International Symposium on Japanese Studies “Center and Periphery in Japanese Culture” Bucharest, 5-7 March, 2016 Organizer: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Bucharest with the support of the Japan Foundation PROGRAMME (PROVISIONAL) DAY 1 - Saturday, March 5 Venue: Str. Pitar Mos, 7-13 9.15 – 9.45 REGISTRATION (Room A) 9:45 – 10.00 OPENING CEREMONY (Room A) 10.00 – 10:45 Keynote Lecture 1 (Room A) E.S. Kisaburo ISHII (Ambassador of Japan in Romania) “Urban Policies in Japan” 10:45 – 11.00 Break 11:00 – 12:00 Keynote Lecture 2 (Room A) Simon KANER (Director, Centre for Japanese Studies, University of East Anglia) “The sacred island of Okinoshima and the universal value of Japan’s cultural heritage” 12.00-12.30 Coffee Break 12.30 – 13.30 Individual Presentations Time Room A: Cultural studies 12.30 -13:00 Melinda PAPPOVA (ELTE, Budapest) “The evolution of a rite of passage: From periphery to centre, from centre to periphery” Room B: Linguistics Ruxandra RAIANU (University of Bucharest) 日本語の類義語・類義表現における 中心と周辺—翻訳応用練習— Haruyo MARUYAMA (University Anca FOCSENEANU (University of Bucharest) of Bucharest) 日本における文学翻訳―「文化翻訳」 „Japanese coordinate compounds – 概念からの一考察 a pheripheral phenomenon? 13.30-14.30 Lunch Break 13:00 -13:30 14.30 – 16.00 Individual Presentations Time Room A: Literature 14.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.00 Room B: Diplomacy, Politics and Law Adam BEDNARCZYK, Leszek Leszczynski (Maria Curie (Nicolaus Copernicus University) Sklodowska University) “Peripheries as a Fairyland: “Opening the Japanese Legal Order. Takakurain Itsukushima gokōki Between the Letter of Law, in a geopoetic perspective” Traditions, Social Axiology and Pragmatism of Judiciary” Alexandra GHEORGHE (University of Bucharest) “Japan as Seen in Romanian Texts between 1972 and 1991: Twenty Years of Imaginary Centers and Peripheries” Arvydas KUMPIS (Vytautas Magnus University) “Periphery in the Center: Koreans in Japan as a threat to National Security” Veronica DE PIERI (Ca' Foscari Sarah TANKE (CERI, Sciences Po, Graduate School) Paris) “A diplomacy of respect’: Japan at “Fukushimamémoires-Center and Periphery in Japanese the United Nations” Literary Responses to 11th March 2011” 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break 16:30 – 17: 30 Individual presentations Time Room A: Research on Japan – Room B: Arts (Music) Associations and Projects Willy Vande WALLE (KU Veronica 16.30-17.00 GASPAR (National Leuven) University of Music Bucharest) “EAJRS : a quarter century of “Structural and cultural premises of synergy between researchers and the musical meeting between Japan information specialists” and Europe” 17.00-17.30 Keiko ISHIWATA (Yokohama National University) “Euro-Japan Dialogue- from intorverted to extroverted-“ Lasse LEHTONEN (University of Helsinki) “Academic” and “outsider” composers in early Shōwa period Japan” 17.30 Networking and Drinks Reception (registration needed) International Symposium on Japanese Studies “Center and Periphery in Japan” DAY 2 - Sunday March 6 10.00 – 11.00 Keynote Lecture 3 (Room A) Mikio NISHIOKA (professor, Doshisha University) 「日本の経済社会における内生と外生:自律的組織化とグローバル 的対応」 11. 00– 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 – 13.00 Time Individual Presentations Room A: Economy Room B: Arts (Visual arts) 日本の経済社会における国際化と地 域の再編成 11.30 –12.00 Jun MIYATA University) (Kanto-Gakuin Alistair SWALE (University of Waikato) 近世後期の内憂外患と本多利明の政 “The Peripheral Intelligentsia: 治経済論 Gesaku Writers and Artists in the Evolution of Early Meiji Print Culture” 12.00-12.30 Mikio NISHIOKA (Doshisha University) Minjong SHIN (The University of Tokyo) 幕末の経済の国際化と地域経済の再 日本近代洋画の中心と周縁ー山田新 編成:横井小楠の経済思想の枠組 一(1899ー1991)の「旅」、彼におけ る内地と外地ー KASAI (Doshisha Yoshinori ICHIKAWA (Maison du 12.30-13.00 Takato University / Ryukoku University) Japon) カール・ポランニーの「19 世紀文明」 欧 州 に お け る 日 本 文 化 研 究 の 中 心 と日本の近代化」 ―1 世紀前の美術研究をめぐって 13.00 – 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 – 15:00 Individual Presentations Time Room A: Economy Room B: Philosophy 日本の経済社会における国際化と地 域の再編成 14.00-14.30 Sayaka SAKODA (Doshisha University) Simona DOVLEAC (University of 日本の経済社会における国際化と地 Bucharest) 域の再編成 Centrality 中) and Authenticity (誠) in the Japanese Confucian Thought of the Tokugawa Period Kristyna 14.30-15.00 VOJTISKOVA (Charles University in Prague) Junki NAKAKITAURA (Doshisha Watsujian Aidagara in the “Cultural University,) 地域経済社会の近代化における Climate” of Globalizing World 「(みん)」の活躍―長期的な「公益 を実現した企業家 小林一三―」 15.00 – 15.30 Coffee Break 15:30-17.00 Individual Presentations Time Room A: Society and Politics 15.30-16.00 16.00-16.30 Room B: education Japanese language Andrew WOOLLOCK (Queen’s University Belfast ) Transposing e-ma as arts-based practice for community engagement: a critical enquiry Hiroaki CHIJIIWA (University of Bucharest) Nieves MORENO (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) MUQIRE (Tokyo University for foreign studies) 日本語の雑談におけるスピーチレベ ルのシフトアップに関する- 会話分析 の手法を用いた研究 The benshi Takamatsu Toyojirô. 「中国のモンゴル人日本語学習者の「依 Silent film narrator as a propaganda 頼」と「断り」の習得状況の考察」 tool 16.30-17.00 Linas DIDVALIS (Vytautas Magnus YANG WENJUAN(Tokyo University) University for foreign studies) Walk the Talk: Japanese Attitudes 「不満表明における日中対照研究」 Towards Forests and Practical Response See next page International Symposium on Japanese Studies Center and Periphery in Japanese Culture DAY 3- Monday, March 7 10.00 – 11:30 Round Table: Japanese Studies in Europe and Japan – Toward a Researchers’ Network .
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