Curriculum Vitae 13/1/2016 Dr. CHIKARA HASHIMOTO Department of International Relations University of Sharjah Sharjah - UAE P.O. Box 27272 [email protected] Work: +971(0)6505 3248 PUBLICATIONS Monographs British Intelligence and Counter-Subversion in the Middle East, 1948-63 (Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming in 2016). Referred journal articles With Egemen Bezci, ‘Do the Kurds have ‘no friends but the mountains’? Turkey’s Secret War against Communists, Soviets and the Kurds’, Middle Eastern Studies (forthcoming in 2016). ‘Fighting the Cold War or Post-Colonialism?: Britain in the Middle East from 1945 to 1958: Looking through the Records of the British Security Service’, The International History Review, vol.36, no.1 (2014), pp.19-44. ‘British Security Liaison in the Middle East: the Introduction of Police/Security Advisers and the Lebanon-Iraq-Jordan ‘Anti-Communist Triangle’ from 1949 to 1958’, Intelligence and National Security, vol.27, no.6 (2012), pp.848-874. Book chapters: ‘Emir Farid Chehab: Chief of Lebanese Secret Police’, to be published in Spy Chiefs Volume II: Intelligence Leaders Beyond the Anglosphere, edited by Christopher Moran, Mark Stout, Ioanna Iordanou and Paul Maddrell (Georgetown University Press, forthcoming in 2016). ‘A Hidden Dimension of Britain’s ‘Informal’ Empire: British Security and Police Advising and Anti-Communist Measures in the Middle East, 1949 to 1958’, to be published in a volume edited by Donald Stoker and Edward Westermann (Helion & Company, forthcoming in 2016). PUBLICATIONS: IN PROGRESS Journal articles: ‘The Prerequisites, Benefits, Pitfalls and Failure of Intelligence Liaison’. (under review by a peer-reviewed journal) Single authored article. ‘Training of Secret Police in Conflictual Intelligence Culture: British Experience and Failure in the Middle East during the Cold War’. (under review by a peer-reviewed journal) Single authored article. 1 Curriculum Vitae 13/1/2016 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Written in English Review Article: ‘Rory Cormac: “The Pinprick Approach: Whitehall’s Top-Secret Anti-Communist Committee and the Evolution of British Covert Action Strategy”’, H-Diplo Article Review, no.540 (July 2015). Book Review: ‘Donal O’Sullivan, Dealing with the Devil: Anglo-Soviet Intelligence Cooperation During the Second World War’, Intelligence and National Security, vol.26, no.6 (2011), pp.918-20. Written in Japanese (selective) ‘日本インテリジェンス強化策「十」の提言(後編)覚悟して『国家機密保護法』を制定す べし’ [‘Ten Suggestion to Japanese Government to Improve Intelligence Capabilities (Second Part)’, Japan Military Review (April 2013), pp.192-200. ‘日本インテリジェンス強化策「十」の提言(前編) 『竹島&尖閣』隣国間の緊張に見る情報 戦’ [‘Ten Suggestion to Japanese Government to Improve Intelligence Capabilities (First Part)’, Japan Military Review (January 2013), pp.55-62. ‘ソ連の政治的インテリジェンス・その 3:秘密警察 KGB の「反体制運動家」工作’ [KGB and its operations against “ideological dissidents” throughout the Cold War’], Japan Military Review (August 2012), pp.218-230. ‘ソ連の政治的インテリジェンス・その 2:KGB の西側科学技術奪取作戦’ [‘KGB and Use of Western Scientific and Technological Intelligence’], Japan Military Review, (May 2012), pp.216-228. ‘ソ連の政治的インテリジェンス・その 1:パラノイア的作戦「オペレーション・ライアン」’ [‘Operation ‘Ryan’: KGB and Use of Political Intelligence’], Japan Military Review (March 2012), pp.222-231. ‘第二次世界大戦における日本の諜報活動に学ぶ’ [‘Japanese Intelligence during the Second World War: lessons to be learned’], Japan Military Review (January 2012), pp.218-229. ‘秘密工作「オペレーション・アジャックス」(後):ためらうイラン国王、暗躍する CIA エ ー ジ ェ ン ト’ [‘Operation Ajax/Boot: Iranian Coup of 1953, vol.2’], Japan Military Review (September 2011), pp.230-241. ‘秘密工作「オペレーション・アジャックス」 (前) :米英が仕掛けたイランのクーデター1953 年’ [‘Operation Ajax/Boot: Iranian Coup of 1953, vol.1’], Japan Military Review (August 2011), pp.108-117. ‘ソ連のアフガン侵攻と KGB の役割’ [‘Role of KGB in Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan’], Japan Military Review (June 2011), pp.219-231. ‘キューバ危機(後) :米ソの裏取引と知られざる危機の実態’ [‘Secret Agreement and Unknown Crises of Cuban Missile Crisis’], Japan Military Review (April 2011), pp.218-229. ‘キューバ危機(前):インテリジェンスの役割と限界’ [‘The role of Intelligence and its limitations in Cuban Missile Crisis’], Japan Military Review (March 2011), pp.208-219. 