研究業績一覧(2015 年 9 月 23 日) Ⅰ 著書 1.産業連関と国際貿易(学位論文)日本評論社、1984年5月 2.入門国際経済(共著:菅沼澄氏他)日本評論社、1985年4月 3.講義ノート・近代経済学(共著:木村憲二氏他)昭和堂、1985年 10 月 4.基礎経済学(共著:柿元純男氏)中央経済社、1993年3月 5.入門国際経済論(共著:山田健治氏他)成文堂、1994年2月 6.現代貿易理論の潮流(共編著:柿元純男氏他)けい草書房、1998年3月 7.国際経済学の基礎(共著:柿元純男氏他)中央経済社、1998年4月 8.現代国際貿易の諸問題(共編著:近藤健児氏)勁草書房、2007 年 9 月 Ⅱ 学術論文 1. 「関税同盟の次善理論」星陵台論集9(1/2)(神戸商大大学院)、1976.年9月, 146-161. 2. 「貿易・非貿易中間財と技術進歩」星陵台論集(神戸商大大学院)11(2/3)、1979年1月, 36-57. 3. 「要素市場における歪みと貿易からの利益」星陵台論集(神戸商大大学院)12(2)、1979. 年10月, 20-31. 4. 「結合生産工業における規模の経済性と最適市場構造」星陵台論集(神戸商大大学院) 13(1)、1980.年9月, 1-23. 5. Non-traded inputs, interindustry flows, resource allocation and ERP theory, Journal of International Economics 11, 1981, 99-111. 6. A note on tariff-induced capital inflow and immiserization in the presence of taxation of foreign profits, Journal of International Economics 12, 1982, 183-189. 7. Effective protection and welfare, Economic Studies Quarterly 33, 1982, 263-271. 8. Monopoly and trade with non-traded intermediate inputs, 法経論集(愛知大学)101、 1983 年2月, 117-129. 9. Growth and structural changes in outputs: an inter-industrial approach, 法経論集 (愛知大学)103、 1983 年11月, 159-184 10. Tariff protection and taxation of foreign capital: a comparison between the H-O-S model and the specific factor model, 法経論集(愛知大学)107、 1985 年2月, 1-18. 11. Transport costs, factor intensities and the Rybczynski theorem, Economics Letters 19, 1985, 51-55. 12. The Rybczynski theorem in a model with nontraded goods and interindustry flows: Revisited, Journal of International Economics 19, 1986, 157-169 (with S. Kakimoto). 13. 「市場構造と貿易利益」法経論集(愛知大学)113、 1987 年2月, 14. Higher dimensional issues in the Rybczynski theorem with nontraded goods and interindustry flows, Economic Studies Quarterly 38, 1987, 193-198 (with S. Kakimoto). 15. Partial revenue seeking and welfare, Economics Letters 27, 1988. 16. 「規模の経済性が存在する場合における経済成長と厚生」法経論集(愛知大学)117、 1988 年6月, 65-91. 17. Revenue seeking and Metzler paradoxes, Economics and Politics 1, 1989, 181-185. 18. Growth, import substitution and welfare, 国際問題研究所紀要(愛知大学)89、1989 年7月、1-7. 19. 「保護とRevenue seeking」経済論集(愛知大学)120/121、1989年12月、141-163. 20. Variable returns to scale, stability and technical progress with non-traded goods, 国際問題研究所紀要(愛知大学)90、1989年12月、49-61. 21. The role of information in trade theory, A. Asimakopulous et al eds. Economic Theory, Welfare and the State (MacMillan), 1990, 121-129 (with M. C. Kemp). 22. International factor mobility and immiserizing growth under variable returns to scale, A. Takayama et al eds. Trade, Policy and International Adjustments (Academic Press), 1990, 155-172. 23. Tariff-induced capital inflow and welfare under variable returns to scale, Economics Letters 33, 1990, 87-93. 24. A note on short run effects of growth on welfare under VRS, Economic Studies Quarterly 43, 1991, 80-85. 25. Variable returns to scale, urban unemployment and welfare: comment, Southern Economic Journal 58, 1992, 1103-1113. 26. 「失業と資本移動が存在する場合の開発政策の有効性について」多和田眞・近藤仁編『現 代経済理論とその応用』中央経済社、1992年12月、90-99. 27. Urban unemployment, international capital mobility and development policy, Journal of Development Economics 41, 1993, 399-403. 28. 「非貿易財が存在する場合の国際要素移動と窮乏化成長」オイコノミカ(名古屋市立大 学)31、1995年3月、323-336. 29. Urban unemployment and development policy: the introduction of an unemployment allowance, Economics and Politics 8, 1996, 241-249. 30. Trade and gains from trade between profit-maximizing and labour-managed countries with imperfect competition, Japanese Economic Review 48, 1997, 226-236 (with M. Tawada). 31. Urban unemployment, international labor mobility and welfare, Japan and the World Economy 9, 1997, 71-79. 32. Direct investment, monopoly and welfare, Pacific Economic Review 2, 1997, 135-141. 33. 「都市における失業と途上国の開発政策」商大論集(神戸商科大学)49、1998年2月、 221-235. 34. Urban unemployment, factor accumulation, and welfare, Review of Development Economics 2, 1998, 31-40. 