VELOCITY SYSTEM 幽霊歩き Ghost Walk 影走 Shadow Run 思考速度 Neuro Speed Extreme Danger 5 Throng Extreme Danger: At the end of the round, randomly choose a Plot Value; all characters on that Plot take 1 random damage. You Fumble on a roll of 1+ your Plot Value. All attacks gain +1 Range. When you Fumble, take 1 close combat damage. 3 Height 4 Bad Weather All dodge rolls take a -2 penalty. 2 Underwater 3 On a Fumble, you automatically fail all rolls for the remaninder of the round Fumble Area No effect. Battlefield Chart 2 On a Fumble, you automatically fail all rolls for the remaninder of the round Fumble Area 1 Plain 戦闘シーンでは、フ ァンブルすると、そ のラウンドは判定が できなくなる。 1 0 On a Fumble, you automatically fail all rolls for the remaninder of the round Fumble Area Fumble Area 6 音速 Sonic Speed 弾速 Bullet Speed 光速 Light Speed 超光速 F.T.L. 5 On a Fumble, you automatically fail all rolls for the remaninder of the round Fumble Area 6 On a Fumble, you automatically fail all rolls for the remaninder of the round Fumble Area 戦闘シーンでは、フ ァンブルすると、そ のラウンドは判定が できなくなる。 7 Fumble Area During the Climax Phase, revealing your Secret during a Flashback Scene gets you +1 damage or +3 to a roll. Players that are not participating may, once per round, apply 1 modifier to a roll. Close Combat damage is random; Ranged is not. Once Plot has been revealed, a roll of 2d6 under your Plot Value will make you Fumble. During the Main Phase, a Battle Scene ends after a number of rounds equal to the number of participants. During the Main Phase, you are out after taking 1 damage. 4 On a Fumble, you automatically fail all rolls for the remaninder of the round Fumble Area 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 静止した時間 Mundain 零 壱 弐 参 肆 伍 陸 死地 ヴェロシティシステム
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