2 Curriculum Vitae 13/1/2016 ‘イギリスの武器輸出支援機関 UKTI DSO’ [‘“UKTI DSO” – British way of exporting arms and security as a strategic tool’], Japan Military Review (September 2010), pp.105-117. ‘イギリスの謀略戦争(後編) :日本のインド侵攻を阻止せよ’ [‘Strategic Deception against Japan during the Pacific War’], Japan Military Review (July 2010), pp.218-229. ‘イギリスの謀略戦争(前編):ノルマンディー上陸作戦を欺瞞せよ’ [‘Strategic Deception and the “Double Cross System” in Operation Overload’], Japan Military Review (May 2010), pp.230-241. ‘イギリス特殊作戦執行部 SOE:ナチス要人を暗殺せよ’ [‘Special Operations Executive and Operation Foxley: an attempt to kill the Nazi officials’]), Japan Military Review (March 2010), pp.111-122. ‘英インテリジェンス研究のヒストリオグラフィ – その限界と可能性’ [‘A Historiography of British Intelligence: Limitations and Prospects’], The Japan Society of Strategic Studies, vol.7 (December 2009), pp.73-91. ‘英防諜部がマークした日本の諜報活動’ [‘MI5 and Japanese Espionage after the Second World War’], in 戦後秘史インテリジェンス [Secret Intelligence History in the Post-War Era], edited by Buntaro Kuroi (Tokyo: Daiwa-Syobou, 2009). “インテリジェンス解読⑦ 年 12 月号 “インテリジェンス解読⑥ ソ連、北朝鮮の核開発探知と限界(後)” 『月刊 ソ連の核開発を探れ(前)” 『月刊 軍事研究』2009 軍事研究』2009 年 11 月号 “インテリジェンス解読⑤ ルーズベルトの陰謀だったのか?真珠湾奇襲!!”『月刊 軍 事研究』2009 年 10 月号 “インテリジェンス解読④ 「バルバロッサ作戦」とスターリンの誤謬” 『月刊 軍事研究』 2009 年 7 月号 “インテリジェンス解読③ なぜクウェート侵攻は防げなかったのか”『月刊 軍事研究』 2009 年 6 月号 “インテリジェンス解読② イラク大量破壊兵器(WMD)誤断の真相(後)”『月刊 軍事 研究』2009 年 4 月号 “インテリジェンス解読① イラク大量破壊兵器(WMD)誤断の真相(前)”『月刊 軍事 研究』2009 年 3 月号 『インテリジェンス戦争』黒井文太郎(編) ・佐藤優(解説) (大和書房、2009 年 1 月出版) 第 3 章(一部)と第 4 章を執筆(237 から 304 ページ) “世界の『テロ・組織犯罪対策』最前線 英『重大組織犯罪局』” 『ワールドインテリジェン ス vol.10』 軍事研究 2008 年 1 月号別冊 “KGB 機密資料に書かれていた注目情報とは?(後編)” 『ワールドインテリジェンス vol.9』 軍事研究 2007 年 11 月号別冊 “イギリスのイスラム過激派対策の内幕”『ワールドインテリジェンス vol.8』 軍事研究 2007 年 9 月号別冊 “ロシア諜報機関『SVR』 『GRU』の‘長い手’” 『ワールドインテリジェンス vol.7』 軍事 研究 2007 年 7 月号別冊 3 Curriculum Vitae 13/1/2016 “フランスの通信傍受計画『フレンシュロン』”『ワールドインテリジェンス vol.7』 軍事 研究 2007 年 7 月号別冊 “『FSB』の権力が強化されている!” 『ワールドインテリジェンス vol.7』 軍事研究 2007 年 7 月号別冊 “『政治』の中の諜報機関、ソ連からロシアになって何が変わったか?”『ワールドインテ リジェンス vol.7』 軍事研究 2007 年 7 月号別冊 “KGB 機密資料に書かれていた注目情報とは?(前編)” 『ワールドインテリジェンス vol.8』 軍事研究 2007 年 9 月号別冊 ‘Review Essay - Paul Maddrell, Spying on Science: Western Intelligence in Divided Germany 1945-1961’, The Japan Society of Strategic Studies, vol.5 (2007). I also have three book reviews for The Japan Society of Strategic Studies, and elsewhere.* EMPLOYMENT & PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CURRENT EMPLOYMENT 2015 - : Assistant Professor, Dep. of International Relations, the University of Sharjah, UAE EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2014 – 2015: Assistant Professor (Visiting Scholar), Dep. of International Relations, the University of Sharjah, UAE 2014 Feb – July: Adjunct Faculty Member, Dep. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University 2012 – 2013: Post-doctoral Position (Research Assistant in Intelligence Studies/International History), Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University; Research assistant to Professor Len Scott 2009 – 2012: Adjunct Faculty Member, Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University ACADEMIC/TEACHING EXPERIENCE† COURSE INSTRUCTOR in Dept. of International Relations, University of Sharjah Introduction to International Relations (2014/15 twice; 2015/16) Introduction to Comparative Politics (2014/15 twice) Research Methods (2014/15 twice) International Law (2014/15) International Security (2014/15; 2015/16) Homeland Security (2014/15) Japan in International Relations (2014/15) Foreign Policy (2015/16) Selected Topics in IR (2015/16) * † A copy of a completed list of my publications in Japanese is available upon request. A copy of my teaching portfolio is available upon request. 4 Curriculum Vitae SEMINAR TUTORS in Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University 13/1/2016 Politics in Europe (2013/14) War, Politics and Strategy (2013/14) Intelligence & International Security (2011/12) Past and Present of US Intelligence (2010/11) War, Strategy and Intelligence (2010/11) World Politics in the Age of the Two World Wars (2009/10) LECTURESHIP EXPERIENCE in Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University Intelligence & International Security (2013/14) War, Strategy and Intelligence (2012/13) A History of British Intelligence (2012/13) Intelligence & International Security (2011/12) TEACHING EXPERIENCE AT MASTER’S LEVEL in Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University Intelligence, Security and International Politics since 1945 (2013/14) ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS 2009 – 2013: PhD in International Politics, Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University Thesis: ‘British Intelligence, Counter-Subversion, and “Informal Empire” in the Middle East, 1949 - 1963’. The BRISMES Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation on A Middle Eastern Topic for 2014 2007 – 2009: MScEcon in International History & Intelligence Studies (Part One Distinction), Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University 2004 – 2007: BScEcon in International Politics & Intelligence Studies, Dept. of International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS & AWARDS EXPERIENCE: AWARDS: The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation on A Middle Eastern Topic for 2014 The Founders Fund Award for 2012 (awarded by the British International Studies Association). The Aberystwyth Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards 2011/2012. The Jana Fritzsche Award for 2011-12 (awarded by Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University), in recognition of the contribution to the life of the PhD community in the Dept. of International Politics. The ‘Most Popular Professor’ of the University (chosen by student-led survey across the university - the University of Sharjah, 2015) RESEARCH GRANTS: Royal Historical Society (2011). 5 Curriculum Vitae 13/1/2016 Caroline Adams Travel Bursary (2011), Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University. Caroline Adams Travel Bursary (2010), Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University. SCHOLARSHIPS: E.H. Carr Studentship (PhD funding), Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University. OTHERS Aberystwyth Alumni Student Hardship Fund (2011). COMPETENCES & SKILLS EDITORSHIP EXPERIENCE Assistant Editorship: Intelligence and National Security (since 1 January 2012 to Present). PEER REVIEWER EXPERIENCE JOURNAL o Intelligence and National Security (manuscripts and book reviews) o Journal of Intelligence History (manuscripts) o H-Diplo (a review of published peer-reviewed journal articles) BOOK o Rowman & Littlefield INDEXING EXPERIENCE Len Scott, David Gioe and Christopher Andrew (eds.), An International History of the Cuban Missile Crisis: A 50-year Retrospective (London: Routledge, 2014). R. Gerald Hughes, The Postwar Legacy of Appeasement: British Foreign Policy Since 1945 (London: Bloomsbury, 2014). ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Conference Organiser: ‘The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Fifty Year Retrospective Assessment’. The event was held at Gregynog, University of Wales Conference Centre, co-organised by the CIISS (Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University) and the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar (University of Cambridge), on 25th – 27th October 2012. I was the conference organiser. Conference Organiser: Symposium, ‘British Intelligence, Spooks, and James Bond: A Diverse Approach to the Secret World’. The event was held at Main Hall, Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, on 4th and 5th May 2012. I was the chief organiser. Conference Co-organiser: Symposium, ‘Methodological Challenge in Intelligence Studies’. The event was held at Main Hall, Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, on 29 th and 30th October 2010. I was a co-organiser. Co-convener: Security Research Group (SRG), Aberystwyth University o The SRG is primarily a student-run research group within the Dept. of International Politics. The goal of the SRG is to provide researches with a forum to present their work and facilitate discussion in the field of international security studies. I was a co-convener since 2010-13. Representative: Consultative Group on Security and Intelligence Record, the Cabinet Office in the UK. The meetings were held on 16 December 2011 and 10 December 2010. I was a representative of 6 Curriculum Vitae 13/1/2016 post-graduate students working in the field of Intelligence Studies/History from Dept. of International Politics, Aberystwyth University. CONFERENCE PAPERS GIVEN (selective) ‘The Prerequisites, Benefits, Pitfalls, and Failures of Intelligence Liaison’. Paper to be presented at 12th Annual Conference of International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) European Chapter, Breda, the Netherlands (forthcoming in June 2016). ‘National Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Gulf States and in Asia’. Paper to be presented at Zagreb Security Forum 2016, Zagreb, Croatia (forthcoming in February/March 2016). ‘British Failure in Maintaining its Influence in “Informal” Empire in the Middle East’. Paper presented at Nordic Workshop, entitled ‘Eurasian Empires, Public Space/Sphere, and Collective Identities at the Threshold of Modernity’, Helsinki, Finland (December 2015). ‘The Official History of the Lebanese Sûreté Générale’. Paper presented at the 7th Biennial CIISS Conference, entitled ‘Intelligence, Public Confidence and Security’, University of Wales Conference Centre, Gregynog (June 2015). ‘Emir Farid Chehab: Chief of Lebanese Secret Police’. Paper presented at the conference, entitled ‘Spy Chiefs: Intelligence Leaders in History, Culture and International Relations’, Plazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice (May 2014). ‘On the Defence of the Realm: fundamental differences between democratic and non-democratic states’. Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA) in cooperation with the Akademie fur Politische Bidung Tutzing, Tutzing, Germany (May 2014). ‘Harmful Liaison: Western Intelligence and Middle Eastern Security Services’. Paper presented at the 55th ISA Annual Convention, Toronto (March 2014). ‘International Intelligence Cooperation under ‘the Unknown Alliance’: Intelligence Liaison, Counter-Subversion and the Question of the Kurds under the Central Treaty Organisation’. Paper presented at the IIHA-RIEAS 2013 Annual Conference (Titania Hotel, Athens, Greece, June 2013). ‘British Intelligence and Counter-Subversion under the Central Treaty Organisations from 1955 to 1963’. Paper presented at the History Postgraduate Colloquium (University of Reading, June 2013). ‘British Intelligence and Counter-Subversion in an ‘informal’ empire of the Middle East from 1949 to 1963’. Paper presented at the Decolonization Workshop, the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in conjunction with King’s College, London (School of Advanced Study, University of London, June 2013). ‘Dangerous Liaison: British Intelligence in “Informal Empire” of the Middle East’. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial CIISS Conference, entitled ‘The Past, Present and Future of Intelligence’ (University of Wales Conference Centre, Gregynog, May 2013). ‘Fighting against Communism or Anti-British Nationalism? British Security Service in the Middle East from 1945 to 1958’. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the British International History Group (BIHG) (De Montfort University, September 2012). 7 Curriculum Vitae 13/1/2016 ‘Fighting for the Cold War or Post-Colonialism?: British Presence in the Middle East: Looking Through the Lens of British Security Service in the Early Cold War’. Paper presented at the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA) Annual Conference, entitled ‘Intelligence Services and Activities of the European Powers: France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy’ (Ecole Militaire, Paris, June 2012). ‘What the Records of MI5 Tell Us about British Presence in the Post-War Middle East’. Paper presented at the symposium, entitled ‘British Intelligence, Spooks and James Bond: A Diverse Approach to the Secret World’ (Aberystwyth University, May 2012). ‘MI5 in the Middle East in the early Cold War’. Paper presented at the International History Research Group (IHRG) (Aberystwyth University, April 2012). ‘‘Missing Dimension’: Anglo-Arab Secret Cooperation in Anti-Communist Measures in the Middle East from 1949 to 1963’. Paper presented at the International Politics Research Seminars (IPRS) (Aberystwyth University, March 2012). ‘Doing Fieldwork in the Landscapes of Security: Contacts, Contexts and Ethics’. Roundtable Panel Discussion organised by the Security Research Group (Aberystwyth University, November 2011). ‘British Security/Police Adviser on Anti-Communist Measures in the Middle East from 1949 to 1962’. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the British International History Group (BIHG) (University of Strathclyde, September 2011). ‘Building Security in Britain’s “Informal” Empire: Defending British Influence and Policing Communism from 1949 to 1958’. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial CIISS Conference, entitled ‘A Decade of Intelligence Beyond 9/11: Security, Diplomacy and Human Rights’ (University of Wales Conference Centre, Gregynog, May 2011). PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS British International Studies Association (BISA) International Studies Association (ISA) International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) International Intelligence History Association (IIHA) Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS) Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) – A member of International Advisory Board. Royal Historical Society (RHS) British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) Network of Junior Researchers in Intelligence History (NJRIH) of IIHA 8
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