Please press "更新" button every day. Updated 2015/3/25 20:00 上級演習に関する連絡事項(補充登録) Information on Advanced Seminar Class (Supplementary Registration) ※3 月 25 日以降の追加・変更部分は赤字で表示してあります。 The parts which we added or changed after March.25 are highlighted in red. Course Code Class Code [Interview] [Message to students] [Introduction of my seminar] Instructor Life and Environment LE501 01 HIRAYAMA, Ren [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None LE501 02 IKEDA, Kiyohiko [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None LE501 03 UCHIDA, Akiko [Interview] [Message to students] This seminar will not be offered during the spring semester 2016. Only students expecting to graduate in March 2016 may apply. Consult Dr. Uchida before registering for this seminar. (e-mail: a.uchida(at) [Introduction of my seminar] None Matter and Information MI501 01 HAYAKAWA, Yu [Interview] [Message to students] Applicants should e-mail the following documents to Yu Hayakawa (yu.hayakawa(at) by 12.00 Sunday 5 April 2015. (1) A page summary of what the applicant plans to write in thesis (2) A list of courses taken in Mathematics, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Interviews will take place in Room 1436, Building 11, between 12.10 and 13.00 on Monday 6 April 2015. [Introduction of my seminar] None MI501 02 INABA, Satoshi [Interview] [Message to students] If you have any question regarding the seminar, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. セミナー受講希望者、またはセミナーに関して質問がある学生は、 メール([email protected])にていつでも相談を受け付けます。 [Introduction of my seminar] 1 MI501 03 SIDOLI, Nathan Camillo [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] Philosophy and Religion PR501 02 SAKURAI, Keiko [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None PR501 03 TAKEDA, Seiji [Interview] [Message to students] ①竹田の講義「中級演習」あるいは「現代思想」を履修していることがのぞましい。 ②『現象学入門』を事前に購読し、その理解を前提として、小論文「なぜこのゼミを取る か」を提出。(英語 1500words あるいは日本語 3000 字) [email protected] 宛て ③フッサール現象学を軸として近・現代哲学の中心的哲学者の講読や現代的トピックの議 論などによって、現代社会における哲学の意義と役割を深く理解することがこのゼミの 主眼です。 ④講義は金曜日 4:30 からですが時間は延長する場合あり。講義内容等、事前に相談した い人は上記メールにて連絡してください。適宜、相談に応じます。 [Introduction of my seminar] None PR501 04 [Interview] HIGAKI, Julie [Message to students] On sabbatical leave [Introduction of my seminar] History HI501 01 SIVULKA, Juliann [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] HI501 02 OKAMOTO, Koichi [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] HI501 03 STERENBERG, Matthew Kane [Interview] [Message to students] ] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None 2 HI501 04 LAW, Graham [Interview] [Message to students] To apply for this seminar, in addition to web registration, as soon as possible please submit a description (c. 400 words) of your intended seminar research project to <[email protected]>. [Introduction of my seminar] HI501 05 MOTOMURA, Ryoji [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] Economy and Business EB501 01 BAAK, Saang Joon [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] EB501 02 DAIMON, Takeshi [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] None EB501 04 HIGUCHI, Kiyohide [Interview] ) [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] EB501 05 POKARIER, Christopher [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] EB501 07 NAKAMURA, Kiyoshi [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] EB501 08 SUZUKI, Ayako [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None Governance GO501 01 SEUL, Timothy [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None 3 GO501 02 TOYONAGA, Ikuko [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] GO501 03 UCHIDA, Katsuichi [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None GO501 04 MORIKAWA, Tomonori [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None GO501 06 UESUGI, Yuji [Interview] [Message to students] It is strongly recommended that prospect applicants should have taken at least one of my courses at SILS in order for you to join this seminar. I am happy to supervise any topics, which are related to the study of conflict resolution and peacebuilding. I am looking for honest, matured, independent, disciplined students. [Introduction of my seminar] Peace and Human Rights PH501 01 KISHIMA, Takako [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None PH501 02 WATERS, David [Interview] [Message to students] Before registering for this advanced seminar, please read the course syllabus carefully. This is a very difficult seminar – one that places high demands on students to read lengthy and complex court decisions and to participate fully in class debates. This seminar is NOT suitable for students who plan to be absent for job interviews during the term. This seminar is intended for those students planning to enroll in graduate school after graduation from SILS. This seminar also does NOT follow the practice of asking students to work in teams which then create presentations that are received uncritically by the balance of the seminar class. Instead, students read US Supreme Court decisions by themselves in a non-team setting and then debate in the seminar class the legal issues discussed in these court decisions. Students who enroll in this seminar must participate actively in the seminar debates. Each term, students join the seminar unprepared for this form of study and debate. Some of these students crash academically. I wish to avoid such crashes. In order to evaluate whether this seminar is a good match for students’ interests and willingness to expend the effort necessary to do well in the seminar, I have a special request that goes beyond the standard application materials which students submit to SILS. My special request is that each student interested in joining the seminar e-mail me a separate, approximately 500-word essay explaining his or her interest in the seminar and his or her willingness to undertake its heavy workload and participate actively in the seminar debates. Please send this essay to [email protected] as soon