1 ゼッケン番号 3 The Impact of Invasive Species 4 2 5 S cientists place 6 have today long been concerned about the changes taking in ecosystems due to invasive species. Famed Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson argued that invasions of alien species are second only to habitat destruction in their impact on species extinction. English ecologist Charles Elton, who initiated the scientific study of invasive alien species in his seminal work the Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants in 1958, wrote, “We must make no mistake. We are seeing one of the greatest historical convolutions in the world’s fauna and flora. ”Elton and his team of researchers hoped to better understand the impact of alien species by uncovering underlying patterns and answering such questions as: Are certain species better adapted to invasions? Why are certain environments, like the Hawaiian Islands, more prone to invasions? And why have the American gray squirrels been so successful in overrunning the British Isles? The researchers collected volumes of case studies in an effort to answer these and other questions. 7 H alf a century of research since Elton’s early work has confirmed that 9 invasive species can and do change ecosystems in a variety of ways, by spreading disease among natural species, by altering the environment in a way that favors their survival, and by eating other species. However, the compilation of cases show 8 a pattern that Elton would not have expected - alien species rarely drive out native species. Looking at the case of the gray squirrels that Elton was particularly intrigued with, the rise in the number of gray squirrels coincided withthe decrease in the populations of Eurasian red squirrels so loved by British people.There are less than 30,000 of these red squirrels in Britain today. It seemed obvious to most observers that this invading species had overrun the native species and directly caused its decline. 競技課題3:英文ワープロ(The Impact of Invasive Species) (制限時間30分) 以下の番号の指示に従い、別紙(1 ページ)を作成し、提出しなさい。 なお、作品は「USB」に保存すること。 保存する際のファイル名は「選手番号(半角) 英文ワープロ」とすること。 左上にゼッケン番号と氏名を記入すること。 以下の番号は例文の番号と対応している。 Microsoft Word を起動し、用紙サイズ: A4、マージン:標準に設定すること。 1行を45文字に設定、余白を上 20 下 20 左 18 右 18 に設定すること。 1 このページ罫線を引く。色:オレンジ アクセント 6、太さ:0.5 ポイント。 2 図を挿入する。ファイル名:「タイトル画像.bmp」 3 ワードアートを挿入する。フォント:Batang、フォントサイズ 28、太字、色:白、下線 4 図形を挿入する 色:白 透過性:45% 5 ドロップキャップ 6 本文のフォント:Century、フォントサイズ:12、行間:1.15、両端揃え。 7 水平線を挿入 色:赤 高さ:2pt 幅:90% 8 図を挿入する。ファイル名:「リス.png」 9 2 節目からの文章を挿入する。この時、「Erton」を「Elton」に検索置換機能を使用して変更する。 行:3、文字からの距離:0mm。
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