Draft Schedule

The Eleventh Japanese Speech Contest for University Students | Saturday 27th February 2016
Draft Schedule
1.10pm – 2.10pm
Individual Presentation Category
1) Kelan Davis
2nd year at SOAS, University of London
The London Underground, Past and Future
2) Jia Hui Choo
3rd year at Imperial College London
「キアス」― シンガポールの国民性
Kiasuism- The National Trait of Singapore
3) Bethany Jo Cummings
2nd year at the University of Edinburgh
British Drinking Culture and History from the Victorian
4) Dennis Sun
1st year at SOAS, University of London
The Internet in China
5) Danny Wray
2nd year at University of Bristol
ギネス: アイルランドの国民的な飲み物
Guinness: Ireland's National Drink
2:25pm – 3:40pm
Speech Category
1) Rosanna Jackson
4th year at SOAS, University of London
Who are you talking with?
2) Joseph McElhill
3rd year at the University of Leeds
The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication when
learning Languages
3) Laura Onciu
3rd year at Newcastle University
「当たり前」が生み出す逆差別 ~日本における
"Norms" that create reverse discrimination - Adverse
effects of conventional wisdom in Japan
4) Matilda Smith
4th year at the University of Leeds
Spouse Hunting and the Commercialisation of Love in Japan
5) Wanming Ding
2nd year at University College London
Japanese anime: the reasons for its success and
problems with further development
6) Grace Mayhew
4th year at the University of Oxford
“Involved Fathers Transform The Family. Society Is On The
Move”: The Ikumen Phenomenon and The Future of
Japanese Society
3:40pm – 4:50pm
Intervals and Group Presentation
1) 夢のように
Like a dream
(Yiai Zhuang, Sibo Cheng, Xinlei Lin)
University College London
Traditional Chinese Festivals
2) すみませんが sumimasenga
(Phoenix Scotney, Jiashun Li, Christopher Chung)
SOAS University of London
Anime in our countries
3) アストンのあめ Aston's Ame
(Sergio Tam, Arjandel Quiambao, Jared Irwin, Jian Li)
Aston University
Differences between England and China
4) タヌキ Tanuki
(Wen Han Yap, Teng Kuan Vong)
Imperial College London
サウス・ケンジントンの はくぶつかん
South Kensington's Museum
5:00pm – 6:00pm - Award Ceremony
There will be a reception after the award ceremony