Nias Safety first EN DE NL Clever performance under the stars. Clevere Leistung unter den Sternen. Slimme prestaties in duistere nachten. People need the feeling of safety and a sense of security during the night. However, luminaires should be dark sky friendly, efficient and responsive to the surroundings. Nias combines the latest technology and high optical requirements to reach all of these. Die Menschen brauchen das Gefühl von Sicherheit und ein Gefühl der Geborgenheit in der Nacht. Dennoch sollten Beleuchtungskörper “Dark-SkyFriendly”, effizient und reaktionsschnell auf die Umgebung sein. Nias kombiniert die neueste Technologie und hohe, optische Anforderungen, um all dies zu erreichen. Als het buiten donker wordt verlangen mensen naar een veilig en beschermd gevoel. Armaturen voor de verlichting van buitenomgevingen moeten efficiënt zijn en zich kunnen aanpassen aan de omgeving. Ze mogen echter niet bijdragen aan lichtvervuiling; Nias combineert de laatste technologieën en hoge optische vereisten om dit te verwezenlijken. Diese langlebige Lösung steht in verschiedenen Modellen für verschiedene Anwendungen, wie zum Beispiel auf Parkplätzen, Straßen, Fuß- und Radwegen, zur Verfügung. Die Leuchte wurde entworfen, um das Licht dahin zu lenken, wo es benötigt wird, und somit reduziert sie den Lichtverlust auf ein Minimum und hebt die Energieeinsparung auf ein Maximum. We bieden duurzame oplossingen in vele modellen voor verschillende toepassingen, zoals parkeerplaatsen, wegen, voet- en fietspaden. Nias is ontworpen om licht te laten schijnen waar en wanneer het nodig is. Resultaat: Een maximale energiebesparing bij minimaal lichtverlies. A long lasting solution is available in many models for various applications, such as parking spaces, roads, pedestrian and cycling areas. It’s designed to bring the light where it is needed, reducing light loss to the minimum and energy saving to the maximum. 556 Index Portfolio 557 558 Magma X, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Kanal, Slovenia INDUSTRY & OUTDOOR 36x LED 48x LED Bike lanes - - Car parks - - NIAS 12x LED 24x LED NIAS APPLICATION Road Pedestrian crossing LIGHT OUTPUT - 2430-3250 lm 4870-6490 lm 7300-9730 lm 12300 lm Lighting fixture up to 125 lm/W up to 131 lm/W up to 128 lm/W up to 121 lm/W Light source up to 115 lm/W up to 135 lm/W up to 135 lm/W up to 135 lm/W IP 65 IP 65 IP 65 IP 65 3 kV, 10 kV 3 kV, 10 kV 3 kV, 10 kV 3 kV, 10 kV from -25°C to 45°C from -25°C to 45°C from -25°C to 45°C from -25°C to 45°C EFFICACY LED COLOUR 3000 K 4000 K IP PROTECTION DRIVER/BALLAST Fixed output - FO Meridian - DEB-M SURGE PROTECTION TEMPERATURE For latest power (W) and efficacy (lm/W) data please refer to the web page. 559 Optimized light distribution for various applications Road − motorised traffic, pedestrians w h L Street category L = 25 m, h = 6 m, w = 6 m L = 35 m, h = 10 m, w = 6 m ME4a Nias ST2 9730 lm Nias ST4 12300 lm ME4b Nias ST2 9730 lm Nias ST4 12300 lm ME5 Nias ST2 7300 lm Nias ST4 9730 lm ME6 Nias ST2 4870 lm Nias ST4 7300 lm Street category L = 30 m, h = 10 m, w = 7 m L = 35 m, h = 10 m, w = 7 m ME2 Nias ST4 9730 lm Nias ST4 12300 lm ME3c Nias ST2 7300 lm Nias ST4 9730 lm ME4a Nias ST2 7300 lm Nias ST2 7300 lm Street category L = 28 m, h = 5 m, w = 2 m L = 26 m, h = 4 m, w = 2 m S4 Nias C 3250 lm Nias C 2430 lm S5 Nias C 2430 lm Nias C 2430 lm S6 Nias C 2430 lm Nias C 2430 lm Road − motorised traffic, pedestrians, cyclists w h L Bike lanes − cycling, pedestrians w h L ST1 ST2 0° ST3 0° cd/1000lm 270° 90° 270° 600 90° 0° 0 155 25 90° 