus, Ora Maritima Roman villa at El Oral Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -750 r -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 56 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 194 38.364335 -0.443280 Lucentum, Akra Leuke, Castrum Album 194.1 38.431900 -0.381200 194.2 38.500400 -0.232300 194.3 38.514300 -0.197220 195 38.524900 -0.161900 195.1 38.573550 -0.066600 Roman villa at L'Albir 195.2 38.619500 -0.022800 La Olla, near Altea Espinosa (2004) 195.3 38.641400 0.061200 Els Banys de la Reina, Penon de Ifach, at Calpe Wikipedia, Espinosa (2004), Trakadas Allon, Alonai, Alonae Roman embarcadero de la Albufereta, near Tossal de Manises and near Tossal de Les Basses, in Alicante Carayon, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Spain East Esquembre (2008), .org/places/265954 places/36407 Trakadas, Julio Asuncion (http://arqueologia ntum-ciudad-iberoromanaalicante.html) m r Illeta dels Banyets, Banos de la Reina, near El Campello Espinosa (2004), http://data.pastpla Spain East Trakadas, Julio places/45266 Asuncion 2224 (http://arqueologia m r Villajoyosa, La Vila Joiosa Wikipedia, Espinosa (2004) http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265796 places/31334 m Spain East places/41879 m Spain East m Spain East places/45238 m Spain East places/41840 m http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265819 places/22236 m Torre de Sant Josep Allon? Alonai? Alonae? Hemeroscopion? Tossal de la Cala, Benidorm Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming (BAtlas http://data.pastpla locates it at Santa Pola), Julio 7981 Asuncion (http://arqueologia al-de-la-calabenidorm.html) X -30 -550 r -30 Vol. I, Page 57 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 195.4 38.773800 0.190900 Villa Romana della Punta del Arenal, Javea 196 38.843600 0.105500 196.1 38.864245 0.017339 197 39.148905 -0.231545 Portus Sucronis Cullera, on the estuary of R Jucar 198 39.424686 -0.291123 Valentia Valencia 198.1 39.590150 -0.302070 199 39.636390 -0.232980 199.1 39.832590 -0.145770 200 39.853618 -0.075240 200.1 39.964500 -0.024500 201 40.078700 0.135600 Etobesa, Etouissa? 202 40.413940 0.441742 203 40.470829 204 40.742050 Dianium Denia Espinosa (2004), Trakadas Strabo, Geogr, 3, 4 http://data.pastpla 1020 Spain East m de la Pena, Espinosa http://pleiades.stoa Spain East (2004), Trakadas .org/places/265880 places/16846 a Espinosa (2004) Spain East places/42681 m http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266006 places/26940 m 300 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266090 places/16823 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266095 places/34959 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266021 places/18310 m http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266010 places/34950 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/266034 places/26946 m -330 Spain East places/39731 m near Oropesa del Mar http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/265894 places/18308 m -330 Indibilis near Benicarlo http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246439 places/33744 m -30 0.487544 Adeba near Vinaroz http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246145 places/33698 m -30 0.561600 Tenebrius Portus on R Hiberus unlocated at outlet of R Ebro, perhaps Roman villa at Carrova, near Amposta? http://data.pastpla Spain East places/39994 965 a Almadrava, near Els Poblets Flemming Roman villa at El Villar, near Puig Saguntum, Sagonte, Arse Grao Vell at Sagunto Lehmann, Flemming, de Juan Fuertes (2003) Roman villa at Pujol de Benicato, near Nules Port of Sebelaci Burriana, port of Onda Flemming Roman villa at Villamargo Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ptol, Geogr, 2, 6 -550 rs X -550 Vol. I, Page 58 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 205 40.814375 0.521016 Dertosa on R Hiberus 206 40.764989 0.862225 207 40.804492 0.726888 Tria Capita near l’Ampola? http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246705 places/18305 m -30 208 40.957400 0.882900 Sub Saltu near Vandellos nuclear power station http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246665 places/18304 m -30 209 40.981902 0.930664 Oleastrum L'Hospitalet de l’Infant http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246529 places/18303 m -330 209.1 41.065840 1.050420 Roman villa at Cambrils Spain East places/22532 m 209.2 41.077800 1.128850 Salauris Salou Spain East places/39522 m 210 41.071933 1.188741 Kissa, Cissis near La Pineda http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246452 places/18302 m 211 41.111960 1.245340 Taracco, Tarracon http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246349 places/6535 a 211.1 41.136100 1.385900 Tarragona, quay possibly located along Carrer de Smith Roman villa at Els Munts, near Altafulla http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/250016 places/22476 m -30 211.2 41.172300 1.521000 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246551 places/18281 m -30 211.3 41.190400 1.580700 Spain East places/39532 m Palfuriana Tortosa, on R Ebro Suetonius, Galba,10 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246369 places/10961 a R Ebro navigable over 200 km Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 4 http://data.pastpla 374 a Sant Vicenc de Calders, Vendrell Calafell Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 3, 4 ; Livy, Hist, 22, 19 & 25, 22 ; Avienus, Ora Maritima Lehmann, de la Pena, Flemming, Macias (2015) Spain East -330 -330 rs X X -550 Vol. I, Page 59 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 211.4 41.212000 1.714300 Darro 212 41.380960 2.183205 Barcino Barcelona 213 41.424821 2.243912 Baetulo Badalona 213.1 Spain East places/39494 m de la Pena, Flemming, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246343 places/6534 m -30 Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246220 places/22531 m -330 Spain East places/39504 m Burriac, Cabrera de Mar, near Mataro http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246429 places/18292 m -550 Roman villa at Can Llauder, near Mataro http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/250013 places/22535 m -30 Mataro http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246436 places/18293 m -330 Spain East places/39503 m http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246251 places/18294 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246713 places/18295 m 300 -30 Turo de Montgat 214 41.505000 2.406300 Ilduro 214.1 41.531200 2.434400 214.2 41.539520 2.447870 214.3 41.571700 2.530500 215 41.670302 2.795652 Blanda Blanes 216 41.718110 2.937827 Turissa Tossa de Mar 216.1 41.823340 3.073470 Roman villa at Pla de Palol, near Platja d'Aro Spain East places/39996 m 216.2 41.861400 3.119800 Roman villa at Collet, near Palamos Spain East places/39525 m Iluro Torre dels Encantats Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Vol. I, Page 60 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 217 41.860655 3.158364 Punta del Castell de la Fosca, near Palamos 218 41.891501 3.195273 Sant Sebastia de la Guarda, Palafrugell 218.1 41.960600 3.231600 219 42.123368 220 Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246305 places/18296 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246471 places/18297 a -330 Lounarion, Cypsela Cap de Begur near Celebantic cape? http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246474 places/40786 m 3.142517 Indike L’Escala http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246441 places/18300 m 42.135944 3.122465 Emporium, Emporia, Neapolis http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246382 places/18301 a 221 42.267400 3.169100 Rhoda, Rhode, Rhodope Sant Marti d’Empuries (NB: the structure on the beach is not a breakwater but a part of the ancient city wall) Roses, and Roman fort at Puig Rom http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246588 places/17890 m 222 42.292361 3.288913 Port of Mount Malodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/253694 Spain East a 222.1 42.341512 3.202281 Pyrenaei, Pyrenes, Pyrenee http://pleiades.stoa Spain East .org/places/246583 places/40787 a Avienus, Ora Maritima Strabo, Geogr, 3, 4 ; Lehmann, Livy, Hist, 29, 25 & Flemming, Oleson, 38, 8 ; Polybius, Bony (2011) Hist, 3, 16 ; Avienus, Ora Maritima ; Scylax, Peripl Port Lligat near Avienus, Ora Cadaques? Shelters Maritima South of Cape Creus are poor, excepting Port Lligat where Salvador Dali was living El Port de la Selva? Livy, Hist, 34, 8 « Le Pyrenee » generally means the oriental extremity of this chain of mountains that literally falls into the sea between Port Vendres in France and Roses in Spain. Its end is Cape Creus. Shelters are few and of bad quality, as they face the Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming -550 r X X -575 -550 Vol. I, Page 61 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 223 39.898692 3.515917 Gymnesias insulae 224 39.585390 2.998611 Columba, Balearis Maior insula 225 39.561520 2.645045 Palmeria 225.1 39.531926 225.2 East, and the mountain is hostile. The best shelter is Port de la Selva on the Spanish side Gymnesic (or Balearic) Islands: Mallorca and Minorca Isle of Mallorca Diodorus, Hist, 5, 14 ; Livy, Hist, 28, 37 ; Strabo, Geogr, 3, 5 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Antonine, Itin Mar, who also mentions a Diana and a Lesbos which are unlocalized in the Baleares. There is a Diana near Ostia and of course a Lesbos in the Aegean http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/265817 Palma de Mallorca de la Pena, Flemming, Blackman, Dawson 2.587282 Las Illetas AdG 39.507500 2.480700 225.3 39.705103 2.555059 Puerto de Santa Ponsa, near Puig de Sa Morisca, Santa Ponsa, Calviá Son FerrandellOlesa 225.4 39.724769 2.582582 Cova de Betlem Dawson 225.5 39.760322 2.624936 Son Gallard Dawson 225.6 39.796642 2.693481 Puerto de Soller, Son Moleta AdG, Dawson Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Spain Baleares a http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/632227 places/45043 Mallorca 173 a http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265998 places/24889 Mallorca m p Spain Mallorca m p http://data.pastpla Spain places/42920 Mallorca 41746 m p Dawson http://data.pastpla 55964 http://data.pastpla 98654 Spain Mallorca m Spain Mallorca m Spain Mallorca m Spain Mallorca m p -550 X ? -122 -800 Vol. I, Page 62 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 225.7 39.866581 2.795020 Cova de Tossa Alta Dawson Spain Mallorca m 225.8 39.900943 2.911762 Mortitx Dawson Spain Mallorca m 226 39.907278 3.091023 Buccorum, Bocchori Formentor-Pollensa de la Pena, http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265827 places/31345 Mallorca m -330 226.1 39.862925 3.119560 Pollentia Portus Minor Es Barcares, North of Alcudia Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266004 places/24890 Mallorca m -330 226.2 39.836761 3.137298 Pollentia Portus Major Alcudia de la Pena, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266004 places/24890 Mallorca m -330 227 39.764706 3.162373 Can Picafort Blackman http://data.pastpla 39834 Spain Mallorca m 227.1 39.743586 3.213453 Son Real Dawson http://data.pastpla 18335 Spain Mallorca m 227.2 39.771053 3.331693 Es Calo Dawson Spain Mallorca m 227.3 39.568600 3.372300 S'Illot, Sant Llorenc des Cardassar Spain places/42923 Mallorca m 227.4 39.540520 3.336989 Porto Cristo AdG 227.5 39.502621 3.303525 Cova des Moros 227.6 39.419308 3.265063 Porto Colom Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 13077 Spain Mallorca m p Dawson Spain Mallorca m AdG Spain Mallorca m p X Vol. I, Page 63 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 227.7 39.369239 3.224449 Puerto de Cala Llonga, Cala d'Or AdG http://data.pastpla 7257 Spain Mallorca m p 227.8 39.356874 3.212041 Porto Petro AdG http://data.pastpla 46698 Spain Mallorca m p 227.9 39.322622 3.148084 Santanyi Dawson http://data.pastpla 26163 Spain Mallorca m 228 39.311106 3.001310 in front of Colonia Sant Jordi Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265906 places/26916 Mallorca m 228.1 39.183555 2.964809 Isle of Conejera Dawson http://data.pastpla 58714 Spain Mallorca m 228.2 39.138467 2.943224 Isle of Cabrera Dawson http://data.pastpla 650 Spain Mallorca m 228.3 39.148226 2.933627 Puerto de Cabrera AdG Spain Cabrera m p 228.4 39.362034 2.834320 Cala Pi AdG Spain Mallorca m p 229 39.982937 4.057332 Nura, Balearis Minor insula Isle of Minorca 230 39.994698 3.824363 Yamma, Iamon, Iamna, Iamnona Ciudadela de la Pena 230.1 40.054083 3.883019 Cala Morell AdG 231 40.074481 4.086386 Puerto Nitge, Sanitja Contreras Na Guardis, port of Guium? Sanisera Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla 910858 http://data.pastpla Spain places/45044 Minorca 636 a http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265916 places/26917 Minorca m p Spain Minorca m p http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/266026 places/26944 Minorca m r X -30 -330 rs -330 Vol. I, Page 64 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 231.1 40.046405 4.130221 Puerto de Fornells AdG 231.2 40.004438 4.199634 Puerto de Cala de Addaya AdG 231.3 39.953126 4.273486 Cala Grao, Colom island AdG http://data.pastpla 22704 232 39.887878 4.280101 Mahon Carayon, de la Pena, Flemming, Pauly 232.1 39.828192 4.294459 Cala Alcaufa 232.2 39.806055 4.258492 233 39.860556 4.143743 233.1 39.917202 3.951279 234 38.774222 1.331400 Pityusa, Pytyuse, Pitiusas, Pittecusa insulae 235 38.910255 1.439502 Ebusus, Ebysos 236 38.867000 1.334800 236.1 38.913538 1.222857 Mago, Portus Magonis Cala Coves Spain Minorca m p Spain Minorca m p Spain Minorca m p http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265960 places/26926 Minorca m p AdG Spain Minorca m p Biniai Nou Dawson Spain Mallorca m near Cala en Porter Carayon http://data.pastpla 8936 Spain Minorca m Cova Murada, near Cala Galdana, Serpentona Dawson http://data.pastpla 9354 Spain Minorca m Pityusic islands: Ibiza and Formentera and Espalmador Ibiza, on the Isle of Ibiza, Puig de ses Torretes Diodorus, Hist, 5, 13 ; Livy, Hist, 28, 37 ; Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa Spain .org/places/265884 places/41582 Pitiussae Islands a Carayon, Pauly, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Spain Ibiza a p .org/places/265883 places/22443 Sa Caleta, on the SW coast of Ibiza Carayon http://data.pastpla Spain Ibiza m places/42917 22057 Cala Badella AdG Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 22, 20 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla 4897 -330 -750 -750 Spain Ibiza m p Vol. I, Page 65 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 236.2 38.967198 1.267691 Port del Torrent AdG http://data.pastpla 02399 Spain Ibiza m p 236.3 38.976799 1.290630 Es Pouas, near Sant Antony de Portmany Dawson http://data.pastpla 4805 Spain Ibiza m 236.4 39.084369 1.437616 Puerto de San Miguel AdG 236.5 39.114326 1.518128 Cala Portinatx AdG 236.6 38.778699 1.425659 236.7 38.730422 1.414050 237 50.877700 1.655600 Port Itius, Port of the Morins Wissant 238 50.768722 1.593818 Epatiacus, Epatiaci, Aepatiaci portus 239 50.727455 1.600821 Port Bononiensis, Bononia 240 50.715270 1.612595 Gesoriacum Portus, Portu Gessoriacensi 241 50.707832 1.564579 Portus Paulo Infra Ophioussa, Colubraia insula Puerto del Espalmador, on Formentera island Spain Ibiza m p http://data.pastpla 7594 Spain Ibiza m p http://pleiades.stoa Spain m p .org/places/265875 places/41583 Formenter a Puerto de Sabina, Estanque Peix, on Formentera island AdG http://data.pastpla 6618 Grenier, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/114791 places/42928 West a unlocalized North of Boulogne Pauly http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/114790 France West m Boulogne, with ancient lighthouses of La Tour d'Ordre and La Tour de Caligula (both eroded away by the sea), Roman naval base Boulogne Grenier, Christiansen, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/109008 places/45 West m Grenier http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/109008 places/45 West a Grenier http://data.pastpla 7744 m Le Portel Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Caesar, Guerre des Gaules, 4, 28 & 5, 2 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 37 ; Strabo, Geogr, 4, 5 Ptol, Geogr, 2, 9 ; Mela, Geogr, 3, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar -330 Spain m p Formenter a France West -30 X Vol. I, Page 66 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 242 50.513931 1.638006 243 50.446039 1.836752 243.1 50.361700 1.652800 Conchil-le-Temple 243.2 50.143700 1.762600 Roman villa at Portle-Grand 243.3 50.118400 1.745700 243.4 50.086200 1.428000 244 50.021600 1.461930 244.1 49.941400 1.121840 244.2 49.904200 244.3 244.4 244.5 Etaples http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/108970 places/1992 West m -30 Brimeux http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/109115 places/7802 West m -30 France places/8235 West m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/109259 places/245 West m Roman villa at Er, Entre Deux Bois, near Cambron France places/19291 West m Roman villa at Lisiere du bois de Cise, near Ault France places/20970 West m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/108771 places/13746 West m -330 Bracquemont http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/108822 places/18759 West m -330 0.943400 La Butte de Nolent, Sainte-Margueritesur-Mer http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/109312 places/18128 West m -30 49.807600 0.600800 Canouville France places/20248 West m 49.744000 0.408000 Camp du Canada, near Fecamp France places/18758 West m Les Fosses de Benouville, near Etretat France places/20034 West m Lintomagus Catuslovius, Briga Bois l'Abbe, near Eu Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Leman-Dererive (1976) Marie-Therese and Georges RaepsaetCharlier Vol. I, Page 67 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 245 49.502576 0.209231 Caracoticum http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69484 places/2052 West m 245.1 49.493590 0.307730 Sandouville France places/18811 West m 245.2 49.502600 0.470930 St Nicolas de la Taille France places/18812 West m 246 49.517620 0.536825 Port of Juliobona Lillebonne http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/109069 places/2051 West m 247 49.522662 0.725045 Loium Caudebec en Caux http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/109120 places/266 West m 247.1 49.438010 0.431390 Saint Samson de la Roque France places/18774 West m 247.2 49.176960 -0.319770 Mondeville http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69532 places/17013 West m -30 247.3 49.184040 -0.360730 Caen http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69483 places/8394 West m -30 248 49.106640 -0.429950 -30 248.1 49.340000 -0.760000 249 49.311130 -1.234087 Aregenua Crociatonum, Crouciaconnum Harfleur Grenier Grenier Vieux, South of Caen Grenier http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69468 places/8051 West m Port-en-BessinHuppain http://data.pastpla France / West preventive/Actualit 7304 es/Communiquesde-presse/p-16145Le-passe-antiquede-Port-en-BessinHuppain-revele-parune-fouillearcheologique.htm http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69495 places/8050 West m Carentan Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 m -30 -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 68 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 250 49.682941 -1.598889 Coriallum, Coriovallum Cherbourg http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69493 places/8052 West m -30 251 49.720945 -2.176000 Riduna insula Isle of Alderney, Aurigny Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69542 places/26344 West a 300 252 49.455255 -2.574880 Sarmia insula Isle of Guernesey Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla 230 France West a 253 49.458796 -2.524054 Lisia, Lesia insula La Plaiderie at St Peter Port, Guernesey Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69567 places/26345 West a 254 49.431421 -2.359939 Barsa insula Isle of Sark ? Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla 05693 France West a 255 49.218157 -2.138954 Caesarea, Andium insula Isle of Jersey Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69465 places/41079 West a 256 49.315391 -1.727755 Portbail http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69554 places/17763 West m 257 48.659636 -1.412533 Avranches http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69518 places/133 West m Baguer Pican http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69474 places/14190 West m -30 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69566 places/17929 West m -30 France places/18821 West m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69556 places/11912 West m Abrincas, Ingena 257.1 258 48.643115 -1.861916 St Meloir des Ondes 258.1 48.700000 -1.935200 Pointe du Meinga 259 48.635810 -2.027310 Reginca, Aletum Aleth near St Malo Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -330 -30 -330 Vol. I, Page 69 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 260 48.475288 -2.004217 Boissieres, near Taden http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69574 places/39093 West m -30 261 48.631072 -2.481902 Erquy http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69504 places/7885 West m -30 262 48.545476 -2.711488 St Brieuc http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69562 places/130 West m 263 48.736145 -3.485788 Lannion and Ploulec’h http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69526 places/14188 West m 263.1 48.730780 -3.535520 Le Yaudet France places/13269 West m 263.2 48.677160 -3.637510 Hogolo, near Plestin les Greves France places/45010 West m 264 48.654231 -3.875826 264.1 48.654270 -4.160330 265 48.458437 -5.049930 Uxantis, Portus Uxentinus, Uxisama insula Cromlech of Pen-ar- Antonine, Itin Mar Lan, on the Isle of Ouessant, Ushant 266 48.334649 -4.493341 Gesocribate, Osismis 266.1 48.450000 266.2 48.212830 Port Saliocanus, Staliocane in the bay of Morlaix Ptol, Geogr, 2, 8 Grenier Gorre-Bloue, Plouescat http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/69534 France West France places/39096 West a m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69579 places/41078 West a Brest http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69511 places/8055 West m -330 -4.250000 Landerneau http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69524 places/14185 West m -330 -4.557220 Lostmarc'h, Crozon France places/25853 West m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Blackman -30 rs Vol. I, Page 70 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 266.3 48.089190 -4.520050 Castel Coz France places/39098 West m 266.4 48.063210 -4.688920 Castel Meur France places/39094 West m 267 48.035135 -4.853890 267.1 48.038234 -4.489740 267.2 47.982317 267.3 Sina, Sena insula http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/69569 places/41077 West a Roman villa at Pont Croix http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/140432 places/22581 West m -4.116656 Quimper http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138529 places/127 West m 47.904330 -3.930370 Roman villa at Le Questel, near Concarneau France places/20071 West m 267.4 47.640100 -3.505300 Kervedan, isle of Groix France places/39407 West m 268 47.715792 -3.355616 268.1 47.668330 -3.215280 269 47.799419 -3.276143 Blabia Hennebont? on R Blavet 270 47.322732 -3.185394 Vindelis, Vindilis insula Isle of Belle-Ile Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138660 places/41075 West a -30 271 47.388436 -2.967130 Siata insula Isle of Houat Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138587 places/41076 West a -30 Port Vindana Isle of Sein Port Louis near Lorient Antonine, Itin Mar Ptol, Geogr, 2, 8 Grenier http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/138506 Roman villa at Mane Vechen, near Plouhinec Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pauly http://data.pastpla 503 France West -30 a France places/20118 West m France West m Vol. I, Page 71 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 272 47.336393 -2.873298 Venetica, Arica insula Isle of Hoedic? Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/141944 places/43792 West 273 47.571280 -2.948270 273.1 47.626471 -2.762254 Darioritum, Benetis Vannes, capital city of the Venetes 273.2 47.553000 -2.867000 Ouidana Limen Moulin de Pencastel 274 47.470252 -2.512098 Cassiterides islands? islands now inland at Penestin (?) Strabo, Geogr, 3, 3- Gavin de Beer 5 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, (1960) 36 http://data.pastpla 6869 France West a 275 47.288481 -2.481619 Port Brivates, Blivida? Batz-Tremondet Ptol, Geogr, 2, 8 http://data.pastpla 81735 France West a 275.1 47.259570 -2.419950 276 47.269000 -2.207000 Corbilon, Korbilon St Nazaire Strabo, Geogr, 4, 2 Grenier http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138406 places/16344 West a 277 47.290448 -2.082342 Port des Deux Corbeaux on the estuary of R Loire Strabo, Geogr, 4, 4 Grenier http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/138406 a 278 47.215566 -1.544622 Portus Namnetum, Port of the Namnetes Nantes, at the outlet of R Erdre? Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138298 places/124 West m 279 47.192051 -1.565266 Ratiatum, port of the Pictons Reze, Chapelle Saint-Lupien Strabo and Ptol mention the city but not the port http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138533 places/11957 West a -30 280 47.066000 -1.981000 Port Sicor, Sikor Limen Prigny, near Bourgneuf Ptol, Geogr, 2, 8 ; Marcian, Peripl, 2, 21 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138591 places/26343 West a -30 Locmariaquer Grenier, Pauly, Hazlitt France places/20252 West m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138323 places/126 West m France places/17931 West m Penchateau, near Le Pouliguen Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 France places/39409 West Grenier a France West -330 -330 m -330 Vol. I, Page 72 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 281 47.018400 -2.253700 281.1 46.428240 -1.577590 281.2 46.143790 -1.162170 282 46.003566 -1.084452 282.1 45.803860 -1.065900 283 45.535490 -0.879560 284 45.123024 284.1 Portus Morinum Roman villa at Saint Hilaire, Port de Morin? on the isle of Noirmoutier Roman villa at Le Grand Essart, near Jard sur Mer Polybius, Hist, 34, 7 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/138571 France West a France places/12317 West m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/140480 places/18558 West m -30 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138573 places/17468 West a -30 Pepiron, Saint Just Luzac http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/140481 places/20147 West m -330 Novioregum Le Fa, near Barzan http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138496 places/11128 West m -30 -0.670996 Blauto, Blavia Santorum Blaye http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138230 places/2664 West m -30 45.102040 -0.646430 Blacciarum Roman villa at Plassac http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138227 places/3631 West m -30 284.2 45.044210 -0.570570 Burgus Roman villa at Gogues, near Bourg http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138249 places/17470 West m -30 285 44.840064 -0.572007 Burdigala http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138248 places/147 West a 286 44.824834 -0.541374 R Garumna Bordeaux, Porte Navigere, at the outlet of R Deveze, rue de la Devise R Garonne barely navigable http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/138369 a 286.1 45.199200 -0.748890 Roman villa at Les Minimes, near La Rochelle Santonon Limen Fouras Roman villa at Pauillac Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ptol, Geogr, 2, 7 Strabo, Geogr, 4, 2 ; Marcian, Peripl, 2, 21 Mela, Geogr, 3, 2 ; Marcian, Peripl, 2, 21 Grenier Grenier France West France places/15428 West m Vol. I, Page 73 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 286.2 45.328130 -0.842040 Roman villa at Bois Carre http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/140486 places/18548 West m -30 286.3 45.543410 -1.063310 Roman villa at Le Verdon sur Mer http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138333 places/17469 West m 300 286.4 44.742670 -1.105750 Roman villa at Andernos les Bains http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138232 places/936 West m 286.5 44.626240 -0.997820 Boii Lamothe http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138232 places/936 West m 286.6 44.495950 -1.061020 Losa Louse http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138426 places/11125 West m -30 286.7 44.224320 -1.151810 Segosa Saint Paul en Born, near Mimizan http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/138581 places/17900 West m -30 286.8 43.992840 -1.272080 Mosconnum Mixe http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246508 places/17899 West m -30 287 43.492880 -1.474326 Lapurdum, Lapurdunum, Lapurdo, Baiona Bayonne http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246461 places/6530 West m -30 288 42.444486 3.173549 Cervaria Cerbere Mela, Geogr, 2, 5 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246328 places/40788 South a 289 42.519556 3.108357 Portus Veneris, Venus Port-Vendres Mela, Geogr, 2, 5 289.1 42.524800 3.086300 Caucholiberi Collioure 290 42.603613 3.000000 Illiberis, Castrum Helenae Latour-Bas-Elne near St Cyprien Dumnitonus Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, presence http://pleiades.stoa d’une epave .org/places/246571 Flemming France South a p http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246317 places/14080 South m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246433 places/158 South m 300 Vol. I, Page 74 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 291 42.708809 2.945258 Ruscino Castel Rossello 291.1 42.839000 2.966000 Salsulae Fons Salses le Château 292 42.883949 3.020076 Leuxos Leucate 293 43.003701 3.035689 294 43.046524 3.003705 294.1 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246348 places/8024 South m -750 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246611 places/8023 South m -330 Flemming http://data.pastpla 9673 France South m Sainte Jeanne, near Port La Nouvelle Rouquette (2011) http://data.pastpla 6282 France South m Caussagues, near Sigean Sanchez France places/40523 South m France places/14179 South m Moulin, near Peyriac de Mer 295 43.179520 3.015881 296 43.143864 2.998948 297 43.141803 3.004629 298 43.131376 3.023556 299 43.049687 3.041817 Narbo-Martius Kauco Narbonne? Possibly at Saint Loup Ouest? Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 ; Ausonius, Ordo Urbium, 13 ; Apollinaris, Poesie 23 Lehmann, Flemming, Pauly, Blackman, Sanchez r X a r X France South m r http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246347 places/156 South Lac de Capelles, not a port but exceptional fish pond, on the Etang de Bages Jetty of Port La Nautique, on the Etang de Bages Grenier, Carayon (2014) Sanchez (2014), Falguera (2000) France places/39307 South m r Mandirac training walls, Le Castelou, on the Etang de Bages Lac de Cauquenes, possibly used only for the quarry on the isle of Sainte Lucie, near Port La Nouvelle Sanchez (2014) France South m r http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/246603 places/17489 South m r Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Grenier X X X X X ? -30 Vol. I, Page 75 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 300 43.086150 3.064786 St Martin le bas, near Gruissan Falguera (2000), Duperron France South m r 301 43.128234 3.122125 Tintaine, near Gruissan Falguera (2000) France South m r 301.1 43.199503 3.187017 La Boede, L'Oustalet, near Fleury Sanchez France places/20097 South m 302 43.314327 3.468434 Agatha Agde, river port Flemming 303 43.288300 3.512200 Embonne 304 43.420773 3.612533 Mesua 304.1 43.440100 3.614300 305 43.446595 3.653943 305.1 43.440670 305.2 -30 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/147985 places/160 South m p Cap d’Agde http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148072 places/17497 South m -330 Meze http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148133 places/12483 South m -750 France South m Roman villa at Loupian Polygium, Pozigium X ? Bouzigues http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/152524 France South m 3.678780 Balaruc les Bains http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148007 places/15762 South m -30 43.425000 3.678000 Le Barrou http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148013 places/17513 South m -30 306 43.397696 3.701904 Setius Sete http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/148201 France South m 307 43.513250 3.883501 Magalona Maguelone http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148123 places/392 South m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Vol. I, Page 76 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 308 43.564622 3.907004 Lattara, Latera Lattes, with ancient lighthouse Garcia, Christiansen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148107 places/17516 South m 308.1 43.639160 4.135893 Portus Mas Desports Scrinzi (2014) France South m 308.2 43.604270 4.216760 France places/9008 South m 300 308.3 43.640607 4.410827 Rhodanusia? L'Argentiere at Espeyran Barruol (1978) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148167 places/17518 South m -550 309 43.442822 4.423038 Saintes-Maries-de-laMer (also called Artemis because the saintes in question came from Ephesus where godin Artemis is worshiped) maritime port of Arles, now submerged offshore Long (2014) http://data.pastpla 0920 France South m 309.1 43.522253 4.462427 Les Combettes Landure (2004) France South m r 309.2 43.538998 4.484462 Le Carrelet Max Daniel (2013) France South m r 309.3 43.562807 4.576890 Mas de Cabassolle Arnaud-Fassetta (1997) France South m rs 310 43.677677 4.619494 a rs 310.3 43.535436 4.644349 Mas de la Capeliere Arnaud-Fassetta (1997) France South m r 310.4 43.465667 4.634543 Ulmet Vella (2014) France South m rs Psalmodi Arelate, Arelas, Theline Arles Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Caesar, Guerre civile, 2, 5 ; Ausonius, Ordo Urbium, 8 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Grenier, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148217 places/173 South http://data.pastpla 76186 r X X -550 X X X Vol. I, Page 77 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 311 43.463078 4.634839 Gradus Massilitanorum, Grau des Marseillais 311.1 43.429616 4.860282 a landmark for seafarers 312 43.530936 4.773496 312.1 43.424017 4.961254 Marius' canal, Fossa Mariana, Fossae Marianae, Fosses Mariannes Statio Fossae Marianae? Near Stomalimne 312.2 43.461709 4.982666 312.3 43.438920 4.980820 312.4 43.412382 4.973707 this is not Heracleia 313.1 43.404932 5.055283 Astromela, Mastramela 313.2 43.420482 5.060630 Maritima Avaticorum, Maritima Civitas Colonia? Tholon, near Martigues 314.1 43.354230 5.023508 Dilis? Port des Laurons, submerged breakwater, near villa maritima of Semenes Ugium, Herakleia?? ancient outlet of R Rhone near Salin de Giraud, supposed to be at about 18 nautical miles from Arelates on the ancient Rhone d'Ulmet branch La Roque d'Odor Antonine, Itin Mar ; Polybius, Hist, 3, 16 ; Ammian, Hist, 15, 11 Canal connecting Fos to R Rhone, not yet precisely located Fos marina, Anse St Gervais near Fos and etang de l’Estomac Saint Blaise (St Mitre les Remparts) on the "Ancien canal de Martigues" Castillon, near Port de Bouc Plutarch, Marius, 16 Grenier, Lehmann, ; Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 Flemming, Fontaine ; Mela, Geogr, 2, 5 (Arkaeos), Vella, Badan (2013) Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 ; Fontaine (Arkaeos), Antonine, Itin Mar Vella, Marty (2014) Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 Fernand Benoit (1965) Pointe de Vella, near necropolis and Roman villa of pointe de la Baumasse Martigues, Quai Brescon on the island Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Marty (2014) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148094 places/14041 South a http://www.maphis /record/218-419 France South a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/148084 France South a rs X http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148085 places/6586 South a rs X http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148178 places/17854 South m France places/45270 South m France South m France South m Marino (2005) Ptol, Geogr, 2, 10 Wikipedia, Chausserie (2002) http://data.pastpla 7516 Wikipedia, Chausserie (2002) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148125 places/11100 South a Chausserie (2002) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148068 places/14038 South m -30 -330 -750 -550 rs X -30 Vol. I, Page 78 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 314.2 43.355750 5.024662 Dilis? Port des Laurons, submerged quay, near villa maritima of Semenes quarry at La Couronne Vieille 315 43.327036 5.055424 Dilis? 315.1 43.329720 5.074720 Tamaris 316 43.330747 5.107255 Sausset les Pins 317 43.325969 5.154315 Incaro Carry le Rouet Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, shipwreck http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148102 places/14037 South a 318 43.296845 5.369604 Massalia Graecorum, Lacydon Caesar, Guerre civile, 1, 36 ; 2, 1 ; Mela, Geogr, 2, 5 ; Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Grenier, Lehmann, Hazlitt, Loven, Blackman, Oleson, Hesnard (2004) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148127 places/176 South a r X X 319 43.297625 5.374913 Massalia Graecorum, Lacydon Marseille, Vieux Port, place Jules Verne & place VilleneuveBargemon (see also nearby Musee des docks: Dolia warehouse) Marseille, Vieux Port, quays of the Corne du port antique Caesar, Guerre civile, 1, 36 ; 2, 1 ; Mela, Geogr, 2, 5 ; Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Grenier, Lehmann, Flemming, Hazlitt, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148127 places/176 South a p r X 320 43.270839 5.302154 Calanque de l’ane, Pomegues (isles of Frioul) shipwreck and mooring bits http://data.pastpla 96119 France South m p r 321 43.235262 5.355211 Madrague de Montredon shipwreck http://data.pastpla 22932 France South m 322 43.217578 5.343932 Inmandras, Immandras 323 43.211142 5.352380 Inmandras, Immandras Isle of Maïre: Port des Goudes, on the North side of Cap Croisette Isle of Maïre: Callelongue, on the Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Chausserie (2002) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148068 places/14038 South m Chausserie (2002) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148062 places/18079 South a p France places/45271 South AdG France South rs X -30 -550 m m p -30 X X X Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148101 places/14036 South a p -30 Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla France places/14036 South 33592 a -30 Vol. I, Page 79 Catalogue of Ancient Ports South side of Cap Croisette 324 43.209560 5.422606 Aemines, Hemines, Mines Sormiou Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/147984 places/14035 South a 325 43.205623 5.515599 Portus Milus Port Miou Arnaud (2004) http://data.pastpla 33610 France South m p 326 43.214105 5.539015 Carsicis Cassis Antonine, Itin Mar Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148037 places/17857 South a p 327 43.173127 5.607165 Citharista, Kitharistes, Zao La Ciotat, Ceyreste Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 5 ; Flemming, Pauly, Antonine, Itin Mar Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/148048 places/17858 South a p 328 43.171103 5.695495 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157821 places/20142 South m 329 43.080312 5.799876 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157934 places/17864 South a 329.1 43.079451 5.781492 Port St Pierre on Iles des Embiez AdG http://data.pastpla 93460 France South m p 329.2 43.082920 5.905755 Baie du Lazaret AdG France South m p 330 43.109297 5.917936 Telone Martio, Telo Martius Toulon Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157936 places/187 South a 331 43.078934 6.123224 Olbia, Pomponiana L’Almanarre near Hyeres Antonine, Itin Mar Lehmann, Flemming, Hazlitt, Bats (2006) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157896 places/17005 South a 332 43.045000 6.104000 shipwreck http://data.pastpla 28460 m Roman villa at Les Lecques, near St Cyr sur Mer Tauroeis, Taurento, Tauroentum Le Brusc, Six Fours Madrague de Giens Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Caesar, Guerres civiles, 2, 4 France South -30 r X X -30 -30 -330 X rs X X ? -330 Vol. I, Page 80 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 333 43.025491 6.151745 La Tour Fondue on the peninsula of Giens 334 43.009730 6.305789 335 43.015313 6.216364 336 43.001770 6.251547 Pointe de La Galere (Porquerolles) 336.1 42.992349 6.180915 Anse du Breganconnet (Porquerolles) Dawson 337 43.013552 6.387402 Anse de La Palud (Port-Cros) shipwreck 337.1 43.029619 6.456235 Petit Avis (Levant) Dawson 338 43.095684 6.321810 Pergantion Beach of Bregancon 339 43.147563 6.433578 Alconis Cavaliere 340 43.165496 6.538462 341 43.174482 6.542382 Stoechadis, Stoechades, Stechades insulae: Prote, Mese, Hypaca Heraclia Caccabaria Hyeres, islands: Isles of Porquerolles, of Port-Cros, of Levant Pointe of Lequin, Plage Notre Dame (Porquerolles) shipwreck Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 ; Tacitus, Hist, 3, 42 ; Antonine, Itin Mar several shipwrecks, Dawson Antonine, Itin Mar Pointe du Dattier (Cap Cavalaire) shipwreck Cavalaire. Plini, Hist Antonine, Itin Mar Nat, 3, 5 mentions a Heraclee at the outlet of R Rhone, but the pointe Cavalaire is now generally accepted Lehmann, Flemming, Hazlitt Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 13189 France South m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/157929 France South a http://data.pastpla 58544 France South m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157857 places/17390 South m http://data.pastpla 5080 France South m France South m France South m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157904 places/17868 South m -330 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157804 places/17866 South a -30 http://data.pastpla 2516 France South http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157867 places/14033 South -330 m a rs X -30 Vol. I, Page 81 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 342 43.190300 6.556190 Villa romana of Pardigon (Cavalaire & Croix Valmer) 343 43.178553 6.653968 bay of Bon-Porte (Ramatuelle) 344 43.228940 6.675349 Bay of Pampelone 345 43.273254 6.629807 Athenopolis St Tropez 346 43.272286 6.594116 Sinus Sambracitanus plagia Beach of the Golfe de St Tropez 346.1 43.400000 6.714000 Lagune de Villepey, St Aygulf shipwreck, Bertoncello (2011) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157951 places/18243 South m 346.2 43.443405 6.686772 Les Escaravatiers, near Puget sur Argens Fiches (1995), Dubar (2004) http://data.pastpla 5396 m 347 43.431319 6.740503 Forum Julii, Forum Julium Grenier, Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Christiansen, Oleson, Bertoncello (2011), Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157836 places/184 South a 348 43.422284 6.864040 Portus Oxybiorum, Oxybius Roman naval base Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 ; at Frejus with four Tacitus, Hist, 3, 42 lighthouses: the Lanterne d'Auguste, the Butte St Antoine, the Monument aux Tritons and the Lion de Mer islet in front of St Raphael Agay, East of St Strabo, Geogr, 4, 1 Raphael France South a 348.1 43.549300 6.955000 Ad Horrea St Cassien, near Mandelieu 349 43.522853 7.037330 Vergoanum, on Lero insula Isle of Ste Marguerite in the isles of Lerins with ancient lighthouse Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 fr.wikipedia http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157902 places/18241 South m http://data.pastpla 9125 France South m France South m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157816 places/17870 South m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/157922 a shipwreck Antonine, Itin Mar Hazlitt France South France South France places/17375 South Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157945 places/18941 South -30 -330 -30 r X X X X m a -30 r X -330 Vol. I, Page 82 Catalogue of Ancient Ports of la Tour Ste Anne at the NW end of the island 350 43.509699 7.044936 351 43.571137 7.091848 352 43.555293 7.136326 353 43.589336 7.124543 354 43.621713 7.127519 355 43.690563 7.269291 356 43.699120 357 Lerina, Planasia insula Isle of St Honorat in the isles of Lerins Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/157906 Morena Nicaea, Nicia plagia Bas-Lauvert, probable export site of Garum (Antibes les Pins) Plage de La Garoupe, probable shelter (Cap d’Antibes) Antibes, in the Anse Antonine, Itin Mar Saint Roch near the Fort Carre. The entrance to the ancient port was near the peninsula of the Fort Carre. Etang de Vaugrenier, possible ancient port beach of Nice Antonine, Itin Mar 7.315785 Olivula Portus Villefranche Antonine, Itin Mar 43.699295 7.336753 Anaone Beaulieu sur Mer Antonine, Itin Mar 358 43.717484 7.363701 Avisione, Avisio Eze Antonine, Itin Mar 359 43.734590 7.432848 Hercle Manico, Port Heracles, Portus Herculis Monoeci, Port d’Hercules Monoecus, Monaco. Unlike other authors, Ptolemy distinguishes « Herculis Portus » and « Monoeci Tacitus, Hist, 3, 42 ; Flemming, Hazlitt Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 4, 6 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Antipolis Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 France South a France South m France South m Morena http://data.pastpla 80741 Morena, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157812 places/185 South a Morena http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157943 places/17386 South m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157894 places/186 South a Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157897 places/17873 South a -30 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157810 places/17874 South a -30 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157817 places/17389 South a -30 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157868 places/17385 South a -750 Pauly rs X -30 Vol. I, Page 83 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Monoecus, Monoeque Portus » East of Nice, and puts around 35 km between both of them Roquebrune Cap Martin 359.1 43.758370 7.473550 Lumo 360 42.369042 9.155490 Cyrne, Crinis, Kurnos, Korsika Isle of Corsica, Corse 361 42.962638 9.453749 Vicus Aurelianus Macinaggio, near Rogliano, at the outlet of R Gioielli http://data.pastpla France places/41510 Corsica 74602 m 362 42.772350 9.475618 Klounion Erbalunga? http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472086 places/32853 Corsica m -330 363 42.757500 9.465900 Mantinon, Porto Cardo Lavasina http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472095 places/32855 Corsica m p -330 364 42.539000 9.495800 Mariana http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472096 places/16892 Corsica m -750 365 42.450081 9.544660 Folleli http://data.pastpla 5287 France Corsica m 366 42.204886 9.559804 Toutelas Bomos La Canonica, near Lucciana, Marais de Tanghiccia, at the outlet of R Golo at the Genoese tower of San Pellegrino, this might be Ptolemy's Niceae near la Marine de Bravone http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472139 places/31234 Corsica m -330 367 42.139877 9.549522 Diana portus, Port d’Artemis/Diane Etang de Diana at the outlet of R Tavignano http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472055 places/32846 Corsica a -330 368 42.102500 9.509300 Alalia, Valeria Aleria, Roman naval base Lehmann, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472048 places/16893 Corsica m 369 41.775111 9.400479 Portus Favonus, Port Philonios Creek de Favona at Conca Flemming http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472066 places/32848 Corsica a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Diodorus, Hist, 5, 11 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 39 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Ptol, Geogr, 3, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Ptol, Geogr, 3, 2 http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/157880 places/17384 South m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/472063 a France Corsica -30 rs X X -750 -30 Vol. I, Page 84 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 370 41.590898 9.289219 Portus Syracusanus Porto-Vecchio 370.1 41.501186 9.276116 371 41.467655 9.276966 Rhoubra 372 41.371420 9.221710 Petit Sperone 373 41.368667 9.261093 374 41.388288 9.163435 Pallas Bonifacio, AraguinaSennola, Monte Leone 375 41.427400 9.106175 Marianon 376 41.474146 9.075220 Phikaria 376.1 41.473091 8.989824 377 41.544237 8.851040 377.1 41.678516 8.902447 378 41.704970 8.801601 Ptol, Geogr, 3, 2 Porto Nuovo Shipwreck Pauka a p -330 France Corsica m Rondinara or Sponsaglia? http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472123 places/31228 Corsica m -330 beach of Piantarella, in front of the Lavezzi islands Cavallo island http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472113 places/31226 Corsica m -330 http://data.pastpla France places/41698 Corsica 2271 m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472110 places/31223 Corsica m p -30 La Tonnara http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472097 places/25439 Corsica m -330 Figari http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472112 places/31225 Corsica m p -330 Dawson Punta di Caniscione Titianus Portus http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472131 places/31231 Corsica Tizzano Dawson Hazlitt m http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472138 places/31233 Corsica a Propriano http://data.pastpla 6749 France Corsica m near Porto Pollo http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472111 places/31224 Corsica m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ptol, Geogr, 3, 2 France Corsica -330 -330 Vol. I, Page 85 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 379 41.919715 8.746518 Agiation Ajaccio http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472047 places/16890 Corsica m -30 380 42.047615 8.735800 Ourkinion bay of Liscia, near Sari d’Orcino http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472107 places/31221 Corsica m -330 381 42.118300 8.690000 Saone Sagone, on R Sagone http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472126 places/31229 Corsica m -330 381.1 42.266501 8.693291 http://data.pastpla 99341 France Corsica m p 381.2 42.414861 8.647912 Calaris Galeria http://data.pastpla 11296 France Corsica m 381.3 42.562327 8.762174 Caesiae Calvi http://data.pastpla 2439 France Corsica m 381.4 42.638580 8.939249 Agilla, Rubico Rocega L'Ile-Rousse http://data.pastpla 7030 France Corsica m 382 42.675200 9.293300 Nebbio, Cersunum St Florent, Strette France Corsica m 383 42.786280 9.343000 Castrum Nuntiae Nonza France places/41511 Corsica m 383.1 42.828000 9.313000 Kanelate Canelle, near Canari http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472078 places/32849 Corsica m -330 384 42.966684 9.344882 Kentourinon near Centuri http://pleiades.stoa France .org/places/472081 places/32851 Corsica m -330 385 40.307796 9.111677 Sardinia Isle of Sardinia, Sardaigne http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/991344 a Porto Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Dawson Diodorus, Hist, 5, 12 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 39 ; Polybius, Hist, 2, 6 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Italy Sardinia Vol. I, Page 86 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 386 40.923636 9.507322 Olbia Olbia 387 40.784988 9.675812 Coclearia near San Teodoro 388 40.639368 9.722893 Pheronia, Feronia Posada 389 40.616236 9.751357 Portus Liguidonis San Giovanni di Posada 390 39.912462 9.706108 Sulcis, Sulpicius, Supicius Arbatax, near Tortoli 391 39.833966 9.686434 Custodia Rubriensis Roman fort near Bari Sardo 392 39.694379 9.664134 Saralapis San Giovanni di Saralat, Foxi Manna 393 39.666510 9.657261 Saralapis 394 39.425626 9.631611 395 39.116490 9.516373 395.1 39.141320 9.490560 Santa Maria 395.2 39.212670 9.273610 Roman villa at Quartu Sant'Elena http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471987 places/16889 Sardinia a p http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471906 places/30261 Sardinia m -30 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471995 places/32836 Sardinia m -30 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471999 places/32838 Sardinia m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472025 places/32839 Sardinia a p -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471911 places/36277 Sardinia m -30 Carayon Italy Sardinia m r San Giovanni di Saralat, Foxi Murdegu Carayon Italy Sardinia m r Sarcapos, Sarpach Santa Maria di Villaputzu, near Muravera Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472012 places/36478 Sardinia m p -30 Caralitanum Prom. Capo Carbonara, Stagno di Notteri Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471900 places/41659 Sardinia m -330 Italy places/41656 Sardinia m http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472001 places/35719 Sardinia m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon, Flemming Ptol, Geogr, 3, 4 r X X -330 X ? X -30 Vol. I, Page 87 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 396 39.211683 9.112387 Caralis, Carales Cagliari, Roman naval base 396.1 39.220540 9.108340 397 38.987048 9.014440 Nora Capo di Pula, Creek of San Efisio 398 38.984715 9.012555 Nora 399 38.988036 9.012066 400 38.895600 401 Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 98 ; Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 24 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 39 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471899 places/16177 Sardinia Villa Romana di Tigellio, Cagliari a p r X ? -750 X -750 Italy places/41650 Sardinia m Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471979 places/22707 Sardinia m r Capo di Pula, Cala di Nora Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471979 places/22707 Sardinia m rs Nora Lagoon of San Efisio Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471979 places/22707 Sardinia m -750 8.884900 Bitia, Bithia, Bioea Punta di Chia, near Domus de Maria Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon, Flemming, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471894 places/36274 Sardinia a -750 38.898734 8.803097 Port Hercules, Melqart Porto Malfatano Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/471942 Italy Sardinia a rs X 402 38.887868 8.803355 Port Hercules , Melqart http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/471942 Italy Sardinia m rs X 403 38.934700 8.723600 Port of Tegula Porto Malfatano, submerged breakwater on NE side of Capo Malfatano Porto Teulada 404 38.932988 8.614564 Sulcitanus Portus bay of Porto Pino, quarry of Guardia s'Arena 405 38.963151 8.602078 Sulcitanus Portus Porto Pino, access canal to the lagoon of Baiocca Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472029 places/32840 Sardinia m p Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon http://data.pastpla 09172 Italy Sardinia a r Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon http://data.pastpla 09172 Italy Sardinia a r X -750 X -30 X X X Vol. I, Page 88 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 406 39.011823 8.593479 Sulcitanus Portus South end of the lagoon of Baiocca Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon http://data.pastpla 09172 Italy Sardinia a 406.1 39.048305 8.461377 Sulcitanus Portus Golfo di Palmas Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Wikipedia http://data.pastpla 09172 Italy Sardinia a 407 39.065340 8.462004 Sulcis, Solci San Antioco Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472024 places/16886 Sardinia a p 408 39.140566 8.321367 Enosis insula Carloforte, on the isle of San Pietro Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471917 places/41297 Sardinia m p -30 408.1 39.177400 8.488700 Monte Sirai, near Carbonia http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471974 places/32831 Sardinia m -750 408.2 39.714500 8.494600 Roman villa at Stagno di Marceddi, S. Angiarxia, Arbus http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472005 places/35720 Sardinia m -30 409 39.687940 8.555500 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471977 places/41635 Sardinia m 409.1 39.727440 8.605140 Roman villa at Pauli Putzu http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471994 places/35717 Sardinia m -330 409.2 39.785920 8.664500 Roman villa at Muru de Bangiu http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471954 places/35386 Sardinia m -30 409.3 39.794500 8.582200 Roman villa at Sant'Ungroni, near Arborea http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472009 places/35722 Sardinia m -30 410 39.869570 8.608490 Othaia, Othoca Santa Giusta Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471988 places/32834 Sardinia m -750 411 39.877343 8.442608 Tarrai, Tharros, Tarrhos San Giovanni di Sinis, Porto Vecchio Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472032 places/22706 Sardinia m Neapolis Santa Maria di Nabui Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming r X r X r rs -750 X X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 89 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 412 39.859288 8.437959 Tarrai, Tharros Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472032 places/22706 Sardinia m 413 40.043873 8.409895 Coracodes, Korakodes Cala Su Pallosu portus Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Zucca (2011) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/474927 Italy Sardinia a 414 40.087832 8.490364 Cornus, Kornos S’Archittu Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471907 places/30262 Sardinia a -330 415 40.284535 8.469417 Bosa Bosa Marina (outlet of R Temo?) Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471895 places/30259 Sardinia m -330 416 40.569916 8.306281 Carbia, Garbia Alghero Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471901 places/36276 Sardinia m -30 417 40.616568 8.189645 Nymphaeus Portus Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471985 places/35723 Sardinia a -30 40.682966 8.197850 Nure Roman villa at Sant'Imbenia, Porto Conte, Grotta Verde, Capo Caccia Porto Ferro 418 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471982 places/36477 Sardinia m -30 418.1 40.938117 8.225224 m p 419 40.850551 8.403981 419.1 40.871980 8.629010 Roman villa at Santa Filitica, near Sorso 419.2 40.903080 8.689120 Roman villa at Lu Bagnu, near Castelsardo 420 40.916939 8.706077 Turris Libyssonis, Libisonis Portus Tibulae San Giovanni di Sinis, La Caletta Ptol, Geogr, 3, 3 Stintino AdG http://data.pastpla 1409 Porto Torres Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472035 places/16888 Sardinia m p rs http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472022 places/35725 Sardinia m Italy places/41884 Sardinia m http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471902 places/30260 Sardinia m Castelsardo Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Italy Sardinia rs X X -750 -330 -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 90 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 421 41.129461 9.060096 Viniolae http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472044 places/36482 Sardinia m -30 421.1 41.240510 9.160090 Quarry at Capo Testa http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/473387 places/38059 Sardinia m -330 422 41.237221 9.195259 Tibula? Porto Longone, at Santa Teresa Gallura http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472034 places/32841 Sardinia m p -30 423 41.199135 9.275693 Turublum Minus, Lamos, port of the Lestrygons and stopover of Odysseus Ilva insula Porto Pozzo Cuisenier http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/472036 places/36481 Sardinia a -30 423.1 41.212045 9.404022 Cala Gavetta, on Isla La Maddalena AdG http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471952 places/41662 Sardinia m p 423.2 41.125616 9.470911 Cala Bitta AdG Italy Sardinia m p 423.3 41.105000 9.444000 423.4 41.135830 9.495848 Poltu Quatu AdG 423.5 41.133359 9.536260 Porto Vecchio of Porto Cervo AdG 423.6 41.016495 9.523114 Bay of CugnanaPortisco AdG 423.7 41.029277 9.546367 Porto Rotondo AdG http://data.pastpla 15972 424 43.789300 7.625200 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157802 places/8039 Elefantaria Vintimilio plagia, Album Intermilium, Albintimilium porto di Vignola, near Aglientu Flemming, Homer, Odyssey, 10, 80 Cannigione, Golfo di Arzachena Vintimiglia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/471916 places/36279 Sardinia Antonine, Itin Mar http://data.pastpla 9630 m Italy Sardinia m p Italy Sardinia m p Italy Sardinia m p Italy Sardinia m p a -30 r X -550 Vol. I, Page 91 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 424.1 43.808240 7.759540 Roman villa at Foce, near San Remo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157924 places/18015 m -30 424.2 43.814700 7.780700 La Costa, San Remo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157837 places/17381 m -30 424.3 43.820990 7.838580 Roman villa di Bussana, near San Remo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157828 places/17380 m -30 425 43.830374 7.869096 Costa Balenae, at the outlet of R Tavia Riva Ligure, on R Taggia Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/157837 Italy West a 426 43.873700 8.020700 Portus Mauritii, Portu Maurici Porto Maurizio, near Imperia Antonine, Itin Mar Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157908 places/17379 a -30 427 43.906800 8.085900 Lucus Bormani Diano Marina Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157879 places/17378 m p -30 428 44.035804 8.225654 Albingauno, Albenganum Albenga Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157803 places/10567 a -550 428.1 44.164000 8.342000 Pullopice Finale Ligure http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/157910 places/17179 m -30 428.2 44.180000 8.396000 Varicottis Varigotti Italy West places/44322 m 300 429 44.238712 8.443866 Vadis Savadis, Vadum Sabatium Vado Ligure, isola di Bergeggi with ancient lighthouse 430 44.296439 8.479161 Savo, Vicus Virginis? Savona 431 44.333850 8.511870 Alba Docilia Albissola Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 7 ; Christiansen Antonine, Itin Mar Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383808 places/17178 a http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383770 places/10568 m p http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383563 places/17180 m r X -30 -330 r X -30 Vol. I, Page 92 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 431.1 44.368060 8.571340 San Donato, near Varazze Italy West places/44323 m 300 432 44.377370 8.633105 Ad Navalia Cogoleto http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383551 places/17181 m -30 433 44.422373 8.744872 Hasta Voltri http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383670 places/17182 m -30 434 44.395427 8.867501 Sestri Ponente Sestri Ponente Lehmann http://data.pastpla Italy West places/17183 3878 m rs X 435 44.411226 8.926382 Genua Genoa, Marina Porto Antico, near Palazzo San Giorgio Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383664 places/10569 a p r X 436 44.358043 9.140469 Ricina Recco Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383758 places/23137 m 300 437 44.349000 9.152600 Delphinis Camogli http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383632 places/17184 m -30 438 44.302575 9.211589 Portu Delphini, Port du Dauphin Portofino http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383750 places/17185 a -30 439 44.309698 9.310881 Ad Solaria Chiavari http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383555 places/17186 m 300 440 44.299149 9.338812 Tegulata Lavagna http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383795 places/10578 m p -30 441 44.273009 9.389291 Segesta, Tigulliorum Sestri Levante Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383775 places/17187 a -30 442 44.234533 9.484384 Ad Monilia Moneglia Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383550 places/17188 m -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Procopius, Guerre Goths, 2, 12 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 7 ; Flemming, Hazlitt Antonine, Itin Mar Antonine, Itin Mar X -30 -550 Vol. I, Page 93 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 443 44.202859 9.546199 Antion Framura 444 44.049041 9.833473 Portus Veneris 444.1 44.063586 9.841662 444.2 44.091400 9.817500 445 44.077808 9.904603 Portovenere, the Genoese rampart is built on top of the Roman quay Villa Romana del Varignano Vecchio, near Le Gracie, La Spezia San Vito di Marola (ancient site destroyed by Italian Navy in 19th c.) Lerici, Pugliola 446 44.046073 9.984691 447 44.063689 10.017092 Lune, Luna, Selene Luni Antica, on former outlet of R Magra 448 43.998373 10.099174 Taberna Frigida 448.1 43.873070 10.280830 448.2 43.870000 10.337000 448.3 43.836590 448.4 43.767640 Erix, Portus Ericis, Erycis, Portus Illycis, Pullion Ptol, Geogr, 3, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/383572 places/17189 m -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403262 places/17206 a p -30 Wikipedia Wikipedia Ptol, Geogr, 3, 1 http://data.pastpla 6132 Italy West places/42387 m Italy West m http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403265 places/17207 a http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403176 places/42322 m p http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403235 places/5854 a Massa http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403279 places/10591 m 300 San Rocchino, near Massarosa http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403274 places/17210 m -750 Massarosa http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403208 places/17194 m -30 10.360200 Massaciuccoli http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403241 places/35741 m -330 10.327240 Isola del Migliarino http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403225 places/33586 m -750 Villa Romana di Bocca di Magra, Ameglia Fossae Papirianae Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 39, 32 ; Hazlitt, Flemming Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 8 ; Strabo, Geogr, 5, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar 300 r X -330 Vol. I, Page 94 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 448.5 43.734760 10.335550 Ponte alle Conche 449 43.722000 10.382300 port of Pise, Pisa San Rossore, near Pisa Strabo, Geogr, 5, 2 449.1 43.680000 10.345000 Triturrita? Turrita? San Piero a Grado, near Pisa Rutilius, Reditu, 1, 527 450 43.570400 10.332100 Portus Pisanus, Liburnus Portus, Portus Herculis Liburni Santo Stefano ai Lupi, Livorno. This port was connected to the city of Pisa by a series of marshes. Tacitus, Hist, 3, 42 ; Polybius, Hist, 2, 6 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 1 ; Rutilius, Reditu, 2, 11 ; Antonine, Itin Mar 451 43.397870 10.416492 Castiglioncello http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403195 places/18712 m -330 451.1 43.359810 10.448010 San Gaetano di Vada http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403270 places/33589 m -30 452 43.351400 10.447400 Vadis, Vada Volaterrana Vada http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403288 places/17199 a -330 452.1 43.309900 10.510600 Caecina Villa Romana di San Vincenzino, at Cecina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403275 places/26499 m -30 452.2 43.050537 9.838895 Caprasia insula Isle of Capraia http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403193 places/41263 m p 453 42.991975 10.505525 Fufluna, Populonio, Poplonium Populonia Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403212 places/16693 a -750 454 42.934297 10.559041 Falesia, Porto Falese Piombino Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403206 places/22911 a 300 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Strabo, Geogr, 5, 2 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 39 ; Rutilius, Reditu, 1, 401 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403258 places/33588 m -750 Lehmann, Flemming, Camilli (2004), many shipwrecks Camilli (2004) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403253 places/10595 a -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/409239 places/22570 a -30 Hazlitt, Pasquinucci & Menchelli (2012) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/403261 a p Lehmann, Flemming Italy West Vol. I, Page 95 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 454.1 42.966300 10.679910 455 42.916641 10.757334 Scabris near Follonica Antonine, Itin Mar 456 42.895770 10.787000 R Alma Roman villa at Puntone Vecchio 457 42.770152 10.273798 Ilva, Aithalia, Ethalie Isle of Elba 458 42.813066 10.329861 Argous Portus, Argoos, Portoferraio, on the isle of Elba 458.1 42.806320 10.314434 Edilnautica marina, on the isle of Elba 458.2 42.800600 10.330500 Roman villa at Le Grotte, on the isle of Elba Italy West places/40452 m 458.3 42.864960 10.421460 Roman villa at Capo Castello, on the isle of Elba Italy West places/42278 m 459 42.762374 10.397004 Portus Longus Porto Longone, Porto Azzurro, on the isle of Elba 460 42.582969 10.082156 Planasia insula Isle of Pianosa, near the isle of Elba 460.1 460.2 42.570995 10.094162 Vignale Bagni di Agrippa, villa with fish pond on the isle of Pianosa Stronzolo di Orlando, near Cala del Bruciato, on the isle of Pianosa Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/596384 places/25067 814 m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/409236 Italy West a Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403175 places/17197 a Diodorus, Hist, 5, 10 Dawson ; Livy, Hist, 30, 39 ; Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 658 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Strabo, Geogr, 5, 2 ; Hazlitt, Flemming Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 658 AdG http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403222 places/41261 a http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403180 places/33580 a p Italy West m p Antonine, Itin Mar Hazlitt Hazlitt http://data.pastpla 7837 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403255 places/24898 Oleson Dawson Italy West -330 -30 -750 m p a Italy West places/42325 m Italy West m -330 r Vol. I, Page 96 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 461 42.809440 10.748622 Portus Traianus, Cape Troia Punta Ala, in front of the isle of Elba Ptol, Geogr, 3, 1 462 42.765000 10.886800 Lacus Prilius, Lacu Aprile, Salebro ? Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403269 places/40455 a p 463 42.672870 11.051140 R Umbronis, outlet of R Ombro Roman villa at Paduline, Castiglione della Pescaia Roman temple at Scoglietto, on R Ombrone at around 15 km North of Talamone Santa Francesca di Talamone Rutilius, Reditu, 1, 337 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/403285 a 463.1 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/409238 Italy West Italy West a http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413331 places/23142 m -30 464 42.549640 11.166775 Talamonis, Telamon Talamone Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 8 ; Lehmann, Plutarch, Marius, 44 Flemming, Rendini ; Antonine, Itin Mar (2008) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/403280 Italy West a 465 42.495660 11.207240 R Alminia Roman villa at Albinia, on R Albegna Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413006 places/42279 a 466 42.436562 11.152682 Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403272 places/25851 a 466.1 42.439600 11.116600 Domitiana positio, Portus Domitianus Roman villa at Santa Liberata, on the peninsula of Argentario Porto San Stefano, on the peninsula of Argentario http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403202 places/35740 m -30 467 42.414901 11.088476 Incitaria? Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403223 places/33585 a 300 468 42.368631 10.876524 Aegilium, Igilium insula Cala del Gesso or Cala Grande? on the peninsula of Argentario Campese, on the isle of Giglio Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403221 places/41260 a 468.1 42.359149 10.922721 Iglium Bagno del Saraceno, villa with fish pond on the isle of Giglio Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403220 places/33584 m 468.2 42.331958 10.309211 Oglasa insula Isle of Montecristo Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403247 places/41292 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Rutilius, Reditu, 1, 325 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Oleson r rs rs X ? X X X -30 -330 Vol. I, Page 97 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 469 42.394179 11.213979 Portu Herculis, Port of Porto Ercole, on the Hercules peninsula of Argentario 470 42.253963 11.103834 Artemisia, Dianium insula 470.1 42.254230 11.096265 471 42.407090 472 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403260 places/23143 a Cala Spalmatoio, on the isle of Giannutri Dawson, Rendini (2008) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403182 places/25132 m r -30 Villa Domitia, on Artemisia, Dianium insula Roman villa at Cala Maestra, on the isle of Giannutri Flemming, Blackman, Dawson, Rendini (2008) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/403192 places/25133 m rs -30 11.293827 Cosa, Cossae, Portus Herculis Cosanus Ansedonia http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413107 places/21588 a rs 42.369491 11.440513 Loretum ? near Cosa Italy West a 473 42.320667 11.567566 R Arnine, Armenta Montalto Marina on Antonine, Itin Mar R Fiora http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/413029 Italy West a 474 42.308630 11.601965 Regis, Regae Le Murelle, near Montalto Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413284 places/26616 a 475 42.274540 11.651600 Quintiano Pian di Spille, 5.5 km North of Tarquinia Antonine, Itin Mar Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413278 places/26615 a rs 476 42.236574 11.690042 Martanum, Maltano R Marta near Voltone Antonine, Itin Mar Lehmann, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413194 places/33604 a r 477 42.212730 11.710260 Graviscae, Porto Clementino port of Tarquinia Virgil, Eneïde, 10, 163 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413157 places/21336 a -750 478 42.167800 11.735800 Rapinio near Torre San Agostino Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413282 places/26614 a -30 479 42.123940 11.758410 Algae Torre Valdaliga, fish pond Antonine, Itin Mar Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413008 places/26613 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 2 ; Rutilius, Reditu, 1, 293 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Virgil, Eneïde, 10, Hazlitt, Flemming, 163 ; Strabo, Geogr, Blackman, Franco, 5, 2 ; Livy, Hist, 22, Oleson 11 & 30, 39 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Livy, Hist, 30, 39 -330 X X X X -330 -750 rs -30 X -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 98 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 479.1 42.116400 11.768280 La Mattonara, fish pond 480 42.095064 11.787807 480.1 42.048700 11.819670 481 42.039250 11.831000 482 42.032900 11.864700 483 42.036200 11.874100 483.1 42.039090 11.901500 484 42.015663 11.955998 484.1 41.964853 12.043114 Campo di Mare, fish pond NW of Torre Flavia 485 41.969900 12.087800 Roman villa at Ladispoli Centumcellae, Palace of the Hundred Chambres. It is the translator of Pliny the Younger who calls it like this, but the « hundred chambres » could also mean the numerous caves in this area, rather than a palace Civitavecchia, and its Torre del Lazzaretto and its Torre del Bicchiere Oleson PlinyYoung, Lettres, 6, 31 ; Rutilius, Reditu, 1, 238 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Punta della Vipera, fish pond Castro Novo (port of Caere, Coere, Agylla) Santa Marinella West Santa Marinella Strabo, Geogr, 5, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Antonine, Itin Mar Villa Romana delle Grottacce, Santa Marinella East Pyrgoi, Pyrgi (port of Agylle, Caere, also called The Towers) Santa Severa Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/413076 places/16706 Oleson Fosso Guardiole, fish pond at Santa Marinella Panapione, Punicum Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Christiansen, Oleson Italy West Virgil, Eneïde, 10, 163 ; Diodorus, Hist, 15, 14 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Italy West m rs a p r m rs Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432772 places/21309 a Oleson http://data.pastpla 70888 m rs Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433010 places/17935 a rs Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432867 places/35107 m Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Franco, Oleson Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433061 places/17254 a rs Italy West m r http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422953 places/35785 m Italy West X X -30 -287 -330 -30 X -750 -330 Vol. I, Page 99 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 486 41.932961 12.100837 Alsium (port of Agylla, Palo, large fish Caere, Coere, pond Cerveteri) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422831 places/17253 a 487 41.927100 12.125300 Roman villa at Marina di San Nicola http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422970 places/35791 m -330 488 41.912800 12.142400 Roman villa at Torre di Palidoro http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423098 places/35812 m -330 489 41.853058 12.183410 Fregenae Fregene Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422930 places/21587 m -330 490 41.779696 12.248161 Portus Augusti Ostiensis, Portus Claudius, Port Claude 491 41.779943 12.262604 Portus Trajanus 492 41.776176 12.234488 Tyrrhene ancient lighthouse of Portus Claudius "The Emperor's port Tacitus, Annales, at Ostia", near the 15, 18 ; Suetonius, airport of Fiumicino Claude, 20 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 16, 76 & 36,14 ; Dio Cassius, Hist, 60, 11 ; Juvenal, Satires, 12, 50 ; Apuleius, Ane d’Or, 11, 26 ; Ammian, Hist, 19, 10 ; Cassiodorus, De l’ame, 2 ; Procopius, Guerre Goths, 1, 26 & 3, 15 ; Antonine, Itin Mar near the airport of PlinyYoung, Fiumicino. The Panegyrique, 29 harbour basin is on the Sforza property and its water level was raised 3 m in the early 20th century, this hides and protects all ancient structures, except warehouses supposed location Juvenal, Satires, 12, of the ancient 50 lighthouse of Portus Claudius Lehmann, Hazlitt, Flemming, Keay, Blackman, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423012 places/16710 a p r Keay, Blackman, Christiansen http://data.pastpla 37271 Italy West a r Italy West a r Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 2 Lehmann, Flemming, Oleson Arnoldus, Keay, Christiansen rs X X X X -750 X X 42 X X X 103 X 42 Vol. I, Page 100 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 493 41.753430 12.279848 Ostia Ostia, with possible lighthouse at Tor Boacciana. It may be noted that Denys is more positive on the use of this port than Strabo, although they both lived in the same period Ostia river port in ancient Tiber meander "Fiume Morto" Ostia, molo repubblicano 493.1 41.757520 12.290905 Ostia 493.2 41.764802 12.298925 Ostia 494 41.781193 12.279485 494.1 41.795600 12.335019 494.2 41.801870 12.353060 Ficana 495 41.847394 12.471443 Portus Vicus Alexandri Santa Passera, on left bank of R Tiber, South of Rome 495.1 41.856437 12.460841 Santa Passera, on right bank of R Tiber 495.2 41.859950 12.471271 on left bank of R Tiber, at Marconi bridge Denys, Antiquites, 3, 14 ; Strabo, Geogr, 5, 3 ; Suetonius, Neron, 16 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 1 ; Procopius, Guerre Goths, 1, 26 ; Rutilius, Reditu, 1, 179 ; Livy, Hist, 22, 11 Stella-Buoi, Stalla Buoi, at the outlet of the Canale Romano on R Tiber, immediately East of Portus Trajanus Quartaccio, at Ponte Galeria Lehmann, Flemming, Goiran, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/422995 Keay (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422995 places/15960 m Felici (2013) http://data.pastpla 70367 Italy West m Italy West m Italy West m http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422921 places/26608 m http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423120 places/29118 a r X http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/423051 Italy West m r X http://data.pastpla 2813 Italy West m r X Keay (2012) http://www.provinc Keay (2012) Monti di San Paolo, near Acilia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ammian, Hist, 17, 4 http://www2.rgzm. de/Navis2/Home/H arbourFullTextOutp ut.cfm?HarbourNR= Roma http://www2.rgzm. de/Navis2/Home/H arbourFullTextOutp ut.cfm?HarbourNR= Roma http://www2.rgzm. de/Navis2/Home/H arbourFullTextOutp ut.cfm?HarbourNR= Roma http://data.pastpla 97703 Italy West a p r X X ? -640 -750 r X -750 -330 Vol. I, Page 101 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 495.3 41.866393 12.475376 Pietra Papa, on right bank of R Tiber http://www2.rgzm. de/Navis2/Home/H arbourFullTextOutp ut.cfm?HarbourNR= Roma http://www2.rgzm. de/Navis2/Home/H arbourFullTextOutp ut.cfm?HarbourNR= Roma Keay (2012), Oleson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/423000 Italy West m r X 495.4 41.874705 12.470699 Ponte Testaccio, archaïc Mattatoio, on right bank of R Tiber http://data.pastpla 08034 Italy West m r X 496 41.882440 12.474590 Emporium, Porticus Aemilia http://data.pastpla 53354 Italy West m r X 496.1 41.883078 12.474048 Transtiberim, Trastevere Keay (2012) http://data.pastpla 4255 Italy West m 497 41.886246 12.479530 Salinae http://data.pastpla 4103 Italy West m r X 498 41.889680 12.479728 http://data.pastpla 0092 Italy West a 499 41.901515 12.469692 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423025 places/1438 a r X 499.1 41.711100 12.346800 Roman villa di Plinio http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423004 places/21338 m -30 499.2 41.700680 12.357960 Grotte di Piastra http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/426625 places/26605 m -30 500 41.679300 12.393300 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423121 places/21337 a -30 Porticus Aemilia, emporium on left bank of R Tiber South of Ponte Sublico Porto di Ripa Grande, on right bank of R Tiber between Ponte Sublico and Porta Portese at toe of Aventino hill http://www2.rgzm. de/Navis2/Home/H arbourFullTextOutp ut.cfm?HarbourNR= Roma Portus Tiberinus, near Foro Boario, on left Varro, langue latine, Keay (2012) Pons Aemilius bank of R Tiber near 6, 19 ; Plutarch, Ponte Rotto and isle Caton, 39 ; Livy, of Tiberina Hist, 40, 51 ad Ciconias nixas, Tor di Nora and Livy, Hist, 45, 42 Keay (2012) near Campus Martius Ripetta, on left bank of R Tiber Vicus Augustanus Laurentium? near Infernetto, inside Riserva statale Tenuta di Castelporziano Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Denys, Antiquites, 1, 54 Flemming X -753 Vol. I, Page 102 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 500.1 41.622400 12.457100 500.2 41.616340 12.473200 500.3 41.591200 12.498800 500.4 41.580300 12.511300 501 41.705520 502 Troia? Tor Vaianica, near Pomezia http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423107 places/26602 m Roman villa at Toraianica Italy West places/40461 m Roman villa at Centro Regina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/426626 places/35103 m -30 Castrum Inui Tor San Lorenzo, near Ardea http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/438710 places/41381 m -750 12.700000 Lacus Nemorensis (Caligula's Naumachies) Lago di Nemi, SE of Rome http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/422984 Italy West m 41.745241 12.668608 Lacus Albanus (Caligula's Naumachies) Lago Albano, SE of Rome http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/422825 Italy West m 503 41.993758 13.546380 Lacus Fucinus (Claudius' Naumachies) Lake Fucin, now dried out in the valley of Avezzano http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432853 Italy West a 504 41.485900 12.586900 505 41.442702 12.628393 Antium, Nero's port Anzio 506 41.455540 12.652540 Nettuno 506.1 41.455830 12.656070 506.2 41.456120 12.660640 Oleson Tacitus, Annales, 12, 56 Roman villa at Tor Caldara -550 r X http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/423095 places/26601 m Lehmann, Pauly, Flemming, Franco, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422837 places/16711 a p rs Nettuno, fish pond Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422985 places/26600 m p -30 Nettuno Nettuno, fish pond Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422985 places/26600 m -30 Nettuno Nettuno, fish pond Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/422985 places/26600 m -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Plutarch, Neron, 9 ; Suetonius, Neron, 9 ; Strabo, Geogr, 5, 3 ; Procopius, Guerre Goths, 1, 26 ; Denys, Antiquites, 7, 7 & 9, 13 -30 X -750 Vol. I, Page 103 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 506.3 41.420781 12.745244 Astura La Saracca, Roman villa with fish pond Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432703 places/22569 m -330 506.4 41.417172 12.749332 Astura La Banca, Roman villa with fish pond Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432703 places/22569 m -330 507 41.407351 12.767198 Astura, Storas Torre Astura Lehmann, Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432703 places/22569 a 508 41.401924 12.868416 Clostra Romana Lago di Fogliano, near Latina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432788 places/23147 m -30 509 41.375768 12.912880 Ad Turres Albas near Lago dei Monaci http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432644 places/23148 m -330 509.1 41.268400 13.039600 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432895 places/35108 m -30 510 41.253072 13.044250 Port of Circei, Circe and stopover for Odysseus Homer Odyssey, 10, Cuisenier, Oleson 140 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 87 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432783 places/22392 a r 511 41.228102 13.098011 Circei, Cape Circaeum, Aia Roman villa at Palazzo di Domiziano, near Sabaudia inside Lago di Paola, with access via canal and breakwaters Cape Circeo Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432782 places/22391 a p r 512 41.283899 13.253503 Terracina, Tarracina, Anxur Terracina Strabo, Geogr, 5, 3 ; Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 666 ; Scylax, Peripl Plutarch, Caesar, 58 ; Livy, Hist, 40, 51 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Franco, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433143 places/16712 a p r 512.1 41.357380 13.429260 Fundi Fondi http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432855 places/16713 m 513 40.894781 12.964786 Pontia insula Porto di Ponza, on the isle of Ponza Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Dawson, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433041 places/29154 a r 514 40.797822 13.433896 Pandataria insula Porto Vecchio, Roman villa Giulia at Punta Eolo, on the isle of Ventotene Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Franco, Dawson, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433011 places/41267 a p r Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 3 rs X -330 X X X -330 -550 X X X -550 -330 X -750 X Vol. I, Page 104 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 515 40.789044 13.454465 Aegina, on Pandataria San Stefano, islet insula near the isle of Ventotene 516 41.253212 13.432844 Speluncae Sperlonga 517 41.250255 13.449773 Villa Tiberii Roman villa di Tiberio 518 41.208460 13.553140 Caiete, Caieta, Caeatas Spiaggia di Fontania, at Gaeta 518.1 41.250820 13.598100 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433011 places/41267 a http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433127 places/22964 m http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433204 places/22393 m Virgil, Eneïde, 7, 1 ; Lehmann, Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 9 ; Flemming, Oleson Strabo, Geogr, 5, 3 ; Denys, Antiquites, 1, 53 Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432734 places/21326 a p rs 519 41.253232 13.606038 Formiae, Formies, Hormies Formia Tacitus, Annales, 15, 46 ; Strabo, Geogr, 5, 3 Flemming 519.1 41.255461 13.608778 Formiae, Formies, Hormies Formia, fish pond 520 41.247900 13.675000 Roman villa at Gianola 521 41.250662 13.703677 Roman villa at Scauri 522 41.241900 13.768000 523 41.158470 13.840800 524 41.149440 13.850000 Porto di Caposele Minturnae Minturno Antonine, Itin Mar Oleson Baia Azzurra Levagnole, near Mondragone Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -30 X X -330 r X http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432839 places/16716 a r X Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432839 Italy West m r Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432863 places/22276 m r http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433111 places/35114 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432940 places/16714 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433159 places/35115 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433122 places/21310 m -550 Villa Romana San Limato Sinuessa, Sinuesa, Sinope rs m Flemming Lehmann, Flemming Italy West -30 X -330 -330 Vol. I, Page 105 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 525 41.129830 13.865090 Roman villa at Treppete, near Mondragone http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433165 places/35116 m -30 525.1 41.108000 13.875000 Pagus Sarclanus Mondragone? http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433003 places/29152 m -330 525.2 41.018600 13.920000 Volturnum Castel Volturno http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433210 places/23181 m -550 526 40.921334 14.029903 Liternum Lago di Patria Flemming, Poupet (2005) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432911 places/23180 m -330 527 40.846657 14.051265 Cumae, Cumes, Kyme Flemming, Blackman, Vecchi (2000), Poupet (2005) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432808 places/16719 a 528 40.744310 13.940565 Aenaria Cuma, with uncertain location of ancient port NE and/or SW of the acropolis Porto d'Ischia, on the island d’Ischia http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432648 a p 529 40.754297 13.885913 Pithekoussai, Pithecusae 530 40.696687 13.879064 531 40.759068 14.016731 Procita, Prochyta insula Isles of Procida and Vivara Denys, Antiquites, 1, 53 ; Antonine, Itin Mar 532 40.791467 14.087813 Misenos, Misenum, Misene, home port of Classis Misenensis fleet Capo Miseno, West of Naples Flaccus, Argonauticas, Livre 1, near 375-386 ; Vegetius, Art Militaire, 5, 1 to 15 ; Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 ; Denys, Antiquites, 1, 53 ; Antonine, Itin Mar 532.1 40.788295 14.089871 Misenos, Misenum, Misene Punta Terrone, pilae of the southern breakwater Denys, Antiquites, 7, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Antonine, Itin Mar Monte Vico, at San Montano, on the isle of Ischia Flemming, Dawson -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433026 places/22960 m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433055 places/29157 m -750 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433053 places/41252 a -750 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Benini (2005), Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432941 places/16720 a p rs X Oleson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432941 m p rs X Punta Chiarito, on the isle of Ischia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Italy West X ? Italy West X X -30 X Vol. I, Page 106 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 532.2 40.789763 14.089078 Misenos, Misenum, Misene 532.3 40.790240 14.082900 Misenos, Misenum, Misene 532.4 40.791400 14.085240 532.5 Punta di Pennata, pilae of the northern breakwater Punta Sarparella, concrete jetty within the harbour Oleson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432941 Italy West m p rs Oleson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432941 Italy West m p rs Misenos, Misenum, Misene Punta di Pennata, pilae within the harbour Oleson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432941 Italy West m p rs Bauli Bacoli Baiae, Baïes, Portus Baianus, with connection to Lacus Baianus Portus Iulius, Julius, port of Julien, with connection to Lacus Lucrinus Lacus Avernus Baia, two concrete moles over 200 m long Statius, Silves, 4, 3 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 9 Lucrino, two concrete moles over 200 m long Dio Cassius, Hist, 48, 50 ; Suetonius, Auguste, 16 ; Virgil, Georgiques, 2, 160 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 X X X X m Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432716 places/22558 a rs X X Flemming, Oleson Italy West places/40428 a rs X X Italy West a 40.818500 14.076700 534 40.826480 14.094706 535 40.837969 14.075980 535.1 40.829880 14.105020 Vicus Annianus, Invinias Pozzuoli West Amato (2016) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432885 places/23179 m 535.2 40.829400 14.112500 Vicus Lartidianus Pozzuoli West Amato (2016) Italy West m 536 40.821600 14.115400 Puteoli, Dikaiarcheia, Dicearque, in the Campi Phlegraei volcano district 537 40.794293 14.161118 Nesis, Odysseus' port of the Cyclopes ? Pozzuoli, Pouzzoles, Puteoles, in the Campi Flegrei volcano district, pilae of arched mole are under modern breakwater Porto Paone, on the isle of Nisida, which is now connected to the continent by a breakwater, at Naples (Cuisenier Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 X http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432720 places/24882 533 Lake Averno X http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432712 -330 -330 300 rs Statius, Silves, 3, 2 ; Seneca, Lukeilius, 77 ; Luke, Acts, 28.13 ; Josephus Flavius, Vie, 3 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Lehmann, Flemming, Pauly, Blackman, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432815 places/16721 a p rs X X X X Homer, Odyssey, 9, 136 Lehmann, Flemming, Cuisenier http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432980 a X X Italy West rs -750 Vol. I, Page 107 Catalogue of Ancient Ports mentions this site with two other possible sites: Marettimo and Faraglioni, Nisida clearly providing the best shelter as described by Homer) Nisida, very large pila of over 1000 m3 537.1 40.796145 14.168934 Nesis Oleson 538 40.793000 14.188300 Imperial Villa of Pausilypon Posillipo, protected by row of pilae 538.1 40.795011 14.192878 Imperial Villa of Pausilypon Porto Marechiano, near Posillipo 538.2 40.827919 14.249399 Naples, Neapolis, Parthenope, on the isle of Megaris Castell del'Ovo, at Santa Lucia in Naples Procopius, Guerre Goths, 1, 8 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 42 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433014 places/1524 a p 539 40.839270 14.254620 Neapolis Procopius, Guerre Goths, 1, 8 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 42 Boetto (2011), Oleson, Casarna (2016) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433014 places/1524 539.1 40.839260 14.252400 Neapolis Naples, Piazza Municipio, offshore Roman quay made with wooden caissons Naples, Piazza Municipio, onshore Roman quay Procopius, Guerre Goths, 1, 8 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 42 Boetto (2011), Oleson, Casarna (2016) 540 40.799268 14.339992 Herculaneum Flemming 540.1 40.778280 14.374690 541 40.757550 14.452500 Oplontis Villa di Poppea, near Torre Annunziata 542 40.727386 14.466316 Pompeia Pompei Ercolano Italy West m rs Lehmann, Flemming, Oleson Italy West places/24883 m rs X X X Oleson Italy West places/24883 m rs X X a r X X X http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433014 places/1524 a r http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432873 places/21353 m Italy West places/42388 m http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432992 places/21354 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433032 places/21352 a -750 Roman villa at Contrada Sora, near Torre del Greco Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/432980 X X -550 Vol. I, Page 108 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 543 40.699760 14.492600 Stabiae Castellammare di Stabia 544 40.663923 14.418515 Aequana 545 40.645818 14.402715 545.1 40.628600 14.365700 546 40.633660 14.351100 Villa Romana di Pollio, near Sorrento 546.1 40.627100 14.342100 Roman villa at Villazzano, near Massa Lubrense 547 40.557685 14.236593 Capraria, Capreae insula Bagni di Tiberio, Tacitus, Annales, 4, near Marina Grande 67 ; Antonine, Itin on the isle of Capri Mar Lehmann, Flemming, Dawson, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432751 places/22631 a r 547.1 40.559578 14.228866 Capraria, Capreae insula Palazzo a Mare, near Marina Grande on the isle of Capri Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433006 places/22398 m r 547.2 40.543100 14.256200 Capraria, Capreae insula Scoglio del Monacone, near the isle of Capri Oleson http://data.pastpla 30442 Italy West m r X X ? 547.3 40.544540 14.234870 Capraria, Capreae insula Marina Piccola, on the isle of Capri Oleson http://data.pastpla 63885 Italy West m r X ? 548 40.582500 14.433650 Cuisenier, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433124 places/41251 a r X X ? 549 40.626700 14.487000 Siren islands, isola di Gallo Lungo Seirenoussai, Anthemoessa, Anthemuse, no stopover for Odysseus Roman villa at Positano http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433048 places/21355 m Surrentum http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433128 places/16722 m -330 Vico Equense http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432649 places/29119 m -750 Piano di Sorrento http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433021 places/22399 m -550 Sorrento http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433139 places/16723 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432749 places/35106 m Italy West places/42283 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Flemming, Oleson Homer, Odyssey, 12, 39; Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 890 r X -30 X X X -550 X X X -30 -750 -30 Vol. I, Page 109 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 550 40.629351 14.602899 Amalfi Civitas Amalfi http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432670 places/16724 m 300 551 40.648000 14.627000 Roman villa at Minori http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/432939 places/22400 m -30 552 40.657725 14.713068 Vietri Punta Fuenti, near Vietri sul Mare Pecci (2015) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433199 places/29171 m -750 553 40.670947 14.761100 Salernum Salerno Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/433075 places/1523 m p 553.1 40.535200 14.943460 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442475 places/29179 m 554 40.488629 14.969769 Portus Alburnus http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442457 places/29175 m 555 40.422963 15.005742 Poseïdonia, Posidonia, Paestum, on R Silarus http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442733 places/16726 a -750 556 40.358318 14.990506 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442454 places/16727 m -550 557 40.268002 14.932901 558 40.160200 15.157000 Arensola, near Eboli Velia, Elea, Portus Velinus, Hyele at the outlet of R Silarus, now called Sele, near CapaccioPaestum Capaccio-Paestum, Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 on a former outlet of R Sele? The port of Paestum and Alburnus portus are clearly close to each other, but seem to be different places. Perhaps divagations of the outlet of R Sele have induced a moving of the port. Agropoli Hazlitt, Flemming San Marco di Castellabate Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442775 places/30397 m Velia Hazlitt, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452488 places/16728 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -750 r r -330 X -30 -750 Vol. I, Page 110 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 559 40.035658 15.282234 Palinurus Palinuro, near Centola 560 40.026788 15.294659 Oenotrides insulae, Molpa http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452398 places/30469 m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452382 places/30465 a -750 561 40.065378 15.516403 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452411 places/16730 a -750 562 40.072180 15.622200 Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452428 places/35397 m 563 39.996300 15.695400 Maratea http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452297 places/23170 m p -30 564 39.967184 15.715945 Isle of Santo Janni, Santoianni http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452345 places/30459 m -30 565 39.913511 15.756465 Tortora Marina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452274 places/16729 m -330 566 39.817810 15.781146 Petrosa http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452404 places/30471 m -750 567 39.775272 15.789572 Laos, Laus, Lavinium outlet of R Lao? Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452361 places/23168 m -750 568 39.709009 15.804176 Cerillea, Cerilli Cirella Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452296 places/23167 m -330 569 39.613783 15.848026 Belvedere Marittimo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452272 places/30434 m -330 570 39.491704 15.945789 Acquappesa http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452249 places/30426 m -550 Scoglio del Strabo, Geogr, 6,1 Coniglio? With good anchorage on the coast Pyxus, near Buxentum Policastro Strabo, Geogr, 6,1 Prom. Bussentino, near Capo degli Ingreschi, near Camerota Scidrus Roman villa at Santa Croce, near Sapri Cesernia Blanda Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pauly, Flemming rs X X -330 Vol. I, Page 111 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 571 39.301273 16.042302 San Lucido 572 39.127809 16.065528 Clampetia Amantea 573 39.027944 16.094554 Temesa, Tamese, Tempsa, on R Sabutum outlet of R Savuto 10 km South of Amantea 574 Homer, Odyssey, 1, 184 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452430 places/30484 m -550 Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452304 places/23166 m -330 Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452469 places/16731 a -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452405 places/35396 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452470 places/30492 m -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452254 places/36305 m -30 Roman villa at Piano delle Vigne, near Falerna 575 38.944800 16.238900 Terina Sant'Eufemia Vetere, near Lamezia Terme 576 38.928200 16.269700 Ad Turres between R Angitola and R Savuto 577 38.896000 16.278700 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/456109 places/42152 a 578 38.845734 16.211913 Port Parthenius of the unlocalized, in the Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 10 Hazlitt phoceans, on R gulf of Eufemia near ; Solinus, Polyhistor, Tanno? the airport of 2 Lamezia Terme Acconia Acconia http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452247 places/30425 m 300 579 38.773926 16.192327 Ad Fluvium Angitulam Ponte Angitola, near Francavilla Angitola http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452251 places/36302 m -30 579.1 38.740000 16.162000 Annicia Pizzo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/456030 places/23164 m 300 580 38.683300 16.119100 Vibo Marina, near Vibo Valentia Strabo, 6, 1 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452367 places/41770 a p rs 581 38.683746 15.908708 Leucosia, Ithacesiae insula, port of Hipponium, Hipponion Trapeia, Port of Hercules Tropea Strabo, 6, 1 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 10 Boardman (1982) http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452482 places/16734 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, X 300 Vol. I, Page 112 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 582 38.545206 15.921164 Nicotera Marina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452391 places/16735 m -750 582.1 38.524700 15.923400 San Teodoro http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452432 places/30486 m -30 582.2 38.492770 15.959410 Emporion http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452323 places/30455 m -330 583 38.482100 15.988200 Medma, Mesma Pian delle Vigne, near Rosarno Strabo, Geogr, 6,1 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452375 places/22645 a -750 584 38.421553 15.871137 Port at the outlet of R Metaurus, Metaure R Petrace, near Gioia Tauro Strabo, Geogr, 6,1 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452379 places/16736 a -750 585 38.394260 15.864940 Taurianum Taureana, near Lido di Palmi http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452466 places/30491 m -330 586 38.351000 15.833600 Portus Orestis Marina di Palmi, Porto Ravaglioso http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452409 places/30475 a -30 586.1 38.316200 15.823000 Ad Mallias between Nicotera and Reggio di Calabria http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452253 places/36304 m -30 586.2 38.291000 15.804600 Arciade Arciade http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452264 places/23163 m 300 587 38.259242 15.715591 Scyllaeum, Scylla Scilla http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452436 places/34443 m -750 588 38.232200 15.635400 Kainys Punta Pezzo, near Villa San Giovanni http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452349 places/34442 m -550 589 38.219300 15.631800 Ad Columnam Villa San Giovanni http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452250 places/23161 m -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Hazlitt, Flemming Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 10 Hazlitt Flemming Vol. I, Page 113 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 590 38.109425 15.634658 Rhegium Rhege, Reggio di Calabria 591 38.006879 15.632315 Leucopetra, Bruttium Prom. Punta di Pellaro 592 37.912551 15.792908 Decastadium? 593 37.928000 15.920000 594 37.926494 595 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452416 places/16556 a http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452366 places/41568 a Melito di Porto Salvo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452320 places/30454 m -30 Scyle Bova Marina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452435 places/23184 m -330 16.070617 Hipporum near Galati http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452338 places/36307 m -30 38.039445 16.146140 Zephyrion Acra, Zephyrium, Zeffiro Capo Bruzzano near Africo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452495 places/41759 a 596 38.117820 16.158269 Villa Romana di Casignana http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452397 places/41760 m -30 597 38.141495 16.177826 Altanum? Bovalino Marina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452259 places/30428 m -550 598 38.207700 16.236800 Lokroi Epizephyrioi, Locri Epizefiri, Locres Locri http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452369 places/16737 a -750 599 38.293092 16.333741 Subsicivo? near Marina di Gioiosa Ionica http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452456 places/36310 m -30 600 38.318166 16.413143 Santo Onofrio near Roccella Ionica http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452431 places/30485 m p -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 24, 1 ; Flemming Diodorus, Hist, 13, 2 & 14, 25; Dio Cassius, Hist, 48, 18 ; Luke, Acts, 28.13 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 50 ; Plutarch, Timoleon, 10 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Diodorus, Hist, 19, 103 Antonine, Itin Mar Livy, Hist, 24, 1 ; Lehmann, Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 15 Flemming ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 4, 1 -750 Vol. I, Page 114 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 601 38.445400 16.578700 Stilida, Kaulonia, Caulonia, Aulonia Punta Stilo, at Monasterace Marina 601.1 38.457300 16.584300 Cocinto? 602 38.757260 16.562180 603 38.807600 604 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452352 places/23185 a -750 on R Assi, near Monasterace http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452305 places/36306 m -30 Vivarium Copanello, near Stalettì http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452492 places/30498 m 300 16.595200 Scylletium, Scolacium Roccelletta, near Borgia http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452439 places/16738 m -550 38.857760 16.713868 Castra Hannibalis, Camp of Annibal Torre di Catanzaro http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452293 places/23186 a -330 605 38.926335 16.897527 Tacina at crossing of R Tacina, near Cutro http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452461 places/36311 m 300 606 38.903404 17.023685 Le Castella http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452289 places/30440 m p -330 607 38.899004 17.089870 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452341 places/41767 a 607.1 38.954110 17.168690 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452283 places/36876 m 608 39.030655 17.208040 Naus Prom., Lacinium Cape Colonna Prom., Hera temple Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452356 places/41768 a 609 39.085539 17.126348 Kroton, Crotone Crotone Livy, Hist, 24, 2 ; Diodorus, Hist, 14, 25 ; Polybius, Hist, 10, 1 ; Strabo, Geogr, 6,1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452317 places/16739 a p rs 610 39.176300 17.140900 Meto outlet of R Neto http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452381 places/36308 m Port of Aphrodite, Dioskourias, Cape Iapygie, Iapygium Prom., Sallentin Cape Rizzuto Antonine, Itin Mar Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 15 ; Solinus, Polyhistor, 3 Denys, Antiquites, 1, 51 Pauly Cape Cimiti Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming -750 X -750 -30 Vol. I, Page 115 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 611 39.370149 17.140861 611.1 Krimisa? Ciro Marina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452353 places/30460 m p -750 Temple of Apollo Alaeus, port of Aesarus Punta Alice, near Ciro Marina http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452262 places/36875 m -750 Paternum at crossing of R Patia, Crucoli http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452401 places/36309 m -30 Cariati http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452286 places/30437 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452458 places/30489 m -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452422 places/30481 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452457 places/16740 a p Trebisacce http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452483 places/30497 m -330 near Amendolara http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452255 places/22550 m -30 Roman villa at Menzinara, near Montegiordano http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452384 places/35395 m -550 near Rocca Imperiale http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452318 places/30453 m -30 Piano San Pietro http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452407 places/30473 m -330 612 39.471972 17.035646 612.1 39.496000 16.961700 613 39.590000 16.771000 archaic Sybaris near Mirto and Crosia 614 39.610000 16.769000 Mirto 615 39.717044 16.491191 Portus Roscia, Rouskiane, port of Thurium, Thourioi, Thurii, Copia Sybaris 616 39.865106 16.538059 617 39.931129 16.611056 618 40.047260 16.602640 619 40.142260 16.629600 620 40.159550 16.641970 Ad Vicesimum Cugno dei Vagni Laghi di Sibari, Francavilla Marittima Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Hazlitt Diodorus, Hist, 13, 2 Blackman, Flemming r X -750 Vol. I, Page 116 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 621 Ad Simnum, Semnum on right bank of R Sinni http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452442 places/23188 m 300 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452450 places/21356 m -750 -550 622 40.165800 16.668200 Siris, on R Siris on left bank of R Sinni 623 40.220000 16.670000 Heraclea, Heraclee Policoro Strabo, Geogr, 6,1 Hazlitt, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/452333 places/21306 a p 624 40.383760 16.823700 Metapontum, Metaponte Metaponto Livy, Hist, 25, 11 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442658 places/21307 a 625 40.472032 17.228144 Tarentum, Taras, Neptuna Tarento Livy, Hist, 25, 11 & Flemming 27,15 & 41, 1 ; Appian, Hannibalique, 6 ; Polybius, Hist, 8, 8 & 10, 1 ; Strabo, Geogr, 6,3 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 104 ; Scymnos, Periodos http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442810 places/16562 a p 625.1 Roman villa at Masseria Caronella, near Taranto Italy West places/42560 X ? -750 -750 m 40.360049 17.235684 Port Scein, Scean port ? near Tarento 627 40.371530 17.304870 Satyrion, Saturnum Saturo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442789 places/30407 m -750 628 40.302750 17.500400 Torre Ovo http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442826 places/30416 m -330 629 40.257060 17.896215 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442730 places/36742 a -750 630 40.137046 17.983673 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442767 places/30392 m -750 Porto Cesareo Santa Caterina Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 Italy West X ? 626 Port Sasina Diodorus, Hist, 8 r a Vol. I, Page 117 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 631 40.054413 17.979931 Kallipolis, Anxa Gallipoli 632 39.883041 18.114451 633 39.792157 18.362675 Leuca, Portus Sallentinus South Cape of Calabria 634 38.246000 15.589000 port of Traiectus near Faro Superiore 635 38.192865 15.560811 Zancle, Zankle, Messana, Messene, Homer's Port Creux (Hollow port) where Odysseus had a stopover? Messina, NE cape 636 38.145129 15.536584 637 37.943800 15.370000 637.1 37.878000 15.307800 638 37.848105 15.302357 Flemming Torre San Giovanni Phoinix, Tamaricii, Palmae Tauromenium m http://data.pastpla 63281 m Italy West -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442632 places/41276 a -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462520 places/22540 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462538 places/16875 a -750 Roman villa at Pistunina http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462440 places/16875 m -750 Santa Teresa di Riva http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462427 places/36270 m -330 Quarry at Letojanni http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462280 places/38054 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462506 places/16874 a -550 Taormina Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy West .org/places/442625 places/16898 Homer, Odyssey, Lehmann, 12, 304 ; Caesar, Flemming, Guerre civile, 2, 3 ; Cuisenier Appian, Guerres civiles, 5, 6 & 13 ; Diodorus, Hist, 4, 36 & 14, 15 & 14, 25; Pausanias, Grece, 4, 23 ; Livy, Hist, 21, 49 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 50 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 6, 16 Plutarch, Timoleon, 11 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming Vol. I, Page 118 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 639 37.826392 15.273021 Naxus Giardini-Naxos Diodorus, Hist, 13, 2 Lehmann, Loven, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462387 places/36267 a 639.1 37.819300 15.269400 Archaic Naxos Giardini-Naxos Diodorus, Hist, 13, 3 Lehmann, Loven, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462386 places/21300 a -750 640 37.572564 15.171274 Acium Capo Molini Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462067 places/36312 m -30 641 37.559234 15.168870 Reefs of the Cyclopes, Odysseus' port of the Cyclopes ? Cuisenier http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462179 a 641.1 37.554200 15.149200 Islets of Faraglioni, in front of Aci Tressa (Cuisenier mentions this site with two other possible sites: Marettimo and Nisida, the latter clearly providing the best shelter as described by Homer) Roman fort at Castello di Aci 642 37.529208 15.118541 Ulixis portus, Port of Odysseus Ognina 643 37.498300 15.092419 Catina Catania 644 37.310011 15.132834 644.1 37.282776 15.186556 Trotilon, Trotilum Brucoli 645 37.205772 15.183741 Megara Hyblaea, Port Xiphon, port of Leontinoi? Banchinamento Orsi, in Augusta harbour Homer, Odyssey, 9, 136 ; Pliny, Histoire Naturelle, 3, 14 -330 m http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462530 places/41569 m http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462270 places/16884 a p -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462458 places/30243 m -750 Boardman (1982) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/466010 Italy Sicily m p Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Treziny (2011), Scicchitano (2008) http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462307 places/21301 a p Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 14 Flemming ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 50 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Punta Castelluccio Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 X Italy Sicily places/42131 Auffray (2002) Scylax, Peripl Italy Sicily r 300 X r X -30 X ? -600 Vol. I, Page 119 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 646 37.145257 15.228473 Tapsus, Thapsus peninsula of Magnisi 647 37.117339 15.247193 Leon near Casa Targia 648 37.108397 15.277736 Trogili, Trogilos 649 37.068477 15.294523 Syracuse, Syrakus, « Small Port », Lakkios near a tower called Geleagre, at Syracuse, Santa Panagia Porto Lachio at Syracuse 650 37.059035 15.290503 Syracuse, Port of Arethuse on the isle of Ortygia 651 37.065000 15.288000 652 37.050281 15.274226 653 37.041500 15.307400 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462511 places/22798 a 1200 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462278 places/30165 m -550 Livy, Hist, 25, 23 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462526 Italy Sicily a Diodorus, Hist, 14, 3 Lehmann, Loven, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462276 Italy Sicily a Port of Arethuse, on Procopius, Guerre Pauly the isle of Ortiga Vandales, 1, 14 ; Strabo, Geogr, 6,2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Syracuse, « Large Port Siracusa, ancient Livy, Hist, 24, 36 & Pauly, Flemming, », on the isle of port possibly near 25, 25 & 29, 22 ; Blackman Sikelia, Sicania, Corso Umberto I Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 14 Trinacria ; Diodorus, Hist, 13, 2 to 17 & 14, 13 & 14, 16 & 20, 5 & 20, 61 & 22, 12) ; Luke, Acts, 28.12 ; Nepos, Dion, 9, Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 50 to 102 & 7, 4 to 69 ; Plutarch, Nicias, 2134 & Timoleon, 1219 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 2, 11 & 5, 32 ; Scymnos, Periodos Syracuse, Port of near the outlet of R Diodorus, Hist, 13, 2 Olympia, near the Ciane? ; Scylax, Peripl outlet of R Anapus? http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462402 Italy Sicily a Quarry at Punta delle Mola, Massoliveri Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 99 to 102 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Scicchitano (2008) Scicchitano (2008) r http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462503 places/16570 a p rs http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462178 Italy Sicily a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462183 Italy Sicily a X -750 Vol. I, Page 120 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 653.1 36.986200 15.268700 Quarry at Punta Asparano Scicchitano (2008) Italy Sicily m 653.2 36.979150 15.263500 Ognina island Scicchitano (2008) Italy Sicily # # 653.3 36.979850 15.256270 Daskoni, Daskone, Dascon? Ognina Diodorus, Hist, 14, 18 Scicchitano (2008) Italy Sicily # # 654 36.956110 15.214525 Portus Naustathamus? Fontane Bianche, port of Cassibile Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 14 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462385 places/30508 a -750 654.1 36.913850 15.148600 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462115 places/35405 m -30 655 36.842200 15.107500 Helorus, Elorus Eloro, on R Tellaro near Noto http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462234 places/22879 m -750 656 36.798000 15.100000 Phoenicus Portus Torre Vendicari http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462426 a 657 36.785300 15.088800 658 36.678653 15.139942 Portus Pachyni, Pachyno, Apollineum Portopalo di Capo Passero South of Sicily 659 36.696902 14.998671 Odysseae Portus 660 36.706300 14.780200 Hereum, Cymbe 660.1 36.771000 14.594000 Roman villa at Borgelluzzo Flemming Ptol, Geogr, 3, 4 Cittadella Italy Sicily r X http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462162 places/23636 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462456 places/30242 a -330 near Granelli http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462396 Italy Sicily m Punta Religione, near Marina di Modica http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462240 Italy Sicily m Masseria Maestro http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462293 places/30168 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar -750 Vol. I, Page 121 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 661 36.788665 14.507320 662 36.866878 14.440957 663 36.927737 14.399822 663.1 37.032000 14.300000 664 37.047000 14.270000 665 37.063000 14.258300 666 37.066480 14.230000 666.1 37.084200 14.197000 667 37.100201 14.138661 668 37.100000 669 669.1 Caucana Portus Punta Secca and Fontana Nuova Ptol, Geogr, 3, 4 Lehmann, Blackman, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462459 places/22886 a Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462126 places/22885 m -750 Berdia Vecchia http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462314 places/36265 m -30 Piano Rizzuto http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462434 places/30230 m -550 near Gela http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462125 places/23157 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462214 places/22643 m -750 Caricatore http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462156 places/36388 m -30 Montelungo http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462369 places/30215 m -750 Port of Maktorion, Mactorium? Torre di Manfria http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462298 places/35357 m -750 13.931700 Phintias Licata http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462424 places/22641 a p -330 37.097000 13.900000 Ecnomus, Eknomos Prom. Cape Balatazze, on Monte Sole http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462191 Italy Sicily m 37.102000 13.881000 Pizzo Caduta http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462442 places/30233 m Camarina Mesopotamium Calvisiana Gela Chalae? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Strabo, Geogr, 6, 2 ; Diodorus, Hist, 24 Flemming X ? 300 -750 Vol. I, Page 122 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 670 37.114826 13.856089 671 37.144488 13.780019 672 37.179570 13.695341 672.1 37.192000 13.666700 673 37.291000 13.584300 673.1 37.289900 13.487700 674 37.289874 13.463407 675 37.393700 13.280000 676 37.414943 13.256671 676.1 37.503000 13.092300 677 37.583000 678 37.644211 port of Daedalium, Dedalium, Omphale Agrakas, Akragas, Agrigentum Heraclea Minoa Rocca San Nicola http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462184 places/36390 m -30 Spiaggia di Malerba: port of Castellazzo di Palma di Montechiaro and Narasette? Castello di Palma di Montechiaro http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462138 places/30510 m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462142 places/34445 m -550 Quarry at Monte Grande http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462349 places/38055 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462086 places/16882 a p rs Roman villa at Punta Piccola http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462188 places/35481 m Durrueli di Realmonte http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462188 m Agrigento Eraclea Minoa Flemming Diodorus, Hist, 13, 83 ; Strabo, Geogr, 6,2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar -750 -30 a -750 Borgo Bonsignore http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462116 places/30504 m -750 Thermae Selinuntinae, Aquae Larodes Sciacca http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462514 places/23158 m -30 12.825000 Selinus, Selinunt, Selinonte Selinonte Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462489 places/22545 a rs 12.587605 Mazara Mazara del Vallo Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462305 places/30171 m p r Diodorus, Hist, 14, 14 Hazlitt Italy Sicily X http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462237 places/21303 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Plutarch, Dio 28 & Nicias 8 Lehmann, Flemming X X -750 X -550 Vol. I, Page 123 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 679 37.808131 12.428115 Lilybaion, Lilybee Cape Boeo, at Marsala 680 37.812400 12.443337 Lilybaion, Lilybee Punta Alga, at Marsala 681 37.841595 12.447225 682 37.864546 12.465754 Motye, Motya 683 37.934044 12.322489 Aigousa insula Odysseus' port of the Cyclopes ? 683.1 37.924988 12.363861 Aigousa insula Isola Grande, Lehmann mentions a mole at the southern tip of this island Mozia, on the isle of San Pantaleo, Lehmann mentions a connecting breakwater between the island and the continent Favignana, on the isle of Favignana, the largest of the Egadi islands (Cuisenier mentions this site with two other possible sites: Faraglioni and Nisida, the latter clearly providing the best shelter as described by Homer) La Collina TorrettaNavetta, on the isle of Favignana Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 34, Livy, Hist, 21, 49-50 & 29, 24 ; Diodorus, Hist, 24 & 36 ; Polybius, Hist, 1, 44 & 47 & 59 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 34, Livy, Hist, 21, 49-50 & 29, 24 ; Diodorus, Hist, 24 & 36 ; Polybius, Hist, 1, 44 & 47 & 59 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon, Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462281 places/16881 a Carayon, Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462281 places/16881 a Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/465844 m rs X ? Diodorus, Hist, 13, 61 & 14,14 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 5, 2 Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462373 places/22634 a r X Homer, Odyssey, 9, 136 Carayon, Cuisenier, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462084 places/22888 a p Dawson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462084 m Italy Sicily Italy Sicily rs X -750 -750 X X X ? -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 124 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 684 37.970422 12.077769 Maritima, Hieronesos, Marettimo, on the Hiera insula isle of Marettimo, furthest of the Egadi islands Bucinna, Phorbantia Grotta del insula Genovese, on the isle of Levanzo Antonine, Itin Mar 684.1 38.001680 12.321625 685 38.007961 686 12.502194 Drepanum, Drepane Trapani 38.070435 12.589630 Port of Erix, Eryx, Erice Porto di Bonagia? Virgil, Eneïde, 5, Carayon, Pauly, 114 ; Diodorus, Hist, Flemming 22, Fragments ; Polybius, Hist, 1, 46 & 50 & 59 & 61 Diodorus, Hist, 15, Flemming 73 ; Diodorus, Hist, 24 686.1 38.110401 12.790889 687 38.029500 12.880000 Emporion Segestanon 688 38.703901 13.199545 Os, Osteodes 688.1 38.695927 13.152119 Spalmatore, on the island di Ustica 688.2 38.719680 13.182596 689 38.170000 13.180000 690 38.120398 691 38.081694 Grotta dell'Uzzo Cuisenier, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462243 places/22889 a -330 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462428 places/22887 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462187 places/22635 a p -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462201 places/22637 a -550 Italy Sicily m Castellammare del Golfo http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462194 places/31215 m -330 Ustica, on the island Diodorus, Hist, 5, 8 di Ustica http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/1361 places/41241 a -30 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/1361 places/41241 m -30 Faraglioni, on the island di Ustica Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/1361 places/41241 m -30 Port of Hyccara, Hykkara? Roman villa at San Nicolo, near Carini Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462479 places/35375 m 300 13.368583 Panhormus, Panorme Palermo, Roman naval base http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462410 places/16879 a p -750 13.542862 Solus, port of Solonte Solanto-Porticello http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462497 places/22633 m p -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Dawson Livy, Hist, 24, 36 ; Carayon, Flemming, Diodorus, Hist, 22 & Pitassi (2012) 23 &24 ; Procopius, Guerre Goths, 1, 5 ; Polybius, Hist, 1, 39 Carayon, Flemming Vol. I, Page 125 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 692 37.993991 13.690394 Thermai, Thermae Himeraeae Termini Imerese 692.1 37.974300 13.781500 693 37.968300 13.821500 694 38.031900 13.964000 695 38.043883 14.024107 Cephaloedium, Cephalidium Cefalu 696 37.998000 14.263000 Halaesa Castel di Tusa 697 38.036496 14.448292 Kale Akte, Calate Marina di Caronia 697.1 38.097000 14.670000 698 38.164000 14.752000 699 38.157000 700 701 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462513 places/16878 m p rs http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462129 places/35409 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462244 places/22259 a -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462490 places/35378 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462154 places/22800 a -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462225 places/22799 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462267 places/23160 m -550 Quarry at San Marco d'Alunzio http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462478 places/22892 m -30 Capo d’Orlando http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462079 places/22894 m -550 14.765000 Roman villa at Bagnoli di San Gregorio http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462108 places/35402 m -30 38.153514 14.983391 Roman villa at Patti Marina http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462414 places/35366 m -30 38.542800 14.351188 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462199 places/41242 a -330 Roman villa at Canne Masche Himera, Himere at the outlet of R Grande, East of Termini Diodorus, Hist, 13, 61 Flemming Roman villa at Settefrati, near Mazzaforno Agathyrnum Egira, Erikodes, Ericusa Insula Isle of Alicudi Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Diodorus, Hist, 23 Flemming Flemming Antonine, Itin Mar Dawson X -550 Vol. I, Page 126 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 701.1 38.570192 14.560968 Celsina, Phoenicusa, Phoinikoussa insula Isle of Filicudi Antonine, Itin Mar Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462425 places/41243 a -550 702 38.564784 14.845975 Didyma insula Isle of Salina Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462186 places/41244 a -330 703 38.467000 14.953900 Lipara on Liparos insula Porto Pignataro, on the isle of Lipari Diodorus, Hist, 5, 7 ; Flemming, Polybius, Hist, 1, 21 Cuisenier, Dawson ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462283 places/16885 a -750 704 38.416361 14.966446 Heraclea, Hiera Thermessa insula Porto Vulcano, on the isle of Vulcano Diodorus, Hist, 24 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462242 places/41246 a -550 705 38.627480 15.066238 Aegina, Euonymus insula Caletta dei Zimmeri, Antonine, Itin Mar South of the isle of Panarea http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/452324 places/26647 a -330 706 38.661086 15.114110 Heracleotes insula Isle of Basiluzzo Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/465906 Italy Sicily a 707 38.797457 15.244209 beach of San Vincenzo, on the isle of Stromboli Antonine, Itin Mar Cuisenier, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/452455 places/41245 a 708 38.143300 15.044000 Strongilos, Eolie, capital of Aeolus's kingdom and Odysseus' stopover Tyndaris Tindari Polybius, Hist, 1, 25 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462527 places/16876 a -550 709 38.146439 15.150606 http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462145 places/35414 m -30 710 38.221505 15.256283 Myle, Mylae Milazzo Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462379 places/16877 a p -750 711 38.225090 15.371783 Naulochos, Naulocha near Venetico Marina Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy Sicily .org/places/462384 places/36266 m 712 35.881465 14.442950 Malta, Isle of Melite, Isle of Gaulos, Isle of Cercine Isles of Malta, Gozo and Comino http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462311 a Cuisenier, Dawson Roman villa at San Biagio Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl Diodorus, Hist, 5, 9 ; Lehmann, Procopius, Guerre Flemming Vandales, 1, 14 ; Luke, Acts, 28.1 ; Strabo, Geogr, 6,2 ; Malta r X -330 Vol. I, Page 127 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar 713 35.974829 14.364465 Mellieha bay AdG http://data.pastpla 5979 Malta m p 714 35.953129 14.396146 San Pawl, Saint Paul's bay Carayon, Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa Malta .org/places/462480 places/25442 m p 714.1 35.950760 14.426772 Salini, Salina bay Carayon, Bonanno http://data.pastpla 04625 Malta m 714.2 35.926135 14.488961 Saint George's bay AdG Malta m p 715 35.917335 14.495520 San Giljan, Spinola bay Carayon http://data.pastpla 036519 Malta m 716 35.901145 14.499356 Manoel island, Gzira creek Carayon, Bonanno http://data.pastpla 9457 Malta m p 716.1 35.896406 14.494795 Marsamxett, Msida creek AdG Malta m p 717 35.880722 14.500837 Carayon, Bonanno, Gambin (2004) http://data.pastpla 7431 Malta m 717.1 35.882075 14.516792 Kortin hill at Marsa, Ta'Cejlu, Malta's main ancient harbour Grand Harbour, French creek Carayon, Bonanno http://data.pastpla 0899 Malta m 717.2 35.884860 14.520633 Grand Harbour, Dockyard creek Carayon, Bonanno http://data.pastpla 0899 Malta m p 718 35.864915 14.571825 Marsaskala Carayon http://data.pastpla 4571 Malta m p Marsa Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -330 Vol. I, Page 128 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 719 35.839407 14.548045 Marsaxlokk Carayon, Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa Malta .org/places/601235 places/39059 773 m p 719.1 35.830815 14.531931 Birzebbuga and Ghar Dalam cave, Saint George's bay Bonanno, Dawson http://data.pastpla 2598 Malta m p 719.2 35.823451 14.531640 Birzebbuga, Pretty bay Bonanno http://data.pastpla 8028 Malta m p 720 35.907770 14.335288 Ras ir Raheb 721 35.931284 14.341587 Ghajn Tuffieha and Golden bay 721.1 36.012741 14.323565 721.2 36.017026 14.337056 722 36.023646 723 r X ? http://pleiades.stoa Malta .org/places/462463 places/25441 m -30 Carayon, Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa Malta .org/places/462218 places/25443 m -30 Blue Lagoon, on the isle of Comino AdG http://data.pastpla 1098 m p Santa Marija bay, on the isle of Comino Buhagiar (2003), Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Malta: .org/places/465881 places/41572 Comino m 14.304262 Mgarr, on the isle of Gozo Carayon, Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462213 Malta: Gozo m p 36.062491 14.283872 Ramla, on the isle of Gozo Carayon, Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462213 Malta: Gozo m 724 36.073457 14.259978 Marsalforn, on the isle of Gozo Carayon, Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462213 Malta: Gozo m p 724.1 36.053678 14.191162 Azure Window at Dwejra inland sea, near neolithic cave Dawson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462213 Malta: Gozo m 725 36.028400 14.214072 Xlendi, on the isle of Gozo Carayon, Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462213 Malta: Gozo m Ciefesta Hephaesta? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Malta: Comino -30 rs X ? Vol. I, Page 129 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 725.1 36.019642 14.271601 Mgarr ix Xini, on the isle of Gozo Bonanno http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/462213 726 36.831534 11.941101 Cossura, Kossura Pantelleria and Mursia, on the isle of Pantelleria 727 35.861034 12.869306 Aethusa, Hefaesta, Efesta 728 35.499083 12.608044 729 40.011636 18.435411 730 40.148182 18.490869 Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy a p .org/places/462167 places/40449 Pantelleria Isle of Linosa Antonine, Itin Mar Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/772 places/41239 Linosa a Lopadusa insula, Falacron, Falacro insula? Lampedusa, on the isle of Lampedusa? Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/465897 places/41240 Lampedus a a p Castrum Minerva, Port of Venus, Limen Aphrodites, Athenaion Hydros, Hydruntum, Otrante Castro http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442536 places/23193 Adriatic a -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442615 places/16899 Adriatic a -750 Port Tarentin Rocca Vecchia Virgil, Eneïde, 3, Flemming 328 ; Denys, Antiquites, 1, 51 ; Strabo, Geogr, 6,1 Pausanias, Grece, 6, Flemming, Oleson 19 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 21 ; Procopius, Guerre Goths, 3, 10 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 731 40.287100 18.426300 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442746 places/29278 Adriatic a -750 732 40.301208 18.409136 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442770 places/30394 Adriatic m -750 733 40.386459 18.307982 Hadrianou Hormos, port of Lupiae, Miltopiae? Pausanias, Grece, 6, Lehmann, Oleson 19 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442607 places/29223 Adriatic a r 734 40.641441 17.948953 Brindes, Brentesium, Brindisi, with Brundisium, Bronduse possibly two ancient lighthouses: on Barra island and at the entrance of the inner port Tacitus, Annales, 3, 1 ; Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 24 ; Plutarch, Pompee, 62 ; Dio Cassius, 41, 48 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 ; Livy, Hist, 44, 1 ; Strabo, Geogr, 6,3 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 8, 24 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442509 places/10962 Adriatic a r Otranto San Foca Porto Adriano, at San Cataldo near Lecce Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming, Christiansen Malta: Gozo m p r X -30 X -30 X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 130 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 735 40.688558 17.866423 Apani, near Torre Rossa http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442466 places/29177 Adriatic m -330 736 40.714000 17.798300 Torre Guaceto http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442824 places/30414 Adriatic m -750 737 40.752000 17.723000 Ad Speluncas Mezzaluna, near Costa Merlata http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442447 places/23195 Adriatic m -30 738 40.814565 17.522500 Ad Decimum near Pilone http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442440 places/36242 Adriatic m 300 739 40.889600 17.391000 Gnathia Egnazia, with several pilae http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442573 places/23196 Adriatic m 740 40.962258 17.300749 Diria? Monopoli http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442566 places/23197 Adriatic m -30 741 40.997500 17.218300 Turris Caesaris, Neapolis Polignano http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442834 places/23198 Adriatic m -330 742 41.007372 17.204450 Arnesto, Arnestum San Vito Italy Adriatic m 743 41.066000 17.090400 Turres Iulianae Mola di Bari http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442835 places/36301 Adriatic m 300 744 41.090957 16.997139 Torre a Mare http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442825 places/30415 Adriatic m -750 745 41.131360 16.864156 Barium Bari http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442500 places/1526 Adriatic m 746 41.192824 16.669838 Natiolum Giovinazzo http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442686 places/23202 Adriatic m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Oleson Smith (1854) Lehmann, Flemming, Pauly rs X X -750 -330 Vol. I, Page 131 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 747 41.215935 16.594850 Respa Molfetta? 748 41.286177 16.423982 Turenum Trani 749 41.334436 16.287075 Barduli Barletta 750 41.332400 16.206000 Aufinum, Aufidena on R Aufidus, port of the Canusites R Ofanto, near Barletta 751 41.384800 16.031850 San Vito Roman villa at San Vito 752 41.397040 15.992440 Salapia near Trinitapoli 753 41.521730 15.906325 Auxanum 754 41.519000 15.837800 755 41.558000 15.833800 756 41.605674 15.903378 757 41.617859 15.922100 Sipous, Sipontum, Sipunte Manfredonia 757.1 41.693750 16.060380 Apanestae, Apeneste Monte Saraceno, near Mattinata Coppa Nevigatta http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442743 places/36253 Adriatic m -30 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442833 places/16746 Adriatic m -30 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442498 places/23205 Adriatic m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442484 places/23206 Adriatic a -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442785 places/35391 Adriatic m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442759 places/23207 Adriatic a -30 Torre Carlone http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442489 places/36249 Adriatic m 300 Masseria Cupola http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442562 places/29208 Adriatic m -750 near Masseria Barretta http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442552 places/29202 Adriatic m -750 Mascherone, near Manfredonia http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442647 places/29233 Adriatic m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442797 places/16589 Adriatic a http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442677 places/29254 Adriatic m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 6, 3 Strabo, Geogr, 6,3 ; Flemming Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 ; Vtruvius, Architectura, 1, 4 Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming, Blackman rs -330 -750 Vol. I, Page 132 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 758 41.706483 16.074573 Roman villa at Agnuli, near Mattinata 758.1 41.815187 16.200496 Isola dei Gabbiani, in Baia dei Campi 759 41.885000 16.183000 Portus Aggasus, Port Agasus Vieste? 760 41.915000 16.111400 Merinum Santa Maria di Merino 761 41.931073 15.891778 Portus Garnae Rodi Garganico 761.1 41.882100 15.830390 Hyria, Uria Piano di Carpino http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442616 places/29224 Adriatic m -330 762 41.850500 15.812700 Roman villa at Carpino, near Cagnano Varano http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442490 places/35119 Adriatic m -30 762.1 41.861390 15.501640 Roman villa at Sant'Annea Italy places/42389 Adriatic m 762.2 41.841480 15.427950 Praetorium Publilianum Masseria Amorusi http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442737 places/29276 Adriatic m 763 41.922588 15.292675 Ports on R Frento R Fortore http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/442582 a 763.1 42.118661 15.499203 Trimerus insula, one of the Diomedeae insulae San Domino, one of the Tremiti islands Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442831 places/41581 Adriatic m 763.2 42.224560 15.747006 Isle of Pianosa (Tremiti) Dawson http://data.pastpla 58873 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 Flemming, https://it.wikipedia. org/wiki/Apeneste http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442453 places/35118 Adriatic Dawson Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 Flemming, Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 Hazlitt Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 Italy Adriatic a -30 m http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/446282 places/30422 Adriatic a -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442654 places/29238 Adriatic m -30 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/446283 a Italy Adriatic Italy Adriatic Italy Adriatic -30 Vol. I, Page 133 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 763.3 41.939620 15.053340 Arcora http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/442473 places/29178 Adriatic m -750 764 41.971000 15.040100 Cliternia Masseria Savino, at Campomarino http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/432787 places/29128 Adriatic m -30 765 42.006600 14.997600 Buca Termoli? http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/432727 places/29123 Adriatic m -330 766 42.065440 14.798023 Ports on R Trinius R Trigno http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/433170 a 767 42.106700 14.719300 Histonium, Istonium Vasto 768 42.172000 14.712500 769 42.238753 14.544602 Pallanum near the outlet du R Sagrus R Sangro 770 42.310384 14.450882 port of Anxanum Lanciano, and its port of San Vito Chietino 771 42.343293 14.424411 Orton Ortona 772 42.470546 14.223584 Aternum, Ostia Aterni 773 42.528767 14.154991 773.1 42.584970 14.089452 Flemming Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 17 Flemming Italy Adriatic http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413171 places/22589 Adriatic m -550 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413276 places/33612 Adriatic m -330 Sciarretta, http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/413242 Italy Adriatic m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413017 places/22940 Adriatic m -550 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413234 places/16757 Adriatic a -330 Pescara Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413039 places/18733 Adriatic a -330 Matrinus, port of Hatria, Adria at the outlet of R Matrinus Atri, at the outlet of R Piomba Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413197 places/23223 Adriatic a -330 port of Hatria, Adria Torre del Cerrano, with several pilae Punta La Penna Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Oleson Italy Adriatic m r X ? X Vol. I, Page 134 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 774 42.747207 13.981543 Castrum Novum Giulianova 775 42.884869 13.927600 Castrum Truentinum, Truentum Martinsicuro, on R Tronto 776 43.034000 13.853400 Cupra Maritima 777 43.160500 13.801100 Castellum Firmanorum, port of Firmum Picenum Fermo 778 43.317031 13.739600 Cluana Civitanova Marche 779 43.414200 13.671100 Potentia Porto Potenza 780 43.507290 13.628195 Numana Numana 781 43.625370 13.506501 Ancone Ancona 782 43.632000 13.400900 Ad Aesim outlet of R Esino at Acona airport 783 43.712300 13.218500 Sena Gallica Senigallia 784 43.752460 13.175681 784.1 43.830800 13.056000 Montedoro di Scapezzano, near Cesano R Mataurum Ponte Metauro Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413073 places/18731 Adriatic m -330 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413074 places/18732 Adriatic m -330 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413112 places/22907 Adriatic m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413069 places/23222 Adriatic a -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413093 places/16809 Adriatic m -30 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413272 places/22713 Adriatic m -330 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413228 places/15970 Adriatic m -750 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413014 places/1454 Adriatic a http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/412988 places/22346 Adriatic m 300 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413310 places/15969 Adriatic m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413208 places/26557 Adriatic m -750 Italy places/23228 Adriatic m Strabo, Geogr, 5, 4 ; Appian, Guerres civiles, 1, 5 Livy, Hist, 41, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming Vol. I, Page 135 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 785 43.858514 13.019325 Fanum Fortunae Fano Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413129 places/10565 Adriatic m -330 786 43.915900 12.920000 Pisaurum Pesaro Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/413256 places/10564 Adriatic m -550 786.1 43.951040 12.787820 Italy places/42170 Adriatic m 300 787 44.063450 12.570472 Ariminum Rimini 788 44.171696 12.446855 Ad Rubiconem Rubicon, near Villamarina 788.1 44.187380 12.3542 Ad Novas 788.2 44.260350 12.2633 789 44.395460 790 Roman villa at San Cristoforo http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393379 places/10562 Adriatic a http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393368 places/17228 Adriatic m -30 Villalta Italy places/22354 Adriatic m -30 Sabis Castiglione di Cervia Italy places/17226 Adriatic m -30 12.21913 Classis, home port of Classis Ravennate fleet Classe, naval base SE of Ravenna, with ancient lighthouse 44.539890 12.14588 Butrium, Budrium, port of Budrio Casa Rossa, near Sant’Alberto 791 44.562440 12.094130 Augusta Valle Umana, Argenta 792 44.560000 11.947000 R Vatrenus, navigable R Santerno 793 44.694300 12.102560 Spina, port at the outlet of R Padus Valpega, near Comacchio, on R Po, with possible lighthouse Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 Lehmann, Flemming, Morigi (1998) Vegetius, Art Lehmann, Militaire, 5, 1 to 15 ; Flemming, Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 Christiansen, Hazlitt, Pauly, Manzelli (2000), Pitassi (2012) Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/393404 Italy Adriatic a rs X -550 X http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393394 places/17834 Adriatic m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393386 places/22355 Adriatic m -30 Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 20 Hazlitt http://data.pastpla Italy places/44084 Adriatic 9068 a Polybius, Hist, 2, 14 http://data.pastpla Italy places/18002 Adriatic 91671 a Flemming, Christiansen X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 136 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 793.1 44.722130 12.11759 Sacis ad Padum Comacchio http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393488 places/18003 Adriatic m -30 794 44.767200 12.13237 Neronia Tombe, near Lagosanto http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393457 places/17832 Adriatic m -30 795 44.824030 12.13113 Corniculani Valle Bosco, near Codigoro http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393409 places/17833 Adriatic m -30 796 44.945660 12.17741 Hadriani San Basilio, near Ariano nel Polesine http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393434 places/17831 Adriatic m -750 797 44.973546 12.050858 R Padus, navigable up to Augusta Taurinorum Torino, on R Po http://data.pastpla 3 a 798 45.026370 12.22032 Septem Maria Contarina, near Porto Viro 799 45.048536 12.067121 Atria Adria 800 45.109790 12.24533 Fossis Cavanella d'Adige 801 45.195760 12.28343 Bruntulum, Brundulus Brondolo, South of Chioggia 802 45.273560 12.07582 Edrum, Aedro, Edron, Edro portus, Ebro portus 803 45.334350 12.09872 R Medoacus Minor, Meduacus 803.1 Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 21 Italy Adriatic http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393494 places/17830 Adriatic m -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393436 places/10648 Adriatic a -750 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393429 places/17829 Adriatic m -30 Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 20 Hazlitt, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393393 places/15977 Adriatic a -30 at the confluent of both R Medoacus, at Vallonga Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 20 Pauly, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393476 places/17835 Adriatic a -30 Lova, near Campagna Lupia on R Bacchiglione Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 10, 2 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393451 places/23155 Adriatic a -30 http://data.pastpla 45492 m Isola Poveglia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 20 D'agostino (2009) Italy Adriatic rs X Vol. I, Page 137 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 804 45.419010 12.13381 Ad Portum Porto Menai, South of Mira 805 45.413200 12.10001 R Medoacus Maior, Meduacus, Ad XII Sambruson, near Dolo on R Brenta 806 45.413289 11.878362 Patavium Padova 807 45.481420 12.221424 Ad IX Mestre http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393358 places/17838 Adriatic m 808 45.499125 12.413837 Turricellum, Torcellum http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/393506 Italy Adriatic m 808.1 45.499074 12.426726 Constanciacum Isle of Torcello, in the lagoon of Venice, Venezia, Venise Costanziaco, near isola Torcello Italy Adriatic m 808.2 45.508500 12.454933 Amiana, Ammiana Santa Cristina http://www.archeo a/costanz.htm http://data.pastpla 7640 Italy Adriatic m 809 45.546569 12.398948 Altinum Altino Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393374 places/17839 Adriatic m Port of Altinum in Scanello canal, near isola Burano D'agostino (2009) Italy Adriatic m rs X Port of Altinum in Scanello canal, near Treporti D'agostino (2009) Italy Adriatic m rs X Roman cistern of Canal de San Felice, at Ca'Ballarin, near Lio Piccolo Roman tower of Canal de San Felice, near Lio Piccolo, possible lighthouse D'agostino (2009) Italy Adriatic m rs X Christiansen, D'agostino (2009) Italy Adriatic m rs 809.1 809.2 45.467388 12.438846 810 45.482957 12.475254 810.1 45.474726 12.459775 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393366 places/17837 Adriatic m -30 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 10, 2 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393359 places/17836 Adriatic a -30 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/393473 a http://www.archeo a/costanz.htm Italy Adriatic -30 -550 X ? Vol. I, Page 138 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 811 45.542830 12.63852 Equilum Turris di Piave, Torre de Caligo, near Jesolo, with possible lighthouse Cittanova, near Eraclea 812 45.637800 12.6573 Eraclia, Port on R Anassum or Anaxum 813 45.592050 12.81516 Port on R Liquentia R Livenza, with outlet at Porto Santa Margherita 814 45.617050 12.90582 Port on the Romatinus, Reatinus 815 45.787560 12.98675 Port on R Tilaventum Maius, Apicilia 816 45.833490 13.21565 817 45.683163 818 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393414 places/17995 Adriatic m Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 22 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393437 places/15983 Adriatic a 300 Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 22 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393446 places/17994 Adriatic a -30 R Lemene, which Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 22 Hazlitt passes at Portogruaro and at Concordia Sagittaria, and with an outlet at Porto di Falconera R Tagliamento Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 22 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/393478 places/17993 Adriatic a -30 http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/187287 places/17983 Adriatic a -30 Port on R Tilaventum Minus Chiarisacco, near San Giorgio di Nogaro http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/187260 places/17984 Adriatic a -30 13.389233 Gradus Grado Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/187397 places/1507 Adriatic m 45.774447 13.369621 Aquileia, Aquilee Aquilea Flemming, Blackman, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/187290 places/1468 Adriatic a 819 45.788150 13.59281 Fons Timavi, Port on Lake Timavus or Timave http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/187383 places/17990 Adriatic a -30 820 45.705510 13.708221 Castellum Pucinum R Timavo, with outlet at San Giovani di Duino at Monfalcone Castello di Miramare http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/187339 places/17991 Adriatic m -30 821 45.649509 13.771666 Tergeste http://pleiades.stoa Italy .org/places/187578 places/10735 Adriatic m Trieste, near the Roman theatre Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Christiansen, D'agostino (2009) Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 22 Hazlitt Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 41, 1 ; Ausonius, Ordo Urbium, 7 Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 Lehmann, Flemming r X ? r rs X X -30 X X -330 Vol. I, Page 139 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 821.1 45.606000 13.844000 Roman fort at San Rocco 821.2 45.606169 13.718024 821.3 45.591689 13.718898 821.4 45.558420 13.769850 Egidia, Aegida, Aegis Sermin 822 45.546830 13.723800 Capris, Iustinopolis Koper, Capodistria 822.1 45.543125 13.675748 Vilizan 822.2 45.533385 13.645439 Roman villa at St Simon's Bay, Izola 823 45.528000 13.563800 823.1 45.512891 13.579024 824 45.500000 13.502000 824.1 45.471360 13.511510 825 45.467400 13.506800 Port of Castrum Muglae? Piranum Silvium, Silvo Italy places/44614 Adriatic m Italy places/38875 Adriatic m rs Slovenia m rs http://pleiades.stoa Slovenia .org/places/197092 places/26367 m http://pleiades.stoa Slovenia .org/places/197189 places/23266 m Slovenia m Slovenia places/38874 m Piran http://pleiades.stoa Slovenia .org/places/197439 places/26368 m Fizine Slovenia m Punta Sottile Antonioli (2007) Jernej Bay, near Ankaran Institute for Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (2008) Flemming Savudrija, Salvore Point in Istria Roman villa at Zambratija Siparis Sipar Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Koncani (2014) http://data.pastpla 7789 http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197514 places/22379 m Croatia places/38873 m http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197515 places/26369 m -178 X X -330 rs X -30 -330 rs X -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 140 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 826 45.434790 13.517630 Humagum Umag 826.1 45.395725 13.525957 827 45.316643 13.561669 827.1 45.299661 13.586147 827.2 45.278328 13.599759 827.3 45.262569 13.580611 828 45.223667 13.591143 828.1 45.203877 13.591979 Uvala Mulandarija, Molindrio 828.2 45.155662 13.601150 Sorna Rousse (2013) 829 45.078323 13.634752 Rovinj, Rovigno Flemming 829.1 44.965800 13.773100 830 44.909800 13.774360 Sveti Ivan Emonia, Neapolis Loron, Lorun Julia Parentium Ruginium Carre (2012) Novigrad m Croatia m http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197403 places/22621 -30 m p -30 Valeta, in Camp Lanterna, near Mirna Rousse (2013) Croatia m Lorunu, Santa Marina, Kupanja, North of Cervar Porat Busuja, South of Cervar Porat Rousse (2013) Croatia places/38872 m Rousse (2013) Croatia m rs Porec Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197427 places/13788 m rs Croatia places/22377 Roman villa at Dragonera, near Peroj Val Catena, on Pullariae insulae http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197308 places/26370 Roman villa in bay of Verige, on the isles of Brioni, Brijuni Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming X X -330 m p Croatia m http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197478 places/16674 m Croatia places/44530 m http://data.pastpla Croatia places/42905 5105 m rs rs X X -30 X -30 Vol. I, Page 141 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 831 44.873698 13.831458 Pola Pula Strabo, Geogr, 5, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197448 places/10942 831.1 44.844993 13.845192 Luka Veruda AdG Croatia m p 831.2 44.830066 13.857928 Soline, in Uvala Kanalic AdG Croatia m p 831.3 44.818400 13.921700 Roman villa at Vizula, near Medulin 832 44.816213 13.930448 Mutila Medulin http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197394 places/17973 m p -330 832.1 44.916728 13.969674 Nesactium Nezakcij http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197405 places/17972 m -330 832.2 44.971613 14.097678 http://data.pastpla 11760 Croatia m p 832.3 45.081154 14.084587 833 45.074850 834 Croatia places/38611 a -330 m Uvala Tunarica, in Zaljev Rasa AdG R Arsia R Rasa Wikipedia Croatia m 14.156083 Port of Albona, Alvona Rabac, near Labin Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197102 places/13922 m -330 45.131650 14.180760 Flanona Plomin Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197272 places/13921 m -330 835 45.291500 14.278200 Lauriana Lovran http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197347 places/13920 m -30 836 45.318396 14.444127 Tarsatica Trsat at Rijeka http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197541 places/11881 m p -330 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Vol. I, Page 142 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 837 45.305800 14.537400 Raparia Bakar 837.1 45.272957 14.566458 Kraljevica 837.2 45.225854 14.614357 Jadranovo, in Uvala Percin 838 45.170000 14.690000 Ad Turres Crikvenica http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197088 places/13860 m -30 839 45.203500 14.544900 Fulfinium, Fertinium, on Curycta insula Omisalj, on the isle of Krk http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197280 places/17970 m -30 839.1 45.155990 14.608581 Zaton Soline, on the isle of Krk AdG http://data.pastpla 9791 Croatia m p 839.2 45.078000 14.672386 Vrbnik, on the isle of Krk AdG http://data.pastpla 92393 Croatia m p 839.3 44.990571 14.800130 Mala Luka, on the isle of Krk AdG Croatia m p 839.4 45.029639 14.619498 Bay of Kosljun, Puntarska Draga, on the isle of Krk AdG Croatia m p 840 45.025992 14.578082 Curicum on R Titius, on Curycta insula Krk, on the isle of Krk 841 44.991499 14.896321 Senia Senj 842 44.929300 14.918500 Lopsica Sveti Juraj Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197470 places/17971 m AdG http://data.pastpla 6555 Croatia m p AdG http://data.pastpla 7220 Croatia m p Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 8 http://data.pastpla 67635 -30 http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197235 places/17967 a -330 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197505 places/10946 m -330 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197358 places/13864 m -330 Vol. I, Page 143 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 843 44.958952 14.408056 Crexa, Crepsa, on Apsyrta insula 843.1 44.641311 14.503273 844 44.691800 14.393200 Apsarus, on Apsyrta insula Osor, on the isle of Cres http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197122 places/17968 m -550 845 44.754283 14.764876 Arba, on Arba insula Rab, on the isle of Rab http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197134 places/13856 m -550 846 44.723664 14.887629 Port of Ortoplinia, Ortopla Stinica http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197420 places/13865 m -330 847 44.580000 14.450000 Apsoros, Apsirtis insula, Apsyrtides insulae Isles of Cres and Losinj http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197124 places/41577 a 847.1 44.500672 14.495218 Luka Krivica, on the isle of Losinj http://data.pastpla 6613 m p 847.2 44.553042 14.881366 Portunata, Navalia, on Novalja, on the isle the isle of Cissa of Pag https://en.wikipedi 848 44.548179 14.922627 Cissa, on the isle of Cissa Caska, on the isle of Pag Boetto (2012-13) 848.1 44.469908 14.955109 Simuni, on the isle of Pag AdG 849 44.520643 15.075584 849.1 44.443888 15.185640 Vegium Cres, on the isle of Cres Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197229 places/17969 m Punta Kriza, in Uvala Ul, on the isle of Cres AdG http://data.pastpla 10867 m p Antonine, Itin Mar AdG Karlobag Uvala LukovoSugarje Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Croatia Croatia Croatia places/22378 m http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197210 places/17966 m Croatia http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197575 places/13868 AdG Croatia -30 X -550 -330 m p m -330 m p Vol. I, Page 144 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 850 44.291911 15.436198 Argyruntum Starigrad Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197139 places/13869 m -330 851 44.136000 15.627000 Corinium Karin Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197225 places/13910 m -30 851.1 44.282389 15.210407 Uvala Jasenova AdG 852 44.244500 15.181200 Nin, near Zaton Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197094 places/17965 m r X 852.1 44.230803 15.155961 Zaton Dallas & Yorke (1968) http://data.pastpla 67134 Croatia m r X 852.2 44.259644 14.799170 Prolaz Zapuntel, on Molat island AdG Croatia m p 852.3 44.141501 14.866483 Uvala Soline, in Luka Soliscica on Dugi island AdG http://data.pastpla 2027 Croatia m p 853 44.118891 15.228936 Iader Zadar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197312 places/13857 a p 853.1 44.138310 15.070106 Lissa insulae, Celadussae insulae Muline, on Ugljan island http://data.pastpla 31774 Croatia m p 853.2 44.082639 15.188513 Lissa insulae, Celadussae insulae Preko, on Ugljan island AdG http://data.pastpla 69873 Croatia m p 853.3 44.033868 15.247510 Lissa insulae, Celadussae insulae Kukljica, on Ugljan island AdG http://data.pastpla 69835 Croatia m p 853.4 44.059953 15.076808 Uvala Soline, on Iz island AdG Croatia m p Aenona, Nona Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Croatia m p -330 -330 Vol. I, Page 145 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 853.5 43.917810 15.142861 853.6 43.924342 15.360994 Croatia m p AdG Croatia m p 853.7 44.044310 15.307966 Sukosan AdG Croatia m p 854 43.956733 15.423362 near Biograd? Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197172 places/17964 m 854.1 43.751930 15.365405 Uvala Lavsa, on Lavsa island AdG http://data.pastpla 35248 Croatia m p 855 43.903759 15.510081 Pakostane Boetto (2008) http://data.pastpla 21806 Croatia m 855.1 43.860591 15.572466 Uvala Vela Luka AdG Croatia m p 855.2 43.832370 15.593900 Hramina, on Murter island https://en.wikipedi http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197219 places/44486 m p 855.3 43.821538 15.604590 Betina, on Murter island AdG http://data.pastpla 45123 Croatia m p 855.4 43.784346 15.643490 Jezera, on Murter island AdG http://data.pastpla 43466 Croatia m p 855.5 43.807630 15.857736 Rasline AdG Croatia m p 855.6 43.823954 15.846667 R Guduca AdG Croatia m p Lissa insulae Port of Nedinum and Blandona? Collentum, on Colentum insula Luka Telascica, on Dugi island AdG Uvala Soline, on Pasman island Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 48816 -30 r Vol. I, Page 146 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 855.7 43.818403 15.886719 Uvala Beretusa AdG 855.8 43.723682 15.797362 856 43.816215 15.922873 856.1 43.729680 15.886867 Sibenik 856.2 43.675937 15.945718 Jadrtovac 856.3 43.636672 15.957561 856.4 43.569867 856.5 Proteras insula Prvic Luka, on the isle of Prvic AdG http://data.pastpla 12034 Scardona Skradin Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197502 places/10944 m http://data.pastpla 49 Croatia m AdG Croatia m p Banovci, in Luka Grebastica AdG Croatia m p 15.940943 Kremik Marina AdG Croatia m p 43.530629 15.964579 Rogoznica AdG http://data.pastpla 13147 Croatia m p 856.6 43.450196 16.144206 Tariona insula Luka Drvenik, on the isle of Drvenik Veli AdG http://data.pastpla 41375 Croatia m p 857 43.514868 16.250103 Tragurium Trogir Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197555 places/17962 m 858 43.393889 16.213845 Solentia insula, Olynta Uvala Sesula, on the Antonine, Itin Mar insula isle of Solta http://data.pastpla 2225 Croatia a p 858.1 43.357169 16.367694 Croatia m Gornja Polja, on the isle of Solta Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Dawson Croatia m p Croatia m p -330 -330 Vol. I, Page 147 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 859 43.540800 16.287200 Siculi Resnik, near the airport of Split 860 43.539500 16.483300 Salonae, Salone Solin, near Split 861 43.507643 16.386848 Ad Dianam 862 43.505299 16.436653 863 43.501441 864 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/197511 Lehmann, Flemming m http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197488 places/10939 a -330 Split-Marjan http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197059 places/17960 m -30 Spalatum Split http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197524 places/10938 m -30 16.529929 Epetium, Epetion Stobrec, near Split http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197262 places/17959 m 43.484000 16.547200 Pituntium Podstrana http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197441 places/17958 m -30 865 43.444176 16.690406 Oneum, Almo Omis http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197419 places/17957 m -30 866 43.313544 16.631991 Diskelados, Brattia insula Spilja Kopacina, on the isle of Brac http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/197178 Croatia a 867 43.377565 16.605493 Splitska, on the isle of Brac http://data.pastpla 0700 Croatia m 868 43.371343 16.666421 Lovrecina, on the isle of Brac Croatia m 868.1 43.33928 16.797672 Uvala Luka, on the isle of Brac Croatia m p 868.2 43.333559 16.835997 Povlja, on the isle of Brac Croatia m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 8 ; Strabo, Geogr, 7, 5 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Croatia Lehmann Antonine, Itin Mar Dawson AdG http://data.pastpla 9970 r X ? -330 Vol. I, Page 148 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 868.3 43.307747 16.885881 Uvala Rasotica, on the isle of Brac AdG 868.4 43.326169 16.447885 Milna, on the isle of Brac AdG 868.5 43.352859 16.461513 Bobovisca, on the isle of Brac AdG 869 43.294033 17.016125 Muccurum, Aronia Makarska http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197386 places/16894 m -30 870 43.260637 17.052151 Laurento Tucepi http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197346 places/13924 m -30 871 43.183915 16.583545 Pharos, Pharus, on Pharos insula Stari Grad, on the isle of Hvar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197433 places/17955 a -384 871.1 43.172135 16.442002 Hvar, on the isle of Hvar Dawson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/197434 Croatia m 871.2 43.190299 16.427861 Uvala Vira, on the isle of Hvar AdG Croatia m p 871.3 43.214574 16.553908 Luka Tiha, on the isle of Hvar AdG Croatia m p 871.4 43.162159 16.374708 isle of Sveti Klement Dawson http://data.pastpla 42951 Croatia m 872 43.062600 16.187000 Flemming http://data.pastpla Croatia places/24479 4442 872.1 43.074420 16.097719 Issa, on Issa, Lissa insula Vis, on the isle of Vis Krajicina Spilja, on the isle of Vis Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Polybius, Hist, 2, 19 Caesar, Guerre d’Alexandrie, 47 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Dawson http://data.pastpla 1309 Croatia m p Croatia m p Croatia m p Croatia a r X m Vol. I, Page 149 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 872.2 42.973461 16.010971 Isle of Bisevo Dawson http://data.pastpla 9332 Croatia m 872.3 43.025378 15.747465 Isle of Svetac Dawson http://data.pastpla 63995 Croatia m 873 43.087767 16.704155 Tauris, Taurida Dawson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/197544 Croatia a 874 43.104000 17.338000 Biston? 