BCAB TECHN:CAL ADV:SORY :ssued on 6‐ 26-2015 by Building Code Advisory Board Buldino Code Advisorv Board of Palm Beach Countv Subject: Zero Lot Line Construction and the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) This technical advisory is established to clarify the applicable regulations in the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014), that pertain to zero lot line residential development. 1. Pursuant to the authority contained in Chapter 553.775, Florida Statutes, and Sections 104.1 and '104.1 1 of the Florida Building Code, 20'1 0 and 20'14 Editions, the definition of the word lot as defined in Section R202 of the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014), shall be interpreted to include a platted master-planned subdivision of land, with recorded lots designed for zero lot line homes, which include wall maintenance and roof overhang easements along with deed restrictions prohibiting construction (excluding projections and overhangs) in the ten ('10) foot minimum permanently reserved open space between buildings. 2. ln accordance with the previously stated interpretation of the term lot as described in Section 't (above), the fire separation distance as defined in Section R202 FBC 5th Edition, for structures located on the same lot shall be considered to be to an imaginary line between two buildings on the lot as stated in option number 3. 3. Using the definition of fire separation distance described in Section 2 (above), placing the imaginary line midway between the two structures, Section R302.1 and Table 302.1(1) of the FBC Sth Edition allow the exterior walls on both structures adjoining the ten (10) foot permanently reserved open space to be non-fire-rated with unlimited openings, based upon a five (5) foot fire separation distance. Overhangs projecting into the five (5) foot fire separation distance are required to be fire rated for one (1) hour exposure from the underside. 4. However, pursuant to Section 104.|"l of the FBC sth Edition, as an alternate method to the allowable methodology described Section 3 (above), the developer may elect to voluntarily provide a fire rating on the exterior wall located directly on the zero lot line of one (1) hour, with no openings allowed, while also providing fire rating on the underside of the overhang above the rated wall as an "alternate method" to allow elimination of the fire rating requirement on the underside of the overhang on the non-zero wall ofthe adjacent structure opposite the permanent open space. The BCAB recommends approval of this technical advisory. For the Building Code Advisory Board, 哉幣摺飢罵鯉憩畿脚習掃1:柵 癬」:l: 昇麗 leir enforcementthroughoutthe County The Act a SO granted Palm rest ofthe pub‖ c's heanh,safety and general welfare a33411‐ 2741 Revisedi 4′ 07 U:ヽ Bu‖ dino 561・ 233‐ 5101 FAX 561‐ 233‐ 5020 Adm nistrationヽ わadm nlヽ BCABヽ Technical Adv SOnes、 