urifl 4rx'i'r.lnourlt 0i'ltl,t^tii{{-)t.lLlit"dlLLlor;iat.t virorrr.r{'rihriu arsvirnrrlrtuf,i'ldvir aru'riuusturnro artr,lrnrrl r0ud'[d1unrr4r nru lbur4r lrirfi onrrrlan{oudutJr,lrat uu:turnt 6.I,ol lan utq,On qnndrrir r{r1rdrftor'r6'r nruyrdltl o.d. 1995 nrt rnrudularuo0o :, srairu{lturolraqid4rflu1aflQlala1u 2 lrn{iu fu rlatn't:aralulfluu t rnlu#lnrnr :,.,r. n15,16r t 1 13 n.n. s9 rirldlunpran'r 1. tl r'r{rn'r,1u3uloflr'itu azalt lrrutj'lurarralou tsrrr4nr4la6lv'l d!n1{'tg,o iu2 27 n.r. 59 I 14 n.n. 59 {ouar6ryrfludraloSu : , ,.r, r r]lolucrrou aqtrftldl uattflolv{rJrrirl ' rflovrrqtaottnunrlnsl triu 6 rir ufiuu4 r'ur [oad acacatulul4lo r{rI{:"riu rirvr,ra6ldu L u.rolfloilur{1 rufllnlttur*r oraarorl'ldtrir ra"rar4rtr.(nrrtHno'ual {ou uula ndo.ru f, nlqu fuz si.n.ss rarlrtjorlrraiur0.r ,..r, srnirndl'lurflonrurfllrdur,irt'{trr.lir nror rhodrr,lerarJrlluur.rodr.flrllout$urrdau r{hun'Jrdudruaur,idana"tiloo{ou rv{rl!m1! ,nr,,un auritna"oturrll$nqo ',,r ,,r ,r'. r I.t.'t,i..i r'ri ttjurirodrlarndnraaru lylunriudla n tnslblraorg luourno du'tn ddl .r,ovnntftr4nnu 1{olrlfiutladuqua {nur 1 tu t! 1 20 n.r.sg pz iu I ftz 5 o i.a. ss 21 or nra aroln, 1,● ■ 30● 1700 urumrlld uriu{uor lln● ■●●│]IIto、 uronrfia iildoryr llnu0u6.t1u.rr.r n.r. s9 urwr rz i.rr. se t! .l 2g n.n. s9 fl z ts i.r, se r1n?ruar i,nurur{1urr{ urrofida vlniruar funarnrfl nou:ldnrudnrlfl nrJdrI0 trnanrudct! arlrrnrU*uuuJaflolorrnlTl !''r!Atl lanludriuorlrratrer-q 11:1 、″ 一 Bank lrrJaoorlu6nri.rrl,raurrnaorir'ldlC ndur r nxrdr$inur r,n'4o.lrJrfu cir'lnldrr,tlnrtrdduua'rtr,i1n11 r u nriuorgnriio ′〓 ″ . Hydrocarbon lunrdrnrur0u#lvwo *ru o1u17uo{ fast food Mc Donald {h$lnCr n'ir 47 druoueloSu rqlrto*tuu:n ddo'lr 'Free HFC" 'lufl e'n. 2003 'lurflar V{ie rrtradtoum{n tdorfju*rudluuuu lo4o'l r nruduqn'uoo lu+rulcf alslhnrutdudvh rrnsrrrqlr6 Hydrocarbon r$uduol{-rorn United Nation, Green Peace ttac World ehu :rrurlluua"rnoildf4ufurg'trtuvlurfla d n15ao rJtrlnin-riuorilooonlsloi ludtuut:urn,r o n itllJuil u'tsndrq dndrur 'tdunrAnnrt ftf RL RL2, R22, R502a ua: 134a lourjfi-rrilduulrtqluei fittd4tuqhrJq{nfirorou6nrrruJduu rtluvrrraranurir{eluuuraysulanulrj 1 1u 3 ハ” dluaov{d$ru'hirfu rn4o.rrlftrornre ., ι︻ 'b{qnunrhn rdrl&IonootJ nlu Rl1 R12 dru R22 qnunrinlutl n.6.2010 dlu L34a rrqnunrinftIluil n.d. 2020 'lurJalrlu {ru Mc-Donaid, Uoca-Coia, Unitever, lKlA, Carisberg uar Pepsi rJ{uruduulrl' a'rt r nrurfludlrlr,harucfuuirurnro rdaltlunrs ,rl'runa6olan'trir{uarnlnQonrt arnriutoilan {ou nr uudlarnnrrru dfr tololrfn{urlri'da n mrft GreenPeace, Unlted Natlon mc Wortd BankriiotJ n.o' 2000 ilnr:rJ:"ql d Oak Brook, [inois rJ:to'raaradgautnr Cirnu 'lr ilar: rorurdud'ldlurn4od{ua1n161ilu{ ndlrdur d'lililra1uurtu1n16 to{an ua' 'lnt-roflctrqrun4o ddiuldfl urrcao o16r Ars.ltor,h'lrffienrlrddurrurlal e&iiJlraegdlrluurnllrlrnurJrraurndou ftnnrtdurrluilqurRrrrlan{ou nr:nJduuurJa.l n'r rr1i)a1n1 fl ar*irar uliuussttrnro arl,Brlrgrgr xoavmeooa nrrqoriltarrrirnrtldJu nl'utunr: rj{unJiiuu artdrn'r'u lu i,i'lr.lr,lrarudtrutrurnro \.4,/oric! lurnilrilair'rl irr I hc IotrI'tit rlcgt'r:c Who knew that the temperature increase in each degree. Can cause changes Great that humanity has never experienced before. 