平成 27 年度青森山田高等学校A日程学力検査 英 注 語 意 1 問題の1は放送による検査です。問題用紙は放送による指示があるまで開いてはいけません。 2 問題用紙は表紙を入れて 7 ページあり,問題用紙とは別に解答用紙が 1 枚あります。 3 記号と受検番号は,検査開始後,解答用紙の決められた欄に記入しなさい。 4 机の上には,受検票・えんぴつ(シャープペンシルも可) ・消しゴム・えんぴつけずり以外の物 を置いてはいけません。 5 筆記用具の貸し借りはいけません。 6 問題を読むとき,声を出してはいけません。 7 印刷が悪くて分からないときや,筆記用具を落としたときなどは,だまって手をあげなさい。 8 監督者の「やめ」という合図ですぐにやめなさい。 答えの書き方 1 答えは,問題の指示に従って,すべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 2 答えはていねいに書きなさい。答えを書き直すときは,きれいに消してから書きなさい。 英―1 1 放送による検査(27 点) (1) ア 1 2 3 4 イ 1 2 3 4 ウ 1 Can I get your phone? 2 May I use your phone? 3 Shall we call you? 4 May I call your phone? 1 Yes, she does. 2 Yes, he did. 3 No, she doesn’t. 4 No, he didn’t. 1 A book shop. 2 A sports shop. 3 A department store. 4 A hospital. 1 A tennis racket. 2 A beautiful flower. 3 A tennis bag. 4 A book about tennis. 1 It has one big window. 2 It has two big windows. 3 It has three big windows. 4 It has two big bedrooms. 1 Because he likes tests. 2 Because he must go shopping. 3 Because he must study for a test. 4 Because he is going to a party. 1 Some cookies. 2 Some cake. 3 Some apples. 4 Some juice. (2) ア イ ウ (3) ア イ ウ 英―2 2 次の文は,日本に留学しているジョン(John)とユカ(Yuka)の対話です。ふたりは海外文化 体験のポスターを見ながら話をしています。これを読んで, あとの(1)~(3)に答えなさい。 *印の語句には,本文のあとに(注)があります。 (14 点) 【ポスターの一部】 海外文化体験のご案内 A:アメリカコース 期間:3 月 20 日 ~4 月 2 日 対象:高校 1・2 年生 体験内容:ミュージカル B:カナダコース 期間:3 月 14 日 ~4 月 4 日 対象:高校 1・2 年生 体験内容:スキー C:ニュージーランドコース 期間:3 月 15 日 ~4 月 1 日 対象:高校 1・2 年生 体験内容:マオリ文化 お問い合せ TEL 017-7△△-○○×× John : Hello, What are you doing, Yuka? Yuka : I’m looking at some information about three *overseas cultural experience plans. I’m thinking about going *abroad during spring vacation. John : Oh. ア( are / different / there / what / plans )? What countries? America, Canada, England, Australia or New Zealand? Yuka : Well, one plan is in America, another is in Canada and the third plan is in New Zealand. John : Where will you go? Yuka : I will go on the plan in Canada. イ( for / it / weeks / is / three ). That’s one week longer than the American plan and four days longer than the one in New Zealand. John : Is there anything you want Yuka : Well, I want to go skiing. ウ( to there? / it’s / travel / my / dream ) and ski in foreign countries. John : I’m sure you’ll have fun! * Yuka : Thanks! (注) overseas cultural experience plans I’m sure~ 海外文化体験計画 abroad 外国へ きっと~だと思う (1) 下線部ア~ウについて,文の意味が通るように,( )内の語句をすべて用いて,正しい順 序に並べかえなさい。大文字にする必要のある文字は大文字にしなさい。 (2) に入る最も適切な英語 2 語を書きなさい。 (3) あなたなら,海外に行ってどのような事をしたいですか。15 語以上の英語で書きなさい。文 の数はいくつでもかまいません。 英―3 3 次の英文は,カナダから東京に留学しているキャサリン(Katherine)と,友達のユミ(Yumi) との間でやり取りされた電子メールです。これを読んで,あとの(1),(2)に答えなさい。*印 の語句には,電子メールのあとに(注)があります。 (13 点) Hi, Yumi. Winter vacation will finish soon and school starts next Tuesday. Canada the next day. I have to go back to So I am going to *take a trip with my Japanese family this weekend. We are going to Okinawa. I hope we have a lot of fun. ア あ Katherine Hi, Katherine. I am so busy that I cannot go *anywhere this weekend. She is still in bed. Yesterday my mother got sick. Today my father went to work, so〔 A 〕 I hope you have a nice weekend in Okinawa. Yumi Oh, I didn’t know that. イ Then who did those things yesterday? You have a lot of things to do at home. Oh, I remember the delicious dinner that your father made last Saturday. Your father is a really good cook. something for you and your mother. from harm. It *protects us I will buy one for your mother and bring it to school on Tuesday. B 〔 Ok, I want to buy Do you know *Shisa in Okinawa? 