ἰἂἕἚؕӨӕৢᛟଢ Ӳೞᆔσᡫ 㽳䉝䊮䊁䊅䉕ข䉍ᄖ䈚䈢䈫䈐䈮䈲䇮ઃዻ䈱㒐᳓䉨䊞䉾䊒䉕䉮䊈 㩷㵘䈖䈱䈢䈶䈲䉻䉟䊟䊝䊮䊄ၮบ䉕䈍⾈䈇᳞䉄䈇䈢䈣䈐䉁䈚 㵘䉪䉺䊷ㇱ䈮ઃ䈔䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㵘䈩⺈䈮䈅䉍䈏䈫䈉䈗䈙䈇䉁䈚䈢䇯䈗↪䈱೨䈮䇮䈖䈱ขᛒ 㵘⺑ᦠ䉕䉋䈒䈍⺒䉂䈱䇮ᱜ䈚䈒䈍䈇䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㵘䈍⺒䉂䈮䈭䈦䈢䈅䈫䈲ᄢಾ䈮ሽ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 䃂ᜰ ᜰቯ䉝䊮䊁䊅 એਅ䈱᧦ઙ䈱䉴䊁䊮䊧䉴䊖䉟䉾䊒䉝䊮䊁䊅એᄖ䈲↪䈪䈐䉁䈞䉖䇯 䈗 ↪䈱೨䈮 䃂䈗 䊙䉫䊈䉾䊃ၮบ䈲䇮⏛⍹䈱ജ䈪ゞ䈮࿕ቯ䈜䉎◲ᤃ⊛䈭䉝 㩷ဳ㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷ฬ 㩷㩷㩷ో㩷㩷㩷㐳 㩷㩷㩷㊀㩷㩷㩷㊂ 䌋䋷䋰䋱䋨ๆ⋚ઃ䈐䋩 䋱㪅 䋵䌭એਅ 䋳䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䌋䋷䋰䋲䋨ๆ⋚ઃ䈐䋩 䋱㪅 䋵䌭એਅ 䋳䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䌋䋷䋰䋷䋨ๆ⋚ઃ䈐䋩 䋱㪅 䋰䌭એਅ 䋱䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䌓䌐䌍 䋱㪅 䋲䌭એਅ 䋳䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䌄䌐䌋㪄䋴䌎䌍 䋱㪅 䋲䌭એਅ 䋳䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䌍䌒䋲 䋱㪅 䋱䌭એਅ 䋲䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䌍䌒䌋 䋱㪅 䋰䌭એਅ 䋱䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䌍䌒䋵䌁 䋱㪅 䋰䌭એਅ 䋱䋵䋰䌧એਅ 䊮䊁䊅ၮบ䈪䈜䇯⣕⪭䈮䉋䉎䉕㒐䈓䈢䉄䈮䇮એਅ䈱 ᵈᗧ㗄䉕䈍䉍䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽲ᜰቯ䈘䉏䈢䉝䊮䊁䊅એᄖ䈲ข䉍ઃ䈔䈭䈇䈪䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽳ᧁ䈱ᨑ䈭䈬䈱㓚ኂ‛䈏䈅䉎䈫䈐䈲䉝䊮䊁䊅䉕ข䉍ᄖ䈚䈩 㵘䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽴㜞ㅦ〝䈪䈲㪈㪇㪇㪢㫄㪆㪿એਅ䈱䉴䊏䊷䊄䈪䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㵘䉁䈢䇮ะ䈎䈇㘑䈱ᤨ䈮䈲䉴䊏䊷䊄䉕ਅ䈕䉎䈎䇮䉝䊮䊁䊅 㵘䉕ข䉍ᄖ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽵䊙䉫䊈䉾䊃ၮบ䈫ゞ䈱㑆䈮‛䉕䉁䈭䈇䈪䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽶ᦛ㕙䉇ಳಲ䈱䈅䉎䈫䈖䉐䈲䈘䈔䇮ᐔမ䈭䈫䈖䉐䈮⸳⟎䈚 㵘䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽷⸳⟎䈜䉎䈫䈖䉐䈱ᳪ䉏䈲䇮䈅䉌䈎䈛䉄䈐䉏䈇䈮䈐ข䈦 㵘䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽸㋕䈱䈫䈖䉐એᄖ䈪䈲↪䈪䈐䉁䈞䉖䋨ๆ⋚ઃ䈐䉅䉂 㵘䉁䈜䋩䇯 䃂⸳ ⸳ ⟎䈫㈩✢ 㽲หゲ䉬䊷䊑䊦䉕ᒁ䈐ㄟ䉖䈣㓗㑆䈎䉌䇮ゞౝ䈮㔎᳓䈏 㵘䉎䈖䈫䈏䈅䉎䈱䈪ᵈᗧ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㽳䊙䉫䊈䉾䊃ၮบ䈱⣕⌕䈲䇮ᔅ䈝ข䉍ઃ䈔䉌䉏䈢䉝䊮䊁䊅 䊶䈍⾈䈇䈕䈇䈢䈣䈐䉁䈚䈢ຠ䈲䇮෩㊀䈭ຠ⾰▤ℂ䈱䉅䈫䈮↢↥䈘䉏䈩䈍 㵘䈱ਅㇱ䉕ᜬ䈦䈩ⴕ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯หゲ䉬䊷䊑䊦䉕ᒁ䈦ᒛ 㩷䉍䉁䈜䈏䇮ਁ৻ㆇ៝ਛ䈱䈭䈬䈮䉋䉎⎕៊䈏䈅䉍䉁䈚䈢䉌䇮ขᛒᐫ䈮䈍 䉎䈫ゞ䈮்䈏ઃ䈇䈢䉍㓚䈱ේ࿃䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯 㩷↳䈚ઃ䈔䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 䊶䈖䈱ຠ䈱᭽䈶ᄖⷰ䈲䇮ᡷ⦟䈱䈢䉄੍๔䈭䈒ᄌᦝ䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜 㩷䈱䈪䈗ੌᛚ䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 䃂䈗 䈗ᵈᗧ 㽲䊙䉫䊈䉾䊃ၮบ䈲⏛⍹䈪ᒁ䈐ነ䈞䈢㋕☳䈏ේ࿃䈪䉰䊎䈏 㵘⊒↢䈚䈢䉍䇮ゞ䈮்䈏ઃ䈒䈖䈫䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯ቯᦼ⊛䈮䈐 㵘ข䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 䊶䉲䊮䊅䊷䉇䊔䊮䉳䊮䈭䈬䈪䈲䈎䈭䈇䈪䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 䊶ᳪ䉏䈱䈵䈬䈇䈫䈐䈲䇮᳓䈪⭯䉄䈢ਛᕈᵞ䉕䈗↪䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 2005ᐕ㧠 ╙৻㔚ᵄᎿᬺᩣᑼળ␠˴࿖ౝᬺㇱ˴ޥ350-0022ၯ₹⋵ᎹᏒዊਛዬ445-1˴TEL.049-230-1220 ઍ㧕FAX.049-230-1223 ࡎࡓࡍࠫ http://www.diamond-ant.co.jp Strong Magnet Antenna Base Operation Instructions To use this magnet antenna base properly, read this instruction thoroughly before using it. Keep this manual carefully at hand for later use. 