BcAB‐ Zero Lot L ne Technica Advisorv`2)doc Excerpts from the Florida Building Code, Sth Edition (2014) PART 2_ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT .."rilr roo OUTIES AND POWERS OF BUILDING OFFICIAL [A] l(N.ll AltenDtive matcrials, design rnd methods of construction and equipment. The provisions ofthis code are not intended to prevelt the installation of any material or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such altemativc has been approved. An altemative material, design or method of constructiot shall be approve d wherc lhe building oricral finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent ofthe provisions ofthis code, arld that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent ofthat prescribed in this code in quality, skength, effectiveness, Jirc rcsistonce, durability and safety. secrroH nzoz DEFINITIONS FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE. The distance measuted Fom the building face lo one ofthe following: 1. To the closest interiot lot line; ot 2. To the centerline ofa stleet, an alley or public way; or 3. To an imaginary line between two buildings on the /ol. The distance shall be measured at a right angle Aom the face ofthe wall. LOT. A portion or parcel ofland considered as a unit. LOT LINE, A line dividing one ,/or from another, or from a street or any public place. secrrJrl nsoz FIRE.RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION R302.1 Exterior walls. Construction, projections, openings and penetmtions of erterior wolls of dwellings and accessory buildings shall comply with Table R302.1(l); or dwellings equipped throughout wilh ut automatic spinHer system installed in accordance with Section P2904 shall comply with Table R302.1(2). Exceptions: l. Walls, projections, openings or penetrations in walls perpendicular to the line used to dotermine therre separalion distafice. 2. Walls of dwellings urd qccessory structure.t located on the same /ol. 3. Datached tool sh€ds and storage sheds, playhouses and similar structures exempted from pemits are not required to provide wall protection based on location on rhe /or. Projections beyond the errerior vall shall not extend ovet tha lot lihe. 4. Detached garages accessory to a dwel/ing located within 2 feet (610 mm) ofa /o, /ize are permitted to have roofeave projections not exceeding 4 inches (102 mm). 5. Foundation vents installed in compliance with this code are permitted. 6. Screen enclosue walls ofinsect screening with a maximum of25-percent solid flexible finishes. Legislature, at the request of the Act of the Board of Palm Beach County was created by a es The purpose ofthe Boad is to advise the Board of County Commissioners and bunding code enforcement and construction indust“ of buildins codes a;d their enforcement throushout the county. rhe Acr atso sranted Palm welfare. safety and general welfare' cod;s, in