Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name Dr. Regine Schönenberg Address Wiesenburgerstr. 18 14827 Wiesenburg/Mark Date of Birth 22.04.1961 City of Birth Aachen/NRW Nationality German Principal Interests Interdependence between social inclusion/ exclusion, natural resource management and organized crime; inter- and transdisciplinary science communication Education Political Scientist, PhD Free University Berlin London School of Economics (LSE) University of Bonn Research Projects Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) at Free University Berlin, Boltzmannstr. 4, 14195 Berlin - currently: NoPa – Agrarian and Environmental Law in the Amazon, DAAD/GIZ – 2016-2017 & Carbiocial/SP 14 – Green House Gas optimized land use and management in Southern Amazonia (, BMBF/FONA – 2011-2016 Drugs and Democracy, UNESCO/MOST – 1997-2002 The Criminalization of Social Transformation in the Amazon, Pós-doc-project DFG/Goethe University Frankfurt - 1999-2001 Environmental Conflict Programme (ENCOP) with Swiss Peace Foundation - 1994-1996 The mode of social reproduction in the Amazon, ORSTOM/CNRS-project - 1992-1994 Land conflicts in the Amazon, PhD-project, DAAD -1990-93 Further Activities Coordinator PPG7-GTZ, 1994-1996, GTZ/GIZ consultant – ever since; initiator of “Between Lecture Hall and Project Work”; team member Compass Orange GmbH Current Voluntary Work Refugee Support in Wiesenburg/Mark Memberships DVPW (German Association of Political Scientists, Working Group: Orders of Violence, Jour Fix Organized Crime – Berlin, DKN Future Earth Working Group on Positive Impacts of Land Use Change, GIZ-Steering Committee “Between Lecture Hall and Project Work”, Scientific Board TU-Berlin UrbanLabPlus, Ost-West-Forum Gut Gödelitz Language Skills German, English, Portuguese, Spanish Publications Schönenberg, R. et al.: Inter- and transdisciplinary scenario construction to explore future land use options in Southern Amazonia, in review Schönenberg, R. et al.: Methods of inter- and transdisciplinary research – a trajectory of knowledge integration, in review Schönenberg, R. K. Hartberger, Ch. Schumann: What comes after deforestation control? Learning from three attempts of land use planning in Southern Amazônia, in: GAIA 02/2015, p. 119-127 Schumann, Ch., K. Hartberger, M. Klingler, R. Schönenberg: Sempre ´pra frente. Histórias de vida da BR 163, Editora Olhares, 2015 Schönenberg, R. K. Hartberger, Ch. Schumann: Challenges and Chances of social Transformation for GHG-optimized Land- and Natural Resource Management Strategies: Stakeholder-Dialogues as Prerequisite for the Elaboration of Applicable Results, in: Gerold, G., H.F. Jungkunst, K.M. Wantzen, R. Schönenberg, Interdisciplinary Analysis and Modeling of Carbon-Optimized Land Management Strategies for Southern Amazonia, Göttingen, 2014 Schönenberg, R. u. Heinrich Böll Stiftung: Transnational Organized Crime – Analyses of a Global Challenge to Democracy, Transcript, 2013 Schönenberg, R.: Roots of Organized Crime in the Amazon, in: Transnational Organized Crime – Analyses of a Global Challenge to Democracy, Transcript, 2013: 189-198 Schönenberg, R.: Viel Land – Viel Streit. Konflikte und Konfliktlösungsstrategien in Amazonien, Bielefeld, 2011 Schönenberg, R.: Gewalt, Kriminalität und Drogenhandel, in: Brasilien Heute, Berlin 2010 Schönenberg, R.: Prioridades y desafíos en la cooperación ambiental entre Europa y América Latina: un comentario,in: IBEROAMERICANA, Berlin/Hamburg 2008 (Prioritäten und Herausforderungen in der Umweltkooperation zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika– ein Kommentar) Schönenberg, R.: A ciência na Amazônia Brasileira: um potencial para o futuro da região?, in: O Brasil na América Latina: interações, percepções, interdependências; Sérgio Costa, Hartmut Sangmeister, Sonja Steckbauer – organizadores, Editora Anablume, Sao Paulo, 2008 (Science in the Brazilian Amazon: a future potential?) Schönenberg, R. & Scholz, Imme: Mainstreaming project results into national public policies for forest protection and sustainable management of natural resources: the case of the PPG7 (Pilot Programme to Conserve the Brazilian Rainforests), in: From Project to Policy Reform, GDI (German Development Institute), Bonn 2007 Schönenberg, R. & Edna Castro: Formas e Causas da Criminalização da Transformação Social na Amazônia Brasileira, in: Sustentabilidade e Espaço Público na Amazônia Brasileira, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (MPEG), Belém 2004 (Forms and Causes of Criminalization of Social Transformation in the Brazilian Amazon) Schönenberg, R. : Die Gestaltung rechtsfreier Räume in Brasilien – Beispiele aus dem ländlichen und dem urbanen Raum, in: ADLAF-Tagung Brasilien Berlin 2003 (Shaping lawless environments in Brazil: examples from rural and urban regions) Schönenberg, R.: Transnationale Schattenökonomie im brasilianischen Amazonasgebeit, in: Peter Lock (Hrsg.): Transnationale Schattenökonomie, Bonn: Dietz 2003 (Transnational Shadow Economy) Schönenberg, R.: Die Kriminalisierung gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse – Der Fall des brasilianischen Amazonasgebiets, HSFK-Report 9/2002 (The Criminalization of Social Transformation) Schönenberg, R.: Drug Trafficking in the Brazilian Amazon, in: Globalization, Drugs and Criminalisation – Drug Trafficking, Criminal Organisa-tions and Money Laundering Part 2, MOST/UN-ODCCP, 2002:174-205 Schönenberg, R.: “Der nackte König” – Drogenhandel und gesellschaftlicher Sittenverfall in Brasilien, in: Blühende Geschäfte: Drogenhandel in Lateinamerika, LA-Nachrichten 333, 2002:25-28 (The Naked King: Drug Trafficking and Decay of Public Moral in Brazil) Schönenberg, R.: „New Criminal Domains in the Brazilian Amazon”, in: International Social Science Journal (ISSJ), 2001, No. 169. Schönenberg, R.: “Lessons from the Brazilian Amazon”, in: SEMINAR 504:23-26, New Delhi Schönenberg, R. (ed.): „Internationaler Drogenhandel und gesellschaftliche Transformation“, Wiesbaden, 2000 (International Drug Trafficking and Social Transformation) Brock, Lothar & Schönenberg, Regine: „Zwischen Privatisierung und Internationalisierung – Die Zukunft des staatlichen Gewaltmonopols“, in: Regine Schönenberg (Hrsg.), “ Internationaler Drogenhandel und gesellschaftliche Transformation“, 2000, s. 7-32 (Between Privatization and Internationalization – The Future of the State Monopoly of Violence) Schönenberg, R.: „Wo verläuft die Grenze“, in: Grenzenlose Gesellschaft? 29. Kongress der DGS in Freiburg, Opladen 1999:497-509
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