874.1 43.051272 17.432728 Ploce AdG 874.2 43.001627 17.481396 Blace AdG 875 43.080350 17.628050 875.1 43.062540 17.716180 Roman villa at Visici 875.2 43.099500 17.699820 Roman villa at Mogorjelo 875.3 43.113330 17.720000 875.4 42.847606 17.704852 Mali Ston AdG 875.5 43.029569 17.027106 Uvala Luka, near Loviste AdG probably Isle of Scedro, near Hvar, but might also be the Isle of Sipan near Dubrovnik Gradac Narona on R Naronos, Vid, near Metkovic near the 'Great Lake' on R Neretva, near Hutovo Blato lake Ad Turres Caesar, Guerre d’Alexandrie, 45 Scylax, Peripl Flemming Tasovcici Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197169 places/13925 m http://data.pastpla 5117 Croatia m p Croatia m p http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197400 places/13927 -30 a -30 Bosnia places/44770 m -30 Bosnia places/38876 m http://pleiades.stoa Bosnia .org/places/197089 places/17954 m http://data.pastpla 04922 Croatia m p Croatia m p -30 Vol. I, Page 150 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 876 42.963200 17.137000 Korkyra Melaina, on Korcula, on the isle Corcyra Nigra insula, of Korcula Black Corcyra, Corcyre Noire Vela Luka, on the isle of Korcula http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197340 places/17956 a 876.1 42.966498 16.714240 http://data.pastpla 4341 Croatia m p 876.2 42.975959 17.043988 Uvala Kneza, on the isle of Korcula AdG Croatia m p 876.3 42.734814 16.887478 Skrivena Luka, on the isle of Lastovo AdG http://data.pastpla 19134 Croatia m p 876.4 42.744735 16.824463 Ubli, in Luka Velji Lago, on the isle of Lastovo Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197342 places/41393 m p 876.5 42.767664 16.824639 Pasadur, in Luka Velji Lago, on the isle of Lastovo AdG http://data.pastpla 85909 Croatia m p 876.6 42.752829 16.723445 Isle of Kopiste Dawson Croatia m 876.7 42.765920 16.513449 Cazza Isle of Susac Dawson http://data.pastpla 9266 Croatia m 876.8 42.390184 16.268395 Diomedeae, Pelagusa insulae Isles of Palagruza Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197248 places/37064 m 877 42.972594 17.173036 Hyllos, Hylios and Heraclea ? http://data.pastpla 4320 a 42.827447 17.703207 Stagnum Orebic. As Hyllus, son of Hercules, lived here, I suggest to locate Heraclea mentionned by Scylax failing any other location in this area Ston 878 Augusta insula, Ladesta insula Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Dawson Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 1125 ; Scylax, Peripl Croatia http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197526 places/16895 m -550 -30 -30 Vol. I, Page 151 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 878.1 42.788995 17.377104 879 42.734021 17.567633 879.1 42.726214 17.670375 879.2 42.670778 879.3 Luka Polace Melta, Melita, Melitussa Isle of Mljet AdG m p Dawson http://data.pastpla 1306 Croatia a Okuklje, on the isle of Mljet AdG http://data.pastpla 42306 Croatia m p 18.121156 Rijeka Dubrovacka AdG http://data.pastpla 1551 Croatia m p 42.653862 18.086801 Gruz AdG Croatia m p 880 42.640699 18.103544 Ragusa Vecchia, Raguse Dubrovnik Croatia m 881 42.582715 18.220796 Epidauros Cavtat, in the axis of Caesar, Guerre Dubrovnik's airport d’Alexandrie, 44 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Croatia .org/places/197263 places/13933 a -550 882 42.511403 18.690484 Risium, Risinium, Rhizon Risan Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Monteneg .org/places/197471 places/21966 ro m p -330 883 42.423800 18.767100 Agruvium Kotor, Cattaro Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Monteneg .org/places/197097 places/21965 ro m -330 883.1 42.354278 18.704058 Bigova AdG http://data.pastpla 7533 Monteneg ro m p 884 42.279430 18.838469 Bouthoe Budva http://pleiades.stoa Monteneg .org/places/481770 places/23269 ro m p -550 885 42.093000 19.135300 Antibaris Bar http://pleiades.stoa Monteneg .org/places/481721 places/26372 ro m p -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Croatia http://data.pastpla 8169 Vol. I, Page 152 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 886 41.922200 19.203700 Olokenion, Olcinium, Colhis Ulcinj http://pleiades.stoa Monteneg .org/places/481931 places/26373 ro m -30 886.1 42.047000 19.494000 Scodra, Skodra, Scutari Shkoder http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481931 places/26373 m -30 887 41.811417 19.587415 Nympheum Shengjin, 3000 steps above Lissus Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 26 http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481928 places/26374 a p -330 888 41.783600 19.650000 Lissus Lezhe, on R Drin Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 26 http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481896 places/21964 a -330 888.1 41.765720 19.682510 Akrolissos Shelbuemit http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481709 places/26375 m -330 888.2 41.516170 19.737160 Pistum Ishmi http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481962 places/23287 m -30 888.3 41.475890 19.777030 Albanopolis Zgerdhesh http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481711 places/26376 m -30 889 41.310230 19.453936 Dyrrachio, Dyrrachium, archaïc Epidamnos http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481818 places/16902 a p 890 41.211115 19.494447 Petra Durres, Durres, with Caesar, Guerre Flemming, possible ancient civile, 3, 26 ; Christiansen lighthouse Polybius, Hist, 2, 9 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 16 ; Antonine, Itin Mar near Kavaje http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/481959 m 891 40.721576 19.472942 Apollonia, Gylaceia, on R Aous Pojan, on R Vjose, near Fier Polybius, Hist, 5, 21 http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481728 places/21415 a 892 40.497325 19.275526 Sason insula Isle of Sazan, in front of Vlora Polybius, Hist, 5, 21 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481981 places/41395 a 893 40.465000 19.449000 Aulon, Bylliace near Vlora, Valona Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481750 places/23288 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming Flemming Lehmann, Flemming Albania X ? -750 -750 r X -30 Vol. I, Page 153 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 893.1 40.437820 19.490000 Thronion, Thronium Kanina, near Vlora 894 40.318635 19.428576 Oricum, Orikon, Oricos, Orikumi, near Vlore 895 40.160146 19.583850 Palaeste, Paleste « fairly safe shelter » near the outlet of R Palasa 896 40.117900 19.731900 Chimaira Himare? 897 40.065378 19.782512 Panormos Porto Palermo 897.1 40.005000 19.889000 898 39.871600 20.008000 898.1 39.847150 20.023180 898.2 39.819190 20.068180 898.3 39.760375 20.051260 Roman villa at Diaporit 898.4 39.753130 20.041900 Kalivo 899 39.745600 20.020700 Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 7 ; Dio Cassius, Hist, 42, 12 ; Strabo, Geogr, 7, 5 & 7, 7 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 14 Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 6 Lehmann, Flemming Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 7, 5 & 7, 7 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 14 Prichhit, Pigeras Onchesmos, Port of Anchise Maiandria? Bouthroton, Buthroton, Buthrote, Rutharotum, Pelodes Portus http://data.pastpla Albania places/41908 23764 m http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481939 places/21421 a http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481942 places/26407 a -330 http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/481789 places/26408 m -30 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/481944 a Albania 300 r X -330 http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/531072 places/26410 m -330 http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/531019 places/21420 a -550 Roman fort at Cuke http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/530837 places/34577 m -550 Karalibeu http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/530989 places/31597 m -330 Albania places/43071 m http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/530912 places/31567 m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Albania .org/places/530824 places/21416 a -750 Saranda, in front of Corfu Strabo, Geogr, 7, 7 ; Denys, Antiquites, 1, 51 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 14 Butrint, Butronte, in Strabo, Geogr, 7, 7 ; front of Corfu Denys, Antiquites, 1, 51 ; Ptol, Geogr, Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Vol. I, Page 154 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 3, 14 ; Antonine, Itin Mar 900 39.676683 20.056328 Kato Aetos http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530934 places/31575 West -330 900.1 39.659491 20.098357 Port of Kestria? Pagania http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/530941 places/31579 West -550 901 39.521241 20.173968 Torone, Lygaria, port of Pyrgos Ragiou Ormiskos Valtou http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/531125 places/31658 West -550 902 39.500260 20.252580 Igoumenitsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/530897 places/31560 West -30 903 39.450649 20.263229 Phaskomelia Faskomilia, Platarias http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531058 places/31625 West -550 904 39.405100 20.233800 Sybota islands http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/531107 places/41192 West -550 39.335481 20.285437 Elina Nisida Agios and Nisida Syvota, islands in front of Sivota near Karavostasi 905 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530862 places/31541 West -550 906 39.282000 20.400000 Toryne Paleoparga 907 39.238143 20.477533 Elaias Limen, port of Ephyra in Elea of Thesprotis, GlykysLimen, Glucus Cheimerion, Amoudia, at the outlet of R Acheron, port of Mesopotamo 908 39.214943 20.484576 909 39.123811 20.583460 AdG Thucydides, Peloponnese, 1, 5052 & 3, 76 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 14 Mauro Lehmann, Flemming Strabo, Geogr, 7, 7 ; Pauly, Flemming, Dio Cassius, Hist, Blackman, Mauro 50, 12 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 1, 46 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 14 Kerentza Elatria Riza Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531127 places/31660 West rs X -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/530854 places/31538 West r X -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530940 places/31578 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531085 places/31638 West -330 Vol. I, Page 155 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 910 39.092458 20.646474 Buchetium, Bucheta, Berenike? 911 39.027800 20.735500 Nicopolis Aziaca, Nikopolis (Augustus' victory monument) 912 39.004730 20.707364 Comare, Komaros, Small Comarus Port, port of Nicopolis 913 38.965042 20.760208 Grand Port Comarus 914 39.041000 20.953000 Ambracie, Ambrakia, on R Arachthus 915 39.039000 21.115000 port of Indomene Maior 916 38.986600 21.157600 917 38.978203 21.150381 918 38.960142 919 920 Rogous, near Kastrosikia. This might be the Berenike of Epira located near Kastrosikia and mentionned by Cohen Paleopreveza Mytikas, just North of the Ambracian gulf, Amvrakikós kólpos, anchorage for Octavian's fleet at Actium Preveza, Vathy, in the Ambracian gulf Cohen, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530819 places/31526 West -550 Antonine, Itin Mar Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/531013 places/21991 West 31 Strabo, Geogr, 7, 7 ; Dio Cassius, Hist, 50, 12 Lehmann, Tardieu Strabo, Geogr, 7, 7 Tardieu GR: North- a West rs X http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/531022 places/31613 West -30 Phidokastro, near Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 87 Lehmann, Mauro, Arta on R Arachthos Boardman (1982) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/530796 places/23010 West -550 Roman fort at Agriliais, Paleo Pyrgo, near Menidhion Roman fort at Ellenikouli Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530895 places/34575 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530868 places/34583 West -550 Metropolis near Anoixiatiko Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/531000 21.139746 Olpae near Arapis Beach Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531017 places/31611 West -550 38.901171 21.160788 Krenai, Crenae? near Mpoukka Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530965 places/31590 West -550 38.864899 21.167738 Limnaea, Argos Amphilochicum, Argeia Amfilochia Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530980 places/22788 West -550 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 GR: North- m West Vol. I, Page 156 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 920.1 38.873000 21.074700 Sarandiniko, near Loutraki http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531091 places/31642 West -330 921 38.899469 21.024783 Drymos Paliokklesi http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530848 places/31537 West 300 922 38.918928 20.997464 Euripos? Rouga http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530873 places/31547 West -330 923 38.927679 20.894269 Echinus Vonitsa 924 38.922400 20.841400 Anaktorion, Anactorium 925 38.927513 20.745898 Actium, Aktion, Acta near Nea Kamarina, anchorage for Antonius' fleet at Actium famous naval battle in front of Nicopolis 926 38.866600 20.797200 927 38.822779 20.731524 Leukas, Dioryktos? Peratia 928 38.794025 20.725283 Leukas, Nerikos? 929 38.787226 20.748295 Large submerged breakwater between Plagia & Ligia Roman fort at Kastri Lithies, near Lugia beach 929.1 38.766200 20.758700 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/530853 Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/530798 places/31521 West -750 Dio Cassius, Hist, 50, 31 to 39 ; Livy, Hist, 44, 1 ; Plutarch, Antoine, 67 to 76 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/530771 places/21983 West -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531143 places/34610 West -550 Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530842 places/23291 West -550 Mauro, Murray (1988) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531012 places/31609 West Roman fort at Vigla Roman fort at Phagia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 GR: North- m West rs X -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530927 places/34589 West -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531054 places/34604 West -750 Vol. I, Page 157 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 929.2 38.758364 20.780577 Vathi Vali AdG GR: North- m p West 929.3 38.764219 20.805779 Varko AdG GR: North- m p West 930 38.787542 20.837241 Pogonia 931 38.781555 20.873853 Sollion, Solium Palairos? Roman fort at Kakavoula 932 38.668731 20.931911 Hieros Limen Herakleous, Port of Alyzia near Mytikas 933 38.649400 20.986000 Kastellaki 934 38.651300 20.943600 935 38.518954 20.983366 Roman fort at Xylokastro, near Episkopi, on the isle of Kalamos several shelters between Alyzia and OEniades 936 38.554600 21.091500 937 38.488700 21.101300 938 38.317135 21.113504 Oxeiai, Oxia insula Isle of Oxeia 939 38.361600 21.202000 Nasos insula Portes Skoupas Astakos, Astaque http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531067 places/31632 West Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 Lehmann, Flemming http://data.pastpla 1081 GR: North- m West Tardieu, Hazlitt, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/530892 GR: North- a West Dawson Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 Astakos, Astaque, in Scylax, Peripl Dragamesti bay http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530924 places/34588 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530778 places/31515 West -550 GR: North- a West Flemming Agios Pandeleimona Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -550 Antonine, Itin Mar Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/530815 places/31524 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/530780 places/31516 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/531026 places/41407 West -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/531009 places/31608 West -330 Vol. I, Page 158 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 940 38.411425 21.193636 940.1 Oiniadae, Oiniades, Œniades, Oeniades, Oenee, Melite, Trikardo insula, North port Katoxi, Trikardo Oiniadae, Oiniades, Œniades, Oeniades, Oenee, Melite, Trikardo insula, South port Katoxi, Trikardo Phana, Elaos? near Stamna Polybius, Hist, 4, 14 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; Plutarch, Pericles, 19 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 4, 5-6 Polybius, Hist, 4, 14 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; Plutarch, Pericles, 19 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 4, 5-6 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/531016 places/21993 West r X X -550 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/531016 places/21993 West r X X -550 Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/530857 places/31539 West -330 Treis Ekklesies, near Aitoliko http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541159 places/34375 West -550 941 38.494546 21.317007 942 38.428800 21.361300 943 38.403200 21.415000 Palaia Pleuron Gyphtokastro, near Mesolongion http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/540999 places/21995 West -750 943.1 38.388090 21.486140 Halikyrna Khilia Spitia http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540802 places/29352 West -750 944 38.372600 21.533300 Calydon Evinochori, in front of Patras http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540699 places/21986 West -750 945 38.349200 21.613900 Hypochalkis, Chalkeia, Kato Vasiliki Halkia Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540829 places/29362 West -750 946 38.355400 21.723900 Makyneia Macynea Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540927 places/22823 West -750 947 38.392200 21.829000 Naupaktos, Naupactus, Naupacte Lepanto, Lepante Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540960 places/22826 West 948 38.404400 21.942600 Erythrai? Port of Eupalion Monastiraki, near Efpalio Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540772 places/22821 West Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pausanias, Grece, 7, 21 Thucydides, Peloponnese, 2, 84 & 4, 76 ; Livy, Hist, 27, 30 ; Diodorus, Hist, 12, 60 ; Antonine, Itin Mar r X -550 -550 Vol. I, Page 159 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 949 38.395039 21.992729 Port of Oeneon, Oineon Skaloma, near Klima Efpalio 950 38.385550 22.068900 Polis, Glypha near Glyfada 950.1 38.368055 22.075595 Nisis Trizonia 951 38.363527 22.123118 Agios Spyridon, port of Kallithea 952 38.367000 22.194000 953 38.358000 22.231000 954 38.359031 22.248738 Phaistinos, Phaestus, Port of Phaestian Apollo Panormos? 955 38.352785 22.297907 Tolophon, Tolphon near Agioi Pantes 956 38.381332 22.387478 port of Chaleion Galaxidi 956.1 38.391091 22.424424 957 38.425000 22.450000 Kirrha, Kirra, port of Krisa (port of Delphi and Amphissa, Homer's Crissa) Magoula Xeropigadas, near Chrisso 958 38.372236 22.637420 Antikyra, Anticyre Antikyra Oiantheia, Oeantheia Flemming, Tardieu AdG Tolofona Tardieu, Flemming Erateini Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 4 Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 4 Aghios Demetrios Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Tardieu, Hazlitt Lehmann Blackman, Mauro Pausanias, Grece, 10, 1 & 8 & 37 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 4 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 2, 93 Pausanias, Grece, 10, 36 & 37 ; Livy, Hist, 32, 18 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540972 places/22828 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541065 places/29448 West -550 http://data.pastpla 7104 GR: North- m p West http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540850 places/29369 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540969 places/22827 West -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540765 places/29336 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/541032 places/22829 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541154 places/22831 West -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a p rs .org/places/540704 places/22820 West X GR: North- m West Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a p rs .org/places/540868 places/29378 West Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540642 places/22840 West -750 X ? X X ? -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 160 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 959 38.367500 22.682200 Medeon Agios Nikolaos Flemming 960 38.346314 22.683407 Pharygium Prom. Strabo, Geogr, 9. 3 961 38.280882 22.783116 Mychos, Mychus, port Revitheika of Bulis? Strabo, Geogr, 9. 2 & 9. 3 ; Pausanias, Grece, 10, 37 962 38.274492 22.794134 Bulis, Boulis Zalitza Pausanias, Grece, 10, 37 963 38.253830 22.883130 Chorsiai Chostia, near Saranti 964 38.190000 23.052000 Siphae, Siphai, Siphe, Sifas, Tipha Alyki Thucydides, Peloponnese, 4, 76 & 89 ; Scylax, Peripl 965 38.208100 23.110300 Kreusis, Creusis, Creuse, Creusa Livadostra 966 38.182250 23.137798 Eutretos, Eutretus Agios Vasileios? Pausanias, Grece, 9, Flemming 32 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 2 & 9. 2 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 21 & 44, 1 Tardieu 967 38.146700 23.228500 Aigosthena, Aegosthene Aigosthena, at Porto Germeno 967.1 38.115200 23.216000 Panormos Psatha, near Megaris http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/570557 places/22771 West -750 968 38.090400 23.183700 Pagae, Pagai, Peges Alepochori http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a p .org/places/570543 places/22770 West -750 969 37.978500 23.354500 Nisa, Nisaea, Nisee (port of Megare, Megara) http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/570508 places/22769 + -750 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/543840 Tardieu Flemming, Blackman, Mauro Flemming, Mauro Thucydides, Flemming, Mauro Peloponnese, 1, 111 ; Plutarch, Pericles, 19 Roman fort at Pausanias, Grece, 1, Lehmann, Tardieu, Aghios Nicolas, near 39 ; Diodorus, Hist, Mauro Megara 12, 27 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 1 & 9, 1 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 4, 66- Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540939 places/25178 West -750 GR: North- a West GR: North- a West http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540694 places/29316 West -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540711 places/29322 West -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/541102 places/29461 West rs X ? X ? http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540888 places/29386 West http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/540787 -750 -750 GR: North- m West http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p rs .org/places/570051 places/27394 West a X ? -550 Vol. I, Page 161 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 76 & 2, 93-94 ; Plutarch, Nicias, 8 & Phocion, 14 970 38.024300 23.482300 Roman fort at Loutropyrgos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/582107 places/34569 + m -550 970.1 38.041200 23.537200 Eleusis Elefsina http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579920 places/21987 + m -750 970.2 38.047760 23.557460 Kopros South of airport runway http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579989 places/31150 + m -550 970.3 38.054470 23.592310 Thria Aspropyrgos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580120 places/22784 + m -550 971 37.974687 23.424845 Budorium, Budore Roman fort near Steno, on the isle of Salamis http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579896 places/34549 + a -550 971.1 37.902451 23.405460 971.2 37.876314 23.442213 972 37.950162 973 974 Lehmann, Flemming Diodorus, Hist, 12, 19 Kanakia, on the isle of Salamis Tartaron (2013) GR: Attica + m Kolones Kolones, on the isle of Salamis Mauro, Lolos (1989) GR: Attica + m 23.538702 Salamis, Salamine Bay of Ambelaki, on the isle of Salamis 37.953070 23.599613 Keratsini 37.942001 23.637745 Port Phoron, Foron, Port des fraudeurs, Thieves’ Harbour, Choma? Piraeus, Le Piree, Kantharos, Gantharus (port of Athens, Kranaoi) Le Piree, The Piraeus, with a possible lighthouse Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 rs Herodotus, Hist, 8, 41 ; Pausanias, Grece, 1, 35 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 2 to 4 & 20, 49 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 2, 93 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 1, 30 Demosthenes, Androcles/Lacrite, 28 Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica Theodoulou, .org/places/580100 places/22719 + Flemming, Dawson, Mauro, Lolos (1989) a p rs Tardieu, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579903 places/31116 + a Pausanias, Grece, 1, 1 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 12-41 & 12, 19 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 87 Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Tardieu, Pauly, Blackman, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580062 places/22389 + a X X -550 -550 rs X X X X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 162 Catalogue of Ancient Ports at Themistocles' tomb 975 37.936780 23.648585 Zea, Phreatto? Le Piree, The Piraeus 976 37.937176 23.660392 Munychia, Munychie Mounikhias, with possibly one lighthouse on each breakwater 977 37.934338 23.685334 Phaleron, Phalara, Phalerura, Phalere Phaleron, Paleo Faliro Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 & 4, 11 ; Livy, Hist, 32, 16 & 36, 42 & 45, 27 ; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 1 ; Velleius, Hist, 2, 23 ; Nepos, Themistocle, 6 ; Philo, in Flaccum, 155 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 1, 93 & 2, 93-94 & 6, 30 & 8, 90 & 8, 94 ; Plutarch, Aratus, 39-40 & Phocion 27-32 & Sylla 26 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 2, 2 & 2, 4 & 5, 1 & 7, 1 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 1, 30 & 4, 7 & 6, 2 ; Cicero, Atticus Pausanias, Grece, 1, 1 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 1, 93 ; Nepos, Themistocle, 6 ; Scylax, Peripl Pausanias, Grece, 1, 1 ; Diodorus, Hist, 18, 20 ; Plutarch, Phocion 30-32 & Sylla 15 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 15 Herodotus, Hist, 5, 63 & 6, 116 & 8, 91 ; Pausanias, Grece, 1, 1 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 11 ; Livy, Hist, 27, 30 ; Nepos, Themistocle, 6 ; Plutarch, Thesee 15 & 20 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 41 Loven, Christiansen, Mauro Tardieu, Theodoulou, Blackman, Loven, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580136 places/31181 + Tardieu, http://pleiades.stoa Theodoulou, .org/places/116035 Blackman, Loven, 285 Christiansen, Mauro Lehmann, Pauly GR: Attica + http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580071 places/31176 + a p r a p r a X X ? X ? -550 X X ? ? -750 Vol. I, Page 163 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 978 37.900458 23.713851 Halimous near Athens airport http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579941 places/31132 + m -550 979 37.857391 23.738310 Aixone near Glifadha http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579855 places/22756 + m p -550 980 37.809820 23.778430 Zostera, Zosteros, near Zoster Prom. Vouliagmeni http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580132 places/34568 + a p -330 981 37.770397 23.762640 Phabra insula Isle of Fleves http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580069 places/41361 + m 982 37.810995 23.810764 Anagyros Vari http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579863 places/31102 + m -550 982.1 37.782210 23.886650 Aigilia? Phoinikia http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579852 places/31098 + m -550 983 37.718205 23.937632 Anaphlystos Anavissos Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579866 places/25195 + a 984 37.714171 23.933225 Hyphormus Portus Anaphlystos? Ptol, Geogr, 3, 15 GR: Attica + a 985 37.663075 23.968755 Atene Roman fort near Charakas http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579883 places/34548 + m 986 37.652223 23.950038 Patroklou Charax Isle of Patroklos http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/580060 m 987 37.652800 24.023200 Sunium, Sunion Prom. Sounion, most southerly point of the Attic 987.1 37.673899 24.053953 Passalimani Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Cicero, Atticus Flemming Homer, Odyssey, 3, 278 ; Pausanias, Grece, 1, 1 ; Philo, in Flaccum, 155 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 5, 1 Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro GR: Attica + Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/599943 places/41362 + Blackman, Mauro GR: Attica + rs X X -550 -550 a r m r X X ? X ? Vol. I, Page 164 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 988 37.679250 24.065968 Porthmos near Puntazeza http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580085 places/31184 + m 989 37.693765 24.063820 Port Panormos olympic marina at Gaidouromantra Ptol, Geogr, 3, 15 990 37.737750 24.053600 Thoricos, Thorikos Port Mandri, near Lavrio Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/580057 GR: Attica + a http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580119 places/21989 + a -550 991 37.825211 24.050546 Deiradiotai? islet near Daskaleio http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579906 places/31118 + m -550 992 37.864366 24.041808 Prasia Roman fort at Koroni http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580090 places/31188 + m -550 993 37.889020 24.018227 Steiria, Stira Porto Rafti Tardieu calls it Port Panorme, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580110 places/31193 + m -550 994 37.926322 24.010763 Brauronia, Brauron Vravrona, at the outlet of R Erasinos Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580075 places/31178 + m -550 995 37.988618 24.017408 Halae Araphenides, Artemis Loutsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579940 places/31131 + a -550 996 38.022977 24.017909 Araphen Raphina http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579876 places/31107 + m -550 996.1 38.085300 23.987300 Myrrinoutta near Nea Makri http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580031 places/31163 + m -550 997 38.114653 24.115998 Aegilia, Egilia insula islet de Dipsa, said « Herodotus, Hist, 6, of thirst », between 107 Styra and Marathon http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540605 places/43632 + a -550 998 38.139134 24.049233 Port of Marathon Roman fort at Kynosoura http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580021 places/34560 + a -550 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro Strabo, Geogr, 10, 1 Herodotus, Hist, 6, 107 Flemming, Mauro -550 Vol. I, Page 165 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 999 38.228042 24.024377 Rhamnus, Rhamnonte near Grammatiko http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580097 places/22843 + m 1000 38.290600 23.930200 Psaphis? Agioi Apostoloi http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580093 places/29453 + m -550 1001 38.313217 23.832950 Hieros-limen or PortSacre, Delphinium 3.5 km from Orope Strabo, Geogr, 9, 2 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540727 places/22846 + a -550 1002 38.323771 23.792272 Oropos, Orope Skala Oropou Diodorus, Hist, 13, 34 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 95 Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/580044 places/22778 + a rs X 1003 38.342528 23.679649 Delion, Delium Delesi Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540725 places/29324 + m rs X 1004 38.384408 23.632809 Graia Paralia Avlidos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540796 places/29348 + m 1005 38.419990 23.599623 Bathys Limen, Port Profond, Deep Port Megalo Vathi Diodorus, Hist, 19, 77 ; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 2 http://data.pastpla 1971 GR: Attica + a 1006 38.433300 23.592400 Mikro Vathi 1007 38.452745 23.566021 Aulis, port of Thebes, and, with Bathys Limen, gathering place for the armada of 1200 ships before leaving for the Trojan War Hyria Ovid, Flemming, Metamorphoses, Cuisenier 13, 181-184 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 11 ; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 2 ; Livy, Hist, 45, 27 ; Solinus Polyhistor, 7 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/579889 places/31110 + a -750 near Chalkis http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540830 places/29363 + m -750 1008 38.485780 23.576124 Chaleia near Agios Minas http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540705 places/29319 + m -750 1009 38.482989 23.514673 Salganeus Panagitsa Drosias Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541088 places/29457 + m -550 1010 38.500095 23.445910 Anthedon Anthidona Pauly, Lehmann, Flemming, Theodoulou, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540639 places/22835 + a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming Strabo, Geogr, 9, 2 rs X -550 X -750 -550 -750 rs X X -750 Vol. I, Page 166 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Blackman, Mauro, Oleson 1011 38.504945 23.344982 Phokai? Skroponeria 1012 38.566080 23.287800 Larymna Larimna 1013 38.658200 23.189500 Halae Theologos 1014 38.627983 23.106886 Anastasis near Tragana 1015 38.673731 23.095814 Atalante insula Isle of Atalantonisi 1016 38.675000 23.073000 Atameus, Kalliaros, port of Oponte, Opus Skala Atalandis? 1017 38.723400 23.062340 Kynos, Cynus near Livanates Pausanias, Grece, 10, 1 ; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 4 1018 38.760565 22.866840 Daphnous Agios Konstantinos Strabo, Geogr, 9, 4 1019 38.792196 22.824791 Knemis Roman fort near Asproneri 1020 38.822360 22.733857 port of Thronium Roman fort near Kainourgio Strabo, Geogr, 9, 4 1021 38.846540 22.680880 port of Scarphia, Scarphea near Skarfia Antipater, Epigram, 7, 639 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541050 places/29442 + m Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540906 places/29394 + m p rs Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540800 places/29351 + m -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540633 places/29299 + m -750 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/540675 GR: Attica + m Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540847 places/29367 + m Flemming http://data.pastpla 00184 GR: Attica + a http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540722 places/25175 + a -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540870 places/34356 + m -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541147 places/34373 + a -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541103 places/23301 + a -750 Tardieu -550 X X -750 -550 Vol. I, Page 167 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1022 38.829154 22.616883 Nicaea, Nikaia near Molos 1022.1 38.827794 22.589617 Alpenos Kolonos, near Agia Triada 1023 38.796800 22.536500 Pyles, Thermopylae Pyles, Thermopyles 1023.1 38.790770 22.442500 Herakleia Trachinia 1023.2 38.819720 22.422730 1024 38.852900 1025 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540963 places/29409 + m -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540624 places/29296 + m -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541140 places/21976 + a -750 near Iraklia http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541157 places/22751 + m -750 Sosthenis? Vardates http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541109 places/29464 + m -550 22.430500 Antikyra? Komma http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540641 places/29303 + m -750 38.904500 22.435100 Lamia Lamia http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540902 places/22750 + m -550 1026 38.897788 22.613252 Phalara Stilida Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/541034 places/23302 + m -550 1027 38.895700 22.725400 Echinus Achinos Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540749 places/29330 + m -550 1028 38.885028 22.803288 Alope near Achladi http://pleiades.stoa GR: Attica .org/places/540621 places/29294 + m -750 1029 38.572494 23.769356 Euboea, Makris insula Isle of Eubea, Evia http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540775 places/41413 a 1030 38.845918 22.829892 Dion? near Lichada http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540734 places/29325 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Strabo, Geogr, 9, 4 Antonine, Itin Mar ; Scymnos, Periodos Flemming -750 Vol. I, Page 168 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1031 38.844000 22.982000 Athenai Diades near Loutra Gialtra Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540681 places/29313 m 1032 38.847307 23.049194 Aedepsus Loutra Edipsou Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540602 places/22258 m p -550 1033 38.819400 23.212000 Orobiai North of Rovies http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540989 places/29419 m -750 1034 38.758505 23.318635 Elymnio? near Limni http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540761 places/29335 m -750 1035 38.573357 23.552469 Aigai, Aegae near Politika http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540603 places/29286 m -750 1035.1 38.501620 23.645610 Roman fort at Manika http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540932 places/34361 m -550 1036 38.472500 23.615000 Chalkis, Chalcis, Calchis Liani Ammos, North of Chalkis Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540703 places/21971 a rs X X -750 1036.1 38.450737 23.609798 Chalkis, Chalcis, Calchis Aghios Stefanos, South of Chalkis Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540703 places/21971 a rs X X -750 1037 38.445039 23.603473 Boeotiae Aulis insula Pasas island, in front of Aulis http://data.pastpla 0133 a 1038 38.413200 23.672800 Argoura Lefkanti? 1039 38.385350 23.795256 Eretria, Erithra, Eretrie Eretria, with Roman fort Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 27, 30 & 28, 6 & 44, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Scymnos, Periodos Livy, Hist, 27, 30 & 28, 6 & 44, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Scymnos, Periodos Antonine, Itin Mar Pausanias, Grece, 7, Lehmann, 5 ; Diodorus, Hist, Flemming, 13, 36 ; Thucydides, Blackman, Mauro Peloponnese, 8, 95 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar GR: Evia http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540660 places/29307 m http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/579925 places/21973 a rs X -750 -550 rs X X -750 Vol. I, Page 169 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1040 38.386700 23.910600 Amarynthos Amarinthos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/579859 places/22841 m -750 1041 38.389425 24.044115 Porthmos Aliveri Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/580084 places/31183 m -550 1041.1 38.301918 24.119460 Boufalo, Voufalo AdG http://data.pastpla 99342 m p 1042 38.167882 24.204462 Port of Styra Nea Styra Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/541117 places/22780 m 1043 38.044000 24.317000 Marmarion Marmari, behind the Petalio islands Strabo, Geogr, 10, 1 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/570462 places/31013 a 1043.1 37.994501 24.256392 Petalioi, Petalias insulas Petalio islands Stadiasmus, 283 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/570584 places/41360 a 1044 38.009500 24.420000 Karistos, Caryste Karystos http://plakariprojec http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/570336 places/22781 a 1045 37.975700 24.539300 Geraestos, Geraistos, Gereste Kastri, near the southern tip of Evia Herodotus, Hist, 6, 99 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 283 Homer, Odyssey, 3, 178 ; Livy, Hist, 31, 45 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 3, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 283 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/570258 places/27435 a 1046 38.092700 24.579000 Archampolis Archamboli http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540661 places/29308 m -550 1047 38.159944 24.400038 Roman fort at Philagra, near Giannitsi http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/541046 places/34364 m -550 1047.1 38.240800 24.249400 Dhryopis, Dryopes Limniona http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/540744 GR: Evia m 1047.2 38.584800 24.135500 Teleidai Stomio beach http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/541129 places/29472 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 GR: Evia rs X -750 -750 -750 rs X X ? -750 -550 Vol. I, Page 170 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1048 38.628222 24.130951 Oichalia? near Kymi http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540971 places/25179 m -550 1048.1 38.645000 24.150000 Khili http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540863 places/29376 m -550 1049 38.839246 23.473155 Kerinthos, Cerinthus Kria Vrisi, near Kirinthos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540861 places/29374 m -750 1050 38.952853 23.431133 Agio Vasileios in front Vasileios islet http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540598 places/29285 m -550 1051 38.976041 23.377562 Poseidion near Vasilika http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/541068 places/29449 m -550 1052 39.017840 23.347813 Helleniko, Ellenika Ellinika http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540809 places/43642 m -750 1053 39.019600 23.220000 Artemision, Artemisium Artemisio, at the northern tip of Evia Herodotus, Hist, 8, 4 Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540667 places/21970 a -750 1054 38.949600 23.085000 Histiaia, Hestaia, Persee Oraioi Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540817 places/22749 a 1054.1 38.941100 23.068000 Orea, Oreos, Horeus Neos Pyrgos Diodorus, Hist, 19, 75 ; http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540988 places/29418 a -750 1055 38.901520 22.957901 Port of Khironisi? http://pleiades.stoa GR: Evia .org/places/540864 places/29377 m -750 1055.1 38.940900 22.940174 Ormos Vathikelon 1056 38.950000 22.964700 Port of Antrones Glyfa Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming AdG rs X -750 GR: North- m p East http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540644 places/29304 East -750 Vol. I, Page 171 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1057 39.007000 22.963100 Pteleon, Pteleos Naval base at Achilleion Flemming, Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East rs 1057.1 39.030500 22.969500 Pteleon, Pteleos Loutro 1057.2 39.035500 22.980000 Pteleon, Pteleos 1057.3 39.112700 1057.4 Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541077 places/29454 East rs X -750 Pigadi Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541077 places/29454 East rs X -750 22.940000 Nies Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East rs X 39.168900 22.888300 Amaliapolis Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East 1058 39.161880 22.842000 Halos, Halus, Almyros Port Surbi, near Almiros Flemming, Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540804 places/45307 East 1059 39.278900 22.821100 Pyrasos, port of Thebes Phthiotides, Phthie, Demetrion Nea Anchialos Flemming, Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/541081 places/22747 East 1060 39.286000 22.893500 Demetrion? near Agios Georgios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540731 places/22812 East -550 1061 39.311270 22.928330 Amphanae? Soros http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540627 places/29297 East -750 1062 39.313100 22.930300 Pagasai, Pagases, port Nees Pagases of Pherae Flemming, Mauro, Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540998 places/22810 East -450 1063 39.347680 22.910800 Demetrias, Demetriade, Demetrium Aivaliotika http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540730 places/21977 East -294 1063.1 39.350000 22.930000 Demetrias North port Aivaliotika Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Tartaron (2013), Ginalis (2014) Ginalis (2014) Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 39, 25 ; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 5 Plutarch, Themistocle, 20 ; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 5 ; Apollonius, Argonauticas, 1, 520 Livy, Hist, 35, 39 & 39, 25 & 45, 6; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 5 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540730 places/21977 East X X -302 rs rs X X X -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 172 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1063.2 39.348600 22.938200 Demetrias Tarsanas Pefkakia Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540730 places/21977 East rs 1063.3 39.337300 22.939100 Demetrias South port Alykes Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540730 places/21977 East rs 1064 39.362134 22.893298 Iolcos, Ioklos, Aison? Dimini 1064.1 1065 39.356100 22.980600 1065.1 Diodorus, Hist, 4, 11 Tartaron (2013) X ? -750 -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a p .org/places/540613 places/22748 East -550 Palaia Kastro Tartaron (2013) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540837 places/29365 East -750 Ormenium Goritsa Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540795 places/22813 East -350 Lechonia, Liconia, Port of Neleia Platanidia Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East rs X 1066 39.312000 23.072000 Methone near Malaki Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540946 places/29403 East -750 1067 39.304700 23.120200 Korakai, Korope, Corope, port of Milies Kala Nera Flemming, Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540881 places/29382 East -750 1067.1 39.272800 23.162900 Korakaipyrgos, Palaiopyrgos Afyssos Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East 1067.2 39.250700 23.179800 Lephokastro Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East 1068 39.189700 23.216000 Chorto Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541110 places/29465 East 1068.1 39.174000 23.219500 Milina Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East Spalauthra, Spalathra Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 rs X -750 Vol. I, Page 173 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1068.2 39.150932 23.206322 Ormos Vathoudhi 1069 39.127948 23.221333 Olizon near Chontris Scylax, Peripl Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540979 places/29414 East -750 1070 39.145200 23.312000 Aphetai, Aphetes (jetty of the argonauts) Platania? at the southern tip of Magnesia http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/540645 places/29305 East -750 1071 23.339600 23.344705 Thaumakia? Katigiorgis Diodorus, Hist, 11, 2 Flemming, Mauro ; Herodotus, Hist, 8, 4 ; Strabo, Geogr, 9, 5 Ginalis (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541135 places/29474 East -750 1072 39.484503 23.108426 Sepias, Myrae Pouri http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541096 places/34368 East -750 1073 39.578595 22.938117 Castanea, Kasthaneia Kamari, near Keramidi Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540856 places/29372 East -750 1073.1 39.674000 22.892000 Melivoia Polidendri Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East 1073.2 39.756000 22.863000 Verliki Velika Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East 1074 39.810597 22.833236 Rhizous, Rizus Paliouria 1074.1 39.815300 22.818000 1075 39.831500 22.780500 Eurymenai near Kokkino Nero http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540784 places/29344 East -330 1076 39.894700 22.628800 Homolion on R Pinios, near the bridge of Petrogefyro, near Omolio http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/540819 places/29357 East -750 Koutsoupia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG GR: North- m p East http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541085 places/29456 East Ginalis (2014) GR: North- m East -550 rs X X Vol. I, Page 174 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1077 39.917940 22.595500 Phila near Pyrgetos? Cohen http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/541045 places/29440 East 1078 40.009596 22.599474 Herakleion near Neos Panteleimonas Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/491617 1078.1 40.024580 22.534380 Leibethra Leptokarya? http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491650 places/32131 East -330 1078.2 40.146400 22.489000 Pimpleia South of Dion http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491697 places/32150 East -330 1079 40.177000 22.490300 Dium, Dion Dium, Dion Livy, Hist, 44, 7 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/491572 places/21904 East -750 1080 40.397350 22.617250 Pydna Gulf of Salonika Diodorus, Hist, 11, 2 Flemming & 19, 49 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/491703 places/21963 East -750 1081 40.467450 22.583600 Methone in Emathia, Oisyne Nea Agathoupoli Virgil, Georgiques, 4, 387 ; Scymnos, Periodos http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/491663 places/22002 East -750 1081.1 40.555030 22.494340 Aloros Kypseli http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491519 places/31718 East -550 1082 40.755800 22.518600 Pella in Emathia, Oisine Pella, river port in the gulf of Salonika http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/491687 places/21891 East -750 1082.1 40.732100 22.693600 Gephyra Gefyra http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491600 places/36449 East -30 1083 40.631150 22.729680 Chalastra Chalastra http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491560 places/32091 East -750 1084 40.669960 22.800060 Sindos Sindos http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491717 places/32160 East -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Virgil, Georgiques, 4, 387 ; Scymnos, Periodos Tiverios, Flemming -550 GR: North- m East Vol. I, Page 175 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1085 40.637805 22.945876 Thessalonica, Thessalonique, Salonique Thessaloniki 1086 40.594483 22.937781 Therme 1087 40.477170 22.829000 1088 40.466000 1089 Lehmann, Cohen, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/491741 places/17068 East -750 near Kalamaria in Thessaloniki's suburbs Tiverios, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491740 places/32172 East -750 Aenea Nea Michaniona Tiverios, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/491513 22.849000 Rhaikelos near Nea Michaniona Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491712 places/32157 East 40.415686 22.884087 Smila near Epanomi Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/494621 GR: North- m East 1090 40.395356 22.896019 Skapsa, Kampsa South of Epanomi Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/494578 GR: North- m East 1091 40.338770 23.004943 Gigonos Nea Iraklia Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491602 places/32107 East -550 1092 40.307200 23.061000 Aisa, Haisa, Lisai, port of Antigoneia of Chalkidiki? Nea Kallikratea Cohen, Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491516 places/31716 East -550 1093 40.284000 23.126000 Brea near Sozopoli Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491556 places/32089 East -550 1094 40.248284 23.192548 Kombreia near Nea Plagia Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/494584 GR: North- m East 1095 40.228305 23.274946 Lipaxos near Nea Moudania Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/494587 GR: North- m East 1096 40.118493 23.351816 Pallene, Pallene, Phlegra peninsula in Halkidiki, Chalcidique http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/491682 GR: North- a East Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 44, 32 Virgil, Georgiques, 4, 387 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Scymnos, Periodos GR: North- m East -750 Vol. I, Page 176 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1097 40.072300 23.334900 Sane Fylakes Xenophondos Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491715 places/32159 East 1098 39.958973 23.381099 Posideion Prom. Posidi Tiverios GR: North- m places/43693 East 1099 39.966521 23.426702 Mendis, Mende Kalandra Livy, Hist, 31, 45 Tiverios, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501515 places/22701 East -750 1100 39.930500 23.574000 Skione Skioni Thucydides, Peloponnese, 5, 2 Tiverios, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501620 places/32403 East -750 1101 39.960020 23.680522 Therambos, Thrambos Paliouri, in the gulf of Kassandra = Toronic gulf Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501637 places/43689 East -550 1102 39.979669 23.662286 Aige, Aege near Glarokavos Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/501335 places/32291 East -550 1103 40.020000 23.531700 Neapolis Polykhrono Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/501522 1104 40.072214 23.455387 Ismaros, Ismara, Parthenion, Phalesina near Solenas, Solina? Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/507409 places/32165 East -550 1105 40.104211 23.438004 Aphytis Afytos Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/491525 places/31721 East -750 1106 40.196413 23.338966 Potidaia, Potidee, Kassandreia, Cassandrea Nea Poteidaia, in Halkidiki Livy, Hist, 45, 10 Lehmann, Tiverios, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/491701 places/22703 East -750 1107 40.276800 23.397000 Mecyberna, Mecyperne, port and arsenal of Olynthos Olynthos, on the Toronic gulf Strabo, Geogr, 7, 8 Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/491678 places/32136 East -750 1108 40.251096 23.495945 Port of Sermylia, Sermyle near Ormylia Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501605 places/32398 East -550 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -550 GR: North- m East Vol. I, Page 177 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1109 40.190227 23.677894 Galepsos, Galepsus near Nikiti Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501422 places/32326 East -550 1110 39.977000 23.900650 Torone Toroni or Koufos, on the Toronic gulf Thucydides, Peloponnese, 5, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl Tiverios, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501646 places/22702 East -750 1111 39.967803 23.918867 Kohphos, Kophon Koufos Mela, Geogr, 2, 3 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 5, 2 Tiverios, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a p .org/places/501476 places/22704 East -550 1112 39.969556 24.015493 Ampelos end of the Sithonia peninsula Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/501398 GR: North- m East 1113 40.041464 23.995489 Koukos near Sykia Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/501479 GR: North- m East 1114 40.087600 23.982000 Sarte Sarti Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501603 places/32397 East 1114.1 40.202842 23.780868 Ormos Mesopanayia AdG GR: North- m p East 1114.2 40.221810 23.782357 Ormos Kriftos AdG GR: North- m p East 1114.3 40.226768 23.753190 Ormos Dhimitriaki AdG GR: North- m p East 1114.4 40.232231 23.737014 Ormos Panayia AdG GR: North- m p East 1115 40.249302 23.725690 Siggos, Singus Livrochio, near Agios Nikolaos Tiverios, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501613 places/32399 East -550 1116 40.341300 23.729000 Piloros, Pilorus Pyrgadikia Tiverios, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501567 places/32387 East -550 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -550 Vol. I, Page 178 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1117 40.362500 23.835000 Assa, Assera? Develiki, near Gomati Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501363 places/32303 East -550 1118 40.360196 23.921804 Sane, Ouranoupolis Tripiti, near Nea Roda Cohen, Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501599 places/32395 East -550 1119 40.281893 24.155183 Thassos, Thyssus near the Kastamonitou monastry Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501643 places/32408 East -550 1120 40.264453 24.167744 Palaiotrion, Palaiorion near the Dochiariou monastry? Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/507439 1121 40.221317 24.216207 Cleonae, Kleonai Flemming, Tiverios, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501469 places/32343 East 1122 40.214232 24.219108 port of Karyes near the Xiropotamou monastry? Dhafni, Daphne? Dhafni, Daphne Tiverios http://data.pastpla 2870 GR: North- m East 1123 40.138280 24.228189 Stratonikeia near Mount Athos? Cohen http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/507469 GR: North- m East 1124 40.089945 24.254750 Ports of Mount Athos ? near Mount Athos http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/501365 GR: North- a East 1125 40.171299 24.388843 Apollonia near the Megisti Lavra monastry Tiverios http://data.pastpla 6516 GR: North- m East 1126 40.190344 24.375996 Port of Akrothooi beach of Bela? Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501343 places/32294 East 1127 40.267614 24.282423 Charadries, Charadrou near the Stavronikita monastry Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/507386 1128 40.362346 24.117585 Holophyxos, Olophyxos near the Chelandariou monastry Tiverios, Flemming, BAtlas locates it further SE, near Vatopediou http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501535 places/32372 East Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 44, 28 GR: North- m East -550 -550 GR: North- m East -550 Vol. I, Page 179 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1129 40.435701 23.997462 Dion Ormos Plati 1130 40.394200 23.885500 Acanthos, port of the Acanthians Akanthos-Ierissos, on the Strymonic gulf Herodotus, Hist, 6, 44 ; Strabo, Geogr, 7, 8 1131 40.592400 23.795700 Stageira, Stagire Stageira 1132 40.592000 23.786000 Kapros, port of Stageira, Port du Sanglier 1133 40.670000 23.698000 Bromiskos, Bromiscus Olympias, from the name of Kafkanas, Kapros islet which has a boar's shape Stavros 1133.1 40.723700 23.719300 Pennana Asprovalta? 1134 40.781000 23.814900 Argilos, Argilus Sikia 1135 40.788600 23.890600 Eion, port of Amphipolis, on R Strymon near Ofriniou 1136 40.728334 23.977504 Galepsos, Galepsus near Kariani 1137 40.724176 24.101879 Loutra Eleutheron Roman fort at Loutra Eleutheron 1138 40.738598 24.143452 Apollonia Pyrgos Apollonias 1139 40.826000 24.322600 Oisyme, Oesyme Ormos Elevtheron Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Tiverios, BAtlas locates it near the Esphigmenou monastry Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501400 places/32317 East Strabo, Geogr, 7, 8 Lehmann, Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501625 places/22031 East -550 Strabo, Geogr, 7, 8 ; Mela, Geogr, 2, 2 Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501455 places/32335 East -330 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501380 places/32310 East -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501555 places/36455 East -30 Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501358 places/22059 East -550 Tiverios, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501410 places/22032 East -550 Tiverios, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501421 places/32325 East -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501499 places/34676 East -30 Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501355 places/21881 East -550 Tiverios, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/501533 places/32370 East -750 Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 5 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501339 places/21886 East -550 rs X -750 Vol. I, Page 180 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1140 40.871311 24.321720 Heraklitsa Iraklitsa Tiverios GR: North- m East 1141 40.921332 24.386855 Antisara Kalamitsa? Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501351 places/32299 East -750 1142 40.932060 24.408495 Neapolis Kavala, in Macedonia http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501523 places/21896 East -750 1143 40.965300 24.527900 Akontisma Nea Karvali http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501341 places/36451 East -30 1144 40.953900 24.622200 Pistyros, Pistiros near Pontolivado http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501569 places/22956 East -750 1145 40.946610 24.969610 Abdera, North port Avdira, in Thrace Herodotus, Hist, 6, 4-48 Tiverios, Flemming, Loven, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501323 places/22034 East r 1145.1 40.935500 24.988400 Abdera, East port Avdira, in Thrace Herodotus, Hist, 6, 4-48 Tiverios, Flemming, Loven, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501323 places/22034 East rs 1146 41.008162 25.137137 Dicaea, Dicee Lagos, near Xanthia Strabo, Geogr, 7, 8 Tiverios, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a p .org/places/501399 places/32316 East -750 1147 41.022000 25.162000 Xantheia in Lake Vistonis? http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501661 places/32417 East -550 1148 40.928500 25.277000 Stryme on Cape Molivoti http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501628 places/32406 East -550 1149 40.874000 25.512000 Maronia, Maronee, Ismaros Aghios Demosthenes, Flemming, Charalambos, South Apollodorus/Polycle Cuisenier, Mauro of Maroneia s, 20 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a p .org/places/501507 places/24864 East -750 1150 40.863400 25.638000 Mesembria, Serreios Akra near Petrota http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501516 places/32362 East -510 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Luke, Acts, 16.11 ; Appian, Guerres civiles, 4, 13 Flemming Demosthenes, Tiverios, Mauro Apollodorus/Polycle s, 20 Tiverios X X -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 181 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1151 40.854000 25.674300 Drys near Mesimvria Tiverios, http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m .org/places/501406 places/32320 East 1152 40.845939 25.710716 Dikella Dikella Tiverios GR: North- m East 1153 40.847268 25.749928 Zone Makri Tiverios 1154 40.840300 25.846173 Sale, port of TrajanopolisTempyra? near Alexandroupoli Ovid, Tristes, 1, 10 1155 40.873600 26.164000 Doriscos, Doris Doriskos, near R Evros Herodotus, Hist, 5, 98 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 1 1156 40.707090 26.031697 port of Stentor near Enez 1157 40.720165 26.088425 Ainos, Annos, Enus Enez 1158 40.650000 26.800000 Deris near Kocacesme 1159 40.620107 26.812547 Cypasis, Kypasis 1160 40.588200 26.835000 1161 40.551552 1162 40.510926 -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- m p .org/places/501667 places/25830 East -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501595 places/32394 East -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: North- a .org/places/501402 places/32318 East -750 Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 18 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501337 places/21900 Marmara N a -550 Plutarch, Caton, 11 ; Lehmann, Tiverios, Scylax, Peripl Flemming, Mauro, Rabbel (2015) http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501337 places/21900 Marmara N a http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501397 places/32315 Marmara N m -550 near Evrese http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501488 places/32355 Marmara N m -550 Kobrys near Kavakköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501470 places/32344 Marmara N m -550 26.753546 Kardia, Cardia Baklaburnu, North of Bolayir http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501458 places/21217 Marmara N a 26.687336 Ide near Güneyli http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501436 places/32331 Marmara N m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Mauro Flemming, Herodotus, Hist, 6, 41 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 5, 41 Lehmann, Körpe, Tiverios, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro X rs X -550 X X ? -550 -550 Vol. I, Page 182 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1163 40.509323 26.637445 Paeon near Lejtepe Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501543 places/32375 Marmara N m -550 1164 40.367735 26.328235 Drabos, Limnae Eion Ece Limani ? http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501404 places/32319 Marmara N m -550 1165 40.293962 26.235822 Alopekonnesos Anafarta bay, near Kücükanafarta Körpe, Tiverios, Flemming, BAtlas locates it South of Alopekonnesos Körpe (Tardieu calls it Port Panhorme) http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501345 places/32295 Marmara N m -550 1165.1 40.232860 25.889700 Imbros Kaleköy, on the island Gökceada, Imbros, Imvros http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501438 places/32332 Marmara N a 1165.2 40.107111 25.697140 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501439 places/41112 Marmara N m -550 1165.3 40.264700 26.264000 Limnae near Büyükanafarta http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501497 places/32357 Marmara N m -550 1166 40.213135 26.272296 Araplus near Kabatepe Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/507368 m 1167 40.050800 26.212500 Elaious, Elaeus, Elea, Eleonte Lehmann, Körpe, Tiverios, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501411 places/32322 Marmara N a 1168 40.152048 26.381764 Cynossema Abide, Mortolimani, at the southern tip of Chersonese, Chersonesos Kilitbahir Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/501487 TR: Marmara N m 1169 40.185000 26.356000 Madytos, Maitos Eceabat Körpe, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501503 places/32360 Marmara N m -550 1170 40.200159 26.362530 Coelos, Coela creek of Kilya, North of Eceabat Mela, Geogr, 2, 2 ; Tardieu, Körpe, Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 18 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501471 places/32345 Marmara N a -550 1171 40.213400 26.389300 Sestos Bigali Kalesi, near Yalikabat Diodorus, Hist, 13, Tardieu, Flemming 45 ; Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 9 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 102 ; Plutarch, Lysandre, http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501609 places/21216 Marmara N a -750 Ugurlu, on the island Gökceada, Imbros, Imvros Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Herodotus, Hist, 6, Flemming 41 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 102 ; Ovid, Tristes, 1, 10 Dawson Herodotus, Hist, 6, 140 ; & 7, 33 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 2, 1 TR: Marmara N rs rs X ? X -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 183 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 11 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 & 1, 2 & 2, 1 1172 40.350740 26.610110 Aigospotamos, R Aegos-Potamas near Bayirköy 1173 40.360420 26.632606 Kressa 1174 40.398533 26.645759 1175 40.410776 1176 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501336 places/32292 Marmara N a -550 Kressa http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501483 places/32351 Marmara N m -750 Krithote Krithote http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501485 places/32353 Marmara N m -550 26.688386 Callipolis Körpe, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501450 places/23348 Marmara N a -330 40.480284 26.777734 Pactya Gelibolu, at the northern entrance of the Dardanelles straits Pactya Körpe, Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501546 places/32377 Marmara N m -550 1176.1 40.532766 26.901169 Lysimacheia, Hexamilion near Ortaköy Bircan, Cohen, Körpe, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/501458 TR: Marmara N m 1177 40.604283 27.110716 Tiristasis Sarköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511449 places/31446 Marmara N m -550 1178 40.634122 27.187770 Harakleia, Heraclee, Neapolis Eriklice, in the Sea of Marmara Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511333 places/23346 Marmara N a -550 1179 40.666361 27.250049 Myriophytum Mürefte Flemming http://data.pastpla 50576 TR: Marmara N m 1180 40.750093 27.338415 Ganos, Serreion Teichos Gaziköy Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511415 places/31432 Marmara N m -550 1181 40.902143 27.474058 Panion, Theodosiopolis near Barbaros, 10 km South of Tekirdag Cohen, http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511351 places/31414 Marmara N m p -550 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Xenophon, Helleniques, 2, 1 Scylax, Peripl Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 12 Özdogan, Körpe, Flemming X ? Vol. I, Page 184 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1182 40.965959 27.518727 1183 40.977978 27.562311 1184 40.990336 27.640044 1185 41.008387 1185.1 Bisanthe, Rhaedestos, Tekirdag Rodosto http://data.pastpla TR: places/21397 Marmara 2009 N m -550 Degirmenalti http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511228 places/31379 Marmara N m -750 Mocasura near Gazioglu http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/511321 TR: Marmara N m 27.739357 port of Heraion Teikhos Aytepe, near Karaevli http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511271 places/31391 Marmara N m -550 40.996000 27.804400 port of Neon Teichos Servili? http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511334 places/31408 Marmara N m -550 1186 40.974017 27.970143 Perinthus, Perinthe, Heraklea Marmara Eregli http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511357 places/21399 Marmara N a 1187 41.040000 28.044000 Daunion Teichos Sultanköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511227 places/31378 Marmara N m -550 1188 41.070580 28.230348 Selymbria, Eudoxiopolis Silivri, in the Sea of Marmara http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511414 places/21400 Marmara N a -550 1189 41.038568 28.412015 Callum near Celaliye http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511201 places/36423 Marmara N m 300 1190 41.034000 28.583000 Athyras near Büyükcekmece http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511172 places/31364 Marmara N m p -330 1191 41.007500 28.769000 Rhegion near Kücükcekmece Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511397 places/22281 Marmara N m 300 1192 41.033400 28.734100 Bathonae Avcilar, on Lake Kücükcekmece 20 km West of Istanbul, with ancient lighthouse Aydingün, Christiansen http://data.pastpla 0148 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Cohen, Flemming Scylax, Peripl Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Flemming, Hazlitt Flemming TR: Marmara N rs rs X -330 X Vol. I, Page 185 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1192.1 40.958000 28.800000 Dekaton N Yesilköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521004 places/31462 Marmara N m 300 1192.2 40.961800 28.849000 Henaton N Yesilköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521028 places/31467 Marmara N m 300 1193 40.973600 28.881700 Hebdomon near the race course http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521026 places/31466 Marmara N m 300 1193.1 40.974300 28.882600 Ioukoundianai, Sekoundianai Roman villa at Hebdomon http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521042 places/35558 Marmara N m 300 1194 40.982844 28.907913 Strongylion, Kyklobion near Zeytinburnu http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521158 places/34573 Marmara N m 300 1195 37.925000 23.150000 Crommyon near Agio Theodori http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570386 places/28522 Peloponne se -750 1196 37.913300 23.082000 Sidous Sousaki http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570671 places/31065 Peloponne se -750 1197 37.919100 23.006400 Schoenitas, Schoenus, Schoenitas Schoinous 1198 37.882860 22.994498 Kenchreai, Cenchrees Kechries Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Mela, Geogr, 2, 3 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 9 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 6 & 9, 1 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 Pausanias, Grece, 2, 2 ; Apuleius, Ane d’Or, 10, 35 ; Diodorus, Hist, 15, 68 ; Livy, Hist, 32, 17 ; Luke, Acts, 18.18 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 6 ;Philo, in Flaccum, 155 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 1023 ; Plutarch, Caton, 38 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 7, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 ; Ovid, Tristes, 1, 10 Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570656 places/31061 Peloponne se rs X Lehmann, Flemming, Theodoulou, Blackman, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570347 places/21953 Peloponne se rs X -750 X X -750 Vol. I, Page 186 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1199 37.844452 23.117162 Peiraeos, Speiraion near the border between Corinth and Argolid, Fragolimano Fragolimano Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 10 near Pefkali 1200 37.843197 23.119151 Anthedon 1201 37.835846 23.138386 Bucephalum Portus, Boukephalos 1201.1 37.757641 23.154114 Kalamianos Tartaron (2013) 1201.2 37.761902 23.126946 Korfos AdG http://data.pastpla 32206 1202 37.637305 23.160280 Epidaurum Palaia Epidauros Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570228 places/21954 Peloponne se r 1203 37.751400 23.422600 Aegina, Enopia, Oinone insula Roman naval base North of Kolonna hill, on Isle of Egina, Aigina Pauly, Lehmann, Blackman, Loven, Mauro, Dawson, Tartaron (2013) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/579853 places/21936 Peloponne se rs X 1203.1 37.747653 23.424636 Aegina, Enopia, Oinone insula Roman naval base South of Kolonna hill, on Isle of Egina, Aigina Pauly, Lehmann, Blackman, Loven, Mauro, Dawson, Tartaron (2013) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/579853 places/21936 Peloponne se rs X 1203.2 37.745000 23.427900 Aegina, Enopia, Oinone insula, commercial port Modern marina, on Isle of Egina, Aigina Pauly, Lehmann, Blackman, Loven, Mauro, Dawson, Tartaron (2013) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/579853 places/21936 Peloponne se Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570161 GR: a Peloponne se Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 9 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570161 GR: a Peloponne se Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570161 places/27415 Peloponne se Ovid, Metamorphoses, 15, 680-744 ; Pausanias, Grece, 2, 29 ; Scylax, Peripl Ovid, Metamorphoses, 7, 490-493 ; Pausanias, Grece, 2, 29 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 9 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 5, 1 Ovid, Metamorphoses, 7, 490-493 ; Pausanias, Grece, 2, 29 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 9 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 5, 1 Ovid, Metamorphoses, 7, 490-493 ; Pausanias, Grece, 2, 29 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 9 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 5, 1 Tardieu's port of the Athenians, Mauro GR: m Peloponne se -750 rs GR: m p Peloponne se X X -750 X -750 X -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 187 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1204 37.592755 23.337618 Methana, Arsinoe Vathy? near Magalochori Cohen, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: m p .org/places/570482 places/21927 Peloponne se 1205 37.639291 23.352808 Thermae Agios Nikolaos? Flemming http://data.pastpla 3990 GR: m Peloponne se 1205.1 37.576560 23.388866 Methana AdG http://data.pastpla 25381 GR: m p Peloponne se 1206 37.516230 23.394229 Celenderis, Kelenderis near Trezen, Trezene? Pausanias, Grece, 2, Flemming 32 http://data.pastpla 1494 GR: a Peloponne se 1207 37.509964 23.393849 Pohon, Pogon, Pogonus port of the Trezenians, port of Calauria http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570622 places/21926 Peloponne se 1208 37.531540 23.483930 Kalaureia, Kalauria, Calauria insula, Calauree Isle of Poros Herodotus, Hist, 8, 42 ; Mela, Geogr, 2, 3 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 6 ; Scylax, Peripl Scylax, Peripl 1209 37.477935 23.481249 Eiones Ormos Artemis, Artemidhos? Strabo, Geogr, 8, 6 1210 37.352349 23.464795 Hydra, Hydrea, Hydroussa insula Ydra, on the isle of Idra Plutarch, Cimon, 18 1210.1 37.343818 23.337018 Aperopia insula Isle of Dokos 1210.2 37.407000 23.328900 Thermasia Thermisia? 