the interest of the publics health, safetv buildinq coo-es' uurtding narni County corrntv special sneciat powers oowerJ concerning concerninq building Beach iWest pitm 334,tt-2741 561-233-5101 . FAx 561-233-5020 Building Code i"u';;;;;;;;;;;;;s;; ;;i6 ;;;;;;;;;;nce;in! iiOO liortt Jog no"O Beach, Ftorida Revisgd;4/07 U:\BuildinoAdministration\badminl\BcAB\TechnicalAdvisories\BcAB.zeroLotLineTechnicalAdvisorv(2),doc TABLE R302.1(1) EXTER:OR WALLS MilllMuM EXTER10R WALL ELEMENT FIRE‐ RES:STANCE Fuc-resistalcc ratcd WJIs PrOICCt1011S Nor fue{esistaDcc rared Not allowcd Op€oiD8s iuwalls ・ ≧5 0 horus I horu on thc uodcrside O botrs NA 5 feet 2: feer feet lo.i 5 feel ≧5 fect .: 3 feel 2506 nnklluttu of、 噸1l arca O hollrl モ11」 initcd O llotrs 5 fcct COmpけ ヽ血Sectlon郎 024 ": 5 feet None reqdrcd 5 fect 』 Pcuctradous M:NI"UM F!RE SEPARA了10N OISTANCE I horu-tcstcd in accudme with ASTI'{ E I 19 or L1- 263 *ith oryosure tour botb si&r Nor fi rt-resista8ce raled Fire-rcsismocc rared RA■ NC 3 feet m. For sI: I f6t - 30.1.8 N,'A = Not AppEcabl€.. Excerpts from the 2012 lnternational Residential Code Commentary of County Commissioners and building codl enforcement and construction industries. T-he purpose of the Board is to advise the Board The Act also granted Palm local governmen6 *n""rning tne adopfion of building coaei ana their enforcement throughout the county. and general welfare. Beacf, County special powericoncerning building codes, in the interest of thepublic's health, safety IWest Pilm Beach, Florida 3Y'11-2741 ' 551-233-5101 ' FAX 56t'233-5020 ZSOO Hortn Jo! noaa Revised: 4/07 -Zero Lot Line Technical Advisorv (2).doc U:\Buildino Administration\badminl\BCAB\Technical Advisories\BCAB ll.m VA● LE n391● n● OF u″ E LOAD3● IPOu― cL ltn SCtlAnC rO07● F ngH7ALttω … … 自 TRl● UTA"'t● ■■● ― つOυ ttR[曜 ●■口OR"W Sru 4-" 0■ 肛1lT“ … 辮‖ 臨躙 L' 'I 1: │= tir Sl I 3tgt ftrr - 0 Sr]l .:. I F,.., F {tft lqi - o fin rPr I i-hFrd - l.r,l rniYn +S.. th. co.tria{&y to rd{nr ,r!n-6 rt$!!.l .rio {F(..t .ar. oa d4 a. .r.r lod nrbrs lll!1 d .a..{ a/ x .rl ,Li lr. r lria, lr dr .tu Lq6 o, rn -ra.r. rt-LE't n m -.a.r &. E ln.t F L r.a s ,!.6 d rrlli o, lrE .ilrl''.r d fb lrd, d .r..irl U I:o. .66. L. 6l trt 'Lit1a6 rod t'fu6.liil t c D.n d- la.Gir r.& rra .rr!',rFi I li.Ed F 0 d!..tal &lhr.n Crrrib d r.qrrd -dgn h r@drE *fit Itt fofqrirg @rpb lhrtra.t $lr.tS.rit.r!. foi Scctbo R30t .l.2, ErartDL: S.ctih R3ol.6. lrrtd b ha marimurn alovrtu. ddLcroo o( a 20, loaoirrtC co.rdUoi.? foor (t{S rfi) $.l 'rio ha .) Rdl!( wfi no crti rg lad tayilg . .lop. ol5 unllr b) los m€l nol arcaad tha Ya*r, ilr t.bL R:tol.7. Tlrtr hnirta arl.rp.aard ln Ltmr oa ir. !g.n Llrl(h. &iU. turatlr.!, r[Eh a Pld., cail- h abo tllotr fE aa.na . p,ogortir b ftr drlloctiro lltu ilol.7 Arr.orll.t oc tcYtoi of !I rgn ralrESar' 12 udB hql:.otaa (42 por. wior edb h l2 m c.lirg lqd h.yirg r rlop. o, q(r hqiaonaa (17 parEail) np9o,ttg I tnbtl.d noo. SCJ- = SO-r . 