N.Y. designers cafe DUB designed by Karim Rashid Karim Rashid Born on September 18, 1960 in Cairo to Egyptian and English parents, and raised in Canada, Karim now resides in New York managing his private design studio. He received a Bachelor in Industrial Design from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada in 1982 and completed his postgraduate studies in Italy. Rashid has created over 2000 designs, including projects ranging from interiors, fashion, furniture, lighting, art and music to installations. To date he has had some 2000 objects put into production and has successfully entered the realm of architecture and interiors, designing the Morimoto restaurant in Philadelphia and Semiramis hotel in Athens. His work is in the permanent collections of fourteen museums worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou in Paris, and he exhibits art in various galleries. Rashid was an associate Professor of Industrial Design for 10 years and is now a frequent guest lecturer at universities and conferences globally. 1960 年エジプト・カイロ生まれ。ロンドンとトロントで育ち、カナダのカールトン大学でインダ ストリアルデザインの学位を取得。イタリアでさらにデザインを学ぶ。ニューヨーク・スタジオ 設立後、プラダ、イッセイミヤケなどのブランドに対し、デザインを提供している。彼の作品は MoMA やサンフランシスコ近代美術館などでパーマネントコレクションに指定されている。 ■ DUB CUP:Φ65×H79mm SAUCER:D82×W121×H12mm BOX:D92×W135×H96mm Made in ARITA, JAPAN Orange Light blue Black Green Purple Pink Red ■ LUNA CUP:Φ73×H99mm PLATE:D131×W131×H17mm BOX:D149×W149×H112mm Made in ARITA, JAPAN Green LUNA designed by Jun Tomita Jun Tomita Blue Born in the ancient capital of Kyoto, Jun was raised in a family of old crochery dealer with an influence of a progressive father who is a product designer as well as a design producer. Jun received a Bachelor in Studio Art from New York University in 1993. Then he worked at Emilio Ambasz Design Group in New York from1993 to 1994. He received another Bachelor in Architecture from Tokyo Denki University. His works include Muji product, Kokuyo stationary, lighting fixtures, clocks, fashion, architectures, interior designs, logo marks and fonts. Jun has received a number of awards such as ID annual design review s Best of category, Good Design Awards. He teaches design and design management at KEIO and other universities. トミタ・ジュン ニューヨーク大学卒業後、自然との共生を唱えるカリスマ的なグリーン建築家、エミリオ・アンバースに師 事。プロダクトデザインでも活躍。96 年世界で最も権威ある、ID グランプリ受賞。海外でフォントを発 表、時計、 ステーショナリー等のデザインでも国際的な評価の高い日本を代表するデザイナー。慶應義塾大学 などで次世代のデザイナー、ディレクター養成に力を注いでいる。aTIMONT 代表。一級建築士。 Black MELANGE designed by Masamichi Udagawa + Sigi Moeslinger Beige ■ MELANGE CUP:Φ85×H61mm PLATE:D155×W185×H10mm BOX:D165×W195×H85mm Made in ARITA, JAPAN Masamichi Udagawa + Sigi Moeslinger, antenna design Antenna was founded in 1997 by Masamichi Udagawa and Sigi Moeslinger. Antenna s mission is to make the experience of objects and environments more meaningful and exciting. Antenna s design projects range from public and commercial to experimental and artistic, typically spanning object, interface and environment. Antenna s work has won numerous awards, including the United States Artists Target Fellowship in the Architecture and Design Category in 2006 and the National Design Award in Product Design from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in 2008. Before forming Antenna, Masamichi Udagawa was a senior designer at Apple Computer Industrial Design Group in Cupertino, California. He also worked at IDEO Product Development as well as the Yamaha Product Design Laboratory in Japan. Masamichi holds a MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art and a BE in Industrial Design from Chiba University in Japan. マサミチ・ウダガワ + シギー・ムスリンガー、アンテナ・デザイン 宇田川信学、1964年東京都生まれ。87年、千葉大卒、ヤマハでシンセサイザー などをデザイン。 91年にMFA Cranbrook Academy of Art を修了。 Apple Computer でシニアデザイナーとして PowerBookなどを手がける。 Sigi Moeslinger、1968年ウイーン生まれ。91年、Art Center College of Design卒業後、IDEO社 で様々なプロジェクトに関わる。 97年、Antenna Design New York を設立。ニューヨーク市の地下鉄、JetBlue航空、Bloomberg、 Microsoft、McDonaldʼs などのために、多くの公共性の強い製品のデザインを手がける。 ID Annual Design Review金賞、Business Week/IDSA金賞。iF Awards 金賞など、受賞多数。 2008年米国National Design Award 受賞。作品 はニューヨーク近代美術館のパーマネントコレ クションにも入っている。 Before forming Antenna, Sigi Moeslinger was an Interval Research Fellow at NYU. Prior, she was a senior designer at IDEO in San Francisco. Sigi holds a Masters in Interactive Telecommunications from New York University and a BS in Industrial Design from Art Center College of Design. They have designed New York City s subway car, Metro Card vender and other transit fascilities. White Only the fine products designed by Wonderful designers. aTIMONT Design institute 3-2 1-1 aT IMON T Eb i s 3F H igas hi S hibuya ku Tokyo 150- 0011 JAPAN T EL.+8 1-(0)3 - 3409- 7586 FAX . +81- (0)3- 3409- 7587 hello@a timont. com w w w . a timont. com :N.Y. designers cafe 価格表 品 名 DUBペア(2個セット) ※オレンジ・ライトブルー・ブラック・グリーン・パープル・ピンクの組合せ自由 LUNAペア(2個セット) 定価(税込) 3,500 3,500 ※レッド・グリーン・ブルー・ブラックの組合せ自由 MELANGEペア(2個セット) 3,500 ※ベージュ・ホワイトの組合せ自由 DUB オレンジ・ライトブルー・ブラック・グリーン・パープル・ピンク LUNA 1,900 1,900 レッド・グリーン・ブルー・ブラック MELANGE ベージュ・ホワイト 1,900
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