『磁性薄膜・多層膜を究める:キャラクタリゼーションから新奇材料の創製へ』 2011. 10. 14-15 - 放射光を用いたキャラクタリゼーション - マンガン系人工超格子における 電荷・磁気状態の研究 ……. La3+Mn3+O3 Sr2+Mn4+O3 [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m']n MnO2 SrO MnO2 SrO MnO2 LaO MnO2 LaO MnO2 4+ 4+ 3.5+ 3+ 3+ Condensed matter research center (CMRC) Photon Factory, IMSS, KEK Outline 中尾裕則 ・研究背景 ・放射光を用いた薄膜、人工格子の研究について ・中性子磁気散乱による磁気構造の研究の現状 (LaMnO3)2(SrMnO3)2 の巨大磁気抵抗効果 Substrate 人工超格子:自由な積層構造の設計による物性制御 結晶 (ABO3) stacking direction c 多様な物性 誘電体 強磁性体 反強磁性体 超伝導体 ペロブスカイト構 造 A'B'O3 ABO3 Substrate:SrTiO3 巨大磁気抵抗効果 電気磁気効果 任意の積層構造の作製 電荷・スピン・軌道・格子の制 御 新奇物性の探索や、 自由なデバイス設計の可能 性 ヘテロ界面で作り出される新たな電子 状態 人工超格子: [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m']n c Perovskite structure (m,n) = (4,2) Sr2+Mn4+O3 G-type AF eg stacking direction t2g n Mn4+ Band insulator m' Sr2+Mn4+O3 La3+Mn3+O3 m La3+Mn3+O3 A-type AF eg t2g Mn3+ Substrate: SrTiO3 Cubic: a = 3.905Å Mott insulator 電荷変調構造の制御 新奇物性? 人工超格子: [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m']n [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m]n (m,n) (1,96) (2,48) (4,24) (8,12) (16,6) (32,3) Insulator m increases! LaMnO3 Mn3+ SrMnO3 Mn4+ Mn3.5+ Metal ? Mn valence state / interface state T. Koida et al., PRB 66 (2002) Specific character in superlattice Resonant x-ray scattering study of the superlattices ion to clarify the charge distribution of the Mn Evaluation of the superlattice structures Experiments Synchrotron x-ray scattering Diffraction pattern along the stacking direction at 6.52 keV Superlattice structure (atomic coordinations) Energy dependence of the scattering intensity near Mn K-edge(~ 6.55 keV) Charge distribution of Mn ion X-ray anomalous scattering factor X-ray anomalous scattering factor of Mn ion f’(E) f’’(E) Mn3+ Mn4+ 3 eV Difference Energy dependence of the scattering intensity near Mn K-edge(~ 6.55 keV) Charge distribution of Mn ion X-ray anomalous scattering SrTiO3 +2 +3 -3 +1 -2 +2 [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m]n +3 (m,n) = (8,6) Thickness: ~360Å SrTiO3 E=6.52 keV m LaMnO3 dLa SrMnO3 dSr (001) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 (002) -1 (001) Intensity (a.u.) SrTiO3 Crystal structure of superlattice -1 -3 -2 n Laue function SrTiO3 Structural deviation near interface Substrate scattering +1 +2 +3 H. Nakao et al., JPSJ 78 (2009) 024602. -3 -2 (001) -1 SrTiO3 [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m]n +1 +2 +3 Degree of charge ordering (stacking direction) c Mn4+ Mn3+ Rectangle Alpha Sine No charge wave ordering (m,n) = (8,6) Insulator vs. Metal Quality of stacking structure Conductivity H. Nakao et al., JPSJ 78 (2009) 024602. Insulator (FI) Sample quality: SrTiO3 vs. LSAT H. Yamada (AIST) (200) (200)-1 (La0.3Sr0.7)(Al0.65Ta0.35)O3 (LSAT) (100)+2 Average lattice constant (100)+1 SrTiO3 (STO) (100) Lattice matching between film and substrate [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m]n [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m]n AFI LSAT FI m Mag. field LaMnO3 SrMnO3 FM m ≦ 4: Large negative magneto-resistance Substrate LSAT This is new phenomenon in film system. not reported in the bulk Study project in CMRC Synchrotron radiation Resonant and non-resonant x-ray scattering Mn valence distribution Stacking structure SR Resonant soft x-ray scattering Resonant magnetic scattering Mn3d – O2p orbital hybridization Modulation of electronic structure Depth resolved XAS, XMCD (雨宮)… Neutron Magnetic scattering (東北大 岩 佐) Reflectivity (JAEA 武田) J-PARC Muon Ultra-slow muon Muon Neutron (200) (100) T = 5K vs. 300K (LaMnO3)2(SrMnO3)2 0 T vs. 7.5 T at T = 5K (200)+1 (100)+2 (200)-1 6.52keV (100)+1 (100)-2 (100)-1 Crystal structure in superlattice Magnetic effect for Mn valence state (200) (100) (200)+1 (100)+2 (200)-1 6.52keV (100)+1 (100)-2 (100)-1 studied by resonant x-ray scattering at T = 5K 中性子磁気散乱による 人工格子の磁性研究の可能性 TOPAN(6G) at JRR-3 in Tokai Tohoku Univ. : Iwasa K. L2S2/LSAT (LaMnO3)2(SrMnO3)2 12 samples b a 3cmx1.5cmx400Å < 0.3x0.3x0.3mm3 Magnetic scattering at (100)±1 No signal at (100)-1 Magnetic scattering: L2S2/LSAT Periodicit y LaMnO3 SrMnO3 (100)-2 Simple AFM RMXS at Mn L2,3-edge: L5S5 p s 磁気散乱強度の温度依存性 N S (000)+1 +2 久保田 (JAEA) +3 Magnetic component Ip Form factor X-ray anomalous scattering factor LaMnO3 XAS K-K trans. SrMnO3 Study of artificial superlattice Mn valence distribution Stacking structure (crystal structure) Resonant and non-resonant x-ray scattering Magnetic structure Neutron magnetic scattering / Reflectivity Resonant magnetic x-ray scattering: Mn L-edge Mag. field FM L5S5 FI SrMnO3 L2S2 AFI LSAT m LaMnO3 [(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)m]n Collaborator Y. Yamasaki, J. Okamoto, T. Sudayama, Y. Murakami Condensed Matter Research Center / Photon Factory, IMSS, KEK K. Iwasa Depertment of Physics, Tohoku University M. Kubota, Y. Takeda Japan Atomic Energy Agency Neutron J. Nishimura, A. Ohtomo, T. Fukumura, and M. Kawasaki Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University T. Koida ERATO, Japan Science and Technology Corporation H. Yamada, A. Sawa Nanoelectronics Research Institute, AIST Photon
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