「沖正一郎コレクション 鼻煙壺」作品リスト 2015.4.4.-2016.1.31. ※作品番号は「掌中の美 鼻煙壺200」図版番号に一致 図版№ 登録番号 作品名 Plate № Accession No. 時代 Size (cm) H./W. Name Date 青花 人物図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.9 青花 唐草文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.9 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.6 青花 宝相華唐草文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.2 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.1 青花紅彩 雲龍文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.2 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 青花紅彩 獅子文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.5 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.8 【陶磁器】 1 03653 7.0 Decorated in blue and white with a human figure 3 03663 Decorated in blue and white with a scroll 4 03670 Decorated in blue and white with a baoxianghua scroll 5 03687 Decorated in underglaze blue and overglaze red enamel with a dragon and clouds 6 03683 Decorated in underglaze blue and overglaze red enamel with a lion 8 03686 青花釉裏紅 八仙人図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 13.5 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.0 五彩 詞銘 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.0 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 2.6 金地五彩 蝙蝠文 瓢形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.8 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A GOURD 19th-20th century 3.7 金地粉彩 花文 瓢形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.7 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A GOURD 19th-20th century 3.4 夾彩 花鳥図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.8 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 Decorated in underglaze blue and copper red with the Eight Immortals 10 03623 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with a poetic inscription 11 03570 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel on gilt ground with bats 12 03571 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel on gilt ground with flowers 13 03592 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with a bird-and-flower motif 14 03600 夾彩 花文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.0 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 粉彩 花虫図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.5 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 2.9 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with flowers 15 03723 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with an insect and flowers 16 03721-1、2 粉彩 花鳥図 鼻煙壺 一対 A PAIR OF PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 19~20世紀 8.0、8.0 19th-20th century 3.6、3.7 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with a bird-and-flower motif 17 03724 粉彩 花卉図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.1 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.2 粉彩 山水図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.4 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.3 粉彩瑠璃地金彩 花卉図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.6 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.6 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with flowers 19 03722 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with a landscape 20 03730 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel and gilt on a cobalt-blue ground with flowers 23 03591 夾彩 花文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with flowers 1 7.5 4.8 作品 Photo 「沖正一郎コレクション 鼻煙壺」作品リスト 2015.4.4.-2016.1.31. 25 03589 夾彩 花卉図 琵琶形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.8 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A LUTE 19th-20th century 4.1 茶葉末 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.9 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.1 紅釉 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.5 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.6 藍釉金彩 犬図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.2 PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 2.5 紫砂白堆 梅樹図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.1 STONEWARE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.8 紫砂白堆 山水図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.4 STONEWARE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.1 紫砂白堆 梅樹図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.1 STONEWARE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.3 Decorated in overglaze polychrome enamel with flowering plants 26 03739 Decorated with tea-dust glaze 27 03608 Decorated with red glaze 28 03735 Decorated in cobalt-blue glaze with a dog painted in gold 29 03586 Purple sand body with white slip decoration of a plum tree 30 03573 Purple sand body with white slip decoration of a landscape 31 03585 Purple sand body with white slip decoration of a plum tree 【ガラス】 03050 02976 03072 03091 02972 02979 赤ガラス 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.0 RED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 赤ガラス 面取鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.5 RED GLASS BEVELED SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.1 赤ガラス 魚形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 9.4 RED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A FISH 19th-20th century 青ガラス 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 BLUE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.6 青ガラス雕琢 獅子形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.1 BLUE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.8 ガラス雕琢 人物図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.0 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.6 ガラス雕琢 獣面文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.0 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 琥珀ガラス 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 5.9 AMBER-COLORED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 朱ガラス雕琢 宝相華文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 CINNABAR GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.3 ガラス赤被せ 円圏文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.4 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.5 雪片ガラス茶被せ 壽字魑龍文 鼻煙壺 ちりゅうもん 19~20世紀 7.5 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.8 5.9 4.1 7.0 with a human head carved in relief 03094 with animal masks carved in relief 03065 02953 4.4 6.6 with a baoxianghua motif carved in relief 03231 Red overlay with a bi disc motif 03186 Brown overlay on a snowflake ground with a "shou " character and chi dragons 03232 白ガラス桃被せ 蓮池金魚図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century Pink overlay on an opaque white ground with goldfish in a lotus pond 2 8.0 3.5 「沖正一郎コレクション 鼻煙壺」作品リスト 2015.4.4.