Request For Proposals 2016/01/18 Japan National Tourism

Market Survey Project on Free Independent Tourists
(FITs) in the Indonesian Market
Request For Proposals
Japan National Tourism Organization
Jakarta Office
The Japan National Tourism Organization (“JNTO”) is soliciting proposals as follows. If you
would like to make a proposal, please do so after taking note of the following.
1. Name of project
FY2015 Market Survey Project on Free Independent Tourists (FITs) in the Indonesian market
2. Overview of project
(1) Objective
Tourism is a growing industry that is extremely important for restoring a strong economy in
Japan; with decreasing population, declining birth rates, and a growing proportion of the
elderly forecasted, it is important that global demand for tourism, which is rapidly growing,
be captured to lead to vitalization of regional economies and increase in employment
The direct effect on regional economies from the consumption of foreign tourists is
substantial; but if foreign tourists visiting Japan discover regional attractions and consume
and experience assorted various tourism resources, and then tell others how wonderful such
attractions are, the ripple effect will lead to even greater results.
To increase the number of foreign travelers who visit Japan, the Japanese government
commenced the Visit Japan Project in 2003, and in 2013 the number of foreign travelers
visiting Japan reached 10 million for the first time.
In 2014, which was the year the government began targeting a new goal of 20 million
visitors by 2020, the number of foreign travelers who visited Japan surpassed 13 million,
showing a steady increase.
Looking forward to the day when Japan has 20 million visitors a year, in order to become a
tourism-oriented nation that attracts people from all over the world, initiatives aimed at an
even greater penetration of the Japan brand and attracting visitors to Japan will be
implemented strategically.
Given the aforementioned background, this project is intended to carry out a market survey
with the aim of identifying trends of FITs visiting Japan, whose numbers have been rising
since implementation of the Visa Exemption Arrangement in December 2014, and, based on
an analysis of survey results, develop promotional policies on tourism targeting FITs in the
coming years.
(2) Project details
In the Indonesian market, visitors to Japan over the years previously centered on
family-group travelers, not FITs. However, the number of FITs, reportedly, has shown a
significant rise after implementation of the Visa Exemption Arrangement, under which visas
are no longer required for nationals of Indonesia who hold Indonesian IC passports and have
completed advance registration.
Under the above circumstances, we need to have a sufficient understanding of the current
features of FITs, such as timing and methods FITs adopt, when collecting travel information
and deciding travel destinations; characteristics of FITs in terms of gender, age, and income
level; sizes of travel groups; touring areas/places of Japan; and, means for making travel
arrangements within Japan. With that understanding, we need to effectively carry out
promotional activities targeting FITs in the following fiscal year and thereafter.
Accordingly, this project aims to capture trends and behavioral patterns of FITs who are
likely to visit Japan, identify target groups, and develop proposals for coming marketing
1. Quantitative survey: Web-based questionnaires (Target regions: Jakarta and others)
Conduct web-based questionnaires targeted at general consumers of target regions. Using
the results of the questionnaires, analyze and understand their behavioral patterns and
characteristics. The scope for the analysis ranges from planning travel destinations including
tours to Japan to executing the plan, as well as reasons and needs for visits to Japan.
・ In addition to Jakarta, select at least one other city as a target region. Reasons for
selection should also be clarified.
・ Prior to conducting questionnaires, set up various conditions/criteria for selection and
select groups of people who have the potential to travel overseas including Japan.
Prepare a proposal, which should provide specific methods and detailed contents.
Question items should be described in both Japanese and English.
Questionnaires should be provided in the Indonesian language.
Sample size: The minimum samples to be collected in each surveyed region are as
follows. Among the samples collected, half should include those who have visited Japan
before as FITs.
