Wolfgang Müller-Funk, professor for Cultural Studies at the Univ. of

Wolfgang Müller-Funk, professor for Cultural Studies at the Univ. of Birmingham
(1999), since 2009 at the Univ. of Vienna). He has supervised national research
projects on literature and culture in the Habsburg Empire, on Romanticism in
Austria; he was 2nd speaker of the PhD college Cultures of Difference at the
University of Vienna (2006-2010). Monographs: Die Kultur und ihre Narrative
(2002/2008), Kulturtheorie (2006/2010), The Architecture of Modern Culture.
Towards a Narrative Cultural Theory (2012), Theorien des Fremden (2016). He is
co-editor of the series Kultur- Herrschaft- Differenz at Francke publishers, Tübingen
2013. Consultant of the commission Iustitia et Pax, participant of the interfaith and
intercultural between Iran and Austria as between Indonesia and Austria. Many
guestprfessorships and fellowships abroad.