For Immediate Release 434 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10013 HPGRP INAUGURATES NEW TRIBECA GALLERY WITH NORITAKE KINASHI EXHIBITION Noritake Kinashi in New York October 31st - November 11th, 2015 | Opening Reception:October 31st, 2015 5-8PM Where I dream 2015, acrylic and wood on woodboard, 34×38.5cm New York, [Sep. 30, 2015] - hpgrp gallery, with galleries in Tokyo and New York is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of paintings by Noritake Kinashi, his first in the United States. It will inaugurate the gallery’s move to a new permanent location in New York’s Tribeca neighborhood, “After many months of hard work we are thrilled to make the move from Chelsea to our new home in Tribeca” explained hpgrp Director Kentaro Totsuka who continued “Our expanded ground floor location will provide an excellent new platform for presenting Japanese contemporary artists to New York and the world.” One of the Japan’s most well known comedic actors, (TUNNELS no Minasan no Okagedesu, NELTUN Benikujira Dan), with twenty years experience as a painter, Noritake is heavily influenced by pop, graffiti, and neo-expressionism. His work often employs vibrant colors and movement, while invoking themes of domesticity. Noritake Kinashi in New York comes on the heels of his retrospective Kinashi Noritake Exhibition x 20years INSPIRATION moment of curiosity, which toured through six major museums in Japan and received 300,000 visitors. As a leading comedic actor in Japan, who devotes himself heavily to his painting practice in his private time, Noritake Kinashi in New York provides insight into the careful balance he strikes between his hectic professional life and personal life. Works range from dynamic, maximalist bouts of expressionism, to sparing muted domestic scenes ranging from paintings of homes and maps of his neighborhood. Founded in 2005, hpgrp introduces the work of Japanese and Asian contemporary artists to the world through its galleries in Tokyo and New York. It operates two additional project spaces in Tokyo, and participates in art fairs throughout Asia, as well as its own self-produced art fair, the New City Art Fair, throughout the world. MEDIA CONTACT For additional information, images, or to request an interview, please contact: Andy Cushman | Octopus Outreach | E [email protected] | M 917-744-4042 Art director:Yuzo Imura(imura art planning) For Immediate Release Noritake Kinashi born in 1962 , Tokyo Solo Exhibition 2016 Noritake KInashi THE WORK BETWEEN 1994-2014 EXHIBITION Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum, Okinawa, Japan 2015 Noritake KInashi THE WORK BETWEEN 1994-2014 EXHIBITION Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, Nagasaki, Japan Fukuoka Asisan Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan Okayama City Museum, Okayama, Japan 2014 Noritake KInashi THE WORK BETWEEN 1994-2014 EXHIBITION The Ueno Royal Museum, Ueno, Japan 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan Morioka Civic Cultural Hall, Iwate, Japan Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Hyogo, Japan 