- Jakarta: 400 samples
- Other regions: 200 samples
Question items: Set up question items to obtain the following information:
- Features (gender, age, type of occupation, income level)
- Preference for foreign travel
- Behavioral patterns identified through processes up to the execution of foreign travel
(including methods to arrange travel such as booking types and percentages of travelers
using travel agents)
- Positioning of Japan as a travel destination
- Sources for collecting information on foreign travel
(Magazines, TV, and radio (provide specific magazines’ names, TV programs, etc.)
- Routes to enter Japan (direct flight, flight via Singapore or Malaysia, etc.)*
- Places to visit in Japan*
- Number of people in a travelling group*
- Identifying challenges to boost the number of travelers to Japan
- Rival countries
Note: Above items marked with “*” are those targeted at FITs who have visited Japan
2. Qualitative survey: Focus Group Interviews (Target regions: Jakarta and others)
Conduct focus group interviews targeting general consumers of target regions to gather
their views, opinions, and ideas, which would not be collected easily from the above
quantitative survey, and conduct an analysis of the data gathered.
・ The target region shall be Jakarta, but selecting at least one other city is preferable.
Reasons for selection should also be clarified.
It is preferable to conduct group interviews targeting the following three groups:
- Those who have travelled to Japan before (by participating in group travel or as a FIT)
- Those who have not traveled to Japan before, but are considering a visit to Japan
- Those who have not traveled to Japan before, but possess a broad range of cross-cultural
experiences through travel
3. Studies of other sources such as surveys, information, etc.
Study trends of FITs by obtaining travel-related information that are available to FITs on
web-sites, as well as the results of surveys conducted by research institutions, other
countries, etc. Then, compare the results with those obtained from the aforementioned two
surveys, and prepare a document providing details of the studies.
4.Analysis and preparation of a proposal based on results of the above surveys from 1
through 3
Analyze the results of the aforementioned quantitative and qualitative surveys, as well as
studies on other sources, and also conduct a comparative analysis of markets. Identify
trends and behavioral patterns of FITs on foreign travel. Based on the analysis, develop a
proposal to effectively carry out marketing activities to boost the number of FITs in the
coming years.
Ⅰ. Matters to note in proposal
Common matters to note
a) Any proposal should take into account market characteristics In addition, the proposal
must take into account the elements set forth in Annex 1, Japan’s Three Values.
Japan’s Three Values
b) The following must be clearly specified: The basic concept, how services will proceed,
schedules, systems for implementing the services (details such as the number of
personnel planned for each service for which you intend to be responsible), and
measures that will contribute to smooth operations.
c) The proposal must include the matters set forth in the Matters to note section.
d) Quantitative targets value and qualitative targets must be set, and the thinking behind
them specified. Further, proposals for projects must explain their cost-effectiveness
(for example, cost per single media impression), and methods of measuring effect in
terms of quality.
e) The project costs should be estimated by calculating expenditures for planning, each
medium, administration of progress, and general administration, respectively.
Appropriate cost allocation from the perspective of overall project efficiency should be
taken into account in the projection of total estimates and breakdowns.
f) If you have any questions, please send an email to the following person by 5pm
[February 5, 2016](must be received by Jakrta Time) (*The only questions that can be
answered over the phone are questions regarding whether we received your emails
with questions).
JNTO Jakarta Office, Person in charge: Shuichi Sakano ([email protected])
Ⅱ. Matters to note in the implementation of the project
a) Have a clearly-defined native-speaker check system, minimize typographical errors and
omissions, and create a system to ensure that communication does not include any
content that would be offensive to local persons.
b) To increase visitors to Japan from Indonesia market, partner with other businesses that
promote visits to Japan, and pursue synergistic effects. Further, under instructions from
the JNTO, form an organic alliance.
Enter promptly target values, outcomes, and other necessary items in Japanese onto
the Outcomes System (intranet for internal use) created by the Japan Tourism Agency of
the Japanese Government in accordance with the instructions of JNTO supervisors
d) If because of the nature of the project, it is infeasible to settle all of the specific
specifications of a selected proposal by the time of project commencement, there may be
cases where an agreement will be concluded using the specifications of the proposed
proposal except for the parts that can be settled, and those parts that are not settled will
be settled after the commencement of the project upon consultations between JNTO (the
ordering party) and the person accepting the order. In such a case, depending on the
details of the specifications that have been settled, the agreement may be changed.
