World Steel Association 【粗 鋼】 世界鉄鋼協会(worldsteel)生産速報 (2015年2月分) Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Other E.U. (28) (e) European Union (28) Bosnia-Herzegovina Macedonia Norway Serbia Turkey Other Europe Byelorussia Kazakhstan Moldova Russia Ukraine Uzbekistan C.I.S. (6) e - estimated February 2015 646 600 45 10 423 332 1 283 3 512 75 138 1 968 160 551 545 388 49 1 142 409 969 375 13 619 75 10 50 71 2 394 2 601 205 231 19 5 739 1 588 48 7 830 MONTHLY CRUDE STEEL PRODUCTION thousand tonnes January February % change 2015 2014 Feb-15/14 687 622 3.7 635 599 0.1 e 50 e 48 -5.3 e 8 20 -50.6 487 r 433 -2.3 334 312 6.3 1 306 1 240 3.5 3 679 r 3 569 -1.6 e 80 e 41 82.9 125 77 79.2 1 880 2 179 -9.7 e 173 178 -10.0 598 531 3.8 e 603 685 -20.4 427 353 10.1 e 54 e 48 2.6 1 253 1 195 -4.4 426 368 11.3 1 064 r 1 018 -4.8 e 410 e 360 e 4.2 14 279 13 875 -1.8 e 80 64 17.7 e 10 e 16 -35.8 45 52 -3.1 69 49 43.5 2 582 2 727 -12.2 2 785 2 908 -10.6 219 159 28.9 233 259 -10.7 22 40 -52.3 6 214 5 435 5.6 1 871 2 377 -33.2 51 56 -14.0 8 610 8 326 -6.0 r - revised 15 JSS―14 2015.3.23 一般社団法人日本鉄鋼連盟 国際協力・調査本部 worldsteel 102 (単位:1,000MT) 19 Mar 15 2 months 2015 1 333 1 235 95 18 910 666 2 589 7 191 155 263 3 848 333 1 149 1 148 815 103 2 395 835 2 033 785 27 899 155 20 95 139 4 976 5 386 424 464 41 11 953 3 459 99 16 440 2014 1 304 1 292 96 42 890 642 2 701 7 238 131 157 4 299 362 1 144 1 406 746 102 2 316 755 2 096 765 28 482 139 31 101 104 5 608 5 983 328 545 40 11 216 4 884 114 17 127 % change 2.2 -4.4 -1.2 -57.0 2.2 3.7 -4.2 -0.6 18.3 67.5 -10.5 -8.0 0.4 -18.3 9.3 1.6 3.4 10.6 -3.0 2.7 -2.0 11.8 -36.5 -6.3 34.3 -11.3 -10.0 29.4 -14.9 3.0 6.6 -29.2 -13.5 -4.0 World Steel Association (単位:1,000MT) MONTHLY CRUDE STEEL PRODUCTION worldsteel 102 thousand tonnes 19 Mar 15 2 months February January February % change 2015 2015 2014 Feb-15/14 2015 2014 % change Canada 1 040 e 1 150 e 985 5.6 2 190 2 043 7.2 Cuba 20 e 21 22 -8.8 41 43 -4.5 El Salvador 10 e 8 8 19.0 18 16 9.8 Guatemala 25 e 26 27 -8.4 51 53 -4.3 Mexico 1 465 e 1 621 1 594 -8.1 3 086 3 243 -4.9 Trinidad and Tobago 32 34 57 -44.3 65 102 -35.9 United States 6 261 7 259 r 6 802 -7.9 13 520 14 098 -4.1 North America 8 853 10 119 9 494 -6.8 18 971 19 599 -3.2 Argentina 377 386 380 -1.0 763 777 -1.9 Brazil 2 681 2 965 2 622 2.3 5 646 5 374 5.1 Chile 85 e 95 90 -5.4 180 185 -2.6 Colombia 80 e 87 68 18.1 167 155 7.9 Ecuador 45 e 49 47 -4.8 94 97 -2.4 4 41.2 Paraguay 5 e 1 3 55.8 6 Peru 85 e 93 85 0.3 178 178 0.1 Uruguay 10 e 10 e 7 51.7 20 7 203.4 Venezuela 145 e 159 122 19.3 304 281 8.4 South America 3 512 3 846 3 423 2.6 7 359 7 057 4.3 Algeria 35 e 35 e 30 16.7 70 65 7.7 Egypt 550 e 605 521 5.6 1 155 1 063 8.7 Libya 45 e 46 77 -41.2 91 153 -40.5 Morocco 10 e 10 e 39 -74.5 20 97 -79.4 South Africa 500 e 550 e 567 -11.8 1 050 1 175 -10.7 Africa 1 140 1 246 1 233 -7.6 2 386 2 553 -6.5 Iran 1 409 1 366 1 260 11.8 2 774 2 401 15.6 Qatar 209 176 211 -0.9 385 417 -7.7 Saudi Arabia (1) 509 558 488 4.2 1 067 1 032 3.4 United Arab Emirates 216 224 226 -4.3 440 383 15.1 Middle East 2 342 2 324 2 185 7.2 4 667 4 232 10.3 China 65 030 e 65 500 e 62 890 3.4 130 530 132 520 -1.5 India 6 910 e 7 653 6 541 5.6 14 563 13 588 7.2 Japan 8 434 9 022 r 8 449 -0.2 17 456 17 846 -2.2 South Korea 5 097 5 915 5 334 -4.4 11 013 11 422 -3.6 Taiwan, China 1 790 e 1 979 r 1 752 2.2 3 769 3 547 6.3 Asia 87 262 90 069 84 967 2.7 177 331 178 923 -0.9 Australia 402 422 400 0.4 824 739 11.6 New Zealand 65 79 69 -5.4 144 146 -1.1 Oceania 467 502 469 -0.5 968 885 9.5 Total 65 countries 127 626 133 781 126 880 0.6 261 407 264 840 -1.3 The 65 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2014. ◇この世界鉄鋼協会(worldsteel)生産速報は世界鉄鋼協会ホームページでご覧いただけます。 