800万円まで増額可能のオリックス銀行カードローンの魅力 – Just

FOAS Minutes 2/22/2011
Call to order: 6:04
Present: Verity Mathews, Terri McGraw, Beth Randolph, Tracy Lovan, Miranda Hines, Kelly
Bradley, Jennifer Gorena, Carolyn Waterbury Tieman, Cheryl Taylor.
Approve Minutes: Motion to approve Carolyn Waterbury Tieman and seconded by Miranda
Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Lovan reviewed budget. Amazon check has been received. It was
$3,000 +. Just received fees for Hairspray cast which was about $8000. Total Liabilities and
Equity $65,266.63. Front Page profit was about $1,600. Motion to approve budget Carolyn
Waterbury Tieman and seconded by Jennifer Gorena.
Production Reports: Hairspray - Cheryl Taylor reported that Colette Crown, Jennifer Todd and
Shari Jackson doing an excellent job as producers. Carol Garver has helped with
communications. Everything has been moving along well. Conflicts have remained a problem.
Jennifer Gorena suggested trying to establish a calendar which might be easier to use because
there are so many conflicts. This is an area of ongoing discussion. Terri McGraw asked about
status of poster for Hairspray. Carolyn Waterbury Tieman stated that she was concerned that the
poster is not already out because Dunbar is putting on this show two weeks before SCAPA and
their posters are already out. Posters are out for Dance SCAPA and Macbeth.
MacBeth – Carolyn Waterbury Tieman reported that ticket sales are going well for Macbeth. The
issue of needing students to help with tech issues for shows was brought up.
Discussion of needing to help our students to get background training in technical side of
production. Kelly Bradley to talk to UK Theatre Dept about the possibility of coordinating UK
students as possible interns with SCAPA productions. Terri McGraw to call Ms. Lab and Paul
FOAS wished Ms. Randolph a very Happy Birthday!
Kroger Cards/Box Tops : Miranda Hines reported that we will be getting $362.22. Discussion
for putting link to form to obtain Kroger card or Miranda’s Hines e-mail address on websites.
Miranda will contact Karen Joly and Jerry Tieman about uploading information to SCAPA and
FOAS websites. Talked about giving all 4th Grade incoming parents a Kroger card loaded with
$5.00 and encourage use. Motion to give every new SCAPA Bluegrass family a Kroger card
loaded with $5.00 by Carolyn Waterbury Tieman seconded by Miranda Hines. Miranda to work
on a letter and Terri to work on creating a t..v.spot to show parents at the back to school picnic.
Terri stated that we can change sign out front to let parents know Kroger card figures.
Jennifer Brown will be sending out an email about sending in box tops again.
Beth Randolph suggested a membership card for parents to let them know that they are members
of FOAS with dates of FOAS meetings on the card.
LHS SCAPA Liaison – Suzetta Yates not present.
Arts Facilitator: Carolyn reviewed ticket sales for upcoming productions: Dance SCAPA school
show 800 tickets sold for Thurs 10th March at 10:00 and 304 tickets for 12:00 Thurs. Friday 11th
there are reportedly no more buses available. Students from Harrison Elementary will be
attending this show.
Seat sales for Macbeth Thurs 24th March at 10:00 450 seats sold. No seats sold for noon show on
24th March 333 for the 10:00 on Friday March 25th and 176 for the noon show on Friday.
New Business:
• Kelly Bradley will create a Survey Monkey will coordinate with Cindy Bennett and
Suzetta Yates to send this out to all parents to see what is an optimal day/time for FOAS
Discussion of Arts facilitator to start signing documentation for Opera House. To do this
would need to put Arts Facilitator on the FOAS board to financially represent FOAS.
This will be discussed as an amendment at the next FOAS meeting.
Discussion of actor ______ Shaw who will be coming to SCAPA in April to portray
John Muir who is the founder of the Sierra Club.
Principal Report: Solo and Ensemble had majority of students reached distinguished. Ms.
Randolph discussion taking students to shows in other locations. Jeff Stivers has met with all arts
teachers. Beth Randolph and Mrs. Krebs to meet with Stu Silberman to have what has been
discussed about new auditorium. Still waiting to see results of feasibility study.
President’s Report: Previously discussed with notes above.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50. Next meeting March 15th at 6:00