協定校梨花女子大学 第2回梨花女子大学—ルース国際セミナー(ELIS) 参加者募集のお知らせ グローバル女性リーダー育成研究機構長 猪崎 弥生 グローバルリーダーシップ研究所長 塚田 和美 グローバルリーダーシップ研究所では、梨花女子大学リーダーシップ開発機構が行う第2回 梨花女子大学—ルース・グローバル理系女性リーダー育成セミナーに参加する学生を公募し ます。ふるってご応募ください。 【セミナー趣旨】 梨花女子大学(韓国)では、米国ヘンリールース財団(http://www.hluce.org/)の支援のも と、グローバル理系女性リーダー育成セミナー(Ewha-Luce International Seminar (ELIS))を 開催しています。本セミナーでは、米国と韓国及びアジア諸国から24名の理系女性大学院 生を集め、これからのグローバル理系女性リーダーシップとはどういうものなのかを、さまざま な活動を通して考えていきます。現在、アカデミアや企業のトップとして活躍されている方々 の講演、リーダー的存在の方々とのディスカッションとネットワーキング、韓国をはじめとする 東アジアの歴史と文化の共有、米国および東アジアの同世代とのきずな構築、さらに、自ら のビジョンの発表とディスカッションを通して、これからのキャリアを考える3週間です。プログ ラムの詳細は、次のウェブサイトに掲載されています。http://womeninstem.ewha.ac.kr/xe/ 【セミナー概要】 (1)開催地: 大韓民国ソウル 梨花女子大学 (2)開催期間: 2016年6月21日(火)〜7月8日(金) (3)参加費用: ソウルへの往復旅費は本学が負担 セミナー費および滞在費は、梨花女子大学が負担 【応募資格】 応募締切日の時点で、以下の(1)〜(3)をすべて満たしている者。 (1) 日本のパスポートを有する者。 (2) 大学院人間文化創成科学研究科ライフサイエンス専攻、 または理学専攻に在学する者。 (3) 博士後期課程に進学する意志がある博士前期課程1年生または2年生、 あるいは博士後期課程に在学する1年生。 【募集人数】 1〜2名 【応募書類】 以下の(1)〜(3)を英語で作成してください。 1 1.Application Form 2.Curriculum Vitae 3.Statement of Purpose 4.参加承諾書 上記書類1〜3の様式は、以下のウェブページの「Application Pack Download」からダウン ロードしてください。 http://womeninstem.ewha.ac.kr/xe/apply また、上記書類4は、グローバルリーダーシップ研究所の以下のウェブページからダウン ロードしてください。書類4は、文書を PDF ファイルにして提出してください。 http://www-w.cf.ocha.ac.jp/leader/elis2016/ 【応募手続】 (1)前項【応募書類】に上げた申請書(電子ファイル)に必要事項を記入し、下記期限までに メールにて提出してください。件名は「ELIS 申請書(氏名)」と明記してください。 提出先メールアドレス:[email protected] (2)申請書類提出締切:2016年2月29日(月)正午 ※ 遅延は一切認めません。 ※ 書類不備の場合は、採択されないことがあります。 【選考方法】 応募書類と面接により選考します。面接は3月3日(木)夕刻に行います。 面接では、PowerPoint 等のスライド(英文)を利用して、以下の内容を英語で発表してもらい、 その後に質疑応答を行います。 内 容 :ロールモデル(目標)としたい理系女性リーダーと自分の将来像について 発表方法:最大15枚のスライドを用いて、15分で口頭発表。その後質疑応答。 選考結果は、面接終了後できるだけ早くお伝えます。 【注記】 大学が推奨する補償条件以上の海外旅行保険に、かならず加入していてください。また、 パスポートは、かならず各自で事前に取得してください。帰国後に、報告書を提出してくださ い。報告書の詳細は別途連絡します。 【問い合わせ先】 グローバルリーダーシップ研究所(人間文化創成科学研究科棟 506 室) Email: [email protected] 以上 2 2016 Program by Modules (Provisional) Modules Lectures and Discussions 1. Global Leadership 2. Networking and Cultural Exchange 3. Expanding Horizons & Establishing Vision as a Leader 4. Empowerment Hosted by (Lecture/Workshop) Leadership: Understanding Herself (Lecture/Panel Discussion) Women’s Leadership in Asia and the US (Lecture) Global Leadership in Science and Technology Workshops and Activities (Lecture/Activity) Korean Culture and Art (Lecture/Activity) Learn to Write Korean in 45 Minutes [Lecture/Activity] Kitchen Talk (Panel Discussion) Sustainable Development & Science for the Minorities (Lecture/Workshop) Gender Reflected Science (Forum) History of Science through the Lenses of Science, Women, and Culture (Lecture/Forum) Leading the Techno-Scientific Age (Open Forum) Participants Presentation (Lecture) Philosophy Matters in Science [Lecture] Women, Gender and Science Ewha Womans University Henry Luce Foundation Organized by Ewha Institute for Leadership Development (EILD) (Workshop) Effective Presentation/Communication for Women Scientists (Activity) Begin to Share: Orientation & Ice-breaking (Activity) Communication Via Physical Activities (Activity) Experiencing Korean Performing Art (Visit) Getting to Know Korea Better: Seoul City Tour (Activity) Mission Duo (Activity) Campus Tour (Visit) Industrial Site Visit (Visit) Local Visits: Women & War Museum/Hongdae (Workshop) Unconferencing: Group Talks (Workshop/Action Plan) WrappingUp ELIS (Poster Presentation) (Activity) Oriental Self Defense Martial Arts 2016 Expanding Horizons Ewha-Luce International Seminar: 2016. 6. 21 ~ 7. 8 Host Ewha Womans University / Henry Luce Foundation Organizer Ewha Institute for Leadership Development (EILD) The ELIS Expanding Horizons Ewha-Luce International Seminar (ELIS): Expanding Horizons is an intensive residential internship program for women graduate students in STEM. This summer seminar is scheduled to be held annually for three consecutive years from 2015 to 2017 at Ewha Womans University’s campus. The project aims to bring together 24 highly talented women graduate students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) from the United States and East Asia through various training programs, sharing professional knowledge and networking that will expand horizons for the future of scientific community. The program focuses on various issues surrounding women, science, convergence and etc. The themes are structured into 4 modules: Global Leadership Diagnosing, Introspecting, Presentation Skills Workshop, Global Communication Skills, and Understanding Leadership via a Multidimensional Approach. Empowerment Understanding Gendered Innovation, Overcoming Under-representation as Women Scientists, Healthy Body and Mind, and Networking via Academic Presentations. Networking/Cultural Exchange Opportunity to Experience and Exchange Asian Culture and Arts as well as Networking skills and Expanding Networks of the Scientific