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ISBN 978-0-511-66224-9 eBook 2 Higgins (1975) An Introduction to Topological Groups. 3 Sinclair (1976) Automatic Continuity of Linear Operators. eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook 【代数学:Algebra】 10 Knight (1971) Commutative Algebra. ISBN 978-0-511-66182-2 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-62926-6 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-60071-5 13 Morris (1977) Pontryagin Duality and the Structure of Locally Compact Abelian Groups. ISBN 978-0-511-60072-2 14 Biggs/White (1979) Permutation Groups and Combinatorial Structures. ISBN 978-0-511-60073-9 15 Wall (1979) Homological Group Theory. ISBN 978-1-107-32544-9 16 Johnson (1980) Topics in the Theory of Group Presentations. ISBN 978-0-511-62930-3 17 Glass (1982) Ordered Permutation Groups. ISBN 978-0-511-72124-3 18 Gelfand (1982) Representation Theory: Selected Papers ISBN 978-0-511-62931-0 19 Campbell/Robertson (1982) Groups - St Andrews 1981. ISBN 978-0-511-66188-4 20 Sharp (1983) Commutative Algebra: Durham 1981 ISBN 978-1-107-32551-7 eBook 11 Gagen (1976) Topics in Finite Groups. 12 Price (1977) Lie Groups and Compact Groups. 極東書店 eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook Cambridge Books Online ロンドン数学会講義ノートシリーズ 21 Robert (1983) Introduction to the Representation Theory of Compact and Locally Compact Groups. ISBN 978-0-511-66189-1 22 Draxl (1983) Skew Fields. ISBN 978-0-511-66190-7 23 Landrock (1983) Finite Group Algebras and their Modules. ISBN 978-1-107-32552-4 24 Faith/Page (1984) FPF Ring Theory: Faithful Modules and Generators of Mod-R ISBN 978-0-511-72125-0 25 Schofield (1985) Representations of Rings over Skew Fields. ISBN 978-0-511-66191-4 26 James (1984) Representations of General Linear Groups. ISBN 978-0-511-66192-1 27 Lyndon (1985) Groups and Geometry. ISBN 978-1-107-32568-5 28 Evans/Griffith (1985) Syzygies. ISBN 978-1-107-32566-1 eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook eBook 【微分・積分方程式、力学系と制御理論:Differential and integral equations, dynamical systems and control theory】 29 Novikov (1981) Integrable Systems. ISBN 978-0-511-60078-4 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-62938-9 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-66284-3 eBook 30 Parry/Tuncel (1982) Classification Problems in Ergodic Theory. 31 Drazin (1983) Solitons. 【離散数学、情報理論と符号化:Discrete Mathematics, Information Theory and Coding】 32 McDonough/Mavron (1974) Combinatorics. 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ISBN 978-0-511-66274-4 eBook Part Ⅱ: 1986-1995 収録タイトル 【抽象的分析:Abstract Analysis】 1 Davis/Chang (1987) Lectures on Bochner-Riesz Means. ISBN 978-1-107-32565-4 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-66225-6 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-66227-0 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-66228-7 eBook ISBN 978-0-511-66229-4 eBook ISBN 978-1-107-36020-4 7 Martin-Peinador/Rodes (1989) Geometric Aspects of Banach Spaces: Essays in Honour of Antonio Plans ISBN 978-0-511-66230-0 8 Muller/Schachermayer (1989) Geometry of Banach Spaces: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Strobl, Austria 1989 ISBN 978-0-511-66231-7 9 Figa-Talamanca/Nebbia (1991) Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory for Groups Acting on Homogenous Trees. ISBN 978-0-511-66232-4 10 Yukie (1994) Shintani Zeta Functions. 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