as possible. [Introduction of my seminar] None 4 International Relations IR501 01 BACON, Paul Martyn [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] None IR501 02 IKESHIMA, Taisaku [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None IR501 03 KATAOKA, Sadaharu [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None IR501 04 SHIGEMURA, Toshimitsu [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None IR501 05 OHTA, Hiroshi [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None IR501 06 SHU, Min [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] Communication CO501 02 MORIYAMA, Hiizu [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] CO501 05 NAMAI, Kenichi [Interview] [Message to students] Make sure to include an email address that you check regularly. I may contact you after receiving your application. [Introduction of my seminar] None CO501 06 IINO, Masakazu [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None 5 CO501 07 KONDO, Mariko [Interview] [Message to students] 履修を希望する学生は、Web による申請の他、以下のことをメールで申請と同時に送付の こと。 1) これまで国際教養学部、他学部、留学先で履修した「言語学に関する科目名」 2)「現時点で卒業研究に考えている題目とその内容(箇条書きでよい)」 メールの件名として「上級演習」と記入し、メール本体には名前、学籍番号、確実に連絡 が取れるメールアドレスを記入のこと。メールの宛先:[email protected] In addition to the web application, send the following information to: [email protected] 1) List of linguistic courses you have taken at SILS, Waseda’s other faculties and the year abroad programme. 2) Short outline of your graduation project plan (bullet points are sufficient) Write “Advanced Seminar” as the subject of your email and do not forget to write your name, student number and also the email address at which you can be contacted. [Introduction of my seminar] CO501 08 MASUKO, Mayumi [Interview] [Message to students] 履修を希望する学生は Web による申請の他に,卒業研究で何をテーマにしようと考えてい るのかについて 400 語程度の英文レポートを作成し,4 月 15 日の 12;00 までに [email protected] まで送付すること [Introduction of my seminar] None CO501 09 MUEHLEISEN, Victoria L. [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] CO501 10 YASUYOSHI, Itsuki [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] CO501 11 SADOSHIMA, Saori [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None CO501 12 DETEY, Sylvain Matthieu Julien [Interview] [Message to students] High Level in French is required. This Seminar is NOT a French language class: we are studying IN French. [Introduction of my seminar] None CO501 13 SATO, Azusa [Interview] [Message to students] Fluency in both English and Japanese is essential for this study. [Introduction of my seminar] 6 Expression EX501 01 HOTEI, Toshihiro [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None EX501 03 MORITA, Norimasa [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] None EX501 04 OHIRA, Akira [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] EX501 05 SAKAKIBARA, Richi [Interview] [Message to students] I will NOT accept the application for Supplementary Registration. [Introduction of my seminar] EX501 07 KIMURA, Koichi [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] EX501 08 PINNINGTON, Adrian J. [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None EX501 09 KARASHIMA, David [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None Culture CU501 01 ASO, Takashi [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 02 BERNARD, Rosemarie [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 06 KATSUKATA, Keiko [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] 7 CU501 07 OKAMURA, Saburo [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 08 OWADA, Eiko [Interview] [Message to students] Write me a brief introduction of yourself at [email protected] and make an appointment for an interview. 自己紹介のメールで面接の予約をしてください。 [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 09 SAKURAI, Hiroshi [Interview] [Message to students] On sabbatical leave [Introduction of my seminar] None CU501 10 YANG, Li Ming [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] None CU501 11 MOROHOSHI, Kazuo [Interview] [Message to students] 最低条件として、ロシア語の知識があること。明確なモチベーションを有すること (We require from applicants knowledge of Russian along with a definite motivation for the studies)。 [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 12 MIKAMI, Hiroko [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 13 RHEE, Maji Christine [Interview] [Message to students] On sabbatical leave [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 14 YOSHIMOTO, Mitsuhiro [Interview] [Message to students] I will not recruit new students for this term. [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 15 MATO, Shigeko [Interview] [Message to students] On sabbatical leave [Introduction of my seminar] None 8 CU501 16 MOLASKY, Michael [Interview] [Message to students] First, please read the description of the seminar below, and make sure that you are able and willing to handle the requirements. Note, also, that the content of this seminar will be considerably different from last year’s seminar. For those still wishing to apply, e-mail me at [email protected] and attach a copy of your academic record, including your courses and grades for study abroad. I will be out of the country for most of March and am therefore not conducting interviews. Instead, I will send interested students a reading and writing assignment to be completed. The quality of your writing assignment, combined with your academic record, will serve as the primary criteria for admission. [Introduction of my seminar] CU501 17 CHEN, Tien Shi [Interview] [Message to students] No Announcement [Introduction of my seminar] Mind and Body MB501 01 AZUMA, Rayna [Interview] [Message to students] On sabbatical leave [Introduction of my seminar] None MB501 02 SOETANTO, Kawan [Interview] [Message to students] 希望理由書・これからの研究計画書を英語 500 Word ・日本語 1000 語で作成し [email protected] 及び [email protected] に提出すること。 面接の期日などを連絡するため、希望者は上記アドレスに 1.Mobile and Home No. and 2. recent photo 3. E-mail address も提出すること。面接は希望者に連絡します。 [Introduction of my seminar] None 以上 9
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