[注意] 解答はすべて別紙解答用紙に記入しなさい。 平成27年度 入学試験問題 (英語) 出願コース 氏 受験番号 名 英語 ・ 理数 ・ 文理 ※出願したコースを○で囲みなさい。 [注] 問題 1~3 は「リスニングテスト」です。 1 英文を聞き、それに対する質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、選択肢より一つずつ選び、 記号で答えなさい。 英文と質問は二度ずつ読まれます。 (1) (2) ア. A birthday party イ. A teacher of Japanese ウ. A junior high school teacher エ. A good friend with Natsu ア. February 12th イ. February 13th ウ. February 15th エ. February 20th 2 放送を聞き、下の英文の空欄( ア )~( オ )に入る語を答えなさい。ただし数字も英語で 書きなさい。英文は二度読まれます。 Hi. This is Kugenuma Tennis Club. You and your family ( ア ) ( イ ) to our barbecue party on Saturday, October 13th, from noon to 5 p.m. We have lots of food and drink. There will also be some fun games set up for the small children. Tickets are twenty-five dollars each, or ( ウ ) for families. Why not come out and enjoy a great day in the lovely autumn sunshine with all your tennis members? You are ( エ ) to bring your friends. I’m sure it will be a ( オ ) day for everyone! We are looking forward to seeing you! -1- 3 対話を聞き、最後の文に続けるものとして最も適切なものを一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさ い。対話は二度ずつ読まれます。 (1) (2) (3) ア. It was on February 2nd. イ. No, thank you. ウ. In two weeks. エ. I don’t think so. ア. I got it from a friend of mine. イ. OK. I got it. ウ. Take care of yourself. エ. Yes, I did. ア. I have a nice bag. イ. I loved it. ウ. I want to go to U.S.A. someday. エ. It was eighty dollars. 4 次の各組の単語について、下線部の発音が同じ組み合わせのものを二つ選び、記号で答え なさい。 ア houses イ boxes found throw ウ wood エ woman table said オ goal bought 5 次の単語について、最も強く読む音節の位置を記号で答えなさい。 (1) al - bum ( album ) ア イ ア (3) Oc - to - ber ( October ) ア (2) vol - ley - ball ( volleyball ) イ ウ (4) tra - di - tion - al ( traditional ) ウ 6 次の各文の( イ ア イ ウ エ )内に入れるものとして最も適切なものを選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) “May I help you?” ―― “No, thanks. ( ).” ア. Here you are イ. I want a blue jacket ウ. Have a nice day エ. I’m just looking (2) ( ) is a sport that needs rackets and balls. ア. Basketball (3) ( イ. Soccer ウ. Tennis エ. Badminton ) comes two months after June. ア. August イ. February ウ. July -2- エ. December (4) My brother ( ) in Korea for a week. ア. leaves イ. went ウ. has been (5) Takumi went to Australia ( ア. study ) English. イ. studies (6) She didn’t go to the movie, ( ア. did she エ. to study ウ. is she エ. didn’t she ウ. rainy エ. rained ) this afternoon. ア. rain イ. rains (8) Good bye! I hope ( ア. see (9) ウ. studying )? イ. does she (7) It will be ( エ. will come ) you again soon. イ. sees ウ. seeing “Must I help you?” ―― “No, you ( ア. won’t ).” イ. aren’t ウ. don’t (10) We had to stay home ( ア. but エ. to see エ. don’t have to ) it was raining. イ. because ウ. so 7 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容になるように、( エ. or )内に適切な語(一語)を入れなさい。 (1) When I saw the movie, I felt sad. = The movie ( ) me ( ). (2) Yuka is a good pianist. = Yuka can ( ) the piano ( ). (3) We drove to Hakone last year. = We went to Hakone ( )( ) last year. (4) John said to me, “Please sing a song for me.” = John asked ( )( ) sing a song for him. (5) His birthday is May 20th. = He ( ) born ( ) May 20th. 8 日本文と同じ意味になるように[ ]内の語(句)を並べかえた時、2番目と4番目にくる語(句) を記号で答えなさい。なお、文頭にくるべき語も小文字で始まっています。 (1) 昨日私が買った本はおもしろい。 2 [ ア. that 4 イ. book is interesting. ウ. I エ. yesterday オ. the カ. bought ] (2) その店までの道を教えてもらえますか。 