䃂 Before Using Strong magnet antenna base is a temporary magnet antenna base fixed the antenna temporarily on a car body. To prevent any accident, pay attentions to the following instructions. 㽲 Don’t use the antenna exceeding the specified length and weight. 㽳 Remove the antenna when there are obstacles such as branches. 㽴 Drive a car at less than 100km/h. When a head wind, speed down or remove the antenna. 㽵 Don’t insert anything between the magnet antenna base and the car body. 㽶 Don’t install the magnet antenna base on the curved places. 㽷 Clean up the place where are installed. 㽸 Install the magnet antenna base only on the iron surface. (All models) 䃂 Installation and Wiring 㽲 Be careful not tointroduce rainwater into the car through the coaxial cable. 㽳 When installing and detaching the magnet antenna base, be sure to hold the lower part of the antenna. Pulling the coaxial cable may be caused to damage the car body. 䃂 Note 㽳When removing the antenna, cover the connector parts with the attached water proof cap. 䃂 Required antennas Please use the antenna (stainless steel) with FOS covered by the following the conditions. Model No. Length Weight K701 (with Less than 1.5m Less than 350g suction cap) K702 (with Less than 1.5m Less than 350g suction cap) K707 (with Less than 1.0m Less than 150g suction cap) SPM Less than 1.2m Less than 350g DPK-4NM Less than 1.2m Less than 350g MR2 Less than 1.1m Less than 250g MRK Less than 1.0m Less than 150g MR5A Less than 1.0m Less than 150g Though these products purchased are manufactured under strict quality control, if a damage is caused by transporting, ask your dealer promptly. Design and specifications of these products will be changed for future improvement without advance notice. 㽲 Iron powder gathered by the magnet in the base causes rust on the car body and dama ges the body. 䊶 Don’t wipe it off with thinner and benzine. 䊶 If it becomes too dirty, wash it with neutral detergent. 㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘DIAMOND ANTENNA CORPORATION Miyata Building, No. 15-1, 1-chome Sugamo, Toshima-ku Tokyo, Japan 170-0002 TEL.03-3947-1411 FAX.03-3944-2981 㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘㵘Home Page http://www.diamond-ant.co.jp
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