CINP向精神薬開発イノベーションサミット CINP CNS Drug Innovation Summit 新規向精神薬開発イノベーションのための産学官連携 Private Public Partnerships for Accelerating New Psychotropic Drug Development 日時/Date: 平成27年4月21日(火) / Tuesday April 21, 2015 会場/Venue: 東京医科歯科大学 M&Dタワー2階 鈴木章夫記念講堂 Akio Suzuki Memorial Hall, M&D Tower 2F Tokyo Medical and Dental University 09:00 – 09:10 開会式 / Opening 開会の挨拶: 山 成人 Opening Remarks: Shigeto Yamawaki 来賓挨拶: 末松 誠 Guest Speech: Makoto Suematsu 09:10 – 09:30 CINP理事長/広島大学 CINP President/Hiroshima University 日本医療研究開発機構理事長(予定者) President Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) CINP Action Plan for Innovative CNS Drug Discovery 座長/Chair: 斉藤利和 Toshikazu Saito 演者/Speaker:Anthony Phillips CINP副理事長/北仁会 CINP Vice President/Hokujinkai CINP Past President /Univ. of British Colombia 09:30 – 10:50 <セッション1/ Session 1> 向精神薬開発の産学官連携をめぐる世界の動向 World Trend in PPPS for Psychotropic Drug Development 座長/Chair: 尾崎紀夫 Norio Ozaki 副座長/Co-Chair: Brian Dean 名古屋大学 Nagoya University CINP Treasurer Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health 1. The NEWMEDS Innovative Medical Initiative(IMI)-Achievements and Lessons (15) 演者/Speaker: Shitij Kapur King’s College London 2. Innovative Collaborations to Speed Psychiatric Medicines to the Clinic(15) 演者/Speaker:Jeffrey Nye Johnson & Johnson < 討論/Discussion (10) > 3. Drug discovery support network-a national project to boost translational research in Japan(15) 演者/Speaker:榑林陽一 日本医療研究開発機構 Yoichi Kurebayashi AMED 4. Cognitive Dysfunction in Depression: Need for Drug Discovery and Development (15) 演者/Speaker: Barbara Sahakian University of Cambridge < 討論/ Discussion(10) > 10:50 – 11:00 休憩 Break 11:00 – 12:20 <セッション2 / Session 2> 精神疾患バイオマーカー開発研究のホットトピックス Hot Topics of Biomarker Development for Psychiatric Disorder 座長/Chair 加藤忠史 理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター Tadafumi Kato RIKEN Brain Science Institute 副座長/Co-Chair: Alan Frazer UT Health Science Centre 1. Glutamate synaptic dysfunction in schizophrenia: Imaging biomarkers and novel therapeutics(15) 演者/Speaker: John Krystal Yale University School of Medicine 2. Interactions between neurotransmitters: the key to remission in major depressive disorder(15) 演者/Speaker: Pierre Blier University of Ottawa < 討論/Discussion (10) > 3. Development of imaging biomarkers and concepts of animal models(15) 演者/Speaker: 須原哲也 放射線医学総合研究所 Tetsuya Suhara National Institute of Radiological Sciences 4. How to mitigate “placebo response” (15) 演者/Speaker: Siegfried Kasper Medical University of Vienna <討論/ Discussion> 12:20 – 13:30 昼休憩 / Lunch Break 13:30 – 14:10 < 基調講演 / Keynote Lecture> Innovation in CNS Drug Development: Targeting Circuits and Functions 座長/Chair: 樋口輝彦 国立精神・神経医療研究センター Teruhiko Higuchi National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry(NCNP) 演者/Speaker: Thomas Insel and Bill Potter National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) <討論/ Discussion (10)> 14:20– 15:40 <セッション3 / Session 3> 製薬企業からみた向精神薬開発の課題と産学官連携 Industrial Perspective on PPPs for Psychotropic Drug Development 座長/Chair: 大和隆志 エーザイ株式会社 Takashi Owa Eisai Inc. 副座長/Co-Chair: 藤本利夫 日本イーライリリー株式会社 Toshio Fujimoto Eli Lilly Japan 1. Realizing the potential of human genetics in delivering novel and targeted therapeutics(10) 演者/Speaker: Nadeem Sarwar Eisai Inc. 2. Astellas Way: Genetics & Pathophysiology-based Drug Discovery for Psychiatric Disorders(10) 演者/Speaker: 松本光之 アステラス製薬 Mitsuyuki Matsumoto Astellas Pharma Inc. 3. PPPs as drivers for new, accepted ways of treating symptomology of CNS diseases(10) 演者/Speaker: Anders Gersel Pedersen H. Lundbeck A/S <討論/ Discussion> 4. Toward novel CNS drug development - Otsuka's perspective(10) 演者/Speaker: 前田健二 大塚製薬Qs'研究所 Kenji Maeda Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd 5. Biomarkers for CNS Drug Development - the Role of Public-Private Partnerships (10) 演者/Speaker: Johannes Tauscher Takeda Pharmaceuticals Intl. 6. Pfizer’s experience in partnerships: what worked and what needs improvement(10) 演者/Speaker: Patricio O’Donnel Pfizer Inc. <討論/ Discussion> 15:40 – 16:00 16:00 – 16:05 全体討論 / General Discussion 閉会 / Closing 閉会の挨拶: 山 成人 Closing Remarks: Shigeto Yamawaki CINP理事長/広島大学 CINP President/Hiroshima University
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