共催:医学セミナー 第67回 免疫学セミナー

共催:医学セミナー 第67回 免疫学セミナー
Room 411 in Medical Gakugun-to 4A Bldg.
医学学群棟 4A 411
Guest Speaker
Dr. André Veillette
Professor, Molecular Oncology research unit
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal
Abstract: NK cell functions are regulated by multiple activating and inhibitory receptors.
Dr. Veillette will present recent findings on the role and mechanism of action of SLAM family
receptors and DNAM-1 in NK cell activation and education.
This seminar is hosted by:
Ph.D. Program in Human Biology
School of Interactive and Global Majors (SIGMA)
Email: [email protected] ext.: 7085