Lesson 38 解答例 1. Who is the man in the first picture? Where do

Lesson 38 解答例
1. Who is the man in the first picture? Where do you think he comes from? Why is he famous? (最初の写
The man is a sumo wrestler. I think he comes from Mongolia. Since he is a good wrestler.
2. How heavy do you think he is in the picture?(彼の体重はどのくらいだと思いますか)
I think he is more than 100kg.
3. What did the person in the second picture do? Who is he?(2番めの写真の人の職業は何でしたか。彼はだ
He was a singer. He is John Lennon.
4. Can you name the other band members?(他のメンバーの名前を言えますか)
The other band members are Ringo, Paul and George.
5. What is the woman’s name? (女性の名前はなんですか)
The woman’s name is Audrey Hepburn.
6. Why do you think she is so popular in Japan? (なぜ彼女は日本で有名だと思いますか)
She is so popular in Japan because she is a famous actress.
7. Who is the man in the last picture?(最後の写真の男性は誰ですか)
He is Ruy Ramos.
8. Where does he come from? What is he famous for?(彼の出身はどこですか。なぜ有名ですか)
He comes from Brazil. He is famous for soccer.
9. Which of these people do you think is the most famous? (これらの人の中で誰が一番有名だと思いますか)
I think the people in first picture is the most famous.
10. Which of these people do you like best? Why?
I like the people in the second picture because their songs are very good.
11. If you could be famous, who would you like to be? Why? (もし有名になれたら、誰になりたいですか。な
I would like to be a soccer player because soccer give people dream.
12. What are the bad points about being famous? (有名であることの欠点はなんですか)
The bad points about being famous is they don’t have privacy.
13. Who is the most famous sports star in your country now?(あなたの国で一番有名なスポーツ選手はだれで
Ichiro is the most famous sports star in my country.
14. Do you know of any famous people who died tragically? Who was it? When? What happened?(悲劇でな
Michele Jackson died of poisoning. He died about 10 years ago. He was poisoned.
15. Have you ever seen or met a famous person? (有名人を見たりあったりしたことがありますか)
I have seen a famous rock band “U2”.
16. Who do you think is the world’s most famous people? Why do you think this is? (世界で最も有名な人は
I think the most famous people is the Beetles because they are well known as famous musicians.
17. Are there any famous people you dislike? Why?(あなたが嫌いな有名人はいますか。なぜですか)
No I like every famous people.
18. What country has the most famous people? Why do you think this is? (どの国が最も有名人を輩出してる
The USA has the most famous people because USA has many opportunity to become famous.
19. Who is the most famous person in Japanese history? (日本の歴史で最も有名な人は誰ですか)
Ryoma Ssakamoto is the most famous person in Japanese history.
20. Who is the most infamous person of the past century? (前世紀で最も汚名のある人は誰ですか)
Hitler is the most infamous person.