一般社団法人日本鉄鋼連盟ホームページ: 16 worldsteelホームページ: World Steel Association 【銑 鉄】 (2015年2月分) Blast Furnace Iron: Austria Belgium Czech Republic France Germany Hungary Italy Netherlands Poland Slovakia Spain United Kingdom Other E.U. (28) (e) European Union (28) Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Turkey Other Europe Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine C.I.S. Canada Mexico United States North America Argentina Brazil (1) Chile Colombia Paraguay South America South Africa Iran February 2015 484 346 318 879 2 320 101 423 462 270 312 331 765 639 7 650 75 64 694 833 220 4 035 1 433 5 688 525 375 2 030 2 930 218 2 155 45 15 1 2 434 e e e e e e e e e e e e 310 e 216 MONTHLY IRON PRODUCTION thousand tonnes January February % change 2015 2014 Feb-15/14 519 485 -0.2 377 335 3.1 370 330 -3.6 882 754 16.6 2 430 2 260 2.7 96 48 110.4 467 562 -24.8 506 450 2.7 296 364 -25.7 352 285 9.4 388 328 0.9 879 r 831 -7.9 672 e 563 e 13.4 8 233 7 595 0.7 80 e 65 15.8 64 47 37.3 753 806 -13.8 897 917 -9.1 240 218 0.9 4 465 3 926 2.8 1 720 2 200 -34.9 6 425 6 344 -10.3 580 e 508 3.3 413 407 -7.8 2 383 2 449 -17.1 3 376 3 364 -12.9 238 207 5.2 2 482 1 949 10.6 48 42 7.0 15 1 977.6 2 5 -79.7 2 785 2 204 10.4 340 e 233 391 221 7 -20.7 -2.3 (単位:1,000MT) worldsteel 92 19 Mar 15 2 months 2015 2014 1 003 1 005 722 729 688 690 1 761 1 707 4 750 4 690 197 101 890 1 197 968 974 566 768 664 604 719 637 1 644 1 698 1 310 1 164 15 882 15 963 155 143 128 98 1 447 1 669 1 730 1 910 460 473 8 500 8 310 3 153 4 538 12 113 13 321 1 105 1 044 788 856 4 413 4 881 6 306 6 781 456 445 4 637 4 047 93 90 16 30 3 7 5 219 4 605 650 449 802 443 % change -0.3 -1.0 -0.3 3.2 1.3 95.0 -25.7 -0.6 -26.3 10.0 12.9 -3.2 12.6 -0.5 8.2 31.0 -13.3 -9.4 -2.7 2.3 -30.5 -9.1 5.9 -8.0 -9.6 -7.0 2.5 14.6 3.3 84.6 -60.2 13.3 -19.0 1.5 World Steel Association MONTHLY IRON PRODUCTION thousand tonnes January February % change 2015 2014 Feb-15/14 58 000 e 56 330 7.8 4 946 4 179 7.0 7 014 6 223 2.6 4 011 3 577 1.9 1 308 1 058 12.0 75 279 71 367 7.0 313 280 0.6 63 53 3.4 376 334 1.1 97 943 92 737 4.4 (単位:1,000MT) worldsteel 92 19 Mar 15 Blast Furnace Iron: China India Japan South Korea Taiwan, China Asia Australia New Zealand (2) Oceania Total 38 countries (3) February 2015 60 700 e 4 470 e 6 382 3 646 1 185 e 76 383 282 55 337 96 782 Direct Reduced Iron: Canada Mexico Trinidad and Tobago 119 475 e 132 127 526 117 129 489 167 -7.9 -2.8 -21.0 246 1 001 248 269 1 043 332 -8.5 -4.0 -25.3 Argentina Peru Venezuela 93 10 e 150 e 145 10 e 165 147 7 106 -36.7 41.9 41.4 239 20 315 302 16 271 -21.1 26.1 16.2 Egypt Libya South Africa 200 e 35 e 125 e 223 37 140 e 233 93 126 e -14.2 -62.5 -0.6 423 72 265 502 180 200 -15.7 -60.2 32.2 36.0 -1.4 2.4 14.0 2 733 442 899 437 1 867 445 823 363 46.4 -0.7 9.2 20.3 Iran Qatar Saudi Arabia (4) United Arab Emirates 1 449 209 413 236 1 284 233 487 201 1 066 212 403 207 2 months 2015 2014 118 700 118 700 9 416 8 798 13 396 13 447 7 657 7 518 2 493 2 095 151 662 150 558 595 499 118 113 714 612 194 725 194 995 % change 0.0 7.0 -0.4 1.8 19.0 0.7 19.3 4.4 16.5 -0.1 India 1 465 e 1 623 1 567 -6.5 3 088 3 147 Total D.R.I. (5) 5 110 5 319 4 951 3.2 10 428 9 761 (1) - steel industry only. (2) - electric pig iron. r - revised e - estimated (3) - the 38 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world blast furnace iron production in 2013. (4) - HADEED only. (5) - the 13 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 89% of total world direct reduced iron production in 2013. Year total figures include revisions not shown in the monthly data. 8 -1.9 6.8
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