-2016.1.31. 03196 白ガラス二彩 蓮池水禽図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.6 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.1 桃ガラス茶被せ 栗鼠葡萄図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.9 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.5 茶ガラス二彩 人物図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.1 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.7 Two-color overlay on an opaque white ground with a waterfowl in a lotus pond 03198 Brown overlay on a pink ground with a squirrel and grape vine 03264 Two-color overlay on a brown ground with human figures 03290 黄ガラス緑被せ 瓜唐草文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.9 3.8 Green overlay on a yellow ground with a melon and scroll 03184 桃ガラス三彩 石榴文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.2 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 茶ガラス二彩 蓮池水禽図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.2 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century Three-color overlay on a pink ground with pomegranates 03162 3.6 Two-color overlay on a brown ground with a waterfowl and a lotus pond 77 02969 白ガラス黄褐地 斑点文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.5 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.1 茶ガラス 斑点文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.2 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with dark brown mottles on a white ground with an agate-color interior 03795 5.5 with mottles on a brown ground 86 02943 白ガラス 流水文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 OPAQUE WHITE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 7.3 3.6 with stream pattern 88 03008 黒ガラス金散し雕琢 蟋蟀文 鼻煙壺 こおろぎもん 19~20世紀 7.5 BLACK GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.1 白ガラス上絵 山水人物図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.7 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with a cricket carved in relief, flecked with gold 02898 5.4 Painted with a landscape and human figures 02888 ガラス上絵 松竹梅図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.9 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.1 Painted with symbols of the "three friends of winter" 02922 白ガラス上絵 山水人物図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.0 GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.8 白ガラス上絵 蓮池鷺図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.2 WHITE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.3 白ガラス上絵 梅竹図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.2 WHITE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 2.9 青ガラス上絵 鳥図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.3 BLUE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 茶ガラス内絵 蟋蟀図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.6 INSIDE-PAINTED BROWN GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century Painted with a landscape and human figures 02867 Painted with a heron in a lotus pond 02869 Painted with a plum tree and a bamboo 02884 Painted with a bird 02808 5 with a cricket 02879 白ガラス上絵 童子図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 15 WHITE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 8.4 Painted with children 02804 ガラス内絵 花卉図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 INSIDE-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 7.7 4.1 with flowering plants 02822 ガラス内絵茶被せ 人物図 鼻煙壺 20世紀 7.2 INSIDE-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 20th century 5.1 Brown overlay with human figures 3 「沖正一郎コレクション 鼻煙壺」作品リスト 2015.4.4.-2016.1.31. 02832 ガラス内絵上絵 人物図 鼻煙壺 20世紀 INSIDE-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 20th century 8.2 5 with a human figure 【金属器】 114 03418 115 03419 銀 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.4 SILVER SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.2 真鍮陰刻 花文 瓢形鼻煙壺 しんちゅういんこくかもんひょうけいびえんこ 19~20世紀 BRASS SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A GOURD 19th-20th century 2.5 銅陰刻 文字文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.1 COPPER SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 2.1 7.9 with an incised flower 117 03420 with incised stylized characters 119 03403 銀陽刻 孔雀文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.3 SILVER SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 6.1 銀陽刻 花文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.9 SILVER SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.3 銀玉象嵌 花文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.9 SILVER SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.4 七宝 鹿図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.5 CLOISONNÉ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.2 with a carved peacock 120 03413 with carved flowers 121 03414 Jade inlay with a floral pattern 122 03441 with a pair of deer 124 03446 七宝 博古図 鼻煙壺 しっぽうはっこずびえんこ 19~20世紀 7.2 CLOISONNÉ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.8 七宝 宝相華文 二連鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.7 CLOISONNÉ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.7 七宝 花鳥図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 5.8 CLOISONNÉ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.2 七宝 花鳥図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 5.9 CLOISONNÉ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with antiques 125 03443 with baoxianghuas 127 03451 with a bird-and-flower motif 129 03448 4.0 with a bird-and-flower motif 128 03447 七宝 花卉図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 5.8 CLOISONNÉ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.2 瑪瑙 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.4 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.7 瑪瑙 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.7 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.0 瑪瑙雕琢 金魚文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.0 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with flowers and plants 【貴石・石】 131 03848 132 03807 135 03778 6.2 with a goldfish carved in relief 136 03782 瑪瑙雕琢 人物図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 5.7 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.2 瑪瑙雕琢 山水人物図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.9 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with human figures carved in relief 137 02901 5.0 with a landscape and human figure carved in relief 139 03798 瑪瑙 金魚形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 4.7 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A GOLDFISH 19th-20th century 3.2 4 「沖正一郎コレクション 鼻煙壺」作品リスト 2015.4.4.