(3) Performance period
From the agreement date until 31 March, 2016
(4) Deliverables
(I) CD-R
The following contents should be included:
・Report on survey results (Power Point, PDF format, Japanese)
・Survey statistical result tables (Excel format, Japanese and English)
(II) Report on survey results (about 300 pages in A4 size): five sets
*Important notes:
・Documents used for reports should be those required in accordance with the Act on
Promoting Green Purchasing.
・Graphs shown in the report on survey results and survey statistical result tables
should be presented in both Japanese and English.
・Make sure that the delivered CD-ROM prevents the overwriting of data contained.
・Regarding data on the results of web-based questionnaire and focus group interviews,
the delivered CD-ROM should also contain those data in formats that are convertible
into Excel form and other formats.
・Prior approval of a supervisor must be obtained for preparing the report on survey
(5) Place of submission
JNTO Jakarta Office
3. Details that should be included in the proposal
(1) Specific plan proposal related to the details of the project
・Basic concept of the proposal
・Details relating to matters that this Request For Proposals specifies as matters that
should be proposed in the proposal.
(2) Service performance system
Set forth details, including the planned number of personnel, for each proposed
(3) Work schedule
Specify your thinking on how services will proceed and schedule.
(4) Whether there will be any subcontracting, and plans for the same
・Specify whether or not any services will be subcontracted (services that must be
approved by the person ordering are marked with an asterisk).
・If any services will be subcontracted, stipulate the names and addresses of
subcontractors, the contract amounts and the scope of the subcontracting.
* Subcontracting of services set forth in (ii) below requires the approval of the person
(i) Main Part of the Services (including comprehensive planning of services, services
implementation and management, decisions on methods, and technical decisions):
May not be subcontracted.
(ii) Services other than the Main Part of the Services and Minor Services: Approval of
the person ordering is required when subcontracting.
(iii) Minor Services (including copying, word processing, printing, reproducing,
tracing, materials management, accounting, modeling, translations, purchase of
reference books and literature, purchase of consumables, and renting of meeting
halls): Approval of person ordering is not required when subcontracting.
(5) Overview of corporation
・Overview of corporation
・Name and contact information of person in charge
(6) Quotation for reference and breakdown of costs
Quotations of expenses must be in the form of a breakdown clearly showing the
respective items and their unit prices. Personnel expenses, planning expenses, and
general administrative management expenses must be categorized separately from
out-of-pocket expenses such as display expenses, advertising expenses, travel
expenses, and rental fees.
4. Submission of proposal
(1) Submission deadline
By 12 pm [February 9, 2016], (must be received in Jakarta time)
Submission method: Hand delivery or mail (in the case of mail, the proposal must be
received by the submission deadline, and record of delivery must be certifiable).
(2) Place of submission
JNTO Jakarta Office
(3) Number of copies to be submitted
6 copies (A4 paper)
*2 copies with the company name and 4 copies without the company name
*2 two copies with the company name must be submitted in a sealed envelope that has
the company’s name
*Please prepare a two-to-three page abridged version (on A3 or A4 paper) of the
content of the submitted proposal in English or Japanese. 2 copies with the company
name and 4 copies without the company name. Further, meetings may be held as
5. Matters to note when competing
(1) Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the following standards. Questions
regarding such matters as the relative importance of these matters in the evaluation
process will not be answered.
Whether there is an accurate understanding of the objective and nature of the
services, appropriate targets have been established, and reasonable and
effective methods and menus to realize such targets have been proposed.
Further, whether there is any content that would not be appropriate as part of
any promotion that JNTO will undertake.