1o Making it America's live stock pastures are turning to desert. Fresh water in Asia is lost in one third of Thailand is under huge dust. Not NARGIS thAt StTUCK MYANMAR 2o Sized glaciers will melt more in the second day of the melt water, equivalent to one year in Bangkok, Islands in Indonesia lt sinks into the sea. The Maldives Tropical coral extinctions will end. 3" Amazon forest to drought and fire repeatedly. The storm's hurricane force the six mountains Elle ice will melt completely. Makes one meter rise in sea water level in major cities including Bangkok. May submerged sea Making the lives of people on the planet go completely reshaped. 4" Glaciers in the Himalayas It Ganges Severe flooding Like never before More than a billion people worldwide will be afflicted. The critical shortage of water, food. system Cause to global warming Harming the Earth's atmosphere Some were said to cause cancer. After the year 1995 Many types of lnrrnrrtdg r{olnrdclrrrtrlrnrrnr0udlrtrh'h,tlharrtlan{ou rdoaeer{uaulnoonl.uC luduutturnrs uarnrlaq'h, rrdlnu ar nnrdqlre4o,r J{hrornrluuurio0rr (rdelernrr 2588A@6Of OO2) refrigerants Banned forever For example R1l R12 R22 was canceled in 2010. Section 134a was canceled in 2020. Currently the shop It may not use ozone depleting refrigerant To help world From the brink of disaster of global warming. After the merger organizations world wide including the 2000 Meetings are the United States. Discovery refrigerant used. Not damaging the Earth,s atmosphere. lt also reduces enerry with air conditioning The company said today that banned the use of R11. The shift to but The entire cooling The restaurant which has more than 47 million people per day. The first store was opened in 2003 in the town. Denmark. The Flagship Store The refrigerant used in stores of all kinds and the recognition of safety and can reduce costs as well. Ir1 lnxnrr Ilnau:lrCotolulnrrrn{a:lrdr{nrtrJduu ■﹄ 一 world seriously, Non-cfc ozone depleting refrigeranL The refrigerant used in the cooling 圏 Because these Shankar are iust some of the many pe rlls. World we face ln the near future, So let us all. Care to work together keeplng thls (,rtl ti rrlq I o I<ttovrr alsrf.rn1lrldud'h rarttluurrurnrd nrnlanna.r auBdry.UTlaarrotaoa l urdu artr{odriqniu arl drrlnttunrucnr:llnr:nr:ar,{llflnr*r nt:rarxf,lnutBnr: dr{nrruln:rnrf1{u 02-87 g-Ll?g 02-433-4862 uuur{a{iltaoqqfl rJrtrirntud {ogaurrriulof ilordur ( htpr'/www.ntpoty.com) uu6ld{aXaar:aurmt flrauauwtuacat,rri'llio ivrfl doarrfl"adr{!i:fi a?{ イ J″ .M鋼 …像 輛 覇グ … ′ r toorlqrnrl:;trdltiuritoXauu “ 橘 f出 夕"m・ 需鼎呻 り刷 2`=蹴.… … 喘 _ル ■ .山 満 、 聖ユ II輩 酬fttTド …パ 淵 .… 15dsdivr rios ura"a / ._4.z″ .… m2霰イ‖ 覇.〃.覇 。 蔦 鳥:慕 品I鳳蔦蔦鳳I薫 ふ :鳳 二 ′ _」 │ … …′f lq掘 ― ′´ _ ^ ― ■〆 11.1.… _/ め '!oo 721c, [eu{ruunsa:trizrniq i;乱 ― ″ ′ ra.rzar,r{rir':art ( ) ritlj:ctr&m'uii ( )'rirtitrnr: ( ) u?nraintnn: () ´ () fionrninrlu rinf,nnr () ノ29漁 ′̈F_=響_も ご あ リレ gtJnrrfiln::n __、 rfini{rnr{rldrid*ifrorya dirunuro.t ( ) cD, D/D 'iruru.......ugiu ( ) vrl E-mait"""' o'rueu"""}"ld ( )ltld il:vnoudru ( )hidronar: t'tnu.....}{ri ( )lilrigrJnrn druru.....l*i f ll*duwiudn rJ:vnouo'11 drrnu......}iri tduri ●● ao■ o ″ tururu:viq# 4riuturir) 1■ v=し #unr: 11 311つ ■ tlLII● 11■ ttagn■ ■ 渕■ ,olぼ 6・ 000■ ■ 劇0■ ■00n■ , ・ ! orygrn ELiuttru., a.:1o....................... 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