-2016.1.31. 141 03793 03813 瑪瑙 人物形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 8.4 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A HUMAN FIGURE 19th-20th century 5.7 瑪瑙透彫 唐草文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 10.3 5.2 Openwork scroll 147 03485 148 03488 水晶 仏手柑形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A FINGER CITRON 19th-20th century 水晶 竹節形鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.6 CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A BAMBOO 19th-20th century 5.4 150 03361-1、2 青玉 鼻煙壺 一対 155 03357 156 03348 159 02780 162 02779 6.0 10.0 19~20世紀 5.9、6.1 A PAIR OF JADE SNUFF BOTTLES 19th-20th century 5.5、5.5 ラピスラズリ 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.2 LAPIS-LAZULI SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.4 孔雀石 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.8 MALACHITE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.7 礫岩石 面取鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 5.6 PUDDING STONE BEVELED SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.2 虎目石雕琢 籠目文 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.1 TIGER'S-EYE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 石 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.5 STONE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.3 石 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 STONE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.3 石 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.6 STONE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.0 石 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 7.0 STONE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.2 象牙雕琢 羅漢図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 6.1 IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.6 象牙陽刻 蓮池魚藻図 鼻煙壺 19~20世紀 5.6 IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.3 象牙雕琢 団花文 鼻煙壺ぞうげちょうたく 19~20世紀 6.6 IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.0 象牙透彫 花鳥図 鼻煙壺ぞうげすかしぼりかちょうずびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.8 IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.6 象牙雕琢 花鳥図 二連鼻煙壺ぞうげちょうたくかちょうずにれんがたびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.5 IVORY DOUBLE-MOUTHED SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with basket-weave pattern carved in relief 164 02733 165 02749 166 02731 167 02732 6.0 【動植物】 170 03526 with carved lohans 03527 with carved fish and waterplants in a lotus pond 171 03537 with a carved flower medallion 173 03533 Openwork with a bird-and-flower motif 174 03532 4.6 with a carved bird-and-flower motif 175 03551 176 03544 象牙 木蓮形鼻煙壺ぞうげもくれんがたびえんこ 19~20世紀 IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A MAGNOLIA 19th-20th century 3.3 象牙 胡瓜形鼻煙壺ぞうげきゅうりがたびえんこ 19~20世紀 5.6 IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF CUCUMBERS 19th-20th century 4.4 5 7.0 「沖正一郎コレクション 鼻煙壺」作品リスト 2015.4.4.-2016.1.31. 178 03553 181 03745 184 03761 象牙 蝉形鼻煙壺ぞうげせみがたびえんこ 19~20世紀 7.1 IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A CICADA 19th-20th century 3.3 鼈甲 鼻煙壺べっこうびえんこ 19~20世紀 7.8 TORTOISE SHELL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 鼈甲透彫 唐草文 鼻煙壺べっこうすかしぼりからくさもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.9 TORTOISE SHELL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.6 鮫皮貼 鼻煙壺さめかわばりびえんこ 19~20世紀 7.4 SHARK-SKIN APPLIED SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 貝雕琢 籠目文 鼻煙壺かいちょうこくかごめもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.6 SHELL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.9 3.0 Openwork with a scroll 185 03438 186 02796 4.0 with basket-weave pattern carved in relief 02793 貝浮彫 瑞果文 鼻煙壺かいうきぼりずいかもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 6 SHELL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.9 貝彫刻 仏手柑形鼻煙壺 かいちょうこくぶしゅかんがたびえんこ 19~20世紀 5.9 SHELL SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A FINGER CITRON 19th-20th century 3.6 貝貼付 鳥文 鼻煙壺かいはりつけとりもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.9 SHELL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.0 螺鈿 花卉文 鼻煙壺 らでんとりもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 7.0 MOTHER-OF-PEARL INLAID SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with auspicious fruits carved in relief 02797 187 02798 with an applied bird 188 02789 3.8 with flowers and plants 189 03305 木陽刻 魚文 鼻煙壺 きようこくさかなもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 7.0 WOOD SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 5.9 木 白菜形鼻煙壺 きはくさいがたびえんこ 19~20世紀 9.3 WOOD SNUFF BOTTLE IN THE SHAPE OF A CHINESE CABBAGE 19th-20th century 3.7 竹陽刻 螭龍文 八角形鼻煙壺 たけようこくちりゅうもんはっかくがたびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.1 BAMBOO OCTAGONAL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.4 果核陽刻 桃樹文 鼻煙壺 かかくようこくとうじゅもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 9.3 FRUIT STONE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 8.5 果核陽刻 羅漢図 鼻煙壺 かかくようこくらかんずびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.9 FRUIT STONE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 3.3 瓢箪印花 人物図 鼻煙壺 ひょうたんいんかじんぶつずびえんこ 19~20世紀 6.6 MOULDED GOURD SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 4.5 with a carved fish 190 03306 191 03321 with a carved chi dragon 193 03314 with a carved peach tree 194 03315 with carved lohans 195 03330 with a human figure 196 03329 瓢箪印花 壽字 鼻煙壺 ひょうたんいんかじゅじびえんこ 19~20世紀 MOULDED GOURD SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century 11.6 4.9 with "shou "characters 197 03331 瓢箪印花 蝙蝠文 鼻煙壺 ひょうたんいんかこうもりもんびえんこ 19~20世紀 MOULDED GOURD SNUFF BOTTLE 19th-20th century with bats 6 5.9 3.1
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