Whether the proposed methods and menus have new perspectives, ideas or
other creative elements, and whether sufficient effect and efficiency can be
(iii) Whether the proposed methods and menus, as well as their scale and estimated
expenses (breakdown clearly showing the respective items and their unit
prices) are appropriate from the perspective of cost effectiveness.
(iv) Whether the organizational structure that the proposer will build for
performance will be sufficient to support the implementation of the proposed
methods and menus. Further, whether the proposer’s professional knowledge
and experience in performing similar services are adequate.
(2) The language used for the preparation of the proposal will be Japanese or English, and
the currency will be Indonesian Rupiah.
(The contract will be written by both
Indonesian and English languages.)
(3) Regarding the Project's maximum scale, there will be a cap of 700,000,000
Indonesian Rupiah (including VAT); provided, however, that with respect to expenses
recorded in the quotation that, because of their purpose and nature, should be paid
after they are actually incurred (such as airfare), there may be cases the actual
amount will be verified by the time of termination of the services, and specifications
(4) If the proposal does not reach us by the submission deadline for any reason, you may
not participate in the proposal competition.
(5) Replacement or resubmission of the proposal is not permitted. In principle, changes to
the content of the proposal after selection will not be permitted.
(6) Prepare a document summarizing the contents of the submitted plan proposal. The
document should be two to three pages (A3 or A4 size) written in English or Japanese.
Interviews may also be conducted if necessary.
(7) Expenses for preparation and submission of the proposal will be borne by the person
proposing the proposal.
(8) In regards to the proposal and reference quotation, the assistance of a third party may
be sought regarding content and amounts, in order to serve as reference regarding
vendor selection.
(9) A person whose proposal has been selected will be the person identified as the most
suitable person as a result of the competition, but until the contract procedures are
completed, no contractual relationship will arise between such person and JNTO.
(10)If there is no appropriate proposal, discontinuation or other measures may be taken.
(11)Competition participants who submitted proposal that were selected will be notified
writing, and participants who submitted proposal that were not selected will also be
notified in writing. A notice of non-selection does not preclude the implementation of
other contract procedures that are to be performed.
(12)Announcement may be made of the following competition results.
Name of procurement project, contract methods, contract dates, contractual parties,
contract amounts, competition announcement dates, and application deadlines.
(13)Copyrights and ownership to the products arising from a contract will belong to JNTO.
Except for any plan content covered by copyrights etc. owned by a person other than
JNTO, there may be cases where plan content of selected proposals will continue to be
used during and after the next fiscal year, or used in future projects to promote visits
to Japan (the Visit Japan Project).
(14)Because payment of the agreement money by JNTO will be made by overseas
remittance from Japan, the participant must be able to receive overseas remittances.
Further, any person receiving an order will be responsible for tax payment and report
to tax authorities of any value added taxes or other taxes.
Three Core Values of Japan Tourism
Character, Creation and Common Life
1. Experience the unique, enigmatic character of the Japanese
Sincere, disciplined and well-mannered, as seen during the difficult days after
the March 2011 earthquake
Reserved but kind; considerate and warm, even towards people they don't know
Building their own unique perspective of the world through their curiosity and
Having a deep mutual understanding between each other and "wabi-sabi" mind
-almost a sixth sense allowing communication without speaking
2. Encounter creations born of Japanese people's meticulousness
Creations by artisans and experts who have inherited their skills through
tradition fused with innovation
World-class high-tech creations born from teamwork and the art of merging
Creations born by taking in other cultures, East and West, and adapting them to
suit Japanese values
Creations born by integrating ideas with nature based on respect and
appreciation for nature
Japanese cuisine of the freshest natural ingredients, crafted by chefs using their
innate skills
3. Enjoy the simple pleasures of common life in Japan.
Pleasures in life that bring enjoyment and relaxation
Pleasures in life that are deeply connected to the four seasons and combine
tradition with modernity
Pleasures in life that enable highly sophisticated consumption and meet the
expectations of the world's most discriminating consumers
Pleasures in life that pampers the customer with spectacular service,
accentuating the motto "The customer is a god."
