3/19(Wed)Special Symposium ミニシンポジウム 1 Mini Symposium 1 MS2D-1 3/19 (Thu) Room D 15:40 ∼ 16:40 臨床応用を目指したガス状分子の機能解析 Exploratory analysis and clinical application of gas molecules 松本 明郎(千葉大学大学院医学研究院 薬理学) Akio Matsumoto(Dept. Pharmacol., Chiba Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) 小澤 健太郎(奈良県立医科大学 薬理学) Kentaro Ozawa(Dept. Pharmacol., Nara Medical Univ.) MS2D-1-1 S-ニトロシル化と酸化修飾による中枢神経機能制御と神経病態 Regulation of neuronal function by S-nitrosylation and oxidation ○柿澤 昌 京都大院・薬・生体分子認識 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposia ○Sho Kakizawa Dept. Biol. Chem., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Kyoto Univ. MS2D-1-2 βアドレナリン受容体の脱感作を抑制する新たなニトロシル化薬剤 A potential therapeutic approach for heart failure: Water-soluble N-nitrosamines inducing S-nitrosylaton without NO release target desensitization of β adrenergic receptor ○槙田 紀子 1,2、佐藤 潤一郎 2、黒瀬 等 4、大和田 智彦 3、飯利 太朗 2 1 東大・保健健康推進本部、2 東大・医・腎内分泌、3 東大・薬、4 九大・薬 ○Noriko Makita1,2, Junichiro Sato2, Hitoshi Kurose4, Tomohiko Ohwada3, Taroh Iiri2 1 Div. Health Service Promotion, Univ. Tokyo, 2Dep. Endocrinol. & Nophrol. Univ. Tokyo, 3Grad. Sch. Pharmaceutical Sci., Univ. Tokyo, 4Dep. Pharmacol. and Toxicol., Kyushu Univ. MS2D-1-3 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium パーキンソン病・神経筋疾患への水素利用 Application of molecular hydrogen on Parkinson’s disease and neuromuscular disorders ○大野 欽司 名古屋大・医・神経遺伝情報 ○Kinji Ohno Neurogenetics, Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. MS2D-1-4 脳蘇生ガスとしての水素の可能性 H2 (hydrogen) gas can be used as a brain resuscitation gas ○佐野 元昭 慶應義塾大・医・循環器内科 ○Motoaki Sano Dept. Cardiol., Keio Univ. Sch. Med. Outline of Symposium Therapeutic application of nitric oxide (NO) is an emerging field in medicine from the study of biology and chemistry of gas molecules. Therapeutic application of NO includes asthma, cystic fibrosis, and heart failure, as well as pulmonary hypertension. Although the biological action of molecular hydrogen (H2) has not been elucidated enough in molecular level, biological effects of H2 are promising to explore therapeutic applications. This symposium is going to focus on NO and H2 as medical gases with particular emphasis on the leading research projects running in Japan. 126 MS2E-2 3/19 (Thu) Room E 15:40 ∼ 16:40 海馬歯状回の遺伝子発現が制御する精神神経機能 Neuropsychological function dependent on gene expression in the hippocampal dentate gyrus 西 昭徳(久留米大学医学部 薬理学講座) Akinori Nishi(Dept. Pharmacol., Kurume Univ. Sch. of Med.) 宮川 剛(藤田保健衛生大学 総合医科学研究所 システム医科学研究部門) Tsuyoshi Miyakawa(Div. of Systems Medicine, ICMS, Fujita Health Univ.) MS2E-2-1 精神疾患の中間表現型としての未成熟脳 Immaturity of brain cells as a candidate endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia ミニシンポジウム 2 Mini Symposium 2 ○宮川 剛 Div. of Systems Medicine, ICMS, Fujita Health Univ. MS2E-2-2 成体歯状回における活動依存性の神経成熟制御 Activity-dependent regulation of neuronal maturation in adult dentate gyrus ○小林 克典 日本医大・薬理 ○Katsunori Kobayashi Dept. Pharmacol., Nippon. Med. Sch. MS2E-2-3 ○西 昭徳 久留米大・医・薬理 ○Akinori Nishi Dept. Pharmacol., Kurume Univ. Sch. of Med. MS2E-2-4 記憶の変化に伴う海馬神経アンサンブル活動の解析 Dynamic changes in hippocampal ensemble activities associated with contextual fear memory generalization ○松尾 直毅 1,2 1 京大・白眉センター、2JST さきがけ ○Naoki Matsuo1,2 1 The Hakubi Center, Kyoto Univ., 2PRESTO, JST 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium 海馬歯状回ドパミン D1受容体を介する抗うつ薬作用 Antidepressant effects mediated through induction of dopamine D1 receptors in the hippocampal dentate gyrus 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposia 藤田保健衛生大・総医研・システム医科学 ○Tsuyoshi Miyakawa Outline of Symposium The hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) receives afferent information via the perforant path from entorhinal cortex, initiating the primary trisynaptic circuit in the hippocampus. Excitability of DG neurons controls activity of the hippocampal circuit. Gene expression in mature granule cells in the DG changes largely in mouse models of neuropsychiatric disorders, resulting in functional shift similarly to immature granule cells. Psychotropic drugs including antidepressants also affect the gene expression in mature granule cells. In this symposium, the role of gene expression changes in mature granule cells of the DG in animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders will be discussed. 