0° 270° 450 cd/1000lm 90° 600 600 180° 270 cd/1000lm 270° 600 180° 180 cd/1000lm 450 800 ST4 800 180° 180° 90 Pedestrian crossings − motorised traffic, pedestrians Street type L = 5 m, h = 4 m, w = 6 m, sidewalk 1,5 m Single-lane Nias CR 4870 lm w h L L = distance between the poles, h = installation height, w = road width 560 Index Portfolio INDUSTRY & OUTDOOR NIAS Pedestrian crossings − motorised traffic, pedestrians Street type L = 7 m, h = 6 m, w = 12 m, sidewalk 2 m Multiple lanes Nias CR 12300 lm w h L Car parks − pole or wall installation L = 22,5 m, h = 6 m, w = 31,5 m L = 24 m, h = 8 m, w = 33 m Shopping centers (20 lx) Nias P 4870 lm Nias P 7300 lm Office buildings (10 lx) Nias P 3250 lm Nias P 3250 lm h h L w L = distance between the poles, h = installation height, w = road width C - Bike lanes P - Car parks 0° cd/1000lm 270° 90° 0° 270° 750 180° 155 25 270° cd/1000lm 90° 1000 180° 270 0° 750 800 0 cd/1000lm 90° 600 1000 180 CR - Pedestrian crossing 180° 90 561 Find the right equivalent with new technology Same light output with a significant energy saving ENERGY SAVING HIT LED HIT 70 W - 4480 lm, 48lm/W Nias 4870 lm - 131 lm/W 63 % HIT 150 W - 8560 lm, 51 lm/W Nias 7300 lm - 128 lm/W 60 % HST LED HST 70 W - 4175 lm, 49 lm/W Nias 4870 lm - 131 lm/W 63 % HST 150 W - 10.280 lm, 62lm/W Nias 9730 lm - 121 lm/W 49 % ENERGY SAVING * Data refered to 4000 K luminaire for a period of 15 years, operating 3.100 h yearly. Total automation with Meridian automatic reduction Luminous flux 100% 50% 0% Time sunset midnight sunrise Meridian version uses a special algorithm to reduce the luminous flux during the night. This reduction starts from the middle point (midnight) of the operating time and stays reduced for 5 hours. 562 Index Portfolio INDUSTRY & OUTDOOR NIAS Nias Pole or wall mounted 130 lm/W Features Light output: 2430 - 12300 lm 6 230V 50Hz CRI >75 Installation: pole or wall. Light source: high-flux PCB LED modules, high-power LED, CRI>70, MacAdam ≤ 3, 50.000h L80 B10. Optic: acrylic high efficiency lenses with clear tempered glass 4 mm thick resistant to thermal shock and impacts (UNI-EN 12150-1 : 2001). Body: die-cast aluminium with good heat dissipation and mechanical performance, silver grey colour. Orientation: luminaire holder tilt ±10° (wall installation) and from 0° to 40° (straight pole). Application: street, cycling, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, parking. Control gear: integrated highly-efficient driver with fixed output (FO) or dimmable (DEB-M, 1-10V). DEB-M enables automatic midnight reduction of power consumption. IP protection: 65. Complete with: adjustable fixing block for 50/60 mm pole, silicone cable with quick connector for easy luminaire installation, surge protection 10KV on request. Colours: Montageart: Mast- oder Wandmontage Lichtsystem: high-flux PCB LED Module, mid-power SMD LED, CRI > 70, MacAdam ≤ 3, 50.000h L80 B10. Optisches System: hocheffiziente Acryl-Linsen mit klarem 4mm starken Glas abgedekt 4 mm, thermisch Schock und Stoßgeprüft (UNI-EN 12150-1 : 2001). Leuchtenkörper: Aluminiumdruckguß mit guter Wärmeableitung und mechanischer Stabilität, Farbe silbergrau Ausrichtung: Leuchtenhalter schwenkbar ±10° (Mastmontage) und von 0° bis 40° (Wandmontage). Anwendungsbereiche: Straßen, Fahradwege, Fußgängerzonen, Fußgängerüberwege, Parks Elektrische Ausführung: ausgestattet mit hocheffizientem Treiber schaltbart (FO) oder dimmbar (DEB-M, 1-10V). DEB-M erlaubt automatische Mitternachtsabschaltung zur Energieeinsparung. IP Schutzgrad: 65. Komplett mit: verstellbarem