Pleasures in life that come from convenience, cleanliness and safety throughout
the nation, in cities and the countryside
インドネシア市場における FIT 旅行に関する市場調査事業
平成28 年 1 月 18 日
独立行政法人 国際観光振興機構
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平成 27 年度インドネシア市場における FIT 旅行に関する市場調査事業
政府では、訪日外国人旅行者数の増加に向けて、平成15年にビジット・ジャパン事業を開始し、平成 25 年には史上
初の訪日外国人旅行者数 1,000 万人を達成した。
平成 26 年は、新たな政府目標である 2020 年・2,000 万人に向けたスタートの年となったが、訪日外国人旅行者数は
1,300 万人を超え、着実な増加を見せている。
今後は、訪日 2,000 万人時代に向けて、世界の人たちを惹きつける観光立国を実現するため、これまで以上の日本ブ
これを踏まえ、本事業においては、市場調査を通じて平成 26 年 12 月の査証免除後に拡大している FIT 旅行者の動向
を把握し、今後の FIT 旅行者向けのプロモーション方針に活用することを目的とする。
(2 ) 事 業 の 内 容
長 年 、イ ンドネ シア 市 場 に おい ては 、 F IT 旅 行 者 では なく 家 族 旅 行 者 が 多 数 を 占 め て いた が、 平 成 2 6 年
1 2 月 よ り 、イ ンド ネシア IC 旅 券 を 所 持 す る インド ネシ ア国 民 に 対 す る 事 前 登 録 制 によ るビ ザ 免 除 が 開 始 し
て 以 降 、 F I T 旅 行 者 数 の 伸 長 が 著 しい と 言 われ てい る。
この ため 、 そう し た FI T 旅 行 者 が 、 どの タ イミン グで 、 かつ 、 どのよ うな 手 法 で、 旅 行 に 関 す る 情 報 を 収 集 し 、
目 的 地 を 決 定 す るの か 、 ど のよ う な 性 別 ・ 年 齢 層 ・ 所 得 層 の 者 が F IT 旅 行 を 行 っ てい るのか 、 誰 と 何 人 程
度 で 行 っ てい るの か 、 日 本 のど こ に 訪 問 し て いる のか 、 日 本 で の 旅 行 手 配 は ど の よう に 行 っ てい る のか 等 に つ い
て、 現 状 を 十 分 に 把 握 し たう え で、 次 年 度 以 降 の F IT 旅 行 者 向 け の プロ モー ション 活 動 を 効 果 的 に 行 っ て
いく 必 要 があ る 。
よっ て、 本 事 業 に おい ては 、 訪 日 旅 行 にポテ ンシ ャルの ある F IT 旅 行 者 の 志 向 ・ 行 動 パ ター ンを 把 握 し、 タ
ーゲッ ト 層 の 抽 出 や 今 後 の マ ーケテ ィン グ 活 動 展 開 へ の提 案 を 行 う 。
1. 定 量 調 査 :ウ ェ ブ ア ン ケート 調 査 ( 対 象 地 域 : ジャ カル タ 他 )
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各 対 象 地 域 にお ける 一 般 消 費 者 を 対 象 にウェ ブ アン ケート を 実 施 する こ と によ り 、 日 本 を 含 む 旅 行 先
への 旅 行 を 企 画 し 始 め てか ら 実 施 に 至 るまでの 行 動 パ ター ン や、 訪 日 旅 行 への ニ ーズ 等 を 把 握 す る。
・ 対 象 地 域 は 、 ジャ カル タ に 加 え、 少 なく と も 他 1 都 市 以 上 で 行 う こ と。 また 、 選 定 した 対 象 地 域 の
根 拠 を示 すこと。
・ 調 査 対 象 は 、 諸 条 件 によ り 日 本 を 含 む 海 外 へ 旅 行 す る 可 能 性 の ある 層 をあら かじ め 抽 出 し た 上 で