35. Foreign direct investment, urban unemployment and welfare, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 8, 1999, 359-371. 36. 「輸出加工区の経済分析」港湾研究(日本港湾経済学会中部部会)21、1999年3月, 1-22. 37. Export processing zones, backward linkages, and variable returns to scale, Review of Development Economics 4, 2000, 268-278. 38. Tariff-induced capital inflow and welfare in the presence of unemployment and informal sector, Japan and the World Economy 13, 2001, 51-60 (with H. Beladi). 39. Urban unemployment, informal sector and developing policies, Journal of Economics 74, 301-314 (with H. Beladi). 40. Illegal immigration, informal sector and developing policies in a dual economy, Arthaniti 1, 2002, 97-109. 41. Land and urban unemployment, Pacific Economic Review 8, 8, 2003, 71-77 (with G. Wei). 42. Export processing zones, backward linkages and unemployment, Journal of Economic Integration 18, 2003, 360-371. 43. Local content requirements and urban unemployment, International Review of Economics and Finance 12, 2003, 481-494 (with Gu Wei). 44. Foreign direct investment, local content requirements and regional resource allocation, Studies in Regional Science 33, 2003, 27-39. 45. Foreign investment, urban unemployment and informal sector, Journal of Economic Integration 20, 2005, 123-138 (with H. Beladi and Gu Wei). 46. Inflow of foreign capital and trade liberalization in a model with an informal sector and urban unemployment, Pacific Economic Review 11, 2006, 87-103, (with S. Chaudhuri and U. Mukhopadhyay). 47. Imperfect labor mobility and unemployment in a dual economy, Review of International Economics 14, 2006, 698-708 (with Gu Wei). 48. Unemployment and international factor movement in the presence of skilled and unskilled labor, Review of Development Economics 11, 2007, 437-449. 49. Economic liberalization and wage inequalitiy in the presence of labour market imperfection, International Review of Economics and Finance 16, 2007, 592-603 (with S. Chaudhuri). 50. International migration of labour and skilled-unskilled wage inequality in a developing economy, Economic Modelling 24, 2007, 128-137 (with S. Chaudhuri). 51. Someday my prince will come: Unemployment, income transfer and international Factor movement, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 14, 2007, 151-160. 「二重経済における貿易自由化が賃金格差と失業に及ぼす効果」オイコノミ カ(名古屋市立大学)44、2008年3月、 143-153. 52. Can international factor mobility reduce wage inequality in a dual economy?, Review of International Economics 16, 2008, 893-903 (with H. Beladi and S. Chaudhuri). 53. Immigration and unemployment of skilled-unskilled labor, Journal of Economic Integration 23, 2008, 331-345. 54. Foreign capital and skilled-unskilled wage inequality in a developing economy with non-traded goods, Sugata marjit and Eden Yu (eds.) Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy, Emerald Group Pub., 2008, 225-250 (with S. Chaudhuri). 55. Emigration and wage inequality in a dual economy, Economics Bulletin, 29 (3), 2009, 1549-1554. 56. Skill formation, capital adjustment cost and wage inequality, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies 21(1), 2009, 2-13 (with S. Chaudhuri). 57. Equity control of multinational firms: Effects on resource allocation and national welfare, Review of Development Economics 14(1), 2010, 93-102 (with H. Beladi). 58. Formation of special economic zone, liberalized FDI policy and agricultural productivity, International Review of Economics and Finance 19, 2010, 779-788 (with S. Chaudhuri). 59. Rural-urban migration and multinational firms, Annals of Regional Science 46, 2011, 417-426 (with H. Beladi). 60. Equity control of multinational firms: Effects on income distribution and wage inequality in host countries, Arthaniti 9, 2011, 12 22. 61. Emigration promotion and urban unemployment, Economics Bulletin 31(4), 2011, 2816-2823. 