Trend(3) 「『スクラッチ王国』からの脱却!」 Getting out of the scratch development empire 「週刊BCN」編集長 Business Computer News Chief in Editor 谷畑良胤 Yoshitane Tanihata Reality of the Japanese scratch development (ad-on development) (1) ■It's the 10 times more ones in the U.S. According to SAP Japan, the ratio of packaged vs. scratch development is 1:10 in Japan, compared to 1:5 in the U.S. Researched among enterprises that have mySAP ERP (previously called R/3). Japanese Big Name Company spent more ad-on development twice as much as in the U.S. ■The reason why the Japanese scratch development is higher than other country. Slow migration to open system, caused by many Japanese enterprises continue to use the legacy system which is 1990's main frames and office computers, is the main reason for the many companies have no choice to pick the scratch development. World-class enterprises tend to use their own systems to be unique, which in their terms called "core competency"; because they want to differentiates among their competencies. Reality of the Japanese scratch development (ad-on development) (2) ■Changing degree of "Scratch" Enforcement of J-SOX (Japan's Financial Instruments and Exchange Law) will put Japanese companies to force their finance as World's standardized one.Therefore, the worldclass enterprises have to accept to change their core systems. Most enterprises have no time to replace their core systems that has to be adjusted to J-SOX, the packaged software sales like ERP increased because of "Scratch development" has almost no margin for the flexibility. According to Japan Users Association of Information Systems (JUAS)'s "Research for IT movement for enterprise 2006", it is actually the first time over 53% of share that the company start to use packaged ERP software among the companies whose annual sales over one hundred thousand million yen. (Approx. 872.4 million U.S. dollars) ■Development of Intellectual property rights Over the years, intellectual property rights has been adjusted by Japanese committees, in order to "Intellectual property rights" will given to IT vender and each companies who ordered the scratch development. There used to be no exception to make any changes to the great software products which built by scratch development because of the intellectual property rights belong to the company which own the software. Over the years, the law has been moderated which be able to make changes to the products which built by the scratch development. How widely used the packaged software by job categories. Quality management is the source of the competition 企業のコンピテシーであり コア・コンピタンス スクラッチ開発が主流 Low How Widely used the packaged software Production management & Retail management The source of the competition To Restracturing Procurement & Customer management Personnel salary General Business Packaged Financial management High 4 In 2005, rebuilt and total optimization is the trend. The big companies' total optimization for their software can boost more packaged software use. 21 システム再構築 2 ITコストの削減 1 19 セキュリティ 4 18 IT投資効果評価 3 18 IT組織運営 11 5 IT人材の育成 7 5 ERP(企業資源計画 ) 6 4 日本版SOX法対応 − 3 4 4 アウトソーシング 9 2 4 7 プロジェクトマネジメント ●内は04年度1位に選択 されたものの多かった順位 12 1 3 0% 4 12 18 12 7 4 5 10% 6 12 7 13 6 6 12 1位 4 7 6 20% 2位 3位 4位 5位 ・ITの21トピックスから、関心のあるもの上位 5つを選択 ・1位に選んだ選択肢では「システム再構築」 がトップに「ITコストの削減」「セキュリティ」 「IT投資効果評価」と続き、上位4つは04年 度とほとんど変わらず 6 6 6 9 6 11 4 9 (n=913) 6 18 13 10 5 9 18 5 5 11 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 出典:日本情報システム・ユーザー協会の「企業IT動向調査2006」 5 Example of British Ministry of Defense ■Investigation for duplication by users ・Investigate the waste of scratch development Proved by investigation, the applications developed by "scratch" for British Ministry of Defense could work properly, even 150 applications less, if avoid the duplication by users. (BPM forum) ・If we checked carefully..? If the company carefully examines the detail of waste by scratch development or duplication by users, then tried to avoid these causes, it could save approximately 10 million pounds.(approx. 22 hundred million yen) (Gartner Japan) "The right person in the right place" for IT system development The "process initiated development" can reduce "full scratch development" 企画 (Project) 設計 (Design) 開発 (Developm ent) テスト (Test) 運用 (Operation) 保守 (Mintenan ce) (ex.ISO/IEC12207/共通フレーム98 ) Lifecycle Process Process Assessment (ex.ISO/IEC15504、CMM/CMMI ) 超上流 Quality management system Project management (ex.ISO 9001) (ex.PMBOK) 技法・ツール群(Technique&Tool group) 業務分析 (Job analysis) 設計開発 (Design development) テスト (Test) 運用・保守 (Operation& Maintenance) 業務分析i (Job) あなlyしs 情報処理推進機構・ソフトウェア・エンジニアリング・センター編著より抜粋 7 Bank Vision by Unisys Japan The monthly work done by 200 people can be reduced to monthly work done by 10 people. Make it happen by intellectual property modified by not only the software own company but also by other company. 地方銀行システム 従来の地方銀行システム Regional bank system Past regional bank system スクラッチ開発 200人月 Monthly work done by 200 people Scratch development 大半をスクラッチ開発 One half would be developed by scratch 「Bank Vision」 to「Bank Vision」 パッケージ化・知的財産権所有 Making to package & Intellectual property right ownership 横展開 200人月→10人月へ削減 Monthly work done by 10 people ※人月・工数を大幅削減 8 Four tiers in Enterprise management for IT Only 24% of the Japanese company is in the third tiers. 情報システムの 導入 情報システムの導入 6% 第四段階 第三段階 第二段階 第一段階 ﹁ 企業﹂ の壁 ﹁ 部門﹂ の壁 情報システムを 部門内で活用 情報システムを 「部門を超えて」 企業内で 最適に活用 部門内 最適化企業群 68% 情報システムを取引先・ 顧客等関係者も含め 「企業を超えて」 最適に活用 組織全体 最適化企業群 24% ※米国で41% 企業・産業横断的 最適化群 2% ※米国で11% 出典:経済産業省「IT投資促進税制に関するアンケート調査」(平成17年8月)、ガートナー「IT投資動向に関する海外調査」(平成17年8月) 9 Thank you.
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