
Support Service for Opening a Bank Account (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ)
銀行口座開設支援サービス(東京三菱 UFJ 銀行)
2015 Autumn
Hongo Campus 本郷キャンパス
Komaba Campus 駒場キャンパス
Date &
Monday, September 7 10:00-14:00
Tuesday, September 8 11:00-14:00
Friday, October 2
Friday, September 11
Friday, October 9
International Students and Researchers Support Group
(Student Support Center 2F)
International Center Komaba Office
(Basement of 21 KOMCEE West)
International Students and Researchers Support Group
[email protected]
International Center Komaba Office
[email protected]
Necessary Documents 必要書類
□ Application Form *If you have obtained one beforehand 申込書 *事前に入手した場合
□ Residence Card (after you have completing your residence registration at the ward/city office)
□ A photocopy of both sides of your Residence Card
□ Student ID/Staff ID Card 学生証/職員証
*If you have not yet been issued your ID card, please bring an official document which shows that you
have been officially accepted by the University of Tokyo.
□ Seal (Hanko) *If you have one 印鑑*あれば
(If you have a Japanese citizenship, instead of Residence Card, )
□ Seal (Hanko) [An inexpensive ready-made seal is acceptable. Shachihata (seal equipped with ink) is NOT acceptable.]
□ A photocopy of your passport (page with your identification) and the passport itself
□ 保険証 (Japanese National Health Insurance Card) or 住民票の写 (copy of your certificate of residence in Japan)
- You can open a bank account on campus. After three business days, pick up your bankbook by showing your
ID card at the office of the venue (details will be given when you apply).
- You can also apply for a VISA debit card (optional).
- Your ATM card and debit card will be sent separately to your home address given on the application form after
a few weeks.