127 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium ミニシンポジウム 3 Mini Symposium 3 MS2F-3 3/19 (Thu) Room F 15:40 ∼ 16:40 遺伝性拡張型心筋症ノックインマウスを用いた多様な治療法の探索 Knock-in mouse model for dilated cardiomyopathy and therapeutics 森本 幸生(九州大学大学院医学研究院 臨床薬理学分野) Sachio Morimoto(Dept. Clin. Pharmacol., Fac. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ.) 呉林 なごみ(順天堂大学医学部 薬理学教室) Nagomi Kurebayashi(Dept. Pharmacol., Juntendo Univ. Sch. Med.) MS2F-3-1 拡張型心筋症における電気的リモデリングに対するカンデサルタンの効果 Effects of candesartan on electrical remodeling in inherited dilated cardiomyopathy ○小田切 史徳 1,2、呉林 なごみ 1 1 順天堂大・医・薬理、2 順天堂大・医・循環器内科 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposia ○Fuminori Odagiri1,2, Nagomi Kurebayashi1 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Juntendo Univ. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Cardiol., Juntendo Univ. Sch. Med. MS2F-3-2 中枢を介した迷走神経活性化による拡張型心筋症治療薬 Therapeutic strategy by central cardiac vagal activation for dilated cardiomyopathy ○戦 冬雲、杜 成坤、秋山 剛、白井 幹康 (独)国立循環器病センター・心臓生理 ○DongYun Zhan, ChengKun Du, Tsuyoshi Akiyama, Mikiyasu Shirai Dept. of Cardiac Physiol., Natl. Cereb. Cardiovas. Ctr. MS2F-3-3 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 遺伝性拡張型心筋症モデルマウスを用いた末期心不全に対するピモベンダン の効果 Effect of pimobendan on end-stage heart failure in a mouse model of inherited dilated cardiomyopathy ○野中 美希、森本 幸生 九大・医・臨床薬理 ○Miki Nonaka, Sachio Morimoto Dept. Clin. Pharmacol., Fac. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ. Outline of Symposium Mutations in more than 30 genes account for approximately 25–30% of all human dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) cases. The deletion mutation Lys210 in cardiac troponin T, which is recurrently identified over the world, frequently causes premature sudden cardiac death (SCD) or heart failure (HF) death. Knock-in mouse model, which develops either SCD or HF death depending on genetic background, has so far been created by Morimoto and his colleagues and used to explore pathogenic mechanisms and potential therapeutic drugs in Japan and abroad. This symposium summarizes findings about potential beneficial drugs and discusses future prospects of therapeutics in the genetic DCM. 128 MS3B-4 3/20 (Fri) Room B 14:30 ∼ 15:30 未病の科学 : 栄養素認知の脳腸連関研究 最前線 Frontier in nutrient sensor research for preemptive medicine 飛田 秀樹(名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科 脳神経生理学) Hideki Hida(Dept. Neurophysiol. & Brain Sci., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Nagoya City Univ.) 畝山 寿之(味の素株式会社 イノベーション研究所) Hisayuki Uneyama(Ajinomoto Co., Inc.) MS3B-4-1 口腔・消化管味覚受容体 Gustatory receptors in the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia ミニシンポジウム 4 Mini Symposium 4 ○岩槻 健 東農大・応生・食安健 Dept. Nutr. Sci. Food Safety, Fac. Appl. Biosci., Tokyo Univ. Agri. MS3B-4-2 ADHD モデル動物における発育期のうま味摂取による情動行動の変化: 腸ー脳連関による社会性の亢進 Oral intake of umami during the period of development changed emotional behavior in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder model rat: Enhanced social behavior by gut-brain communication ○飛田 秀樹、横山 善弘、丸本 良介、三角 吉代 名古屋市大・医・脳神経生理 ○Hideki Hida, Yoshihiro Yokoyama, Ryosuke Marumoto, Sachiyo Misumi Dept. Neurophysiol. & Brain Sci., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Nagoya City Univ. 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Ken Iwatsuki MS3B-4-3 ○上田 陽一 産業医大・医・第1生理学 ○Yoichi Ueta Dept. Physiol. Sch. Med. Univ. Occup. and Environ. Health 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposia 栄養と飲水・摂食行動調節 Nutrient sensing and drinking/feeding behavior Outline of Symposium Taste and visceral senses are an essential signal as optimal nutrient intake to maintain our healthy eating and life. The healthy eating occupies one of main factors to induce the “life-style related diseases” such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and functional dyspepsia. Peripheral and central disturbances in nutrient recognition might be involved in those disease inductions. Taste and Visceral sense has rarely noticed as the important target for clinical medicine while it is an important sense in body nutrient homeostasis. We have a renew understanding of the importance of preemptive medicine and nutritional care to prevent those life-style related disease. In this symposium, we discuss about how taste and visceral sense is important in the preventive medicine and nutritional care. 129
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