〕 Is there anything that you want, Yumi? Katherine A Shisa is enough for us. ウ will leave next week. I will miss you. * Thank you so much. I can’t believe you I want to visit Canada next year to see you. Yumi Katherine (注) take a trip 旅をする anywhere どこにも Shisa シーサー(沖縄の伝説の獣の像) protects us from harm miss ~がいなくてさみしい A (1) 電子メールのやり取りが成立するように,〔 B 〕,〔 私たちを災いから守る 〕に入る最も適切なも のを,1~6 の中からそれぞれ一つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。 1 Yes, I bought a Shisa in Japan three years ago. 2 No, it wasn’t. 3 I left for Canada last Friday. 4 Then, your mother will get well soon! 5 I have to cook, wash the clothes and clean. 6 I wanted to stay until next Friday. It was made in America. (2) 電子メールのやり取りが成立するように, 一つ書きなさい。 英―4 ア ~ ウ に入る英文をそれぞれ 4 次の英文は,英語の授業でショウタ(Shota)が行ったスピーチの一部です。これを読んで,あ との(1)~(3)に答えなさい。*印の語句には,本文のあとに(注)があります。(19 点) I have an American friend. His name is Paul. His father is an old friend of my father. When they came to Japan to go sightseeing, Paul and his father stayed at our house for a * week. Five months ago, my father told me that Paul can’t hear well. sign language before Paul came to Japan. * So I started to learn Sign language wasn’t so difficult, and I learned many signs. When Paul stayed in Japan, we sometimes couldn’t understand each other. American sign language are different from Japanese sign language. We found that I will tell you about some of the *differences we found. If your *little finger is up, it means, “ I ” in both American and Japanese sign languages. In Japanese sign language, it also means, “a woman.” When you want to say, “love”, make an “X” with both your arms in front of you in American sign language. In Japanese sign * language, you move your right hand over your left hand. I *got along with Paul better and better, and he *seemed to be happy. us to understand the differences in these two sign languages. America, I still study sign language twice a week. (注) sightseeing 観光 sign language little finger 小指 arms got along with ~ It was important for After he has gone back to Would you like to try something new? 手話 differences 違い 腕 ~と仲良くなった seemed to~ ~のように見えた (1) ショウタのスピーチの内容と合っているものを,次の 1~5 の中から二つ選び,その番号を書 きなさい。 1 ポールの父は仕事で日本にやってきた。 2 ショウタは日本の手話とアメリカの手話に違いがあることがわかった。 3 小指を立てることは,アメリカの手話では女性と私の二つの意味がある。 4 両腕をからだの前で X のようにすると,アメリカの手話においては love を意味する。 5 ショウタは,今も毎日手話を習っている。 (2) ショウタのスピーチの内容と合うように,次の 1~3 の質問に対する答えをそれぞれ一つの英 文で書きなさい。 1 Where did Paul stay in Japan? 2 How do you move to show “love” in Japanese sign language? 3 When did Shota start to learn sign language ? (3) 次の文は,ショウタのスピーチを聞いたあとで,同級生が書いた感想です。下線部 1,2 をそ れぞれ一つの英文にしなさい。 1 わたしは今まで手話を習ったことがありません。 important and useful. I think that sign language is very 2 わたしもたくさんのことに興味があります。 英―5 5 次の英文は,イギリス出身のエリー(Ellie)先生が日本のダイエット(diet)について書いた ものです。これを読んで,あとの(1)~(4)に答えなさい。*印の語句には, 本文のあとに(注) があります。