Course Resistration for International Students(留学生限定)

Graduate school of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (CSE)
Course Registration Procedure
for April 2015 - September 2015
1. Procedure
①Download the course registration form〔履修科目報告書〕 from CSE Information System
or CSE Homepage.
○CSE Information system:
〈 Top page→「履修関係(courses)
」→「お知らせ(information)」 〉
○CSE Homepage:
〈 Top page→「教務情報」→「お知らせ」→「平成 27 年度第 1 学期(①・②セメ
スター)履修登録について」 〉
②Submit the form
2. Period of registration
April 15, 2015 (Wed.) ~ April 17, 2015 (Fri.)
3. Registration Place
Academic Affairs Section, Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
(CSE office)
Academic Affairs Section, Graduate School of Sciences
4. Notes
①Before you submit the form, please consult with your supervisor and stamp it with his
or her seal.
②If you take no course (subject) in this term (April - September), you do not have to
submit the form.
CSE office