実 施 す る こ と。
・ 提 案 に 際 し ては 、 その 具 体 的 な 手 法 ・ 内 容 を 提 示 す る とと も に 、 質 問 項 目 案 を日 本 語 及 び 英 語
に て 記 載 する こ と 。
・ アン ケ ートは 、 インド ネシ ア 語 に て 行 う こ と 。
・ サ ンプル 数 : 各 地 域 に おい て、 少 なく と も 以 下 のサ ンプル 数 を 収 集 す る こ と。 ま た、 その 半 数 は 日 本 へ
F IT 旅 行 を 行 っ た こ とのあ る 者 を 収 集 す る こと 。
- ジャ カ ル タ: 4 0 0 サン プ ル
- その 他 各 地 域 :2 0 0 サンプル
・ 質 問 項 目 : 以 下 のよ う な 情 報 が 入 手 で きる よう な 質 問 項 目 を 設 定 す る こ と。
- 属 性 (性 別 、年 齢 、職 種 、所 得 )
- 国 外 旅 行 の志 向
- 国 外 旅 行 実 施 ま で の 行 動 パ ター ン
(旅 行 手 配 方 法 (予 約 形 態 、旅 行 会 社 の利 用 率 )等 を含 む)
- 旅 行 目 的 地 と し ての 日 本 の ポジ ショ ニン グ
- 国 外 旅 行 の情 報 収 集 先
( 雑 誌 、テ レ ビ、 ラ ジオ ( 具 体 の 雑 誌 、 番 組 等 ま で 特 定 ))
- 日 本 入 国 の 経 路 ( 直 行 便 、シ ン ガポー ル 経 由 、 マレーシア 経 由 等 ) ※
- 日 本 での 訪 問 先 ※
- 誰 と 何 人 程 度 で 行 って いる のか ※
- 訪 日 旅 行 者 を 増 や す に 当 た って の 課 題 の 抽 出
- 競 合 国 に つ いて
※ 印 は 、 F IT 旅 行 で 日 本 に 行 った こ との あ る 者 を 対 象 とし た 項 目
2. 定 性 調 査 : フォー カス グループ イン タ ビュー ( 対 象 地 域 :ジ ャ カル タ 他 )
各 対 象 地 域 にお ける 一 般 消 費 者 を 対 象 に 、フ ォー カ スグルー プイ ン タビュ ー を 実 施 す る こ とによ り 、 上
記 にお ける 定 量 調 査 では 得 にくい 具 体 的 な 意 見 、ア イデア 等 を 収 集 し 、 分 析 を 行 う。
・ 対 象 地 域 はジ ャ カル タ と す るが 、そ の 他 1 都 市 以 上 を対 象 地 域 と して 加 え る こ とが 望 ま しい 。ま た 、 選
定 した 対 象 地 域 の 根 拠 を 示 す こ と。
・ 調 査 対 象 は、 以 下 の3 グループ でそれ ぞれ グル ープ イン タビ ューを 行 う こと が 望 ま しい 。
- 訪 日 旅 行 経 験 者 ( 団 体 旅 行 、 F IT 旅 行 )
- 訪 日 旅 行 は 未 経 験 で ある が、 検 討 中 であ る 者
- 訪 日 旅 行 は 未 経 験 で ある が、 ロン グホ ールの 異 文 化 体 験 型 旅 行 の 経 験 者
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3. 文 献 調 査 等
F IT 旅 行 者 が 使 用 する 旅 行 関 係 ウ ェ ブサイ ト、 調 査 機 関 や 他 国 が 実 施 し た 調 査 結 果 等 か ら 、 F IT
旅 行 者 の 動 向 に つい て 調 査 し、 上 記 2 つの 調 査 との 比 較 ・ 分 析 を 行 う こ とと し、 調 査 内 容 を 提 案 す る
こ と。
4. 1 ~3 の 調 査 結 果 に 基 づ く 分 析 ・ 提 案
上 記 定 量 ・ 定 性 調 査 及 び 文 献 調 査 等 の 結 果 を 分 析 し、ま た 市 場 間 の 比 較 も 行 い 、 F IT 旅 行 者
の国 外 旅 行 志 向 や 行 動 パ ター ンを 把 握 した 上 で、 今 後 の 訪 日 F I T 旅 行 者 数 を 伸 ばし て いく に 当 た り