2013 Noritake Kinashi Museum 2, Museum EKI KYOTO, Kyoto, Japan 2010 NORITAKE KINASHI SPOT AOYAMA TOKYO 2010, Forum Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2008 Kinashi Noritake Exhibition, Museum EKI KYOTO, Kyoto, Japan 2003 GO WITH THE FLOW, Hillsaide Forum, Tokyo, Japan 2002 SCORE , Hillsaide Forum, Tokyo, Japan 2000 Noritake Kinashi Exhibition, Fuji Television, Tokyo, Japan 1994 Solo Exhibition, PARCO, Nagoya, Japan Group Exhibition 2009 TOKYO! TOKYO!! TOKYO!!! , Tokyo, Japan 2008 AFWP 2008 JAPAN, Kanagawa, Japan 2003 salon des artistes indépendants, Paris, France Project 2014 Yokohama Triennale, Kanagawa, Japan 2014 Bright Christmas 2014 -Disney TIMELESS STORY, Tokyo, Japan Canal St Sta. 1 na t Bro e Varick St Hudson St 6th Av Hubert St Greenwich St Hours: Tue–Sat: 11 am–6 pm Laight St Washington St Url: Vestry St West St Email: [email protected] Hudson River (at the corner of Vestry Street) lS ay Ca 434 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10013 adw Desbrosses St Wes t hpgrp GALLERY NEW YORK AC E Canal St Sta. 2015 年 9 月吉日 PRESS RELEASE 木梨憲武個展 in New York 2015年10月31日(土)-11月11(水) オープニングレセプション:2015年10月31日(土) 17:00-20:00 企画:imura art planning アートディレクター:井村優三(imura art planning) DM 画像 「夢見る場所」2015 年、アクリル・木、34×38.5cm hpgrp GALLERY NEW YORKより、木梨憲武個展の開催をご案内申し上げます。 木梨氏は、1980年石橋貴明氏と共に「とんねるず」を結成、今日に至るまで日本のバラエティー番組の第一線で活躍 しています。お笑いに限らず、俳優、司会、歌手など幅広い分野で活躍する一方で、20年にわたり作家として精力的 に作品を制作しています。バスキアやヘリングを彷彿とさせるポップな色使いと自由奔放で力強い線で描かれる絵画 を中心に、ドローイング、立体、映像など、自身の芸能活動同様ジャンルに捕われない表現が特徴です。 2014年から始まった展覧会「木梨憲武展×20years INSPIRATION-瞬間の好奇心」は2015年5月までに日本国内の美術 館6館を巡回し、約30万人を動員しました。本展は木梨氏初の海外個展となり、初めて作品の販売も行います。 ぜひこの機会にご高覧くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 世界選抜の 選手が、全員戦いに挑む場所アートの発信地、ニューヨークでの展覧会! アジア代 表、日本代表としてアメリカに向かいます。私の線と色 の表現での海外初戦! 今からワク ワクしています。 (来られる 方は遊びに来て!) ー木梨憲武 2015 年 9 月吉日 PRESS RELEASE 木梨 憲武 Noritake Kinashi 1962 東京生まれ 個展 2016開催予定 木梨憲武展×20years INSPIRATION─瞬間の好奇心 沖縄県立博物館・美術館(沖縄) 2015 木梨憲武展×20years INSPIRATION─瞬間の好奇心 長崎県美術館・県民ギャラリー(長崎)/福岡アジア美術館(福岡) 岡山シティミュージアム(岡山) 2014 木梨憲武展×20years INSPIRATION─瞬間の好奇心 上野の森美術館(東京)/金沢21世紀美術館・市民ギャラリー(石川) 盛岡市民文化ホール(岩手)/兵庫県立美術館(兵庫) 2013 木梨憲武美術館2 美術館「えき」KYOTO(京都) 2010 NORITAKE KINASHI SPOT AOYAMA TOKYO 2010 フォーラムギャラリー(東京) 2008 木梨憲武 色の世界展 美術館「えき」KYOTO(京都) 2003 GO WITH THE FLOW 個展 代官山ヒルサイドフォーラム(東京) 2002 SCORE 個展 代官山ヒルサイドフォーラム(東京) 2000 きなしのりたけのてんらんかい個展 フジテレビ(東京) 1994 太陽ニコニカ個展 PARCO(名古屋) グループ展 2009 TOKYO! TOKYO!! TOKYO!!! 展(東京) 2008 AFWP 2008 JAPAN 第三回世界平和美術祭典(神奈川) 2003 第114回アンダパンダン展(フランス) プロジェクト参加 2014 ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2014《アート・ビン》(神奈川) 2014 Bright Christmas 2014 -Disney TIMELESS STORY ここから始まる、終わらない物語。-(東京) Canal St Sta. 1 na t Bro e Varick St Hudson St 6th Av Hubert St Greenwich St Hours: Tue–Sat: 11 am–6 pm Laight St Washington St Url: Vestry St West St Email: [email protected] Hudson River (at the corner of Vestry Street) lS ay Ca 434 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10013 adw Desbrosses St Wes t hpgrp GALLERY NEW YORK AC E Canal St Sta.
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