Can [ ア. the 2 イ. you 4 ウ. me the store? エ. to オ. show -3- カ. way ] (3) あなたは何回スペインに行ったことがありますか。 2 4 [ ア. how イ. times Spain? ウ. visited エ. have オ. you カ. many ] (4) シンゴはそのわくわくする試合を見ることができてうれしかった。 Shingo was 2 [ ア. game イ. the 4 ウ. to . エ. exciting オ. watch カ. glad ] (5) 私に会いに来てくれてありがとう。 Thank 2 [ ア. coming 4 イ. see ウ. me . エ. for オ. you カ. to ] 9 次の各文の下線部のうち、文法上誤っているものを一つずつ記号で指摘し、それぞれ正しく 書き直しなさい。 (1) There エ ア are twenty four hours in イ a day, and there are sixty ウ minutes in a hour. (2) Everyone (3) The stories ア in my family ア イ have to ウ get up very early told by my grandfather イ エ in the morning. was so interesting ウ that I wrote エ them in the notebook. (4) I found nice shoes (5) How ア ア in the shop far does it take イ イ near the station, from here ウ to エ ウ so I bought エ it. the station? 10 グラフを参考に次の対話文を読み、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Ellie : When I came to Japan, I was surprised to see a lot of tourists from other Asian countries. Masao : ( 1 ). Sometimes I’m surprised to hear other languages in the train because they almost look like Japanese. Ellie : Here’s the graph of foreign visitors. Well, the top three countries and *regions are from Asia. Masao : The numbers from these countries have grown *except China. ( 2 )? Ellie : I heard that the numbers of Chinese tourists are growing all over the world. So I think that they are visiting countries other than Japan. Masao : I see. Ellie : I think that Japan is getting more ( 3 ) among people in Thailand. See, the number is twice as many as 2012. Masao : Maybe more people will come to Japan from *southeast Asia in the future. -4- Ellie : I’m from Canada, but it’s not in this graph. I hope more people will come to Japan because I’m ( 4 ) that everyone will like this country. Masao : I hope so, too. *(注) regions : 地域(行政区) except : ~以外 southeast Asia : 東南アジア Number of Foreign Visitors to Japan ( 単 位 ) 万 人 300 250 2012 200 2013 150 100 50 0 [A] *Chinese Taipei *(グラフ注) Chinese Taipei : 台湾 [B] United States *Hong Kong [C] Australia Hong Kong : 香港 問1 文中の( 1 )~( 4 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) ア. Thank you イ. That’s right ウ. It’s alright エ. I’m sorry (2) ア. Do you know where イ. Do you know how ウ. Do you know when エ. Do you know why (3) ア. popular イ. favorite ウ. convenient エ. difficult (4) ア. afraid イ. interested ウ. sure エ. excited 問2 グラフの[ A ]~[ C ]に入る国名を次の中からそれぞれ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア. Thailand イ. Korea ウ. Canada -5- エ. China 11 アメリカンフットボールリーグ(NFL)のチアリーダー(cheerleader)となったクリスティー・ ルイス(Kriste Lewis)についての英文を読み、あとの問いに答えなさい。 It all started with a small talk. Kriste Lewis was celebrating her 40th birthday with her husband and friends last October. She told her friends that she wasn’t planning on anything special for her life. “Maybe you should try out for the *Saintsations,” a friend joked. “Everyone laughed a lot,” Lewis told a magazine. “An NFL cheerleader at the age of 40?” ( 1 ) the laughing was over and her friends started talking about other topics, Lewis couldn’t stop thinking about trying out. “Later that night, I thought, ‘Well, ①why not?’ ” she said. “I’m a dance *instructor, my two sons aren’t so little anymore, I have a husband ( 2 ) supports me a lot, and I’m strong and healthy.” She didn’t even think anything about her condition. She has *kidney disease which someday will stop the work of her kidneys and will need a *donor to live longer. But she used her disease ( 3 ) her energy. It wasn’t easy. Lewis trained for six months before going to the Saintsations’ test last April. But she almost gave up trying. Lewis said, “I sat in my car for about 20 minutes, watching the young girls go in. They were beautiful, and I thought, ‘I'm 40. They’re going to laugh at me.’ ” But then, she said, “I found that I had to do it, because ②[ ア. on エ. training オ. so much カ. spent イ. time ウ. I キ. and energy ] !” She still didn’t think she could ③make it, but, “I knew I needed to pass the test,” she said. “So I went inside and jumped in. When I was driving home, I felt much more *confident.” On April 30, 2014, after 200 girls danced during three-day tests, Lewis found out she made the 36-member team. “I just stood there shaking and crying,” she said. “When I called my husband, ④he couldn’t even speak.” Saintsations *director said it was not a difficult choice. “She is a true cheerleader,” he said, “She is always cheering on someone who is trying hard to go for their goal. Her story is giving power to ( 4 ) young and old people.” Now she’s waiting for the game on October 26 because it’s her birthday. “On my 41st birthday, I’ll be on the field dancing ⑤(~の前で) thousands of people. It’s almost like a dream,” Lewis said. But maybe an even better gift ⑥( give ) to her was by her family. “My family went with me to a radio interview,” Lewis said, “and after the interview, my sons *hugged me and said, ‘Mom, you are so cool!’ ” -6- *(注)Saintsations : センセーションズ(NFL チーム、ニューオーリンズ・セインツのチアリーダーの愛称) instructor : 指導者 kidney disease : 腎(じん)臓の病気 donor : ドナー(臓器提供者) confident : 自信のある director : 演出家 hug: 抱きしめる 問1 文中の( 1 )~( 4 )に入れるのに最も適切な語を一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) ア. Because イ. While ウ. Before エ. After (2) ア. and イ. who ウ. to エ. which (3) ア. as イ. of ウ. and エ. to (4) ア. make イ. become ウ. both エ. either 問2 下線部①はどういう意味か、最も適切なものを一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア. どうしてチアリーダーになったのか イ. どうして入団テストに挑戦しないのか ウ. どうしてチアリーダーになりたいのか エ. どうして入団テストに受からなかったのか 問3 下線部②が「私はたくさんの時間とエネルギーを練習に費やした」という意味になるように [ ]内の語(句)を並べかえ、2番目・4番目・6番目にくる語(句)の記号を答えなさい。 問4 下線部③はどういう意味か、最も適切なものを一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア. テストに間に合う イ. テストに申し込む ウ. テストを受ける エ. テストに合格する 問5 下線部④のようになったのはなぜか、最も適切なものを一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア. 妻から電話があったことに感動して イ. 妻が泣いていることに驚いて ウ. 妻がテストに受かったことに感動して エ. 妻がテストを受けていたことに驚いて 問6 下線部⑤を英語(3語)に直しなさい。 問7 下線部⑥の語を適切な形に直しなさい。 -7- 問8 本文の内容と異なるものを二つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア. Lewis took the test for a cheerleader when she was 40. イ. Before the test started, Lewis thought that she was too old to take the test. ウ. Her husband didn’t want her to be a cheerleader. エ. More than 80% of the girls were not selected as cheerleaders. オ. Lewis asked the team to dance on her 41st birthday. カ. Her two sons love their mother as a cheerleader. 注意 問題用紙・解答用紙とも提出すること。 平成27年2月10日 鵠沼高等学校 -8-
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