1211 37.386081 23.251316 Hermione, Hermion Ermioni 1211.1 37.255945 23.137409 Pityoussa insula Isle of Spetses Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Mauro Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa Flemming, .org/places/570325 places/41227 Blackman, Mauro, Dawson, http://www.kalaure http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/573195 GR: a p Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570299 places/41225 Peloponne se Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570089 places/43602 Peloponne se Dawson r r -750 X ? -750 GR: a Peloponne se Flemming, Dawson Pausanias, Grece, 2, Lehmann, 34 ; Scylax, Peripl Flemming, Mauro -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570724 places/31083 Peloponne se -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570292 places/21925 Peloponne se -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570615 places/43601 Peloponne se Vol. I, Page 188 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1211.2 37.260157 23.166187 Baltiza bay, Spetsai, on Spetses island 1212 37.316003 23.151855 Halai, Halieis, Halia Portocheli Scylax, Peripl 1213 37.323940 23.126269 Haliuse insula now connected to the continent at Portocheli ? Pausanias, Grece, 2, Blackman 34 1213.1 37.416543 23.135024 Mases? Lambayanna beach, near Kiladha, near Franchthi cave 1214 37.464890 23.044103 Philanorion jetty Vurlia Bay http://www.sperof QPMJA31/76356Bronze-Age-Greekcity-foundunderwater#.VemZ 7vntmko Tardieu 1214.1 37.533736 22.921406 Khaidhari, Vivari AdG 1215 37.527000 22.874300 Asine (port of Mycenes) Asini, Tolo Frost, Lehmann, Flemming 1216 37.567621 22.786149 Nauplia, Nauplie, port of Argos, port of Tiryns Nauplia, near Tiryntha 1217 37.578886 22.750435 Temenion near Nea Kios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570710 places/31074 Peloponne se -750 1218 37.551100 22.718400 Lerna Myloi http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570424 places/30998 Peloponne se -750 1219 37.525952 22.734504 Genesion, Apobathmoi Kiverio http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570257 places/27434 Peloponne se -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Mauro Diodorus, Hist, 4, 9 ; Lehmann, Strabo, Geogr, 8, 6 ; Flemming, Mauro Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 GR: m p Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p rs .org/places/570274 places/21924 Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570274 X X -750 GR: a Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: m p .org/places/570463 places/31014 Peloponne se -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570601 places/31047 Peloponne se -550 GR: m p Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570124 places/21923 Peloponne se rs http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570501 places/22795 Peloponne se r X -750 X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 189 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1220 37.410201 22.766493 Astron Paralio Astros http://pleiades.stoa GR: m p .org/places/570134 places/27410 Peloponne se -550 1221 37.372982 22.785429 Methana, Anthana ? Agios Andreas http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570481 places/31017 Peloponne se -550 1222 37.245400 22.870300 Tyros Tyros http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570759 places/21990 Peloponne se -550 1223 37.143804 22.896054 Prasiae, Brasia Plaka Leonido http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570629 places/31055 Peloponne se -750 1224 37.116200 22.901900 Polichna Port Poulithra http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570624 places/31052 Peloponne se -330 1225 36.973000 22.993000 Port Cyphanta, Kyphanta Kyparissi Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 9 ; Flemming Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570398 places/28526 Peloponne se -750 1226 36.786800 23.088000 Zarax Ierakas Pausanias, Grece, 3, Lehmann, 24 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570761 places/31094 Peloponne se -550 1227 36.711622 23.059945 port of Jupiter, Dios Sotera port of Epidauros Limera Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 105 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570229 1228 36.731300 23.026300 Epidauros Limera, Epidaure-Limere not to be confused with Epidauros in Argolid Strabo, Geogr, 8, 6 ; Scylax, Peripl Tardieu, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570229 places/21913 Peloponne se -750 1229 36.684727 23.038652 Minoa Prom. Isle of Monemvasia Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 Flemming, Cuisenier http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570487 places/43580 Peloponne se -330 1230 36.634520 23.032831 Delion, Epidelion near Agios Stefanos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570230 places/43581 Peloponne se -550 1231 36.487727 23.146136 Sida, Side Velanidia? http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570669 places/43583 Peloponne se -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Mauro Thucydides, Flemming, Mauro Peloponnese, 6, 105 ; Scylax, Peripl Flemming Scylax, Peripl Mauro GR: a Peloponne se Vol. I, Page 190 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1232 36.431377 23.199528 Malea, Malee Cape Maleas is not a port, but on the contrary, it is the « Greek Cape Horn » for seafarers West of Maleas 1233 36.437700 23.143500 Nymphaion 1234 36.506102 23.055281 Boeae, Boea, Boiai, Boia Neapoli Voion 1235 36.516679 22.988187 Onougnathos, Onugnathe Elafonisos, Elafos, Pavlo Petri, Paulopetri 1236 36.645600 22.880123 Kotyrta Pila near Daimonia 1237 36.685034 22.833246 Asopos Plytra, with possible ancient lighthouse Lehmann, Flemming, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570129 places/23294 Peloponne se rs X 1238 36.689757 22.809507 Kyparissia, Kyparissa Boza, near Asope Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570396 places/28525 Peloponne se rs X 1239 36.704100 22.819300 Leukai Mpozas http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570428 places/31001 Peloponne se -330 1240 36.753238 22.797595 Biadyna Elia http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570154 places/27414 Peloponne se -550 1241 36.794800 22.785200 Akriai, Acries Kokkinia Pausanias, Grece, 3, Flemming 22 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570058 places/27396 Peloponne se -330 1242 36.843200 22.607500 Helos? Stefania Homer, Iliad, 2, 584 Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570286 places/27445 Peloponne se -750 1243 36.795000 22.605000 Trinasos, Trianasus Roman fort at Trinisa Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570753 places/34545 Peloponne se -550 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 13 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 3, 4 Strabo, Geogr, 8, 5 Cuisenier http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570455 places/43582 Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570511 places/31025 Peloponne se -30 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570156 places/23295 Peloponne se -550 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570533 places/43584 Peloponne se rs http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570378 places/28520 Peloponne se -750 X ? -550 -550 Vol. I, Page 191 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1244 36.762700 22.567500 Gytheum, Gythium, Gytheion, Gythion port of Sparta 1245 36.702853 22.523569 Arainon, port of Las, Laa Vathy near Ageranos 1246 36.662650 22.505792 Asine near Skoutari 1247 36.612792 22.495279 Teuthrone Kotronas 1248 36.567200 22.480000 Aigila 1249 36.429300 22.486000 1250 36.401700 1251 Livy, Hist, 34, 29 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 3 & 8, 5 ; Plutarch, Cleomene, 59 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 2, 10 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 6, 5 Homer, Iliad, 2, 584 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 5 ; Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Tardieu, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570268 places/21912 Peloponne se -750 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570099 places/27407 Peloponne se -750 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570126 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570714 places/31077 Peloponne se -550 near Alipa Mani? http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570045 places/27393 Peloponne se -330 Psamathus, Amathus Porto Kagio on Cape Pausanias, Grece, 3, Flemming, Mauro Tenare, ex-Matapan 25 ; Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570635 places/31056 Peloponne se -550 22.486700 Taenaros, Tainaron Procopius, Guerre Flemming Vandales, 1, 13 ; Plutarch, Cleomene, 50 & 70 & Antoine, 75 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570702 places/22614 Peloponne se -750 36.424420 22.473200 Achilleius Portus, Achille's port Cape Taenarus, Tenare, exMatapan, bay near Kokkinogeia with a Poseidon/Neptune temple Marmari, on Cape Taenarus, Tenare, ex-Matapan Pausanias, Grece, 3, Tardieu, Hazlitt, 25 ; Scylax, Peripl Pauly, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570031 1252 36.456397 22.442225 Caenopolis, Kainepolis Kyparissos Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 13 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570322 places/27451 Peloponne se -30 1253 36.538576 22.377372 Messa, port of Hippola? near Mezapos Pausanias, Grece, 3, Flemming 25 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570478 places/31016 Peloponne se -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming GR: m Peloponne se GR: a Peloponne se Vol. I, Page 192 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1254 36.689712 22.377030 Oitylos, Oetylus Neo Oitylo 1255 36.810398 22.293040 Pephnos, Pephnus near Agios Dimitrios 1256 36.845005 22.257252 Leutra, Leuktron Stoupa 1257 36.883682 22.231943 Kardamyle, Cardamyle 1258 36.963500 22.139300 1259 37.017794 1260 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570527 places/31027 Peloponne se -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570581 places/31039 Peloponne se -750 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570431 places/31002 Peloponne se -750 Kardamyli Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570330 places/28512 Peloponne se -750 Abia, Homer's Ire in the Iliad Avia Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570027 places/27389 Peloponne se 22.131472 Pherae, Phares, port of Kalamai? Fares, near Kalamata inside the Messenia gulf Tardieu, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570596 36.960000 21.931000 Corone, Korone, archaïc Epeia Petalidi, inside the Messenia gulf 1261 36.843078 21.932989 Kolonides Vounaria 1262 36.801385 21.958647 Asine Koroni 1263 36.804791 21.810442 Phoinicos, in front of Oinoussai insulae Foinikounta, in front of the Enusses islands Pausanias, Grece, 4, 34 1264 36.816800 21.704500 Mothone, Methone, archaïc Pedasus Modon 1265 36.951600 21.661000 Pylos Koryphasion, Navarino, sheltered by the isle of of Sphacteria North side of Navarino Bay, near the isle of Sfaktiria Pausanias, Grece, 4, 35 ; Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 13 Pausanias, Grece, 4, 36 ; Diodorus, Hist, 12, 26 ; Homer, Odyssey, 3, 1 & 182 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 4 ; Thucydides, Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Pausanias, Grece, 4, Lehmann 34 Flemming rs X -330 rs X -750 GR: m p Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570371 places/28519 Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570368 places/28517 Peloponne se -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570125 places/23296 Peloponne se -750 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570605 GR: a Peloponne se Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570483 places/21910 Peloponne se Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570640 places/23297 Peloponne se rs X -550 -750 Vol. I, Page 193 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Peloponnese, 4, 3 & 4, 8 & 6, 105 1265.1 Pylos, archaic port of Nestor's Palace Costa Navarino, near Romanos Viollet (2004) GR: m Peloponne se 1266 37.043115 21.598055 Erana South of Marathopoli 1267 37.055150 21.552134 Prote insula Isle of Proti Scylax, Peripl ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 4, 13 1268 37.259301 21.667675 Kuparissa, Cyparissie Kiparissia Strabo, Geogr, 8, 5 1269 37.311200 21.695900 Aulon Ano Kalo Nero 1270 37.410000 21.662900 Pyrgoi Tholo, near Agios Ilias (sh on R Neda) 1271 37.534400 21.577433 Samikon, Samia near Kato Samiko http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570653 places/23299 Peloponne se -550 1272 37.630900 21.484600 Epitalion, at outlet of R Alpheios Epitalio, at outlet of R Alfeios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570231 places/27428 Peloponne se -550 1273 37.664000 21.306000 Pheia, port of Olympia Aghios Andreas, near Katakolo http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p rs .org/places/570592 places/31044 Peloponne se -550 1274 37.891750 21.106890 Hyrmine near Kastro http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570305 places/27449 Peloponne se -750 1275 37.942782 21.139583 Cyllene, Kytlene (port of the Eleans) Kyllini, Kyllene Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming Loven, Blackman Strabo, Geogr, 8, 3 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 2, 25 Flemming, Vött, Mauro Pausanias, Grece, 4, Flemming, Mauro 23 ; & 6, 26 ; & 8, 54 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 3 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 1, 30 & 2, 84 & 3, 76 ; http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570232 places/27429 Peloponne se -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570634 places/41215 Peloponne se -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570397 places/23298 Peloponne se r http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570142 places/43564 Peloponne se r http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570641 places/43565 Peloponne se r http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570390 places/23300 Peloponne se rs -750 X -550 X ? X ? X ? -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 194 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 1276 38.156400 21.403000 Dumaeorum, Teichos Dymaion, Dyme Araxos 1277 38.157168 21.570215 Dyme, Pagasai, port of Pharae Kato Achaia 1278 38.161048 21.644741 Olenos 1279 38.243500 21.737500 Patrai, Patras 1280 38.310559 21.787686 Rhium 1281 38.318393 21.817951 1282 38.328641 1283 Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570708 places/31073 Peloponne se -550 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m p .org/places/570205 places/21943 Peloponne se -750 Tsoukalaiika? http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570528 places/31028 Peloponne se -750 Patras Appian, Guerres Lehmann, civiles, 1, 9 ; Blackman, Mauro Pausanias, Grece, 7, 21 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 21 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 2, 84 Rio at the toe of the Strabo, Geogr, 8, 7 Rion-Antirion bridge http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570567 places/21942 Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570646 places/41409 Peloponne se -750 Panormus, Panorme Agios Vasileios Pausanias, Grece, 7, Flemming 22 ; Polybius, Hist, 5, 20 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570555 places/41410 Peloponne se -550 21.879214 Athenaeum Psathopyrgos? Flemming 38.313004 21.988910 Erimeus, Erineum Erineos 1284 38.258021 22.080526 Aigion, Aegae Aigio, Vostitza Lehmann, Flemming, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570049 places/21941 Peloponne se rs 1285 38.220900 22.151763 Helike, Helice submerged at 30 m depth near Helike Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570281 places/27442 Peloponne se rs 1286 38.147800 22.348400 Aigai Akrata Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Thucydides, Peloponnese, 2, 84 Pausanias, Grece, 7, Tardieu, Flemming 22 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 http://data.pastpla 62998 r X -750 GR: m Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570236 places/27430 Peloponne se http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570040 places/21940 Peloponne se -750 X -750 -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 195 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1287 38.142583 22.381630 Egira, Aigeira, Homer's Hyperesia Mavra Litharia Pausanias, Grece, 7, Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa GR: a 26 Flemming, Tardieu, .org/places/570043 places/21939 Peloponne Theodoulou, Oleson se 1288 38.082973 22.629773 Aristonautai port of Pellene, near Xylokastro Pausanias, Grece, 2, Flemming 12 & 7, 22 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570109 places/27408 Peloponne se -750 1289 37.984100 22.711400 Sicyane, Sicyon, Demetrias Sikionas Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570668 places/21937 Peloponne se -750 1290 37.932132 22.886192 Lechaion, Lecheum, Lechee Lechion Lehmann, Flemming, Theodoulou, Blackman, Christiansen, Oleson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/570420 places/21933 Peloponne se 1291 37.906000 22.879000 Corinthe Corinth Pausanias, Grece, 2, 12 ; Diodorus, Hist, 20, 102 ; Polybius, Hist, 5, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 8, 6 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 1, 111 ; Plutarch, Pericles, 19 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 7, 3 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 4, 7 & 5, 16 Pausanias, Grece, 2, 2 ; Diodorus, Hist, 14, 21 & 15, 68 ; Polybius, Hist, 5, 5 ; Livy, Hist, 32, 23 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 6 ; Philo, in Flaccum, 155 ; Plutarch, Aratus, 27 & Cleomene 46 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 4, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 16 Thucydides, Peloponnese, 1, 1314 Carayon, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/570182 places/17070 Peloponne se 1292 37.975776 22.970920 Therme Loutraki? Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570725 places/31084 Peloponne se 1293 38.027870 22.852677 Heraion, Heraea, Hera Perachora, near Limenia, Peiraion, Limni Vouliagmenis Peraia, near Lake Eschatiotis Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570288 places/22270 Peloponne se Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 rs r X X -750 X X X X X ? -750 X -750 -550 rs X -750 Vol. I, Page 196 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1294 38.039500 23.044800 1294.1 39.836291 19.503411 1295 39.718361 19.771744 1295.1 39.796103 19.710534 Oinoe, Oenoe Corcyra insula, Korkyra, Corypho, Corfo, Goreiro, Skheria, isle of the Pheacians 1295.2 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/570519 places/22775 Peloponne se 39.791477 19.923541 1296.1 39.654110 19.849040 1297 39.611550 19.921860 Casiope, Cassiope port of the Pheacians , naval base of Alkinoos, Corcyra, Kastradhes 1297.1 39.600700 19.915300 Hyllaïkos, Corcyra -550 Diapontia islands Dawson http://data.pastpla 09129 Isle of Corfu, Kerkira Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 7 ; Diodorus, Hist, 15, 47 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 21-42 & 44, 1 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 4, 3 & 4, 8 & 6, 43 ; Plutarch, Caton, 38 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 6, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Sidari, on Corfu Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530835 places/41190 Isl. a Dawson http://data.pastpla 81686 GR: Ionian Isl. m http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531087 places/25856 Isl. m -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530920 places/25855 Isl. a -330 Roda, on Corfu 1296 1298 near Agia Sotira Kassiopi, North of Corfu. Antonin calls it an island which it is not (anymore?) today. Limin Gouvion, on Corfu Strabo, Geogr, 7, 7 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 14 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Ormos Garitsa, Anemomylos district on Corfu Scylax, Peripl ; Homer, Odyssey, 13, 256 Arion district on Corfu Scylax, Peripl ; Homer, Odyssey, 13, 256 bay of Chalikiopoulo, near Kanoni on Corfu Thucydides, Loven, Cuisenier, Peloponnese, 3, 72 ; Blackman, Mauro Scylax, Peripl ; Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Loven, Cuisenier, Blackman, Mauro, Tardieu still locates it on Ithaca Blackman, Mauro GR: m Peloponne se GR: Ionian Isl. r X m p http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530834 places/21985 Isl. a r X X GR: Ionian Isl. a r X ? X ? GR: Ionian Isl. a r http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/530834 -750 -750 X Vol. I, Page 197 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Homer, Odyssey, 13, 256 1299 39.440907 20.085527 Leucimme Lefkimmi, on Corfu 1299.1 39.455809 19.867243 1300 39.610274 19.776157 1300.1 39.673427 19.709291 1301 39.717572 19.665179 Aphionas Afion, on Corfu 1302 39.201154 20.166626 Paxos insula Isle of Paxos 1302.1 39.201797 20.187488 Gaios, on the isle of Paxos AdG 1302.2 39.181934 20.203727 Mongonisi, on the isle of Paxos AdG 1303 39.148290 20.230874 1303.1 38.836938 20.664021 1304 38.807300 20.713100 Gardiki, on Corfu Meeting place of Odysseus and Nausicaa Ermones beach, on Corfu Dawson Homer, Odyssey, 5, 440 Palaiokastritsa, Limin Alipa, on Corfu Propaxos insula Isle of Antipaxos Leukas, Leucas, Leucate, Leucade, on Leucas insula Lefkada, on the isle of Lefkada with an access near the fort of Aghia Mavra, Santa Maura Antonine, Itin Mar Antonine, Itin Mar Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 m http://data.pastpla 018070 GR: Ionian Isl. m GR: Ionian Isl. a GR: Ionian Isl. m p http://data.pastpla 6750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530805 places/34576 Isl. m -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531049 places/41194 Isl. a -330 http://data.pastpla 75318 GR: Ionian Isl. m p GR: Ionian Isl. m p http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531075 places/43759 Isl. Dawson Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 104 ; Diodorus, Hist, 12, 60 ; Scylax, Peripl GR: Ionian Isl. Cuisenier AdG Tsoukalades, on the isle of Lefkada http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/530977 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Murray (1988) GR: Ionian Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530974 places/22789 Isl. a -30 m a p rs X X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 198 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1305 38.710427 20.720295 Hellomenon, Ellomeno 1305.1 38.700560 20.709180 1306 38.685860 20.709132 Choirosophilia 1307 38.637200 20.707800 Poros 1307.1 38.622712 20.683317 1307.2 38.604538 20.654856 1308 38.627027 20.603688 1309 38.700082 1310 near Nydri, on the isle of Lefkada near Nydri, with lighthouse near the Agia Kiriaki church on the Geni peninsula, on the isle of Lefkada Roman fort at Vlycho, on the isle of Lefkada Roman fort at Poros, on Rouda Bay, on the isle of Lefkada Sivota, on the isle of Lefkada http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530888 places/31557 Isl. m p r -550 Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531014 places/31610 Isl. m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531145 places/34611 Isl. m p -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531069 places/34606 Isl. m -550 X 300 AdG GR: Ionian Isl. m p Evgiros, Choirospelia, on the isle of Lefkada Dawson GR: Ionian Isl. m Phara Vasiliki, Cape Doukato, on the isle of Lefkada Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531057 places/31624 Isl. m -550 20.642230 Dulichia, Doulichion, Leucas insula isle of Lefkada Cuisenier http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530975 places/41196 Isl. a -750 38.664497 20.782122 Ormos Vathy, on the isle of Taphos Ormos Vathi, on the isle of Meganisi Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531023 places/31614 Isl. m p -750 1310.1 38.665943 20.790318 Ormos Abelike, on the isle of Meganisi AdG GR: Ionian Isl. m p 1310.2 38.485799 20.812463 isle of Atokos Dawson http://data.pastpla 4919 GR: Ionian Isl. m 1311 38.414913 20.665997 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530906 places/41199 Isl. Itaca, Cranae isle of Ithaca Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Homer, Odyssey, 13, 256 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; a -750 Vol. I, Page 199 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar 1312 38.459781 20.665554 Rethron, Rheïthre, port of La Ravine Frikes or Kioni, on the isle of Ithaca Homer, Odyssey, 1, 186 Cuisenier, Mauro GR: Ionian Isl. a 1312.1 38.447987 20.691710 Rethron, Rheïthre, port of La Ravine Kioni or Frikes, on the isle of Ithaca Homer, Odyssey, 1, 186 Cuisenier, Mauro GR: Ionian Isl. a 1313 38.365713 20.718498 Phorkys Vathi Ithaca (or perhaps Dexia), on the isle of Ithaca Homer, Odyssey, 13, 96 Cuisenier, Mauro GR: Ionian Isl. a p 1314 38.327546 20.745551 Source Arethuse spring Pera Pigadi, on the isle of Ithaca Homer, Odyssey, 13, 408 Cuisenier GR: Ionian Isl. a 1315 38.303648 20.724827 Creek of Telemachus, Telemaque Creek of Agiou Homer, Odyssey, Andreou, on the isle 15, 36 of Ithaca Cuisenier, Mauro GR: Ionian Isl. a 1316 38.355430 20.683570 Alcomenae, Alkomenai, Alalcomenes near Aetos, on the isle of Ithaca Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 Cuisenier, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530791 places/31519 Isl. a -750 1317 38.438027 20.639432 Odysseus' palace, Ithaca Polis, near Stavros on the isle of Ithaca Homer, Odyssey, 4, 778 Cuisenier, Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530905 places/22791 Isl. a -750 1318 38.431550 20.598190 Asteris, Asteria insula ilset of Daskalion. This Asteris island was supposed to be between the islands of Ithaca and Cephalonia and to have twin ports, according to Homer. The islet of Daskalion is all that remains today, perhaps after some tectonic movement? Cuisenier considers that Homer makes a mistake and that the twin ports are Homer, Odyssey, 4, Cuisenier, Mauro 846 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530816 places/41198 Isl. a -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 55023 Vol. I, Page 200 Catalogue of Ancient Ports those located in Fiskardo, 2 miles from there. 1319 38.234085 20.525376 Cephalaniae isle of Cephalonia Antonine, Itin Mar 1320 38.460784 20.576414 Port Panorme, Twin ports, Ports jumeaux Homer, Odyssey, 4, 846 1321 38.299867 20.605506 Palatia Fiskardo and Foki beach, at the northern end of the isle of Cephalonia Roman fort near Agia Effimia, on the isle of Cephalonia 1322 38.255453 20.651848 Same, Same Sami, on the isle of Cephalonia 1323 38.150735 20.780015 Pronnoi, Proni 1324 38.071600 20.798300 1325 38.168188 20.508242 1326 38.204353 20.444286 1327 38.161971 20.374841 1328 37.793092 20.779740 1328.1 37.906533 20.708271 Tardieu, Cuisenier, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530826 places/41200 Isl. a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/531041 a p GR: Ionian Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531035 places/34602 Isl. m -550 Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531093 places/31644 Isl. m -550 Poros, near ElioProni, on the isle of Cephalonia Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531074 places/31635 Isl. m -550 Roman villa at Nea Skala, on the isle of Cephalonia Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531010 places/35560 Isl. m -30 Crane, Kranaia Lagoon of Koutavos, at Agrostoli, on the isle of Cephalonia Vött, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530962 places/21948 Isl. m p -550 Pale, Pali near Lixouri, on the isle of Cephalonia Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531036 places/31619 Isl. m -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531138 places/35561 Isl. m -30 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531155 places/41203 Isl. a -750 http://data.pastpla 92652 m Zacynthus insula, Zante Roman villa at Vatsa, on Ormos Vrakhinari, on the isle of Cephalonia Isle of Zakinthos Aghios Nikolaos, on the Isle of Zakinthos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 4, 8 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Dawson GR: Ionian Isl. Vol. I, Page 201 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1329 37.844634 20.775621 1330 37.788296 20.898833 1330.1 37.717700 1331 Kat Eleos, Alykanas, Alikes, on the Isle of Zakinthos Zacynthus, Zante http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530933 places/31574 Isl. m -330 Zakinthos, on the Isle of Zakinthos Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/531154 places/31671 Isl. m p -750 20.991000 Kalogeros, Gerakas, near Vassilikos, on the Isle of Zakinthos Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530915 places/37008 Isl. m -750 37.684354 20.831469 Quarry at Limni Keriou, on the Isle of Zakinthos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/530981 places/38161 Isl. m -550 1332 37.256163 21.010047 Strophades, Plotae insulae Stamphane islands Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/142847 places/41204 Isl. 211 a -550 1333 37.255896 21.018909 Strota insula unlocalized island in Antonine, Itin Mar this area GR: Ionian Isl. a 1334 36.224800 23.081900 Skandeia, Scandie, port of Kythera, on Kythera insula, Cythere Avlemonas, near Palaiopoli, on the isle of Cythera http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/570673 places/31066 Isl. a 1334.1 36.267091 23.075532 Pausanias, Grece, 3, Tardieu calls it Port 23 ; Strabo, Geogr, Phenicien, 8, 5 ; Thucydides, Flemming, Mauro Peloponnese, 4, 5354 ; Plutarch, Nicias, 8 ; Scylax, Peripl Dawson http://data.pastpla 856067 m 1335 35.889117 23.294381 Aigila, Ogylos, on Antikythera insula, Anticythere Plutarch, Cleomene, Flemming, Loven, 41 Blackman, Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Ionian .org/places/560670 places/23498 Isl. a 1336 37.864307 24.837572 Andros insula Quintus, Hist, 4, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 283 & 284 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/589693 places/39549 Cyclades Isl. a 1336.1 37.774000 24.865000 Zagora http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590097 places/39551 Cyclades Isl. m Diakofti, on the isle of Cythera Slipway in the Bay of Potamos, on the isle of Anticythera, 40 km SW of the isle of Cythera isle of Andros, Andira Zagora, on the isle of Andros Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Mauro GR: Ionian Isl. -550 r X -550 -750 Vol. I, Page 202 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1337 37.780441 24.855621 Strophilas Strofilas, on the isle of Andros 1338 37.814336 24.824982 Andros Paleopolis, on the isle of Andros 1339 37.846386 24.787100 Hypsele Hypsele, on the isle of Andros 1340 37.885272 24.733594 Gaurion, Gaurios Gavrion, on the isle of Andros 1341 37.617416 24.327176 Keos, Keos, Ceos insula Isle of Kea, Mürted 1342 37.662921 24.407668 Kastri and Paoura, on the isle of Kea, Mürted 1342.1 37.650000 24.408800 Quarry at Sidero, on the isle of Kea, Mürted 1343 37.560900 24.330200 Karthaia near Chavouna, on the isle of Kea, Mürted 1344 37.598360 24.275560 Poiessa, Poinesse 1345 37.668784 24.325797 Coresia, Koressos, Arsinoe of Keos, port of Ioulis 1345.1 37.674600 24.324600 Eirene, on the isle of Kea, Mürted 1345.2 37.680344 24.327876 Treis Ammoundas, Kephala, on the isle of Kea, Mürted Dawson Scylax, Peripl Livy, Hist, 31, 45 ; Philo, in Flaccum, 155 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 283 Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 284 ; Cicero, Atticus Theodoulou, Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro Flemming, Mauro m http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/589692 places/39550 Cyclades Isl. a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589811 GR: Cyclades Isl. m http://data.pastpla 229399 GR: Cyclades Isl. a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/570348 GR: Cyclades Isl. a r X -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570338 places/43622 Cyclades Isl. m GR: Cyclades Isl. m Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570623 places/31051 Cyclades Isl. m rs Pisses, on the isle of Scylax, Peripl Kea, Mürted Lehmann, Baika (2010), Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570623 places/31051 Cyclades Isl. a r Agia Irini, near Korissia, on the isle of Kea, Mürted Cohen, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570370 places/28518 Cyclades Isl. a -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570033 places/36593 Cyclades Isl. m -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570747 places/36979 Cyclades Isl. m -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Dawson, Rutishauser (2012), GR: Cyclades Isl. Strabo, Geogr, 10, 5 Dawson -550 X X ? -750 X X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 203 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1346 37.676343 24.352624 Kea Otzias Bay, on the isle of Kea, Mürted Theodoulou, Loven, Rutishauser (2012), Mauro 1346.1 37.682300 24.371300 1346.2 37.699800 24.125993 Helena insula Isle of Makronisos 1347 37.471841 23.929410 Belbina insula Isle of Georgios 1348 37.405768 24.437015 Dhryopis, Dryopes, Kythnos insula Isle of Kythnos, Termiye 1349 37.404578 24.391846 Kythnos 1349.1 37.443247 24.430264 Episkopi, Vryokastro, in bay of Mandraki, on the isle of Kythnos, Termiye Maroulas, near Loutra, on the isle of Kythnos, Termiye 1350 37.607289 24.712731 Gyaros insula Isle of Gyaros Strabo, Geogr, 10, 5 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Cicero, Atticus 1351 37.611144 25.099541 Ophioussa, Tenos, Tenus insula Isle of Tinos, İstendil Herodotus, Hist, 6, 97 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 284 1352 37.530421 25.223531 Smobolon near Laouti, on the isle of Tenos 1353 37.531108 25.155834 Tenos Tinos, on the isle of Tenos 1354 37.552000 25.142100 Tenos (Temple of Poseidon) Kionia, on the isle of Tenos GR: Cyclades Isl. m http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570037 places/37983 Cyclades Isl. m -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/579945 places/41416 Cyclades Isl. m -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570150 places/41359 Cyclades Isl. m http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570403 places/43620 Cyclades Isl. a Theodoulou, Kourkoumelis http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570402 places/28528 Cyclades Isl. m Dawson http://data.pastpla 02387 m Quarry at Ioannis Khalara, on the isle of Kea, Mürted Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Dawson Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 273 & 281 & 284 Stadiasmus, 280 Dawson GR: Cyclades Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/589797 places/41229 Cyclades Isl. a http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590074 places/39545 Cyclades Isl. a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590053 m GR: Cyclades Isl. rs X r X Lehmann, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590073 places/39548 Cyclades Isl. a rs X Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590006 m rs X GR: Cyclades Isl. X ? -750 Vol. I, Page 204 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1355 37.448655 25.324235 Mykonos, Miconos insula Mikonos, on the isle Antonine, Itin Mar ; of Mykonos, Stadiasmus, 280 Mökene Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599807 GR: Cyclades Isl. a 1356 37.463354 25.376290 Phtelia, Ftelia, on the isle of Mykonos, Mökene Dawson http://data.pastpla 72325 GR: Cyclades Isl. m 1356.1 37.450354 25.484557 Melantios scopulos Isle of Dragonisi? or Stapodia? 1357 37.399929 25.265558 Sacred port of Delessa, Dhilos, Dilos, Delos insula Isle of Dhilos, Delos, with at least 3 ancient lighthouses: on the islet of Kherroniso (South end), at Cape Ghoourna (North end), at Cape Skyros or Sykia (East side) 1357.1 37.397116 25.264415 Commercial port of Delessa, Dhilos, Dilos, Delos insula 1357.2 37.407800 25.276500 Stadiasmus, 280 & 284 Herodotus, Hist, 6, 99-118 ; Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3, 597-636 & 13, 623642 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 9 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 42-43 & 45, 10 ; Polybius, Hist, 31, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 5 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 3, 9 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 280 & 282 & 283 & 284 ; Cicero, Atticus Isle of Dhilos, Delos, Herodotus, Hist, 6, with at least 3 99-118 ; Ovid, ancient lighthouses: Metamorphoses, 3, on the islet of 597-636 & 13, 623Kherroniso (South 642 ; Diodorus, Hist, end), at Cape 11, 9 ; Livy, Hist, 36, Ghoourna (North 42-43 & 45, 10 ; end), at Cape Polybius, Hist, 31, 7 Skyros or Sykia ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, (East side) 5 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 3, 9 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 280 & 282 & 283 & 284 ; Cicero, Atticus Port in Stadion District, on the Isle of Dhilos, Delos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599792 places/41366 Cyclades Isl. a Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Flemming, .org/places/599588 places/22862 Cyclades Blackman, Isl. Christiansen, Mauro a r X X X X -750 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Christiansen, Dawson, Mauro a r X X X X -750 m r http://portuslimen. eu/2015/11/02/the -port-city-of-delosand-its-commercialcityscape/ http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599587 places/22862 Cyclades Isl. GR: Cyclades Isl. X Vol. I, Page 205 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1358 37.409634 25.238395 Rhenaia insula Rinia, on the isle of Rinia, Rhenee, near Delos, with possible ancient lighthouse at Marmarokopio (SE end of the island) Rinia, on the isle of Rinia, Rhenee, near Delos Herodotus, Hist, 6, 97 Lehmann, Christiansen, Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599918 places/30786 Cyclades Isl. a 1358.1 37.415900 25.212400 Rheneia Herodotus, Hist, 6, 98 Lehmann, Christiansen, Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599918 places/30786 Cyclades Isl. a 1359 37.415749 24.915889 Syros insula Isle of Syros, Siros Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 283 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590067 places/41230 Cyclades Isl. a 1360 37.442291 24.944177 Syros Ermoupoli, on the isle of Syros http://data.pastpla 1230 GR: Cyclades Isl. m p 1360.1 37.490799 24.940911 Kastri near Chalandriani, on the isle of Syros GR: Cyclades Isl. m 1361 37.422388 24.873116 Galessos, Galissas Galessos, Galissas, on the isle of Syros GR: Cyclades Isl. m 1362 37.394918 24.879091 Phoinikas, Posidi Finikas, on the isle of Syros GR: Cyclades Isl. m 1363 37.161770 24.484598 Seriphos insula Isle of Seriphos 1364 37.143265 24.519933 Seriphos Serifos, on the isle of Seriphos 1365 36.976716 24.699102 Siphnos insula, Merope Isle of Sifnos, Yavuzca 1366 37.022220 24.701749 Agia Nikitas, on the isle of Sifnos, Yavuzca Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589790 Lehmann Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 273 Quintus, Hist, 4, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 273 & 284 Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590044 places/43618 Cyclades Isl. a Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590043 places/43619 Cyclades Isl. m p Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590049 places/41504 Cyclades Isl. a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589666 m GR: Cyclades Isl. rs X X X ? -750 -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 206 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1367 36.972617 24.748983 Siphnos, Syphnos Kastro, on the isle of Sifnos, Yavuzca http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590048 GR: Cyclades Isl. m 1368 36.928183 24.730956 Aspros Pyrgos Platis Gialos, on the isle of Sifnos, Yavuzca http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589714 GR: Cyclades Isl. m 1369 36.969203 24.665181 Blase, Vlasi, on the isle of Sifnos, Yavuzca http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589734 GR: Cyclades Isl. m 1370 36.991489 24.672021 Quarry near Kamares, on the isle of Sifnos, Yavuzca http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/593433 places/41503 Cyclades Isl. m 1370.1 36.971604 25.018063 Prepesinthos insula Mandra, on the Isle of Despotiko http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590012 places/41357 Cyclades Isl. m 1371 37.000630 25.045109 Holiaros, Olearos insula Isle of Antiparos, Andibara http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/589958 places/41358 Cyclades Isl. a Antiparos on Antiparos insula Antiparos, on the isle of Antiparos Auffray (2002) http://data.pastpla 6985 GR: Cyclades Isl. m rs X GR: Cyclades Isl. m rs X GR: Cyclades Isl. m GR: Cyclades Isl. m p 1371.1 Dawson Antonine, Itin Mar 1372 37.043398 25.094665 Isle of Remmatonisi between Paros and Antiparos Auffray (2002) 1372.1 37.048013 25.095758 Isle of Saliagos between Paros and Antiparos Dawson 1373 37.143886 25.227756 AdG 1373.1 37.124900 25.198500 Ormos Ay Ioannou, inside Ormos Naousis on the isle of Paros Koukounaries, on the isle of Paros, Bara 1374 37.125687 25.246717 Naussa Naoussa, on the isle of Paros, Bara Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 284 http://data.pastpla 1762 Dawson, http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599729 places/28985 Cyclades Isl. m Lehmann, Auffray (2002), Mauro http://data.pastpla 8821 a GR: Cyclades Isl. -750 -750 rs X X X Vol. I, Page 207 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1375 37.128495 25.266501 Oikonomos insula 1375.1 37.138657 25.266262 1376 37.144621 25.290170 1376.1 37.132513 25.279467 1377 37.127160 25.287249 Philitzi insula 1378 37.054118 25.268269 1379 37.002935 1380 Isle of Oikonomou in the bay of Naousa, on the isle of Paros, Bara Ormos Langeri, inside Ormos Naousis on the isle of Paros, Bara Roman fort at Kargadousa, on the isle of Paros, Bara Auffray (2002) Santa Maria, on the isle of Paros, Bara Auffray (2002) AdG http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599835 places/29017 Cyclades Isl. GR: Cyclades Isl. m rs X -750 m p http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599689 places/34325 Cyclades Isl. m GR: Cyclades Isl. m Filizi islet, on the isle of Paros, Bara http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599882 places/29032 Cyclades Isl. m -750 Hydria near Molos, on the isle of Paros, Bara http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599654 places/28964 Cyclades Isl. m -550 25.228269 Dryos Drios, on the isle of Paros, Bara Auffray (2002) http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599602 places/28950 Cyclades Isl. m r 37.088102 25.151617 Paros, Minois Paros, on the isle of Paros, Bara Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599867 places/29024 Cyclades Isl. m rs 1381 37.059057 25.471704 Naxos insula, Dhia, Homer's Dia Isle of Naxos, Naksa http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599822 places/41367 Cyclades Isl. a 1382 37.181100 25.545900 Tragia Quarry at Apollonas, on the isle of Naxos, Naksa http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599508 places/38036 Cyclades Isl. m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ovid, Lehmann Metamorphoses, 3, 597-636 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 6, 50 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 281 & 282 & 284 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 1, 30 & 3, 11 & 5, 2 Flemming -750 rs X X X X -550 -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 208 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1382.1 36.957600 25.537000 Panormos Panormou, on the isle of Naxos, Naksa Flemming, Mauro 1383 37.104406 25.371891 Naxos Naxos and Grotta, Stadiasmus, 282 on the isle of Naxos, Naksa Flemming, Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599821 places/29012 Cyclades Isl. a 1383.1 36.840606 25.453638 Herakleia, Irakleia insula Isle of Iraklia, Heraklia Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599642 places/43457 Cyclades Isl. m 1383.2 36.872503 25.520148 Schoinoussa insula Isle of Schinoussa Blackman, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599928 places/43458 Cyclades Isl. m 1383.3 36.887668 25.605380 Cerea, Keria insula Kevos and Daskaleio islet, on the isle of Keros Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599708 places/43459 Cyclades Isl. a Phakoussae insulae Isle of Koufonisia Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599879 places/43460 Cyclades Isl. m 1383.4 Stadiasmus, 282 GR: Cyclades Isl. m rs X ? -750 1383.5 37.105669 25.813805 Donusa insula Isle of Donoussa Stadiasmus, 273 & 281 & 284 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599596 places/43467 Cyclades Isl. a 1384 36.835767 25.890180 Hyperia, Amorgus insula Isle of Amorgos, Yamurgi Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 273 & 281 & 282 Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599484 a 1385 36.813602 25.820408 Arkesine near Arkesini, on the isle of Amorgos Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599517 places/28934 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1385.1 36.816000 25.846000 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599756 places/28994 Cyclades Isl. m -550 1386 36.822300 25.860700 Minoa Katapola, on the isle of Amorgos Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599800 places/29006 Cyclades Isl. a -750 1387 36.904164 25.971796 Aegiale Tholaria, on the isle of Amorgos Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599476 places/28925 Cyclades Isl. m -750 Lefkes, on the isle of Amorgos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 282 & 284 GR: Cyclades Isl. Vol. I, Page 209 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1387.1 36.977249 26.287064 Kinaros, Cinara insula Isle of Kinaros Stadiasmus, 273 & 282 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599715 places/43471 Cyclades Isl. a 1388 37.002197 26.470548 Orobidos, Lebinthos insula Ormos Levitha, on the isle of Levitha Stadiasmus, 281 & 282 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599755 places/41153 Cyclades Isl. a p 1389 36.722700 25.329049 Phoiniki, Hios insula Isle of Ios, Aniye Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 273 & 284 Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599673 places/41350 Cyclades Isl. a 1390 36.731836 25.282964 Skarkos Ios, on the isle of Ios Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599672 places/23505 Cyclades Isl. m p 1390.1 36.786880 25.289478 Plakotos, on the isle of Ios Rutishauser (2012) 1390.2 36.737800 25.361000 Poseidon Phytalmios? Psathi, on the isle of Ios 1391 36.817810 24.555966 Kimolos, Ekhinoussa, Echinousa insula Isle of Kimolos, Cimelos, Gümüs 1392 36.787450 24.530187 Kimolos Ellinika, on the isle of Kimolos, Cimelos, Gümüs 1393 36.761710 24.379830 Zefyria, archaic Byblis, Isle of Milos, Melos, Milos insula Degirmenlik 1393.1 36.744812 24.463301 Kaminia, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik 1393.2 36.755605 24.504338 1394 36.765461 24.528092 Phylakopi GR: Cyclades Isl. m http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599899 places/36709 Cyclades Isl. m http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/589868 places/41499 Cyclades Isl. a Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/589867 places/43617 Cyclades Isl. m Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570475 places/41354 Cyclades Isl. a http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570327 places/28510 Cyclades Isl. m -550 Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 284 Scylax, Peripl -750 -550 -750 Phylakopi, Filakopi, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570626 places/31054 Cyclades Isl. m -750 Pelekoudi, Pollonia, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570574 places/31037 Cyclades Isl. m -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 210 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1395 36.739243 24.536253 Agios Ioannes, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570036 places/27390 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1396 36.728267 24.539291 Tria Pigadia, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570748 places/31091 Cyclades Isl. m 300 1396.1 36.722300 24.540000 Kato Komia, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570339 places/28516 Cyclades Isl. m 300 1396.2 36.694700 24.542600 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570644 places/43614 Cyclades Isl. m -550 1397 36.672151 24.517879 Quarry at Rema, Theioricheio, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik Palaiochori, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570546 places/31032 Cyclades Isl. m 300 1398 36.669000 24.498000 Agios Kyriake, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570038 places/27391 Cyclades Isl. m 300 1399 36.661459 24.481168 Stoloi, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570692 places/31070 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1400 36.666494 24.444633 http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570632 places/35476 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1401 36.724477 24.336142 Roman villa at Probatas, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik Sta Glastria, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570689 places/31069 Cyclades Isl. m 300 1402 36.709193 24.398281 Emborio, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570224 places/27427 Cyclades Isl. m -30 1403 36.702310 24.404940 Quarry at Ribari, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570648 places/38103 Cyclades Isl. m -30 1404 36.735439 24.420124 Klima, on the isle of Milos, Melos, Degirmenlik http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/570474 places/23377 Cyclades Isl. m -750 Melos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 211 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1405 36.613371 24.952119 Pholegandros insula Karavostasi, on the isle of Folegandros Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/589996 places/41353 Cyclades Isl. m 1406 36.668087 25.079721 Sicinos insula Sikinos and Episcopi, on the isle of Sikinos Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/590047 places/41351 Cyclades Isl. a 1407 36.453000 25.346000 Therasia insula Therasia? on the isle of SantoriniThirasia Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599975 places/30806 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1407.1 36.459500 25.370400 Oea, Oia Oia, on the isle of Santorini-Thera http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599834 places/22684 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1408 36.413001 25.488671 Monolithos, on the isle of SantoriniThera http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599802 places/29008 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1409 36.363600 25.477900 Ancient Thira, Thera insula near Kamari, on the isle of SantoriniThera Stadiasmus, 284 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599971 places/23504 Cyclades Isl. a -750 1410 36.354358 25.477229 Kallisti, port of ancient Thira, Thera insula Perissa, on the isle of Santorini-Thera Stadiasmus, 284 Lehmann, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599878 places/29031 Cyclades Isl. a -750 1411 36.333107 25.437533 Eleusis? Vlychada, on the isle of SantoriniThera Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599607 places/43452 Cyclades Isl. m -550 1412 36.351500 25.403400 Akrotiri Akrotiri, on the isle of Santorini-Thera Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599478 places/22683 Cyclades Isl. m -750 1413 36.340971 25.774540 Anaphe insula Anafi, on the isle of Anafi, Anafiye Stadiasmus, 284 Lehmann, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599491 places/28930 Cyclades Isl. a rs X -750 1414 36.546655 26.359898 Astipalaia insula Astypalaia, on the isle of Astypalaia, Stampalia Luke, Acts, 21.1 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 273 Lehmann, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599535 places/28939 Cyclades Isl. a rs X -750 1415 36.539446 26.345393 Livadi Livadi, on the isle of Astypalaia http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599771 places/28998 Cyclades Isl. m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 273 300 Vol. I, Page 212 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1416 36.588824 26.279827 Panormos 1416.1 36.618285 26.395346 Vathi, on the isle of Astypalaia 1416.2 36.575000 26.386000 Quarry at Maltezana, on the isle of Astypalaia 1417 35.926577 24.669440 1418 40.781008 24.710973 1419 40.784757 24.714331 Thasos insula, Thase, Chryse 1419.1 40.779300 24.709600 Thasos insula, Thase, Chryse 1420 40.710600 24.761000 Ainyra Carsa, Anacole, Calippia, Boia, Balesos, Cale, Edenedia, Ascaphos insulae Thasos insula, Thase, Chryse Panormos, on the isle of Astypalaia http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599859 places/43448 Cyclades Isl. AdG GR: Cyclades Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: .org/places/599782 places/38041 Cyclades Isl. m p m -330 unlocalized islands (misspelt?) between Thrace and Crete Antonine, Itin Mar Thassos, naval base on the North coast of the isle of Thassos, with its ancient lighthouse and another lighthouse at Cape Phanari Thassos, commercial port on the North coast of the isle of Thassos, with its ancient lighthouse and another lighthouse at Cape Phanari Thassos, possible South commercial port on the North coast of the isle of Thassos, with its ancient lighthouse and another lighthouse at Cape Phanari Helleniko, near Potamia, and its Akeratos lighthouse at Cape Pyrgos, on the isle of Thassos Homer, Iliad, 1, 430 ; Scylax, Peripl; Herodotus, Hist, 6, 44 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 ; Demosthenes, Apollodorus/Polycle s, 20 Homer, Iliad, 1, 430 ; Scylax, Peripl; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 ; Demosthenes, Apollodorus/Polycle s, 20 Lehmann, Theodoulou, Tiverios, Loven, Blackman, Christiansen, Dawson, Mauro, Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p rs .org/places/501560 places/21903 Eastern Isl. X X X X -680 Theodoulou, Tiverios, Flemming, Christiansen, Dawson, Mauro, Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/501634 places/21903 Eastern Isl. X X X X -680 Homer, Iliad, 1, 430 ; Scylax, Peripl; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 ; Demosthenes, Apollodorus/Polycle s, 20 Theodoulou, Tiverios, Flemming, Christiansen, Dawson, Mauro, Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/501634 places/21903 Eastern Isl. X -680 Tiverios, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501338 places/21884 Eastern Isl. X -550 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 GR: Cyclades Isl. m a rs Vol. I, Page 213 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1421 40.666858 24.765922 Koinyra, Coenyra Kinyra, on the isle of Thassos Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501473 places/32346 Eastern Isl. 1422 40.604800 24.742700 Alike Aliki, on the South coast of the isle of Thassos Lehmann, Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501346 places/32296 Eastern Isl. 1423 40.594194 24.694956 Thymonia http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501642 places/34684 Eastern Isl. -550 1424 40.578905 24.670481 Kalami Roman fort near Arhangelou monastry, on the isle of Thassos Roman fort near Astris, on the isle of Thassos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501447 places/34675 Eastern Isl. -550 1425 40.560987 24.622275 Panaghia insula Isle of Panaghia http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501550 places/32381 Eastern Isl. -330 1426 40.617878 24.547479 Fari, Phari Roman fort near Tripiti, on the isle of Thassos Tiverios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501561 places/34679 Eastern Isl. -550 1427 40.642083 24.508950 Skala Marion, on the isle of Thassos Tiverios GR: m Eastern Isl. 1428 40.501000 25.530000 Samothraca insula Paleopoli, on the isle of Samothrace 1429 40.494755 25.653858 Zerynthos near R Fonias, on the isle of Samothrace 1430 40.477071 25.470216 Demetrion Kamariotissa, on the isle of Samothrace 1433 39.921788 25.182003 Lemnos insula Isle of Limnos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Plutarch, Paul Emile, 26 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Ovid, Tristes, 1, 10 Lehmann, Tiverios, Dawson Mauro Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 102 ; Plutarch, Lucullus, 17-18 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar -550 r X -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/501596 places/22854 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501664 places/32418 Eastern Isl. 300 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/501396 places/32314 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550693 places/41115 Eastern Isl. Vol. I, Page 214 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1434 39.840238 25.065828 Thanos SW tip of the isle of Lemnos Theodoulou 1435 39.874224 25.059789 Myrina on the isle of Lemnos Flemming, Mauro 1436 39.943034 25.281273 Kokkinos bay of Kotsinas, on the isle of Lemnos 1437 39.963366 25.314333 Hephaistia Kastro Bouni, on the isle of Lemnos 1437.1 39.979300 25.341600 Kabeireion Khloe, on the isle of Lemnos 1438 39.987680 25.351852 Neftina on the isle of Lemnos Theodoulou GR: m Eastern Isl. rs X 1439 40.014637 25.366993 Sotiras on the isle of Lemnos Theodoulou GR: m Eastern Isl. rs X 1440 39.852322 25.345795 Poliochni, Polichne Voroskopos, on the isle of Lemnos Flemming 1440.1 39.870490 25.245694 Ormos Moudhrou, on the isle of Lemnos AdG GR: m p Eastern Isl. 1440.2 39.796368 25.358403 Louri, on the isle of Lemnos Dawson GR: m Eastern Isl. 1440.3 39.916667 25.550000 Chryseis, Chryse scopulos Ifalos Keros, Charos reef 1441 39.113145 26.556410 Mytilene Commercial port on North side of Mytilini, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos; connected to the South port by Euripus canal rs X Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Mauro GR: m Eastern Isl. rs X http://pleiades.stoa GR: m p .org/places/550755 places/29108 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550657 places/29070 Eastern Isl. -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550569 places/22859 Eastern Isl. rs X -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550604 places/36712 Eastern Isl. http://data.pastpla 42545 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/554214 Herodotus, Hist, 5, 98 ; Diodorus, Hist, 13, 77 & 79 ; Homer, Odyssey, 3, 170 ; Luke, Acts, 20.14 ; Theocritus, Idylles, 7 ; Arrian, Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Mauro -750 GR: m Eastern Isl. GR: m Eastern Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550763 places/17075 Eastern Isl. X -750 Vol. I, Page 215 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Mytilene 1442 39.105706 26.557779 1443 39.038917 26.614131 Agios Georgios, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550408 places/29491 Eastern Isl. -750 1444 39.043799 26.526140 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550886 places/34133 Eastern Isl. -550 1445 39.067529 26.527097 Roman fort at Skala ton Loutron, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Phara, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550821 places/27343 Eastern Isl. -330 1446 39.095513 26.507338 Agios Nikolaos, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550410 places/29492 Eastern Isl. -750 1447 39.092785 26.452063 Kato Tritos, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550630 places/29064 Eastern Isl. 300 1448 39.053772 26.495883 Perama, near Chalatses, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550576 places/22967 Eastern Isl. -550 Hiera Naval base on South side of Mytilini, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos; connected to the North port by Euripus canal, with possible lighthouse near the circular municipal swimming pool and statue of Liberty Alexander, 2, 6 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 3, 2-3 & 8, 23-24 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 6 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Diodorus, Hist, 13, 77 & 79 ; Homer, Odyssey, 3, 170 ; Luke, Acts, 20.14 ; Theocritus, Idylles, 7 ; Arrian, Indica, 2, 6 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 3, 2-3 & 8, 23 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 6 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa GR: a Theodoulou, .org/places/550763 places/17075 Eastern Isl. Flemming, Blackman, Christiansen, Mauro rs X X ? ? -750 Vol. I, Page 216 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1449 38.976658 26.512984 Myrsinia 1449.1 38.973000 26.482800 1450 39.006828 26.167786 1451 39.078417 26.077813 1452 39.143408 26.245603 1453 39.159320 26.285170 1454 39.178999 26.292064 1455 39.196500 26.305500 Messon 1455.1 39.239300 26.227200 Arisba 1455.2 39.224280 26.196660 1455.3 39.171860 1456 39.136900 Dionysos Bresagenes, Vrissa, Brisa Prom. Pyrrha Myrsinia, near Tsilia, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550758 places/29109 Eastern Isl. -550 Quarry at Tarti, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550905 places/37981 Eastern Isl. -550 Agios Fokas, Phokas, South of the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Garbias, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Theodoulou Agios Berenike, near Lisvori, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Pyrra WS of the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Strabo, Geogr, 13, 2 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 23 ; Scylax, Peripl rs X -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550543 places/29534 Eastern Isl. -550 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550407 places/29490 Eastern Isl. -330 Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550851 places/27354 Eastern Isl. Roman fort at Kalogera, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Mesa, Mesitziki, North of Pyrrha, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Arisvi, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550514 places/36787 Eastern Isl. r X X ? http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550610 places/34331 Eastern Isl. Theodoulou, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550734 places/22652 Eastern Isl. -750 -550 rs X -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550455 places/29502 Eastern Isl. -750 Trianta, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550943 places/27383 Eastern Isl. -550 26.137930 Parakoila, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550803 places/27339 Eastern Isl. -750 26.127573 Roman fort at Bigla tou Aetou, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550484 places/34379 Eastern Isl. -750 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 217 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1457 39.115900 26.102700 1458 39.086213 26.072871 1459 39.104001 25.962414 1460 39.130276 25.933885 Eresos 1461 39.165339 25.863239 Lesbas on R Meladia 1462 39.217734 25.849311 Sigron 1463 39.281986 25.925052 1464 39.287946 26.022143 1465 39.292541 26.046415 1466 39.306552 26.089407 1467 39.312124 26.114846 1468 39.320090 26.142204 Rodotihos Apotheke, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Roman fort at Makara, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550446 places/36784 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550711 places/34341 Eastern Isl. -750 Roman fort at Kampos Krousos, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos SW of the isle of Thucydides, Lesbos, Lesvos Peloponnese, 8, 23 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550614 places/34332 Eastern Isl. -30 Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550533 places/22970 Eastern Isl. rs X -750 Roman fort at Lesbas, on R Meladia, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Sigri, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550695 places/34340 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550880 places/27360 Eastern Isl. -750 Lapsarna Lapsarna, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550682 places/29082 Eastern Isl. -330 Antissa NW of the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Quarry near Tsamur, Kalo Limani, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Roman fort at Koutlougouni, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Roman fort at Kastrelli, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Roman fort at Selles, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 13, 2 ; Livy, Hist, 45, 31 Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550435 places/22969 Eastern Isl. rs X X -750 Theodoulou http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550669 places/38044 Eastern Isl. rs X X -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550671 places/34338 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550626 places/34334 Eastern Isl. -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550875 places/34132 Eastern Isl. -750 Vol. I, Page 218 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1469 39.333930 26.176190 Roman fort at Petra, Kabaki, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Mithimna on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos 1470 39.368928 26.167595 Methymna, Methymne 1471 39.373858 26.303270 Skala Sykamias North coast of the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos 1472 39.275361 26.383770 Aigairos? http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550418 places/29495 Eastern Isl. -750 1473 39.214343 26.479771 near Aspropotamos, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos Skala Mistegnon, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550887 places/27363 Eastern Isl. -330 1474 39.177346 26.504336 Therma? near Loutropoli Thermis, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550922 places/27374 Eastern Isl. -550 1475 39.142246 26.534023 Malea near Panagioudia, on the isle of Lesbos, Lesvos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550713 places/29095 Eastern Isl. -550 1476 39.16106 23.489722 Sciathos, on Sciathos insula Naval base at Skiathos, on the isle of Skiathos 1476.1 39.16139 23.50104 1476.2 39.141 23.4398 1476.3 39.1385 23.419 Troulos, on the isle of Skiathos Ginalis (2014) 1476.4 39.150560 23.399511 Koukounaries, on the isle of Skiathos AdG Villa maritima at Lazareta, at Pounta promontory, on the isle of Skiathos Platanias, on the isle of Skiathos, ancient kiln Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550603 places/34330 Eastern Isl. Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 2 Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Mauro Theodoulou Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Flemming, Dawson, Mauro, Ginalis (2014) Ginalis (2014) Ginalis (2014) -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p rs .org/places/550738 places/22968 Eastern Isl. GR: m Eastern Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/541104 places/29462 Eastern Isl. GR: m Eastern Isl. X rs rs rs X X X X X X -750 -350 X X X ? GR: m Eastern Isl. GR: m p Eastern Isl. Vol. I, Page 219 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1476.5 39.184200 23.443600 Tarsanas, at Kechrias bay, on the isle of Skiathos 1477 39.200740 23.448609 Roman fort at Agios Athanasios, on the isle of Skiathos 1477.1 39.150271 23.518116 Isle of Arkos 1478 39.131260 23.735621 Peparethos insula Skopelos, on the isle of Skopelos 1479 39.108895 23.653339 Panormos Panormos, on the isle of Skopelos 1480 39.164867 23.614766 Selinus Loutraki, on the isle of Skopelos 1480.1 39.198700 23.615900 1481 39.163800 23.904400 Ikos on Icos insula 1481.1 39.176839 23.967738 Eudemia insula, Sarakonisi 1481.2 39.200275 23.977237 Eudemia insula, Sarakonisi 1481.3 39.322619 1481.4 39.347330 Ginalis (2014) GR: m Eastern Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/540592 places/34347 Eastern Isl. Dawson Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Flemming, Dawson, Mauro -550 GR: m Eastern Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/541023 places/22966 Eastern Isl. r X -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/541010 places/43643 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/541094 places/29460 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/541101 places/34370 Eastern Isl. -550 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/540835 places/29364 Eastern Isl. -550 Isle of Peristera, Xiro Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/540778 places/43647 Eastern Isl. Ormos Vasiliko, on the isle of Peristera, Xiro AdG 24.056094 Agios Petros, on the isle of Kyra Panagia, Pelagonisi Dawson 24.071967 Planitis, on the isle of Kyra Panagia, Pelagonisi AdG 4 Roman forts: Mauragani, Hellinikon, Priounos, Sindouka probably sharing one port, possibly near Sindouka? Kokkinokastro, on Antonine, Itin Mar the isle of Alonnisos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming GR: m p Eastern Isl. http://data.pastpla 2444 GR: m Eastern Isl. GR: m p Eastern Isl. Vol. I, Page 220 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1481.5 39.388369 24.170255 Geronta insula Isle of Gioura 1481.6 39.497344 24.180098 Chrysi insula? Isle of Psathoura 1481.7 39.084167 24.111191 Scandira insula Isle of Skantzoura 1482 38.899000 24.571800 Skyros insula, Ctesium Skyros, on the isle of Scyros 1483 38.838413 24.557419 Kresion near Kalamitsa, on the isle of Scyros 1484 38.555320 25.562219 Psyrie, Psyra insula 1485 38.566798 25.558138 Psyrie, Psyra insula 1486 38.429380 26.041350 Chios, Khios insula beach sheltered by the islet Agio Nikolaki, on the isle of Psara breakwater between the islet Daskalion and Arxontiki, on the isle of Psara Isle of Chios Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Dawson Plutarch, Cimon, 10 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Cicero, Atticus GR: m Eastern Isl. http://data.pastpla 55818 GR: m Eastern Isl. Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/541089 places/41184 Eastern Isl. Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/541108 places/22965 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/540887 places/29385 Eastern Isl. -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550845 places/27352 Eastern Isl. -750 Homer, Odyssey, 3, 185 Homer, Odyssey, 3, 185 http://data.pastpla 69674 Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro Livy, Hist, 37, 27 & Dawson 37, 31. Nepos, Chabrias, 4 ; Homer, Odyssey, 3, 172 ; Luke, Acts, 20.15 ; Polybius, Hist, 16, 4; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Quintus, Hist, 4, 5 ; Nepos, Chabrias, 4 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 1723-34 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Herodotus, Hist, 5, 98 ; Arrian, http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/550846 GR: a Eastern Isl. rs X http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550497 places/41343 Eastern Isl. Vol. I, Page 221 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Alexander, 3, 1 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 3, 9 1487 38.371887 26.139368 Chios, Berenice de Chios Chio, on the isle of Chios Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 Cohen, Flemming, Lehmann, Blackman, Mauro 1488 38.335800 26.148300 Kontari Kontari, on the isle of Chios 1489 38.187325 26.030143 Emporio Emporios, on the isle of Chios 1490 38.154271 26.008627 Dotion near the promontory 1490.1 38.218800 25.902600 Phanae insula Roman villa at Vroulidia, near Dotia at the southern tip of the isle of Chios Kato Phana, Fana, on the isle of Chios 1491 38.293707 25.926806 Deep port of Pliante Limenas?? on the isle of Chios Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 GR: a Eastern Isl. 1492 38.343048 25.992657 Notium anchorage Lithiou? on the isle of Chios Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550699 places/29089 Eastern Isl. -750 1493 38.384703 25.988471 Laïus anchorage Elinta, on the isle of Chios Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550527 places/29529 Eastern Isl. -550 1494 38.416179 25.959151 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550739 places/29100 Eastern Isl. -550 1495 38.469212 25.919388 port of Caucasa, Kaukasa? Limnia, near Volissos, on the isle of Chios http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550631 places/29065 Eastern Isl. -550 1496 38.592157 26.044002 Amades Amades, on the isle of Chios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550429 places/29497 Eastern Isl. -550 Mauro Livy, Hist, 36, 43 & 44, 28 & 45, 10 Metokhi, on the isle of Chios Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Herodotus, Hist, 5, 33 Pauly, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/550496 places/22860 Eastern Isl. r X -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550662 places/29074 Eastern Isl. -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550530 places/29531 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550518 places/35128 Eastern Isl. -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/550819 places/36587 Eastern Isl. -750 Vol. I, Page 222 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1496.1 38.559300 26.084200 Nagos, on the isle of Chios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550765 places/36719 Eastern Isl. -750 1497 38.545592 26.113321 Kardamyle? Cardamyle Marmaro, on the isle of Chios Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550619 places/29059 Eastern Isl. -750 1498 38.488500 26.128000 Delphinion Delfini near Lagada, on the isle of Chios Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550512 places/29525 Eastern Isl. -550 1499 38.442956 26.146200 Milingos Glari, on the isle of Chios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550743 places/29102 Eastern Isl. -550 1500 38.417621 26.137764 Brabantion Daskalopetra, on the isle of Chios http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/550482 places/29513 Eastern Isl. -750 1501 38.512962 26.218861 Oinousa insulae, Oenusses islands, Subota, Sybota? Oinousses islands, near Chios Livy, Hist, 44, 28 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 24 1502 37.689322 26.943560 Pythagoreion, Samos, on Samos insula Pythagoreio, on the isle of Samos Plutarch, Alcibiade, 27, & Pericles, 26 ; Diodorus, Hist, 11, 9 ; Herodotus, Hist, 3, 44-60 ; Luke, Acts, 20.15 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 1751 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 13 & 37, 17-18 & 37, 22 ; Plutarch, Lysandre, 5 & Pericles, 26 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 4-5 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 3, 5 ; Cicero, Atticus Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/550782 places/43482 Eastern Isl. Lehmann, Theodoulou, Flemming, Blackman, Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/599925 places/21194 Eastern Isl. r X X -750 Vol. I, Page 223 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1503 37.671800 26.885500 Heraion, Heraeum 1504 37.640754 26.797186 1505 37.695027 26.747847 1506 37.701288 26.667196 1507 37.752709 26.586443 port of Kalithea 1508 37.807000 26.715000 Port of Hydrousa 1509 37.755292 26.964105 Panormos 1510 37.731861 27.044352 1510.1 37.712148 27.056647 Poseidon 1511 37.577526 26.475208 Panormos, Korsiai insula, Corsia? 1511.1 37.627000 26.506000 1511.2 37.622400 26.058700 port of Neokhorion Artemis Tauropolos Ireo Samou on on the SE coast the isle of Samos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599641 places/21195 Eastern Isl. -750 Samiopoula, on the isle of Samos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599924 places/30788 Eastern Isl. -30 Neokhorion, on the isle of Samos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599825 places/29015 Eastern Isl. -750 Roman fort at Agios Ioannis, on the isle of Samos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599475 places/34322 Eastern Isl. -750 port of Kalithea near Balsamo? or Agios Isidoros? on the isle of Samos Neo Karlobasi? on the isle of Samos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599680 places/28970 Eastern Isl. 300 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599824 places/29014 Eastern Isl. -550 near Vathy, on the isle of Samos http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599860 Roman fort at Tsoko with port at Kerveli? on the isle of Samos Posidonio, on the isle of Samos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599992 places/34504 Eastern Isl. -30 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599902 places/36899 Eastern Isl. -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599727 places/28984 Eastern Isl. -550 Khrysomilia, on the isle of Fournoi http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599713 places/36706 Eastern Isl. -330 Kato Raches, on the isle of Fournoi http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599524 places/36698 Eastern Isl. -750 Fourni Korseon, on the isle of Fournoi Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 283 & 284 GR: m Eastern Isl. Vol. I, Page 224 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1512 37.633580 26.161171 Oinoe near Kampos, on the isle of Ikaria 1513 37.632496 26.186066 Histoi, Histi, Icasia Evdilos, on the isle of Ikaria Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar 1514 37.691250 26.353393 Drakanon, Draconium anchorage near the airport of the isle of Ikaria Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 1515 37.621839 26.308109 Therma, Asklepieis near Agios Kirykos, on the isle of Ikaria 1516 37.461538 26.971232 Tragreia, Tragea insula Isle of Agathonisi Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599986 places/41147 Eastern Isl. 1517 37.290764 27.099632 Pharmacussa insula Isle of Farmakonisi Stadiasmus, 295 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599880 places/43404 Eastern Isl. 1518 37.380246 26.736030 Akrite, Acrite insula Roman fort near Arki, Port Augusta, on the isle of Arkoi Stadiasmus, 290 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/602492 places/34506 Eastern Isl. -550 1519 37.293386 26.763825 Lepsia insula Lepsia, on the isle of Lepsia Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599760 places/28997 Eastern Isl. -750 1520 37.324950 26.546309 Phora, Patmos Phora, on the isle of Stadiasmus, 280 & Patmos 284 Lehmann, Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599885 places/29033 Eastern Isl. 1520.1 37.190754 26.805194 Artemis Parthenos Ormos Partheni, on Stadiasmus, 283 the isle of Leros 1521 37.158621 26.850738 Leros Leros, on the isle of Leros Mauro 1522 37.146097 26.865031 Pandeli Pandeli, on the isle of Leros Flemming Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599836 places/43423 Eastern Isl. -550 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599648 places/28961 Eastern Isl. -750 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599598 places/28949 Eastern Isl. -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599976 places/43419 Eastern Isl. -750 r X X 300 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/599523 places/36697 Eastern Isl. -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599763 places/23379 Eastern Isl. -750 GR: m Eastern Isl. Vol. I, Page 225 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1523 37.105504 26.872712 Xerokambos Roman fort at Xerokambos, on the isle of Leros 1524 37.125252 26.852723 Lakkion Lakki, on the isle of Leros, also called Eleos 1525 36.973140 27.037370 Bathos, Vathys Bathos, Vathys, on the isle of Kalymnos 1526 36.947462 26.984186 Pothaia, on Calydnos insula 1527 36.991827 26.929436 Sykia, Mirties Roman fort at Stadiasmus, 280 & Perakastro, near 281 Pothia, on the isle of Kalymnos Sykia, Mirties, on the isle of Kalymnos 1528 37.033078 26.952463 Skalia Skalia, on the isle of Kalymnos 1528.1 36.939310 27.140761 Hypsirisma insula Isle of Pserimos Stadiasmus, 280 Arnaud (2005) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599910 1528.2 37.048451 27.147446 Araiai, Arai insulae, Corsicas insulas, Corassia? Isles of Imia, Kardak Stadiasmus, 281 Arnaud (2005) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599511 places/43401 Eastern Isl. 1529 36.894760 27.286190 Kos, Cos Naval base at Mandraki harbour, Kos, on the isle of Kos, Istanköy Loven, Blackman, Dawson, Mauro, Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599728 places/22680 Eastern Isl. 1529.1 36.894200 27.289800 Kos, Cos Commercial port at Mandraki harbour, Kos, on the isle of Kos, Istanköy Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Luke, Acts, 21.1 ; Stadiasmus, 278 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 272 & 273 & 280 & 282 & 283 Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Luke, Acts, 21.1 ; Stadiasmus, 278 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 272 & Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599728 places/22680 Eastern Isl. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599996 places/34505 Eastern Isl. Thucydides, Dawson Peloponnese, 8, 27 ; Stadiasmus, 272 & 277 & 280 & 281 & 282 & 283 Dawson -550 GR: a Eastern Isl. http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599553 places/28943 Eastern Isl. -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a p .org/places/599903 places/37696 Eastern Isl. 300 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599949 places/30796 Eastern Isl. -30 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599938 places/30792 Eastern Isl. -550 GR: a Eastern Isl. r X -350 -350 Vol. I, Page 226 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 273 & 280 & 282 & 283 1530 36.778635 27.149331 Halasarna Kardamena, on the isle of Kos, Istanköy http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599634 places/22963 Eastern Isl. -750 1531 36.739725 26.974221 Astypalaia, Isthmos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599539 places/28940 Eastern Isl. -750 1531.1 36.671074 27.132312 Istros insula Roman villa at Kamari, near Kefalos, on the isle of Kos, Istanköy Isle of Giali 1532 36.611000 27.128000 Nisyros, on Nisyros insula Mandraki, on the isle of Nisyros 1532.1 36.620000 27.172000 Thermai Pali, on the isle of Nisyros http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599977 places/36901 Eastern Isl. -750 1533 36.560098 27.144854 Port of Argos, on the isle of Nisyros Ormos Lefro, on the isle of Nisyros http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599516 places/28933 Eastern Isl. -330 1534 36.500989 26.967698 Cordylusa insula Isle of Kandelioussa http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599580 places/43445 Eastern Isl. 1535 36.461311 27.330530 Telos Agios Antonios, on the isle of Tilos 1536 36.416855 27.390509 Livadia 1536.1 36.616500 27.838900 1537 36.551940 27.846679 Strabo, Geogr, 10, 5 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 & 273 http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599675 places/43443 Eastern Isl. Lehmann, Dawson, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599829 places/29016 Eastern Isl. Dawson rs X -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/599960 places/30801 Eastern Isl. -550 Roman fort at Livadia, on the isle of Tilos http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599772 places/34327 Eastern Isl. -550 Syme Symi, on the Isle of Simi, Sömbeki http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/599950 places/30797 Eastern Isl. -750 Metaponti Panormittis, on the Isle of Simi, Sömbeki Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 272 Dawson Dawson http://data.pastpla 69825 GR: m p Eastern Isl. Vol. I, Page 227 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1538 36.217564 27.604205 Chalcia, Calchia Chorio, on the isle of Chalki 1539 36.265543 27.703306 Eulimna Alimnia, on the isle of Alimnia 1540 36.450966 28.226244 Rhodes, Rhodos, Rodos, Rhodus, Makaria, Olyessa, Poeissia, Ophioussa, Stadia, Atabyria, Small port 1540.1 36.444964 28.230092 Rhodes, Rhodos, Rodos, Rhodus, Makaria, Olyessa, Poeissia, Ophioussa, Stadia, Atabyria, Large port Naval base at Port Mandraki with its supposed Colossus of Rhodes. Diodore (Hist, 20, 85-86) distinguishes a « small port » and a « large port » during the siege of Demetrius in 303 BC. The small port would thus be the port of Mandraki now protected by jetties decorated with a deer on each side. Diodore mentions that the breakwater of the large port is located at only 150 m of the city walls. The commercial port of Emborio (or Kolona) became the port of the medieval city, still with remparts. 1540.2 36.452300 28.219800 1540.3 36.442100 28.234900 Rhodes, Rhodos, Rodos, Rhodus, Makaria, Olyessa, Poeissia, Ophioussa, Stadia, Atabyria, Western port Rhodes, Akantia Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/589741 places/43447 Eastern Isl. Loven, Blackman, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/589787 places/41166 Eastern Isl. r X X Appian, Mithridatique, 4, and many others like Diodorus, Hist, 5, 34-36 & 14, 19 & 20, 82 ; Luke, Acts, 21.1 ; Polybius, Hist, 31, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Stadiasmus, 271 Lehmann, Pauly, Blackman, Loven, Dawson, Mauro, Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/590030 places/22218 Eastern Isl. r X X Appian, Mithridatique, 4, and many others like Diodorus, Hist, 5, 34-36 & 14, 19 & 20, 82 ; Luke, Acts, 21.1 ; Polybius, Hist, 31, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Stadiasmus, 271 Lehmann, Pauly, Blackman, Loven, Dawson, Mauro, Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/590030 places/22218 Eastern Isl. rs Archaïc harbour, West harbour Blackman, Mauro, Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/590030 places/22218 Eastern Isl. r Akantia Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/590030 places/22218 Eastern Isl. rs Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 10, 5 ; Antonine, Itin Mar -550 X -335 X X -335 -400 -550 Vol. I, Page 228 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1540.4 36.428500 28.235900 Rhodes, South East port SE harbour Bouras (2014) http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/590030 places/22218 Eastern Isl. 1541 36.335936 28.211999 Calithea Metropolite near Faliraki, on the isle of Rhodes Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589930 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1542 36.313854 28.207313 Eremokastro, on the isle of Rhodes Eremokastro, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589779 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1543 36.281893 28.178239 Brygindara, Aphandos Aphantou, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589738 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1544 36.246384 28.169361 Kolympia Kolympia, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589876 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1545 36.227002 28.152883 Phagai near Tsampika, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589986 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1546 36.197199 28.141149 Stegna Stegna, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590060 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1547 36.094300 28.088000 Lindus, Lindos, Thermydros East coast of the isle of Rhodes 1548 36.072135 28.019486 Lartos near Lardos, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589896 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1549 36.064175 27.998721 Ampelia Ampelia near Glystra, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589684 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1550 36.014932 27.931003 Gennadi Gennadi, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589794 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1551 35.926334 27.856003 Ixia near Plimiri, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589827 GR: m Eastern Isl. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Diodorus, Hist, 5, 36; Apollodorus, Bibliotheque, 2, 58 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/589913 places/22848 Eastern Isl. -550 rs X -750 Vol. I, Page 229 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1552 35.914068 27.838705 Germatos Germatos near Plimiri, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589795 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1553 35.872159 27.748549 Mnasyrion Prom. Cape Prasonisi at the southern tip of the isle of Rhodes Flemming http://data.pastpla 26893 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1554 35.889702 27.765101 Vroulia Creek behind cape Prasonisi, on the isle of Rhodes Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590093 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1555 35.964573 27.727844 Kattabia Kattavia, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589857 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1556 36.059066 27.754248 Kalogeros Kalogeros near Apolakia, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589833 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1557 36.125049 27.709112 Kassaros Kassaros near Monolithos, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589847 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1558 36.171051 27.723935 Batoklia Batoklia, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589726 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1559 36.191823 27.765186 Kymisala near Lakkio, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589888 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1560 36.274864 27.826488 Kretinia Kretinia, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589883 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1561 36.336400 27.921400 Camire, Kamiros, Kerama, Bema? Camiros on the West coast of the isle of Rhodes 1562 36.365889 27.974029 Phanes Phanes, Fanes, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589991 1562.1 36.375000 28.030700 Apollo Erethimios Theologos, on the isle of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/589700 places/22851 Eastern Isl. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Diodorus, Hist, 5, 36 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/589836 places/22850 Eastern Isl. rs X -750 GR: m Eastern Isl. -750 Vol. I, Page 230 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1563 36.416881 28.102031 Asomata Asomata near Kremasti, on the isle of Rhodes 1564 36.426000 28.160000 Ialysos, Trianta NW coast of the isle of Rhodes Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/589815 places/22849 Eastern Isl. 1565 35.885385 27.235350 Palatea bay of Palatia, on the isle of Saria Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590040 1566 35.583232 27.127953 Porphyris, Carpathus insula Isle of Carpathos, Karpathos, Kerpe Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 1635 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: a .org/places/589841 places/41463 Eastern Isl. 1567 35.511881 27.212685 Poseidion, Posidio, Potidaion, Potideo Pigadia, on the isle of Carpathos, Karpathos, Kerpe Stadiasmus, 272 Lehmann, Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590010 GR: a Eastern Isl. 1568 35.482441 27.114921 Arkaseia, Arkasa Arkasa, on the isle of Carpathos, Karpathos, Kerpe Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589711 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1569 35.543932 27.110472 Palaiokastro, on the isle of Carpathos, Karpathos, Kerpe http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589969 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1570 35.801578 27.168158 Brykous http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589739 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1571 35.579647 27.188922 Palaia Pi http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589968 GR: m Eastern Isl. 1572 35.421134 26.927066 Cassos, Cassus near Vrykounta, on the isle of Carpathos, Karpathos, Kerpe near Kato Lefkos, on the isle of Carpathos, Karpathos, Kerpe Casos, on the isle of Kasos, Kasot 1573 35.510749 23.569444 Falasarna, Phalasarna Falasarna, Phalasarna. There are only a few places protected from the western waves on the West coast of Crete; the only good natural shelter from a nautical point of Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589713 Stadiasmus, 336 GR: m Eastern Isl. rs X -750 GR: m Eastern Isl. Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: m .org/places/589845 places/28789 Eastern Isl. Lehmann, Flemming, Hampsa, Carayon, Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589989 places/22689 North a r X X ? -750 r X X X -750 Vol. I, Page 231 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1574 35.503356 23.563697 Iusagura, Iousagoura insula? 1575 35.586000 23.477800 Myle insula 1576 35.610350 23.579230 1576.1 35.639000 1577 view is at Gramvousa (Balos Beach). However, the ancient port was identified as a cothon (dug artificial basin) at the toe of a promontory located 1 km North of the city of Phalasarna Cape Tigani Stadiasmus, 336 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589821 places/44598 North a -330 Isle of Pontikonision Stadiasmus, 336 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589946 places/44597 North a -750 Mese insula Imeri Gramvousa Stadiasmus, 336 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589927 places/41482 North a 23.590000 Tretos insula? Agria Gramvousa Stadiasmus, 337 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590082 places/44599 North a -30 35.591600 23.604000 Agnio, Agneion Stadiasmus, 272 & 338 Flemming, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589701 places/36682 North a -30 1578 35.515010 23.638056 Mykenai? Apollo temple at creek on the East side of Cape Gramvousa near Trachilos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589941 places/28823 North m -750 1579 35.501278 23.646137 Cisamo, Cisamus Kissamos-Kastelli inside the gulf of Kissamos Stadiasmus, 339 Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589870 places/23373 North a 1580 35.508999 23.713739 Mythimna?, Napia? Tityro Prom. Nopigia inside the gulf of Kissamos Stadiasmus, 340 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589935 places/28819 North a -330 1581 35.663900 23.768300 Diktyna, Dictynnaeo Diktynnaion Stadiasmus, 341 Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589760 places/22690 North a -330 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 r X -330 Vol. I, Page 232 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1582 35.530800 23.773200 Pergamos? near Kolimbari Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589984 places/28830 North m -750 1583 35.535662 23.930210 Akoition, Akytos, Koite, Coete Isle of Theodori, near Gerani Stadiasmus, 342 Flemming, Pauly, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589873 places/44595 North a -750 1584 35.518254 24.017083 Cydonie, Kydonia Khania, Chania, la Canee Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 343 Lehmann, Hampsa, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589886 places/23375 North a p -750 1584.1 35.591400 24.097000 Temple at Lera, near Stavros http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589904 places/36687 North m -750 1584.2 35.592400 24.150700 Temple at Panagia Arkoudiotiussa, Katholiko monastery Marathi, on the North side of the entrance to the bay of Souda. Ptolemy locates this site at 3° of longitude, i.e. 250 km, East of Phalasarna, which would lead to the East coast of Crete Souda islet in the bay of Souda http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589971 places/36688 North m -750 1585 35.504177 24.175531 Minoa Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589933 places/28817 North a 1586 35.488595 24.152604 Leukai, Budroae, Boudroe insulae Lehmann, Pauly, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589736 places/41485 North m 1586.1 35.497358 24.079312 1587 35.470198 24.140695 Ptol, Geogr, 3, 17 ; Stadiasmus, 344 Soudha port of Aptera, Kisamos? Kalami, on the South side of the entrance to the bay of Souda. There are thus two homonym sites: Hampsa seems to have managed to make this distinction Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 Hampsa GR: Crete North http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589871 places/28800 North r X -330 -30 m p a -330 Vol. I, Page 233 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1588 35.452209 24.200841 Tanos? near Almyrida 1589 35.365068 24.265130 Amfimala, Amphimalla Georgioupoli, at the Stadiasmus, 345 outlet of R Almiros 1590 35.354224 24.319465 Idramia, Hydramia, Hydramo Dramia? Idramon, inside the estuary Stadiasmus, 346 1591 35.360742 24.407840 Amphimatrio Gerani beach? Stadiasmus, 346 1592 35.371070 24.468690 Rethymno , Arsinoe Rhithymna Hampsa, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Mauro 1593 35.389000 24.594000 Pantomatrion, Agrion West side of Rethymno. Note the slipways located West of the castle underneath the coastal boulevard Stavromenos 1594 35.422026 24.691433 Panormos, Aulopotamos? Panormos 1595 35.409939 24.788654 Astali, Astale Bali 1596 35.411566 24.871955 Kytaion? Almirida 1597 35.407140 25.023653 Dium, Apellonia? Agia Pelagia 1598 35.340700 25.062600 Apollonia? Gazi 1599 35.343337 25.136072 Heraklion, Poros and Katsambas, Omphalion, port of Cnossos, Candia Iraklio Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 347 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590071 places/28852 North m -330 Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589687 places/28756 North a -330 Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589810 places/28780 North a -30 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/595698 a http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590028 places/25171 North m http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589976 places/28827 North m -550 Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589974 places/41489 North m -30 Flemming, Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589715 places/28764 North a -30 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589889 places/28805 North m -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589696 places/28760 North m -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589703 places/41492 North m -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589802 places/25167 North a p -330 Hampsa Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 ; Plutarch, Thesee, 17 ; Stadiasmus, 348 GR: Crete North Hampsa, Flemming, Dawson r X X -550 Vol. I, Page 234 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1600 35.446638 25.218193 Dius, Dia insula Isle of Dia Stadiasmus, 348 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589755 places/41468 North a 1601 35.335456 25.193977 Amnissus, Amnisos, ancient port of Cnossos Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 ; Homer, Odyssey, 19, 188 1602 35.333892 25.243195 Temple of Zeus Thenatas 1603 35.320010 25.392035 Chersonesos, Cherrhonesos, port of Lyctos, Lyttos outlet of river and beach near Karteros, East of Iraklion's airport Nirou Khani, 2 km East of the temple of Zeus Thenatas ; Flemming and Pirazzoli (1981) mention a minoan shipyard which can be seen under water on Google Earth between the tip of the sand spit and the rocky islet Khersonisos, Cherronisos, Hersonissos at Anissaras Lehmann, Hampsa, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590101 a rs Frost, Flemming, Hampsa, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590101 places/36692 North m rs Lehmann, Hampsa, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589744 places/23368 North a rs 1604 35.298926 25.488971 Malia Mallia Frost, Hampsa, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589922 places/28813 North m rs 1605 35.320661 25.563095 Milatos? Militos Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589932 places/28816 North m p -750 1606 35.258853 25.731845 Olus, Olous, Olonte Elounda Hampsa, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589959 places/25168 North a p -750 1607 35.260987 25.755820 Kolokythia http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589874 places/28801 North m -330 1607.1 35.244300 25.733300 Temple of Ares, Aphrodite, Archaion Aphrodision Sto Pyrgo, near Ellinika http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589707 places/44589 North m -750 1608 35.190432 25.717406 Lato pros Kamara, Kamara, Camara Agios Nikolaos http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589900 places/28808 North a p -330 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Ovid, Metamorphoses, 7, 490-493 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 349 Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 350 Stadiasmus, 351 Hampsa GR: Crete North -550 X X X X X -750 X ? -330 -30 Vol. I, Page 235 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1609 35.127800 25.731200 Istro Istron 1609.1 35.119900 25.744700 1610 35.109480 25.792700 1610.1 35.111300 25.814900 Minoa Pachia Ammos 1611 35.154680 25.863480 Tholos 1612 35.185805 25.864735 1613 35.177629 1614 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589822 places/44586 North a -330 Vrokastro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590092 places/28860 North m -750 Gournia http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/771100 places/44585 North 776 m 2000 Flemming, Hampsa, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589934 places/28818 North m -330 due South of the isle of Psira Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590080 places/28853 North m -30 Pseira East bay, on the isle of Psira Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590017 places/41495 North m 2000 25.874956 Caso near Mokhlos? 35.184461 25.905438 Mochlos 1615 35.207700 26.005300 port of Petra? Mokhlos, small creek on the East side of the cape located in front of the islet Liopetro 1616 35.207642 26.113579 Setaea, Cetia, Etis Sitia, Sitaia, Siteia, Eteia,Etea 1617 35.198554 26.130828 Petras, Polichna? 1618 35.338064 26.182722 Dionysiades, Dionysa insulae Trypitos, slipway of 5.5 x 17 m dug into the rock perpendiculary to the coastline Dionysiades islands, Dragonada, Gianisada and Paximada, South Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 352 Hampsa Stadiasmus, 318 GR: Crete North Frost, Hampsa, Flemming Stadiasmus, 353 Stadiasmus, 354 ; Antonine, Itin Mar a http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589937 places/28820 North m -30 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589985 places/44583 North m -750 Flemming, Hampsa, Blackman, Loven http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590045 places/28847 North a rs X X -330 Hampsa calls it Petras http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590001 places/28837 North m r X -550 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589763 places/44581 North a -330 Vol. I, Page 236 Catalogue of Ancient Ports creek on the isle of Dragonada 1619 35.314000 26.311400 Samonio Prom. with temple of Athena http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590037 places/36683 North a 1620 35.263300 26.263500 Ermoupolis, Rimopolis Itanos Hampsa, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589824 places/22688 South m 1621 35.195300 26.275600 port of Dicte, temple Rousolakos, Eleia of Zeus Diktaios, Chora, Mont Dicte, Palaiokastron, Petsofa Dikti, East of Crete Flemming, Hampsa, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590100 places/22687 South a 1622 35.098300 26.261400 Kato Zakros Flemming, Hampsa http://data.pastpla GR: Crete places/44603 South 218 m 1900 1623 35.034400 26.217700 Ampelos Ambelos, Xirokambos Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589686 places/28755 South m -330 1624 35.011361 26.154508 Syrinthos? Livari, near Atherinolakkos Chalikias (2015) http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590065 places/28851 South m -750 1625 34.948200 26.129970 Leuke, on Leuke insula Leuke, on the Isle of Koufonisi Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589909 places/24880 South m -330 1626 35.036400 25.971830 Stalai? Makrygialos, Diaskari Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590059 places/28850 South m -330 1627 35.012406 25.844654 Koutsounari & Agia Fotia Photia Hampsa, Flemming, Chalikias (2015) http://data.pastpla 92495 m 1628 35.006064 25.740707 Lehmann, Hampsa, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589807 places/23386 South a 1628.1 34.877134 25.731850 Chalikias (2015) http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589746 places/44576 South m Hierapytna Cape Sidero Ierapetra East cove, on the isle of Chryssi Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 318 & 355 Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 1640 Stadiasmus, 319 GR: Crete South -330 X ? rs rs X ? X -750 -750 -750 -30 Vol. I, Page 237 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1628.2 34.881063 25.691917 Cape Mouri, on the isle of Chryssi Chalikias (2015) http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589746 places/44576 South m 1629 35.011818 25.682529 1630 35.001000 1631 Gra Ligia, Gralivia Gra Lygia Hampsa http://data.pastpla 05314 GR: Crete South m 25.586000 Myrtos Myrtos Pyrgos & Myrtos Phournou Koriphi Hampsa, Chalikias (2015) http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589949 places/28824 South m -30 34.990184 25.453964 Aria? Arvi Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589709 places/28763 South m -550 1632 34.996200 25.372700 Bieno, Biennus Keratokampos, near Stadiasmus, 320 Kastri Chalikias (2015) http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589850 places/41470 South a -750 1633 34.987000 25.284200 Inatos, Einatos, port of Priansos Tsoutsouros Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589819 places/23385 South m -330 1634 34.950700 25.136400 Plaka Tris Ekklisies Hampsa GR: Crete South m 1635 34.931409 24.982461 Trypiti Trypiti Hampsa GR: Crete South m 1636 34.932400 24.924100 Leben, Lebena, port of Gortyne Lendas Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 321 Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589901 places/23384 South a 1637 34.937597 24.824954 Lasaia, Lasea, Halis Stadiasmus, 322 Flemming, Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/589897 GR: Crete South a r X 1638 34.929343 24.802962 Beaux Ports, port of Lasee, Elyssa islet of Trafos at Chrysostomos 2 km East of Kaloi Limenes. A rubble mound breakwater can be seen on Google Earth Kaloi Limenes. locates it in a bay now called « Kaloi Limenes » Good Ports. It is today a small LPG terminal. Luke, Acts, 27.8 Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589668 places/28749 South a rs X Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 -30 rs r X ? X -330 -30 Vol. I, Page 238 Catalogue of Ancient Ports One wonders just why the captain preferred to winter at Loutro rather than here Matalon, Matalum Matala. N.C.Flemming and P.A. Pirazzoli, 1981 mention a slipway in the SE corner of the Matala creek Kommos, Amyklaion ? Komo beach 1 km South of Kalamaki 1639 34.993031 24.747607 Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 323 1640 35.012878 24.760081 1640.1 35.033300 24.790560 1641 35.051300 24.814000 1641.1 35.059400 24.793100 1642 35.099400 24.697400 Sulia, Soulia, Sulena, port of Sybrite Agia Galini, 6km NW of Tympaki Airport Stadiasmus, 324 ; Scylax, Peripl 1643 35.099887 24.564698 Psycheion, Psyche Agios Pavlos Stadiasmus, 325 1644 35.158900 24.519700 Bionnos? Pyrgos, near Kerames 1644.1 35.166059 24.420623 1645 35.186593 24.391978 Frost, Flemming, Hampsa, Blackman, Loven http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589925 places/28814 South a r Frost, Hampsa, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589690 places/28757 South m r http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589835 places/28786 South m -30 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589987 places/28831 South a -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589672 places/28751 South m -750 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590056 places/28848 South a -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590018 places/28839 South a -330 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589733 places/28768 South m -550 Dawson http://data.pastpla 36035 m Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589893 places/28806 South Kamilari Phaistos, Phestie Festos (near Tympaki airport) Polybius, Hist, 4, 12 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 4 Agia Triada Schinaria Lamone? Plakias Bay Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 326 Hampsa, Flemming, Mauro, shipwreck GR: Crete South a X X -330 X ? -330 -30 Vol. I, Page 239 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1646 35.190500 24.366000 port of Apollonia? Souda, near Sellia 1646.1 35.184400 24.354700 Phoinix? 1647 35.177300 1648 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589702 places/28761 South a -330 a possible location of Phoinix http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589994 places/41478 South m -550 24.240300 Agios Eustratios near Fragkokastello http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589661 places/28746 South m -30 35.198698 24.082457 -550 1649 34.845399 24.082720 Phoenicis Portus, port Loutro. Ptolemy of Phenix, Phoinix locates Phoenicis Portus explicitely on the South coast at 20’ of latitude South of Phalasarna. St Luke indicates that the port of Phenix looks toward the SE and the NE (and not toward the NW and the SW) according to who places it at Loutro, 6 km West of Sfakia Clauda, Claudia, Isle of Gavdos Gaudus, Kaudos, Kyklos insula 1650 34.869500 24.083000 Ambelos, Kaudos? Agios Ioannis, on the isle of Gavdos 1651 35.225203 23.956073 Tharro, Tarrha, Tarra Agia Roumeli Stadiasmus, 329 1652 35.237500 23.881800 Peocilassus, Paecilasso Tripiti 1653 35.244359 23.812588 Syba, Syia, Suja, port of Elyros Suia, shingle beach of Sougia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 327 Luke, Acts, 27.12 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 17 ; Stadiasmus, 328 Hampsa, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete BAtlas locates it at .org/places/589993 places/41479 South Finikas, on the West side of the promontory a Luke, Acts, 27.16 ; Stadiasmus, 328 Dawson http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589858 places/41496 South a http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589859 places/28797 South m -550 Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590072 places/23370 South a -750 Stadiasmus, 330 Hampsa, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589999 places/28835 South a -550 Stadiasmus, 331 Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/590064 places/23371 South a -330 Vol. I, Page 240 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1654 35.239000 23.789600 Lissa, Lissus, 2nd port d’Elyros Lissos, 2 km West of Scylax, Peripl ; Sougia Stadiasmus, 332 Hampsa, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589914 places/23381 South a -330 1655 35.231362 23.690479 Selino, Paleochora, port of Kalamyde, Calamyde Palaiochora, 12 km West of Sougia Flemming http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589832 places/28785 South a -30 1656 35.230647 23.633585 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589662 places/44600 South m -550 1657 35.237499 23.580110 Biennos?, Biennon Kriu, Krios, ancien Criu Metopon Agia Kyriaki: small creek on the SW side of Cape Krios Flemming, Hampsa http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589731 places/28767 South a -30 1658 35.266417 23.542964 Musagores Elafonisi Flemming http://data.pastpla 24824 GR: Crete South m 1659 35.313515 23.530101 Moni Chrisoskalitisas between Elafonisi and Stomio Hampsa http://data.pastpla 0132 GR: Crete South m 1660 35.323410 23.540968 Rhamnus Portus http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/590025 GR: Crete South a 1660.1 35.377300 23.536600 Chersonesos Stomio. Ptolemy Ptol, Geogr, 3, 17 locates Rhamnus Portus at 10’ of latitude South of Phalasarna, near the beach of Stomio Keramoti bay, near cape Karavoutas 1661 35.419918 23.560010 Sphinarion Sfinari 1662 35.019082 33.239826 Cyprus, archaic Alashiya, archaic Yadnana Isle of Cyprus 1663 35.690561 34.588950 Akraia, Acra Prom., Rizokarpason, Olympos?: two stations according to Stadiasmus Cape Apostolos Andreas, cape Zafer: NE tip of Cyprus Stadiasmus, 333 Agios Georgios near Grammeno Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 334335 http://pleiades.stoa GR: Crete .org/places/589745 places/28770 South m GR: Crete South m Cyprus a http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707593 places/22734 a Flemming Arrian, Alexander, 2, 6 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 272 Stadiasmus, 307 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/707498 -30 -550 Vol. I, Page 241 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1664 35.634460 34.537940 Phileunte Altinkum plaji, Golden beach? Stadiasmus, 306 Cyprus 1665 35.581314 34.428544 Karpasiai Khelones, Chelones, Karpaz 1666 35.355500 34.084500 Palaea, Cape Elea near Bafra 1667 35.327400 34.039800 Knidos near Agios Theodoros 1668 35.319000 34.016000 Alaas near Agios Theodoros 1669 35.175094 33.911617 Salamis, Salamine of Cyprus, port of ancient EnkomiAlasia, Constantia 7 km North of Famagousta 1670 35.127873 33.952678 Ammochostos insulae islets in front of Famagousta 1671 35.127095 33.954498 Arsinoe of Salamis 1672 35.061667 34.013937 1673 34.966524 34.083386 1673.1 34.962780 34.065500 Roman villa at Kalogiannis http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707523 places/35093 m -30 1673.2 34.973700 34.037600 Roman villa at Korakistres http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707545 places/35094 m -30 Blackman Stadiasmus, 305a Flemming a http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707532 places/28425 m http://data.pastpla 39935 a Cyprus X -750 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707539 places/22735 m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707458 places/28412 m -750 Diodorus, Hist, 20, 49 to 52 ; Plutarch, Demetrius, 15 & 16 ; Scylax, Peripl Stadiasmus, 305 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 4, 7 Stadiasmus, 304 Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707617 places/21562 a rs X Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/707485 Cyprus a rs X islets in front of Famagousta Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707485 places/28418 a -330 Leukolla, Leucolla Paralimni Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707561 places/22741 a -330 Pedalium, Pedalio Prom. Cape Greco Stadiasmus, 304 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/707473 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Cyprus -750 X Vol. I, Page 242 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1673.3 34.982600 34.015500 Roman villa at Ammos tou Kampouri http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707464 places/35091 m -30 1674 34.981600 34.005400 Palio Khorio near Ayia Napa http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707597 places/28435 m -330 1674.1 34.986735 33.969798 http://data.pastpla 41122 Cyprus m 1675 34.969525 33.903980 Liopetri Potamos http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707633 places/22740 m -330 1675.1 34.959000 33.829000 Quarry at Mosphiloudia http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707583 places/38020 m -330 1676 34.978600 33.707000 Koutsopetria http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707550 places/22727 m -330 1677 34.920418 33.632904 Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Loven, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707534 places/21563 a 1677.1 34.885779 33.609669 Hala Sultan Tekke Kaniewski (2013) http://data.pastpla 70185 Cyprus m 1678 34.783306 33.500037 Cape Petounda near Mazotos Flemming http://data.pastpla 98641 Cyprus m 1678.1 34.723000 33.342000 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707544 places/28427 m 1679 34.709580 33.143885 Amathus, Amathonte 10 km East of Limassol http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707462 places/21564 a 1680 34.658700 33.045000 Lemesos, Theodosiana, Neapolis Limassol http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707587 places/22705 m Palio Khorio Nissi Beach Thronoi? Kition, Citium, Punic Qart Hadasht Palea Larnaca, slipways at Bamboula Dawson Diodorus, Hist, 20, 49 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 port of Kopetra near Zygi? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl ; no port according to Stadiasmus, 302 Theodoulou, Flemming, Carayon r X X X X ? -750 -30 r X X X -750 -750 Vol. I, Page 243 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1681 34.566571 33.041188 Kargaeas, Cragaearum, Curias Prom. Cape Gata South of Limassol Stadiasmus, 303 1681.1 34.568217 32.965568 1682 34.666500 32.884500 Kourion, Curium, Curiaco Episkopi Stadiasmus, 301 1683 34.653600 32.758200 Tretis, Tretous Prom. near Avdimou Stadiasmus, 300 1683.1 34.685000 32.582000 1684 34.707000 32.573700 Paleapaphos Teratsia, 5 km NW of Aphrodite's birthplaces at Petra Tou Romiou Kouklia 1685 34.695248 32.554186 1686 34.696000 32.533000 1686.1 34.716200 32.473500 1687 34.722053 32.437136 Numenio islets near Cape Arsinoe? Stadiasmus, 298 1688 34.732300 32.443000 Cape Arsinoe, Arsinoen, Arsinoe of Palaipaphos near Paphos Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 1689 34.754114 32.410604 Paphos, Paphon, archaic Pappa Paphos, with possible ancient lighthouse Diodorus, Hist, 20, 49 ; Luke, Acts, 13.13 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 297 Dreamer's Bay and AkrotiriAetokremnos http://data.pastpla Cyprus places/44570 64507 a Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707502 places/28420 m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707549 places/21565 a -750 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707637 places/44572 a -330 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707629 places/28441 m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707596 places/21566 a -750 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707626 places/28440 m -750 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707644 places/44574 a -330 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707444 places/35090 m 300 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707484 places/28417 a -330 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707484 places/28417 a -330 Lehmann, Flemming, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707586 places/22716 a Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 ; Stadiasmus, 299 Styllarka, at the outlet of R Xeros Anchorage of Zephyria Prom. Cape Zephyros, South of Mandria Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 Flemming Roman villa at Agios Leontios Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 rs rs X X X X -30 X ? -550 Vol. I, Page 244 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1690 34.787700 32.395800 Alyki 1690.1 34.814320 32.387088 KyssonergaMylouthkia 1691 34.902000 32.321000 1691.1 1692 34.947331 32.309824 1692.1 35.033110 32.276560 1693 35.103008 32.291279 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707461 places/28414 m Dawson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/707612 Cyprus m Drepanon? Drepanum Agios Georgios Prom. Pegeias Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707504 places/22731 m Akamas-Aspros at outlet of R Aspros at outlet of R Avakas Dawson Cyprus m Lara Lara Beach Flemming Cyprus m http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707505 places/36202 m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/707455 Cyprus a Cyprus m Drousha Akamas, Acamus 1693.1 Agios Epiphanios, near Cape Arnauti Stadiasmus, 297 & 308 Flemming Lakki, Latchi 1694 35.045600 32.426800 1694.1 35.191200 32.635900 1695 35.178730 32.743089 1695.1 35.159160 32.773330 Marionpolis, Arsinoe Marion Polis tis Khrysokhou Limenia? -330 -550 Carayon, http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus Theodoulou, Cohen, .org/places/707483 places/22729 Flemming a rs X -330 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707573 places/44560 m rs X 300 Limnitis, Yesilirmak http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/707563 Cyprus m Roman villa at Vouni http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707642 places/25299 m Mansoura, between Kokkino, Erenköy and Kato Pyrgos Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 309 -30 -750 Vol. I, Page 245 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1696 35.140600 32.812200 Soloi, Soli, Solos, archaic Sillu, Aipeia? Potamos tou Kambou, West of Gemikonagi http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707624 places/22717 a 1697 35.303900 32.940600 Melabron? near Agia Eirini http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707579 places/22739 a -750 1698 35.406989 32.920300 Crommyaco, Krommyon Prom. Cape Kormakitis, Koruçam Burnu Stadiasmus, 310 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707551 places/41341 a -330 1699 35.356477 33.193234 Lapathus, Lapethos, Lapithos, Phoinikon Lambousa near Kyrenia Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 313 Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707555 places/22725 a rs X -750 1700 35.343834 33.323300 Cerynia, Keryneia, Keraunia Kyrenia Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 312 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707531 places/22726 a r X -750 1701 35.362200 33.659200 Makaria, Macaria Moulos, Kücükerenköy Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707570 places/22738 m r 1702 35.401700 33.738700 Aphrodision Liastrika, Tatlisu http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707468 places/22737 m -330 1703 35.416097 33.777715 Melandryna http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707580 places/28433 m -330 1704 35.432374 33.897513 Kaplica, near Davlos http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707501 places/28419 m -30 1705 35.445000 33.956500 Achaion Akte, beach of the Acheans near Galounia Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707437 places/28421 a -330 1706 35.630000 34.372000 Karpassia, Carpasie Ayios Philon, Dipkarpaz Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 314 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707526 places/21561 a rs 1707 35.647800 34.440950 m rs group of three byzantine churches at Aphendrika, Aphentrika Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 6 ; Scylax, Peripl ; no port according to Stadiasmus, 311 Stadiasmus, 310 Lehmann, Flemming Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Christiansen Cyprus rs X -750 X -750 X X ? X ? -750 X Vol. I, Page 246 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1708 35.654862 34.458221 Aera, Ourania Exarchos Bay Stadiasmus, 315 http://pleiades.stoa Cyprus .org/places/707594 places/22736 a -550 1709 40.988729 28.958939 Byzantium, Byzance, Bosphore Istanbul http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520998 places/5472 Bosphorus N a -667 1710 41.005800 28.951804 Yenikapi, discovered in 2004 http://data.pastpla 88771 TR: Bosphorus N a 1711 41.001491 28.964694 http://data.pastpla 52551 TR: Bosphorus N m 1712 41.000706 28.971333 http://data.pastpla 44576 TR: Bosphorus N a 1713 41.000393 28.974338 Byzantium, Byzance: Port under the baths of Arcadius (Port of Eleuterion, also called port of Caesar and port of Theodosius) Byzantium, Byzance: Port under the baths of Arcadius (Port of Eleuterion, also called port of Caesar and port of Theodosius) Byzantium, Byzance: port of Iulianou, Julien, also called port of Sophia Byzantium, Byzance: Port of Bucoleon Plutarch, Alcibiade, Lehmann, 31 ; Diodorus, Hist, Flemming 13, 67 ; Procopius, Hist Secrete, 1, 25 & Edifices, 1, 5 ; Polybius, Hist, 4, 11 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Demosthenes, Ctesippos/Leptine, 29 Procopius, Edifices, Oleson 1, 11 http://data.pastpla 03322 TR: Bosphorus N m 1714 41.018100 28.979430 1715 41.018412 28.974672 Byzantium, Byzance: Port of Phosphorion, Bosphorion, Bosporios Byzantium Kumkapi Procopius, Edifices, 1, 4 Bukoleon Sarayi, probably built by Justinien I in the 6th century, beneath the Palace of Bucoleon built by Theodosius II in the 5th century in the Golden Horn Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/523227 TR: Bosphorus N m in the Golden Horn Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/520985 TR: Bosphorus N m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 r X Vol. I, Page 247 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1715.1 41.029000 28.965000 Galata Beyoglu, in the Golden Horn 1716 41.027366 28.989457 Port du Figuier, Delphin, Karandas 1 km North of Byzantium, Byzance 1717 41.035059 28.999186 S. Mamas 1718 41.039836 29.012492 1719 41.044082 1720 1721 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/523976 places/31508 Bosphorus N m -30 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/523977 places/31509 Bosphorus N a -30 near the palace of Dolmabahce http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521145 places/31503 Bosphorus N m 300 Iasonion near ciragan http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/521041 TR: Bosphorus N m 29.023046 port of the Rhodiens, Rhodion Periboloi near Yildiz Park http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/521137 TR: Bosphorus N m 41.046097 29.025900 Archeion near Ortaköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520962 places/31452 Bosphorus N m -30 41.055298 29.037353 Bythias near Kurucesme http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520984 places/31456 Bosphorus N m -30 Kalamos near Kurucesme http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521050 places/31471 Bosphorus N m -30 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520958 places/31451 Bosphorus N m 300 1721.1 Gordieiev Strabo, Geogr, 7, 6 Tardieu 1722 41.063766 29.044552 Port d’Esties, Arnavutköy, near Anaplous? Promotou? Besiktas 1723 41.076795 29.045854 Chelai, Philemporos near Bebek http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520992 places/31459 Bosphorus N m p -30 1724 41.087337 29.058124 Pyrrhias Cyon near Rumeli Hisari http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521132 places/31499 Bosphorus N m -30 1725 41.097731 29.056327 Phidalia Petra, Gynaikon limen, Port des Femmes near Baltalimani http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521115 places/31492 Bosphorus N a -30 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Tardieu Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 18 Tardieu Vol. I, Page 248 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1725.1 41.103700 29.057600 Kyparodes near Karaköy 1726 41.111075 29.059717 1727 41.112091 29.060607 Port Daphne, Port Istinye. This port is Lasthenis, Leostenion, located by Arrian at Sosthenion 40 stadia (7.5 km) South of Hieron (on the Asian side) and at 80 stadia (15 km) of Byzance, this leads to this nice creek of Istinye Port des Vieillards Istinye? 1728 41.121137 29.072046 Neapolis, Comarodes ? near Yeniköy 1729 41.131891 29.066613 Pitheci portus, port of Pitheeus near Bogazici 1730 41.137915 29.057643 Pharmakia, Therapeia, Eudios Kalos 1731 41.156561 29.038087 1732 41.180300 29.076100 1733 41.186876 1734 1735 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521068 places/31477 Bosphorus N m -30 Arrian, Peripl, 37 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521070 places/31478 Bosphorus N a p -30 Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 18 http://data.pastpla 98451 a TR: Bosphorus N http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521095 places/31484 Bosphorus N m -30 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521122 places/31495 Bosphorus N m -30 Tarabya http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521113 places/31491 Bosphorus N m p -30 Kalos Agros, Bathykolpos near cayirbasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521051 places/31472 Bosphorus N m -30 Rumeli Kavagi http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521034 places/23436 Bosphorus N a -330 29.081309 Hieron Byzantion, port of Justinien front of Hieron Chalkedonion Chalcaea near Siratas http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520987 places/31457 Bosphorus N m -30 41.194889 29.089103 Phosphorus Karatas Ciftligi http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521120 places/31494 Bosphorus N m -30 41.204572 29.100896 Ephesiorum portus, Ephesiates, port of the Ephesians Büyük Liman South of Garipce http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/523219 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Tardieu Procopius, Edifices, 1, 11 Tardieu TR: Bosphorus N Vol. I, Page 249 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1736 41.213013 29.111432 Lykiou limen, port of the Lycians, Myrileion North of Garipce Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521090 places/31481 Bosphorus N m -30 1736.1 41.234980 29.114430 1737 41.348057 28.692336 Panium, Symplegades Rumeli Feneri insulae, Kyaneai insulae, Pompey's Pillar Philia, Phrygia, port of Durusu near Delcus, Derkos, Karaburun Derkoi Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/521160 places/41451 Sea N m -750 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511361 places/23352 Sea N a -330 1738 41.487100 28.301200 Scylla Podima, near Yaliköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511413 places/23353 Sea N m 300 1739 41.635000 28.094800 Salmydessus, Salmydesse, Medea, Midya Kiyiköy Arrian, Peripl, 36 de Boer & Stronk http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511405 places/31429 Sea N a r -650 1740 41.865800 27.982000 Thynias, Buaticum Mert Gölü, near Igneada Arrian, Peripl, 36 Gordieiev, de Boer & Stronk http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511444 places/31445 Sea N a p r -30 1741 42.099143 27.951729 Ableon Tihos, Aulaeum, Aulaetichus, Avleuteichos, Agathopolis Ahtopol Arrian, Peripl, 36 Cohen, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216721 places/22958 Black S. a 1742 42.224906 27.777205 outlet of R Karaagasch de Boer & Stronk http://data.pastpla 87154 Bulgaria Black S. m 1743 42.232857 27.780019 Perinthos, Peronticum Kiten, at cape Urdoviza de Boer & Stronk, Gordieiev places it at Athopol http://data.pastpla 93655 Bulgaria Black S. m 1744 42.262705 27.755799 Primorsko outlet of R Djavolska de Boer & Stronk http://data.pastpla 5153 Bulgaria Black S. m 1745 42.321527 27.792529 Tera, Ranuli, Asine Gordieiev, de Boer & Stronk http://data.pastpla 69647 Bulgaria Black S. m 42.328197 27.754538 Chersonnesus, Chersonese, Gersonosus, Tonzos Roman naval base, unlocated near cape Maslen Nos, in the bay of Paraskeva? Roman fort at Arrian, Peripl, 36 outlet of R Ropotamo 1746 Gordieiev, de Boer & Stronk http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216765 places/27849 Black S. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Arrian, Peripl, 36 a -430 -500 -330 Vol. I, Page 250 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1747 42.424361 27.692383 Antea, Apollonia Pontica, Apollonia Magna Sozopol, with ancient lighthouse on isle of St Yvan http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216706 places/21381 Black S. a p 1748 42.448579 27.573028 Antheia Atiya http://data.pastpla 2268 Bulgaria Black S. m 1749 42.449138 27.533746 bay of Cenguene Skelja de Boer Bulgaria Black S. m 1750 42.414687 27.449732 Tvardica on the South bank of Lake Mandra de Boer Bulgaria Black S. m 1751 42.386500 27.293700 industrial area Kostadin Tchechma de Boer, Castelli (2015) Bulgaria Black S. m 1752 42.388200 27.280700 Deultum, Develton Debelt on on the SW bank of Lake Mandra de Boer, Castelli (2015) http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216788 places/21782 Black S. m 1753 42.427750 27.367000 Pirgos Greek fort between the villages of Konstantinovo and Chernivrah Shiloto Gordieiev, de Boer, Castelli (2015) http://data.pastpla 7372 Bulgaria Black S. m 1753.1 42.456940 27.380400 Bulgaria Black S. m 1754 42.482450 27.439600 Burgas, Pobeda, Sladkite Kladentsi de Boer, Castelli (2015) Bulgaria Black S. m 1754.1 42.511100 27.478400 Izgrev Bulgaria Black S. m 1755 42.556161 27.493903 between the airport and Lake Atanasovo Bulgaria Black S. m 1755.1 42.566600 27.581200 Gerena Bulgaria Black S. m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Arrian, Peripl, 36 Pauly, Lehmann, de Boer & Stronk, Christiansen, Gordieiev de Boer http://data.pastpla 03252 Castelli (2015) de Boer http://data.pastpla 00051 http://data.pastpla 3441 X -610 -30 Vol. I, Page 251 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1756 42.553000 27.638000 Anchialos Pomorie Arrian, Peripl, 36 Gordieiev, Castelli (2015) http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216702 places/21395 Black S. a -450 1757 42.658426 27.727654 Mesembria, Mesembrie, Meneabria Nessebar Arrian, Peripl, 36 ; Ovid, Tristes, 1, 10 Gordieiev, Castelli (2015) http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216882 places/21394 Black S. a -550 1758 42.689078 27.904284 Haemus Prom., Gema, Aristaeum Cape Emona Arrian, Peripl, 36 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216711 places/33569 Black S. a -30 1759 42.827300 27.885800 Naulohus, Naulochos, Tetranaulohas, Heliopolis Obzor Gordieiev Bulgaria Black S. m 1759.1 42.855000 27.901000 Aspros, Templum Iovis Cape Sveti Atanas Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216893 places/22371 Black S. m -550 1760 42.964400 27.904500 Shkorpilovtsi, at the outlet of R Kamchia http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216984 places/27862 Black S. m 300 1761 43.037000 27.893000 Erite, Ereta near Bliznatsi http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216806 places/23328 Black S. m -30 1762 43.170592 27.942562 port of Karabizia? near cape Galata Gordieiev, Peev (2014) http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216814 places/27852 Black S. m 1762.1 43.174293 27.919003 Karantinata, Lazuren Bryag Peev (2014) Bulgaria Black S. m 1763 43.198250 27.913620 Odessus, Tiberiopolis, Odissospolis, Ullyssopolis 1763.1 43.219760 28.002900 Catrizi, Castrici Varna, ancient port unlocated near modern railway station, Roman naval base Kastritsi 1764 43.354056 28.084006 Gerania, Kraneia Kranevo Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Arrian, Peripl, 35 Gordieiev, Peev (2014), Pitassi (2012) Peev (2014), Gordieiev places it at Kranevo Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216904 places/21393 Black S. a p Bulgaria Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216815 places/27853 Black S. m X -330 -585 -30 Vol. I, Page 252 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1765 43.403915 28.164406 Krounoi, Crunos, Dionysopolis, Matiopolis Balchik, Balcik 1766 43.407000 28.354000 Byzone, Bizona, Byzus 1767 43.364000 28.465800 1768 43.413042 1769 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216793 places/21392 Black S. a p -550 near Kavarna Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216734 places/23327 Black S. m -450 Tirizis, Tetriciada, Tetrisiade Cape Kaliakra Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/217013 places/23326 Black S. m -330 28.517872 Rousalka Rousalka http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216960 places/27859 Black S. m 300 43.438001 28.550458 Yaila Yaila http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/217063 places/27876 Black S. m 300 1770 43.538305 28.610005 Karon Limen, Port Carus, Port of the Carians, Karia cape Shabla Arrian, Peripl, 35 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Bulgaria .org/places/216860 places/27854 Black S. a -330 1771 43.811929 28.583472 Callatis, Kallatis, Pangalia Mangalia Arrian, Peripl, 35 Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216744 places/21391 Black S. a 1771.1 43.803562 28.535589 Limanu Avram (2004) http://data.pastpla 52857 m 1771.2 43.796961 28.410275 Albesti Avram (2004) http://data.pastpla Romania places/26807 Black S. 9707 1772 44.172187 28.662766 Tomis, Tomes, Tomis Costantiana Constantza 1772.1 44.193330 28.635060 Vicus Turris Mucaporis Anadolchioi http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/217055 places/27874 Black S. m 3 0 1772.2 44.226910 28.598330 Vicus Scaptia Palazu Mare http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/217051 places/27870 Black S. m 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Mela, Geogr, 2, 2 ; Scymnos, Periodos Ovid, Tristes, 1, 10 Romania Black S. Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/217016 places/21389 Black S. rs X -450 a p rs X -500 m Vol. I, Page 253 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1772.3 44.256500 28.571700 Ovidiu Lungu Virgil (2014) ###### 44.344000 28.700000 Cape Midia Gordieiev 1772.4 44.493695 28.090310 Capidava 1772.5 44.681627 27.952134 Harsova 1772.6 44.727110 27.836500 1772.7 44.895372 28.139512 Carsium http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216913 places/34215 Black S. m Romania Black S. m Lungu Virgil (2014) http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216748 places/21790 Black S. m 3 0 Lungu Virgil (2014) http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216753 places/22297 Black S. m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216934 places/34221 Black S. m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216730 places/23325 Black S. m 3 0 Peceneaga http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216923 places/34216 Black S. m 3 0 Piatra Rosie http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216928 places/34217 Black S. m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/217043 places/22373 Black S. m 3 0 5 5 0 Piua Pietrei Beroe 1772.8 Piatra Frecatei Wikipedia 1772.9 45.117890 28.199720 1773 44.448960 28.735040 Vicus Celeris Vadu 1773.1 44.548725 28.775075 Gistria, Histria, Istros, Ister Istria Gordieiev, Avram (2004) http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216839 places/21423 Black S. m 1773.2 44.623290 28.802835 Insula Lupilor Sinoe Avram (2004) http://data.pastpla 4968 Romania Black S. m 1773.3 44.688800 28.703660 Vicus Buteridavensis Sariurt http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/217042 places/22376 Black S. m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 254 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1773.4 44.756104 28.941423 1773.5 44.883750 28.835100 1774 44.911200 28.744400 1774.1 44.948107 1774.2 Argamu, Orgame Enisala Sase Martie, Cape Dolosman between Lake Golovita and Lake Razim Enisala http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216710 places/21789 Black S. m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216805 places/21784 Black S. m 3 0 3 0 Babadag Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216724 places/22384 Black S. m 28.687121 Satu Nou Castelli (2014) http://data.pastpla 150773 Romania Black S. m 44.947851 28.861707 Sarichoi Avram (2004) http://data.pastpla 49738 Romania Black S. m 1774.3 45.186426 28.814800 Aegyssos Tulcea Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216694 places/34888 Black S. m 1774.4 45.270489 28.491626 Noviodunum, home port of Classis Moesica fleet Isaccea Gordieiev, Teodor (2011), Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216900 places/21786 Black S. m 1774.5 45.286650 28.325730 http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216951 places/34225 Black S. m 3 0 1774.6 45.378884 28.138792 Dinogetia Gorvan http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216791 places/21783 Black S. m 3 0 1774.7 45.384993 28.025101 Barbosi Galati http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/216727 places/34895 Black S. m 3 0 1774.8 45.239231 28.127894 Arrubium Macin Tentea (2012) http://data.pastpla Romania places/34892 Black S. 96287 m 3 0 1774.9 45.145451 28.186283 Troesmis near Turcoaia Tentea (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/217025 places/21390 Black S. m 3 0 Rachelu Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Tentea (2012) 6 5 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 255 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1775 45.024757 29.198041 Halmyris, Salmorus near Murighiol http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/226617 places/21792 Black S. m 3 0 1775.1 44.994470 29.160580 Ad Stoma Sfînu, Sfintul Gheorghe http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/226508 places/21793 Black S. m 3 0 1775.2 45.036640 29.161740 Gratiana? near Murighiol http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/226611 places/27914 Black S. m 2.5 km NW of Mahmudia http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/226748 places/21787 Black S. m 3 3 0 3 0 1775.3 45.101000 29.067500 Salsovia 1775.4 45.102600 29.048000 Fortificatia Getica, at Cetajuie, 1.5 km W of Salsovia http://data.pastpla 3386 Romania Black S. m 1775.5 45.150000 28.916670 Thalamonium Nufaru http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/217007 places/34229 Black S. m 1776 45.108927 29.905618 R Danube, Donau Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Romania .org/places/226577 places/16181 Black S. m 29.652600 R Ister, Danuvius, navigable on a great distance, with many river ports Nakaron, Solin 1776.1 45.156600 Sulina Gordieiev Romania Black S. m 1776.2 45.433000 29.257000 Ahillea, Hillia, Kealia Kiliya Gordieiev Ukraine Black S. m 1776.3 45.326236 28.831523 Ismail http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/216852 places/34207 Black S. m 1776.4 45.319650 28.411852 Aliobrix Orlivka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/216698 places/34890 Black S. m 3 0 1777 45.254677 30.203218 Achille's island, Leuke insula, White island, Macaron insula, Blessed island, Isle of Serpents Isle of Biel, Zmiinyi, in front of Sulina, in the delta of R Danube http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226677 places/41084 Black S. a 7 5 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Gordieiev Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 26 Gordieiev ; Strabo, Geogr, 7, 3 ; Arrian, Peripl, 32 to 34 3 0 3 3 4 3 0 Vol. I, Page 256 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1778 45.570198 29.612769 Arpis Civitas, Harpis? Denisoye near Desantne 1779 45.787510 29.682246 Antiphili Turris, Ta Antipilou near Trapivka, near Tartarbournary 1779.1 45.887030 29.943670 1780 45.822041 30.156114 1781 45.843287 30.201405 1782 46.049000 30.373600 1783 46.060020 30.467095 1784 46.137906 30.390811 1785 46.200632 30.348578 1785.1 46.216090 30.231220 1785.2 46.270390 30.143350 Aepolium Neoptolemi Turris, Hermonactocome http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/229551 places/27901 Black S. m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226772 places/27974 Black S. a Zheltyy Yar http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226827 places/27983 Black S. m Kremniskoy, near Lebedivka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226670 places/27935 Black S. m Shabalata http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226510 places/27879 Black S. m Belen’koye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226534 places/27887 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/229583 places/27982 Black S. a http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226760 places/27969 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226800 places/22005 Black S. a 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 5 0 2 Mologa http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226689 places/27943 Black S. m Pivdennoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226724 places/27955 Black S. m Zatoka? Strabo, Geogr, 7, 3 Strabo, Geogr, 7, 3 Shabo Tyras, Ophiussa, Asprokastron, Albajulia, Levkopolihnion, on R Tiras BilhorodDnistrovskyï, Roman naval base, on R Dnister Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 7, 3 Gordieiev, Castelli (2014), Pitassi (2012) 3 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 257 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1785.3 46.278910 30.120830 Semenovka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226759 places/27968 Black S. m 1785.4 46.346110 30.077000 Kosovka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226666 places/27932 Black S. m 1785.5 46.472890 30.214640 Belyayevka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226536 places/27889 Black S. m 1785.6 46.372780 30.333350 Nadlimanskoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226693 places/27944 Black S. m 1785.7 46.244260 30.445460 Ovidiopol http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226704 places/27946 Black S. m 1786 46.215720 30.454850 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226697 places/22620 Black S. a 1786.1 46.183760 30.436926 Palanka, near Roxolani Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226709 places/27948 Black S. m 1787 46.141443 30.501262 Karolino-Bugaz http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226655 places/27926 Black S. m 1787.1 46.316000 30.668000 Gordieiev 1788 46.510000 30.750000 Isiakon Limen, Isiacorum Portus, port of the Isiacians Ilyichevsk, Illitchivsk, Tchornomorsk, with Greek lighthouse Odessa Arrian, Peripl, 31 1789 46.573000 30.740000 Istrianon Limen, port of the Istrianians, Istrians Kuial'nyk, near Odessa 1790 46.543000 30.735000 Niconia, Nikonion, Niconium Roksolanskoye Zhevakhov Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 7, 3 Arrian, Peripl, 31 Ukraine Black S. m p http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226634 places/27917 Black S. a Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226636 places/27918 Black S. a Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226828 places/27984 Black S. m 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 7 5 5 5 0 X 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 Vol. I, Page 258 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 5 0 1791 46.566853 30.913587 1792 46.666000 1792.1 Scopuli near Nova Dofinovka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226755 places/27967 Black S. m 3 0 31.155000 Kosharskoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226665 places/27931 Black S. m 46.661000 31.208000 Koblevo http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226662 places/27929 Black S. m 5 5 0 3 3 0 1793 46.610000 31.278000 Ordesus, Odesus, Odessos Mors'ke? http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/229574 Ukraine Black S. a 1793.1 46.598556 31.412078 Borysthenes insula Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226545 places/41085 Black S. a 6 5 0 1793.2 46.536390 31.611640 isle of Berezan, was Strabo, Geogr, 7, 3 ; disconnected from Arrian, Peripl, 31 mainland at cape Adzhyias'k, South of Vyktorovka, in 4th c. BC Pokrovskoye, near cape Kinburns’ka Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226726 places/27957 Black S. m 1794 46.688537 31.904405 Parutyne, on R Bug, Roman naval base Lehmann, Pauly, Gordieiev, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226546 places/22004 Black S. a 1794.1 46.901000 31.987000 Radsad http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226735 places/27960 Black S. m 1794.2 46.627000 32.020000 Bublikova Balka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226549 places/27894 Black S. m 1794.3 46.612800 32.063700 Pugach http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226731 places/27959 Black S. m 5 5 0 6 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 Olbia, Borysthenes, port of the Borysthenits, on R Hypanis, Danapris Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 26 ; Arrian, Peripl, 32 Herodotus, Hist, 4, 17 ; Strabo, Geogr, 7, 3 ; Arrian, Peripl, 31 rs X Vol. I, Page 259 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1794.4 46.609700 32.103500 Aleksandrovka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226514 places/27880 Black S. m 1794.5 46.556039 32.147822 Stanislavskoye, at the mouth of R Dniepr http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226623 places/27916 Black S. m 1794.6 46.480900 32.234500 Rybal'chye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226743 places/27964 Black S. m 1794.7 46.435300 32.030000 Yagorlytskoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226824 places/27981 Black S. m 1795 46.375000 31.528000 Eones cape Tendrivs’ka Arrian, Peripl, 31 1795.1 46.204966 31.852853 port of the Acheans, Achille's course Tendrivs’ka Kosa island Scymnos, Periodos Pauly, Gordieiev 1796 46.107588 32.282864 Hylaia, Pidea Zaliznyi Port 1797 46.023000 32.943000 46.252800 33.294000 Dzharylhach island in Dzharylhach'ka gulf, with an outlet near Lazurne Kalanchak, on R Kalanchak Arrian, Peripl, 31 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 5 1798 Bonus Portus, North of Kephalonesos insula, in Tamyrakes kolpos Karkine? 1798.1 46.161620 33.692720 Taphros, Tafros 1799 45.695017 33.042744 Perekop, near Armians’k with canal crossing the Crimea isthmus Masliny, Sjeverne Hippolaou Akra, at the mouth of R Borysthenes Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Gordieiev Ukraine Black S. a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/226506 Ukraine Black S. a Gordieiev, Batlas http://pleiades.stoa places Hylaeum .org/places/854680 Mare in Dniprovs'ka gulf at outlet of R Dniepr Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/226775 Ukraine Black S. a Ukraine Black S. a Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226652 places/27925 Black S. m Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226777 places/27975 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226685 places/27940 Black S. m 7 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 X Vol. I, Page 260 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1799.1 45.679500 33.003700 Burnel http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226551 places/27896 Black S. m 1799.2 45.662900 32.964900 Groty http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226612 places/27915 Black S. m 1799.3 45.580000 32.840000 Mezhvodnoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226687 places/27941 Black S. m 1799.4 45.578500 32.931400 Dzharylgach http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226591 places/27907 Black S. m 1800 45.552869 32.813667 Panskoye, in Yarylhats’ka Bay Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226710 places/27949 Black S. m 1801 45.517630 32.714032 Gordieiev places it on Donuzlav lake http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226646 places/22026 Black S. a 1801.1 45.492900 32.620200 Karmyshev bay, port of Abuzlar? http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226504 places/27878 Black S. m 1801.2 45.481200 32.591400 Kipchak bay, port of Kastel? http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226656 places/27927 Black S. m 1801.3 45.457000 32.547500 Great Castel bay, port of Dzhangul? http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226589 places/27905 Black S. m 1801.4 45.407000 32.490000 Ocheretay bay, port of Chorotay? http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226568 places/27900 Black S. m 1802 45.383000 32.523000 Karadzhinskoye near Olenivka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226650 places/27923 Black S. m 1802.1 45.329000 32.680000 port of Oyrat and Dzhan-Baba? http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226588 places/27904 Black S. m Kalos Limen, Calos Chornomors’ke, in Achmechet bay Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 ; Arrian, Peripl, 30 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 Vol. I, Page 261 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 5 0 1802.2 45.367043 32.863964 Kulcuk, Kulchuk http://data.pastpla 16505 Ukraine Black S. m 1802.3 45.362281 32.905978 Belyaus http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/228840 Ukraine Black S. m 1803 45.164263 33.290377 Chaika, near Zaozerne http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/228851 Ukraine Black S. m 1804 45.189000 33.379000 1804.1 45.083000 33.555000 Novofedorivka 1804.2 45.139468 33.519253 Kara-Tobe, near Pryberezhne 1805 44.853668 33.567574 Dandace, near Peschanoye 1805.1 44.775700 33.535000 Kacha 1806 44.682600 33.545400 Bel'bekskoye 1807 44.610233 33.596857 Ctenus, Calamita Inkerman? Sebastopol 1808 44.612910 33.531048 Eupatoria, Eupatorion Pivdenna bay? Sebastopol Kerkinitis Yevpatoriia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Arrian, Peripl, 30 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226658 places/22006 Black S. Gordieiev Ukraine Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/228852 Ukraine Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/229543 Ukraine Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226642 places/27919 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226533 places/27886 Black S. m http://data.pastpla 11928 Ukraine Black S. a http://data.pastpla 74044 Ukraine Black S. m Gordieiev Ptol, Geogr, 3, 6 ; Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 Cohen a 5 0 0 4 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 262 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1809 44.610306 33.487901 Chersonesos, Chersonnese, Heraclea Roman naval base, Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 near Karantynna Bay, La Quarantaine 1809.1 44.610000 33.441000 Three ports between Heraclea and cape Parthenium Strilets'ka bay, Kruhla bay, Kamyshova bay 1810 44.564400 33.409600 Palaia Chersonesos, SE of the airport, 10 near cape Parthenium km NW of cape Fiolent 1811 44.502400 33.598000 Portus Symbolorum, port of the Symbols, Symbolon, Bonus Portus Balaklava 1811.1 44.418000 33.704000 Criumetopon Prom. Laspynska bay, near Cape Sarych 1812 44.431700 34.130000 Kharax, Charax Cape Ai-Todor 1813 44.496700 34.185000 Lagyra near Yalta 1814 44.546400 34.301300 Port of Phrourion Hurzuf? 1815 44.571000 34.349000 Port of Lampas Partenit? 1816 44.673649 34.424744 Aluston, Aloustou Phrourion Alushta 1817 44.830980 34.971394 near Sudak 1817.1 44.811000 35.111000 Skythotauron Limen, port of the Tauroscyths, Athenaeum Port of inland settlements: Akra- possibly at cape Bugas, near cape Mehanom Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 Gordieiev Ukraine Black S. a m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226770 places/22025 Black S. a p http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226671 places/41086 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226562 places/22022 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226674 places/27936 Black S. m Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226721 places/27954 Black S. m Gordieiev, Tardieu's Port Holmitis? http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226675 places/27937 Black S. a Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226517 places/27882 Black S. m Hazlitt, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226521 places/22029 Black S. a Gordieiev Arrian, Peripl, 30 a http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226708 places/25153 Black S. Pliny, Hist Nat, 4, 26 Tardieu, Hazlitt, ; Arrian, Peripl, 30 ; Gordieiev Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 3, 6 ; Mela, Geogr, 2, 1 Gordieiev Arrian, Peripl, 30 http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/226564 places/16458 Black S. Gordieiev Ukraine Black S. 4 2 2 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 m Vol. I, Page 263 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Deresi, Tokluk, Koz, Kefessia 1817.2 44.955000 35.262000 Aphineon? Callitra? Koktebel 1818 45.026756 35.403110 Theodosia, Theodosie, Caffa Theodosia 1819 45.008242 35.832027 Cazeca, Kazeka 1820 45.027976 36.202315 1821 45.079350 1821.1 Gordieiev Ukraine Black S. m Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854743 places/22007 Black S. a p rs Cape Chauda Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 ; Arrian, Peripl, 30 ; Demosthenes, Androcles/Lacrite, 28 & Ctesippos/Leptine, 29 Arrian, Peripl, 30 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854694 places/23358 Black S. a 3 0 Port Cimmerion, Cimmerium, Kimmerikon Cape Opuk Arrian, Peripl, 29 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854696 places/22008 Black S. a 5 0 0 36.426300 Kytai, Kitey South of Cape Takyl Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/854703 Ukraine Black S. m 45.132641 36.427795 Akra, Zephyrium North of Cape Takyl Vakhonieiev, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/854663 Ukraine Black S. m 1821.2 45.215650 36.406820 http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854684 places/27547 Black S. m 1822 45.236682 36.417346 Nymphaion, Nymphaeum about 13 km from Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 Kerch, near Eltiguen memorial Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854715 places/22009 Black S. a 1822.1 45.277080 36.407200 Tyritake, Tiritaca near Pryozerne industrial port Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854745 places/22011 Black S. m 1822.2 45.317000 36.486000 Hermissus Cape Ak Burun Gordieiev Ukraine Black S. m Geroyevka Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 X 5 5 0 rs 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 r Vol. I, Page 264 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1823 45.351000 36.468500 Pantikapaion, Panticapee Kerch 1824 45.353200 36.521400 Myrmekion Cape Karantynnyi, East of Kerch 1825 45.369000 36.615600 Parthenion 1825.1 45.426500 36.527800 1825.2 45.476783 36.337184 1825.3 45.472000 36.212600 1825.4 45.473640 1825.5 Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854719 places/22010 Black S. a 6 0 0 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854710 places/22012 Black S. m near Zukovka http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854721 places/22013 Black S. m Porthmion, Porthmia near Yurkine http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854726 places/22014 Black S. m Zenonos Chersonesos, Zenon Hersonissos Kurtortnoe, near Cape Zyuk, Ziuk http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854751 places/22015 Black S. m General'skoye Vostochnoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854683 places/27546 Black S. m 36.189080 Salachik http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854728 places/27558 Black S. m 45.453800 36.102200 Zolotoye Vostochnoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854753 places/27569 Black S. m 1825.6 45.439460 36.072050 Zolotoye http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854752 places/27568 Black S. m 1825.7 45.459174 35.843472 http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854662 places/27539 Black S. m 1825.8 45.438880 35.825880 http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854712 places/27557 Black S. m 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 0 5 5 0 Heracleon Cape Kazantyp, near Mysove Mysovoye Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 7, 4 ; Arrian, Peripl, 29 ; Demosthenes, Androcles/Lacrite, 28 Gordieiev Vakhonieiev, Gordieiev Vol. I, Page 265 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1825.9 45.381200 35.760700 1826 46.155000 34.820000 1826.1 46.353000 1826.2 Semenovka Neontichos, Enichi, Henichi http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/854734 places/27561 Black S. m 3 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/825307 places/30735 Black S. m 5 5 0 7 5 0 3 0 Heniches’k Gordieiev 35.340000 Kyrylivka, at root of cape Fedotova Gordieiev 46.610000 36.180000 Obytichna gulf Gordieiev, BAtlas places Kremnoi in this bay 1826.3 46.710000 36.760000 Berdians’ka gulf Gordieiev 1826.4 46.910000 37.270000 Halieuma Theou, Palestra, Palastra in Bilosarais'ka gulf Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/825268 places/30722 Black S. m 1826.5 47.086000 37.821000 Hygreis Shyrokine, East of Marioupol Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Ukraine .org/places/825272 places/30723 Black S. m 1827 47.135000 38.474000 Karoia Mius’kyi Firth, near cape Beglyts’ka Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825284 places/30726 Black S. m 1828 47.211800 38.950000 Kremnoi, Kremny Taganrog Castelli, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825396 places/30772 Black S. m 1829 47.268109 39.335434 Tanaïs, on R Tanais near Nedvigovka on R Don Castelli, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825397 places/22023 Black S. a 1829.1 47.244300 39.499560 several places close to SukhoChaltyrskoye http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825393 places/30770 Black S. m 1829.2 47.187000 39.627000 Nizhne-Gnilovskoye http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825337 places/30746 Black S. m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 11, 2 ; Arrian, Peripl, 29 3 0 rs 6 7 5 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 266 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1829.3 47.194800 39.673700 Temirnitskoye http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825401 places/30773 Black S. m 1829.4 47.209000 39.700000 Rostovskoye http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825369 places/30757 Black S. m 1829.5 47.218000 39.750000 Kizitirinskoye http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825296 places/30731 Black S. m 3 0 1829.6 47.229000 39.830000 Kobyakovo http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825297 places/30732 Black S. m 3 0 1830 47.159809 39.491058 Yelizavetovskoye Gorodishche http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825297 places/30732 Black S. m 3 0 1830.1 47.160830 39.445120 Kazachiy Yerik http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825285 places/30727 Black S. m 3 0 1830.2 47.129130 39.470500 Stanitsa Yelizavetovskaya http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825386 places/30764 Black S. m 1830.3 47.116500 39.421200 Patarva Podazovskoye, inside the fortress of Azov Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825355 places/30752 Black S. m 3 3 0 3 0 1830.4 47.120800 39.389800 Paniardis Krepostnoe, near Azov Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825423 places/30781 Black S. m 3 0 3 0 1830.5 Gordieiev Marchenko Vysochino 1831 47.034000 39.123000 Pavlo-Ochakovo Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825346 places/30750 Black S. m 1831.1 46.962000 38.921000 Chambur-Kosa Gordieiev Russia Black S. m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 267 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1832 46.743056 38.417705 Pataroue, near R Rhombites Megas, Rombit near Glafirovka, on Yeysky liman with R Yeya Strabo, Geogr, 11, 2 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825350 places/30751 Black S. a 1832.1 46.219000 38.227000 R Rhombites Mikro, Rombit Beysugsky liman and R Beysug Strabo, Geogr, 11, 2 Gordieiev Russia Black S. a 1832.2 46.000700 38.197500 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825325 places/30738 Black S. m 1833 45.960000 38.102000 http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825235 places/30710 Black S. m 1833.1 45.517540 38.001750 Belikov, SE of Achuyevo Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825239 places/30712 Black S. m 1833.2 45.194000 37.666000 Gordieiev, Giaime (2016) Russia Black S. m 1833.3 45.153700 37.562900 Krasnyy October, Red October, West of Slavyansk-naKubani near Semibratneye Gorodishche, near Varenikovskaya http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825375 places/30758 Black S. m 1833.4 45.208900 37.286000 Strelka Giaime (2016) Russia Black S. m 1834 45.334212 37.278300 Golubitskoye Gorodishche http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/856278 places/30721 Black S. m 1834.1 45.218660 37.174770 Starotitarovskaya http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854737 places/27562 Black S. m 1835 45.337622 37.211466 Stanitsa Peresyp http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854744 places/27566 Black S. m 1835.1 45.280000 37.123000 Duboviy Mys http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854678 places/27545 Black S. m Mertvyy Redant, SE of PrimorskoAkhtarsk Azara Labrita, Labrys Tyrambe near Sadki Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 268 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1836 45.408398 36.970666 Kuchugury 1836.1 45.439420 36.769743 1836.2 45.390000 36.788000 1837 45.357083 36.764766 1838 45.313152 36.853760 1838.1 45.327000 36.930000 1839 45.294983 36.982623 Kepoi, Cepi near Sennoy 1840 45.277000 36.965900 Phanagoria near Sennoy 1841 45.219520 36.714220 Hermonassa Ataman 1842 45.213532 36.614144 Korokondame near Ataman 1842.1 45.112600 36.861000 Bugaz 1843 45.039794 37.085413 Stanitsa Blagoveshchenskay a Achillion Patrasys http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854702 places/27553 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854689 places/27548 Black S. m Batareyka near Zaporozhskoye http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854669 places/27541 Black S. m Kamennaya near Zaporozhskoye http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854692 places/27550 Black S. m near Zaporozhskoye http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/854723 Russia Black S. m Tatarskiy http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854741 places/27565 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854695 places/22017 Black S. m near Il'ich Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vakhonieiev Gordieiev Strabo, Geogr, 11, 2 Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854724 places/22018 Black S. a Gordieiev, Giaime (2016) http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854687 places/22019 Black S. m http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854699 places/27551 Black S. m Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/854673 places/27544 Black S. m Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825384 places/30763 Black S. m 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 rs 3 3 0 7 5 0 3 5 0 5 5 0 5 4 3 5 5 0 5 5 0 X Vol. I, Page 269 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1844 44.970273 37.239085 Khutor Blagoveshchenskiy http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825292 places/30729 Black S. m 1845 44.896000 37.310000 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825265 places/22020 Black S. a p 1845.1 44.761800 37.381100 Sukko, near cape Utrish Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825394 places/30771 Black S. m 1845.2 44.708000 37.453000 Malyy Utrish Russia Black S. m 1845.3 44.675800 37.560000 Dyurso http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825257 places/30719 Black S. m 1845.4 44.666000 37.639000 Yuzhnaya Ozereyka http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825428 places/30784 Black S. m 1845.5 44.654000 37.765000 Myskhako http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825332 places/30742 Black S. m 1846 44.723333 37.793801 http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825237 places/30711 Black S. a p 1846.1 44.646000 37.928000 http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825281 places/30725 Black S. m 1847 44.571643 38.034439 Torikos, Pragrae, Pagres, Heptalou, Eptala Gelendzhik Scylax, Peripl ; Arrian, Peripl, 28 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825407 places/30775 Black S. a p 1848 44.349313 38.529342 Palaia Achaia, Vetus Achaia, Ancienne Achaia Arkhipo-Osipovka? on R Vulan Arrian, Peripl, 28 Gordieiev, BAtlas locates it at Tuapse http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/825345 places/30749 Black S. a Sindicos, Sindique, Gorgippia, Anapa Bata, Bathai, Patous, Port Hieron Anapa Novorossiysk, on R Tsemes Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Arrian, Peripl, 28 ; Scymnos, Periodos ; Ptol, Geogr, 5, 9 Arrian, Peripl, 28 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 ; Ptol, Geogr, 5, 9 Pauly, Gordieiev Kabardinka Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 270 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1849 44.233168 38.830548 Vetus Lazica, Ancienne Lazique Novomikhaylovskoy e? on R Nechepsuho Arrian, Peripl, 28 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/828282 Russia Black S. a 1850 44.085518 39.057199 Nicopsis, shelter East of a promontory not named by Arrian? Tuapse, East of cape Kadosh Arrian, Peripl, 28 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/860844 Russia Black S. a p 1850.1 43.895000 39.333000 Zigoi, Zigi Lazarevskoye Russia Black S. m 1850.2 43.623000 39.693000 http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/857225 places/34392 Black S. m 1851 43.573000 39.707000 outlet of R Achaeunte, Achaious http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857009 a p 1852 43.541000 39.788000 Masaitike, at outlet of Matsesta, on R R Masaetica, Matsesta Masaetique Arrian, Peripl, 27 1853 43.412000 39.920600 Herakleion Prom. near outlet of R Naessus, Nesis Pobeda, near R Khosta Arrian, Peripl, 27 1854 43.411000 39.921000 outlet of R Borgys R Mzynta at Adler, near Sotchi airport 1855 43.379300 40.070900 outlet of R Abascus 1856 43.325000 40.222500 Stennitike, Nitica, Nitike, Triglite Gantiadi Monastery at Tsandripsh, between R Khashupse (East) & R Psou (West) Roman fort near Gagra 1857 43.173600 40.318500 Pityus, Pitynte, Amzara, near R Korax 1857.1 43.166000 40.369000 Gordieiev Mamai Kala, on R Mamayka R Shakhe, Sotchi Arrian, Peripl, 27 Russia Black S. http://pleiades.stoa Russia .org/places/857228 places/29573 Black S. a Gordieiev places it at Sotchi http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857246 Russia Black S. a Arrian, Peripl, 27 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857070 Russia Black S. a Arrian, Peripl, 27 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857007 places/21068 Black S. a 3 0 0 Arrian, Peripl, 27 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857334 places/34181 Black S. a 3 0 Tardieu, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857283 places/21794 Black S. a http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857213 places/29572 Black S. m 3 3 0 3 3 0 Roman fort at Arrian, Peripl, 27 Pitsunda with port on Lake Inkit, near R Bzyb Lidzava Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Gordieiev 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 271 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1858 43.094500 40.808300 1859 43.074000 40.860000 1860 42.990000 40.960000 1861 42.996000 1861.1 Anacopia, Tracheia, near R Apsara Roman fort at Novyj Afon, New Athos, near R Psyrta http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857358 places/41088 Black S. m 3 0 0 Gvandra http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857142 places/29557 Black S. m R Anthemus Krasnyy Mayak, near R Gumista http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857201 places/29569 Black S. m 41.018000 Dioscurias, Sauastopoli, Sebastopolis Sukhumi http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857107 places/22021 Black S. a 3 3 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 42.970000 41.063000 Port Marfitam, Port Mengrels, Klisura, on R Chrysorrhoas ? on R Kelasuri, Kyalasur 1862 42.815000 41.125700 R Astelephus, Stelippon, Euripos R Kodori, possible ancient northern branch of a delta Arrian, Peripl, 13 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857049 places/21067 Black S. a 1863 42.812154 41.121505 R Hippus R Kodori, possible ancient southern branch of a delta Arrian, Peripl, 13 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857163 Abkhazia Black S. a 1864 42.703500 41.460000 Arrian, Peripl, 13 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857143 places/25182 Black S. a 1864.1 42.695600 41.498600 http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857170 places/34388 Black S. m 1865 42.628600 41.501300 Guenos, Gyenos, Ochamchira, on R Cygnus, Neapolis on R Galidzga Cyaneus, Glaucus, Ciani, Tarsuras Roman fort at Ilori, South of Ochamchira, on R Galidzga Siganeon, Zigane on R Roman fort near R Singames (navigable) Gudava Arrian, Peripl, 13 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857385 places/34184 Black S. a 1866 42.389400 41.548000 R Chobus, Chorsos Pichori near R Enguri, near Anaklia Arrian, Peripl, 13 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Abkhazia .org/places/857280 places/27831 Black S. a 1867 42.208800 41.624000 R Charieis, Arios (navigable) northern arm of R Rioni Arrian, Peripl, 13 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857045 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Gordieiev Appian, Mithridatique, 15, 101 ; Arrian, Peripl, 14 Gordieiev Gordieiev Georgia Black S. 5 5 1 7 5 0 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 272 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1868 42.184800 41.709000 Patara Poti, on R Phasis (navigable) Roman fort at Patara Poti, on R Rioni http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857265 places/34177 Black S. a 3 0 1868.1 42.197000 41.764500 Simagre, on R Phasis (navigable) on R Rioni http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857320 places/27834 Black S. m Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857275 places/21795 Black S. a p 7 5 0 6 0 0 1869 42.141300 41.674500 Phasis, between R Phase & lake Paleostomi, Paliastomi Arrian, Peripl, 10 1870 42.011350 41.742610 R Mogrus (navigable) Poti, on southern arm of R Rioni, with Roman naval base (on lake Paliastomi?) R Supsa Arrian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857237 places/23465 Black S. a 1871 41.912200 41.761600 R Isis (navigable) R Natenebi Arrian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857173 Georgia Black S. a 1872 41.816000 41.769000 R Acinasis, Akinases Pichvnari, near Kobuleti on R Kintrish Arrian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857017 places/27832 Black S. a 1873 41.759000 41.741000 Petra Pia Iustiniana Roman fort at Tsikisdziri http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857362 places/23464 Black S. m 1874 41.656123 41.650231 Bathys Limen on R Bathys, Portus Altus Roman fort at Batumistsikhe, on R Korolis Tskali Strabo, Geogr, 9, 2 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 4 http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857060 places/29546 Black S. a p 1875 41.604550 41.565274 R Acampsis (navigable) R Chorokh Arrian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857015 Georgia Black S. a 1876 41.573110 41.573741 Apsaros, Apsaruntos, Apsyrtus Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 4 Arrian, Peripl, 7 http://pleiades.stoa Georgia .org/places/857032 places/21796 Black S. a 1877 41.392000 41.409000 Kissa, on R Kissa Roman fort & naval base at Fort of Gonio, 10 km South of Batumi Hopa http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857188 places/21797 Sea m p 1878 41.353600 41.296700 Arhabia, on R Archabis Arhavi, on R Kabisre Deresi Arrian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857039 a p Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 4 ; Arrian, Peripl, 10 Pauly, Gordieiev Gordieiev Gordieiev TR: Black Sea 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 273 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1879 41.191600 40.960700 R Prytanis R Firtina near Ardesen Arrian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857290 1880 41.181700 40.880500 Atina, Athenae, near R Zagatis Pazar, near Hemsin Deresi Arrian, Peripl, 6 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857050 places/23463 Sea a p 1881 41.089391 40.709049 R Adienus R Madenli near Cayeli Arrian, Peripl, 8 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857011 TR: Black Sea a 1882 41.048905 40.569334 R Ascurus R Askoroz Arrian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857047 TR: Black Sea a 1883 41.036149 40.534456 Rize, on R Tasli Scylax, Peripl ; Arrian, Peripl, 8 1884 40.990875 40.323847 Rhizos, Rhizaion, Becheirikos, Port Bechirique, on R Rhizius R Calos North of Eskipazar 1885 40.972625 40.305805 R Psychros 1886 40.948389 40.259139 1887 40.918188 40.112901 1888 40.942340 40.068253 a 1889 41.004909 39.739089 1890 41.021783 39.596558 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857297 places/21798 Sea a p Arrian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857180 TR: Black Sea a South of Eskipazar Arrian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857292 TR: Black Sea a Ophius, on R Ophis Of, on R Solakli Arrian, Peripl, 8 Susarmia, Sousourmena, Hyssus Portus on R Kora, Missy Portus, Augustopolis Erakleia, Psoron Limen, near Kaine Parenbole Sürmene, on R Manahoz Deresi Arakli, on R Karadere, near Canayer Trapezos, Trapezonte, Trabzon Trapezunt, initial home port of Classis Pontica fleet Ermonassa, Platana, Akcaabat Pulathane Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pauly, Gordieiev TR: Black Sea Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857257 places/23462 Sea a p Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857291 TR: Black Sea m p Scylax, Peripl ; Arrian, Peripl, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 5, 6 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857291 places/36169 Sea a p Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 4 Arrian, Peripl, 24 Lehmann, Gordieiev, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857359 places/21165 Sea a p Arrian, Peripl, 24 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857159 places/29558 Sea a p 7 5 0 6 7 0 3 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 6 5 0 Vol. I, Page 274 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1891 41.079233 39.509828 Chordule, Cordila, Kordyle Akcakale Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 4 ; Gordieiev Arrian, Peripl, 24 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857199 places/29567 Sea a p 3 0 1892 41.104543 39.435566 Hieron Oros Yoroz Burun Arrian, Peripl, 24 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857161 places/29559 Sea a 3 0 0 1893 41.063700 39.318000 Kerasous Kirazlik http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857183 places/29563 Sea m 1894 41.051800 39.277600 Libiopolis, Linopoli Vakfikebir, on R Fol Deresi Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857212 places/29571 Sea m p 5 5 0 3 0 1895 41.068000 39.141000 Coralles, Koralla Eynesil Arrian, Peripl, 24 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857196 places/29566 Sea a 1896 41.044571 38.992223 Philokalea Görele Arrian, Peripl, 24 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857278 places/23453 Sea a p 1897 41.008000 38.850000 Argyria, at outlet of R Tripolis Quarry at Halkavala, Arrian, Peripl, 24 at outlet of R Harsit Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857043 places/38048 Sea a 3 0 1898 41.008085 38.821436 Tripolis Tirebolu Arrian, Peripl, 24 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857360 places/27843 Sea a p 3 0 1899 40.952600 38.705600 Port Zephyriose, Zephyrium Espiye Scylax, Peripl ; Arrian, Peripl, 24 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857383 TR: Black Sea a 1899.1 40.919000 38.515700 Gordieiev TR: Black Sea m 1900 40.928950 38.437060 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857042 places/41092 Sea a 1 5 0 1901 40.926512 38.390134 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857185 places/23452 Sea a p 5 5 0 Kesap, on R Vanazit Aretias insula, Aretide, Areonesos, Arrhentias, Halkeritida, Ares, in front of R Pharnacea Pharnacya, Pharnakeia, Pharnacee, Kerasus, Cerasus, Kerasonte, Choerades Gordieiev Isle of Giresun Adasi, in front of R Aksu Arrian, Peripl, 24 Giresun Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 4 ; Lehmann, Cohen, Arrian, Peripl, 24 Pauly Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 5 5 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 275 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1902 40.947353 38.174747 Ischopolis, at the outlet of R Pharmatenos Bulancak, at outlet of R Pazarsuyu Arrian, Peripl, 24 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857172 places/21207 Sea a p 1903 40.990334 37.932806 R Melanthius R Melet near Ordu Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857232 TR: Black Sea a 1904 40.991364 37.884258 Ordu, near the outlet of R Akcaova Scylax, Peripl ; Arrian, Peripl, 23 Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857200 places/29568 Sea a 7 5 0 1905 41.060300 37.784000 Kotyora, Cotyorum, Kitoros, near the outlet of R Genetes, Genetes, near Cape Genetaios Boona Persembe in the bay of Vona Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857067 places/29547 Sea a p 3 0 1906 41.117387 37.728723 Kilikon Nesos insula, Isle of the Cilicians Isle of Persembe Adasi Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857187 places/41335 Sea a 3 0 1907 41.116000 37.705000 Stamene, Ameneia? near Yason Burnu, Jason's Cape Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857333 places/27835 Sea m 1908 41.034800 37.583800 Polemonium Bolaman Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857285 places/21233 Sea a 1909 41.038000 37.499000 Phabda, Phadisana, Side Fatsa Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857269 places/23451 Sea a p 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 1910 41.108550 37.387574 Ameletos, Camila near Yüceler http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857020 places/23450 Sea m 1911 41.120359 37.332904 R Phigamunte near Cevizdere Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857277 TR: Black Sea a p 1912 41.132700 37.289000 Oenoe, Caena Ünye Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857254 TR: Black Sea a 1913 41.150600 37.170000 R Thoaris R Akcay Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857355 TR: Black Sea a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 276 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1914 41.189159 37.037293 R Beris R Arimdere, near Milic Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857062 1915 41.216698 36.976401 Cape of Amazones, Themiscyra, at the outlet of R Thermodon Terme, on R Terme Süyu Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857350 places/27840 Sea a p 5 5 0 1916 41.245600 37.025800 Lamyron, Herakleion, Heracleum Sivaslilar Köyü Apollonius, Argonauticas, 2, 960 ; Arrian, Peripl, 22; Apollodorus, Bibliotheque, 2, 32 Arrian, Peripl, 23 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857207 places/36259 Sea a 3 0 1917 41.383000 36.660000 Ankon, Acona on R Iris at the outlet of R Yesil http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857029 places/36254 Sea a 1918 41.292400 36.562600 Chadisia on R Chadisia near Kurtulus at the airport of Samsun http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857079 places/36256 Sea m 1919 41.314900 36.339631 Amisos, Amisus, Peiraieus, archaïc Enete Baruthane, near Samsun 1920 41.324900 36.317600 Eupatoria Karasamson 1921 41.487000 36.124000 Eusene Ballica, near Derenköy Arrian, Peripl, 22 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 1922 41.643000 36.070000 Conopaeum, Conope, Conopeius Lacus Cernek Gol, Gernek Gölü 1923 41.697000 36.018000 Naustathmus 1924 41.747620 35.959063 1925 41.569850 35.882748 Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 1 ; Pauly, Gordieiev Solinus, Polyhistor, 44 ; Arrian, Peripl, 22 TR: Black Sea Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 4 ; Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black Arrian, Peripl, 22 ; .org/places/857024 places/21234 Sea Marcian, Peripl, 10 a a p rs http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857121 places/29554 Sea m Gordieiev, BAtlas locates it further South http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857124 places/36258 Sea a Arrian, Peripl, 22 ; Marcian, Peripl, 10 Gordieiev, BAtlas locates it further South http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857195 TR: Black Sea a Liman Gol, Gölü Arrian, Peripl, 22 ; Marcian, Peripl, 10 Gordieiev, BAtlas locates it further South http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857242 places/23449 Sea a R Halys R Kizilirmak at cape Bafra Marcian, Peripl, 10 ; Gordieiev Arrian, Peripl, 22 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/857148 a Gadilon, Helega? on R Halys Bafra Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 TR: Black Sea http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857128 places/23448 Sea X X 3 0 m 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 277 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1926 41.636000 35.603000 Zaliches, Leontopolis on R Zaleco Alacam Marcian, Peripl, 10 1926.1 41.638876 35.501672 1927 41.686531 35.415002 Zagora Cayagzi 1928 41.752598 35.238398 Garzoubanthon, Orgibate Kurzuvet 1929 41.792039 35.201452 Karousa, Carusa, Caruse, Polichnion Gerze 1930 41.928869 35.090278 Kyptasia near Demirciköy 1931 42.020602 35.148850 Sinopa, Sinope Sinop 1932 42.025972 35.178924 Scopelus peninsula of Sinope Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; Strabo, Geogr, 10, 2 & 12, 3 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 ; Plutarch, Pericles, 20 ; Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Xenophon, Anabase, 6 Marcian, Peripl, 9 1933 42.031935 35.074574 R Ochosbanes, Ochthomanes R Karasu Cayi 1934 42.050028 35.058280 Armene, Harmene, port of Sinop Akliman Yakakent Liman Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857381 places/27847 Sea AdG Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; Marcian, Peripl, 10 Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; Marcian, Peripl, 10 Gordieiev Gordieiev TR: Black Sea a 3 0 m p http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857379 places/23447 Sea a 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857132 places/23446 Sea m 3 0 0 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857181 places/29562 Sea a p http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844996 places/27514 Sea m 5 5 0 3 0 Lehmann, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/857321 places/21208 Sea a p rs http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/845065 TR: Black Sea a Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/845025 TR: Black Sea a Strabo, Geogr, 12, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Anabase, 6 ; Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844865 places/27461 Sea X 7 5 1 a p 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 278 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1935 42.060269 35.042210 Harmene? Hamsilos AdG, Gordieiev TR: Black Sea m p 1935.1 42.098035 34.955292 Gerna, Leptes? Inceburun Gordieiev, Doonan (2011) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/845004 TR: Black Sea m p 1936 41.948450 34.560000 Potamoi, Potamos Camurka, near Ayancik Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/845045 TR: Black Sea a 1937 41.965000 34.501200 Stephane Caylioglu, near cape Scylax, Peripl ; Usta Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Tardieu, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845068 places/27530 Sea a 1938 41.945262 34.279437 Koloussa Güllüsu Liman, West of Türkeli http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844989 places/27508 Sea m 1939 41.967000 34.166000 Kinolis and Antikinolis Ginoglu Liman, near Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; Kaslica Marcian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev places it at Yaka Koyu, near Abana http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844984 places/27504 Sea a 1940 41.981000 33.972600 Aeginetes Yaka Ören, outlet of Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; R Ilisi, near Abana Marcian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev places it at Evrenye, Gemiciler http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844853 places/27456 Sea a 3 0 0 1941 41.981333 33.758788 Abonuteichos, Abonutichus, Abonus, Ionopolis Inebolu Arrian, Peripl, 20 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Pauly, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844847 places/27453 Sea a p 3 0 1942 41.990000 33.601000 Garium, Gario Özlüce? Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844927 places/27481 Sea a 3 0 1943 42.009959 33.466118 Zephyrium Doganyurt Arrian, Peripl, 20 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845098 places/27537 Sea a p 3 0 1944 42.012600 33.398000 Marsylla, Kallistratia? Marcula Plaji Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845015 places/27519 Sea a 3 0 1945 42.021193 33.362693 Karambis Prom. Ilyasbey on Cape Kerempe Arrian, Peripl, 20 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844970 places/27495 Sea a 3 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Arrian, Peripl, 21 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 279 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1946 42.009500 33.307500 Timolaion, Timolaium Güble, near Cayyaka Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845082 places/27532 Sea a 3 0 1946.1 41.960000 33.171000 Thyne, Thymena, Timena, Teuthrania? Timne, near Ugurlu Arrian, Peripl, 20 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845079 places/27531 Sea a 3 0 1947 41.941400 33.085600 Klimax, Climace Sakalli Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844986 places/27505 Sea a 3 0 1948 41.901342 32.984664 Aegialus Cide Arrian, Peripl, 20 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844852 places/27455 Sea a p Arrian, Peripl, 20 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844997 places/27515 Sea a p Arrian, Peripl, 20 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844994 places/27512 Sea a Gordieiev TR: Black places/27512 Sea Arrian, Peripl, 20 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844918 places/27480 Sea a Amasra Strabo, Geogr, 12, 3 ; Arrian, Peripl, 20 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Lehmann, Cohen, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844856 places/21253 Sea a R Parthenius Poseidon temple at outlet of R Bartin Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 9 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845043 places/36609 Sea a 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 1949 41.859419 32.858033 Kytoros, Cytorus, Cytore Gideros, near Kumluca 1950 41.830868 32.669820 Kromna, Cromna Kurucasile 1950.1 41.846000 32.723300 Tripoli Tekkeönü 1951 41.784254 32.481548 Erythrinoi, Erythines, Erifin Cakraz, near Senyurt 1952 41.754893 32.386015 Amastris, Sesamos, Sesamus 1953 41.686554 32.215629 1954 41.611000 32.150000 Mokata? on R Psillide Muda, formerly Mukata Marcian, Peripl, 9 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845023 places/27522 Sea a 1955 41.583552 32.045434 R Billaeus, Billaios R Filyos near Sazköy Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/844877 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Gordieiev places it at Denizkonak Lehmann TR: Black Sea m 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 280 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1956 41.571794 32.024700 port of Tieion, Tieum, Tius, Billaios Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 ; Scylax, Peripl Psylla Filyos, Hisarönü, with a submerged breakwater connected to the promontory Isikveren 1957 41.525800 31.900000 1958 41.488533 31.827473 Krenides 1959 41.459393 31.786670 1960 41.412321 1961 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845084 places/21424 Sea a p rs Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845051 places/27527 Sea a 3 0 near Kilimli Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844992 places/27511 Sea a Sandaraca, Sandarake Zonguldak Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845055 places/27528 Sea a p 3 3 0 3 0 31.682260 Oxinas on R Oxinem, Iliksu Köyü, near Esenköy Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845030 places/27524 Sea a 41.378872 31.604219 Nymphae Cavusagzi Arrian, Peripl, 19 TR: Black Sea a 1962 41.374739 31.588112 Tyndarides Kireclik Arrian, Peripl, 19 TR: Black Sea a 1963 41.365360 31.542509 Posidium Alacaagzi Arrian, Peripl, 19 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 TR: Black Sea a 1964 41.331225 31.464391 Metroum, Metroon, Aulia Köseagzi near Bali Arrian, Peripl, 19 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845017 places/27520 Sea a 1965 41.317010 31.417137 Cape Acherousias, Akonai vers Kemer Köyü Apollonius, Argonauticas, 2, 725 Pauly http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/844849 a 1966 41.282100 31.413000 Herakleia Pontica, Heraclee Eregli Strabo, Geogr, 12, 3 ; Arrian, Peripl, 18 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 Lehmann, Hazlitt, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844944 places/21254 Sea a p 1967 41.245359 31.391451 R Lycus R Gülüc South of the port of Eregli Arrian, Peripl, 18 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/652354 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Tardieu, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/847912 TR: Black Sea TR: Black Sea X 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 281 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1968 41.216755 31.406413 Kilisecik near Göktepe http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844981 places/27501 Sea m 3 0 1969 41.182038 31.375819 Nippus, Cales on R Calete Alapli on R Alapli Arrian, Peripl, 18 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844961 places/27491 Sea a http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844913 places/27476 Sea a 5 5 0 3 0 1970 41.119224 31.300354 Elaios on R Elaeus near Kocaman Arrian, Peripl, 18 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 1971 41.100000 31.215000 Kalesa, Kelesa near Cayagzi http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844978 places/27500 Sea m 3 0 1972 41.096700 31.186000 Lilius, Lilaios East of Akcakoca Arrian, Peripl, 18 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/845005 places/27516 Sea a 3 0 1973 41.092400 31.123300 Dia, Diaspolis, Diospolis Akcakoca Marcian, Peripl, 8 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/844907 places/27475 Sea a 3 0 1974 41.079158 30.967863 R Hypius, Hippius R Melen, Buyukmelen, near Melenagzi Arrian, Peripl, 18 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/844950 TR: Black Sea a 1975 41.130681 30.649346 R Sangarius, border of R Sakarya near Bithynia Ihsaniye Arrian, Peripl, 18 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/511406 TR: Black Sea a 1976 41.195000 30.337000 Chalai, Cheles Dikili Sahili Arrian, Peripl, 18 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511208 places/23439 Sea a 1977 41.214126 30.260447 Isle of Thynias, Isle of Apollonia Kefken Adasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511446 places/41097 Sea a 1978 41.170400 30.224412 Rhoe on R Rhoes Kefken Apollonius, Pauly, Gordieiev Argonauticas, 2, 670 ; Arrian, Peripl, 18 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 ; Scymnos, Periodos Arrian, Peripl, 18 http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511400 places/31428 Sea a 3 0 1979 41.156349 30.194158 Calpas, Calpe, Kalpe Kerpe Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 1 ; Tardieu, Gordieiev Solinus, Polyhistor, 44 ; Xenophon, Anabase, 6 ; Arrian, http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511285 places/31396 Sea a 5 5 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Gordieiev 3 3 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 282 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Peripl, 3 & 17 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 1980 41.140762 30.019743 Tenba near Bagirganli 1981 41.143723 29.847963 Psillion on R Psillis Yesilcay on R Agua, Göksu Arrian, Peripl, 17 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511387 places/31425 Sea a 1982 41.178163 29.606460 Artanes and Chelaita on R Artanes Sile Arrian, Peripl, 17 ; Marcian, Peripl, 8 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/511161 places/23437 Sea a 1983 41.226963 29.210147 Rhebas on R Rhebas Riva on R Iriva, near Cayagzi Arrian, Peripl, 17 Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: Black .org/places/521134 places/31500 Sea a 1984 41.220430 29.157334 Gomon? near Anadolufeneri http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521020 places/31465 Bosphorus S m 1985 41.202113 29.119694 Mochadion near Poyrazköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521086 places/31479 Bosphorus S m 3 0 0 1986 41.187700 29.116400 Chelae near Yoros Kale http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520991 places/31458 Bosphorus S m 3 0 1987 41.175242 29.086350 Anadolu Kavagi, temple of Jupiter Urius http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521046 places/23435 Bosphorus S a 3 0 1988 41.164064 29.072073 Heraeon, Hereum Prom., Hieron Chalkedonion, Zeus Ourios Argyronion Macar tabya http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520963 places/31453 Bosphorus S m 3 0 1989 41.152608 29.075837 Daphne Mainimene? Nymphaion? Umur yeri http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521003 places/31461 Bosphorus S m 1990 41.138072 29.076805 Moukaporis Hunkar Iskelesi http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521087 places/31480 Bosphorus S m 3 3 0 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/511433 Procopius, Edifices, 1, 11 ; Arrian, Peripl, 17 Gordieiev TR: Black Sea m 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 Vol. I, Page 283 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1991 41.134566 29.087050 Amycus, Amykos, Portus Amyci Beykoz 1992 41.124124 29.095077 Palodes 1993 41.109023 29.080276 Eiranaion in the bay of Katangeion 1994 41.094172 29.065214 1995 41.087307 1996 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520957 places/31450 Bosphorus S a Sultaniye http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521104 places/31485 Bosphorus S m Cubuklu http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521012 places/31463 Bosphorus S m 3 0 0 Boradion in the bay of Kanlica Koyu Melias http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520976 places/31455 Bosphorus S m 3 0 0 29.065020 Phiela, Phiale Körfez http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521116 places/31493 Bosphorus S m 3 0 41.082358 29.065026 Potamonion Anadolu Hisari http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521126 places/31497 Bosphorus S m 3 0 1997 41.078480 29.063017 Nausikleia, Port Azarus Kücüksu http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521093 places/31482 Bosphorus S m 3 0 1998 41.074934 29.058339 Proochthoi, Brochtoi near Kandilli? http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521129 places/31498 Bosphorus S m 3 0 1999 41.067751 29.055235 bay of Lykadion near Kandilli http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/523223 TR: Bosphorus S m 2000 41.058207 29.051703 Nausimachion S Vaniköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521094 places/31483 Bosphorus S m 3 0 2001 41.048624 29.051118 Kikonion near Cengelköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521058 places/31475 Bosphorus S m 3 0 2001.1 41.045400 29.044000 Sophianai Roman villa at Beylerbey http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521155 places/35559 Bosphorus S m 3 0 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 43 Tardieu 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 284 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2002 41.030040 29.013073 Damalis, Bous, Scutari, Üsküdar http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521001 places/31460 Bosphorus S m 2002.1 41.021100 29.004200 Chrysopolis insula 2003 40.993064 29.019416 Chalkedon, Chalcedon, Chalcedoine, Himeros isle of Kiz Kulezi (Maiden Tower), near Üsküdar, with ancient lighthouse Kadiköy in front of Istanbul Christiansen, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520995 places/22696 Bosphorus S m Lehmann, Tardieu, Flemming, Gordieiev http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521036 places/31469 Marmara S a 2004 40.977127 29.032451 Kadiköy in front of Istanbul 2005 40.966314 29.037228 Chalkedon, Chalcedon, Chalcedoine, Eutropiou Heraion, Hiereia Lehmann, Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521018 places/16677 Marmara S a Fenerbahce http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521029 places/31468 Marmara S m 2006 40.958503 29.066719 Rouphinianai, Drys Caddebostan http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521141 places/31502 Marmara S m 3 0 0 2007 40.947949 29.090085 Poleatikon Bostanci http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521124 places/31496 Marmara S m 3 0 0 2008 40.882176 29.072914 Antigoni, Antioch of Propontis Isle of Burgaz Adasi in the Prince islands Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/520960 places/41169 Marmara S m 2009 40.896011 29.141067 Acritas Dragos near Maltepe Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/521092 TR: Marmara S m 2010 40.866565 29.233356 Panteichium Pendik Marina Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521106 places/31486 Marmara S m 3 0 0 2010.1 40.870000 29.243000 Kosilaos Pendik http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/521061 places/31476 Marmara S m 3 0 0 2011 40.762000 29.542000 Libyssa near Dilovasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511305 places/23434 Marmara S m 3 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Appian, Mithridatique, 10 ; Diodorus, Hist, 18, 20 Appian, Mithridatique, 10 ; Diodorus, Hist, 18, 20 Flemming X r X ? Vol. I, Page 285 6 5 0 5 5 0 6 5 9 6 5 9 3 0 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2012 40.777262 29.616011 Charax Hereke 2012.1 40.773000 29.701000 Brunca 2013 40.740346 29.790969 2014 40.752595 2015 http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511205 places/36424 Marmara S m 3 0 0 Yarimca? http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511193 places/36422 Marmara S m 3 0 0 Elaia Zeytin Burnu? http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511247 places/31386 Marmara S m 3 0 0 29.878164 Arbeila Kurucesme http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511154 places/31360 Marmara S m 3 0 40.764450 29.923490 Olbia, Nikomedia, Nicomedie Izmit Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511337 places/21204 Marmara S a 2016 40.726704 29.929593 Astakos, Astace Izmit South Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511169 places/31363 Marmara S a 2017 40.730505 29.817078 Diolkides near Gölcük http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511237 places/31382 Marmara S m 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 0 0 2018 40.715344 29.715614 Herakleion near Ulasli http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511273 places/31392 Marmara S m 3 0 0 2019 40.698736 29.628146 Prainetos, Praenetus Karamürsel Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511372 places/23433 Marmara S m 3 0 2020 40.715872 29.516502 Helenopolis, Kibotos, Drepanon Hersek Gölü Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511240 places/31383 Marmara S m 3 0 2021 40.676646 29.334511 Strobilos Ciftlikköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511423 places/31436 Marmara S m 2022 40.665790 29.277631 Pylai Yalova http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511389 places/23431 Marmara S m p 3 3 0 3 0 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming Vol. I, Page 286 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2023 40.649665 29.064442 Sangaros Engüre http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511407 places/31430 Marmara S m 2024 40.502822 28.829686 Triton near Armutlu http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/511452 TR: Marmara S m 2025 40.430270 29.144694 Prousias, Prusias ad Mare, Kios Gemlik http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511385 places/21213 Marmara S m 2026 40.451960 29.344186 Charmidea near Örnekköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511207 places/31373 Marmara S m 2027 40.426600 29.716800 Nikaia, Nicee, Angkore, Helikore, Antigoneia Iznik http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511268 places/21212 Marmara S m 2028 40.427438 29.413277 Phytopolis near Sölöz http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511391 places/31427 Marmara S m 2029 40.363935 29.022281 Elekosmioi Kursunlu http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511249 places/31387 Marmara S m 2030 40.373415 28.893219 Apameia Myrlea, Brylleion, Iulia Concordia Mudanya near Bursa Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511194 places/21214 Marmara S m 2030.1 40.394158 28.799347 Triglia, Trilye Zeytinbagi Sahin (2011) http://data.pastpla 67363 TR: Marmara S m 2030.2 40.379030 28.724505 Caesarea Germanica Kapanca Sahin (2011) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/511267 TR: Marmara S 2031 40.368113 28.668347 Daskyleion, Eskel Limani Dascylium, Antigoneia near Daskyleion Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming 2032 40.163849 28.675363 Apollonia ad Rhyndakos, Ryndakos Lehmann, Cohen Apolyont, Gölyazi on Lake Ulubat Gölü Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Cohen Lehmann, Cohen 3 0 0 7 5 0 3 0 rs X ? 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 rs X 5 5 0 m r X http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511226 places/31377 Marmara S m rs X ? http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511151 places/21215 Marmara S m 5 5 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 287 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2033 40.171740 28.588840 Daphnous Uluabat Gölü http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511222 places/31376 Marmara S m 2033.1 40.212940 28.429190 Miletouteichos? Ulubat http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511320 places/31405 Marmara S m 2034 40.404455 28.375894 Skylake near Malkara http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511419 places/31434 Marmara S m 2035 40.402541 28.274200 Plakia Kursunlu Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511366 places/31417 Marmara S m 2036 40.132240 28.050389 Daskyleion, Pemaninos Ergili on Lake Manyas Gölü Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511225 places/21538 Marmara S m 2037 40.365745 27.934920 Thrakia Kome near Bandirma Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511440 places/31444 Marmara S m 2038 40.382759 27.893588 Cyzique, Cyzicos, Kyzikos, home port of Classis Pontica fleet on the isthmus of the peninsula of Erdek Lehmann, Flemming, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511218 places/21425 Marmara S a 2039 40.376462 27.874753 Chytos, port of Cyzique on the isthmus of the peninsula of Erdek Plutarch, Alcibiade, 28 ; Appian, Mithridatique, 11 ; Strabo, Geogr, 12, 8 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 Apollonius, Argonauticas, 1, 970 TR: Marmara S a 2040 40.395193 27.788782 Artace, Artake Erdek on the peninsula of Erdek Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 40 Lehmann, Flemming 2041 40.514141 27.784669 Bathys Limen Turan 2042 40.406259 27.920051 Calos, Peramos natural shelter, Tatlisu Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Apollonius, Argonauticas, 1, 970 rs X ? http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511158 places/31361 Marmara S a p rs X http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511182 places/31370 Marmara S m TR: Marmara S 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 a Vol. I, Page 288 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2043 40.487194 27.603401 Halone, on the isle of Halone, Old Proconnesos? Pasalimani, on the isle of Pasalimani Adasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511262 places/31389 Marmara S m 3 0 2043.1 40.500655 27.506947 Isle of Elaphonnesos Isle of Avsa Adasi? Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511248 places/41102 Marmara S a http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511378 places/31422 Marmara S a p 5 5 0 7 5 0 2044 40.582252 27.557503 Proconnesus, on the isle of Proconnese Port Marmara, on the isle of Marmara Adasi Plutarch, Alcibiade, 28; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 2044.1 40.653303 27.659173 Palatia, on the isle of Proconnese Saraylar, on the isle of Marmara Adasi http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/511378 m p 2045 40.338908 27.404111 Harpagion near Bozlar http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511264 places/31390 Marmara S m 2046 40.412300 27.323900 Priapus, Priape, Baris ? Karabiga Tardieu, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511375 places/23581 Marmara S a 2047 40.435630 27.204190 Linon, Linus Sahmelek Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511308 places/31403 Marmara S m 2048 40.455407 27.149023 Pitya Degirmencik Flemming TR: Marmara S m 2049 40.425700 27.067400 Parion, Parium, Gemella Iulia, Hadriana Kemer 2050 40.408198 26.779828 Paisos 2051 40.384650 26.719849 Abarnis 2052 40.348690 26.689980 Lampsaque, Pityoussa Lapseki Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 a near Adatepe Köyü http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501544 places/32376 Marmara S m near cardak http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501322 places/32283 Marmara S m http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501570 places/21541 Marmara S a Appian, Guerres civiles, 5, 14 ; Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 Lehmann, Tardieu, Flemming TR: Marmara S http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/511354 places/21426 Marmara S Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 Flemming Tardieu, Flemming 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 rs X 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 289 Catalogue of Ancient Ports ; Plutarch, Lysandre, 11 2053 40.276472 26.587016 port of Percote disappeared city near Umurbey Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501556 places/32384 Marmara S m 2054 40.194200 26.411000 Abydos Nagara Kalesi North of Canakkale Pauly, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501325 places/22863 Marmara S a 2055 40.071112 26.385170 Dardanus Güzelyali Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/501393 places/23580 Marmara S a 2056 40.023150 26.331300 Ophrynium, Ophrynee Erenköy Flemming http://data.pastpla TR: places/27332 Marmara S 44495 m 2057 40.005439 26.318075 Ophryneion-Pteleon, Pteleus 2058 40.015783 26.298813 Rhoition, Rhoeteum, Rhoetee lake near Ophrynium (dried out lake SW of Intepe) promontory North of Kumkale Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/550787 a rs X Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/550856 places/27355 Marmara S m rs X 2059 40.006356 26.279458 Traron near Kumkale http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/550942 places/27382 Marmara S m 2060 40.000000 26.250000 Aianteion near Kumkale http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/550415 places/32290 Marmara S m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 31, 17 & 37, 9 & 37, 14 ; Plutarch, Caesar, 69 ; & Alcibiade, 27 ; Herodotus, Hist, 7, 33 ; Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 12 ; Polybius, Hist, 16, 28 ; Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1, Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 102; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 2, 24 Diodorus, Hist, 13, 45 Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 TR: Marmara S 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 290 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2061 39.989750 26.183720 Sigeion near Cape Sigee promontory NW of Kumkale with Achille's tomb: the port may have been located in a valley, now silted up, of R Scamandre (R Karamenderes) somewhere between Kumkale and Yeniköy Achilleion, 3 km beach Achaeorum portus, between Besike port of the Acheans, Burnu, also called landing beach of the Paleo Kastro, 2 km Greeks during South of Yeniköy, theTroyan war at Ilion and a point 1.5 km North of the Kumburun port terminal Tenedos, Tenedhos Bozcaada, on the insula island Bozcaada in front of Troya, Troie 2062 39.901283 26.150242 2062.1 39.834003 26.082347 2063 39.821900 26.165800 Achaiion Hantepe, near Geyikli 2064 39.751800 26.158500 Alexandria Troas, Indicaia Troas, Antigoneia de Troade Eski Stambul South of Dalyan, Dalayanköy 2065 39.690200 26.162700 Kolonai Besiktepe, near Tavakli 2066 39.615600 26.145600 Larisa, Ptolemais Limantepe, near Tuzla Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Procopius, Guerre Tiverios, Flemming, Vandales, 1, 12 ; Mauro Livy, Hist, 44, 28 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 101 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa TR: .org/places/550877 places/22058 Marmara S a Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 33 Cohen, Tiverios, ; Strabo, Geogr, 13, Flemming, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 9 ; Cuisenier, Mauro Homer, Odyssey, 3, 165 ; Plutarch, Lucullus, 17-18 ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 18 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550401 places/43511 a Procopius, Edifices, 5, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 22 & 44, 28 ; Homer, Odyssey, 3, 160 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 ; Arrian, Alexander, 2, 1 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 2, 24 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550911 places/27370 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550398 places/29487 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550434 places/21154 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550661 places/29073 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550685 places/29085 m Lehmann, Dawson, Mauro Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 33 Lehmann, ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 18 Flemming, Cohen, ; Luke, Acts, 16.11 Pauly, Oleson Cohen 7 5 0 rs r X X 7 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 X Vol. I, Page 291 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2067 39.537000 26.091300 Hamaxitos, Harmatus, Gülpinar Harmatunte Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 101 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550565 places/29041 a 2068 39.518400 26.082000 Chrysa Babakale, Cape Baba Burum, Göztepe Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550500 places/29518 a 2069 39.454542 26.150511 Polymedium, Palamedium Hiyarlik Koyu, Asarlık http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550840 places/27350 m 2070 39.490700 26.336900 Assos, Apollonia Behram Kale http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550463 places/21199 a p rs 2071 39.535400 26.542800 Gargara near Arikli http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550544 places/22868 m 2072 39.567000 26.798400 Antandros and Aspaneus near Altinoluk http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550433 places/22867 m 2073 39.578731 26.887760 Astira, Astyria? Güre, near Kilisetepe http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550468 places/29506 m 2074 39.577539 26.920617 Chryse? Magara Tepe, near Akcay http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550501 places/29519 m 2075 39.528400 26.974200 Miletos near Coruk Blackman http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550742 places/29101 m r 2076 39.504800 26.930000 Adramyttium, Adramytte Ören, near Burhaniye Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 ; Luke, Acts, 27.2 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550403 places/21543 a rs 2077 39.395603 26.796075 Kisthene, Cisthene, Passandra Gömec Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550648 places/29067 a 2077.1 39.370700 26.772500 Koryphas behind Cicek Adasi island http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550667 places/29076 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Luke, Acts, 20.13 ; Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 Lehmann, Flemming Flemming rs X X X X X Vol. I, Page 292 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 3 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 3 0 2078 39.317857 26.685497 Herakleia, Elateia? Ayvalik http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550571 places/29044 m 2079 39.326991 26.658573 Pordoselene, Nasos Alibey, on the isle of Cunda Adasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550841 places/27351 m p 2080 39.212000 26.735000 port of Attea? Ersin Beyhan, near Altinova http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550473 places/29509 m 2081 39.200100 26.804100 Malene, Melene Bahçeli http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550714 places/21582 m 2081.1 39.178980 26.842280 Karene? Assar Kaya http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550621 places/29061 m 2082 39.091400 26.921300 Atarneus Kale Tepe, near Dikili http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550469 places/29507 m 2083 39.039500 26.812100 Cana, Kanai, Kane Prom. http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/550618 TR: West a 2084 39.005270 26.790367 Arginusa insulae, îles Arginuses http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550449 places/41124 a 5 5 0 2084.1 38.922700 26.812000 Elaioussa insula Karadag, near Bademli, island now connected to mainland Isles of Kalem, Garip, near Bademli (the third island being Karadag, now connected to mainland near Kane) Roman villa on Kizkulesi Mardalic Adasi Laufer (2016) http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550524 places/43497 m 2085 38.925700 26.850600 Aternaeus sub Pitanem Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550470 places/29508 m 3 3 0 3 3 0 near Denizköy Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 37, 45 & 37, 12 Seeliger (2016) Thucydides, Cohen, Flemming Peloponnese, 8, 101 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 rs X X Vol. I, Page 293 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2086 38.930239 26.932209 Pitane, main West port Chandarli West Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 ; Plutarch, Lucullus, 5-6 ; Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550833 places/21427 a 2087 38.933260 26.937738 Pitane, possible East port Chandarli East Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 ; Plutarch, Lucullus, 5-6 ; Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550833 places/21427 a 2088 38.941600 27.041000 Elea, Elaia, Elee, port of Pergamum Kazikbaglar Lehmann, Pauly, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550523 places/21544 a 2089 38.876000 27.062200 Grynia, Gryneion disappeared city near Yenisakran Strabo, Geogr, 13, 1 & 3 ; Plutarch, Lucullus, 7 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 43 & 37, 18 & 37, 22 ; Oppian, Halieutica, 5 Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 32 ; Scylax, Peripl Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550555 places/29540 a 2090 38.862208 27.032446 Achaion Limen, port of the Acheans Caltilidere Strabo, Geogr, 13, 3 Pauly http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550399 places/29488 a 2091 38.848398 26.983661 Myrina, Myrine, maritime port North of Aliaga Strabo, Geogr, 13, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550756 places/23582 a r 2091.1 38.844400 26.980500 Myrina, Myrine, river port on R Piticos North of Aliaga, on R Güzelhisa http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550757 places/23582 a r 2092 38.759400 26.936200 Kyme, Cyme, Syme Nemrut Limani, South of Aliaga http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550506 places/21203 a r 2093 38.748520 26.840828 Yenifoca http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550674 places/29078 a 2094 38.670169 26.754260 Ascanius Portus, Ascanian port, Karteris, Carterias? Kyllene? Phokia, Phocee, Focae, Lamptera Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro, http://www.louvre. fr/myrina Strabo, Geogr, 13, 3 Lehmann, ; Scylax, Peripl Flemming, Mauro, http://www.louvre. fr/myrina Strabo, Geogr, 13, 3 Lehmann, ; Scylax, Peripl Flemming, Blackman, Mauro, Oleson Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 32 Mauro ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 101 Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550823 places/21202 a 2094.1 38.666100 26.751900 Phokia, Phocee, Focae, Naustathmos Eskiföca, Foca near Izmir Livy, Hist, 36, 43 & 37, 31 ; Plutarch, Lysandre, 5 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 6 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Livy, Hist, 36, 43 & 37, 31 ; Plutarch, Lysandre, 5 ; Scylax, Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550824 places/21202 a Eskiföca, Foca near Izmir Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 rs X r X X X ? X ? X X X X X X ? 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 7 Vol. I, Page 294 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 6 ; Antonine, Itin Mar 2095 38.556511 26.851041 Leukai, Leucae, Leuce, island Kus Cenneti Leuces now connected to the continent 2096 38.464400 27.170000 Palaia Smyrna, Naulochon Bayrakli, Izmir 2097 38.419000 27.137600 Smyrna, Eurydikeia Izmir, with ancient lighthouse 2098 38.364309 26.775176 Klazomenai, Clazomenae, Clazomenes, Polichne 2099 38.372885 26.783991 2100 38.332525 2101 Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550697 places/29088 a Kayan (2013), Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550771 places/29113 m Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 Cohen, Flemming, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550893 places/21157 a Liman Tepe, near Urla Scylax, Peripl; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 1 Lehmann, Flemming, Sahoglu (2011), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550839 places/27349 a rs X Klazomenai, Clazomenae, Clazomenes Karantina island, near Urla Scylax, Peripl; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 2 Lehmann, Flemming, http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550650 places/21171 a rs X 26.658783 Hypokremnos Gülbahce http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550586 places/29049 m 38.426122 26.590374 Polichna Balikliova? http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550838 places/27348 m 2102 38.610000 26.354700 Kybeleia Badembükü? near Parlak http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550673 places/29077 m 2103 38.557989 26.366180 Helos near Kücükbahce http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550568 places/29042 m 2104 38.538360 26.378974 Phoenicous, Phaenikunte, port of the Phenicians Egri Liman? 2105 38.475400 26.420000 Pteleon near Karareis Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar 5 0 Thucydides, Tardieu, Mauro Peloponnese, 8, 34 ; Livy, Hist, 36, 45 & 37, 16 TR: West http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550847 places/27353 X X 5 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 3 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 a m 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 295 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2106 38.380800 26.481100 2106.1 38.353285 26.312599 2107 38.325202 26.293108 2108 38.288710 2109 Erythrai, Erythras, Erythres Ildir, in front of Chios Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl Pauly, Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro Dalyanköy AdG Boutheia near Cesme Flemming 26.248885 Cissous, Cissus near the cape 38.256635 26.385555 Embaton Alacati, inside Agrilar Limani 2110 38.169553 26.518277 Corycos, Korikos, Corycus, Erythras? Nergiz Koyu near Cape Koraka Burum Livy, Hist, 36, 43 & 37, 12-13 2111 38.141000 26.567000 Kasystes, Casystes Kirkdilim Koyu near Cape Koraka Burum Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 2111.1 38.137537 26.607011 2112 38.204400 26.685900 2113 38.198174 26.783397 2114 38.171124 26.792180 2115 38.045500 26.855130 Livy, Hist, 36, 43 & 37, 12 Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550535 places/21201 TR: West http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550488 places/29516 TR: West a 5 5 0 m 5 5 0 a m p Tardieu, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550536 places/29533 a Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550628 places/29063 a Gökkovar Limani, Kokar AdG Aerae Airai near Demirci Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550419 places/29496 m Portus Gerrhaisticus, Gerraeidae, Cherraedae, Gerai, Gereste, Agra Teos bay of Sigacik Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 27 ; Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Tardieu, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550550 places/29538 a p Teos Limani Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 27 ; Scylax, Peripl Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550913 places/21169 a Myonnesos, Myonese insula near Cape Doganbey Burum Livy, Hist, 37, 13 & 37, 27 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599812 places/41137 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 X m p http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/550528 places/29530 TR: West rs r 5 5 0 3 0 X 3 0 m p r X X Vol. I, Page 296 5 5 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2116 38.029713 26.865886 Macris, Makris at Cape Doganbey Burum Livy, Hist, 37, 28 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599781 places/43433 a 2117 38.021902 26.882006 Aspis insula, Arkonnesos, Ethalia? Doganbey Adasi island Livy, Hist, 37, 13 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599532 places/41138 a 2118 38.073300 26.967300 Lebedos, Ptolemais Urkmez http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599754 places/21477 m 2119 38.023405 27.064601 Dioshieron Özdere http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599595 places/28948 m 2120 37.989300 27.188600 Notion, Notium, port of Colophon and of Klaros Ahmetbeyli Scylax, Peripl ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 5 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599578 places/21475 a 2121 37.983700 27.238600 Port Panorme Yoncaköy http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599864 TR: West a 2122 37.950000 27.364400 Archaic port, North of Artemision, Helibaton, Apasa? Ayasoluk hill, near Selcuk Pausanias, Grece, 5, Lehmann, Tardieu, 7 ; Herodotus, Hist, Mauro 1, 157 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 11 Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 87 Steskal (2014) TR: West places/22847 a 2122.1 37.947600 27.348300 Greek port at Koressos North side of Panayirdag hill, near Selcuk Steskal (2014) TR: West a 2122.2 37.941000 27.340800 Hellenistic port of Ephesos, Arsinoe West side of Panayirdag hill, near Selcuk Steskal (2014) TR: West a 2122.3 37.944000 27.332000 Roman port of Ephesus, Ephese, at the foot of the Peion, Cheileton hill West side of Panayirdag hill, near Selcuk http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599612 places/21155 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Cohen, Flemming Plutarch, Alcibiade, 36 & Lysandre, 5 ; Xenophon, Helleniques, 1, 2-5 ; Scylax, Peripl Livy, Hist, 36, 45 & 37, 11 & 37, 14-15 & 37, 22 & 37, 31 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 4, 7 & 5, 18 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Diodorus, Hist, 20, 107 Tacitus, Annales, 16, 23 ; Luke, Acts, 18.19 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Flemming, Mauro Pauly, Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman, Mauro, Steskal (2014) 3 3 0 3 0 rs X 7 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 X 1 5 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 r X X Vol. I, Page 297 1 3 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Josephus Flavius, Antiquites, 2, 2 ; Plutarch, Sylla, 26 ; Cicero, Atticus 2122.4 37.945400 27.295400 Canakgöl, near Selcuk, with possible lighthouse on top of hill Pamucak, near Selcuk 2122.5 37.942000 27.281600 2123 37.863786 27.248546 Pygela, Phygella, Neapolis Kusadasi 2124 37.822000 27.254000 Marathesion Kusadasi South 2125 37.791554 27.270238 Anaia Kadikalesi 2126 37.723568 27.220511 Melle, Melia, port of Panionion and Herakleion? near Güzelcamli 2127 37.649091 27.016227 Glauke, at Cape Mycale, Mykale, Trogilion, Trogyllium Port Saint Nikolao, near Cape Doganbey 2128 37.634300 27.143800 Thebai 2129 37.626600 27.213700 2130 37.639100 2131 37.659147 Steskal (2014) TR: West m a http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599784 places/29003 m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599490 places/28929 m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599795 places/29005 m Blackman, Mauro, M. Wilson (2013) http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599626 places/28957 a near Karina http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599970 places/43409 m Skolopoeis near Tuzburgazi http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599940 places/30793 m 27.246200 Naulochos Atburgazi http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599818 places/43408 m 27.296660 Priene, Priene Güllübahce on the silted up outlet of R Meandre, Meander http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599905 places/21167 a Luke, Acts (Byz), 20.15 Scylax, Peripl Flemming m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599887 places/22782 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Livy, Hist, 37, 11 TR: West Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Mauro X ? X ? Vol. I, Page 298 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2131.1 37.749000 27.407000 Maiandros Söke? http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599779 places/29001 m 2131.2 37.853000 27.526400 Magnesia ad Maeandrum Tekin http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599778 places/21173 m 2132 37.596600 27.428600 Myus, Myonte near Afsar http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599813 places/29009 m 2133 37.567950 27.370753 Pyrra near Sarikemer http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599915 places/43407 m 2134 37.497400 27.526500 Herakleia ad Latmos, Pleistarcheia Kapikiri on Lake Bafa http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599640 places/21473 a 2135 37.474500 27.508300 Ioniapolis Mersinet Iskelesi, near Pinarcik http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599670 places/28968 m 2136 37.530636 27.279024 Miletos main port, Dokimos Harbour Milet, Lion Harbour 2136.1 37.529514 27.275092 Miletos archaic port Milet, Theater Harbour 2136.2 37.529838 27.272680 Miletos 2136.3 37.533899 27.283992 Miletos commercial port Vött, Mauro Strabo, Geogr, 14,1 Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 ; Arrian, Alexander, 1, 5 ; Plutarch, Caesar, 2 ; Herodotus, Hist, 6, 28 ; Luke, Acts, 20.15 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 17 ; Stadiasmus, 293 ; Chariton, "Chaereas and Callirhoe" 3.2.11 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 Lehmann, Flemming, Tartaron (2013), Brueckner (2014), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599799 places/21166 a Brueckner (2014), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599799 places/21166 a Milet, Athena Harbour Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 Brueckner (2014), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599799 places/21166 a Milet, Humei Tepe Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 Brueckner (2014), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599799 places/21166 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 r r X X 5 5 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 X 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 299 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2136.4 37.526444 27.279917 Miletos commercial port Milet, Eastern Harbour Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 Brueckner (2014), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599799 places/21166 a 2136.5 37.524000 27.267000 Miletos commercial port Milet, Kalabek Tepe Strabo, Geogr, 14, 1 Brueckner (2014), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599800 places/21166 a 2136.6 37.526782 27.220102 Lade, Lade, Lada insula now inland near Batiköy Mauro http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599746 TR: West a 2137 37.403834 27.223324 near Yeniköy 3 km NW of temple of Apollon Lehmann, Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599863 places/43406 a 2138 37.347392 27.207873 Panormum Milesiorum, Panormos, Panhormos, port of Didymes Posideion, Posidio Prom. Herodotus, Hist, 6, 7 ; Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 1724 ; Polybius, Hist, 16, 14 Stadiasmus, 292 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599898 places/43405 a 2139 37.349841 27.283026 Port of Didyme, archaic Branchidae Didyme Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599593 places/22649 m 2140 37.325374 27.482255 Teichiussa, Teikhiousa bay of Kazikli Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599957 places/30799 m 2141 37.279500 27.584500 Iassos, Iasos Kiyikislacik Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 17 ; Stadiasmus, 288 Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599664 places/21191 a p rs 2142 37.250000 27.650000 Passala navale Sakiz, Bodrum airport Stadiasmus, 291 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599870 places/29027 a 2143 37.193771 27.589676 Bargylia, port of Mylase, Milas near Bogazici Pausanias, Grece, 8, Lehmann, 10 ; Stadiasmus, Flemming 286 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599550 places/21189 a r 2144 37.159659 27.534567 Karyanda on the isle of Caryande Isle of Salih Adasi Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 ; Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599693 places/28971 a r Tekagac Burnu Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 289 Flemming, Mauro 7 5 0 7 5 0 rs X 5 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 X X 5 5 0 5 5 0 X Vol. I, Page 300 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2144.1 37.153570 27.559237 Küyücak AdG 2145 37.128206 27.547185 Siralik 2146 37.129200 27.378700 Karyanda, Neapolis Türkbükü Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 2147 37.126636 27.260150 Panormo Caryandae near Küdür Stadiasmus, 285 & 287 2148 37.092200 27.271100 Ouranion near Yalikavak 2149 37.060669 27.229954 Myndus, Myndos, Neaoplis 2149.1 37.054761 27.233311 Myndus, Myndos, Neaoplis 2150 37.031038 27.246962 Palaia Myndos Gümüslük "Western Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 Harbor", Bati Limani ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 & 275 Gümüslük, Dogu Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 Limani ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 & 276 near Kadikalesi 2150.1 37.005500 27.251900 Kymnissa 2151 36.980900 27.317500 2152 37.033947 27.429002 TR: West m p http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599937 places/30791 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599694 places/28972 a TR: West a 3 3 0 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599842 places/29020 m Dumankaya (2013), Sahin (2014), Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599811 places/21430 a rs X Lehmann, Flemming, Mauro http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599811 places/21430 a r X http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599845 places/29021 m Akce Köy http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599738 places/28988 m Strobilos Aspat http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599531 places/28937 m Halicarnassus, port of Pedasa, Zephyrion Bodrum, small naval base inside modern marina? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 275 ; Vitruvius, 2, 8 Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa TR: West Flemming, Loven, .org/places/599999 places/21187 Blackman, Mauro, en/default.aspx/Ze phyrion a rs 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 X 3 3 0 5 5 0 X Vol. I, Page 301 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2152.1 37.030300 27.428500 Halicarnassus, Portus Secretus? Bodrum, South of fort 2152.2 37.032000 27.431700 Halicarnassus, large commercial port? Bodrum, East of fort Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 275 ; Vitruvius, 2, 8 2153 36.996740 27.647921 Amynanda Alakisla Yalisi, Alakisla 2154 37.003400 27.792300 Port of Pargasa, Bargasa Cökertme? near Gökbel 2155 37.037600 27.952600 Ceramus, Keramos Ören 2156 37.040500 28.247500 2157 37.045501 28.320420 2157.1 37.025200 28.318300 2158 36.993976 28.250772 Kallipolis 2159 36.991500 28.205900 Kedreai, Cedrae insula Isle of Sedir Adasi inside the gulf of Gökova 2160 36.942800 28.186700 Amnista 2160.1 36.920552 28.171595 Idyma Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 275 ; Vitruvius, 2, 8 Blackman, Mauro, en/default.aspx/Ze phyrion Mauro, en/default.aspx/Ze phyrion Ruggieri (2000) http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/600000 places/21187 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/600001 places/21187 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599488 places/28928 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599866 places/21434 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599707 places/21482 m Hayitli http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599639 places/28960 m inside the gulf of Gökova http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599666 places/23695 m Ferek http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599619 places/28954 m near camli http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599682 places/23698 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599702 places/21431 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: West .org/places/599483 places/28927 m Flemming Lehmann, Flemming Sögüt, near Karaca Okluk Koyu, inside Degirmen Bükü Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG TR: West rs X X X ? ? rs rs X m p Vol. I, Page 302 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2160.2 36.923470 28.156911 Ingilizi Limani, inside Degirmen Bükü AdG TR: West m p 2161 36.826976 28.052037 Kapicikada, Kapicikada Tepesi Held TR: West m 2161.1 36.790077 28.012561 Büyük Cati AdG TR: West m p 2162 36.752928 27.446414 Euthene, Euthane Akcali, Akcali Koyu? Mela, Geogr, 1, 16 Flemming TR: West a 2163 36.686292 27.371818 Knidos Cnide West, naval base Lehmann, http://data.pastpla TR: West Flemming, places/21190 Blackman, 0575 Christiansen, Mauro a rs 2163.1 36.683710 27.376428 Knidos Cnide East, commercial port with possible ancient lighthouse Lehmann, http://data.pastpla TR: West Flemming, places/21190 Blackman, 0575 Christiansen, Mauro a rs 2164 36.671400 27.511000 Triopion Palamutbükü Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 35 ; Diodorus, Hist, 14, 21 ; Luke, Acts, 27.7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 16; Stadiasmus, 272 & 275 Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 35 ; Diodorus, Hist, 14, 21 ; Luke, Acts, 27.7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 16; Stadiasmus, 272 & 275 Thucydides, Peloponnese, 8, 35 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599988 places/30810 a 2165 36.731528 27.695790 Palaia Knidos, Ancient Datca, Burgaz Knidos http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599576 places/25172 m rs 2165.1 36.736202 27.700366 Palaia Knidos, Ancient Datca, Burgaz Knidos http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599576 places/25172 m rs Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Tuna (2012), Mauro, http://nauticalarch. org/the-fourharbors-of-burgaz/ Flemming, Tuna (2012), Mauro, http://nauticalarch. org/the-fourharbors-of-burgaz/ X X X 3 3 0 X ? 3 3 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 X X 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 303 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2165.2 36.739551 27.702071 Palaia Knidos, Ancient Datca, Burgaz Knidos Flemming, Tuna (2012), Mauro, http://nauticalarch. org/the-fourharbors-of-burgaz/ 2166 36.768300 27.801600 2167 36.802541 28.124376 Bybassos, Bubassius Hisarönü, near Marmaris 2168 36.763198 28.125841 Aulai Orhaniye, in the bay of Keci Bükü http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599543 places/28942 m p 2169 36.726905 28.127167 Hygassos near Turgutkale in the bay of Losta http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599657 places/28966 m 2170 36.709200 28.096000 Hydas Selimiye Mela, Geogr, 1, 16 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599652 places/28963 a 2171 36.623200 27.842824 Syme, Symi insula Simi Adasi, Sömbeki West of Loryma Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 36 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599950 places/30797 a 2172 36.682007 28.048118 Tymnos, Thymnias near Bozburum Mela, Geogr, 1, 16 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599994 places/30812 a p 2173 36.646500 28.090000 Thyssanusa, Tisanusa near Sögütköy http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599983 places/30808 m 2174 36.607593 28.059754 Kasara in front of Rabbit Island http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599696 places/28973 m 2175 36.608920 28.005396 Larymna North of Bozukkale http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599750 places/28992 m 2176 36.577500 28.011600 Loryma, Loryme Bozukkale in front of Rhodes http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599774 places/22682 a Emecik Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Mela, Geogr, 1, 16 Appian, Guerres civiles, 4, 9 ; Diodorus, Hist, 20, Held Flemming, Loven, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599576 places/25172 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599610 places/28951 m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599562 a TR: South rs X 7 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 0 r X Vol. I, Page 304 5 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 82 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 17 5 0 2177 36.578213 28.047257 bay of Kressa, Cressa, Cresso Serce Liman Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 29 ; Ptol, Geogr, 5, 2 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/599730 TR: South a 2178 36.592158 28.076982 Gelos, Tlos SE of Kasara Mela, Geogr, 1, 16 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599984 places/30809 a 2179 36.597605 28.126581 Elaeussa, Elaioussa, Sebaste insula Stadiasmus, 270 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599605 places/43384 a 2180 36.650027 28.144392 Phalaro Kizil Adasi island South of Taslica, nearest point of Rhodes island creek sheltered by the isle of Arap Adasi? Stadiasmus, 269 TR: South a 2181 36.701300 28.226300 2182 36.714935 28.241025 Posidio, port of Syrna Ciftlik Koyu? 2183 36.756200 28.266900 Samus, Samo, Amos Kumlubük 2184 36.854800 28.269000 Physkos, Physcus Marmaris 2184.1 36.840444 28.391038 2185 36.876110 28.450034 Pyrnos near Aksaz, in Karaagac Limani 2186 36.773920 28.439042 Rhopusa, Rhodoussa insula Isle of Yilancik Adasi Stadiasmus, 266 & 272 Gerbekse Stadiasmus, 268 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 ; Stadiasmus, 272 Aksaz, in Karaagac Limani Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599624 places/28955 m http://data.pastpla 77703 a TR: South Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599485 places/21433 m Tardieu, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599888 places/29034 a AdG Flemming, Tardieu locates this island near Caunus: Delikli Ada TR: South 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 m p http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599914 places/30785 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/599922 places/43383 a 5 5 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 305 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2187 36.813300 28.604300 Karpasyanda? Kiziltepe http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638902 places/27741 m 2188 36.824050 28.618927 Kaunos, Caunus, at the outlet of R Calbis Dalyan on R Dalyan 2189 36.788974 28.654577 Pasanda, Passalis Sülüngür Gölü near Gökbel 2190 36.755600 28.632500 Cymaria, Kymaria? 2191 36.716155 28.649351 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 Lehmann, ; Plutarch, Nicias, 40 Flemming ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 265 & 272 Stadiasmus, 264 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638796 places/21188 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639040 places/27789 a Kargicak Koyu Stadiasmus, 263 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638950 places/27756 a Panormum Cauniorum, Panormos Asi Koyu? Stadiasmus, 262 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/639061 TR: South a 2192 36.697600 28.696000 Pisilis, Panormos? Cubito? Sarigerme Stadiasmus, 261 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639061 places/27795 a 2193 36.581670 28.842183 Pedalio Prom. Cape Kapidagi Stadiasmus, 260 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639045 places/43334 a 2194 36.621800 28.859100 Lydai, Clydis? Aga Limani Stadiasmus, 259 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638968 places/27763 a 2195 36.643200 28.893600 2196 36.640250 28.855050 Arymaxa, Hamam Bay, Cleopatra Bay Manastir where Cleopatra stopped twice http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638771 places/27708 m 3 0 2197 36.662400 28.852800 Lissa Sarsala Koyu http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638963 places/27761 m 2198 36.674520 28.915850 Telandros, Telandria insula Isle of Tersane Adasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639133 places/22679 m p 3 3 0 5 5 0 Kapi Creek Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 BAtlas locates it at Sarigerme AdG TR: South 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 m p Vol. I, Page 306 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2199 36.676100 28.859400 Krya, Crya, Cryis Tasyaka Stadiasmus, 258 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638947 places/27755 a 2200 36.749427 28.935217 Kallimache, Callimache, ancient Hyparna? Göcek Stadiasmus, 257 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638890 places/27736 a 2201 36.749400 28.976600 Daedalis, Daedala Inlice Stadiasmus, 256 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638817 places/22669 a 2202 36.659687 29.047107 Lagussa insula Isle of Kizil Adasi Stadiasmus, 253 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638954 places/41161 a 2203 36.659158 29.080550 Golfe de Glaucus gulf of Fethiye Strabo, Geogr, 14, 2 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/638844 TR: South a 2204 36.621200 29.105800 Telemessis, Telmesso, Fethiye Telmissos, Thelmisse Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639137 places/21465 a 2205 36.553470 29.068760 Lebissos insula Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638956 places/43322 m 2206 36.562626 29.084019 Cissidibus, Cissidae http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/638900 TR: South a 2207 36.550848 29.110381 Ölüdeniz lagoon http://data.pastpla 44290 TR: South m 2208 36.499967 29.118754 Perdikiai, Perdiciis, Artymnissos, Isle of Gemiler Adasi, Ile Saint Nicolas, pirates' stronghold attacked by Pompey in 67 BC Cold Water Bay, at Stadiasmus, 252 the toe of Kayaköy village and the ghost town of Levisse, Livisi where Pompey anchored its fleet before the attack of the pirates of island Gemiler Adasi in 67 BC Butterfly Valley, Stadiasmus, 251 Kelebekler Vadisi 2209 36.440167 29.128872 Kalabantia, Calabantiis Balartli plaji, near Karacaburnu Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 254 ; Polyaenus, Stratagemes, 5, 35 Stadiasmus, 250 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638767 places/27706 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638888 places/27735 a 5 5 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 5 5 0 rs X 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 307 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2210 36.333200 29.231640 Kidna, Pydnay Gavur Agli, near Karadere http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638949 places/22044 a 2210.1 36.331200 29.288700 Letoon, on R Xantho, R Sibris, navigable Kumluova, on R Esin Cayi http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638958 places/21461 m 2211 36.356200 29.318300 Xanthos, on R Xantho, Kinik, on R Esin Cayi R Sibris, navigable Stadiasmus, 247 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639166 places/21462 a 2212 36.263606 29.308130 Patara, Arsinoe, port of Xanthos Gelemis, with ancient lighthouse 2213 36.252616 29.406375 Phoinike in front of Xenagorae insulae Kalkan in front of islands Kalkan Adasi Appian, Guerres civiles, 4, 10 ; Diodorus, Hist, 20, 93 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 33 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 17 ; Luke, Acts, 21.1 ; Strabo, Geogr, 14, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 246 & 272 Stadiasmus, 245 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639042 places/21460 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639053 places/27792 a 2214 36.154948 29.498064 Rhoge insula Isle of Ro Adasi, Kara Ada Stadiasmus, 244 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639079 places/41436 a 2215 36.154730 29.594556 Megisti, Megiste insula Megisti, on the isle of Megisti Adasi, Meis, Kastellorizo 2216 36.200000 29.634900 Habesos, Antiphellus, port of Phellus Kas in front of the isle of Megisti Strabo, Geogr, 14, 3 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 22 & 37, 24 ; Stadiasmus, 243 Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 242 Flemming, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638988 places/27774 a Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638749 places/21459 a 2217 36.173300 29.650000 Sebeda Limanagzi http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639097 places/22045 m 2218 36.147000 29.695000 Port of Isinda Inönü Koyu? http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638871 places/21548 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 248 Lehmann, Flemming, Christiansen r X X 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 rs 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 X Vol. I, Page 308 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2219 36.158324 29.785083 2219.1 36.164906 29.802672 2219.2 36.171920 29.846659 2220 36.197000 2221 Aperlis, Aperlai inside the bay Stadiasmus, 240 Flemming Pölemos Bükü AdG Dolichiste insula Tersane Koyu on the isle of Kekova Adasi Blackman 29.850000 Teimioussa, Tristomon Kaleücagiz 36.189660 29.859900 Somenis, Simena in front of the isle of Kekova Adasi 2222 36.218580 29.887800 Istlada Gökkaya near the isle of Kekova Adasi 2223 36.226468 29.956184 Andriace, Andriake, port of Myra Demre 2224 36.282500 30.036690 Ision, Isio turre Roman fort at Beymelek 2225 36.295200 30.152700 Phoinix Finike 2225.1 36.297258 30.153970 Lamyro, Limyra Yuvalilar, at the toe of the hill 2226 36.288700 30.347500 Gagis, Gagae, Palaion Teichos 2227 36.254890 30.404980 Melanippion, Melanippe http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638752 places/21557 TR: South a m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639131 places/22668 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639110 places/21456 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638874 places/22042 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638745 places/21558 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638873 places/22041 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639056 places/27793 a Stadiasmus, 236 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638961 places/21454 a Mavikent Stadiasmus, 235 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638842 places/21437 a Korsan Koyu Stadiasmus, 234 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638991 places/27775 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Appian, Guerres civiles, 4, 10 ; Luke, Acts, 27.5 ; Stadiasmus, 238 Stadiasmus, 237 Flemming Cevik (2012), Lehmann, 3 0 m p http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638826 places/41439 Stadiasmus, 239 rs X ? 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 309 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2228 36.193946 30.404161 Chelidoniae insulae, iles Chelidoniennes, Chelidonian islands anchorage near one of the three islands in front of the Sacred promontory Isle of Sulu Adasi Strabo, Geogr, 14, 3 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638799 places/41441 a 2229 36.237634 30.472190 Crambusa, Krambousa, Dyonisias insula 2230 36.300169 30.471488 2231 36.356968 2232 Stadiasmus, 229 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638824 places/41443 a Moron Hydor, Moro bay of Adrasan Stadiasmus, 231 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639002 places/27779 a 30.505641 Siderous Limen, Posidarisunte Sazak Koyu Stadiasmus, 230 ; Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/639107 TR: South a 36.395300 30.473500 Hadrianopolis, Olympus on R Phoenicunte Olimpos on R Cirali Stadiasmus, 228 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639017 places/21435 a 2233 36.430325 30.492522 Coryco, Korykos Creek of Maden Stadiasmus, 227 Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638939 places/22667 a rs X 2234 36.525900 30.548500 Phaselis, Phaselide near Tekirova Strabo, Geogr, 14, 3 ; Livy, Hist, 37, 22 & 37, 24 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 226 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639051 places/21436 a r X 2234.1 36.556000 30.573000 Agva http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638732 places/27697 m 2235 36.602380 30.582162 Idyros? Kemer http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638866 places/27731 m 2236 36.802300 30.589464 Lyrnateia, Lyrnas, Lyrnessos, Lyrnante insula? Ile aux souris, Mice island, Sican Adasi Stadiasmus, 225 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638972 places/43311 a 2237 36.880900 30.659300 Tenedos and Olbia bridge Arapsu bridge, near the outlet of R Boga Stadiasmus, 224 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639138 places/27815 a 2238 36.882958 30.700016 Attaleia, Adalia Antalya Stadiasmus, 223 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638778 places/21502 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Christiansen 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 r 3 3 0 3 0 X X 5 5 0 X Vol. I, Page 310 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 3 0 2239 36.871470 30.713587 Mygdalis Antalya, near Genclik? Stadiasmus, 222 TR: South a 2240 36.851999 30.742997 Masura Antalya, near Fener? Stadiasmus, 221 TR: South a 2241 36.849505 30.790780 Magydos, port of Perge South of Antalya airport Luke, Acts, 13. 13 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638980 places/27769 a 2242 36.847187 30.865832 Rhixoupous, Rhouskopous, Rhuscopode near Lara Beach Stadiasmus, 220 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639077 places/27803 a 2243 36.846350 30.919530 R Cestro, Kestros R Kumköy Stadiasmus, 219 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/638915 TR: South a 2244 36.832672 31.072005 Kynosarion, Cynosario near Belek Stadiasmus, 218 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638951 places/27757 a 3 0 2245 36.939082 31.170305 Aspendos on R Eurymedon Belkis on R Köprücay http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/640248 places/21448 m 7 5 0 2246 36.823971 31.172018 R Eurymedonte R Köprücay, navigable http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/638836 TR: South a 2247 36.828100 31.243500 Seleukeia, Seleucie de near Perakende Pamphilie Stadiasmus, 216 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639099 places/27807 a 2248 36.767543 31.382608 Side, Sida Selimiye, with possible ancient lighthouse Mela, Geogr, 1, 15 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 214 Lehmann, Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639105 places/21232 a 2249 36.737907 31.478002 R Melas, Melane outlet of R Manavgat near Side, navigable Strabo, Geogr, 14, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 213 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/638993 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Lehmann, Flemming Köse Stadiasmus, 217 TR: South rs X X 3 0 3 0 r X X X ? Vol. I, Page 311 3 3 0 7 5 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2250 36.728809 31.501458 Dianae templo ? near the outlet of R Manavgat Stadiasmus, 212 TR: South a 2251 36.642540 31.665811 Kibyra, Cibyra, Mikra Kara Burun Stadiasmus, 211 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638917 places/27746 a 2252 36.601323 31.786519 Ptolemais near Türkler Stadiasmus, 209 Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/639073 places/27802 a 2253 36.572792 31.881525 Augai, Arsinoe of Pamphylia near Elikezik Stadiasmus, 208 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638780 places/27710 a 2254 36.562000 31.924000 Aunesis, port of Hamaxia near Elikezik Stadiasmus, 208 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638785 places/27711 a 2255 36.533250 31.993700 Korakesion, Coracesium Alanya Stadiasmus, 207 Redford, Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/638933 places/21559 a 2256 36.510300 32.165100 Laertes Cebelires Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Stadiasmus 206 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648685 places/21485 a 2257 36.474800 32.116900 Naulis, Nauloi? port of Laertes? near Mahmutlar Stadiasmus, 205 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648719 places/22052 a 2258 36.445700 32.148200 Syedra near Kargicak http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648783 places/21487 m 2259 36.319600 32.235800 Iotape Aydap İskelesi http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648650 places/21486 m 2260 36.258600 32.282800 Sellinus, Selinunte, Traianopolis Gazipasa Limani http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648772 places/21488 a 2261 36.236300 32.329500 Kaystros, Kestros Kilisebeleni, near Macar http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648665 places/22049 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 203 Flemming rs r 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 X X 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 312 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2262 36.175300 32.382800 Nephelium, Nephelis? Güney Kalezi near Muzkent Stadiasmus, 201 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648720 places/22053 a 2263 36.154167 32.414991 Crago, Antiochia ad Cragum, Antiochia Parva, Antiochette near Güneyköy Stadiasmus, 200 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648560 places/22655 a 2264 36.109900 32.569800 Fort of Charadrus, Charadros Yakacik Kaledran Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 199 Lehmann, Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648597 places/22665 a 2265 36.040294 32.685858 Platanunte, Mellisa Melec near Demirören Stadiasmus, 198 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648741 places/30318 a 2266 36.022300 32.802900 Anamorium, Anemurium Anamur Stadiasmus, 196 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648557 places/21402 a 2267 36.081000 32.894500 Rygmanoi, Rhygmanis? Mamuriye, at oulet of R Orymagdos Nagidos Mamure Stadiasmus, 195 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648759 places/43290 a 2268 36.100000 32.978500 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648717 places/22051 m 2269 36.094717 33.015685 Arsinoe of Cilicia, port Güneysu Koyu of Setos, Syke Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648571 places/22664 a 2270 36.092952 33.097491 Dionysophanis Roman villa East of Tekmen Stadiasmus, 194 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648624 places/35388 a 2271 36.122346 33.123944 Mandane Tekeli Stadiasmus, 192 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648703 places/30302 a 2272 36.130264 33.292889 Mellaxia, Myous? Myanda? Soguksu near Yenikas Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648715 places/30310 m 2273 36.144300 33.323100 Calenderis, Gilindere-Aydincik Celenderis, Kelenderis Flemming, Blackman, Korhan Bircan http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648596 places/21403 a Bozyasi Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 191 Cohen, Flemming r r X ? 