62. Outsourcing, income distribution, and unemployment, Journal of Economic Integration 26(4), 2011, 705-720. 63. Unemployment, environmental policy, and international migration, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 21(5), 2012, 677-690 (with K. Kondoh). 64. Tourism, the environment, and welfare in a dual economy, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 20(2), 2013, 172-182 65. Globalization, international factor mobility and wage inequality, Journal of Economic Integration 30(3), 577-590, 2015. Ⅲ 学会報告 1. 「関税同盟の理論的分析」、国際経済学会関西支部研究報告会(神戸商科大学),1978 年. 2. 「有効保護率の理論的研究」、国際経済学会関西支部総会(桃山学院大学)、1979年. 3. Which Is More Effective, Tariff or Corporation Tax?, 国際経済学会中部支部総会(南 山大学)、1982年. 4. 「リプチンスキー定理の最近の展開について」、国際経済学会中部支部研究報告会、1985 年. 5. “Variable Returns to Scale, Specific Factors and Welfare,” 国際経済学会中部支部研 究報告会、1988. 6. “Urban Unemployment, International Capital Mobility and Welfare,” 第29回計量 経済学研究会議(琵琶湖コンファレンス)、1991年7月. 7. “Trade and Gains from Trade between Profit-Maximizing and Labour-Managed Countries with Imperfect Competition,” 神戸国際シンポジウム(神戸大学)1996年1 月. 8. “Illegal Immigration, Informal Sector and Development Policies in a Dual Economy,” International Economic Seminar 11, City University of Hong Kong, November 5, 2002. 9. “Someday My Prince Will Come: An Analysis of Voluntary Unemployment and International Factor Movement,” European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 7th Conference, University College of Dublin (Dublin, Ireland), September 10, 2005. 10. “Immigration and Unemployment of Skilled and Unskilled Labor,” 経済研究所セミ ナー、名古屋市立大学、2006年6月22日. 11. “Immigration and Unemployment of Skilled and Unskilled Labor,” New Paradigms in Economics of Welfare and Trade under Globalization and Regionalization, University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) August 8, 2006. 12. “Immigration and Unemployment of Skilled and Unskilled Labor,” European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 8th Conference, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria) September 8, 2006. 13. “Can International Factor Mobility Lessen Wage Inequality in a Dual Economy?” 名古屋大学経済学研究科セミナー、名古屋大学、2007年7月9日. 14. “Can International Factor Mobility Reduce Wage Inequality in a Dual Economy?” Ritsumeikan Workshop on International Trade, 立命館大学、2007年11月20日。 15. “Can International Factor Mobility Reduce Wage Inequality in a Dual Economy?” European Regional Science Association (ERSA) 48th Congress (University of Liverpool) August 30, 2008. 16. “Can International Factor Mobility Reduce Wage Inequality in a Dual Economy?” One Day Conference on International Economics and Globalization, Chukyo University (Nagoya, Japan), October 4, 2008. 17. “Equity Control of Multinational Firms, Unemployment and Welfare,”Pacific Regional Science Association Conference, Gold Coast (Australia) July 22, 2009. 18. “Equity Control of Multinational Firms, Unemployment and Welfare,” European Regional Science Association (ERSA) 49th Congress, University of Lodz (Poland) August 26, 2009. 19. “Equity Control of Multinational Firms: Effects on Income Distribution and Wage Inequality in Host Countries” European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 12 th Conference, University of Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) September 10, 2010. 20. “Equity Control of Multinational Firms: Effects on Income Distribution and Wage Inequality in Host Countries” International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Conference in China, University of International Business and Economics (Beijing, China) May 22, 2011. 21. “Outsourcing, Income Distribution, and Unemployment,” European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 13th Conference, Copenhagen Business School and University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark) September 8, 2011.
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