2}bd (806 rxn) a) O UAX = L,lto = 20 ,e.l x 12 .ndrrl0o = 1.33 itd!.t or.pprox. l'/. ,rdtaa (35 irrl) Lrqlft ba.tn t roiaci !o dtlo.li)r1 in h firn: b) D UAX: L,r2aO . 20 1.00 hdrr. o. a0p,ox. 'l t |fttr b..fl\ tr finah mlt l ! bcal c) A ioor jotrl a'r, artarba rlucoo *Cb. E protefu by |rmilkro tlx d?ildoo ot lioar alqnarl6. Co.n{nrlI, Fhirt R301.7 lhout . cnply 3uP ,ort d barr rrl,l d..d load daiacdon b€lsr ug liYa ba.o .pCr.d. R.dtrt 2 inlE tha lva bad ha! b!r.t a99lhd. Tha vtrtc.l dbtaooa uLl trE c.nb oa thG baam h.3 movad lrqn lhc innid dold lold dC.ction goattoo l. calLd h. lYt loa.t ddltctb.r- l, fl'i.li m.lJi.l ir .pdbd b his tt car{} Uta daaafn live llrr rr4 D. Ldk tcd h T& R3Ol.r, drEa ot! dLclio.t lina ia ryficaly acao.rraad tor rl Ura ,araaifnv" da.bn i.Ua. o, 0l. cd.. Srrc. thir [ .d lh. c... t 0l.? l}0.d.tr TtE rllotrHc d.llccoct nf rly vn.rtrrl nttE$cr ufil, rir trv. Iloi lrred rn Satrrnt R.lol J rnd RlOl.6 (r rird lodr dd.nniEd t, S.croo RIll 2l !ft.I| nd crc..d rh. vJucr rn t'$h n,rOI ? aTha do l.baa dailcdqt ol tt udu,"al maribal! tto.n lotd oa .ld.bs.rhlnB?.: +Garl-aly. I ia no( naacJy b clqrLb Or. dafiacdorr │= 1, iE l, r(t6Ff6r(l:l) -dF- "… at-arttio l i 12 rttd'.il2,lo Ldt (25.a mm) = r LASO . 20 h x 12 r,tdErl3€o . irdrc or mror. !t irdr t15I 'tm) R al, N-h.l r&... F(r ltt Fr4r'rc\ of 0ir siL, wl:!E c) D MAX 0 67 lur$.r rr S.tirt d. dEy .h.n b. dc.Ed dilrdixlt ullcs rF(ifi|jrlly &rigutol ihtEnqorh of b. rnio.l kt rs +gduta lolld aawn lrrtar ab6 ,a nqmaly rffi b €lre tha norrial lmDa. dln r!ro,ra. trb ch,Iclllon uCallr lhd ry cd rtfurc.! io bnr' bca d,iarrloE ,t !o ba ttkS aa ,ro.D.ral dincrF .irr. unh.r arp&iy d.d d!.rria. SECrpr Ft Bl9grArat COISTFi CnO +Th6 !6dion gr!(4a ilE fro<rlattat corglflJcdo.r rgq.rltnl.no ,q betraan d wilhn dlr{ulg urila. liis ladao ldcarx. r.tc,rto. rd b(rbo; bfirhorta t 9-Cfii; triuhnily dt'rlh$ xofrto,r: ..Ld p6,r.do.r. gi.Co Frrhi,|.: g.rrga l.P flE fa* a. rF lqti. rr r iF hqn f, tt El ird fif t.F.-a lo r. r&t.o, re a.CdtEl d Ctdfia lo.L lr lL FrF. .a 6. lr.E-t {dLdiE liEr. b Fd rrll.r. Bnhr\ I rljl i raa - ris i. bl.rl .{ d( t\rd*rEr rlrn a -ra.h r F..h .r't , mar d rdl! .l r ( f&. .m d .Fd.t ar. d dlr r ..rfr& ..a*r F.L A. it l L.a .l.e.rd rL[ .c .t-a Uto F rtt iYail^rqrl ttaatnur. ooo? a.lill: hrta.{rt p.ffdo.r: tnx $n.t t ri.l !.rl*! &ry.bp.tlrrt h3Ato,l: i.tttcti!, d.n.Eoping rlqJrad rx, p.ldxirg davlcar ilt rarloi dar.nc. hdi h.tt. offi^lY ¨V瀞 回 Ш ilid;;#"-,,il;;nt'.ni.on't,,aronlnJJ1,.1""ii';91'13;3-911i:^?