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 5 5 0 3 0 X 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 r X X ? Vol. I, Page 313 7 5 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2273.1 36.113988 33.378464 Spurie island Yilanli, Yilanli Ada TR: South m 2274 36.134656 33.405772 Berenice of Cilicia near Sancakburnu: Kurtini Koyu? Stadiasmus, 190 TR: South a 2275 36.155074 33.462474 Pisourgia, Pisurgiis Sipahili Stadiasmus, 189 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648738 places/30317 a 3 0 2275.1 36.123073 33.534838 Krambousa insula Besparmak Adasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648681 places/41336 m 3 3 0 2276 36.154431 33.577735 R Craunos near Büyükeceli Stadiasmus, 188 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/648682 TR: South a 2277 36.186747 33.649174 Kiphisos, Cephiso, Melane Yesilovacik Stadiasmus, 187 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648672 places/30294 a 3 0 2278 36.157800 33.685800 Aphrodisias, Aphrodite's port Tisan near Yesiloacik Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 184 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648565 places/22869 a Isle of Dana Adasi Stadiasmus, 184 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648739 places/22861 a Palaia, Philaia Barbaros Koyu Stadiasmus, 183 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648730 places/30313 a 3 3 0 7 5 0 3 0 2279 36.189473 33.769651 Pityusse, Pityoussa insula, Petrossa? 2280 36.252432 33.812448 2281 36.266808 33.826945 Portum Nesulium, Nesoulion, Asteria insula Agalimani behind Bogsak island Stadiasmus, 182 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648722 places/43300 a 3 0 2282 36.305000 33.851900 Mylai near Tasucu http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648714 places/43299 m 3 0 2283 36.311965 33.879429 Holmoi, Holmis, Hermia? Tasucu http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648643 places/30286 a 5 5 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Korhan Bircan Cohen Volkan Evrin Stadiasmus, 180 Flemming Flemming, Varinlioglu (2010) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/648585 Vol. I, Page 314 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2284 36.377074 33.915424 Seleucia ad Calycadnum, Seleucie de Kalykadnos, Tracheia R Calydunum, Calycadunum and Sarpedonio Prom. Silifke Stadiasmus, 179 2285 36.255928 34.011313 R Göksu the outlet of which has wandered much since antiquity, probably between Tasucu on the West side and Atakent on the East side near Arkum Stadiasmus, 176177 2286 36.305900 34.074000 Zephirion 2287 36.387631 34.082945 Persente, Pseudokorasion? near Atakent 2288 36.418900 34.093000 Korasion, Pulchrum Coracesium, Kalon Korarkesion Yaprak Koyu 2289 36.443942 34.117929 Arima? Krine? near Narlikuyu 2290 36.462540 34.150330 Corycos, Korikos, Corycus Kizkalesi 2291 36.483940 34.177400 Elaeusa, Elaiussa Sebaste Ayas near Yemiskumu 2292 36.529000 34.222600 Akkale 2293 36.557100 34.241100 2294 36.598529 34.323720 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648771 places/21406 a http://data.pastpla 2201 a TR: South 3 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648809 places/41447 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648749 places/30320 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648679 places/30296 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648570 places/30271 m Lehmann, Flemming, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648612 places/21560 a rs X Flemming, Christiansen, Oleson, Pipere (2016) http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648628 places/21494 a r X Akkale near Kumkuyu http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648550 places/30266 m Lamos Roman fort at Limonlu http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648691 places/30299 m Kalanthia, Calanthia Erdemli http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648660 places/30290 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Stadiasmus, 174 Livy, Hist, 37, 12 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 22 ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 13 ; Stadiasmus, 173 & 272 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 172 Stadiasmus, 171 r 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 X 3 0 3 3 0 X X X 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 315 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2295 36.738824 34.542045 2295.1 Soles, Soli, Soloi, Pompeiopolis Viransehir West of Mersin Anchialeia, Anchiale Yumuktepe, near Mersin Stadiasmus, 170 Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Oleson a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648555 places/30268 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648810 places/23584 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648578 places/30274 m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/648755 TR: South a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648789 places/21245 a 2296 36.800000 34.645000 Zephyrion, Hadrianopolis Mersin 2297 36.804855 34.703229 Aulai? near MersinKaraduvar 2298 36.787787 34.810194 outlet of Lake Rhegmi near Kulak 2299 36.888954 34.871192 Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 168 2300 36.711348 34.900067 Tarsos, port of Tarsus, Tarsus Rhegma lagoon, Antiochia ad Kydnum, archaic Illubru, archaic Olymbrus R Saros R Ceyhan Stadiasmus, 166 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/648748 TR: South a 2301 36.987300 35.334800 Adana, Antiochia ad Sarum on R Saros Adana Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648548 places/21246 a 2302 36.650361 35.104961 Ionia near Tabur? Stadiasmus, 164 http://data.pastpla 9245 TR: South a 2303 36.542700 35.337400 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648701 places/21250 a 36.545600 35.347000 near Cape Karatas, Stadiasmus, 162 3 names for one single place according to Arnaud not at Kiziltahta on Stadiasmus, 163 R Ceyhan according to Arnaud Flemming, Arnaud (2016) 2304 Antiochia ad Pyrmum, Magarsa, Magarsos, Mallo, Mallos on R Pyramos Mallos, Antiochia ad Pyrmum Lehmann, Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648702 places/21249 a 2305 36.556718 35.392073 Didymis insulae isles of Karatas Adasi http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648622 places/43307 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 169 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648781 places/21210 Stadiasmus, 167 Stadiasmus, 161 Lehmann, Cohen r X X X 7 5 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 0 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 r X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 316 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2306 36.642900 35.482000 Serretillis, Serraipolis Sirintilimin Cintlik, near Bebeli at the outlet of R Ceyhan Stadiasmus, 159 Arnaud (2016) http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/648774 places/30328 a 2307 36.768920 35.794435 Aigaiai, Aigai, Aegeae, Aegees Ayas, near Yumurtalik Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 158 Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658368 places/21248 a 2308 36.830690 35.895518 Halai, Alai, Alis near the Sugözü power station Stadiasmus, 157 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658478 places/30366 a 2309 36.912445 36.001731 near the Tahsin LÖK terminal Stadiasmus, 153 & 156 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658506 places/23586 a 3 0 2310 36.853700 36.157000 Amanicas portas, Portis Ciliciae, Katabolos, Moutloubake Issus, Isso, Nikopolis near Yeniyurt Strabo, Geogr, 14, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 155 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658490 places/23587 a 5 5 0 2311 36.808399 36.170425 Fano near Dörtyol Stadiasmus, 154 http://data.pastpla 8324 TR: South a 2312 36.755579 36.182055 Baiae Payas http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/658394 TR: South m 2313 36.707511 36.185619 Karayilan http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658502 places/30374 m 3 0 2313.1 36.667000 36.209000 Kodrigai “Pillars of Jonas”, temple at Sariseki http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658511 places/36870 m 3 0 2314 36.601555 36.175648 Alexandria ad Issum, Indicaia ad Issos, Indicaia Scabiosa Indicatte, Iskenderun Stadiasmus, 152 Cohen, Flemming, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658371 places/21820 a 2315 36.503800 36.009000 Myriandos, Myriandros near Büyükdere South of Indicatte Stadiasmus, 151 Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658541 places/23588 a 2316 36.416177 35.888873 Antioch of Pieria, Rhosos, Arosos Arsuz, near Ulucinar Stadiasmus, 150 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658585 places/22388 a 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Flemming 3 0 r r X 3 3 0 3 0 X Vol. I, Page 317 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2317 36.381387 35.855103 Burunlu 2318 36.283342 35.784272 Georgia, Georgiis near Kale Stadiasmus, 149 2319 36.119233 35.922155 36.117931 35.929549 2321 36.061600 35.974100 port of Antioch of Daphne, basin on the coast at the outlet of the tunnel of Titus port of Antioch of Daphne, initial basin at the toe of the hill Al Mina, at the outlet of R Oronte Polybius, Hist, 5, 13 ; Stadiasmus, 148 & 272 2320 Seleukeia, Seleucia Pieria, Seleucie de Pierie, Hydatos Potamoi, home port of Classis Syriaca fleet Seleukeia, Seleucia Pieria, Seleucie de Pierie, Hydatos Potamoi Ad Orontem 2322 36.034456 35.964365 Bytyllion near Meydan 2323 36.020000 35.975000 Nymphaion, Balaneion Tiberinon Samandagi Plaji Stadiasmus, 146 2324 35.904380 35.886299 Macra, Longa insula Isle al Hamam? Stadiasmus, 145 Syria a 2325 35.884476 35.880743 Sidonia 2 km from the isle of Macra Stadiasmus, 143 Syria a 2326 35.852815 35.826264 Posidium, Posideion Ras al Basit Stadiasmus, 142 Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668340 places/33218 a 2327 35.727501 35.827005 Charadros, Charadropolis Wadi Qandil? Stadiasmus, 144 Cohen Syria a 2328 35.630980 35.777227 Pasieria outlet near Al Shamiyah? Stadiasmus, 140 Syria a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658415 places/30350 m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658471 places/30364 a 3 0 Lehmann, Cohen, Pamir, Blackman, Flemming, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658483 places/21501 a Polybius, Hist, 5, 13 ; Stadiasmus, 148 Lehmann, Flemming, Cohen, Pamir, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658483 places/21501 a Stadiasmus, 147 Carayon http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658535 places/30384 a http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658416 places/30351 m http://pleiades.stoa TR: South .org/places/658552 places/36872 a http://data.pastpla 03231 r X X 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 3 0 3 0 0 rs X X 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 318 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2329 35.609150 35.772124 Leucos Limen Minet el-Beida Stadiasmus, 138 Carayon, Cohen, Flemming, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668295 places/33209 a 2330 35.591082 35.746834 Heraclea de Cassiotis, Mahadu, Portus Albus, Resu Ras ibn Hani, North bay Stadiasmus, 139 Carayon, Cohen http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668262 places/33199 a rs X 2331 35.577971 35.737866 Heraclea de Cassiotis, Mahadu, Portus Albus, Resu Ras ibn Hani, South bay Stadiasmus, 140 Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668262 places/33199 a rs X 2332 35.513174 35.769889 Laodicea Lattaquie Strabo, Geogr, 16, 2 ; Stadiasmus, 137 Carayon, Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668290 places/21505 a r 2333 35.436845 35.888249 Fleuve navigable ? between Jableh and Lattaquie Stadiasmus, 136 Syria a 2334 35.371841 35.935174 Syria m 2335 35.361580 35.924300 Gabala Jable, Jablah 2336 35.306000 35.922700 Shuksi, Pelleta? Tell Sukas 2337 35.264370 35.924594 Palto, Paltenorum in the outlet of Nahr es-Sinn 2338 35.153500 35.927900 Balaneas Prom. Leukas Balanaia, Balaneae Baniyas 2339 35.040300 35.891000 Maraccas near Marqueh 2340 34.949830 35.882903 Karnos, Carnus Carne, Tell Qarnum Tell Tweini Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 X X 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 Carayon http://data.pastpla 97529 Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668250 places/21506 a Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668383 places/33240 m Stadiasmus, 130134 Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668332 places/23406 a Stadiasmus, 129 Carayon, Cohen http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668206 places/21721 a http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668305 places/36486 m 3 0 0 http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668223 places/33190 a 3 3 0 Stadiasmus, 135 Strabo, Geogr, 16, 2 ; Stadiasmus, 128 Lehmann, Carayon 5 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 319 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2341 34.881900 35.873900 Antarados, Constantia Tartous Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668190 places/21722 m 3 0 2342 34.872300 35.886100 Enydra Tell Ghamqe Carayon, http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668245 places/33194 m 3 0 2343 34.858745 35.861896 Aradus, Arados Arwad Carayon, Lehmann, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668197 places/21568 a r 2344 34.838800 35.906900 Marathos Amrit Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668306 places/21750 m r 2345 34.823364 35.873490 islet of el-Habbes Carayon Syria m 2346 34.782959 35.886772 islet of Machroud Carayon Syria m 2347 34.747835 35.930044 Port of Simyra Tabbat el-Hammam Carayon, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668372 places/33235 m 2348 34.708500 35.986000 ancient Simyra, Sumur? Tell Kazel, on R Nahr el-Abrache Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Syria .org/places/668372 places/33235 m 2349 34.605007 35.985359 Cheikh Zennad Carayon 2349.1 34.520000 35.975000 Bruttus al-Abde? 2350 34.511203 35.952744 Orthosia, ancient Ullasa, port of Arca, Herakleia Ard Artusi 2351 34.458094 35.816817 Tripoli, ancient Wahliya Tripoli Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 16, 2 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 128 Arrian, Alexander 2, 6 ; Diodorus, Hist, 19, 58 ; Stadiasmus, 272 rs X X 5 5 0 3 3 0 X X X 3 3 0 3 3 0 Lebanon m http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668215 places/36484 m 3 0 0 Carayon, Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668325 places/21723 m Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668394 places/21567 a 3 3 0 5 5 0 rs X Vol. I, Page 320 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2352 34.457207 35.809198 Tripoli, islet of elBaqar Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668394 places/21567 m r 2353 34.447052 35.814166 Tirpoli, South bay Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668394 places/21567 m r 2354 34.390131 35.782359 Kalamos Al Qalamoun http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668277 places/33203 m 2355 34.360883 35.729176 Ampi Enfe, canal Carayon http://data.pastpla 19042 Lebanon m r 2356 34.361461 35.725474 Ampi Enfe, slipway? Carayon http://data.pastpla 19042 Lebanon m r 2357 34.328488 35.723493 Shigata? Chekka Carayon http://data.pastpla 16190 Lebanon m 2358 34.323915 35.722427 Chekka 2 Carayon http://data.pastpla 16190 Lebanon 2358.1 34.308000 35.709000 Trieres 2359 34.254883 35.655445 Botrys with a wall dug Batroun in the rock Carayon, Flemming, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668214 places/21518 m 2360 34.252127 35.656217 Botrys Batroun, South bay Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668214 places/21518 m 2361 34.121477 35.643299 Jbeil Diodorus, Hist, 19, 58 ; Stadiasmus, 272 Carayon, Frost, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668216 places/21519 a 2362 34.119479 35.643606 Byblos, Gubla, Gebal, oldest sea port? (exporting cedar wood to Egypt, ca 3000 BC) Byblos Jbeil, Chamiye Diodorus, Hist, 19, 58 ; Stadiasmus, 272 Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668216 places/21519 a el Heri Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 X 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 X X X http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668392 places/33241 r 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 X 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 321 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2363 34.115442 35.646730 Byblos Jbeil, bay of el-Shiny Diodorus, Hist, 19, 58 ; Stadiasmus, 272 2364 33.985886 35.628705 Palaibyblos near Jounieh 2365 33.899231 35.505065 Berytos, Beryte, Beyrouth, Beirut Beyrouth, Laodikeia in Phoenicia http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/668216 places/21519 a http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678322 places/23405 m Carayon, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678060 places/21113 a 2365.1 33.899803 35.497317 2366 33.808000 35.477000 Berytos, Beryte, Beyrouth, Beirut, Beyrouth, Laodikeia in Minet el-Hosn Phoenicia under Venus Towers Heldua Khalde Anis Chaaya, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678060 places/21113 m Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678177 places/36495 m 2367 33.668200 35.416600 Porphyreon Polis near Jiyeh http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678338 places/28258 m 2368 33.586000 35.398400 Alsos Asklepiou near Hababiye http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678014 places/33252 m 2369 33.572761 35.368021 Sidon Saïda, isle of Zire, with several quarries http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678393 places/21115 m r X X 33.564495 35.368275 Sidon Saïda, Saida Carayon, Frost, Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Oleson Carayon, Oleson 2370 http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678393 places/21115 a rs X X 2371 33.564388 35.366882 Sidon Saïda, rocky spit on western seafront of the port Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678393 places/21115 m r X 2372 33.480624 35.319700 Tell el-Bourak Carayon http://data.pastpla 49657 m rs Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 Diodorus, Hist, 19, 58 ; Tatius, Amours, 1, 1 ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, 2 & 17, 2 ; Luke, Acts, 27.3 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 Morhange (2003), Carayon Lebanon 5 5 0 3 0 r X X X ? X X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 322 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2373 33.464300 35.295000 Sarepta, Makra Kome Ras es Shiq near Sarafand Carayon, Flemming, Blackman http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678374 places/21572 m 2374 33.407600 35.263800 Ad Nonum, Ornithon Polis? Adloun Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678000 places/43767 m 2375 33.276017 35.195344 Tyr, Tyre, Tyros, port Nord Sour, North port Carayon, Frost, Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman, Poidebard http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678437 places/21116 a rs 2376 33.266115 35.192248 Tyr "Port Sud - Bassin Ouest" is not a port but a landfill Sour, South side Carayon, Poidebard http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678437 places/21116 m rs X? 2377 33.267024 35.194519 Tyr "Port Sud - Bassin Sour, South side Est" is not a port but a landfill Carayon, Poidebard http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678437 places/21116 m rs X? 2378 33.237000 35.206480 Palaityros, Palaetyr Palaityros, Palaetyr Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678323 places/28254 m 2379 33.173700 35.186800 Sinde near Mansouri http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678395 places/28285 m 2380 33.157000 35.162000 Alexandroschene Iskandarouna http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678013 places/33251 m 3 0 0 2381 33.145624 35.156751 Hammon South of Iskandarouna http://pleiades.stoa Lebanon .org/places/678173 places/33311 m 3 3 0 2382 33.082137 35.100120 Misrefot-Yam at Lebanon-Israel border Carayon 2383 33.048600 35.101900 Ekdippa Achzib Carayon, Flemming Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Quintus, Hist, 4, 2 ; Diodorus, Hist, 17, 7 & 19, 58 & 19, 62 ; Luke, Acts, 21.3 ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, 2 ; Scylax, Peripl Cohen r Israel m r http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678128 places/36493 m r X X X 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 X 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 0 X X X Vol. I, Page 323 5 5 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2384 33.003600 35.084000 Nea Come? near Shavei Tsion http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678300 places/28246 m 2385 32.918629 35.072046 Ake, Ptolemais 2386 32.793418 35.026763 Tell abu Hawam, near R Pacida Acre, Akko and the islet of Tour des Vents, Tower of Flies, with ancient lighthouse Haïfa, near R Qishon Carayon, Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman, Inman, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678010 places/21662 a rs Carayon, Flemming http://data.pastpla 4326 Israel m r 2387 32.824500 34.955500 Sykamina Shiqmona, Haïfa West Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678404 places/36191 m 2388 32.739975 34.947017 Tell Megadim Carayon, Flemming http://data.pastpla 18393 Israel m 2389 32.706433 34.934998 Boukolonpolis Athlit, with ancient lighthouse(s) Carayon, Flemming, Blackman, Inman, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678075 places/33278 m rs 2390 32.620578 34.917735 Dor, Dora Dor, Dora, North bay, Moshav Bay http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678121 places/21661 m r 32.618204 34.916518 Dor, Dora Dor, Dora, Love Bay Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Oleson Carayon 2391 http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678121 places/21661 m r 2392 32.615948 34.916826 Dor, Dora Dor, Dora, South bay, Nahsholim Bay Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678121 places/21661 m r X 2393 32.538700 34.901800 Krokodeilonpolis Tell Tannimin near Tell Mevorach Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678261 places/33353 m 2394 32.506702 34.892443 Stratonos Pyrgos, Tour de Straton, Straton's Tower Caesarea Maritima, pre-Roman port Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Carayon, Cohen http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678401 places/21149 a r X 2395 32.501516 34.891314 Stratonos Pyrgos, Tour de Straton, Straton's Tower Caesarea Maritima, pre-Roman interior port of Straton's Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Carayon, Cohen, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678401 places/21149 a r X Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Luke, Acts, 21.7 3 0 X X X 3 3 0 X? 5 5 0 X X X X X X X X X X Vol. I, Page 324 5 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Tower, with ancient lighthouse 2396 32.503433 34.888132 Caesarea Palaestinae, Cesaree, Ace, Sebastos Qesaria, Caesarea Maritima, Roman port of Herod with Drusion lighthouse 2396.1 32.493180 34.888800 2397 32.444345 34.876328 2398 32.401400 34.865800 2399 32.356584 34.853340 Natania Netanya 2400 32.195808 34.805914 Apollonia, Sozousa Arsuf 2401 32.161549 34.790184 Tell Michal and Tell Makmish near Herzliya Marina 2402 32.054303 34.756943 Joppe, Iope Jaffa 2402.1 31.923491 34.693661 port of Iamneia Yavne-Yam 2403 31.780400 34.621600 Azot, Azotos Paralios Ashdod 3 0 Josephus Flavius, Guerre, 1, 21 & Antiquites, 2, 2 & 15, 9, Luke, Acts, 18.22 & 21.8 ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 272 Sdot Yam, fish ponds port of Burgatha? Carayon, Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Christiansen, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678401 places/21149 a rs Oleson http://data.pastpla 25255 Israel m r http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678166 places/33308 m http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678288 places/28237 m http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678298 places/28245 m Carayon, Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/678025 places/21682 m Carayon, Flemming http://data.pastpla 2491 m Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/687931 places/21683 a http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/687926 places/25163 m http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/687843 places/21688 a Giv’at Olga Tell Mikhmoret Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Flemming Strabo, Geogr, 16, 2 Mela, Geogr, 1, 10 Flemming Israel X X X X X X ? 3 3 0 3 0 r rs X X X 5 5 0 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 rs Vol. I, Page 325 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2404 31.692000 34.562000 Maioma Ascalonitis near Ashkelon 2405 31.661500 34.542000 Ascalon near Ashqelon 2406 31.552390 34.452906 Anthedon, Agrippias Khirbet Teda 3 km North of Gaza City 2407 31.499829 34.405132 the port seems to be 4 km South of Gaza City 2407.1 31.447300 34.366400 Cadytis, Seleukeia Gaza, Gazeorum, Jenysus, Ienysos, Constantia, Neapolis Thabatha 2408 31.329532 34.210501 Raphia Rafah Diodorus, Hist, 20, 74 http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/688015 places/21693 a 2409 29.955000 32.574000 Arsinoe, Cleopatris, Port Daneon, Klysma, Clysina, Ovilia Suez, Qulzum Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 33 Cohen, Barringon http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: G. .org/places/727101 places/21705 of Suez a 2410 29.898962 32.586399 Phoinikon near the power station http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: G. .org/places/746794 places/42456 of Suez m 2410.1 29.586916 32.345562 Port of King Khafra, Khefren (ca 2550 BC) Ayn Sukhna, at Portrait Hotel http://data.pastpla 5881 Egypt: G. of Suez m 2411 29.398427 32.805503 Marah near Ras Matarma http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: G. .org/places/746778 places/23394 of Suez m 2411.1 29.054510 32.635191 2411.2 28.888870 32.680935 Port of King Khufu, Cheops (ca 2600 BC) Strabo, Geogr, 16, 2 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 Herodotus, Hist, 3, 5 ; Diodorus, Hist, 20, 74 ; Ptol, Geogr, 5, 16 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/687959 places/25164 m 3 0 0 Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/687839 places/21670 a Cohen, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/687826 places/21690 m Cohen, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Israel .org/places/687903 places/21691 a 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Umm el-Tut Israel places/43127 Tallet Mersa Thelemet AdG Wadi el-Jarf Tallet, Marouard (2014) Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 m 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 Egypt: Red m p Sea http://data.pastpla 855049 Egypt: G. of Suez m rs X Vol. I, Page 326 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2411.3 28.984348 33.181625 2412 28.239500 33.613400 2413 28.158776 2413.1 al-Markha, near Ras Budran Egypt: G. of Suez m El Tor, El Tur, Tor harbour http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: G. .org/places/746806 places/28682 of Suez m 33.660707 Tell el Raya, Sheikh Riyah Harbour http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: G. .org/places/746820 places/28686 of Suez m p 27.929551 33.893634 Merset el-Qad Yahya AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 2413.2 27.834312 33.583485 Marsa Zeitiya AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 2413.3 27.560379 33.782013 Sapirene? Endeavour Harbour, on Geziret Tawila island http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/767857 Egypt: Red m p Sea 2413.4 27.492607 33.941979 Sapirene? Phocarum? Scytala? Geziret Shadwan, Shaker island http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/767858 Egypt: Red m p Sea 2414 27.368789 33.682859 Abu Shar http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: G. .org/places/766332 places/34447 of Suez 2414.1 27.180781 33.837950 Roman fort at the end of the Via Hadriana, at El Gouna which is an excellent shelter Hurghada 2414.2 27.041819 33.893311 2414.3 26.845446 2414.4 26.740028 Rhaithou Tallet, Mumford (2012) m p AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea Marsa Abu Makhadiq AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 33.978515 Ras Abu Soma AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 33.956372 Mina Safaga AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 Vol. I, Page 327 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2415 26.628676 33.998750 Wadi Safaga 2416 26.572865 34.036597 2416.1 26.349700 34.162300 2417 26.252802 34.204719 Arsinoe Troglodytika 2418 26.156644 34.251437 Myos-Hormos, Aphrodite's port Philoteras Portus, Philotere, port of Aennus http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: Red m .org/places/766428 places/36340 Sea Marsa Gawasis, 23 Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 km South of Safaga. Pliny speaks of Aennus. Ptolemy locates Phîloteras at 30’ of latitude South of Myos Hormos, which leads near the airport of Marsa Alam. However, modern authors seem to agree to locate this port at Marsa Gawasis near Safaga Quei? Cohen, Tallet unlocalized between Philotera and Myos Hormos, perhaps near Kalawy Imperial Resort or Hamrawein? Quseir al-Qadim, at Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 the Mövenpick ; Anonym, Mer hotel, 8 km North of Erythr, 1 Quseir. Ptolemy locates MyosHormos at 3°25’ of latitude North of Berenike, which leads to Hurghada. The Periplus Maris Erythraei indicates that this site is at 1800 stadia, i.e. 330 km, from Berenike, which would lead near Safaga. However, modern Cohen Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/767851 3 0 Egypt: Red a Sea http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: Red m .org/places/766396 places/36335 Sea Cohen, Hazlitt, Seland 3 0 Egypt: Red m p Sea http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: Red a .org/places/786069 places/30590 Sea 3 0 Vol. I, Page 328 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2419 25.322000 34.747800 authors agree to locate this port 8 km North of Quseir. Roman fort on West side of the road. Mersa Dabr 2419.1 25.205046 34.808958 Marsa Tarafi 2419.2 25.077653 34.892589 Marsa Alam 2419.3 24.961718 34.936523 Marsa Tundaba 2420 24.924900 34.962200 2420.1 24.894344 34.990386 Ras Dirra, Bir Ghadir AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 2420.2 24.609434 35.115423 Sharm Luli AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 2421 23.908888 35.472852 Nechesia? Berenice Troglodytika, Berenike Marsa Nakari, 18 km South of Marsa Alam Medinet el-Haras, 4 km South of Bender el Kebir inside the gulf of Acathartos and on the Tropic of Cancer. Pliny is more accurate for Bernike as he indicates that there is no shadow at noon on the day of summer solstice, which is the definition of the tropic located at 23°26’ of latitude. Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: Red m p .org/places/786068 places/36352 Sea AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/786148 AdG Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 does not mention the port but locates the place Cohen Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 75 Cohen, & 6, 26 ; Strabo, Christiansen, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Mauny, Seland Anonym, Mer Erythr, 2 3 0 Egypt: Red m p Sea Egypt: Red m p Sea http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: Red a .org/places/786074 places/30592 Sea http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: Red a p .org/places/785986 places/23388 Sea 3 0 r X? X ? Vol. I, Page 329 3 3 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2421.1 23.608145 36.196670 2421.2 23.478978 35.493572 2421.3 22.956168 35.668514 2421.4 22.842591 2421.5 Ophiodes, Agathonis, Tytis The present latitude of Berenike is 23°56’ and it is still a port today. With possible ancient lighthouse Isle of Zabargat, St Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 John’s Island, the ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, island with topaz, 34 off Berenike. The isle of Ophiodes is well located as it seems to be the only one producing topaz in this area. No good shelter here! Bodkin reef http://data.pastpla 9131 Egypt: Red a Sea AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea Sharm el Madfa, Marsa Hasa AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 35.777153 Marsa Shaab AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 22.607727 36.260299 Marsa el Qad AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 2421.6 22.497571 36.309290 Marsa Abu Naam AdG Egypt: Red m p Sea 2422 22.225003 36.651959 Marsa Halaib AdG 2422.1 21.834019 36.859422 Khor el Marob AdG Sudan m p 2422.2 21.790160 36.865975 Marsa Ribda, Marsa Gwilaib AdG Sudan m p Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 77574 Egypt: Red m p Sea Vol. I, Page 330 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2422.3 21.759722 36.871819 Khor Abu Asal, Marsa Oseif AdG Sudan m p 2422.4 21.686785 36.886603 Marsa Hamsiat AdG Sudan m p 2422.5 21.643104 36.895915 Marsa Wasi AdG Sudan m p 2422.6 21.595219 36.919704 Marsa Gafatir AdG Sudan m p 2422.7 21.489421 36.954236 Marsa Abu Imama, Rio Farat AdG Sudan m p 2422.8 21.401862 36.987013 Marsa Halaka, Khor Dullow, Khor Delwein AdG Sudan m p 2422.9 21.349183 37.010724 Khor Shinab, Khor Abu Mishmish AdG Sudan m p 2423 20.997895 37.181197 Bathus profondus portus Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 Sudan a 2424 20.781551 37.171810 Dioscuror Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 Sudan a p Dungunab. Ptolemy locate Bathus (deep port) at 2°50’ of latitude South of Berenike, which leads to the large bay of Dungunab where a huge bay sheltered from the northern waves prevailing in this area is found Marsa Inkeifal? Ptolemy locates Dioscuror at the same place as Bathus, perhaps on the West side of Jazirat Magarsam island Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 331 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2424.4 20.450287 37.199426 Marsa Salak AdG Sudan m p 2424.5 20.233286 37.198738 Marsa Arakiyai, Port Salvadora AdG Sudan m p 2424.6 20.035033 37.185976 Marsa Fijab, Bahia de Fuca AdG Sudan m p 2424.7 19.661469 37.238526 Marsa Gwiyai, Port Dradart AdG Sudan m p 2424.8 19.609159 37.227475 Port Sudan, in Marsa Sheikh Barud AdG Sudan m p 2424.9 19.289287 37.328189 Marsa Ata AdG Sudan m p 2425 19.107232 37.338563 Sudan a 2425.1 18.875373 37.415795 AdG Sudan m p 2426 18.752900 37.630405 Evangeliorum, Evangelon Hazlitt Sudan a 2427 18.220925 38.325599 Strato insula in bay of Elaea Sudan a p Theon Soterum, Deorum Salutarium, Sotira Suakin? Ptolemy locates Theon Soterum at 1° of latitude North of Ptolemaïs, which corresponds to Suakin Marsa Esh Sheikh Ibrahim Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Mintaka, East of Shubuk Channel, North of Trinkitat? Ptolemy locates Evangelon at 30’ of latitude North of Ptolemaïs, which corresponds to this bay Aqiq Kebir, Ibn Abbas island, Bahdur island, in Khor Nawarat Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Hazlitt http://data.pastpla 8718 http://data.pastpla 1215 Vol. I, Page 332 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2428 18.179420 38.266423 Ptolemais Theron, Ptolemais' hunt (for elephants), Epitherias (city founded by Eumedes) Port Melinus, near Elaea Adobana, Agig Anonym, Mer Erythr, 3 Gazirat Iri, Er Rih island? Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 2429 18.171197 38.439805 2430 16.538714 40.153202 Harmil island AdG, Monfreid 2431 15.773660 39.965538 Jimhil, Monfreid's Djumele? AdG, Monfreid 2431.1 15.718794 39.950491 Alalaei, Alalaiou insulae Nokra Deset on the Dahlak islands Anonym, Mer Erythr, 4 2432 15.609814 39.463112 Saba Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 does not mention the port but locate the place 2432.1 15.461973 39.755615 Orine insula Massawa? Ptolemy locates Saba at 50’ of latitude North of Adulis, which corresponds to Massawa at 15°38’ of latitude North isle of Dissei, Dessei 2433 15.275950 39.676550 Adulis, Adoulis, Utulis, Zula. The Periplus port of the Axoumites Maris Erythraei locates Adulis at 3000 stadia (550 km) South of Ptolemaïs inside a South facing bay, which corresponds to Zula at 15°15’ of latitude. Pliny locates it at 5 navigation days from Ptolemaïs, which leads to more or less the same location. This site seems to be Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Anonym, Mer Erythr, 4 Cohen, Mauny, Sidebotham (2006), Seland Mauny Mauny Procopius, Guerres, Mauny, Peacock & 1, 19 ; Anonym, Blue, Schiettecatte Mer Erythr, 4 ; Ptol, (2012), Seland Geogr, 4, 7 does not mention the port but locates the place http://pleiades.stoa Sudan .org/places/39409 places/27324 http://data.pastpla 569 a p Sudan a Erythrea m p Erythrea m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Erythrea .org/places/39281 places/41317 a p 3 0 http://data.pastpla 5635 Erythrea a p http://pleiades.stoa Erythrea .org/places/39404 places/41318 a p 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Erythrea .org/places/39271 places/27291 a 3 0 Vol. I, Page 333 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Isle of Diodore, Gabaza accepted by modern authors. It may be noted that Ptolemy is widely mistaken when locating it at 40’ of latitude North of Dire, leading near Assab or Beilul, 400 km further South. It may be noted also that Assab still is a port nowadays, while Beilul does not show any nautical interest (today) except for a cape located about 15 km further East island located in the bay of Zula and and now included into the continent under the name « Galala Hills » 6 km South of Zula. Was formerly located by scholars on Perim island. Melita bay near Ras Nasiracurra 2434 15.190066 39.673329 Peacock & Blue (Mauny) Erythrea a 2434.1 15.264342 39.811446 AdG Erythrea m p 2434.2 15.485589 39.889168 Dellemi, Dilemmi island AdG, Monfreid Erythrea m 2434.3 15.106029 40.110639 Ghelaelo in Howakil bay AdG Erythrea m p 2435 14.764969 40.793933 Antiphilus portus, unnamed "large bay" Haualik, Hanfileh, Anfile bay, NW of Tio Anonym, Mer Erythr, 5 Mauny Erythrea a p 2435.1 18.382418 38.489277 Port of Colobonalsos, Cape Colobon Tio at Ras Anrata? Ptolemy locates Colobon at 2° of latitude North of Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 does not mention Sudan a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Anonym, Mer Erythr, 25 ; Procopius, Guerres, 1, 19 http://data.pastpla 70472 Vol. I, Page 334 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2435.2 13.933478 41.694754 Berenice of Saba ###### 13.864934 41.907061 2435.3 13.643918 42.158692 2435.4 13.214607 42.526752 2435.5 12.973376 42.755433 Sabae, Sabath 2435.6 12.859711 42.906101 2436 12.711100 43.130500 Adulis, which does not correspond to any cape or promontary, but Strabo locates it very close to Antiphilus portus, hence Tio might be the right location Eïd, Edd? the port but locate the place Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Mersa Dudo Pythangelus Monfreid Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Assab? Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Monfreid Eumenusalsos, Port of Unlocated, possibly Eumenes between Saba and Arsinoe Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Hazlitt locates it on Orine island Arsinoe Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 does not mention the port but locates the place Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Erythrea a Erythrea m p Erythrea a p Erythrea m p Erythrea a Erythrea a http://pleiades.stoa Erythrea .org/places/39295 places/36125 a AdG Bera'isole? in Bahir Assoli Bay, could be the port of Pythangelus' hunt (for elephants) located further inland as described by Strabo Ras Terma Ras Dumeira at Rahayta? Ptolemy locates Arsinoe at 20’ of latitude South of Dire, which corresponds to the lagoon of Godoria on the North coast of Djibouti near 12°09’ of latitude. He nevertheless mentions it North http://data.pastpla 3618 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/40265 AdG http://data.pastpla 8496 3 0 Vol. I, Page 335 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2437 12.467800 43.314500 2437.1 11.966177 43.294719 2438 11.532763 42.523545 2439 11.604033 43.122882 Cape Dire, Deire, Berenice epi-Dires Port of Isis of Dire on his list … which makes some authors think the site is at Ras Dumeira. Monfreid's Raheita Ras Siyan, on the Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 West side of Bab el Mandeb. Cape Dire is located in front of Cape Acila (Murat in Yemen) as Strabo indicates. It is also just in front of the six islands mentioned by Strabo. It provides good shelter against the eastern waves prevailing in this area. The place called Fagal is at 12°27’ of latitude and gives us a reference for locating other ports mentioned by Ptolemy Obock Guinni Koma, ile du Diable, inside Ghoubbet el-Karab, Monfreid's Gubet Karab Djibouti? The Port of Isis is at ten days of navigation under oar (500-1000 km) from Adulis according to Plini, which leads near Djibouti (at 660 km) with its two islands located just in front Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG, Monfreid http://pleiades.stoa Djibouti .org/places/39335 places/27304 a http://data.pastpla 0179 Djibouti m Djibouti m p Djibouti a p AdG, Monfreid Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 34 http://data.pastpla 04 3 0 Vol. I, Page 336 Catalogue of Ancient Ports of the port, as indicated by Plini 2440 11.357394 43.471865 Avalitae, Avalites, Abalites, Aualis Zeila in Somalia, 50 km East of Djibouti. Avalites seems to be located with some certainty at Zeila (in Somalia) on a former island protected by a sand spit. Berbera Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 7 Mauny http://pleiades.stoa Somalia .org/places/39304 places/36126 a 3 0 2441 10.430184 44.994399 Malao Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 8 Mauny http://pleiades.stoa Somalia .org/places/39375 places/27312 a p 3 0 2441.1 10.819656 45.859682 Somalia m p 2442 10.916142 46.929662 Mundus, Mondou Emporion Xiis, Bandar Hais Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 9 Mauny http://pleiades.stoa Somalia .org/places/39389 places/36128 a 3 0 2442.1 11.460242 49.549731 Mosylium, Mosylon Emporion Ras Hantara Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 9 Mauny http://pleiades.stoa Somalia .org/places/39387 places/36127 a 3 0 2443 11.503907 49.922637 Psygmus, Psyglatus Qandala, Candala Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39387 Somalia a 2443.1 11.697059 50.456437 Daphnon Parvum Bandar Muriyeh, Murcaayo Anonym, Mer Erythr, 11 Somalia a 2444 11.794133 50.520865 Cobe Xabo, Abot fort? Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 Somalia a p 2445 11.938597 50.633220 Cape Elephas, Elephantas Ras Felug, Filuk 2445.1 11.974503 50.755817 Acana, Acannae, Daphnon Magnum, Cinocephali waters Ras Alula, Bandar Ululah, Caluula Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 11 Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 11 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 Khor Shoreh, Shoora Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Mauny Mauny http://pleiades.stoa Somalia .org/places/39340 places/41010 a http://data.pastpla 8076 a p Somalia Vol. I, Page 337 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2446 11.841795 51.257697 2446.1 12.455813 53.767352 Cape of Spices, Cap des Aromates, Notuceras, NotuCeras Dioscoridis, Panchaia 2446.2 Cape Guardafui, Ras Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Asir, Ras Caseyr Anonym, Mer Erythr, 12 http://pleiades.stoa Somalia .org/places/39293 places/27296 a Isle of Socotra, Suqutra http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39338 Somalia a Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 30 Kosh on Socotra island Seland Somalia m Seland Somalia m Somalia a 2446.3 12.659748 54.022803 Hajriya Hadiboh on Socotra island 2447 11.707206 51.219848 Cape Tabae, Tabai Ras Chenarif Anonym, Mer Erythr, 12 Mauny 2448 11.158816 51.152049 Pano Ras Binna Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 13 Mauny Somalia a 2449 10.407000 51.260000 Opone Ras Hafun Mauny http://pleiades.stoa Somalia .org/places/39403 places/36130 a 2450 2.035974 45.348466 Sarapion Mogadishu Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 13 Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 15 Mauny http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/40292 Somalia a 2451 1.364975 44.397082 Essina near Baraawe and Merka Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 DARE places it at Wasini island Somalia places/42556 a 2452 1.111839 44.041541 Nicon, Nikon Barawa, Brava Anonym, Mer Erythr, 15 Mauny http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/40238 Somalia a 2452.1 -2.314721 41.061293 Pyraloi insulae Lamu islands? Anonym, Mer Erythr, 15 Mauny http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39410 Kenya a 2452.2 -5.131246 39.774188 J. Innes Miller (1969) http://data.pastpla 8664 Tanzania m Pemba island Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/466002 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 338 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2452.3 -6.120328 39.323565 Menuthias insula Zanzibar island Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 Anonym, Mer Erythr, 15 Felix Chami (2002), Mauny http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/40222 Tanzania a 2453 -7.697309 39.363104 Rhapta, Rapta R Rufiji Ptol, Geogr, 4, 7 Anonym, Mer Erythr, 16 Felix Chami (2002), Mauny, Seland http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39414 Tanzania a 2453.1 -7.875760 39.782130 Felix Chami (2002), Mauny, Seland http://data.pastpla 3391 Tanzania m 2454 29.530800 35.000000 Cohen, Gibson (2004), Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Gulf of .org/places/746700 places/21749 Aqaba a http://pleiades.stoa Gulf of .org/places/746754 places/28668 Aqaba m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/746747 Gulf of Aqaba m Mafia island Aelana, Aila, Elaea, Berenice, Ezion Geber, Leuke Kome? 2454.1 Aqaba Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Bible, Rois, 1, 9:26 Tell el Kheleifeh 2455 29.462396 34.858839 Iotabe? Geziret Faraun, Pharaoh's island 2456 29.308247 34.937659 Ankale near Haql http://pleiades.stoa Gulf of .org/places/746709 places/28664 Aqaba m 2457 29.043600 34.671300 Nuweiba http://pleiades.stoa Gulf of .org/places/746788 places/28681 Aqaba m 2458 28.522602 34.795449 Tayyib al Ism http://pleiades.stoa Gulf of .org/places/746818 places/28684 Aqaba m 2459 28.517223 34.520897 Tell el Mashraba, near Dahab http://pleiades.stoa Gulf of .org/places/746819 places/28685 Aqaba m 2460 28.475123 34.499527 El-Kura 2461 28.401525 34.733709 Makna near Magna Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, AdG Gulf of Aqaba http://pleiades.stoa Gulf of .org/places/746777 places/28680 Aqaba 7 5 0 7 5 0 rs X X 3 3 0 3 0 7 5 0 3 0 m p m 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 339 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2461.1 27.859351 34.291968 Sharm el-Sheikh 2462 27.946294 34.568179 Isle of sea-calves (dugongs?) 2463 28.051000 35.171000 Leuke Kome, Leucos Limen, Albus Portus, Onne? 2464 27.682600 35.476200 Modiana? 2464.1 27.621703 35.520983 2464.2 27.486300 35.564300 Modiana? 2465 27.338005 35.690573 Dabba, Modiana ? Tiran and Sanafir islands, at the entrance of the gulf of Aqaba ? possibly bay of Aynunah near Al Khuraybah at 28°03’ of latitude. Ptolemy locates Leucos at 2°10’ of latitude North of Berenike, but that is on the other side of the Red Sea! Leuke Kome is not on the African side but on the Arabian side of the Red Sea. The road to Petra starts there. Dan Gibson (2004) locates the port at Aila (Aqaba). Nappo (2010) prefers al-Wajh, 300 km North of Yanbu. Al Muwaylih Sharm Yahar, Al Harr Dhuba, Duba Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Diodorus, Hist, 3, 20 & 21 Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 20 Cohen, Gibson (2004), Hazlitt, Seland AdG Pauly http://data.pastpla 216992 Gulf of Aqaba m p http://data.pastpla 8889 Gulf of Aqaba a http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814698 places/30690 Arab: Red S. a 3 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814707 places/30693 Arab: Red S. m 3 3 0 Saudi Arab: Red S. m p http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814707 places/30693 Arab: Red S. m http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814707 places/30693 Arab: Red S. m 3 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 340 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2465.1 26.642814 36.219316 Sharm Dumaygh 2466 26.592356 36.250995 Hippos Kome Sharm Antar? 2467 26.220406 36.453470 Phoinikon Kome, Leuke Kome? Port of Egra? 2468 26.067422 36.572161 Ampelone Sharm Wejh, alWajh? This location for Leuke Kome is preferred by Nappo because "at latitudes North of 20°N, winds blow from North all year long" which makes good sense from a nautical point of view. Egra is inland at Mada'in Saleh. Ras Habban 2468.1 26.059000 36.663600 Akra? such a place might be called "Akra" ... http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814650 places/30673 Arab: Red S. m 2469 25.897255 36.666013 Raunathou Kome near Khurayyim Said http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814726 places/30697 Arab: Red S. m 2469.1 25.081200 37.246300 Al Haura http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814681 places/30683 Arab: Red S. m 2470 25.020000 37.262700 Umm Lajj http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814746 places/30702 Arab: Red S. m 2470.1 24.625872 37.337314 Sharm Hasy AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2470.2 24.273912 37.673649 Sharm Al Khawr AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Nappo (2010), Seland Cohen Saudi Arab: Red S. m p http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814684 places/30685 Arab: Red S. m p http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/814719 places/30696 Arab: Red S. m p Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 341 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2470.3 24.153229 37.937658 Charmothas, Charmute Sharm Yanbu, 15 km North of Yanbu 2470.4 24.069980 38.057044 Yanbu Al Bahr 2470.5 22.949484 38.888721 2470.6 22.353038 2470.7 Saudi Arab: Red S. a p AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p Sherm Rabegh AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 39.084469 Al Qadimah AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 22.088061 39.030927 Al Jazeerah, near Ras Hatiba AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2470.8 21.717354 39.098442 Sharm Abhur, Bihar AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2471 21.510655 39.142121 Jeddah AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2471.1 20.876416 39.354983 Abu Shauk AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2471.2 20.254632 40.011822 Marsa Qishran AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2471.3 20.168463 40.229582 Marsa Ibrahim AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2471.4 19.773387 40.662476 Khor al Humara AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p 2471.5 18.213756 41.528807 Khor al Birk AdG Saudi Arab: Red S. m p Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Diodorus, Hist, 3, 21 ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 http://data.pastpla 4190 Vol. I, Page 342 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2471.6 17.067565 42.400691 Marma 2471.7 16.871260 41.587623 Saso, Sarso island 2471.8 16.836562 41.951117 2472 16.697463 42.104190 Praefectus Ferresani Portus on Devade insulae 2472.1 16.735157 42.698179 Baitios & Akme 2472.2 16.553166 42.060748 2473 15.540644 41.833664 2473.1 15.519617 42.378796 2473.2 15.333880 42.614084 Camarum insula 2473.3 14.816000 42.931000 Adedou Kome 2474 14.437956 43.012909 Bolicas, Bulicas, port Al Ghulayfiqa of the Himyarites, Homerites, Omerites, Laupas? in front of Adulis, on the Arabian side Exusta, Katakekaumene insulae, Ile Brulee, Burnt island Khor al Jaafirah http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/39382 places/27315 Arab: Red S. m p AdG, Monfreid http://data.pastpla 25721 Saudi Arab: Red S. m p Sajid, on Farasan Zekir island, Monfreid's Seguid AdG, Monfreid http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39337 Saudi Arab: Red S. m Roman naval base at Khor Farasan, on Farasan Kebir island, in front of Jizan Al Madaya, Monfreid's Medy Seland, Speidel (2013) http://pleiades.stoa Saudi .org/places/39337 places/41316 Arab: Red S. m p Monfreid http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39312 Saudi Arab: Red S. m Dumsuq island, Monfreid's Dumsuk AdG, Monfreid Saudi Arab: Red S. m p at-Tair vulcano island NW of Hodeidah Anonym, Mer Erythr, 20 Uqban island, Monfreid's Okban http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39345 places/41314 3 0 a 3 0 Yemen m p Kamaran island http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39318 places/41313 m p 3 0 Al Hodeidah, Hudaydah http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39270 places/27290 m 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG, Monfreid 5 5 0 Procopius, Guerre Perses, 1, 19 Schiettecatte (2012) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39368 Yemen a Vol. I, Page 343 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2474.1 14.612720 42.925455 Mujamila island AdG 2474.2 13.881266 42.713688 Tongue island, near Monfreid's Zoukour, Zuqar AdG, Monfreid 2474.3 13.830000 43.230000 Ailou Kome Al Khawkhah? 2475 13.319020 43.225842 Masala, Mouza, Muza, port of the Himyarites, Makhwan Mokha 2476 12.947973 43.409310 Sosippi 2477 12.711980 43.477020 Acila, Akila, Ocelis, Akelis, Artemidore, Maddaban 2477.1 12.653101 43.420240 Monfreid's Doubab, Dhubab is the only natural shelter between Murad/Ocelis and Mokha/Mouza. Khor Ghuraira, Cheikh Saïd, near Murad, South of Mokha and in front of Ras Siyan Mayyun, Perim island 2477.2 12.638344 44.137997 Khor Omeira, Monfreid's Kor Omeira 2477.3 12.753677 44.724326 Ras Imran 2478 12.801795 45.005487 Eudaimon Arabia, Porto, Adane Aden 2478.1 13.128000 45.459000 Mesala Al-'Asala, Am-'Asala Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 0265 Yemen m p Yemen m p http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39277 places/27292 m 3 0 Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 ; Mauny, http://pleiades.stoa Yemen Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 75 Schiettecatte (2012) .org/places/39390 places/36129 & 6, 26 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 7 & 24 Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 Monfreid http://data.pastpla Yemen 69834 a 3 3 0 Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 26 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 7 & 25 Monfreid, Mauny, http://pleiades.stoa Yemen Schiettecatte (2012) .org/places/39279 places/36124 a AdG Yemen m AdG, Monfreid Yemen m AdG Yemen m p http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39269 places/27289 a p 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39385 places/27317 m 3 0 Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 26 Schiettecatte (2012) http://data.pastpla 60017 a 3 0 Vol. I, Page 344 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2478.2 13.410000 46.690000 Abisama, Ambisama, Ebisma Ras Sanbah? http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39263 places/27285 2478.3 13.982719 48.173209 2479 14.006362 48.327067 2480 14.012409 48.448849 Ras Majdahah AdG 2480.1 14.525882 49.123511 Khor al Mukalla AdG 2480.2 14.756045 49.629671 Schiettecatte (2012) 2480.3 16.205662 50.024778 2480.4 15.070331 50.712709 2480.5 15.349029 51.663877 2481 15.610251 52.186919 2481.1 15.854649 52.164472 Syagrus, Syagros, Suagros Khalfut 2481.2 16.192000 52.245000 Ausara Al-Ghayda? Bal Haf, Balihaf Qana, Cana, Qani, port of the Hadramawites Trulla Portus? Husn al-Ghurab, near Bir Ali Al Shirh AdG Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 26; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 29 Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 Schiettecatte (2012), Seland m Yemen m p Yemen a Yemen m p http://data.pastpla 0772 Yemen m p http://data.pastpla 6843 Yemen a m p http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39355 3 0 Ras Sharma Schiettecatte (2012) Yemen Thialemath? Al Musaynah Schiettecatte (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39431 places/33575 m 3 0 Tretos Portus? Ras Sharwayn Schiettecatte (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39434 places/33577 a 3 0 Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 Khaisat, near Ras Fartak Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 AdG Anonym, Mer Erythr, 30 Schiettecatte (2012) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39428 Yemen m p Yemen a http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39301 places/27298 m 3 0 Vol. I, Page 345 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2481.3 16.561300 52.841000 Neogilla, Neogeiala Damkot, Damqawt? http://pleiades.stoa Yemen .org/places/39396 places/27320 m 2481.4 16.871000 53.782000 Bosara, Boseude, Kosara, Koseude Al-Maghsil? http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/40088 Yemen m 2481.5 16.937126 53.999393 Yemen m p 2482 17.038839 54.434285 Moscha, Abyssa, Sumhuram Khor Rori, at the outlet of Wadi Darbat Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 ; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 32 Schiettecatte (2012), Seland http://pleiades.stoa Oman .org/places/40228 places/27286 a 2483 17.439776 55.263217 Asich, Asichon Ras Hasik Anonym, Mer Erythr, 33 Casson http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/39296 Oman a 2483.1 20.455132 58.811191 Serapis island Mazirah island Anonym, Mer Erythr, 33 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/29743 Oman a 2483.2 22.423700 59.838200 Oman m 2483.3 22.537905 59.749053 Oman m p 2483.4 22.573202 59.536214 Sour Oman m p 2483.5 22.705000 59.383000 Wadi Hilm Oman m 2483.6 23.519779 58.725880 Bandar Khairan Oman m p 2484 23.622063 58.574174 Salalah, Raysut AdG Ras al Jinz Korodamon? Cryptus Portus, Amithoscuta Ras Al Hadd Muscat Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/29633 AdG AdG Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7; Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32 http://pleiades.stoa Oman .org/places/29635 places/27105 3 0 3 0 a 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 346 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2484.1 23.785968 57.794247 Al Suwadi, Sawadi 2485 24.525159 56.617097 2485.1 25.028000 56.369000 2486 25.362874 56.349462 2487 25.614887 56.288032 2488 25.730252 56.296838 port of Goboea Cuscan according to Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32 Forster Forster, Haffah Bay?? 2489 26.321289 56.377780 Asabon, Asaborum, Maketa, Mane, Mussendom Prom. Jazirat al Ghanam Strabo, Geogr, 16, 3 2490 25.841723 55.983039 Port Machorbe Al Rams, Rhums 2491 25.841723 55.983039 Rhegma, Regama, Raamah 2491.1 25.509902 55.617065 Omana, Omanum emporium? Al Rams, Rhums according to Forster, Ras el Khaïmah? Ed-Dur, in Umm alQuwain Emirate 2491.2 25.241300 55.329500 Jumeirah, Dubai 2491.3 24.438500 54.513000 Umm an Nar Port Leupas Al Liwa, Lua, Sohar AdG Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32 Oman http://pleiades.stoa Oman .org/places/29766 places/27115 Khor Kalba Port du Mont Orsa m p a Oman m Khor Fakkan, Chorfakan Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32 Forster http://data.pastpla 4279 Oman a Dibba al-Hisn Seland http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/932450 Gulf m Gulf a http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932470 places/41012 a Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32 Forster http://data.pastpla 85175 Gulf a Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 Forster http://data.pastpla 26436 Gulf a Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 36 Seland http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932474 places/25239 a http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/29617 places/27102 m Gulf m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon 3 0 r X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 Vol. I, Page 347 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2492 25.426232 51.396755 Taboca, Cadara Qatar 2493 25.655435 50.217505 Gerrha, Dilmun? Tell al-Zayer at Thaj, Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32 Seland, Potts (1991) http://pleiades.stoa Gulf is not a port but a ; Strabo, Geogr, 16, .org/places/932483 places/25240 major city 3 a 2494 26.233561 50.519874 Tylos, Tyrus insula, Arados insula, Dilnum? Qal'at al-Bahrein a 2494.1 26.158500 50.176800 Ain as Sayh, near al Khobar http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932431 places/32901 m 2494.2 26.435400 50.150000 Dammam http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932447 places/32903 m 2494.3 26.543559 50.077118 Darin, on Tarout island http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932448 places/32904 m 2494.4 26.612500 49.984100 Qatif Seland, Potts (1991) http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932479 places/32910 m 2494.5 26.709202 49.957886 Ayn Jawan Potts (1991) http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932428 places/32899 m 2494.6 26.877000 49.818000 Dosariyah Gulf m 2494.7 26.914600 49.636300 Jabal Berri http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/932461 places/32907 m 2494.8 28.939000 47.967000 Burgan hill Gulf m 2495 29.429660 48.277269 Ikaros, Icarus insula Tell Khazne, on the isle of Failaka, Koweith Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/932481 Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 32, Strabo, Geogr, 16, 3; Poseidippos, Epigramme Strabo, Geogr, 16, 3 Seland Seland http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/932432 Gulf Gulf http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/912851 places/27148 m 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 a 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 348 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2495.1 29.468000 48.290000 al Khor, on the isle of Failaka, Koweith Gulf m 2495.2 29.362600 47.915600 Tell Akkaz, Koweith http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/912798 places/27137 m 2495.3 29.382500 47.868000 Umm an Namel, Koweith Gulf m 2495.4 29.562700 48.143000 Subiyah Gulf m 2496 30.534207 47.759052 Teredon, Diritotis, Didotis ? near Basra Strabo, Geogr, 16, 3 & 5, 20 ; Arrian, Indica, 8, 41 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/915902 Gulf a 2497 30.526821 47.839177 Apologos Al Ashar, port of Basra Anonym, Mer Erythr, 35 http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/912807 places/27141 a 2497.1 30.580433 47.770886 R Euphrates and R Pasitigris, naviguable over a long distance R Euphrates and R Karun Arrian, Indica, 8, 41 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/912918 Gulf a 2498 30.908560 47.578353 Charax Spasinou, Alexandria, Antiochia Jebel Khayabir, about 50 km North of Basra Pliny, Hist Nat, 6, 31; Anonym, Mer Erythr, 35 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/912872 Gulf a 2498.1 30.106605 49.107949 Magastana island, at mouth of lake Kataderbis Dara island? Arrian, Indica, 8, 41 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/915869 Gulf a 2498.2 30.049688 49.464509 R Oroatis, Arosis former outlet near Hendijan? Arrian, Indica, 8, 39 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/912992 Gulf a 2498.3 29.911482 50.123426 R Brizana South of Bandar Deylam? Arrian, Indica, 8, 39 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/930175 Gulf a ###### 29.558532 50.510811 Itamos portus Bandar Ganaveh? Ptol, Geogr, 6, 7 ; http://data.pastpla 0298 Gulf a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vincent 5 5 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 349 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2498.4 29.441316 50.585582 R Rhogonis, Rogonis near Bandar Rig ###### 29.249669 50.307622 Arakia insula? Kharg island 2498.5 29.116071 50.590371 Toake, on R Granis R Dalaki 2498.6 28.989215 50.812772 Mesambria near Bushir 2498.7 28.942454 50.827951 Antiocheia Persidos? Bushir 2498.8 28.896029 50.825545 Rev Ardashir? Ionaka? Rishir, Rishahr 2498.9 28.817625 50.994487 R Padagrus North of Delvar 2499.1 28.551011 51.030641 Hieratis 2499.2 28.126555 51.232800 2499.3 27.820666 2499.4 ###### Arrian, Indica, 8, 39 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/922632 Gulf a Seland http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/912881 places/27150 m Arrian, Indica, 8, 39 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/922626 Gulf a Arrian, Indica, 8, 39 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/922680 Gulf a http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/922627 places/25235 m Seland http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/922711 places/25238 m Arrian, Indica, 8, 39 Vincent http://data.pastpla 61915 Gulf a South of Delvar Arrian, Indica, 8, 39 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/930194 Gulf a R Sitacus R Rodjanh Arrian, Indica, 8, 38 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/922675 Gulf a 51.976962 R Areon near Bardestan Arrian, Indica, 8, 38 Vincent http://data.pastpla 32275 Gulf a 27.782721 52.078937 Gogana near Bandar-e Kangan Arrian, Indica, 8, 38 Vincent http://data.pastpla 2332 Gulf a 27.664953 52.331516 Siraf Siraf Seland http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/29762 places/27114 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 m 3 0 Vol. I, Page 350 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2499.5 27.423402 52.655595 Apostana South of Assalouyeh Arrian, Indica, 8, 38 Vincent 2499.6 27.083152 53.014040 Ochus near Bostano? Arrian, Indica, 8, 38 Vincent 2499.7 26.802479 53.275935 pearl fishers' island Lavan island Arrian, Indica, 8, 38 Vincent 2499.8 26.716062 53.649928 Eas, behind Kaikandros, Cecandrus island Hendurabi island Arrian, Indica, 8, 38 2499.9 26.534814 53.973822 Kataia, Cataea island Kish, Qeys island 2500 26.487554 54.796194 Sisidona, Sidodona 2500.1 26.258842 55.307489 2500.2 26.790811 2500.3 Gulf a Gulf a http://data.pastpla 38602 Gulf a Vincent http://data.pastpla 6677 Gulf a Arrian, Indica, 8, 37 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/29630 places/41324 a Bandar e-Shenas Arrian, Indica, 8, 37 Vincent http://data.pastpla 54372 Gulf a unnamed island Tunb island Arrian, Indica, 8, 37 Vincent http://data.pastpla 52817 Gulf a 55.855041 Oaracta island Qeshm island Arrian, Indica, 8, 37 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/29691 places/41323 a 27.065155 56.460435 Organa island Hormuz island Arrian, Indica, 8, 37 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/30251 Gulf a 2500.4 27.143035 56.233327 Harmozeia, Harmozan, Armuzia Suru, on the West side of Bandar Abbas Arrian, Indica, 8, 33 http://pleiades.stoa Gulf .org/places/29586 places/27101 a 2500.5 27.054946 56.809993 R Anamis near Kolahi Arrian, Indica, 8, 33 & 35 Vincent http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/30206 Gulf a 2500.6 26.875662 56.931261 Neoptana near Kohnehshahr Arrian, Indica, 8, 33 Vincent http://data.pastpla 70240 Gulf a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://data.pastpla 3944 3 0 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 351 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2501.0 31.251000 34.090000 Bethaphou, Boutaphion, near Bitylion Sheikh Zuweid http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/687850 places/28327 Med Sea m 3 0 2501.1 31.157086 33.835785 Rhinocolura El Arish http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/688016 places/21694 Med Sea a Isle of El Felusiyat on Lake El Bardawil http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/687993 places/21696 Med Sea m Casius Mons Ras Qasrun, Khatib el Gals. http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/687872 places/41237 Med Sea m 32.676684 Gerra near Peluse http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/687909 places/28351 Med Sea m 31.044192 32.543541 Pelousion, Pelusium, Peluse Tell el Farama http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727192 places/21695 Med Sea a 2504.1 31.200000 32.235000 Thennesos Tell Tinnis http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727247 places/28535 Med Sea m 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 3 0 2502 31.117400 33.431600 Ostrakine, Ostracena 2502.1 31.208200 33.068500 2503 31.047527 2504 2504.2 30.860556 32.171389 Daphnae, Daphnes de Peluse Tell Defenneh, Tahpanhes Boardman (1982) http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727103 places/21717 Med Sea m 2504.3 30.974901 31.877135 Djanet, Tanis Tell San el Hagar Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727236 places/21698 Med Sea m 2504.4 30.860000 31.910556 Imet Tell Nebesha, Farun Boardman (1982) http://data.pastpla 901414 a 2504.5 30.788463 31.823632 Avaris Tell el Dab'a Tronchere (2010), Vittori (2015) http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727080 places/28474 Med Sea m 2505 31.416581 31.810089 Tamiathis Damietta http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727235 places/21697 Med Sea m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 16, 4 Arrian, Alexander, 3, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl Herodotus, Hist, 2, 154 Egypt: Med Sea 7 5 0 7 5 0 r 7 5 0 3 0 0 Vol. I, Page 352 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2505.1 30.958333 31.515833 Mendes, Djedet Tell El Ruba http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727156 places/21699 Med Sea m 2505.2 30.958200 31.244900 Sebennytos Samanud http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727227 places/21701 Med Sea m 2506 31.698286 31.078426 R Nile http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/727172 a 2507 31.445739 30.392717 Bolbitine navigable between Lake Mareotis and the first cataract (Elephantine island near Assouan) with many ports, among which Coptos (Qift) which was the connection to the Red Sea. From Myos-Hormos and Berenike, one could join Coptos on R Nile and continue to Memphis and Alexandria sailing downstrean on the Nile, instead of sailing against the prevailing northern winds on the Red Sea (Pliny the Elder, Hist Nat, 6, 26) Burj Rashid, near Rosetta 2507.1 31.461190 30.416770 Perseos Skope 2507.2 30.966800 30.769400 2508 30.900000 30.591700 Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 10 & 6, 26 Egypt: Med Sea http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727085 places/28476 Med Sea m near Bolbitine http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727193 places/36220 Med Sea m Sais Sa el Hagar http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727217 places/21138 Med Sea m Naukratis, Naucratis, Pi-emroye Kom el Gaïef http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727169 places/21703 Med Sea a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Herodotus, Hist, 2, 179 Fantalkin (2014) 4 5 0 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 6 Vol. I, Page 353 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 1 0 2508.1 30.962789 30.174326 Psenemphaia, Kom el Truga SE of Theroge, South end of Alexandria ancient Mareotis lake Vanek (2008) http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727208 places/28507 Med Sea m 2508.2 31.138664 30.189211 Schedia on the Canal of Canope Kom el Hamam in SE suburbs of Alexandria HeinzelmannBergmann http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727221 places/28509 Med Sea a 2509 31.281600 30.119800 Thonis submerged city in the bay of Aboukir Goddio http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727250 places/28536 Med Sea m 2509.1 31.298270 30.110340 Heracleion submerged city in the bay of Aboukir Goddio http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727120 places/42429 Med Sea m 2510 31.315140 30.106630 Menouthis submerged city in the bay of Aboukir Goddio http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727162 places/28493 Med Sea m 2511 31.322500 30.058300 Pikuat, Canopus Abu Qir Flemming, Goddio http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727097 places/21706 Med Sea m 2512 31.292294 30.017086 Taposiris Mikra near Al Muntazah http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727242 places/28530 Med Sea m 2513 31.238283 29.945870 Iuliopolis, Nikopolis near le Stanley Bridge? http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727131 places/28486 Med Sea m 2514 31.217613 29.893611 Rhacotis, Rhacotes, Rakhotis Alexandria Tacitus, Hist, 4, 84 Cohen http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727070 places/15898 Med Sea a 2515 31.205574 29.894432 Alexandria, Portus Magnus and its Pharos, home port of Classis Alexandrina fleet Alexandria, also called « Le Phare », The Pharos Caesar, Guerre civile, 3, 111 ; Guerre d’Alexandrie, 8 ; Moschion cited by Athenaeus, Banquet des Savants, 5, 9 to 12 ; Lehmann, Flemming, Cohen, Pauly, Blackman, Goddio, Christiansen, Oleson, Pitassi (2012) http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727070 places/15898 Med Sea a p rs Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Strabo, Geogr, 17, 1 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 rs X X X Vol. I, Page 354 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Pliny, Hist Nat, 2, 87 & 5, 11 & 5, 34 ; Seneca, Lucilius, 77 ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 1 ; Diodorus, Hist, 1, 17 & 1, 50 & 17, 7; Dio Cassius, Hist, 42, 38 ; Quintus, Hist, 4, 8 ; Lucan, Pharsale, 10 ; Philo, in Flaccum, 27 & 92 & 108 ; Philo, Legatio, 151 & 250 ; Josephus Flavius, Guerre, 4, 10 ; Plutarch, Indica, 3536 ; Ammian Marcellin, Hist de Rome, 22, 16 ; Arrian, Alexander, 3, 1 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 272 Homer, Odyssey, 4, Jondet 350 2516 31.201905 29.864105 archaic port of the isle of Pharos Ras el-Teen 2517 31.194005 29.874503 Eunostos Dekhela, Dikheila: Alexandria West Strabo, Geogr, 17, 1 Lehmann, Cohen 2518 31.188598 29.882050 Kibotos port located inside the Port of Eunostos Strabo, Geogr, 17, 1 Goiran (2005) 2518.1 31.178285 29.908640 Portus Mareoticus, Mareotis lake port connected to Kibotos by a canal Strabo, Geogr, 17, 1 Rodziewicz (1988), El-Assal (2013) 2519 31.162104 29.829260 Bendideum, Bendis, Bendidee in or near Alexandria Synesius, Lettres Pauly 2520 31.089723 29.695658 Chersonesos islet in front of Abu Talat Caesar, Guerre d’Alexandrie, 10 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 1 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/727197 Egypt: Med Sea a rs X ? http://data.pastpla 18943 Egypt: Med Sea a rs X Egypt: Med Sea a Egypt: Med Sea a Egypt: Med Sea a Egypt: Med Sea a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/727154 X Vol. I, Page 355 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2520.1 30.997236 29.658972 Philoxenite, port on Lake Mareotis, Mareia, Marea Qaryat Shakush, near Huwariya, with ancient lighthouse Christiansen, http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: Blackman, Pichot .org/places/727153 places/25492 Med Sea (2012), Khalil (2010) m r 2520.2 30.980910 29.629511 2521 30.945335 29.538491 Plinthinos, Plinthine, East jetty near Burg el-Arab no port according to Stadiasmus, 3 Khalil (2010) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/727205 2522 30.939727 29.523023 Taposiris Megale, Taposiris Magna and its ancient tower Abounsir, near Burg el-Arab Stadiasmus, 4 Christiansen, Khalil (2010), Boussac (2010) 2523 30.877000 29.325000 Chimo, Cheimo el Bordan, about 30 km East of El Alamein 2524 30.834300 29.178600 Glaucum, Glaukos 2525 30.823800 29.012200 Box-shaped harbour Khalil (2010) Egypt: Med Sea m r X Egypt: Med Sea a rs X http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/727241 places/21708 Med Sea a r Stadiasmus, 5 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716544 places/36206 Med Sea a el Imayid, about 15 km East of El Alamein Stadiasmus, 6 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716565 places/36207 Med Sea a Leucaspis, Cynossema, Antipharis, Antiphrai El Alamein Strabo, Geogr, 17, 2 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 7 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716524 places/21709 Med Sea a 2526 30.871000 28.929000 Derris, Derras Derasiya? Stadiasmus, 8 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716549 places/28453 Med Sea a 2527 30.984062 28.770732 Comaru near Sidi Abd el Rahman http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716546 places/23589 Med Sea m 2528 31.080158 28.482296 Zephyrium Prom. near Ras el Daba Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 9 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716651 places/42486 Med Sea a 2529 31.086346 28.256479 Pedonia, behind Myrmex insulae Sambra Reef Stadiasmus, 10 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716617 places/36214 Med Sea a 2530 31.099427 28.150120 Trakhea Abou Jerab near Galaj Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/716641 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Egypt: Med Sea X ? X 5 5 0 X ? 3 0 X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 356 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2531 31.093379 28.014785 Pnigeus Akroterion, Pnigeo Ras al Gharqan, Ras Gregrien, Caesar Beach Stadiasmus, 11 2532 31.145047 27.899569 Phoenicus, Phoenicunte South of Ras elKanayis Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 12 2533 31.214400 27.872500 Hermaeis, Ermea near Ras el-Kanayis Stadiasmus, 13 2534 31.237800 27.866900 Leuce, Leuke Akte Ras el-Kanayis 2535 31.182984 27.668363 Zygris 2536 31.189510 27.638050 2537 31.203002 2538 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716625 places/28466 Med Sea a http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716621 places/36215 Med Sea a http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716572 places/36209 Med Sea a Stadiasmus, 14 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716587 places/36672 Med Sea a near Disney Beach Stadiasmus, 15 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716657 places/36219 Med Sea a Laodanuntium, Ladamantia Marsa Mahadda, near Sidi Haneish Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 16 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716585 places/36213 Med Sea a 27.565848 Kallias, Kalamaion, Calamaeo near Almaza Beach Resort Stadiasmus, 17 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716575 places/36210 Med Sea a 31.339000 27.360000 Graeas Gony, Graeasgoni seu Vetulae portus near Garawla Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 18 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716568 places/36208 Med Sea a 2539 31.361018 27.266871 Paretonius, Paraetonium, Ammonia http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716535 places/21711 Med Sea a p 31.403931 27.091931 Delphines and Zephyrium islands Strabo, Geogr, 17, 2 ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 8 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 19 Stadiasmus, 20 Cohen, Flemming, Dawson 2540 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/716622 Egypt: Med Sea a 2541 31.391491 27.070017 Apis Marsa Matrouh, Bates' island, Geziret elYehudiyeh islets in front of Obayed beach, 15 km West of Marsa Matrouh near Zawyet Umm el Rakham http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716526 places/28451 Med Sea a 2542 31.443707 26.983440 Nesis, Natem Ras Bulaou Stadiasmus, 22 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/716505 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming Flemming Flemming Stadiasmus, 21 Flemming Egypt: Med Sea 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 Vol. I, Page 357 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2543 31.466891 26.788613 Selenis, Selenide near Azy Stadiasmus, 23 2544 31.482951 26.757666 Azy Marsa Aasi Stadiasmus, 24 2545 31.520118 26.639230 Tyndarios, Tauris islets Ishailah rocks Caesar, Guerre d’Alexandrie, 45 ; Stadiasmus, 25 2546 31.502300 26.563000 Chautaeo, Chettaia 2547 31.534000 26.321000 Zygis, Zygri, Zygrae 2548 31.630000 25.929000 2549 31.556000 2550 Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716635 places/36217 Med Sea a http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716531 places/36203 Med Sea a http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716642 places/42475 Med Sea a Stadiasmus, 26 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716543 places/36205 Med Sea a near Sheikh el Bisri Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 27 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716656 places/36218 Med Sea a Ainesisphyra, Aenesiphyra, Ennesyphora, Nesus near Sidi Barrani Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 28 http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716507 places/23590 Med Sea a 25.163000 Catabathmus Maior, Plunos, Plynos, Plynus, Tetrapyrgia Sallum http://pleiades.stoa Egypt: .org/places/716540 places/21712 Med Sea a 31.673883 25.152359 Ficu sandy creek? Scylax, Peripl ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Herodotus, Hist, 4, 168 ; Stadiasmus, 29 Stadiasmus, 30 2551 31.682251 25.147760 Panorme sandy creek? 2552 31.709579 25.135162 Eurea 2553 31.759187 25.102018 2554 31.910000 25.041800 Tardieu Tardieu Libya a Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 31 Libya a sandy creeks? Stadiasmus, 32 Libya a Petras Magna, Patarrus, Petrante Bardia Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 33 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716619 places/41004 a Ardanis Prom., Kardamis, Ardanaxes Ras Bu Wushayyikah Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 34 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716577 places/36211 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 Vol. I, Page 358 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 3 0 2555 31.981300 24.878000 Menelaüs, Menelas Ras el-Awrah? 2556 32.015900 24.764000 Katanis Prom., Catanis natural shelter 2557 31.983600 24.542500 2558 31.997655 24.418968 2559 31.998100 24.215500 2560 32.075000 23.970000 2561 32.177705 2562 Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Nepos, Agesilas, 8 ; Plutarch, Agesilas, 47 ; Herodotus, Hist, 4, 169 ; Stadiasmus, 35 Stadiasmus, 36 Tardieu locates it at http://pleiades.stoa Libya Bombah ; Flemming .org/places/716599 places/28463 calls it Paliurus/Azyris ? BAtlas locates it there http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716579 places/42472 Marsa Gabes Scythranius, Cyrthanio Marsa el Afarid, about 30 km East of Tobrouk: sandy creeks El Gara, Al Qa’arah Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 37 Antipyrgos Tobrouk Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 38 23.641227 Miceris near Zawiyat al Murassas 32.175800 23.408300 Marsa Tarfaia, near Ain al Ulaymah Scylax, Peripl ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 39 2563 32.174346 23.309165 Petras Parna, Petrante Parvo, Petras Minor, Petras Mikros, Small port of Petrante Batrachus Wadi ed Sedd Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 40 2563.1 32.198250 23.316060 Allem Dauhr Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Flemming, Tardieu calls it port of Tabarca Flemming a 5 5 0 a 3 3 0 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716597 places/28461 m http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716584 places/36212 a 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716556 places/28454 m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716525 places/23592 a http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716601 places/23593 m 3 3 0 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716620 places/28465 a 3 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716536 places/36204 a http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716519 places/28450 m 7 5 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 359 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2564 32.230326 23.282381 Sidonia, Aedonia insula Jeziret el-Marakeb Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/716503 places/42471 a 2565 32.348324 23.084186 Paliouros, Paliuro At Tamimi Stadiasmus, 42 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373868 places/23594 a 2566 32.396830 23.127834 Platea insula, Platee Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 41 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373874 places/27258 a 2567 32.414300 23.115800 Phthia, Phaea island now connected to the continent, South of Bombah Bombah Ptol, Geogr, 4, 5 ; Stadiasmus, 43 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373870 places/23596 a 2568 32.526316 23.109682 Dionysios near Zawiyat Umm Hufayn Stadiasmus, 44 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373781 places/27229 a 2569 32.604064 23.133193 Chersoneso, AntichidesChersonese Ras el-Tin, Atteen Scylax, Peripl ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 45 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/373773 Libya a 2570 32.672253 22.929427 Aziris, Azarion, Azari, ancient Aüza? Marsa al-Chabda Wadi Al Khaleej Tardieu http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373746 places/27219 a 2571 32.766682 22.657657 Darnis Derna Synesius, Lettres ; Herodotus, Hist, 4, 157 & 169 ; Stadiasmus, 46 Stadiasmus, 47 Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373780 places/21855 a 2572 32.797685 22.568235 Zephyrion Akron Ras Bu Meddad, 8 km West of Derna Stadiasmus, 48 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373916 places/41001 a 2573 32.838713 22.500113 Chersi, Xherson, Aphrodisias? Lea Veneris? Chersa islets 15 km NW of Derna Stadiasmus, 49 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373772 places/27228 a 2574 32.873000 22.278400 Erythron, Erythre Wadi al Athrun Stadiasmus, 50 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373785 places/27231 a 2575 32.903086 22.170730 Naustathamos, Naustathmum Ras al Hilal Scylax, Peripl ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 51 Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373862 places/27256 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 rs r 7 5 0 7 5 0 X X? 