有 効 なマー ケテ ィン グ 活 動 への 提 案 を 行 うこ と 。
g) 企画の提案にあたっては、市場特性を踏まえること。併せて、「 Ja p a n. E n dl es s Di s co ve r y .」 の コンセ プト に
加 え、 観 光 庁 が 定 め る「 日 本 を 旅 行 す る こ とで しか 得 られ ない 3 つの 価 値 」 (別紙1「訪日観光の3つの価
値」参照)のいず れ かの 要 素 も 踏 ま え た 提 案 と す る こ と。
h) 基 本 コン セプ ト 、 業務の進め方、スケジュール、業務の実施体制(担当業務ごとの予定人数など詳細を記載するこ
k) 事業費の見積りに当たっては、企画費、個々の媒体費、進行管理費、一般管理費を分けて算出し、事業全体の効
質 問 が あ る 場 合 は 、 2 0 1 6 年 2 月 5 日 1 7 時 ( ジャ カル タ 時 間 ・ 必 着 )ま でに 、 以 下 の 担 当 者 宛 に 、
メー ルを 送 る こと 。 ( ※ 質 問 メー ルの 受 信 の 可 否 に 関 す る 問 い 合 わ せ 以 外 は、 電 話 によ るお 答 え はできま せ
ん。 )
国 際 観 光 推 進 機 構 ジ ャ カル タ 事 務 所 担 当 : 坂 野 修 一 (j n t o@ j n t o. o r .i d )
e) ネイティブチェック体制を明確にし、誤字・脱字をなくすとともに、単なる逐語訳でなく現地で違和感のない内容で発信でき
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g) 観光庁が作成した成果システム(内部用イントラネット)に、目標値と成果を監督職員の指示に従い迅速に入力掲載
h) 特定した企画案に基づく具体的仕様について、事業の性質により、事業開始までに全てを確定させることが困難な場合
契約日から 2016 年3月 31 日(木)まで
(4)成 果 品
・調査結果報告(Power Point、PDF 形式、日本語)
・調査集計表(EXCEL 形式(日本語、英語))
②調査結果報告書 (A4版 300 ページ程度) 5冊
・CD-ROM は、書き換えることができない状態にて納入すること。
・CD-ROM は、ウェブアンケート調査及びフォーカスグループインタビューの結果について、エクセル等加工が可能な様式
国際観光振興機構 ジャカルタ事務所
・再委託の有無を記載すること。(ただし、発注者の承諾を要するもの ※に限る。)
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(1) 提出期限: 2016 年 2 月 9 日(火)12 時まで (ジャカルタ時間・必着)
提出方法: 持参または郵送(郵送の場合は提出期限までに必着で、配達記録のできるものであること)。
(2) 提 出 先: 国際観光振興機構 ジャカルタ事務所
(3) 提出部数: 6 部(A4版)
※企画書は社名入り2部+社名無し 4 部を提出。
※社名入り 2 部は、提出時には、社名入り封筒に封をして提出のこと。
たは英語)企画書同様に社名入り2部+社名無し 4 部を提出。また、必要に応じてヒアリングを行うことがあります。
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(3)本事業の予算規模は、700,000,000 ルピア(付加価値税を含む。)を上限とします。ただし、見積書に計上した
(6)提出された企画書の内容について、2~3ページ程度(A3または A4版)で要約版を作成してください(日本語
以 上
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①「ちょっとしたこと(a little thing)」に楽しみやくつろぎを感じら
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