-"^1*::.:::'::,:l""-t:*":J?""TL"ff:?:[T":1]1 "∞ …… me"Ы 同 語 聾品“ 増壼鹿 漁喩 “ Ls“ 癬締 轟1鮒魔 Florida Legislature at the request of the The loca1 9overnments∞ nceining the Beach County Special powers∞ n leir enforcementthioughout the COunty The Act also granted Palm n the高 gmoJ welfare Wefaに est ofthe pub c's heatth,safety,and and general ヽう0■ 44_,7■ 民A4_,■ ■_昼5101 101 FAX FAX 561‐ 361_233‐ 233‐ 5020 233‐ 2741■ 561・ mB● aCh,Flo"da 33411・ Revised 4′ 07 Zero Lot L ne Technica AdvisOrV`2)doc un3undinO AdministrauOn、 badminl` BCABヽ Technical AdViSOnesNBcAB‐ DEADし OA0 0こ FLECi10Ч コ■ ●CFLECT口 ・ “ ∝ B ¨ ● ︲ F 闘 剛 7 回 は ・ 埋疑塁報h, ErLrbr hlb. CooMrctu . Foraciims. op.ninSr o{.rr.h., rdfr ofdx"lrinr, .rd Ecct cy bu dintr Adl .ornply rith T$lc R3O2 l(l): dr d*c tngt .quipp.d dr snout wirh In axrlxlrlrfiir l.,fintk,. t\rtrn TebL R3O2. I ti ) rpacfioa lha irroor vall alanroB firr !.O..ata6 ditlrEa ald lhr,rlladtrct rttno fd drgl&rgs wr0qJt rp.nttla. ryttenia Wallr bar thf,1 5 foel ( 1 525 fim) hgri lha grop.rty li.!a firrtt bG oa 'l .hor,/. r/ifi trbtc obo reqira Eior !'ftor ASn!, E 1 I I q RJOr.l aod pcnctratio.r inddh i[ rccordnat *rlh Scclrd P19g rh.ll co.rply t-101.1(!). l:r..9dcr: L W.Ur. Foirlixl!. A.oinrr or FlEidi.rfi ir *dli FrFrdi.rdt' to dE lin u-d lo &.rininc th. f.. t pdtdk- Iidk 2. wdlr of dxrlrlnp rld d...r..,,! .'t .n r.r l(xliod . on lha r4na I ,rr, Dal..had td}l $cdl .ld rl('rrt rh.ds, Pltlh(to*cr rlld lnula, stu!_rulrs Gl.ln'tal fnrn Fmil! rrl ma llquitld lo Fovt& r,!ll Jrt{.ctx{ bliad olr locsion on tlx lrr Pmi$tirir ttcrond lh..rr.ri, rzil dull norGrEid 6lhc l.{,|,. { Datachcd tlrlEcr oc.6r.ry lo . dx.rlinx LE.l.d aifii 2 frr (61O frn) of . L, ,'* st Fmilr-l lo lev. nbf clvc tx$i(qiclr nll cr{cadmt { irEh.r (102!lm)' 5. foondatiro vanB rnsrrllql iE l,oltpliart silh thit codc ar! IE minad. +n& sctbo provi&s dcbilr h. itr.r6 rlltid b bui$ a9 bcrto.l on tra p.opa{ty, lndtxhg trla frr rlho ol tld plolsdifis. d R302.1(2) 9(wld. t bbubr ovtnLrd of 0la ltq*ttlntr ol t{9 !&llon Cdrnlitg d.lix wd Probdio.r, t\a co{h rsfira lhat an ofifi hit no @rtd ovar an !qoh. i{ p'ooarly. Iiu8. lhc bc.tlofi ol bdldogs on th. omds FoP€fly r.Liv. b ure Foporty li.P trq!|la rcortttirn. ln .ddilirn, Scction RX)2.0, *tich litb th tapratdr ,tqdltil'tantt ,or 9r.!0aa atld catpdL, lpadHy rrqjtlr geagE loc|aad 16. ttr 3 taal (gla mln) Irom e drclling wi qr tha trtlc bl b hava .n 16r thll tr-t'|ch (t2 7 tm) Oyrun bad Sli.d to tr! iol..b. !5. ol h! w!l!. OFi.E ptolldbo h. €!Ei[ x,EIs, pormi[ad op€nings Iabha R3O2.t0) !i!!a ruI! b rwdaLd bt S.don lir R302.5. oa 61cap{ h a co.i.a.ant ^ra,tr! robcthg orE buldoo fqr lrodtar lr tr l. 3I9 lr co.lornart. Errdt t l! tla Pot!. al ix ,ral to ba banr.nl'tad ,rqtt dE bdldttg b lnodE du.irE e lL. ln fl. rrpoabg hrldhg. ftldLbl la h prh.ry maant Th. popeaty o, hcat bantfr. }I l conrtn ction. Thc ira.rtiGlllc! rting tho ratirg rrpoarr! tD ba ld Mr riJo!. Tha ai€.lor rdEd {,t{h lhard bc lt8rad in lccoralrca tirs-reriai to tml lhB i! ml lnbnd.d art$rlbaiat tolrly t0 tlr UL 263. fir}rlltttrtc}.rld taat crita.ia co.rlrirad In traa drdrdt. Saclioo R10r t1 rtll do,r3 ,ra buadng oflk al to apgrur 8lbflratv! lt!{r!