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 360 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2576 32.904091 21.967329 Apollonia, port of Cyrene, Kyrene Susah, Soussa, with ancient lighthouse 2576.1 32.933200 21.754600 2577 32.924585 21.633695 Phykous, Phycus, Phycunte Hamamah, where submerged remains have been reported 2578 32.835295 21.507055 Aptouchou Hieron, Aptoucha Al Haniya, Hanieh 2578.1 32.818000 21.481000 2579 32.792400 21.412600 Ausigdis? Nausidos Gasr Disa, near El Zerbi 2580 32.775917 21.340607 Kainopolis, Cenopolis Maatin el-Agla, Maaten al Uqla 2581 32.714979 20.946322 Ptolemais, port of Barce, Barca Tolmeita, port of al Marj 2581.1 32.637000 20.786000 2581.2 32.611000 20.720000 2582 32.540172 20.566316 2582.1 32.475780 20.494460 Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 52 Lehmann, Cohen, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Christiansen http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373732 places/21854 a http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373889 places/27262 m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373872 places/27257 a rs Flemming, Blackman, http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373733 places/27216 m rs http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373799 places/35018 m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373745 places/27218 a Cohen, Laronde http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373833 places/27247 m rs X Lehmann, Flemming, Cohen, Loven, Blackman, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373879 places/21857 a rs X X X ? Roman villa http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/963101 places/36072 388 m Roman villa at el Bent http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373756 places/35014 m http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373736 places/21852 a rs X X ? http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/963101 places/36078 394 m Sidi Aamer Stadiasmus, 53 Roman villa at Gasr el Hammam Teucheira, Tauchira, Arsinoe, Pentapolis Taukra, Tocra Roman villa Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 54 Scylax, Peripl ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 55 Stadiasmus, 56 Cohen, Flemming rs X X X X X X X ? X Vol. I, Page 361 6 3 2 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2582.2 32.449900 20.466650 Bersis http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373758 places/27222 m 3 0 0 2582.3 32.382970 20.366640 Tansoluch http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373901 places/27268 m 3 0 2583 32.350400 20.306600 Daryanah http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373824 places/21853 m 2584 32.234400 20.159000 Ain Zeina, near Kuwayfiyah http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373728 places/27215 m 3 3 0 3 0 2585 32.169585 20.091211 Argoos, Arghous, near Arghous, near Tritonis Palus, Lake Benghazi Triton, near Berenice Apollonius, Argonauticas, 4, 1620 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/373906 Libya a 2586 32.124500 20.063700 Benghazi Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 57 ; Scylax, Peripl http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373786 places/21851 a 2587 32.019481 19.987552 Berenice, Berenike, port of Euesperides, Hesperidae, Hesperides Rhinis ? 10 km SW of Benghazi Stadiasmus, 58 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/373826 Libya a 2588 32.009080 19.976882 Pitho ? 12 km SW of Benghazi Stadiasmus, 59 Libya a 2589 32.006648 19.974712 Theotimaeo near Pitho Stadiasmus, 60 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373905 places/36123 a 2590 31.996108 19.963303 Halis ? 15 km SW of Benghazi Stadiasmus, 61 Libya a 2591 31.952742 19.936160 Boreion, Boreum Ras Teyonas, 20 km SW of Benghazi Stadiasmus, 62 Libya a 2592 31.749200 19.919400 Chersis Chersa, Karsa, near Qaryat al Barakat Stadiasmus, 63 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373771 places/36118 a Hadrianopolis, Kaukalou Kome? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Cohen, Flemming Lehmann, Pauly http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/373760 3 3 0 3 3 0 r X 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 362 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2593 31.578400 19.963200 Amastoris Bu Sceriba? Stadiasmus, 64 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373729 places/36116 a 2594 31.470719 19.992807 Heracleo Ras Carcura? Stadiasmus, 65 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/363971 Libya a 2595 31.466194 20.008067 Drepanon near Heracleo Stadiasmus, 66 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373782 places/36119 a 2596 31.325600 20.088900 Serapeion South of Carcura Stadiasmus, 67 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373887 places/36581 a 2597 31.150900 20.166210 Diarrhoea Portus near Sultan? Ptol, Geogr, 4, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 68 http://data.pastpla 36579 Libya a 2598 31.133500 20.168000 Attici Phenica, Api? near Sultan Stadiasmus, 69 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373741 places/23604 a 3 0 2599 31.013700 20.137300 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373801 places/35019 m 3 0 0 2600 30.954010 20.109585 Kainon, Caeno Zuetina? Stadiasmus, 70 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/373832 places/36121 a 3 3 0 2601 30.902691 20.072334 Euschoeno near Ajdabiya? Stadiasmus, 71 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/376777 Libya a 2602 30.902615 20.061163 Hyphali islands islands near Ajdabiya? Ptol, Geogr, 4, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 72 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/373830 Libya a 2603 30.776290 19.962088 Scopelo, Mysinos insula reefs in front of the beach? Stadiasmus, 73 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/363997 Libya a 2604 30.791100 19.902800 Pontia insula Isle of Garah? Stadiasmus, 74 Libya a Roman villa at Gasr en Nfeil Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 363 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2605 30.719173 19.921632 Maea, Maia, Gaia insula Isle of Ishaifa? Stadiasmus, 75 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/363992 Libya a 2606 30.703500 19.934000 Astrochonda, Astrochona 30 km NE of New Brega Stadiasmus, 76 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363928 places/36106 a 2607 30.635466 19.873223 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364022 places/36112 m 2608 30.561800 19.796594 Krokodeilos, Crocodilo 11 km NE of New Brega Stadiasmus, 77 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363982 places/36110 a 2609 30.475500 19.701700 Boreum, Borio Bu Grada, near New Stadiasmus, 78 Brega http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363948 places/27207 a 2610 30.437802 19.637566 Antidrepano Prom. 10 km SW of New Brega Stadiasmus, 79 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/363923 Libya a 2611 30.416000 19.610000 Mendrion Marsa al Brega Stadiasmus, 80 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363996 places/36111 a 2612 30.424125 19.581862 Cozynthion Roman villa at Gasr el Brega Stadiasmus, 81 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363981 places/35005 a 2613 30.375459 19.486884 Tiniodiri about 10 km SW of Brega http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364023 places/36113 m 3 0 2614 30.334500 19.407200 Ammoniou Pegai, Ammonii fontibus about 17 km SW of Brega http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363920 places/36103 a 2615 30.270063 19.195510 Anabucis near Bishr http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363921 places/23608 m 2616 30.268000 19.094500 Automalax, Automalacis, Euteletos? Roman fort about Stadiasmus, 83 10 km West of Bishr http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363932 places/27198 a 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Tincausari Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 82 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 364 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2617 30.377470 18.796147 Arae Philaenorum Prom., Banadedari border between Cyrenaica and Africa, near Bir Umm el Garanigh about 11 km NW of the Ras Lanuf oil terminal 2618 30.562400 18.476600 Tugulus 2619 30.630300 18.373500 Turris and Taberna As Sidr 2620 30.761000 18.223000 Hippou Akra Ras el Ihudia? 2621 30.813323 18.076457 Zacazama 2622 30.873400 17.890000 2623 30.942700 2624 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363935 places/23610 a 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364026 places/23611 m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364027 places/36115 m 3 0 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363973 places/36109 a near Bin Jawad http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364034 places/23613 m 3 3 0 3 0 Aubereo, Ad Capsum Ultimum Sidi Beheri, about 20 km West of Bin Jawad http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363929 places/23614 m 3 0 17.752200 Ad Palmam near Marsa al Uwayja http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363915 places/36101 m 3 0 0 31.003527 17.550784 Tramaricio at 31° of latitude http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364024 places/36114 m 3 0 2625 31.044700 17.439700 Aulazon Aulazon http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363930 places/23615 m 3 0 0 2626 31.088674 17.305655 Eperos, Esperis near the remains of Mintaqat Wadi Harawah Stadiasmus, 86 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363958 places/36108 a 3 0 2627 31.129005 17.142163 Charax, Coarce, Iscina Medina Sultan Stadiasmus, 87 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363951 places/22260 a 2628 31.158911 17.035105 Ad Speluncas about 10 km West of Sultan http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363917 places/23616 m 3 3 0 3 0 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 84 Pauly Stadiasmus, 85 Carayon Vol. I, Page 365 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2629 31.196500 16.829500 Zure 2630 31.213182 16.771986 2631 31.212157 16.582714 La Tour d’Euphrantas, Euphrantas' Tower, Macomades Sirte 2631.1 31.222000 16.375900 Putea Nigrorum Several Roman villas near Qbeba 2632 31.233126 16.286996 Dysopo, Astiagi about 30 km West of Syrte 2633 31.302948 15.959661 Praetorium? Several Roman villas about 60 km West of Syrte 2634 31.405300 15.731900 Aspis, Aspide, Ad Ficum Bwayrat al Hasun, about 80 km West of Sirte 2635 31.640382 15.559237 Macomaca Melfa 2636 31.788313 15.450217 Taricheiai, Tarichiis ? at the East of Misrata Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 91 2637 32.363188 15.232038 Cephalis Prom., Tubactis Misrata Stadiasmus, 92 2638 32.418200 15.005300 2639 32.423066 14.962825 Simnana about 20 km East of Syrte http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364036 places/23617 m 3 0 Several Roman villas near Jabiat Escout http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363978 places/27209 m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363959 places/23618 a http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/364005 places/23619 m http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363927 places/36105 a 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/963101 places/35854 000 m 3 0 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/363914 places/23620 a Stadiasmus, 88 Carayon, Lehmann Stadiasmus, 89 Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Stadiasmus, 90 Lehmann, rs X X X 3 3 0 3 0 X 3 0 0 Libya m Libya a http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344513 places/21767 a 3 0 Marsa Gezirah near Misrata http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344432 places/30983 m about 10 km West of Misrata http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344484 places/23622 m 5 5 0 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Tardieu calls it a « Port » rs http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/344501 Flemming Vol. I, Page 366 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2640 32.440600 14.765400 Nivirgi Tabernae about 30 km West of Misrata http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344451 places/23623 m 3 0 2641 32.498100 14.558300 Sugolin, Seggera Roman villa at Zliten http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344489 places/35475 m 3 0 2642 32.531940 14.447459 Kinyps about 10 km West of Zliten http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344413 places/30979 m 2642.1 32.611300 14.342300 Roman villa http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/963101 places/35896 210 m 2643 32.637865 14.300074 Leptis Magna, Lepcis Magna Lebda, Labdah, with Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 4 ancient lighthouse http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344448 places/21127 a 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 2644 32.637502 14.296973 Neapolis, Leptis not yet « Magna » http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344448 places/21127 a 7 5 0 2645 32.652728 14.274048 Hermaion, Hermaeum Roman villa at Prom. Homs http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344408 places/35440 a 2645.1 32.709500 14.178200 Ad Palmam Many Roman villas on the coast North of the city http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344285 places/35895 m 2646 32.798000 13.810000 Gaphara, Graphara, Taphra Gaphara Ptol, Geogr, 4, 3 ; Carayon, Yorke Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 95 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344359 places/30971 a 2647 32.794792 13.701760 Amaraea 10 km West of Gaphara Stadiasmus, 96 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344292 places/30963 a 2648 32.796136 13.599468 Megerthis, Megradi 20 km West of Gaphara Stadiasmus, 97 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344437 places/30985 a 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Yorke, Christiansen, Oleson Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 62 ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 25 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 4 ; Stadiasmus, 93 Stadiasmus, 94 Carayon r X X X X X X X Vol. I, Page 367 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2648.1 32.870000 13.438000 2649 32.901336 13.178665 2649.1 32.864000 13.079000 2650 32.807800 12.861600 2651 32.808161 2652 Several Roman villas near Kassala Oea, Makar Oeat Tripoli http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344411 places/30977 Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 4 ; Carayon, Lehmann, Stadiasmus, 98 Flemming m http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344456 places/22283 rs X Roman villa at Gargaresc http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344360 places/35424 Assaria Al Mayah near As Zaouiyah http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344299 places/23628 m 12.482246 Sabratha, Sabratta, Abrotonon, Abrotone Sabratah, central promontory http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344282 places/21128 a rs X 32.809554 12.480897 Sabratha Sabratah, reef with settlement http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344282 places/21128 a rs X 2653 32.810859 12.477982 Sabratha Sabratah, submerged breakwater Scylax, Peripl ; Pliny, Carayon Hist Nat, 5, 4 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344282 places/21128 a rs X 2654 32.808768 12.476749 Sabratha Sabratah, quay Scylax, Peripl ; Pliny, Carayon Hist Nat, 5, 4 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344282 places/21128 a rs 2655 32.849000 12.269700 Ad Ammonem Mellita, near oil terminal http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344284 places/36368 m 2656 32.919336 12.127858 Locris Zuwarah http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344424 places/30980 a 2656.1 32.942600 12.082100 Casas Zuara http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344333 places/36375 m 2657 32.986287 12.016809 Gypasaria Taberna near the airport of Zuwarah http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344388 places/36376 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 4 but no port according to Stadiasmus, 99 Scylax, Peripl ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 4 Stadiasmus, 100 Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Blackman, Yorke, Oleson, Carayon 3 3 0 7 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 X 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 X 3 0 Vol. I, Page 368 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2658 33.069200 11.816300 Pisindon, Pisida Abu Kammash, 25 km from Tunisia 2659 33.180300 11.437000 Taricheiai, Zouchis El-Mdeina, near Allouet el-Gounna 2660 33.279354 11.294635 Zeuchari, Praesidium Sidi Mohammed Chaouch 2661 33.214000 11.237000 Villa Magna 2662 33.356420 11.108298 2663 33.505000 2664 Ptol, Geogr, 4, 3 http://pleiades.stoa Libya .org/places/344459 places/21766 a Carayon, Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344500 places/30991 m Slim http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/344500 a Roman villa near Ras Zarba, North of Bin Gardane Carayon, Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344536 places/35458 m 3 0 Putea Pallene Naoura, on the South bank of R Bahar Alaoune Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344462 places/23631 m 3 0 11.119000 Gergis, Gergin Zarzis Lehmann, Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344372 places/21859 a 33.626427 10.941111 Ad Pontem Bridge of Djerba http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/344286 m 2665 33.682951 10.920649 Meninx, Meninge, Girba El Kantara, on the isle of Djerba 2665.1 33.722600 10.956000 2665.2 33.753000 2666 2667 Stadiasmus, 101 Stadiasmus, 102 a Roman villa, near Souk el Gibli http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/35914 228 m 11.004000 Roman villa, near Vincci Alkantara resort http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/36057 371 m 33.773886 11.048870 Roman villa at Aghir, on the isle of Djerba Slim, Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/36058 372 m p 33.881719 10.921330 Rhizene, near Houmt Souk, on the isle of Djerba Slim, Carayon, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344400 places/35436 m p Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Slim, Flemming, Yorke Tunisia http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344440 places/21862 Girba? Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Denys Periegetes, Periegese ; Stadiasmus, 103 Tunisia 3 3 0 3 3 0 r X 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 369 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2668 33.714252 10.744907 Tipasa near Ajim, on the isle of Djerba 2668.1 33.742000 10.824000 2669 33.706891 10.854619 Haribus Guellala, on the isle of Djerba 2670 33.536637 10.927676 Gidaphta? Ras Segala, North jetty in the gulf of Bou Ghrara 2671 33.534162 10.924358 Gidaphta? 2672 33.532553 10.682040 2673 33.696583 2673.1 Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344519 places/21861 m p http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/36033 347 m Slim, Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344386 places/30974 m Stadiasmus, 105 Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344379 places/30973 a p rs X Ras Segala, South jetty in the gulf of Bou Ghrara Stadiasmus, 105 Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344379 places/30973 a p rs X Gightis, Gichthi, Giti of Tripoli Bou Ghrara Stadiasmus, 104 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon, Lehmann, Slim, Flemming, Yorke, Gadhoum http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344380 places/21858 a X 10.737729 Templum Veneris Jorf http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344505 places/21864 m 33.674000 10.622000 Gidaphta? Laflala Slim Tunisia # # 2673.2 33.642000 10.568000 Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/36032 346 m 2674 33.646000 10.505000 Gidaphta? Bou Amia, on lagoon NE of Arram Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/36037 351 a 2675 33.670000 10.433000 Agma near Al Zarat Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344290 places/36371 m p 2675.1 33.730000 10.315000 Roman villa near Zerkine Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/36035 349 m Roman villa NW of Guellala Stadiasmus, 105 Gourine East Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 105 rs 3 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 X 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 370 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2675.2 33.764000 10.277000 Roman villa South of Wadi el Ferd 2676 33.897813 10.115603 Tacapae, Tacapes Gabes 2677 34.089000 10.027000 Lacene? Slim Tunisia m 2678 34.228279 10.062843 Cellae Picentinae, Cellae Vicus? Tarf el Ma, at the outlet of R Wadi Rekhama near Akarit ex "Ferme Roderie" 300 m South of La Tour du Nadour Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324688 places/32509 m 3 0 2679 34.310166 10.119602 Benfas, Bennafa, Lariscus? Bir Flaguess 2.5 km SW of the TRAPSA oil terminal Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324675 places/32503 m 3 0 2680 34.375017 10.191982 Ad Oleastrum? near Al Hushayshinah Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324656 places/23657 m 3 0 2681 34.413738 10.359586 Neapoli near Graïba?? http://data.pastpla 53785 a 2682 34.465991 10.413800 Macomades Minores, Borj Younga 10 km South of Mahres 2683 34.643453 10.679986 Thaenae Thyna 2684 34.705987 10.761070 Taphrura, Taparura Sfax 2685 34.711381 11.151691 Cercenna, Cercina & Cercinitis insulae Borj el-Hassar, on the isles of Kerkennah Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar ; Stadiasmus, 106 Lehmann, Flemming, Gadhoum Stadiasmus, 107 Slim, Gadhoum m http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/344496 places/22247 a p Tunisia http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324772 places/23656 m http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324825 places/21865 a Flemming, Gadhoum http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324822 places/23655 m p Carayon, Slim, Flemming, Gadhoum, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963100 places/34035 992 a Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 ; Carayon, Slim, Stadiasmus, 108 Flemming, Yorke, Gadhoum Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 34 ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Livy, Hist, 33, 48 ; Denys Periegetes, Periegese ; Stadiasmus, 112 ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/963101 places/36034 348 5 5 0 3 3 0 r rs X? X ? X ? Vol. I, Page 371 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2686 34.960169 10.931789 Usulla, Usula near Al Amra 2687 35.006965 10.997963 Ruspe South of La Louaza 2688 35.081683 11.029040 Acholla, Achulla Ras Boutria, jetty perpandicular to the coast 2689 35.234800 11.156400 Caput Vada, Iustinianopolis? Ras Kaboudia, port of La Chebba 2690 35.387219 11.041617 Syllectum, Sullecthum Salakta, Ras el-Bled 2691 35.505616 11.079314 Gummi, Salipota? Alipota? Zella? Mahdia Stadiasmus, 110 2692 35.624299 11.051314 Thapsus Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 44; Stadiasmus, 111 2693 35.627613 11.044549 Thapsus, Portus Pristinus 2694 35.686591 10.872348 Leptis Minor, Leptiminus Ras Dimass, near Bekalta South of Monastir, large breakwater of the South port Ras Dimass, near Bekalta South of Monastir, access channel to the North port Lamta, jetty perpandicular to the coast 2695 35.794743 11.046738 Taricheiai Nesoi insula Dmagh el-Kaouaf, Grande Kuriate 2696 35.751783 10.833967 Thermis Monastir South Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Stadiasmus, 109 Stadiasmus, 113 Stadiasmus, 114 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324841 places/21594 m Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324802 places/23654 m Carayon, Lehmann, Slim, Blackman, Yorke, Gadhoum http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324653 places/21866 a Slim, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324758 places/32545 m p Carayon, Flemming, Yorke, Gadhoum, Slim, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324817 places/21593 m rs Carayon, Slim, Flemming, Blackman, Yorke, Gadhoum Carayon, Lehmann, Slim, Flemming, Blackman, Yorke, Gadhoum, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324663 places/32502 a p r http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324827 places/21595 a rs Carayon, Gadhoum http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324827 places/21595 m rs Carayon, Lehmann, Slim, Flemming, Blackman, Yorke, Gadhoum Slim, Carayon, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324767 places/21635 a rs http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324823 places/41302 m Flemming Tunisia 3 3 0 3 0 0 rs X 3 3 0 3 0 0 X X X X X X ? X X ? X X X X a Vol. I, Page 372 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2697 35.782465 10.832570 Ruspina 2698 35.828317 10.640288 2698.1 35.831600 10.643900 2699 35.927097 10.576247 Hadrumete, Adrymetum, Adrymes, Honoriopolis, Hunericopolis, Justinianopolis Hadrumete, Adrymetum, Adrymes, Honoriopolis, Hunericopolis, Justinianopolis Themetra? 2700 36.021345 10.517705 2701 36.134000 10.465500 2701.1 36.211000 10.477000 2702 36.272000 10.497000 2703 36.392600 2704 2705 Monastir, islet La Tonnara (elGhedamsi islet) is probably just a quarry Sousse, initial port near the North wall of city Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 11 ; Stadiasmus, 115 Slim, Carayon, Flemming, Yorke, Gadhoum http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324803 places/21636 a r Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 3 ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; no port according to Stadiasmus, 116 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 3 ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; no port according to Stadiasmus, 116 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Gadhoum http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324716 places/21633 a p r Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Gadhoum, Arnaud (2016) http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324716 places/21633 a rs X 3 3 0 Several Roman villas near Chott Meriam Slim, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/324829 places/32564 m r X 3 0 Horrea Caelia, Heraklea Hergla Lehmann, Slim, Flemming, Yorke, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315041 places/23661 m r X Orbita? near Enfidha Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315100 places/23662 m 3 0 Bou Kesra Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/208943 places/31801 239 m Lamniana near Selloum Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315060 places/23663 m 3 3 0 3 0 10.562700 Pupput Hammamet Sud Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315121 places/21606 m 36.440700 10.719400 Neapolis Nabeul http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315093 places/22414 a 36.460886 10.816104 Carayon, Lehmann, Slim, Flemming, Yorke, Gadhoum, Oleson Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315129 places/28164 m Sousse, large submerged breakwater North of modern port Ras Maamoura, Mamurah Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 rs X ? X? 3 3 0 X? 3 3 0 X 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 X Vol. I, Page 373 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2706 36.568449 10.868026 Curubis 2707 36.600240 10.880400 Roman road of Ksir el Rhalem Slim Tunisia m 2707.1 36.616700 10.891951 Roman road of Htouba Slim Tunisia m r 2708 36.833074 11.112221 a p r 2709 36.910868 11.105249 Demma (horrea) Tunisia m r 2710 36.944250 11.100500 Kerkouane Carayon, Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315050 places/21607 m r 2711 37.040648 11.067558 Anquillaria, Aquilaria Ras ed Drek, ElHawaria East Lehmann, Slim, Flemming, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314886 places/28047 a p rs 2712 37.059600 10.995800 Latomiae, Les Latomies, Carthago's quarry, near Hermaia El-Haouaria Carayon, Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315062 places/28141 m 2713 37.116664 10.809354 Egimure, Corsura Aegimurus insula port of the isle of Zembra Carayon, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314854 places/41301 a 2714 37.021663 10.908283 Misua Portu Sidi Daoud, Djila islet Slim, Yorke, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315082 places/23666 a p rs X 2715 36.965835 10.836903 Degla, Dagha about 10 km SW of Sidi Daoud Carayon, Lehmann, Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315186 places/28190 m X Clipea, Clupea, Clypea, Aspis, Aspidem Korba, Curba, on R Bou il Idine Kelibia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 Slim, Flemming, Yorke, Gadhoum Caesar, Guerre Carayon, Slim, civile, 2, 23 ; Strabo, Flemming, Yorke, Geogr, 6,2 ; Gadhoum, Oleson Stadiasmus, 117 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Slim Caesar, Guerre civile, 2, 23 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Caesar, Guerre d’Afrique, 44 ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 24 ; Antonine, Itin Mar Stadiasmus, 120 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314943 places/22415 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314892 places/23665 a r r 3 3 0 X 3 3 0 X X X X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 374 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2716 36.937056 10.798206 Siminina, Thermis Mraissa, Marisa Stadiasmus, 120 Carayon, Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315173 places/37210 a 2717 36.879885 10.672516 Port Prince Marsa Bin Ramdan 2717.1 36.817390 10.571630 Aquae Carpitianae Korbous 2718 36.778497 10.552043 Carpo, Carpis, Carpe Sidi Raïs Stadiasmus, 121 ; Antonine, Itin Mar ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315165 places/28179 m http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314883 places/21604 m http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314920 places/21603 a 2719 36.722001 10.429300 Galabrante, Gumis? near Soliman Stadiasmus, 123 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314968 places/21605 a 2720 36.732300 10.346400 Ad Aquas near Hammam Lif http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314845 places/22086 m 3 0 2720.1 36.739400 10.332400 Naro, Aquae Persianae near Hammam Lif http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315092 places/28153 m 3 0 2721 36.798471 10.294605 Maxyla, Maxula Rates Rades Stadiasmus, 122 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315072 places/23668 a 36.807148 10.214937 Tunes, Lake of Tunis Tunis, Sebkha elBahira Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 20 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315233 places/23669 a 3 3 0 3 3 0 2722 2723 36.841978 10.328000 Carthago, Carthagine, Punic Qart Hadasht Carthago, naval base and commercial port, and so-called "Neptune block" on the coast North of the ports http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314921 places/15897 a r 2724 36.845099 10.325509 Mandrace, Mandracium Tunisia places/23800 a r Appian, Lybica, 96 ; Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 10; Procopius, Guerre Vandales, 1, 5 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Stadiasmus, 124 ; Antonine, Itin Mar & Itin Prov Cothon of Carthage: Procopius, Guerre circular naval base Vandales, 1, 20 &, Edifices, 6, 5 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Slim, Flemming, Yorke Slim, Carayon, Lehmann, Pauly, Flemming, Blackman, Loven, Oleson Slim, Oleson 3 0 r X? 3 0 3 0 rs X X X X X 3 3 0 3 0 X X X X X X X X X Vol. I, Page 375 3 0 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2724.1 36.921400 10.301400 Gammarth 2725 37.058000 10.117000 Castra Cornelia Kalat el Andalous Stadiasmus, 125 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314923 places/28064 a 3 0 2726 37.057600 10.057400 Utica, Utique, Ityque Utique Caesar, Guerre Carayon, Lehmann, d’Afrique, 62 ; Slim, Flemming, Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 Wilson ; Plutarch, Caton, 65 ; Livy, Hist, 30, 9 & 10 ; Scylax, Peripl ; no port according to Stadiasmus, 126 http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315248 places/21608 a 7 5 0 2727 37.100000 10.018700 Membrone? near Zouaouine http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315076 places/28146 m 2728 37.168400 10.215800 Castra Delia, Rusucmon, Ruscinona? Ghar el Melh, on the lagoon of Porto Farina Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315132 places/28166 a 3 3 0 3 3 0 2729 37.180200 10.279900 Pulchri Prom., Apollinis Prom. Quarry at Ras et Tarf, Cape Farina Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315132 places/42397 m 2730 37.181565 10.328452 Phalans insula BAtlas calls it Terapse insula http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315189 places/42398 a 2731 37.355322 10.123745 Vulturia insula Ile Plane, East of Raf Antonine, Itin Mar Raf? These two islands are mentioned by Antonine between La Galite and Egimure (Zembra). These two small islands, located offshore Raf Raf, are the only ones to be seen during the trip from La Galite to Zembra Ile Cani, Dziret elAntonine, Itin Mar Ikleb, North of Raf Raf? These two islands are mentioned by Antonine between Dawson http://data.pastpla 33280 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Slim Livy, Hist, 30, 10 Tunisia Tunisia m Vol. I, Page 376 Catalogue of Ancient Ports Thinisa, Tuniza, Tuna La Galite and Egimure (Zembra). These two small islands, located offshore Raf Raf, are the only ones to be seen during the trip from La Galite to Zembra Safi Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315212 places/21609 m 2732 37.250905 10.082412 2733 37.263667 10.068950 Ras ez Zebib Carayon, Slim http://data.pastpla 37127 Tunisia m 2734 37.248797 9.970216 Quarry at R'mel Carayon, Slim http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/315018 Tunisia m r X X 2735 37.276176 9.894059 Bizerte Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/315038 Tunisia m p r X X 2736 37.231300 9.828700 Henchir Chaara, on Lake of Bizerte Slim, Carayon http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/315039 Tunisia m 2737 37.150859 9.883892 Pointe El-Ouali, on the SE bank of the Lake of Bizerte Slim, Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/320127 places/28228 m 2738 37.345150 9.755500 Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314918 places/40996 m 2739 37.336500 9.714400 Horrea at Ras Bin Sekka, Ras Ghirane, and several Roman villas between Ras Angela, Ras Enghela, and Cap Blanc Khechad Slim Tunisia m 2739.1 37.337600 9.670500 Ras el Koran Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315126 places/37625 m Hippo Diarrhytos, Hippo Dirutus, Hippone Zarito, Benzarte Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 3 3 0 X 3 3 0 r 3 0 Vol. I, Page 377 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2740 37.278043 9.491535 Quarry near Marsa Nouira, Marsa Douiba Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315069 places/28142 m 2741 37.162080 9.119840 Sidi Mechrig Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315166 places/36633 m 2742 37.519825 8.938901 Galata, L’ecueil de Pasque La Galite Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/314961 Tunisia a 2743 37.496495 8.876218 Palmaria Galiton, islet near La Galite Antonine, Itin Mar Slim Tunisia a 2744 37.032600 8.927900 Slim http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/314888 places/28049 m 2745 36.959510 8.754855 Thabraca, Tabraca Tabarka Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Slim, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Tunisia .org/places/315192 places/22103 a p rs 2746 36.898005 8.442393 Tuniza near El Kala, El Kolea, La Calle Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/315235 places/22104 m p 2747 36.881760 7.747497 Hippone, Hippo Regius http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305090 places/21626 a p 2748 36.932708 7.764933 Siur Portus 2748.1 36.962700 7.622000 Annaba, on the left bank of R Wadi Seybouse, nearly 1 km from the outlet, according to Elie de la Primaudaie, 1861 perhaps the Anse du Fort Genois in the baie des Corailleurs, North of Annaba, according to Elie de la Primaudaie, 1861 el Forkan? 2749 36.993666 7.558871 Argoub el Bania Collops Parvus, Sulluco, Sublucu, Sulluctu? Aïn Babar Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Mar Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 ; Carayon, Lehmann, Procopius, Guerre Flemming, Yorke Vandales, 2, 4 Ptol, Geogr, 4, 3 Algeria Elie de la Primaudaie (1861) r X? 3 0 3 0 r X X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 X a http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/208942 places/30028 924 m http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/305158 m Algeria 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 378 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2750 37.066587 7.385601 Tacatua, Holochites Portus, Holochites Sinus bay of Takouch NW of Annaba: Chetaibi 2751 37.069577 7.175861 Zacca 2752 37.027524 7.251619 2753 36.916800 2754 Ptol, Geogr, 4, 3 ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 2 Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305160 places/23764 a p Cape de Fer, Ras el Haddid Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305187 places/28020 m Culucitanis? El Mersa Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305069 places/23762 m 7.156700 Paratianis near Guerbes beach Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305128 places/23761 m 36.883301 6.906490 Skikda, SW of the railway station Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305137 places/21627 a p 2755 36.902645 6.881541 Rusicade, Rusciadae, Thapsa, Numidicus Portus, Numidicus Sinus Bay of Stora, Astora? Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305032 places/22362 m p 2756 37.003811 6.571720 Chullu, Collops Magna Collo Carayon, Flemming, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305063 places/22121 m 2757 37.010598 6.576830 Naxic insula, Ile Naxique 2758 36.931509 6.249606 Port of Olives, ancient Mers El Zitoun, at Paccianis Matidae? the outlet of R Wadi Zhour 2759 36.856135 6.118061 Tucca, on R Ampsaga 2760 36.824715 5.770294 Igilgili 2761 36.780217 5.605288 Iarsath, Uzicath Ptol, Geogr, 4, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl near Skikda peninsula of Collo, now connected to the continent on the left bank of the first bend, 4 km from the outlet of R Wadi el Kebir Jijel, Djidjelli El Aouana and island Cavallo? Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Algeria 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 r X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 a Elie de la Primaudaie (1861) http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/208943 places/32064 724 m 3 0 Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305126 places/23760 a 3 0 Carayon, Flemming, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305095 places/22120 m p 3 3 0 Elie de la Primaudaie (1861) Algeria m Vol. I, Page 379 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2762 36.659500 5.435000 Choba, Chobae, Coba Municipum Azirou, 3 km West of Ziama Mansouriah Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305062 places/21649 m 2763 36.643222 5.240474 Musluvium, Muslubio near Aokas Yorke, Elie de la Primaudaie (1861) locates it at Ziama Mansouria Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305111 places/23759 a 2764 36.756189 5.095555 Saldas, Saldae Bejaïa http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305142 places/22122 a p 2764.1 36.888300 4.528200 http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/208943 places/35677 677 m 2765 36.896300 4.417000 Rusazus Azeffoun, Port Gueydon Carayon, Flemming, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/305138 places/22129 m p 2766 36.900886 4.176790 Rusippisir, Rusibirsir Sidi Khaled, near Taksebt Carayon, Lehmann, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295332 places/22128 m 2767 36.894800 4.123100 Iomnium Tigzirt, with a road to the islet of Tigzirt Carayon, Lehmann, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295280 places/22127 m p 2768 36.911647 3.918090 Rusucurru, Ascurum Dellys Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295334 places/22126 m p 2769 36.872000 3.718300 Cissi Cape Djinet Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295253 places/22625 m 2770 36.845737 3.675852 http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295255 places/27058 m 3 0 2771 36.800800 3.565600 http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295333 places/23755 m p 2772 36.785000 3.350600 http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295256 places/27059 m 3 3 0 3 0 mentionned at station 11 of the Corporation's Square in Ostia Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 Roman villa at Sidi Khelifa Dar Mendil Rusubbicari Matidiae, Port des Poules, Port of chicken Mers el-Hadjedje, Zemmouri Djezair el Kodra, near Reghaia Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Yorke 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 rs rs X X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 X 3 3 0 3 0 X Vol. I, Page 380 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2773 36.804608 3.232089 Rusguniae Cape Matifou, Tametfoust near Bordj El Bahri, La Perouse Alger, Algiers, and its îlot de l'Amiraute Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295331 places/22130 m 2774 36.787242 3.068616 Icosium, Akion Carayon, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295276 places/22131 m p 2775 36.816179 2.953338 http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295236 places/27048 m 2776 36.762200 2.850600 http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295318 places/27083 m p 3 0 2777 36.680344 2.753129 Fouka http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295263 places/27063 m 3 0 2778 36.650000 2.684200 Bou Ismaïl http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295243 places/27053 m 3 0 2779 36.605014 2.603069 Tagourait http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295350 places/27091 m 3 0 2780 36.596106 2.458922 Thapsa, Tipasa Tipaza, sheltered by two islets Scylax, Peripl Carayon, Lehmann, http://pleiades.stoa Algeria Flemming, Yorke, .org/places/295363 places/21629 Oleson, Ferdi (2004) a 2781 36.592964 2.451893 Thapsa, Tipasa Tipaza, quarry, port inside the lagoon? Scylax, Peripl Carayon, Ferdi (2004), Yorke does not agree http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295363 places/21629 a p 2781.1 36.628700 2.402900 Quarry near Caroubier beach, Chenoua http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295250 places/37961 m 2781.2 36.640600 2.334200 Roman villa at Thalefsa http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295353 places/34996 m 3 0 2782 36.624629 2.258876 Trois Îlots http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295367 places/27096 m 3 0 Cape Caxine Obori? Casae Calventi? Sidi Ferruch Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Yorke r rs 3 3 0 5 5 0 3 0 X X X X 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 381 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2783 36.609900 2.190340 Caesarea Cherchel, eastern Mauretaniae, Cesaree basin, Roman naval de Mauretanie, Iol base Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Pauly, Carayon, Lehmann, Flemming, Yorke, Oleson Carayon, Yorke http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295279 places/21630 a p rs 2784 36.610107 2.187579 Caesarea Mauretaniae Cherchel, western basin Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295279 places/21630 a p 2785 36.612078 2.189774 Psamathos Scylax, Peripl 2786 36.586292 2.116938 isle of Joinville in front of Cherchel, with ancient lighthouse Sidi Ghiles Christiansen, Oleson http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295279 places/21630 a http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295343 places/27088 m 2787 36.580008 1.907199 Gouraya http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295267 places/27064 m p 2788 36.570515 1.860012 Gunugu, Gunucus Sidi Brahim, near Gouraya Carayon, Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295268 places/22357 a 2789 36.555051 1.693614 Cartili? port of Castellum Germanorum outlet of R Damous Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295242 places/27052 m 2790 36.536873 1.577053 Lar, Iar Castellum? Beni Haoua http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295273 places/27066 m 2791 36.517057 1.309960 Cartenna Tenes http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295240 places/22136 m p 2792 36.371302 0.847001 Arsennaria near Le Guelta http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295219 places/22137 a 2792.1 36.336300 0.688800 Kherbet Ramoul http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295292 places/27075 m 2793 36.332600 0.654000 Cape Kramis, near Ouled Boughalem http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295238 places/27050 m Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 « Caucasis » of Scylax, Peripl Carayon, Flemming Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 X r rs X X ? X X 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 3 0 3 0 X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 382 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2793.1 36.240000 0.484200 Outlet of oued Roumane, oued Titinguel http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/297473 places/45033 m 3 0 2794 36.117219 0.215373 Cape Ivi http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/295237 places/27049 m 3 0 2795 36.040000 0.128300 Port of Quiza Cenitana Outlet of oued Chelif, with ancient lighthouse Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/297472 places/45032 a 2796 35.926821 0.064799 Murustaga, Deorum Portus Mostaganem Ptol, Geogr, 4, 2 Hazlitt http://data.pastpla 9524 a p 2797 35.797377 -0.162651 Portus Magnus, Fretum Magnum Port aux Poules at Bethioua, near Arzew Carayon, Pauly, Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285503 places/27023 a 2798 35.857719 -0.303484 Portus Magnus, Fretum Magnum Old Arzew Carayon, Pauly, Hazlitt, Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285503 places/27023 a p 2799 35.709941 -0.651005 Portus Divinus, Theulimen Oran Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 5 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 2; Antonine, Itin Prov Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 ; Mela, Geogr, 1, 5 ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 2; Antonine, Itin Prov Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3; Antonine, Itin Prov http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285502 places/27022 a p 2800 35.775373 -0.796085 Acium insula Ile aux oiseaux, Scylax, Peripl Jazirah Tatouyour in front of Cape Falcon http://data.pastpla 37037 Algeria a 2801 35.708500 -0.894400 Castra Puerum, « Mes Les Andalouses » of Scylax' Periplus Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285425 places/26992 a 2801.1 35.770928 -0.901714 Error? Insula Ile Plane, Ile Paloma Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285440 places/41300 m 2802 35.634173 -1.072247 Mersa Madakh Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285487 places/27017 m 2803 35.724127 -1.131517 Pauly, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285531 places/42399 a Bartas, Tauria insula Isles of Habibas North of Bouzedjar Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl Scylax, Peripl Algeria X rs X 3 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 5 5 0 3 0 5 5 0 Vol. I, Page 383 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2804 35.581340 -1.149760 Gilva Mersa Bouzadjar? 2804.1 35.552294 -1.203923 Crispas submerged in front of Sbiaat, Gerardi Beach? 2805 35.356302 -1.289032 Camarata Sidi Djeloul at the outlet of R Wadi Ghazer 2806 35.305847 -1.465472 Portus Sigensis, port of Siga Takembrit, maritime port 2807 35.267688 -1.451899 Siga, Sigon, Syke 2808 35.321260 -1.478102 Akra, Acra insula 2808.1 35.242095 -1.588702 Portu Caecili 2809 35.177762 -1.661114 Gypsaria, Artisiga, port of the Ifrenids Honaine 2810 35.101708 -1.869858 Ad Fratres, port of Nedroma GhazaouetNemours 2811 35.082964 -2.107808 Lemnis? 2812 35.128005 -2.339601 2812.1 35.187787 -2.435437 Carayon Antonine, Itin Prov http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/289951 Algeria m p http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/289922 Algeria a Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285422 places/26990 m 3 0 Carayon, Lehmann http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285504 places/27024 a Takembrit, river port Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285521 places/21632 m excavated basin on Scylax, Peripl the isle of Rachgoun in front of Takembrit Wardania beach? Antonine, Itin Prov Carayon, Dawson http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285409 places/45031 a 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/289947 Algeria a http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/289925 Algeria a p http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285393 places/36098 m p 3 0 near Bider http://pleiades.stoa Algeria .org/places/285476 places/27014 m 3 0 Calama de Mauretania on R Wadi Mulucha, Antonine, Itin Mar ; Moulouya, Malua, Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Malvana http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/285491 Morocco a Tres insulas Chafarinas islands, Antonine, Itin Prov from E to W : île du Roi, île d'Isabelle, île du Congres http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/285540 places/45030 a Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Scylax, Peripl; Antonine, Itin Prov Ptol, Geogr, 4, 2 Elie de la Primaudaie (1861) Tissot (1877), Dawson r X? Vol. I, Page 384 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2812.2 35.220721 -2.907731 Atalayoun, Marchica near Nador AdG 2813 35.291428 -2.934838 2813.1 35.216675 2813.2 Rusaddir Melilla Lehmann, Carayon, Flemming, Tissot (1877) http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/285512 places/22141 m p -3.893746 Sex insulae, Drinaupa? Al Hoceima Antonine, Itin Prov Tissot (1877) http://data.pastpla 0350 Morocco a 35.159848 -4.329437 Parietina Torres de Alcala Antonine, Itin Prov Tissot (1877) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/289945 Morocco a 2813.3 35.211088 -4.657632 Cobucla el Jebha Antonine, Itin Prov Tissot (1877) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/278605 Morocco a 2814 35.443313 -5.075161 R Laud navigable, Taenia Longa? R Wadi Laou Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Tissot (1877) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/275665 Morocco a 2815 35.541881 -5.215968 Emsa, Amsa Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275623 places/26963 m 2816 35.579400 -5.247400 Sidi Abdesalam del Behar on R Wadi Martil near Tetouan Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275706 places/26973 m 2816.1 35.559453 -5.411034 Tamuda fort and river port on R Wadi Martil Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275732 places/22242 a 2817 35.666115 -5.280074 Aquila maior Cabo Negro Antonine, Itin Prov Tissot (1877) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/275591 a 2817.1 35.728400 -5.330000 Quarry at Sania y Torres Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275699 places/37953 m 3 0 2818 35.788927 -5.345284 Sidi Bou Hayel near Restinga http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275711 places/26974 m 3 0 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Morocco Morocco m r X 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Vol. I, Page 385 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2818.1 35.844981 -5.346815 Aquila minor 2819 35.883368 -5.317910 2820 35.904899 -5.285667 2821 35.891195 -5.313258 Tissot (1877) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/275592 Playa de la Ribera, in the South bay of Ceuta Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275703 places/22422 m 3 0 Santa Catalina, at northern tip of Monte Hacho at Ceuta modern port of Ceuta, at the toe of Monte Hacho which is sometimes assimilated with one of the Pillars of Hercules Playa Benitez, near Ceuta Carayon http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275703 places/22422 m 3 0 Carayon, Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275703 places/22422 m p 3 0 2822 35.896618 -5.336718 Carayon http://data.pastpla 05864 Morocco m 2823 35.911537 -5.392776 Mt Abyla, Abila Belyounech, in the bay of Benzu, at the toe of Jebel Mousa, Djebel Moussa, near Ceuta, which is generally assimilated with one of the Pillars of Hercules Isle of Perejil, Al Homer, Odyssey, 5, Yazira Layla Tawra 59 Carayon, Erbati (2004) http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/275577 Morocco m 2824 35.914055 -5.418304 Ogygia, Calypso's residence where Odysseus made a long stop Cuisenier http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/456105 Morocco a 2825 35.906930 -5.445126 El Marsa, Ouadmarsa, Marsa Musa Erbati (2004) http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275671 places/26968 m 3 0 2826 35.886229 -5.512713 Er Rmel near the modern port of Tanger Med http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275694 places/26971 m 3 0 2827 35.845400 -5.555700 http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275659 places/26967 a 3 3 0 Ad Septem Fratres, Herculesum Fretum Lissa Cabo Castillejos, Ras Fnideq Ksar Seghir? Qsar Sghir? between Ceuta and Tangier Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Antonine, Itin Prov Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Hazlitt, Erbati (2004), Trakadas Morocco a Vol. I, Page 386 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2827.1 35.836200 -5.586800 Sahara, Ezzahara, West of modern Tanger Med port Trakadas 2828 35.784356 -5.772223 Roman fort at Malabata, Gandori 2829 35.786774 -5.803756 2830 35.778000 -5.934000 2830.1 35.755000 -5.936000 2830.2 35.709000 -5.960000 Roman villa at Sidi Kacem 2830.3 35.577437 -5.984400 Quarry near outlet of oued Tahadart 2830.4 35.524000 -6.014000 2831 35.513000 -6.017000 Kouass, salting factory, 5 km North of Asilah 2832 35.475333 -6.036249 2832.1 35.264500 2833 35.250800 Tingi Mauretaniam, Thigge, Tingis, Thymiateria, Thymaterion Cape Soloeis, Ampelusia Morocco m Flemming http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275634 places/34071 m 3 0 5 5 0 Tangier, Tanger Scylax, Peripl; Hanno, Peripl ; Antonine, Itin Mar Carayon, Flemming, Erbati (2004) http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275736 places/21774 a p Ashaqqar, Achakar beach, South of Hercules caves, near Cape Spartel Large Roman fish processing factory Hanno, Peripl ; Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Erbati (2004), many anchors http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/275724 a Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275615 places/26961 m http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275716 places/34979 m http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275731 places/37954 m http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275624 places/37951 m http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275653 places/22423 m Asilah http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275594 places/26960 m p -6.131200 Roman villa near Souk Khemis http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/208942 places/35259 523 m 3 0 -6.136000 Djouima http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275620 places/26962 m 3 3 0 Cottae, Cotes Ermaia Akra Trakadas Quarry near outlet of oued Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon, Trakadas Morocco 7 5 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 Vol. I, Page 387 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2834 35.210200 -6.152500 Sidi Abderahim http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275705 places/26972 m 3 0 2834.1 35.210700 -6.130400 Roman villa at Rekada http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275691 places/34977 m 2835 35.196871 -6.110567 http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275666 places/21771 a 3 3 0 7 5 0 2835.1 34.268081 -6.654246 http://data.pastpla 8684 Morocco m p 2836 34.335518 -6.489652 2837 34.007000 -6.820900 2837.1 33.983400 -6.887000 2838 33.837966 -7.130642 R Asana, Asama, navigable R Wadi Cherrat, near Bouznika 2838.1 33.712125 -7.397729 Fedala Mohammedia 2838.2 33.603094 -7.616308 Anfa Casablanca 2839 33.325786 -8.340891 Azama Azemmour 2840 33.257000 -8.500000 Rutubis, Rusibis Mazagan, El Jadida Lixus, Lynx, Trinx 5 km East of Larache, large Roman fish processing factory Mehdia Strabo, Geogr, 17, 3 ; Scylax, Peripl Carayon, Flemming, Trakadas Thamusida on R Sububus, Subur Roman fort on R Wadi Sebou, 12 km NE of Kenitra Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Trakadas http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275734 places/22240 a p 3 0 Sala Colonia Chellah, Sale, on R Wadi Bouregreg, near Rabat Antonine, Itin Prov Carayon, Tissot http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275696 places/21770 a p http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/275702 places/34082 m 3 3 0 3 0 Hazlitt http://pleiades.stoa .org/places/798 Morocco a AdG http://data.pastpla 7417 Morocco m p http://data.pastpla 03368 Morocco m p http://data.pastpla 8172 Morocco m Roman fort at Seguia Faraoun Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 Carayon Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 ; Carayon Polybius, Hist, 34, « Libye » ; Ptol, Geogr, 4, 1 http://pleiades.stoa Morocco .org/places/1249 places/33374 a p 3 0 Vol. I, Page 388 Catalogue of Ancient Ports 2841 33.228661 -8.557861 Tit Sidi Bouzid 2842 32.303660 -9.258726 Mysocaras, Musokaras Safi 2843 31.506000 -9.771200 Mogador Essaouira, outlet of R Wadi Ksob 2844 31.493660 -9.785932 Isle of Mogador, iles Purpuraires in front of Essaouira 2845 30.622983 -9.886609 Cape Rhysaddir, Risadir Cape Ghir, 50 km North of Agadir 2846 23.869862 -15.786570 Isle of Cerne Isle of Herne in the gulf of Dakhla? Hanon indicates he navigated 2 days to the South from Larache, 1 day to the East, and that the island has a perimeter of ½ nautical mile, and that it is inside a gulf, about 850 nautical miles from Ceuta. The isle of Herne is inside of the gulf of Dakhla (also called Rio de Oro) which is more than 20 nautical miles long and is located about 1000 nautical miles from Ceuta. The isle of Herne has a perimeter in the order of 1 nautical mile. Despite the approximations, there does not Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Carayon http://data.pastpla 83209 Morocco m http://data.pastpla 3405 Morocco a p Carayon http://data.pastpla Morocco places/25106 6939 m p Carayon, Trakadas http://data.pastpla 0083 Morocco m Pliny, Hist Nat, 5, 1 http://data.pastpla 37053 Morocco a Hanno, Peripl http://data.pastpla 5204 Morocco a Ptol, Geogr, 4, 1 Vol. I, Page 389 Catalogue of Ancient Ports seem to be any other site in this part of the world that corresponds better to Hanon's description Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 390 Potential Ancient Harbours 4 POTENTIAL ANCIENT HARBOURS 4.1 A Catalogue of ancient harbours A ‘harbour’ is a place where ships can seek shelter. The concept of ‘shelter’ has to include anchorages, landing places on beaches, and ports including structures such as access channels, breakwaters, jetties, landing stages, quays, warehouses for storing of commodities and equipment, shipsheds and slipways. Shelters of interest include all places which may have been used by seafarers sailing over long distances. Villae maritimae are also of interest, but shelters the likes of local fishermen, who may have landed their boats on the beach in front of their homes, are of less interest. In another limitation, only maritime harbours and some river ports that could be reached by deep-sea ships are considered. This paper presents work done to collect, identify and locate ancient harbours and ports. It is based on a study of existing documentation, i.e. on the writings of 68 ancient authors and a few modern authors, incl. the Barrington Atlas. The ancient authors are usually historians, philosophers or poets, but for this work the geographers retained most of our attention: Strabo, Pausanias, Pliny the Elder, Ptolemy, Avienus, Mela and others, some anonymous, who tell about their journeys like ‘Antonine’, ‘Scylax’, ‘Scymnos’, Pythias, Hanno, Odysseus, Aeneas, Jason, Arrian in the Black Sea. In addition to ports mentioned by ancient authors, some ports have been included as mentioned by modern authors: Karl Lehmann-Hartleben (1923), Honor Frost (1963), David Blackman (1982 & 2014), Talbert’s Barrington Atlas (2000), Nic Flemming (1986), Getzel Cohen (1995 & 2006), Micha Tiverios (2008), Helen Dawson (2013), Anton Gordieiev (2015) and some up to date web sites ( and In a first stage, only ports were listed that are explicitly mentioned by each ancient author (portus, navale, statio). Cities where the presence of a port was known from other sources were not attributed to an author who mentions the city but does not mention the port. This limitation was certainly questionable as one cannot imagine coastal settlements without at least a minimal shelter for boats. It was therefore decided to include all sites mentioned by the authors of a Periplus such as Stadiasmus, Antonine, Arrian and Marcian who were sailing ships and for whom one might consider that all places they mention are harbours. Furthermore, it was considered that all coastal settlements mentioned in the Barrington Atlas must have had a shelter, and they were included too. 4.2 A list of modern shelters Modern yachtsmen use sailing guides, ‘Pilots’, for each area. These guides provide information on sailing routes, waypoints, services to be found in marinas, etc. They sometimes also rate the quality of the shelter: • • • • A: excellent, B: good with prevailing winds, C: reasonable shelter but uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous, O: in calm weather only. Shelters are defined for modern sailing ships with modern sails and some ‘A-shelters’ might prove not that good for ancient ships with square sails. An excellent A-shelter provides allAncient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 391 Potential Ancient Harbours round protection from wind, waves and currents, from all directions and at all times. This kind of protection from offshore waves is usually found inside bays with a narrow entrance and complex shape such as a ‘dog-leg’. Protection from wind is important also and usually depends on the land topography surrounding the shelter. The work sequence was to list A-shelters and to check if each of them was or not recognised as one of the ancient harbours mentioned on the Catalogue of Ancient Ports. Therefore, the 14 modern nautical guides, or ‘pilots’ listed in the references hereafter have been searched. They contain over 4000 shelters, anchorages, marinas and commercial ports. Around 25% of them are excellent shelters. After comparing each of them with the Catalogue of Ancient Ports, the list hereafter was obtained for shelters that are not yet recognised as ancient harbours, but are good candidates from a nautical point of view. 4.3 Results A list of over 4000 ancient ports and shelters was elaborated. They are scattered mainly around the Mediterranean Sea, but also in the North Sea, in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Red Sea and the Gulf and in the Indian Ocean. The Catalogue can be viewed on: A list of 213 sites was obtained from the comparison of ancient and modern shelters. It is summarised in the table below, grouping the numbers of Potential Ancient Harbours (PAH) for each area. COUNTRY PAH Spain & Portugal 6 Baleares islands 19 France West & South & Corsica 4 Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, other islands and Malta 12 Adriatic Sea 53 Greece & Crete 29 Black Sea 2 Turkey West & South 9 Red Sea & Oman & Somalia 77 Levant, Cyprus & North Africa 2 Total 213 The maps hereafter show that quite a lot of Potential Ancient Harbours are found in Greece, scattered on the mainland and on the islands. Concentrations of Potential Ancient Harbours are found in Croatia, on the Baleares islands and NE Sardinia. The Red Sea provides the largest number of Potential Ancient Harbours, but they are scattered all over the area, with a concentration of ‘marsas’ in Northern Sudan. 4.4 Analysis Ancient seafarers often used beaches to land their ships on. It may be noted that a 37 m military trireme with 170 ‘strong’ oarsmen could be hauled on the beach if the slope was mild Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 392 Potential Ancient Harbours enough, say no more than 1:7 (about 15%) which was also a maximum for slipways (Blackman, 2014). This requires sand of a certain grain size (Komar, 1998): the very fine sands (or silts) found in large deltas yield a very flat slope which keeps ships far from land. Conversely, a shingle beach has a steep slope that is dangerous for landing ships on. During military expeditions, 200 people had to be fed on board triremes. It was impossible for masters to fill their ships with tons of food. In the absence of ports, ship pilots had to find places with a degree of shelter where drinking water could be found, and river estuaries could provide both. The Stadiasmus is an example of a collection of such knowledge, and can be considered as the ancestor of medieval portolans and modern nautical instructions. Commercial ships obviously preferred sheltered creeks with clear landmarks on shore (such as a typical mountain). Many shelters were needed, as seafarers often followed the coast, using safe shelters to stop overnight and escape bad weather. Even though they could sail 50 to 100 nautical miles in a day, it was important to know where they could find safe shelter within two to three hours of navigation; i.e. only approx. 10 miles. With the length of the Mediterranean coast being around 25 000 nautical miles (according to Wikipedia), as an order of magnitude, they would hence have required a total of 2 500 shelters around the Mediterranean Sea. The present work collects about 3000 ports and shelters around the Mediterranean Sea between Gibraltar and Tangier (excluding the Black and Red seas). This shows that we probably found a fair percentage of them. Many of these sheltered creeks still exist today, but large changes have occurred in some places: • • • • • • crustal movements which explain why some ancient ports are buried under modern ports; a eustatic sea level rise of 0.30 to 0.50 m over the past 2000 years (see Nic Flemming, 1986 and Morhange, 2014); seismic events inducing tsunamis which devastated adjacent coastal areas (e.g. Crane/Agrostoli); river estuaries usually tend to silt up, as rivers carry most of the materials that create beaches, and this explains why some ancient ports are now so far from the sea (e.g. Portus at Fiumicino, Ephesus) or have simply filled up with sand (e.g. Leptis Magna); in some large cities the ‘old port’ has been reclaimed to create a new waterfront area (e.g. Marseille); beaches are subject to sedimentation and erosion by wave action, and the latter explains why some ancient ports were lost to the sea (e.g. in Tunisia). It should be noted also that ports mentioned here have been collected from texts of various dates ranging from 500 BC (except for Homer) and 500 AD (with a few exceptions), that is 1000 years. The various authors have not seen the same things ... and some authors have just repeated what others wrote before them! Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 393 Potential Ancient Harbours 4.5 Conclusions The aim of this study is not to provide a comprehensive list of yet unknown Potential Ancient Harbours based on rational and scientific deductions, but rather to list places that might be further investigated by historians and archaeologists. The somewhat intuitive method of comparing a catalogue of recognised ancient coastal settlements with modern pilots listing today’s excellent shelters does not give any proof, but just an indication of Potential Ancient Harbours. Some areas show few Potential Ancient Harbours and this may be due to: • • • • ancient authors providing a comprehensive description of the coast (e.g. Arrian in the Black Sea); comprehensive modern archaeological surveys (e.g. in France, Italy, Spain, Tunisia); hence, many of today’s excellent shelters are recognised ancient harbours (e.g. in France, Italy, Spain); many of today’s excellent shelters are modern marinas just added to a coastline without any good natural shelter and do not qualify as Potential Ancient Harbours (e.g. in France, Italy, Spain); some nautical guides did not survey the smaller anchorages (e.g. North Africa). Without insult to the modern authors of the nautical guides, it can be said that the ancient Stadiasmus includes more places than the modern pilot of the North African coast between Carthage and Alexandria! The same holds for Arrian’s periplus of the Black Sea. Conversely, some areas show many potential ancient harbours. This is probably due to a reversed combination of the above factors, e.g. in the Red Sea, Croatia where ancient sources are inaccurate, if any, and modern pilots are quite detailed. The Catalogue of Ancient Ports & Harbours tries to be exhaustive, but is most probably not. Hence, some Potential Ancient Harbours listed here may be recognised by some expert as ancient harbours already known to him and the present author will be delighted to hear about that in order to remove such places from the list of ‘potential’ ancient harbours. However, large parts of the listed Potential Ancient Harbours are probably real newcomers and will definitely require more attention from historians and archaeologists to find out if they were indeed ancient settlements. Some of these places may not show a single sign of ancient presence at the anchorage or on land because erosion may have taken away all remains; they will therefore remain ‘potential’ ancient harbours. Hopefully, other places will provide more evidence of ancient human presence (amphorae, stone anchors, ballast stones, etc.) even if this evidence may be difficult to find as it may be under water and buried under thick layers of sediment. Even more optimistic, the list of Potential Ancient Harbours might help historians re-interpreting ancient ‘Periples’ and Ptolemy’s places in the Red Sea … Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 394 Potential Ancient Harbours Figure 1. Potential Ancient Harbours in the Mediterranean area. Figure 2. Potential Ancient Harbours in Croatia. Figure 4. Potential Ancient Harbours in the Red Sea. Figure 3. Potential Ancient Harbours on the Balearic Islands. The maps shown here have no pretention of accuracy; they just intend to show concentrations of Potential Ancient Harbours; exact locations are available on Google Earth maps shown on: Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 395 Potential Ancient Harbours List of (213) Potential Ancient Harbours (Latitudes & longitudes are in decimal degrees, taken from Google Earth) PLACE NAME COUNTRY LATITUDE LONGITUDE Camarinas Spain North 43.132356 -9.172238 Isla Toxa Grande Spain North 42.487487 -8.844113 Ensenada de San Simon Spain North 42.303984 -8.63775 Isla Cristina Spain South 37.206216 -7.327774 El Rompido Spain South 37.214239 -7.125718 Sancti-Petri Spain South 36.397146 -6.206802 Mar Menor Spain East 37.714517 -0.791534 Las Illetas Spain Mallorca 39.531926 2.587282 Puerto de Soller Spain Mallorca 39.796642 2.693481 Porto Cristo Spain Mallorca 39.54052 3.336989 Porto Colom Spain Mallorca 39.419308 3.265063 Puerto de Cala Llonga, Cala d'Or Spain Mallorca 39.369239 3.224449 Porto Petro Spain Mallorca 39.356874 3.212041 Puerto de Cabrera Spain Cabrera 39.148226 2.933627 Cala Pi Spain Mallorca 39.362034 2.83432 Cala Morell Spain Minorca 40.054083 3.883019 Puerto de Fornells Spain Minorca 40.046405 4.130221 Puerto de Cala de Addaya Spain Minorca 40.004438 4.199634 Cala Grao, Colom island Spain Minorca 39.953126 4.273486 Cala Alcaufa Spain Minorca 39.828192 4.294459 Cala Badella Spain Ibiza 38.913538 1.222857 Port del Torrent Spain Ibiza 38.967198 1.267691 Puerto de San Miguel Spain Ibiza 39.084369 1.437616 Cala Portinatx Spain Ibiza 39.114326 1.518128 Puerto de Sabina, Estanque Peix Spain Formentera 38.730422 1.41405 Sausset les Pins France South 43.330747 5.107255 Port St Pierre on Iles des Embiez France South 43.079451 5.781492 Baie du Lazaret France South 43.08292 5.905755 Porto France Corsica 42.266501 8.693291 Stintino Italy Sardinia 40.938117 8.225224 Cala Gavetta, on Isla La Maddalena Italy Sardinia 41.212045 9.404022 Cala Bitta Italy Sardinia 41.125616 9.470911 Poltu Quatu Italy Sardinia 41.13583 9.495848 Porto Vecchio of Porto Cervo Italy Sardinia 41.133359 9.53626 Bay of Cugnana-Portisco Italy Sardinia 41.016495 9.523114 Porto Rotondo Italy Sardinia 41.029277 9.546367 Edilnautica marina, on the isle of Elba Italy West 42.80632 10.314434 Mellieha bay Malta 35.974829 14.364465 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 396 Potential Ancient Harbours Saint George's bay Malta 35.926135 Marsamxett, Msida creek Malta 35.896406 14.494795 Blue Lagoon, on the isle of Comino Malta 36.012741 Luka Veruda Croatia 44.844993 13.845192 Soline, in Uvala Kanalic Croatia 44.830066 13.857928 Uvala Tunarica, in Zaljev Rasa Croatia 44.971613 14.097678 Kraljevica Croatia 45.272957 14.566458 Jadranovo, in Uvala Percin Croatia 45.225854 14.614357 Zaton Soline, on the isle of Krk Croatia 45.15599 14.608581 Vrbnik, on the isle of Krk Croatia 45.078 14.672386 Mala Luka, on the isle of Krk Croatia 44.990571 14.80013 Puntarska Draga, on the isle of Krk Croatia 45.029639 14.619498 Punta Kriza, in Uvala Ul, on the isle of Cres Croatia 44.641311 14.503273 Luka Krivica, on the isle of Losinj Croatia 44.500672 14.495218 Simuni, on the isle of Pag Croatia 44.469908 14.955109 Uvala Lukovo-Sugarje Croatia 44.443888 15.18564 Uvala Jasenova Croatia 44.282389 15.210407 Prolaz Zapuntel, on Molat island Croatia 44.259644 14.79917 Uvala Soline, in Luka Soliscica on Dugi island Croatia 44.141501 Preko, on Ugljan island Croatia 44.082639 15.188513 Kukljica, on Ugljan island Croatia 44.033868 15.24751 Uvala Soline, on Iz island Croatia 44.059953 15.076808 LukaTelascica, on Dugi island Croatia 43.91781 Uvala Soline, on Pasman island Croatia 43.924342 15.360994 Sukosan Croatia 44.04431 15.307966 Uvala Lavsa, on Lavsa island Croatia 43.75193 15.365405 Uvala Vela Luka Croatia 43.860591 15.572466 Betina, on Murter island Croatia 43.821538 15.60459 Jezera, on Murter island Croatia 43.784346 15.64349 Rasline Croatia 43.80763 R Guduca Croatia 43.823954 15.846667 Uvala Beretusa Croatia 43.818403 15.886719 Prvic Luka, on the isle of Prvic Croatia 43.723682 15.797362 Jadrtovac Croatia 43.675937 15.945718 Banovci, in Luka Grebastica Croatia 43.636672 15.957561 Kremik Marina Croatia 43.569867 15.940943 Rogoznica Croatia 43.530629 15.964579 Luka Drvenik, on the isle of Drvenik Veli Croatia 43.450196 16.144206 Uvala Luka, on the isle of Braç Croatia 43.33928 16.797672 Uvala Rasotica, on the isle of Braç Croatia 43.307747 16.885881 Milna, on the isle of Braç Croatia 43.326169 16.447885 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 14.488961 14.323565 14.866483 15.142861 15.857736 Vol. I, Page 397 Potential Ancient Harbours Bobovisce, on the isle of Braç Croatia 43.352859 16.461513 Uvala Vira, on the isle of Hvar Croatia 43.190299 16.427861 Luka Tiha, on the isle of Hvar Croatia 43.214574 16.553908 Ploce Croatia 43.051272 17.432728 Blace Croatia 43.001627 17.481396 Mali Ston Croatia 42.847606 17.704852 Uvala Luka Croatia 43.029569 17.027106 Vela Luka, on the isle of Korcula Croatia 42.966498 16.71424 Uvala Kneza, on the isle of Korcula Croatia 42.975959 17.043988 Skrivena Luka, on the isle of Lastovo Croatia 42.734814 16.887478 Pasadur, in Luka Velji Lago, on the isle of Lastovo Croatia 42.767664 16.824639 Luka Polace Croatia 42.788995 17.377104 Okuklje, on the isle of Mljet Croatia 42.726214 17.670375 Rijeka Dubrovacka Croatia 42.670778 18.121156 Gruz Croatia 42.653862 18.086801 Bigova Montenegro 42.354278 18.704058 Pagania GR: North-West 39.659491 20.098357 Vathi Vali GR: North-West 38.758364 20.780577 Varko GR: North-West 38.764219 20.805779 Nisis Trizonia GR: North-West 38.368055 22.075595 Boufalo, Voufalo GR: Evia 38.301918 24.11946 Ormos Vathikelon GR: Evia 38.9409 22.940174 Ormos Vathoudhi GR: North-East 39.150932 23.206322 Ormos Mesopanayia GR: North-East 40.202842 23.780868 Ormos Kriftos GR: North-East 40.22181 23.782357 Ormos Dhimitriaki GR: North-East 40.226768 23.75319 Ormos Panayia GR: North-East 40.232231 23.737014 Korfos GR: Peloponnese 37.761902 23.126946 Methana GR: Peloponnese 37.57656 23.388866 Baltiza bay, Spetsai GR: Peloponnese 37.260157 23.166187 Khaidhari GR: Peloponnese 37.533736 22.921406 Limin Gouvion, on Corfu GR: Ionian Isl. 39.65411 19.84904 Palaiokastritsa, Limin Alipa, on Corfu GR: Ionian Isl. 39.673427 19.709291 Gaios, on the isle of Paxos GR: Ionian Isl. 39.201797 20.187488 Mongonisi, on the isle of Paxos GR: Ionian Isl. 39.181934 20.203727 Sivota, on the isle of Lefkada GR: Ionian Isl. 38.622712 20.683317 Ormos Abelike, on the isle of Meganisi GR: Ionian Isl. 38.665943 20.790318 Ormos Ay Ioannou, inside Ormos Naousis on Paros GR: Cyclades Isl. 37.143886 25.227756 Ormos Langeri, inside Ormos Naousis on Paros GR: Cyclades Isl. 37.138657 25.266262 Vathi, on the isle of Astypalaia GR: Cyclades Isl. 36.618285 26.395346 Ormos Moudhrou, on the isle of Lemnos GR: Eastern Isl. 39.87049 25.245694 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 398 Potential Ancient Harbours Koukounaries, on the isle of Skiathos GR: Eastern Isl. 39.15056 23.399511 Ormos Vasiliko, on the isle of Peristeri GR: Eastern Isl. 39.200275 23.977237 Planitis, on the isle of Pelagos GR: Eastern Isl. 39.34733 24.071967 Soudha GR: Crete North 35.497358 24.079312 Yakakent Liman TR: Black Sea 41.638876 35.501672 Hamsilos TR: Black Sea 42.060269 35.04221 Dalyanköy TR: West 38.353285 26.312599 Gökkovar Limani, Kokar TR: West 38.137537 26.607011 Küyüçak TR: West 37.15357 27.559237 Okluk Koyu, inside Degirmen Bükü TR: West 36.920552 28.171595 Ingilizi Limani, inside Degirmen Bükü TR: West 36.92347 28.156911 Büyük Cati TR: West 36.790077 28.012561 Aksaz, in Karaagaç Limani TR: South 36.840444 28.391038 Kapi Creek TR: South 36.6432 28.8936 Pölemos Bükü TR: South 36.164906 29.802672 Mersa Thelemet Egypt: Red Sea 29.05451 32.635191 Merset el-Qad Yahya Egypt: Red Sea 27.929551 33.893634 Marsa Zeitiya Egypt: Red Sea 27.834312 33.583485 Hurghada Egypt: Red Sea 27.180781 33.83795 Marsa Abu Makhadiq Egypt: Red Sea 27.041819 33.893311 Ras Abu Soma Egypt: Red Sea 26.845446 33.978515 Mina Safaga Egypt: Red Sea 26.740028 Marsa Tarafi Egypt: Red Sea 25.205046 34.808958 Marsa Tundaba Egypt: Red Sea 24.961718 Ras Dirra, Bir Ghadir Egypt: Red Sea 24.894344 34.990386 Sharm Luli Egypt: Red Sea 24.609434 35.115423 Bodkin reef Egypt: Red Sea 23.478978 35.493572 Sharm el Madfa, Marsa Hasa Egypt: Red Sea 22.956168 35.668514 Marsa Shaab Egypt: Red Sea 22.842591 35.777153 Marsa el Qad Egypt: Red Sea 22.607727 36.260299 Marsa Abu Naam Egypt: Red Sea 22.497571 36.30929 Marsa Halaib Egypt: Red Sea 22.225003 36.651959 Khor el Marob Sudan 21.834019 36.859422 Marsa Ribda, Marsa Gwilaib Sudan 21.79016 36.865975 Khor Abu Asal, Marsa Oseif Sudan 21.759722 36.871819 Marsa Hamsiat Sudan 21.686785 36.886603 Marsa Wasi Sudan 21.643104 36.895915 Marsa Gafatir Sudan 21.595219 36.919704 Marsa Abu Imama, Rio Farat Sudan 21.489421 36.954236 Marsa Halaka, Khor Dullow, Khor Delwein Sudan 21.401862 36.987013 Khor Shinab, Khor Abu Mishmish Sudan 21.349183 37.010724 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 33.956372 34.936523 Vol. I, Page 399 Potential Ancient Harbours Marsa Salak Sudan 20.450287 37.199426 Marsa Arakiyai, Port Salvadora Sudan 20.233286 37.198738 Marsa Fijab, Bahia de Fuca Sudan 20.035033 37.185976 Marsa Gwiyai, Port Dradart Sudan 19.661469 37.238526 Port Sudan, in Marsa Sheikh Barud Sudan 19.609159 37.227475 Marsa Ata Sudan 19.289287 37.328189 Marsa Esh Sheikh Ibrahim Sudan 18.875373 37.415795 Harmil island Erythrea 16.538714 40.153202 Jimhil, Monfreid's Djumelé? Erythrea 15.77366 39.965538 Melita bay near Ras Nasiracurra Erythrea 15.264342 39.811446 Dellemi, Dilemmi island Erythrea 15.485589 39.889168 Ghelaelo in Howakil bay Erythrea 15.106029 40.110639 Mersa Dudo Erythrea 13.864934 41.907061 Ras Terma Erythrea 13.214607 42.526752 Obock Djibouti 11.966177 43.294719 Guinni Koma, ile du Diable, inside Ghoubbet el-Karab Djibouti 11.532763 42.523545 Khor Shoreh, Shoora Somalia 10.819656 45.859682 El-Kura Gulf of Aqaba 28.475123 34.499527 Sharm el-Sheikh Gulf of Aqaba 27.859351 34.291968 Sharm Yahar, Al Harr Saudi Arab: Red S. 27.621703 35.520983 Sharm Dumaygh Saudi Arab: Red S. 26.642814 36.219316 Sharm Hasy Saudi Arab: Red S. 24.625872 37.337314 Sharm Al Khawr Saudi Arab: Red S. 24.273912 37.673649 Yanbu Al Bahr Saudi Arab: Red S. 24.06998 38.057044 Sherm Rabegh Saudi Arab: Red S. 22.949484 38.888721 Al Qadimah Saudi Arab: Red S. 22.353038 39.084469 Al Jazeerah, near Ras Hatiba Saudi Arab: Red S. 22.088061 39.030927 Sharm Abhur, Bihar Saudi Arab: Red S. 21.717354 39.098442 Jeddah Saudi Arab: Red S. 21.510655 39.142121 Abu Shauk Saudi Arab: Red S. 20.876416 39.354983 Marsa Qishran Saudi Arab: Red S. 20.254632 40.011822 Marsa Ibrahim Saudi Arab: Red S. 20.168463 40.229582 Khor al Humara Saudi Arab: Red S. 19.773387 40.662476 Khor al Birk Saudi Arab: Red S. 18.213756 41.528807 Saso, Sarso island Saudi Arab: Red S. 16.87126 41.587623 Sajid, on Farasan Zekir island, Monfreid's Séguid Saudi Arab: Red S. 16.836562 41.951117 Dumsuq island, Monfreid's Dumsuk Saudi Arab: Red S. 16.553166 42.060748 Uqban island, Monfreid's Okban Yemen 15.519617 42.378796 Mujamila island Yemen 14.61272 42.925455 Tongue island, near Monfreid's Zoukour, Zuqar Yemen 13.881266 42.713688 Mayyun, Perim island Yemen 12.653101 43.42024 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 400 Potential Ancient Harbours Khor Omeira, Monfreid's Kor Omeira Yemen 12.638344 44.137997 Ras Imran Yemen 12.753677 44.724326 Bal Haf, Balihaf Yemen 13.982719 48.173209 Ras Majdahah Yemen 14.012409 48.448849 Khor al Mukalla Yemen 14.525882 49.123511 Khaisat, near Ras Fartak Yemen 15.610251 52.186919 Salalah, Raysut Yemen 16.937126 53.999393 Sour Oman 22.573202 59.536214 Bandar Khairan Oman 23.519779 58.72588 Al Suwadi, Sawadi Oman 23.785968 57.794247 Atalayoun, Marchica near Nador Morocco 35.220721 -2.907731 Mohammedia-Fedala Morocco 33.712125 -7.397729 Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 401 Potential Ancient Harbours References The following “pilots” were used: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Spain & Portugal by Martin Walker & Henry Buchanan (IMRAY, 2010) Spain Mediterranean coast by John Marchment, (IMRAY, 2009) Baleares by Robin Brandon & Anne Hammick (IMRAY, 2000) France Western Mediterranean coast (SHOM, 2000) France Eastern Mediterranean coast (SHOM, 2001) Corsica & North Sardinia by Alain Rondeau (1997) Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta by Rod Heikell (IMRAY, 2011) Adriatic Sea by Trevor Thompson (IMRAY, 2000) Ionian Sea, Peloponnese & Crete by Rod Heikell (IMRAY, 2001) Aegean Sea by Rod Heikell (IMRAY, 2001) Black Sea by Read Barker (IMRAY, 2012) Turkey, Black Sea & Cyprus by Rod Heikell (IMRAY, 2006) Red Sea, Egypt, Israel by Elaine Morgan & Stephen Davies (IMRAY, 2001) North Africa by Graham Hutt (IMRAY, 2012) Ancient Ports and Harbours - Copyright A. de Graauw © 2016 Vol. I, Page 402
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