Mastaufsatz für 50/60 mm Mast,Silikonkabel mit Schnellverbinder für einfache Leuchteninstallation, Schutz für Überspannung bis 10KV auf Anfrage. Montagewijze: Paaltop/ paalopzet of wand (W). Lichtbron: high-flux PCB LED modules, highpower LED, CRI>70, MacAdam ≤ 3, 50.000h L80 B10. Optiek: Hoog rendement acrylaat lenzen met helder veiligheidsglas van 4mm dikte, bestand tegen temperatuur wisselingen (UNI-EN 12150-1 :2001). Behuizing: Die-cast aluminium in kleur zilvergrijs, met een goede warmte afvoer en mechanische eigenschappen Rotatie: Armatuur houder ±10° kantelbaar (paalopzetmast) en van 0° tot 40° (Wand installatie). Toepassing: Straat, fietspaden, voetpaden, voetgangers oversteekplaatsen, parkeerplaatsen. Voeding: Geïntegreerde hoog rendement driver fixed output (FO) of dimbaar (DEB-M, 1-10V). DEB-M zorgt voor een automatische reductie van het vermogen/ lichtniveau in de nachtelijke uren. IP: 65. Voorzien van: Verstelbare opzetstuk voor 5060mm paal, siliconen kabel met quick connector, overspanningsbeveiliging op aanvraag. 563 Professional luminaire for urban and suburban environment Optimized optics for various applications Optic design to fit perfectly any application From -25°C to 45°C Specific optics for street, cycling, pedestrian crossing and parking areas Constant performance at different ambient temperatures Surge protection Integrated additional 10 kV surge protection device Fast and easy installation Pole diameter 50 / 60 mm. Supplied with neoprene cable and quick connector Dark sky friendly No upward light from luminaries Pole or wall mounting Select fixed or adjustable wall or pole bracket Lumen packages for specific needs Adjustable pole mounted bracket Adjustable wall mounted bracket ±10° ±10° Pole bracket Wall bracket High efficiency and uniform illumination 12x LED 564 24x LED 36x LED 48x LED Index Portfolio INDUSTRY & OUTDOOR NIAS Nias Lumen output Power * Driver Weight (kg) ST - Street optic type Article no 3000K 4000K 2430 lm 19W FO, Meridian 12 17616x4y006 17616x3y006 3250 lm 27W FO, Meridian 12 17616x6y006 17616x5y006 4870 lm 37W FO, Meridian 12 17611x4y006 17611x3y006 6490 lm 52W FO, Meridian 12 17611x6y006 17611x5y006 7300 lm 57W FO, Meridian 12 17615x4y006 17615x3y006 9730 lm 80W FO, Meridian 12 17615x6y006 17615x5y006 12300 lm 102W FO, Meridian 12 17612x6y006 17612x5y006 2430 lm 19W FO, Meridian 12 17616x48006 17616x38006 3250 lm 27W FO, Meridian 12 17616x68006 17616x58006 4870 lm 37W FO, Meridian 12 17611x48006 17611x38006 6490 lm 52W FO, Meridian 12 17611x68006 17611x58006 260 100 480 Ø 50/60 C - Cycling CR - Pedestrian crossing 4870 lm 37W FO, Meridian 12 17611x47006 17611x37006 7300 lm 57W FO, Meridian 12 17615x47006 17615x37006 9730 lm 80W FO, Meridian 12 17615x67006 17615x57006 12300 lm 102W FO, Meridian 12 17612x67006 17612x57006 2430 lm 19W FO, Meridian 12 17616x49006 17616x39006 3250 lm 27W FO, Meridian 12 17616x69006 17616x59006 4870 lm 37W FO, Meridian 12 17611x49006 17611x39006 6490 lm 52W FO, Meridian 12 17611x69006 17611x59006 P - Parking On request available also with 1-10V or DALI driver Accessories Item Article no Adjustable pole bracket 17610010000 Pole bracket 90° 17610020000 Wall bracket 17610030000 Select driver version and street optic type For detailed explanations see technical pages. Driver x Street optic type y FO - fixed output 1 ST1 1 Meridian 2 ST2 2 ST3 3 ST4 4 For latest power (W) data please refer to the web page. Fixture lumen output data refer to 4000 K, unless marked differently. 565
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