&ifrcr rDlii|odob9|a3. sucl 6 thor dorcrtrd in Saclbn 70 3.3 ol ota lBC. Thit wou ld Ch, a h.Jlld, lo ura rccaptldr Eoglnoe.ing analyalt. crlerdkru h re.finca wlh Sadoh 721 o, thr l8C q Frcrigtiva a$inbfat pgrmfl.d by Srcoon sdl 720 o, Ul! l8C tt rrirrd $thin !t allrmrtiv'r lo trc rladarda co.r' cod.. ProractlonE arlrEt rE{ arbrld mdo th{r 12 Inrios rrn) ido ula raa rrlr.ra opairEa ra prohbfad lhtfr 2 irca Th6aotor!, projodo'r! c&rlot b. (610 ,ryD) fro{n lh. lot lilr. ProiGtion. tl.t b.. ,|525 rnm) frorn lhc hn hc rt! tlqir.d to frn 5 f.cl ( b€ p.oa.d3d m i€ u b'Eide with t+ro(ll 6.s-re!.lrn| cordrucrixl ComrEnt ry FhiJo R302.1(1)1. Udfe tha l8C, Ula codo doo3 not rat a dRtancr tlom tt!€ p.o9ciy li,r !t rfikt ooanin$ rrrlJ{ br proLd.d Opan,rgE a,! .rot paamitlrd in enario( uCla *here the ortcflo. wiall hd6 a &s lcpardixr dist'lcs ol bss than 3 feq( (gl,l r'rn) trc.n ,l0 lot lrle Ope'lngB m a wal l@at6d rl e ditl .qul lo or gr'.br han 3 fool lol (9'14 mm). hJt l.!r Ultn 5 b.t (1525 m.n) hom crJylot crcaad 25 porgafll o, 0!. rnaxtmum *all (3O5 cl6r rt hc r !r li a,e, Ilao CootnEnl,try Figrres R3O2.li2) ard R3O2 l(3)l lha qrntdraua aE lo he diimurn 65' t cg naoaalary tg prwiro a lultcEr biraf.r aC.nlt lhe $rotd ol 6ra traa changsd SglEslrat o\,er lhg yc!I3. Fo( oEmdo. trrG 2lXE rld 2003 odtbn! or lhe IRC rsqurod a 3-root (914 .rrn) liloirrum frr sopsratioo dist nc. Io. urrd.d .rtcriq .rJl! Ir t's 20OO l,rl' Irdr. t ral dlrtrrEo rB irEtoasad to 5 fECl ( t 525 mm ) l,o p.ovil6 protiioB hirnor lsvsl ot b rllira.id !.f.iy 8nd to conEhtB with lh. ocq,Psndar atgrlatad by lhs IBC Th. 2009 RC hroduccd rlquir.nEnls for auL> nraic Eg SDail{ar lytbm3 h all rig* o.lo. and tx.c fnrily dwdlinls ari toryt*E t'!. TaDa. R302.1(2) p..rtlt3 no.rrnad u.llb t Et hfv! a $bol torz tilrE ArEr ! illDEma! cooa! (9121 mm) cdrErllill 畿脚習:島 1:‖瀧朧711: 1顧 憩 ::T:飢 ∬ 翻鷺電 her enfOrcementthrou9hout the COunty The Act alSo granted Palm ぽ淵 粍絆 Reus“ :″ TsttdnoN前 ‖grabnヽ adm ZeЮ mSCABWech雨 硼 AduSOleSSCAB ":』 ::l:ゴ 謂I窄殿::=:盤糀 Ld une Tech“ 薗 Ad● sOⅣ ② dOC M"0 Bり ILO:II● PLハ “ VAD● E""1(1) --.ry F… I I YllL PtoFirE ・ … N“ ¨に 一 O Hlun 嗣 tl・‐ (■ 1t el と,餞 : (S“ と,1● ● t tra A ヽ′ `ヽ ヽ鮨 ●ヽ 耐り qFri.r nr.llr く5 22“ 蠣 :● ぼし 」 … 0い ] " … … l19 Iffiffi;cvifiASTYE UL :6t ?il .rfllc. ,loln boii id.' 'r Cr“ d ` ObwI、 ヽ <`lo日 t licl Sc.ti tl(E-a C'(xipl-r $ilh 1 ,(o“ R● Si t“ ・ J‐ ■I13m● ● ヽlA■ `d^輌 ■ `33● 03"“ 口 uぃ !‖ mlulR3021 〔 口 l":ッ ω lu●llり ALLG:鯛 嘔 ぶ 鳥 躍 “ W聖 f甲 堕E・ ヽ ト 饉 "中 “ m HC・ ― … … W」 申 ・ lI uL “ 2t3 *!rh .tFtrlr! ttq! dE l _ハ ol,l& 馬扁稲コ[スニ五モぬ●j I lx.r \r llr 'r !ri:rr". El" ヽ ■‐ 、 l)Fnrnt' rn. alh olr dE rlrl(IliL 2∫ 0"い I t .r , lo.-l t h`■ ‐ (3 rec: ・ 〕 ゛ P`暉 nuloも St: ! 聾 “ 1 ィlr": ハ ヽ′ ol 曖 rd ,1“ (-,md! *nh S€.tr. R-ql] . ta … u晰 “ 1) 嗜 “ E rri !-i' Eto' dt yil 5tr**-' rrr-' t'Dor.i,.lt'ttt.&- ''st" tt|! .B dE&+ ' rd!'t'! r{ k, d.brl.Fa(r. rllr Ftfi{;} Gd,o i'rab{'1-'ro't "F".D !* ;Ei 'rEtE ;F; fn r-E dt.,sr t, E.s.El, '.. 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