Community with Participants, Faculty Member of Ewha and Many Mentors Across Various Disciplines. Vision Encouraging Participants to Establish Global Vision as Scientists via Discussions on Contemporary Issues, History, Gender Reflected Science, Facilitating the Emergence of these Values into Responsible and Sustainable Scientific Practices. The Program of ELIS 2016 The ELIS 2016 consists of 18 days of various programs, including: Seminar Schedule 21st June 2016 Tue ~ 8th July 2016 Fri (18 days) Leadership Training Symposiums Eligibility Requirements Visits to Industrial Sites Lectures Workshops The participants must satisfy all three criteria below. Cultural Activities Open Forum is the core of the program, designed to empower young scientists through their own presentations in groups and discussions with Industrial Site Visits are field trips that are designed to experience the implementation of science in industries as well as to taste the Korean culture. Please visit our homepage for the highlights of ELIS 2015 at http://womeninstem.ewha.ac.kr/xe/archiving2015 1. Woman Postgraduate Students. 2. Majoring discipline(s) in STEM subjects. 3. Clare Boothe Luce (CBL) program fellows or Ph.D students who were grantees of the CBL fellowship in the past in U.S. or East Asian students who are currently a student at Ewha Womans University or at other institutions in East Asia. Registration Fees and ELIS Grant - Registration fees and travel expenses may be fully covered by ELIS Grant for successful applicants. * - All the successful applicants will be provided with complementary accommodation and meals for the duration of the seminar. *The ELIS Grant is available for eligible candidates, and the grant is subject to restrictions. Please contact ELIS team for further information. Application - The Call for ELIS 2016 Application: 1st Feb ~ 30th Mar 2016 (Starting from the U.S. region, followed by East Asia and Korea) - The ELIS 2016 Application Pack consists of Application Form, CV, Statement of Purpose, and Letter of Recommendation, and all documents must be submitted to be considered. - Please visit our homepage (http://womaninstem.ewha.ac.kr/) to download The ELIS 2016 Application Pack, including further details on how to apply. - Any enquiries regarding the application process may be made to the ELIS Team ([email protected]). The 2nd ELIS : Expanding Horizons 2016 The Henry Luce Foundation was established in 1936 by Henry R. Luce, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Time, Life and other prestigious and well-known magazines. The foundation seeks to bring important ideas to the center of American life, strengthen international understanding and foster innovation and leadership in academic, political, religious and art communities. As part of its 75th anniversary celebration project, the foundation has decided to support Ewha Womans University for three years. Through this project, Ewha and the Henry Luce Foundation aims to strengthen the capacity of next generation women leaders in science in the US and East Asia, further expanding their visions for the future of science. Contact Ewha Institute for Leadership Development (EILD) Address: ECC B314, Ewha Womans University, 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03760, South Korea Tel: +82-2-3277-3780 Fax: +82-3277-4036 Email: [email protected] Homepage: http://womeninstem.ewha.ac.kr Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea As the capital city of South Korea, Seoul was named a UNESCO City of Design in 2010 and is part of the UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network. Dynamic Seoul is a fantastic combination of the ancient and modern, packed full of experiences to visit, taste and feel in a surprisingly compact metropolis. Founded in 1886, Ewha Womans University has supported women in STEM disciplines throughout its history. An institution which started with a single student 130 years ago, Ewha has grown to be the world’s largest and most comprehensive university for women today. As the first women’s university to establish an engineering college, it proudly sees itself as the frontier in attaining ‘Gender Equality’, as dubbed by the neighboring universities in Asia. Ewha is dedicated to supporting not only its own students, but the international community of women in STEM. Come and meet scientist peers from the U.S. and East Asian countries in the midst of Korea’s Dynamic culture! What did our participants think of ELIS 2015? “It was wonderful getting to know and learning from different perspectives” “Thank you for your time and talents in putting this amazing program together” “Good opportunity for development” “Inspirational and had much insights and wisdom to share.”
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