(27 点) I came to Japan to teach English about ten years ago. girls. I teach English at a high school for I have found that many students of mine are interested in diets. many different diets since then. For example, the fruit diet, diet, and many other strange diets. I have heard about the non-carb diet, * the natto * They are so many that I can’t remember all of them. I’m always very surprised when I hear about diets from young girls who do not look wonder, ①“why do they need a diet?” * be thinner like the * Most of them are already thin. * fashion models they see on television and in * fat. * I But they want to fashion magazines. * They try to look like them. A few years ago the banana diet was introduced on television. the program hurried to supermarkets to buy bananas. * bananas. These people only ate bananas. Bananas for dinner. Really? many kinds of Many supermarkets Bananas for breakfast. ran short of * Bananas for lunch. Only bananas? I think that diets are not the best way to look good. and study hard. A lot of people who watched It is not good for your You need enough energy to grow, work health to eat only one kind of food. Our body needs * nutrients. So, it is important to eat many different kinds of food to get enough of those nutrients. Do you know that the word “diet” means the food you eat every day? * We need to know how important our meals are. If you want to keep your health, you * have to have the right meals every day. There is another thing you should not forget. It is exercise. * Most high school students in Japan are very busy because they have to study for a long time at school. * juku after school. It is difficult to make time for exercise. They also go to But your bodies need nutrients and exercise. It’s also well known that most weight lost during a diet is quickly * is stopped, so, be careful about ②that. become sick. regained after the diet * If you are on a diet and do not exercise, you may I think the most important things are eating many kinds of food every day and exercise. (注) the non-carb diet 炭水化物抜きダイエット the natto diet 納豆ダイエット wonder 不思議に思う thinner よりやせている fashion magazines ファッション雑誌 ran short of ~が不足した nutrients 栄養 exercise 運動(する) weight 体重 英―6 fat 太っている thin やせている fashion models ファッションモデル program 番組 health 健康 meals 食事 juku 塾 regained リバウンドする (1) 本文の内容と合うように,次のア~エの英文に続けるのに最も適切なものを,1~4 の中から それぞれ1つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。 ア I can’t remember all of the kinds of diets 1 because I teach English at school. 2 because I want to be thin. 3 because there were so many kinds. 4 because there were a lot of strange diets. イ A lot of people 1 were surprised to see the natto diet. 2 were happy to buy bananas. 3 tried the banana diet they saw on TV. 4 watched fashion models. ウ It is good for your health 1 to eat only one kind of food. 2 to start a diet without exercise. 3 to go to juku after school. 4 to eat good meals every day. エ Because high school students in Japan have to study a lot, 1 they look like fashion models. 2 they can’t find enough time to exercise. 3 they need to try many strange diets. 4 they need to study English. (2) 次の英文が本文の内容と合うように, (ア)~(ウ)に入る最も適切な語を,下の 1~7 の中か らそれぞれ1つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。 There are a lot of kinds of ( ア ) in Japan. Most young Japanese girls want to be thinner. If they want good( イ ), they must think about ( ウ )eating the right meals and doing exercise. 1 health 2 for 3 both 4 diet 5 juku 6 food 7 thin (3) 下線部①“why do they need a diet?” の答えとしてエリーが思っていることを日本語で書き なさい。 (4) 下線部②that が指している内容を日本語で書きなさい。 英―7
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